Sports Coverage 2019
Sports Coverage 2019
Sports Coverage 2019
the lower bowels of the Big
Continued from Page 1B
in the fourth, Naomi it takes to pull off an upset
Smith picked up the slack and advance to Friday’s
in the third for the Lady semifinals.
Continued from Page 1B Eagles. “I feel good about
The Arkansas signee’s Smith closed with 11 us,” Wall said. “I haven’t
only miss from the line points, seven of which seen film on (Will Rog-
in the fourth came on came in that frame. She ers) yet, but I’ll take care
the back end of a double also grabbed seven re- of that later on tonight
bonus with 32.8 seconds bounds. and put a game plan to-
remaining, and it nearly “In the playoffs, players gether. When we’re play-
cost Ike. just really have to step up ing like we are now, we’re
Alie Warner snagged and make big plays, and going to be a tough out.
the rebound for the Lady I thought Naomi did a I’m fully confident we’re
Highlanders and quickly great job in that third going to go out there and
swung the ball to McK- quarter,” Wall said. give them a show.”
enzie Washington, who Perhaps her most im-
pressive play came when ARDMORE 57, ALTUS 37
took it nearly the length
of the court for a driving she caught a ball saved by Girls
layup, trimming the defi- an outstretched Mikaela Through the first 24
cit to 53-52 with 25 sec- Hall, who led the team minutes, Altus appeared
onds to go. with 10 rebounds, before to be on the cusp of
The sophomore was
Gerardo Bello/Staff spotting up for a success- shocking the state with an
The Eisenhower girls basketball team celebrates its Area consolation championship ful 3-point jumper. upset of No. 1 Ardmore.
hacked in the act of shoot- win over MacArthur at Moore High on Saturday afternoon. Holding the trophy is Ginger
ing, but she couldn’t sink That shot gave the Then the fourth quar-
the ensuing free shot, al-
Reece, who hit seven free throws in the final minute to help No. 8 Ike hold off the No. Lady Eagles a seven-point ter happened.
lowing Ike to put the game
10 Lady Highlanders, 57-52. cushion, and though she The Lady Bulldogs
away with free throws of give Ike a 50-45 advan- said. “But I don’t take Stomaching the defeat doesn’t normally shoot trailed by four head-
its own. tage. anything away from Ei- was especially difficult for from deep, she said she ing into the final frame,
Mac struggled with “Most freshman get to senhower. They played a Warner, who is signed to felt it was the right time but they had no answer
freebies for most of the that line, and their knees terrific game, but it’s the play college basketball at to do so. for Ardmore’s suffocat-
contest, making only 5-of- start shaking,” Wall said. small things that lose ball- Redlands College next “In that moment, I was ing pressure down the
13 while missing three of “But she hit two big ones.” games. Our biggest thing season. just feeling myself,” Smith stretch, managing only
its final four attempts. The Sanders finished with was free throws. We gotta Warner, who trans- said. “I was like, ‘Let me three points in the final
four points. make free throws.” ferred to Mac this sea- see if this is going to go eight minutes on the way
Lady Eagles, on the other
Mac coach Otis Gentry Washington kept the son after three years at and what’s going to hap-
hand, hit 16-of-22 despite to a 57-37 loss at Moore
said his team’s inability to Lady Highlanders within Lawton High, closed her pen if I do this.’ I wanted
misfiring their first two High on Saturday after-
convert at the free-throw striking distance late, prep career with an eight- to figure out a way to
attempts. noon.
line proved to be the dif- though, tallying 13 of her point, 13-rebound outing. help out my team at that
Reece’s poise at the line Altus’ only points of
ference. game-high 25 points in However, she never had time because we were in
rubbed off on freshman the quarter came on an
the final frame. the chance to experience that moment where if we
Kelvianna Sanders, who “We missed too many Annie Petzold 3-pointer
She e ve n h it t wo playoff basketball. didn’t fix ourselves, we
made two-straight late to free throws,” Gentr y with 52 seconds remain-
3-pointers in the fourth Despite that, Warner weren’t going to make it
despite not being known said she was grateful for to State.” ing. Kaylen Carroll was
for her outside shooting. the time she got with the The Lady Eagles must the only Lady Bulldog to
“She did a really good Lady Highlanders. now prepare for No. 3 score in double figures,
job, and nothing else can “I’m glad I got to play Will Rogers, who ad- finishing with 12 points.
really be said,” Gentry with my girls,” Warner vanced to the state tour- Sierra Gordon of Ard-
said of Washington’s de- said. “I won games with nament on Thursday with more led all scorers with
termination in the fourth them, I lost games with a 52-43 win over Coweta 13 points, while Reagan
Firearms, Ammo & Accessories, quarter.” them and I went down in the Area championship McCurley, Miyah McGee
Specializing in NFA items; Silencers The loss brought an with them. It was really at Skiatook. and Tieronay Banks each
SBR’s, SBS’s & MG. end to the high school hard, but I’m glad we Although the Lady added 10 points. careers of Warner, Syd- made it this far. I’ll always Ropers enter the contest Altus, ranked 16th,
2210 W. Gore Blvd., Ste 5 • Lawton • 580.699.8897 ney Gunter and Marcinda love (my teammates).” with 23 wins, Wall said ends the season with a
Johnson. While Reece took over he believes Ike has what 14-12 record.
SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2019 The Sunday Constitution | 3B
“I’m very proud. Not Gerardo Bello/Staff
many people thought we’d The Fort
be here, and these guys Cobb-Broxton
Continued from Page 1B continually got better and boys basketball
stepped up. I wasn’t even team poses
star and gave him hugs of sure if we’d make it this with their Silver
support. far,” Kellen Hines said. Ball runner-up
Even in defeat, there “These guys will have a trophy follow-
was reason to celebrate great season next year, ing the Class A
the 2,000-point scorers too.” state champi-
stupendous career which For the Mustang se- onship game
saw him win three state niors who won three on Saturday.
championships and Gold championships together, Despite the
Balls, as well as a Silver Saturday was a bitter pill 57-52 loss, the
Ball in his finale follow- to swallow, but another past five Mus-
ing Fort Cobb’s runner-up title game appearance is tang squads
finish with a 57-52 loss to something most players have won four
rival Cyril in the Class A only dream of. state champi-
state title game. “These older guys have onships and a
“It means a lot. It’s hard had a heckuva run,” Fort Silver Ball.
to recognize what all the Cobb coach Scott Hines
support does for every- said. “We lost to a great
body but at the end of the team. We knew that game
day, it makes a big differ- could go either way. Not Goodman honored by OSSAA
ence,” Hines said of the one of these guys would
fans greeting him post- want to trade title, title,
game. “I started crying title, runner-up with the
out there but just trying to thousands of other play-
hold it back because I’ve ers out there. It’s been a
had a great career and a pretty good run for them.”
lot to be thankful for.” In his final game with
Hines scored 16 points his father, Scott coaching,
in his finale, six of which Kellen couldn’t help but
came in the fourth quar- get a bit choked up once
ter, but it was not enough the buzzer sounded.
to lift the Mustangs to a “It’s very emotional,
fifth straight state cham- trying to hold some emo-
pionship. tions back,” Kellen said.
Hines, who logged “It’s been a tough jour-
31:58 of the 32 minutes ney, but it’s been fun and
on Saturday, wasn’t quite worth it. It’s good to be
himself physically. able to relax now and take
“I think in the first a mini break from sports.”
quarter like on the second Hines signed with
play of the game I went Southwestern Oklahoma
up for a layup and caught State in Weatherford
a cramp instantly. I guess while his brother Cam-
Michael D. Pope/staff
I should’ve got an IV yes- eron continues to excel
Longtime Constitution Sports Editor Joey Goodman is
terday,” Hines laughed. “I with USAO in Chicka-
honored by the OSSAA with the Media Excellence Award
gave it my all so I can’t be sha. Their father is excited
too mad at myself.” for what’s next after win- on Friday at the Class A state basketball tournament.
“Kellen was throwing ning multiple champion-
up and cramping. He’s ships with both in the Big
dehydrated I think,” said
coach Scott Hines, which
explained the Pedialyte.
“It’s tough. You always
want to go out the last one
Angelo State lights
“It’s a tough deal.”
