JIDAJIN - UTS Syllabus
JIDAJIN - UTS Syllabus
JIDAJIN - UTS Syllabus
Course Description:
The course deals with the nature of identity, as well as the factors and forces that affect the development
and maintenance of personal identity.
The directive to Know Oneself has inspired countless and varied ways to comply. Among the questions
that everyone has had to grapple with at one time or other is “Who Am I?” At no other period is this
question asked more urgently than in adolescence – traditionally believed to be a time of vulnerability
and great possibilities. Issues of self and identity are among the most critical for the young.
This course is intended to facilitate the exploration of the issues and concerns regarding self and identity
to arrive at a better understanding of one’s self. It strives to meet this goal by stressing the integration of
the personal with the academic – contextualizing matters discussed in the classroom and in the everyday
experiences of students – making for better learning, generating a new appreciation for the learning
process, and developing a more critical and reflective attitude while enabling them to manage and
improve their selves to attain a better quality of life.
The course is divided into three major parts: The first part seeks to understand the construct of the self
from various disciplinal perspectives: philosophy, sociology, anthropology, and psychology – as well as the
more traditional division between the East and West – each seeking to provide answers to the difficult
but essential question of “What is the self?” And raising, among others, the question: “Is there even such
a construct as the self?”
The second part explores some of the various aspects that make up the self, such as the biological and
material up to and including the more recent Digital Self.
The third and final part identifies three areas of concern for young students: learning, goal setting, and
managing stress. It also provides for the more practical application of the concepts discussed in this course
and enables them hand-on experience of developing self-help plans for self-regulated learning, goal
setting and self-care.
This course includes the mandatory topics on Family Planning and Population Education.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Discuss the different representations and conceptualizations of the self from various disciplinal
2. Compare and contrast how the self has been represented across different disciplines and
3. Examine the different influences, factors, and forces that shape the self
4. Demonstrate critical and reflective thought in analysing the development of one’s self and identity
by developing a theory of the self
Unpacking The Self
1. Understand the theoretical underpinnings for how to manage and care for different aspects of
the self
2. Acquire and hone new skills and learnings for better managing of one’s self and behaviors
3. Apply these new skills to one’s self and functioning for a better quality of life.
O = Opportunity for Development (no input or evaluation but there is opportunity to practice the competencies