While Fort Cobb finished
24-8 and runner-up, Kellen
with a win,” Scott Hines
said. “Try to keep it in
perspective both my boys
up Aggies for 113
Hines sees the season as a Kellen and Cameron have
huge success, and rightfully had an unbelievable run. BY HERB JACOBS 24 points and two other
so after replacing several key It’s so rewarding. It’s hard Gerardo Bello/Staff The Lawton Constitution starters were in double
members from last year’s to put into words how fun Cyril defenders Jose Rivera and Ryan Hart (left) close out figures.
championship team. it is.” on Fort Cobb shooter Tyson Eastwood (12) on Saturday. Too much horsepower. Smith and Hedge led
Angelo State Univer- the balanced Cameron at-
sity’s women definitely tack with 12 points each,
brought their ‘A’ game to Outon added 11 and Mc-
CYRIL 57, FORT COBB 52 At Fairgrounds Reagan McCurley 10, Miyah McGee Area I Tournament Friday’s games
Heritage Hall 57, Elgin 48 (winner Vanoss 45, Carnegie 39
Boys Calumet 58, Paden 51 10, Tieronay Banks 10, Gordon 4, At Washington
advances to State) Area III Championship
CYRIL — Cason McLemore 9-0- Kinta 39, Lookeba-Sickles 34 Cohee 2, Smith 2, Peters 2, No. 15 2. Thursday’s games Hennessey 62, Northeast 52
25, Albert Suarez 4-2-11, Hart 3-0- Saturday’s championship game ALTUS — Kaylen Carroll 12, John- Consolation bracket Saturday’s Area II Consolation
Saturday’s Area III Consolation
9, Rivera 3-0-6, Kaesemeyer 3-0-6. At Fairgrounds son 6, Petzold 6, Benway 5, Mc- Blanchard 61, Weatherford 5 Championship Championship
Totals 20-5-57. Kinta 47, Calumet 44 Quiggan 5, Leyja 3. Anadarko 51, Seminole 41 Elgin 65, Daniel Webster 58 Vanoss 69, Northeast 56
Sunday, March 3, 2019 The Sunday Constitution | 5B
flats, and will congregate on
ast week we talked points where they can ambush
about March being baitfish as they swim past, and
the best time in this crayfish crawling out from un-
part of the country to catch der rocks. You may find these
really big bass. So this week, aggressive bruisers anywhere
let’s look at what makes these from 3 to 15 feet deep, but of-
predatory fish tick, and get ten the most aggressive bass
some tips that might help you will be the shallowest.
to land that lunker bass! Every lake has lots of wa-
March and April are some ter in this depth zone, but the
of the best times to start fo- most productive areas are pre-
cusing on big bass that are dictable regardless of your ex-
awakening from the winter perience level. The key is to
doldrums and looking for a fish the areas where the shal-
good meal. It also marks the lows are first to warm. Most
nearing of the spawning sea- areas have prevailing south-
son, the time that makes an- erly winds, and as the sunlight
glers across the country sali- warms the surface water, the
vate. wind then pushes this warmer
It is not too early to start water to the northern shore-
planning a fishing trip, and to line, where it collects in pock-
help you do just that I’ve in- ets. Courtesy photo
cluded some tips from fish- Additionally, this same wa- When Do Your Favorite Fish Spawn? The above map shows when largemouth bass spawn in diffrent re-
eries biologists and profes- ter is exposed to sunlight the gions of the United States.
sional anglers, to help make longest compared to other ar-
your outing more successful, eas of the lake, due to the low
no matter when you go. And angle of the sun. Simply put, zone each time you stopped cords, best bass spots for kids, This beautiful little lake that
I have also included some tips northern shorelines warm your lure. and some sleeper spots that straddles the Wichita Moun-
to help make sure that your first, so bass are attracted to Spawn – When water tem- anglers may try this year. tains Wildlife Refuge and Ft.
equipment is in prime condi- them for spawning. peratures hit the upper 50s, Altus-Lugert – This South- Sill always has some great
tion for the upcoming season. Spawning is more success- bass will move into spawning west Oklahoma lake is com- fishing. Porter would not be
When talking about early ful in preserving the species mode. Male fish will move ing off of the drought period surprised if someone weighs
bass fishing it helps to break the earlier it occurs, since this into shallow water, 10-feet or and seeing a good rebound in in a 10-plus pounder this year
the time leading up to the gives young-of-year bass fry less, and stake out the best numbers for not only walleye from Elmer Thomas.
spawning season into early the most time to grow to fin- places to lure a female to we saw an absolute explosion Jap Beaver – A small lake
prespawn and late prespawn. gerling size prior to the hard- spawn. for largemouth and small- with a funny name, Jap Bea-
Fish react differently in these ships of winter, increasing Fish that are on or have mouth bass, said Porter. While ver may be considered a
two time periods and patterns their odds for survival. Use been working beds will have sampling we found excellent sleeper pick for this region.
used to catch them must be this knowledge to guide your raw or bloody lower caudle numbers of bass and bigger It is a small Wildlife Depart-
adapted to the condition. efforts to northern shorelines fins from making shallow de- bass in size, with the average ment owned lake that is close
with good sun exposure and pressions, or beds in gravel almost 4.6-pounds. to Waurika Lake so it is often
Early Prespawn hard bottoms. or other soft substrate. If you “As fish managers, four
As cold-blooded animals, overlooked.
Soft or silt bottoms are low have a contour map of the and a half pound average is “We sampled last spring
bass spend their winter in lake, look for areas that are pretty dang good,” added Por-
odds for success, as silt kills and found great numbers of
fairly deep water in ener- relatively flat (contour lines far ter. “And the majority of the
bass eggs through suffocation. bass in that 3-6-pound range,”
gy-conservation mode. Al- Look for rocky bottoms, apart) in the 3-6 foot depth. largemouth we sampled were
though they’ll still eat when said Porter. “Based on the for-
particularly on flats in coves Not all bass spawn at once. in the four to six pound range, age that we saw, mainly large
food is available, the cold wa- protected from the wind, and Many will move onto their so that make for some excel-
ter lowers their metabolism to bluegill, silversides, and glass
near deep water. Although spawning beds around the lent opportunities for anglers.
the point that they don’t need shrimp I say it is a very bal-
wind pushes warm water into new or full moon, or when Altus Lugert would be my first
to eat much to survive. choice to go and catch a good anced ecosystem. The bass
coves and pockets, too much the sun comes out after a long population is coming off of
Bass typically become ac- stirs up silt, reducing the abil- period of cloudy weather. At number of fish and a good
tive in water depths of 20 to number of sizable fish.” the drought and building
ity of sunlight to incubate the the same time many bass are in numbers for future year
30 feet, and when surface tem- eggs, and increasing the odds spawning, others will be in Smallmouth bass abun-
peratures warm above 44 de- dance was a bit lower but classes. In the next several
of oxygen deprivation. a pre- or post-spawn mode. years I would say it will be a
grees. Not all bass read the same Normally, the biggest bass are the average size was around
This is the time when the 2-pounds.. good place to fish to find that
time schedule, so don’t ex- the first to spawn. You need
female bass begins to fill out Altus-Lugert is an im- 10-pound bass.”
pect them to be in the same to make a decision now as
her egg skeins, and she needs poundment of the North Fork Jap Beaver is a 65-acre lake
phase of spawn. The first bass to which group of fish you’ll
groceries to do this. Bait- to move into the shallows are of the Red River and is located located in Jefferson County,
target, because different ap-
fish and crawfish are favor- often the largest, as they de- in the science Quartz Moun- four miles northwest of Wau-
proaches are required for
ite meals, and being cold- mand more groceries and tains about 17 miles north of rika. The lake does have a boat
blooded themselves, are easy claim the best hunting and Altus. While drought and a ramp and was opened by the
“Personally, I like to stay
pickings for predatory bass spawning areas for them- toxic golden algae bloom hit Oklahoma Department of
with pre-spawn bass as long
because they move slowly and selves. For every bass that has this reservoir hard, essentially Wildlife in 1955.
as I can, because they’re more
not far, due to low energy re- moved shallow, there are doz- wiping out the fish popula- Doc Hollis – This “wild
aggressive and they’ll weigh
serves. ens more behind the boat in tion, the rebound is amazing. west” lake is a unique fish-
more,” added VanDam. “In
Keep this point in mind deeper water. The lake is currently 9.75- ery in itself. Being located on
clear reservoirs and many nat-
when presenting your artificial Because they are scattered, feet below the conservation Sandy Sanders WMA near
ural lakes, you’ll be able to
lure to these bass. Early bass use reaction baits that al- pool, but spring rains should Granite it is worth the drive
see bass on their beds; a tube
instinctively refuse to chase a low you to cover large areas help fill that deficit. Because it to fish. This lake does not al-
fast-moving lure or one that bait is awesome here, as is a
quickly. One of my favorites is floating worm. A soft jerkbait is an irrigation lake for farm- low water craft so it is bank
has a lot of action, because it’s a lipless, vibrating crankbait, ers, the levels of this lake tend angling only so the pressure is
out of synch with nature. works well for spawners if the
such as the Rat-L-Trap. These water is a bit stained.” to drop throughout the sum- somewhat lower.
To grow and develop those are great search baits, since mer. The current state record Surveys show that we do
eggs, Mama bass needs to Biologist picks best hybrid striped bass was caught have good bass in this lake
it casts a mile and covers the
consume more calories than 5-foot depth zone efficiently. Southwest bass spots at Lugert back in 1997 by Paul along with various habitat and
she expends to catch her meal, “I pick up my fishing pace Fishermen have always Hollister. access almost entirely around
so if it isn’t delivered to her considerably as the water hits been a superstitious lot, and a Lawtonka — It’s no surprise the lake. Along with it being
doorstep, she isn’t buying it. around 52 degrees,” said KVD. closed lipped groups as well. that Lawtonka would be near a great bass and sunfish fish-
Until water temperatures “I may run down a bank while Not many will divulge their the top of the list. ery the scenic drive and New
warm above 50 degrees, fish quickly throwing a Red Eye secret honey hole, filled with “We have been seeing good Mexico feel of the landscape is
deep with a horizontal presen- Shad or spinnerbait, then lurker bass. largemouth and smallmouth worth it.
tation. pause to pitch a jig when I I got the chance to chat bass at Lawtonka over the past Sleeper Lakes – Porter of-
“Since bass are sluggish, come to a submerged log or with Clayton Porter, South- few years. We consistently
I’ll use a slow presentation. In fers some other less know
brushpile.” west Regional Biologist with sample largemouth over the lakes that anglers might give
any season, I use search lures Another favorite of anglers the Oklahoma Department seven pound mark at Law-
to find active bass. In winter, a try.
for these bass are suspend- of Wildlife Conservation, and tonka.” “I would also mention that
I prefer ones that draw strikes ing jerkbaits The long, slen- the great thing is – he wants The other thing about Law-
without moving fast. Sus- Elk City should be a lake on
der baitfish imitators makes people to know where the fish tonka is that is has a very
pending jerkbaits are my fa- the rise.”
a seductive wiggle with each live and where they are biting! good smallmouth population.
vorite winter artificials,” said We had a blue-green algae
pull of the rod tip, and when Porter gives us some in- Just last week an angler caught
four-time Bassmaster Classic bloom at Elk City, that killed
paused quickly with momen- sight to the world of fisheries a 6-pound smallie! Samples
champion, Kevin VanDam. biology, and where anglers numerous fish. That, com-
tary slack, actually backs up a show a good jump in the bined with the drawdown ef-
“The fact that you can fish little and suspends in the face should spend their time and smallmouth numbers and a
these lures in the same place effort to find bass. The last fect of the drought, almost
of following lunkers. This is good amount of fish in the 2-3
for long periods of time makes two years has provided some gave us a new lake to start
more than a hungry bass can pound range.
them extremely deadly on sus- much needed rain and kept While not as many fish with. We have focused heavy
withstand, so they flare their on this lake, specifically bass
pending bass.” gills and suck in the bait along our lakes relatively full. Full show up in surveys at Law-
Leadhead grubs also work lakes are much easier to man- tonka as they do from Lugert, wise, we stocked adult Florida
with a gallon of water. This
great in these conditions, they age than those that go up and the potential for a “trophy” strain bass there along with
is also the bait that helped to
probe vertical and fast sloping down like a merry-go-round. bass is greater at Lawtonka. northern strain. It has a de-
win the recent Bassmaster
structure efficiently. The same Classic. In this area Lawtonka and “It is by far the trophy lake cent forage base, so those bass
goes for jigs, metal blade baits Remember, with the warm- Elmer Thomas have been the for the region,” said Porter. should take off quickly.
and spoons. ing water bass are feisty, and most stable bass lakes the last Lake Lawtonka is a 2,400 The last sleeper spot
Late Prespawn now they want an erratic ac- 10-years. They have clean wa- acer impoundment of Med- the Porter recommends is
After water surface temps tion that gets their attention, ter, good structure and have icine Creek nestled in the Crowder Lake. This little lake,
rise above 50, but before bass and in a size that they expect not been 45-feet below nor- Wichita Mountains just north located just south of Weather-
build their nest to spawn, is to see, since bait that survived mal, like some of our waters. of Lawton. While its primary ford, is owned by Southwest-
the best time to catch huge the winter is already about 4 Hopefully some of the other function is a water source for ern Oklahoma State Univer-
bass. inches long. You can also use area waters will peak on this Lawton, Lawtonka has some sity and has been known to be
This is the period when ex- suspending crankbaits that year’s survey data. of the best fishing and boat- a great lake in the past.
perienced bass anglers always dive 5 or more feet. The sus- I asked Porter to give an- ing opportunities in the area. “We’ve got some great fish-
seem to call in sick for work pending feature is important glers some top picks where Both state and city permits are ing in Southwest Oklahoma,
to play hooky. With the longer this time of the year because they could try their luck. I had required to fish at Lawtonka. and these would be my top
daylight hours and warming a stop-and-go retrieve works him pick the best bass lakes Just a spinnerbait cast from lakes to go to, and will be,
water in the shallows, large- best, and if the bait floated it for big bass, big numbers of Lawtonka is another top spot when I set out this spring,”
mouth begin to feel their oats, would move out of the strike bass, lakes with potential re- for fishing, Elmer Thomas. concluded Porter.
The Lawton Constitution
Continued from Page 1B
way. Coleman carried five version to make the score unsportsmanlike penal-
times on the drive for 54 29-14 with 9:18 left in the ties.
yards including the fi- third period. Blanchard eventually
Continued from Page 1B nal 12 yards on a carry Later in the quarter, faced a fourth-and-42 on
that started left then Madron ran for a 43-yard that possession and had
12 minutes. went around the right TD around right end on to kick the ball away.
Elgin added another end for his third touch- a third-and-19 play with Elgin got the clinching
TD in the second quar- down. Martinez’s kick was 1:58 left in the third. His touchdown after Cooper
ter. After the safety, Ty- blocked, leaving the score kick was blocked leaving Schulz recovered a Lion
son Sheffield returned at 29-7 at halftime. the score at 29-20. fumble at the Blanchard
the free kick 13 yards to Blanchard came out Early in the fourth one. On the second play,
the Blanchard 45. From motivated after halftime, quarter it appeared that Issaih Wolf bulled his way
there it took nine plays to scoring twice on long Madron had run for a 41- over to make the score 35-
reach the end zone with runs by Madron. First he yard score, but Blanchard 20 with 4:31 left in the
the Owls overcoming went around right end for was called for holding and game.
a holding penalty and a a 71-yard touchdown run. the Lion sideline was tick- Elgin faces the Duncan
false start penalty on the Madron kicked the con- eted for two consecutive Demons next Friday.
(ESPN2), practice, 8 a.m. (ESPNU); Buffalo at N.Y. Giants, Noon No. 15 Penn State vs. Buffalo, 6:30 SATURDAY’S FORECAST
orado at San Diego, MLB p.m. Mostly sunny High of 77 degrees
Saturday 7 p.m.--NY Yankees at Boston, Saturday, practice, 5 a.m. (ESPN2), Minnesota at Green Bay, Noon
No. 16 Oregon vs. Nevada, 6:30
qualifying, 8 a.m. (ESPNEWS); Sun- Kansas City at Oakland, 3:05 p.m. (25 C).
day, race, 8 a.m., ESPN2. Chicago at Denver, 3:25 p.m. FRIDAY’S WEATHER
4 a.m.--Finals: Richmond vs. Bris- NFL No. 17 Wisconsin vs. Central Mich-
New Orleans at Rams, 3:25 p.m. Showers. High of 68 degrees (20 C).
bane, Qualifying Final, Woolloongab- Noon--Regional Coverage: Tennes- Track: Monza National Autodrome igan, 2:30 p.m.
Philadelphia at Atlanta, 7:20 p.m.
ba, Australia, FS2 see at Cleveland, Baltimore at Miami, (circuit, 3.6 miles). No. 18 UCF at FAU, 6 p.m. FRIDAY’S RESULTS
AUTO RACING Race distance: 190.58 miles, 53 Monday, Sept. 16 No. 19 Michigan State vs. Western
Buffalo at NY Jets, Kansas City at Men’s semifinals: No. 2 Rafael Na-
laps. Cleveland at N.Y. Jets, 7:15 p.m.
4:55 a.m.--Formula One: The Italian Michigan, 6:30 p.m. dal beat No. 24 Matteo Berrettini 7-6
Jacksonville, KAUZ-TV (6), KWTV (9)
Grand Prix, practice session 3, Mon- Last year: Lewis Hamilton won de- No. 20 Iowa vs. Rutgers, 11 a.m. (6), 6-4, 6-1; No. 5 Daniil Medvedev
Noon--Regional Coverage: Atlanta Thursday summary
za, Italy, ESPN2 spite qualifying third. No. 21 Syracuse at Maryland, 11 beat Grigor Dimitrov 7-6 (5), 6-4, 6-3.
7:55 a.m.--Formula One: The Italian at Minnesota, Washington at Phila- Green Bay 0 7 0 3— 10 a.m.
Last race: Charles Leclerc, just 21,
Grand Prix, qualifying, Monza, Italy, delphia, LA Rams at Carolina, KJTL- Chicago 3 0 0 0— 3 No. 22 Washington State vs. North- STAT OF THE DAY
won his first F1 Grand Prix.
ESPNEWS TV (12) First Quarter ern Colorado, 4 p.m. 27, 1 — Number of Grand Slam fi-
Fast facts: Leclerc was first driver
10 a.m.--NASCAR Monster Energy 3:05 p.m.--Regional Coverage: In- Chi—FG Pineiro 38, 4:09. No. 23 Stanford at USC, 9:30 p.m. nals, including the 2019 U.S. Open,
to win his Belgian debut since sev-
Cup Series: practice, Indianapolis, dianapolis at LA Chargers, Cincinnati Second Quarter No. 25 Nebraska at Colorado, 2:30 reached by Rafael Nadal and Daniil
en-time world champion Michael
NBCSN at Seattle, KAUZ-TV (6), KWTV (9) GB—Graham 8 pass from Rodg- p.m. Medvedev.
Schumacher did it 27 years ago.
11 a.m.--NASCAR Xfinity Series: 3:25 p.m.--Regional Coverage: NY ers (Crosby kick), 13:08. QUOTE OF THE DAY
Leclerc was also the 39th driver to
qualifying, Indianapolis, NBCSN Giants at Dallas, Detroit at Arizona, win an event for Ferrari. ...Hamilton Fourth Quarter SOCCER “Deep inside of me, I understand
12:30 p.m.--NASCAR Monster En-
San Francisco at Tampa Bay, KJTL- and Valtteri Bottas finished second GB—FG Crosby 39, 5:15. that what I’ve done these four weeks
ergy Cup Series: final practice, India-
TV (12) and third, respectively, for Mercedes. A—62,435. is amazing.” — Daniil Medvedev,
napolis, NBCSN
2 p.m.--NASCAR Xfinity Series: The 7:20 p.m.--Pittsburgh at New En- It was the 25th consecutive race in MLS who has gone 20-2 and reached four
gland, KFDX-TV (3), KFOR-TV (4) which Hamilton scored points. The GB Chi Eastern Conference finals at his past four hard-court tour-
Indiana 250, Indianapolis, NBCSN
ROAD RUNNING British driver is now 65 points ahead First downs 13 16
11:30 a.m.--The 5th Avenue Mile: of Bottas atop the series table. Total Net Yards 213 254
11 a.m.--Cincinnati at Ohio State, Philadelphia 15 8 6 51 54 42
Rushes-yards 22-47 15-46
KSWO-TV (7), KOCO-TV (5) From Manhattan, N.Y., KFDX-TV (3), Next race: Singapore Grand Prix,
Passing 166 208
NYC FC 14 5 8 50 51 34 TRANSACTIONS
11 a.m.--Vanderbilt at Purdue, BTN KFOR-TV (4) Sept. 22, Marina Bay Street Circuit, Atlanta 15 10 3 48 47 33
Punt Returns 1-1 4-36
11 a.m.--UAB at Akron, CBSSN SOCCER (MEN’S) Singapore. D.C. United 11 10 9 42 39 38
Kickoff Returns 0-0 0-0
New York 12 12 5 41 47 44
11 a.m.--Syracuse at Maryland, 1:30 p.m.--UEFA: Norway vs. Swe- Online:
Interceptions Ret. 1-0 0-0 American League
ESPN den, Euro 2020 Qualifying, Solna, New England 10 9 9 39 41 47
Comp-Att-Int 18-30-0 26-45-1
11 a.m.--West Virginia at Missouri, Sweden, ESPNEWS INDYCAR Sacked-Yards Lost 5-37 5-20
Toronto FC 10 10 8 38 44 45 CHICAGO WHITE SOX — Promot-
TENNIS Last race: Will Power won for the Montreal 11 15 4 37 42 56 ed Mike Shirley to director of amateur
ESPN2 Punts 9-47.6 8-42.6
Noon--U.S. Open: Women’s Dou- second time in three starts. Orlando City 9 13 7 34 35 39 scouting.
11 a.m.--Old Dominion at Virginia Fumbles-Lost 0-0 0-0
bles Championship, Flushing, N.Y., Next race: Firestone Grand Prix Chicago 8 12 10 34 44 43 LOS ANGELES ANGELS — Re-
Tech, ESPNU Penalties-Yards 10-71 10-107
ESPN Columbus 8 15 7 31 33 44 called RHP Taylor Cole from Salt Lake
11 a.m.--Army at Michigan, KJTL- of Monterey, Sept. 22, Laguna Seca Time of Possession 31:03 28:57
Cincinnati 5 20 3 18 28 67 (PCL).
TV (12) 3 p.m.--U.S. Open: Men’s Champi- Raceway, Monterey, California.
11 a.m.--Rutgers at Iowa, FS1 onship, Flushing, N.Y., ESPN Online: INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Western Conference OAKLAND ATHLETICS — Reinstat-
11 a.m.--Charleston Southern at 7 p.m.--WTA: The Hana-cupid, RUSHING—Green Bay, Jones 13- W L T Pts GF GA ed OF Ramon Laureano from the 10-
South Carolina, SEC Zhengzhou & Jiangxi Opens, Early DRAG RACING 39, Rodgers 3-8, Valdes-Scantling LA FC 19 4 5 62 74 30 day IL. Recalled RHP J.B. Wendelken
Rounds, TENNIS Last week: John Force won in Fun- 1-0, J.Williams 5-0. Chicago, M.Da- Seattle 13 8 7 46 46 43 Las Vegas.
2:30 p.m.--Texas A&M at Clemson,
WNBA ny Car in Indianapolis for the fifth time vis 5-19, Montgomery 6-18, Trubisky Minnesota 13 9 6 45 46 37
KSWO-TV (7), KOCO-TV (5)
San Jose 13 10 5 44 48 43
National League
2:30 p.m.--Central Michigan at 3 p.m.--Minnesota at Los Angeles, in his career. 3-11, Patterson 1-(minus 2). ATLANTA BRAVES — Recalled OF
ESPN2 Next race: Mopar Express Lane PASSING—Green Bay, Rodgers Real Salt Lake 13 11 4 43 40 35
Wisconsin, BTN FC Dallas 12 10 7 43 47 38 Austin Riley from Gwinnett (IL).
Nationals, Sept. 12-15, Maple Grove 18-30-0-203. Chicago, Trubisky 26-
2:30 p.m.--Illinois at Connecticut, LOS ANGELES DODGERS — Re-
CBSSN AUTO RACING Raceway, Mohnton, Pennsylvania. 45-1-228. LA Galaxy
13 12 3
12 11 4
42 41 45
40 43 40 called C Austin Barnes from Oklaho-
Online: RECEIVING—Green Bay, Val-
2:30 p.m.--Southern Mississippi at Sporting KC 10 11 7 37 41 45 ma City (PCL).
Mississippi State, ESPNU NASCAR CUP SERIES des-Scantling 4-52, D.Adams 4-36,
Houston 9 15 4 31 38 49 MILWAUKEE BREWERS — Re-
Graham 3-30, J.Williams 2-15, Lewis
2:30 p.m.--Nebraska at Colorado, BIG MACHINE VODKA 400 OTHER SERIES 2-14, T.Davis 1-28, Tonyan 1-28, Colorado 8 14 6 30 45 54 called C Jacob Nottingham from San
KJTL-TV (12) Site: Indianapolis. WORLD OF OUTLAWS Jones 1-0. Chicago, Cohen 8-49, Vancouver 6 15 9 27 30 53 Antonio (PCL).
3 p.m.--Murray State at Georgia, Schedule: Saturday, practice, 10:05 Friday-Saturday, Gold Cup Race of NOTE: Three points for victory, one
Robinson 7-102, M.Davis 6-17, Ga- SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS —
ESPN2 a.m. & 12:35 p.m. (NBCSN); Sunday, Champions, Silver Dollar Speedway, briel 2-24, Montgomery 1-27, Sha- point for tie.
Claimed RHP Ricardo Pinto off waiv-
3 p.m.--New Mexico State at Ala- qualifying, 9:35 a.m. (NBCSN), race, Chino, California. heen 1-6, Patterson 1-3. Wednesday, August 28
2 p.m., NBC. ers from Tampa Bay and optioned
bama, SEC Online: MISSED FIELD GOALS—None. Montreal 2, Vancouver 1
Track: Indianapolis Motor Speed- him to Sacramento (PCL). Transferred
6 p.m.--South Dakota at Oklaho- sprintcars Saturday, August 31 RHP Trevor Gott to the 60-day IL.
ma, pay-per-view TV only (ESPN+), way (oval, 2.5 miles). Colorado 2, New York 0
KJMZ-FM (97.9) Race distance: 400 miles, 160 laps. BASKETBALL COLLEGE Chicago 1, Columbus 1, tie
Recalled LHP Sam Selman from Sac-
6 p.m.--McNeese State at Oklaho- Last year: Brad Keselowski won for The AP Top 25 Poll D.C. United 3, Montreal 0
ma State, pay-per-view (ESPN+), Hot the second start in a row.
WNBA Record Pts Pv Toronto FC 1, New England 1, tie Texas League
County FM (97.3) Last race: Erik Jones won his sec- 1. Clemson (54) 1-0 1542 1 Philadelphia 3, Atlanta 1 FRISCO ROUGHRIDERS — Named
6 p.m.--Central Florida at Florida ond career Cup race at Darlington. 2. Alabama (8) 1-0 1493 2 FC Dallas 3, Cincinnati 1 Erik Haag chief business develop-
W L Pct GB
Atlantic, CBSSN Fast facts: Kyle Busch secured the 3. Georgia 1-0 1407 3 Sporting Kansas City 1, Houston 0 ment officer.
6 p.m.--BYU at Tennessee, ESPN x-Washington 25 8 .758 — 4. Oklahoma 1-0 1337 4 New York City FC 3, Vancouver 1
regular season title last weekend in Atlantic League
6:30 p.m.--LSU at Texas, KSWO- South Carolina, where he finished x-Connecticut 23 10 .697 2 5. Ohio St. 1-0 1270 5 Portland 1, Real Salt Lake 0
x-Chicago 20 13 .606 5 LONG ISLAND DUCKS — Activat-
TV (7), KOCO-TV (5) third. It was the second straight such 6. LSU 1-0 1233 6 San Jose 3, Orlando City 0
6:30 p.m.--Western Michigan at Indiana 12 21 .364 13 ed RHPs Brandon Beachy and Mariel
championship for Busch. He earned 7. Michigan 1-0 1126 7 Sunday, September 1
Michigan State, BTN New York 9 24 .273 16 8. Notre Dame 1-0 1037 9 Checo. Placed LHPs Brian Matusz
a 15-point bonus heading into the Seattle 4, LA Galaxy 3
6:30 p.m.--Tulane at Auburn, Atlanta 8 25 .242 17 9. Texas 1-0 1032 10 Minnesota 2, LA FC 0 and Darin Downs on the inactive list.
playoffs, which begin next weekend
in Las Vegas. ...Seven-time champion Saturday, September 7
6:30 p.m.--University of Tennessee 11. Florida 1-0 940 8 New England at NYC FC, 2:30 p.m. National Football League
Jimmie Johnson is 18 points behind W L Pct GB
Martin at Florida, ESPNU 12. Texas A&M 1-0 862 12 Toronto FC at Cincinnati, 6:30 p.m. INDIANAPOLIS COLTS — An-
Daniel Suarez for the 16th and final x-Los Angeles 21 12 .636 —
6:30 p.m.--Buffalo at Penn State, 13. Utah 1-0 826 14 LA FC at Orlando City, 6:30 p.m. nounced the resignation of Howard
spot in the postseason. Johnson has x-Las Vegas 20 13 .606 1
KJTL-TV (12) 14. Washington 1-0 768 13 Seattle at Colorado, 8 p.m. Mudd assistant coach.
a series-high four wins in Indianapo- x-Minnesota 17 15 .531 3½ 15. Penn St. 1-0 688 15
6:30 p.m.--Arkansas at Mississippi, Sporting KC at Portland, 9:30 p.m.
lis, but his last victory came in 2012. x-Seattle 17 16 .515 4 KANSAS CITY CHIEFS — Signed
SEC 16. Oregon 0-1 568 11
...Ryan Blaney, Kyle Larson, William x-Phoenix 15 17 .469 5½ Wednesday, September 11 WR Tyreek Hill to a three-year con-
9:30 p.m.--Minnesota at Fresno 17. Wisconsin 1-0 519 19
Byron and Aric Almirola clinched Toronto FC at NYC FC, 6 p.m. tract extension.
State, CBSSN Dallas 10 23 .303 11 18. UCF 1-0 445 17
playoff spots on points in Darlington. Minnesota at Houston, 7:30 p.m. MIAMI DOLPHINS — Signed OT
9:30 p.m.--Stanford at Southern x-clinched playoff spot 19. Michigan St. 1-0 409 18
LA Galaxy at Colorado, 8 p.m. J’Marcus Webb. Placed LB Andrew
California, ESPN Next race: South Point 400, Sept. 20. Iowa 1-0 351 20
San Jose at Salt Lake, 8:30 p.m.
15, Las Vegas Motor Speedway, Las Thursday’s Games 21. Syracuse 1-0 246 22 Van Ginkel on IR.
9:30 p.m.--California at Washing- Saturday, September 14
Vegas. Atlanta 78, Las Vegas 74 22. Washington St. 1-0 244 23 NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS — Re-
ton, FS1 San Jose at NYC FC, 11:30 a.m.
Online: 23. Stanford 1-0 198 25 signed OL James Ferentz. Rreleased
GOLF Los Angeles 102, Seattle 68 FC Dallas at Chicago, 2:30 p.m.
Friday’s Games 24. Boise St. 1-0 179 NR C Russell Bodine.
6 a.m.--European Tour Golf: The Columbus at Atlanta, 6 p.m.
Porsche European Open, third round, NASCAR XFINITY SERIES Indiana 100, New York 91
25. Iowa St. 1-0 86 21
Cincinnati at Montreal, 6:30 p.m. TENNESSEE TITANS — Agreed
25. Nebraska 1-0 86 24
Zahlen, Germany, GOLF INDIANA 250 Chicago 109, Connecticut 104, OT New England at Orlando , 6:30 p.m. to terms with LS Beau Brinkley on a
Others receiving votes: Virginia 73,
5:30 a.m. (Sunday)--European Tour Site: Indianapolis. Washington 86, Dallas 73 LA FC at Philadelphia, 6:30 p.m. multi-year contract extension.
TCU 61, Mississippi St. 50, Cincinnati
Golf: The Porsche European Open, Schedule: Friday, practice, 12:05 & Minnesota at Phoenix Houston at Vancouver, 9 p.m. Canadian Football League
48, Army 31, Miami 10, Oklahoma
final round, Zahlen, Germany, GOLF 2:05 p.m.; Saturday, qualifying, 11:05 Saturday’s Games St. 8, Memphis 6, Arizona St. 4, Ap- WINNIPEG BLUE BOMBERS —
HORSE RACING a.m. (NBCSN); race, 3 p.m., NBCSN. No games scheduled
Noon--Saratoga Live: From Sarato- Track: Indianapolis Motor Speed- Sunday’s Games
palachian St. 4, Minnesota 2, South-
ern Cal 1, Boston College 1, North
TENNIS Signed LB Brandon Calver to the
practice roster.
ga Springs, N.Y., FS2 way. Chicago at Washington, 3 p.m. Carolina 1. HOCKEY
MLB Race distance: 250 miles, 100 laps. Connecticut at Indiana, 3 p.m. US Open National Hockey League
3 p.m.--NY Yankees at Boston, FS1 Last year: Justin Allgaier took first Seattle at Dallas, 3 p.m.
6 p.m.--Philadelphia at NY Mets, in Indy. New York at Atlanta, 3 p.m. Friday’s scores At USTA Billie Jean King National
Signed D Jake Gardiner to a four-year
FS1 Last race: Cole Custer won his sixth Minnesota at Los Angeles, 3 p.m. EAST
8 p.m.--San Francisco at LA Dodg- checkered flag of 2019. Las Vegas at Phoenix, 3 p.m. Alvernia 20, Gallaudet 14
Tennis Center contract.
ers OR Colorado at San Diego (7:30 Fast facts: Dale Earnhardt Jr. fin- Becker 33, Anna Maria 19 New York SAN JOSE SHARKS — Signed C
p.m.), MLB ished fifth in his return to the series in FOOTBALL California (Pa.) 59, St. Anselm 13 Purse: $57,238,700 Joe Thornton to a one-year contract.
TENNIS Darlington, but he said after the race Delaware Valley 37, Kean 7 Surface: Hardcourt outdoor SOCCER
3 p.m.--U.S. Open: Women’s that it was likely his final start on the NFL Endicott 55, Framingham St. 27
Nichols 37, Dean 12
NEW YORK — A quick look at the
U.S. Open:
Major League Soccer
Championship, Flushing, N.Y., ESPN track. “This place is too tough. These Thursday, Sept. 5 NASHVILLE SC — Signed M Ran-
kids can have it,” Earnhardt said. Salisbury 63, Albright 28 LOOKAHEAD TO SATURDAY
Green Bay 10, Chicago 3 dall Leal.
Sunday, Sept.8 ...Custer was named the winner after Stevenson 34, Curry 0 Serena Williams gets another
Sunday, Sept. 8 WPI 51, Worcester St. 0 COLLEGE
AUTO RACING Denny Hamlin’s car was disqualified. chance to win a record-tying 24th
Atlanta at Minnesota, Noon SOUTH CAL STATE—NORTHRIDGE —
8:05 a.m.--Formula One: The Italian The No. 18 Joe Gibbs Racing Toyota, Grand Slam singles title when she
Baltimore at Miami, Noon Millikin 27, Hope 21 faces 19-year-old Bianca Andrees- Named Sean Denard, Vanitta Kinard,
Grand Prix, Monza, Italy, ESPN2 which crossed first, failed a post-race
Tennessee at Cleveland, Noon Virginia 52, William & Mary 17 cu, who is trying to become the first Jake Hurysz and Jacob Yowell assis-
9:30 a.m.--NASCAR Monster Ener- inspection on height requirements.
Kansas City at Jacksonville, Noon Canadian woman to win one. The tant track & field coaches.
gy Cup Series: qualifying, Indianapo- ...Hamlin was the first Xfinity winner
Washington at Philadelphia, Noon eighth-seeded Williams has reached CLAYTON STATE — Named Adri-
lis, NBCSN and the second overall in NASCAR to
L.A. Rams at Carolina, Noon
Top 25 Schedule three major finals since having a ano Moraes men’s assistant soccer
1 p.m.--NASCAR Monster Energy be disqualified under this year’s new Friday, Sept. 6
Buffalo at N.Y. Jets, Noon baby but lost them all. Two were at coach.
Cup Series: The Brickyard 400, Indi- rules. Ross Chastain lost a truck win No. 24 Boise State vs. Marshall
Cincinnati at Seattle, 3:05 p.m. Wimbledon and the other last year at FLORIDA — Named Chip Howard
anapolis, KFDX-TV (3), KFOR-TV (4) in Iowa in June, also because of a
Indianapolis at Chargers, 3:05 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 7 the U.S. Open against Naomi Osaka, executive associate athletic director.
BEACH VOLLEYBALL height violation. No. 1 Clemson vs. No. 12 Texas which quickly devolved after Williams
10 p.m.--FIVB World Tour: Finals, Next race: Rhino Pro Truck Outfit- San Fran. at Tampa Bay, 3:25 p.m. KANSAS CITY — Signed women’s
A&M, 2:30 p.m. argued with chair umpire Carlos Ra-
Rome (taped), NBCSN ters 300, Sept. 14, Las Vegas Motor N.Y. Giants at Dallas, 3:25 p.m. basketball coach Jacie Hoyt to a con-
No. 2 Alabama vs. New Mexico mos about a warning over receiving
CYCLING Speedway. Detroit at Arizona, 3:25 p.m. State, 3 p.m. coaching signals. If she wins this tract extension through the 2022-23
Midnight (Monday)--Vuelta A Es- Online: Pittsburgh at N.England, 7:20 p.m. No. 3 Georgia vs. Murray State, 3 championship, 20 years after she season.
paña: Stage 15, 88 miles, Tineo to Monday, Sept. 9 p.m. won her first of six titles at Flushing OLD WESTBURY — Named Krish-
Santuario del Acebo, Spain (taped),, NASCAR TRUCK SERIES Houston at New Orleans, 7:10 p.m. No. 4 Oklahoma vs. South Dako- Meadows, the 37-year-old Williams na Dass women’s volleyball coach
NBCSN Last race: Defending series cham- Denver at Oakland, 9:20 p.m. ta, 6 p.m. would equal Margaret Court’s record and Tom Pennino softball coach.
Thursday’s game
Packers 10, Bears 3: The Green Bay defense shut down
Chicago at Soldier Field to notch a season-opening win.
AFC AT A GLANCE GAME PREVIEWS For broadcast information on teams of area interest, check TV/radio listings.
Team W L T Pct PF PA Home Away AFC NFC Div
Buffalo 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0
Miami 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0
New England 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0
N.Y. Jets 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0
Team W L T Pct PF PA Home Away AFC NFC Div
Houston 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0
Indianapolis 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 Falcons (7-9 in ’18) Ravens (10-6) at Titans (9-7) at Chiefs (13-5) at
0-0-0 at Vikings (8-7-1) Dolphins (7-9) Browns (7-8-1) Jaguars (5-11)
NORTH Time: Sunday, noon CT When: Sunday, noon CT When: Sunday, Noon CT When: Sunday, noon CT
Team W L T Pct PF PA Home Away AFC NFC Div Opening line: Vikings Opening line: Ravens Opening line: Browns Opening line: Chiefs
Baltimore 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0
Cincinnati 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 by 5 by 3 by 3½ by 5
Cleveland 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0
Pittsburgh 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0
Series record: Vikings Series record: Ravens Series record: Titans Series record: Tied 6-6
lead 19-11 lead 9-6 lead 9-5 Last meeting: Chiefs
Team W L T Pct PF PA Home Away AFC NFC Div Last meeting: Vikings Last meeting: Ravens Last meeting: Titans beat Jaguars 30-14, Oct.
Denver 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 beat Falcons 14-9, Dec. beat Dolphins 40-0, Oct. beat Browns 12-9 OT, 7, 2018
Kansas City 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0
L.A. Chargers 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 3, 2017 26, 2017 Oct. 22 2017 Notes: Chiefs have won
Oakland 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 Notes: Vikings have Notes: Ravens are 7-1 Notes: After summer four straight in series,
won three straight over against Dolphins since of hype, Browns finally including all three under
AFC STAT LEADERS Final 2018 stats Falcons, dating to coach 2008, including wins by get to show if they’re coach Andy Reid. ...
Mike Zimmer’s first scores of 38-6 and 40-0 for real against Titans, Reid needs three wins
Name Att Com Yds TD Int Name No Yds Avg LG TD season, 2014. in 2016 and 2017. beginning second to pass Chuck Noll (209)
Mahomes, KC 580 383 5097 50 12 Roberts, NYJ 23 324 14.1 78t 1
P. Rivers, LAC 508 347 4308 32 12 Harris, OAK 20 281 14.0 99t 1 season under coach for sixth most in NFL
Watson, HOU 505 345 4165 26 9 D. King, LAC 23 318 13.8 73t 1 Mike Vrabel. history.
Luck, IND 639 430 4593 39 15 T. Hill, KC 20 213 10.6 91t 1
Brady, NE 570 375 4355 29 11 Erickson, CIN 20 212 10.6 38 0
Rthlsbrgr, PIT 675 452 5129 34 16 C. Rogers, IND 23 215 9.3 51 0
D. Carr, OAK 553 381 4049 19 10 Peppers, CLE 25 219 8.8 33 0
Mayfield, CLE 486 310 3725 27 14 Switzer, PIT 30 252 8.4 23 0
Tannehill, MIA 274 176 1979 17 9 Ervin, HOU 21 175 8.3 27 0
Mariota, TEN 331 228 2528 11 8 Edelman, NE 20 154 7.7 25 0
Team W L T Pct PF PA Home Away NFC AFC Div
Atlanta 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0
Carolina 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0
New Orleans 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0
Tampa Bay 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0
NORTH Colts (11-7) at 49ers (4-12) at N.Y. Giants (5-11) Lions (6-10) at
Team W L T Pct PF PA Home Away NFC AFC Div
Green Bay 1 0 0 1.000 10 3 0-0-0 1-0-0 1-0-0 0-0-0 1-0-0 L.A. Chargers (13-5) Buccaneers (5-11) at Cowboys (11-7) Cardinals (3-13)
Detroit 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0
Minnesota 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 When: Sunday, When: Sunday, When: Sunday, When: Sunday,
Chicago 0 1 0 .000 3 10 0-1-0 0-0-0 0-1-0 0-0-0 0-1-0 3:05 p.m. CT 3:25 p.m. CT 3:25 p.m. CT 3:25 p.m. CT
WEST Opening line: Chargers Opening line: 49ers by 2 Opening line: Cowboys Opening line: Lions by 1
Team W L T Pct PF PA Home Away NFC AFC Div
Arizona 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0
by 3 Series record: 49ers by 6 Series record: Lions
L.A. Rams 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 Series record: Chargers lead 17-7 Series record: Cowboys lead 35-28-5
San Francisco 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0
Seattle 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 lead 18-11 Last meeting: Bucca- lead 66-46-2 Last meeting: Lions beat
Last meeting: Colts beat neers beat 49ers 27-9, Last meeting: Cowboys Cardinals 17-3, Dec. 9,
Chargers 26-22, Sept. Nov. 25, 2018 36, Giants 35, Dec. 30, 2018
NFC STAT LEADERS Final 2018 stats
25, 2016 Notes: San Francisco 2018 Notes: This is 16th
QUARTERBACKS PUNT RETURNERS Notes: Chargers have has dominated all- Notes: NFC East rivals matchup between Car-
Name Att Com Yds TD Int Name No Yds Avg LG TD
Brees, NOR 489 364 3992 32 5 Cohen, CHI 33 411 12.5 44 0 won six of last eight in time series, winning 17 opening season against dinals and Lions over
Wilson, SEA 427 280 3448 35 7 Sherels, MIN 23 276 12.0 70 0
Ryan, ATL 608 422 4924 35 7 Natson, LA 26 280 10.8 60 0
series, including two of 23 regular-season each other for sixth past 21 years and sixth
Wentz, PHL 401 279 3074 21 7 Kirk, ARI 21 164 7.8 44 0 playoff games. Last meetings. time in eight seasons. time in eight years.
Goff, LA 561 364 4688 32 12 Hardy, ATL 20 147 7.4 18 0
Ftzptrck, TAM 246 164 2366 17 12 Hmphrs, TAM 21 139 6.6 16 0 time teams meet in
Cousins, MIN 606 425 4298 30 10 Lockett, SEA 25 143 5.7 19 0 opener was 1970.
Rodgers, GBY 597 372 4442 25 2
Prescott, DAL 526 356 3885 22 8 KICKOFF RETURNERS
Trubisky, CHI 434 289 3223 24 12 Name No Yds Avg LG TD
Coleman, NYG 23 598 26.0 51 0
RUSHERS R. James, SNF 23 580 25.2 97t 1 FANTASY WATCH
Name Att Yds Avg LG TD M. Hall, ATL 26 616 23.7 53 0
E. Elliott, DAL 304 1434 4.7 41 6 START: Russell Wilson,
Barkley, NYG 261 1307 5.0 78t 11 SCORING
Gurley, LA 256 1251 4.9 36 17 Touchdowns QB, Seahawks: Wilson
Carson, SEA 247 1151 4.7 61 9 Name TD Rush Rec Ret Pts
McCffry, CAR 219 1098 5.0 59 7 Gurley, LA 21 17 4 0 132
begins the season at
Ptrson, WAS 251 1042 4.2 90t 7 Kamara, NOR 18 14 4 0 114 home against a Bengals
Johnson, ARI
Howard, CHI
Barkley, NYG 15
D. Adams, GBY 13
80 Steelers (9-6-1) Texans (11-6) Broncos (6-10) team that ranked 29th in
Kamara, NOR 194 883 4.6 49t 14 McCaffrey, CAR 13 7 6 0 78 at Patriots (14-5) Saints (14-4) at Raiders (4-12) fantasy points allowed
Barber, TAM 234 871 3.7 28 5 Johnson, ARI 10 7 3 1 62
per game to opposing
Lockett, SEA 10 0 10 0 62 When: Sunday, When: Monday, When: Monday,
RECEIVERS Ridley, ATL 10 0 10 0 60 quarterbacks. The addi-
Name No Yds Avg LG TD S. Diggs, MIN 9 0 9 0 56 7:20 p.m. CT 6:10 p.m. CT 9:20 p.m. CT
Thomas, NOR 125 1405 11.2 72t 9 Thielen, MIN 9 0 9 0 56 tion of rookie WR D.K.
Ertz, PHL 116 1163 10.0 34 8
Opening line: New Eng- Opening line: Saints Opening line: Raiders
Metcalf gives Wilson an
Ju. Jones, ATL 113 1677 14.8 58 8 land by 7½ by 7 by 3
Thielen, MIN 113 1373 12.2 68 9 ideal option when he
D. Adams, GBY 111 1386 12.5 57 13 Series record: Steelers Series record: Tied, 2-2 Series record: Raiders
chooses to dial it up.
McCffry, CAR 107 867 8.1 38 6 lead 15-12 Last meeting: Texans lead 64-53-2
S. Diggs, MIN 102 1021 10.0 75t 9 SIT: Matt Ryan, QB,
Barkley, NYG 91 721 7.9 57t 4 Last meeting: Steelers beat Saints 24-6, Nov. Last meeting: Raiders
Falcons: Atlanta worked
Kittle, SNF 88 1377 15.6 85t 5 beat Patriots 17-10, Dec. 29, 2015 beat Broncos 27-14, Dec.
Evans, TAM 86 1524 17.7 72t 8 hard in the offseason
16, 2018. Notes: Texans have 24, 2018
to upgrade an offensive
Notes: Patriots and won two of last three Notes: Broncos’ 21 all-
NUMBER TO KNOW Steelers have played meetings, but Saints time wins at Oakland
line that ranked 25th in
312: Since 1994, including postseason, Patriots are protection rate. Ryan
32 times, including won previous meeting Coliseum most of any
winningest team in NFL with 312 victories; Steelers are was sacked 42 times
playoffs, and each has in New Orleans. visiting franchise.
second with 274. last season.
won 16.
6x3 ad position
6B | The Lawton Constitution SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2019
New York
Major League Baseball Standings American League Toronto
Matz 5 2/3 6 2 2 3 4
Texas 7, Baltimore 6 Buchholz L,1-4 6 7 4 3 0 3 Avilán 0 0 0 0 1 0
Pannone 1 0 0 0 0 1 Brach 1 1/3 1 0 0 0 2
Texas Baltimore
AMERICAN LEAGUE ab r h bi ab r h bi Shafer 1 2 1 0 0 2 Wilson
Díaz W,2-7
1 0 0
1 2 2
East Choo rf 51 2 1 Alberto 3b-2b 4 1 1 0 Tampa Bay
Vincent pitched to 2 batters in the 9th, Avilán
DeShields cf 00 0 0 Mancini 1b 4 1 1 1 McKay 3 2/3 1 0 0 0 7
W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Fairbanks W,1-0 1 1/3 0 0 0 0 2
pitched to 1 batter in the 6th.
Andrus ss 50 2 2 Santander rf 5 1 1 2
New York 92 50 .648 — — 7-3 L-1 53-22 39-28 Calhoun lf 52 2 4 Núñez dh 4 0 2 0 HBP—Matz (Harper), Vincent (McNeil).
Kittredge 2 0 0 0 0 2
Tampa Bay 84 59 .587 8½ — 8-2 W-3 41-32 43-27 Solak 2b 30 0 0 Wilkerson dh 0 0 0 0 Umpires—Home, CB Bucknor; First, D.J. Rey-
Sulser 1 1 0 0 2 1
Boston 76 65 .539 15½ 6½ 6-4 W-1 36-36 40-29 Santana 3b 40 1 0 Villar 2b-ss 4 0 1 0 burn; Second, Ramon De Jesus; Third, Fieldin
Pagán S,19-26 1 0 0 0 0 1
Toronto 55 87 .387 37 28 2-8 L-5 27-42 28-45 Odor dh 40 2 0 Williams cf 4 0 1 0 Cubreth.
Sulser pitched to 3 batters in the 9th.
Baltimore 46 95 .326 45½ 36½ 3-7 L-3 22-48 24-47 Heineman rf 31 1 0 Severino c 3 1 1 0 T—3:32. A—28,107 (41,922).
Central Guzmán 1b 31 1 0 Trumbo ph 1 0 0 0
Umpires—Home, Bill Miller; First, Ben May; Sec-
Trevino c 32 1 0 Wynns c 0 0 0 0
W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Stewart lf 3 1 1 0 ond, Chad Whitson; Third, Doug Eddings. Atlanta 4, Washington 3
Minnesota 87 53 .621 — — 8-2 W-1 39-29 48-24 R.Martin ss 2 1 1 3 T—2:35. A—10,853 (25,025). Washington Atlanta
Cleveland 81 60 .574 6½ 1½ 5-5 L-1 43-29 38-31 Ruiz ph-3b 1 0 0 0 ab r h bi ab r h bi
Chicago 62 78 .443 25 20 2-8 W-1 33-35 29-43 Totals 35 7 12 7 Totals 35 6 10 6 Oakland 7, Detroit 3 Turner ss 5 0 2 0 Acuña Jr. cf-rf 5 0 1 0
Kansas City 52 90 .366 36 31 6-4 W-1 29-44 23-46 Kendrick 2b 412 0 Albies 2b 4 1 2 1
Oakland Detroit Rendon 3b 311 0 Freeman 1b 3 1 1 0
Detroit 41 98 .295 45½ 40½ 2-8 L-1 18-50 23-48 Texas 103 000 300 — 7 ab r h bi ab r h bi
Baltimore 130 020 000 — 6 Soto lf 3 0 0 0 Donaldson 3b 2 1 1 2
West Semien ss 51 2 1 Goodrum 1b 3 1 1 0 Zimmerman 1b 411 3 Duvall lf 3 1 1 0
W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away DP—Texas 1, Baltimore 3. LOB—Texas 5, Balti- Chapman 3b 33 2 0 Reyes rf 1 0 0 0 Robles cf 4 0 1 0 Swanson ss 3 0 0 0
Houston 91 50 .645 — — 7-3 W-1 52-17 39-33 more 6. 2B—Choo (29), Heineman (5), Odor (25), Pinder lf-rf 42 2 3 Lugo 3b 3 0 1 1 Gomes c 401 0 Riley rf 3 0 0 0
Oakland 82 58 .586 8½ — 7-3 W-4 46-26 36-32 Alberto (21). HR—Calhoun 2 (18), Mancini (30), Davis dh 5 0 1 0 Castellanos rf 2 2 1 1 Taylor rf 201 0 Martin p 0 0 0 0
R.Martin (5), Santander (18). S—Alberto (3). Piscotty rf 40 2 3 H.Castro cf 1 0 0 0 Eaton ph 100 0 Jackson p 0 0 0 0
Texas 70 73 .490 22 13½ 6-4 W-2 40-29 30-44
Los Angeles 65 76 .461 26 17½ 2-8 L-4 35-34 30-42 Neuse 2b 10 0 0 Cabrera dh 4 0 1 0 Suero p 0 0 0 0 Newcomb p 0 0 0 0
IP H R ER BB SO Olson 1b 3 0 0 0 Rodríguez 2b 4 0 0 0 Rodney p 0 0 0 0 Camargo ph 1 0 0 0
Seattle 58 83 .411 33 24½ 2-8 L-3 29-40 29-43
Texas Adams ph 100 0 Greene p 0 0 0 0
Profar lf 40 1 0 Stewart lf 3 0 1 0
B.Martin W,2-3
5 6 6
1 1 0
Laureano cf
Canha cf
31 2 0
10 0 0
Harrison 2b 3 0 0 0
b-Mercer ss 1 0 0 0
Corbin p
Rainey p
200 0
000 0
Flowers c 0 0 0 1
Keuchel p 2 0 0 0
East Clase H,3 1 0 0 0 0 0 Parra ph-rf 200 0 Joyce ph 1 0 1 0
Phegley c 20 0 0 Greiner c 2 0 0 0 Hamilton pr-cf 1 0 0 0
W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Montero H,6 1 2 0 0 0 0
a-Grossman ph 1 0 0 0 Jones cf 2 0 0 0
Leclerc S,11-15 1 1 0 0 1 1 Totals 35 3 9 3 Totals 28 4 7 4
Atlanta 88 54 .620 — — 8-2 W-8 46-27 42-27 Hundley c 0 0 0 0 c-Candelario 1b 1 0 0 0
Washington 78 62 .557 9 — 5-5 L-3 41-29 37-33 Baltimore
Murphy c 10 0 0 Washington 000 000 030 — 3
New York 72 68 .514 15 4 5-5 W-2 38-27 34-41 Bundy 6 8 5 5 1 4
Totals 37 7 12 7 Totals 30 3 5 2 Atlanta 001 100 20x — 4
Philadelphia 72 68 .514 15 4 4-6 L-3 41-31 31-37 Fry L,1-8 0 1 2 2 2 0
Armstrong BS,4-6 1 1/3 2 0 0 1 1 E—Rendon (9), Suero (1). DP—Washington 0, At-
Miami 50 90 .357 37 26 3-7 L-1 28-44 22-46 Oakland 003 000 202 — 7
Scott 2/3 0 0 0 0 1 lanta 1. LOB—Washington 7, Atlanta 9. 2B—Al-
Central Detroit 201 000 000 — 3 bies (39), Duvall (4). HR—Zimmerman (5), Albies
Tate 1 1 0 0 0 2
W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Bundy pitched to 1 batter in the 7th, Fry pitched
E—Fiers (2). DP—Oakland 1, Detroit 1. LOB— (20), Donaldson (35). SF—Flowers (2).
St. Louis 79 62 .560 — — 6-4 L-1 46-26 33-36 Oakland 8, Detroit 4. 2B—Semien (36), Piscotty
to 3 batters in the 7th.
Chicago 76 64 .543 2½ — 7-3 L-1 47-24 29-40 (17), Lugo (7). 3B—Semien (6), Goodrum (5). IP H R ER BB SO
Umpires—Home, Alan Porter; First, Jim Reyn-
Milwaukee 72 68 .514 6½ 4 5-5 W-1 41-31 31-37 HR—Pinder (12), Castellanos (11). SF—Pinder Washington
olds; Second, Sean Barber; Third, Stu Scheuwa-
Cincinnati 66 75 .468 13 10½ 4-6 W-2 39-33 27-42 (3), Lugo (3). Corbin L,11-7 5 3 2 1 6 9
Pittsburgh 62 79 .440 17 14½ 7-3 W-1 31-39 31-40 Rainey 1 2 0 0 0 0
T—3:03. A—10,596 (45,971).
West IP H R ER BB SO Suero 1 1/3 2 2 2 0 1
Oakland Rodney 2/3 0 0 0 1 1
W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Boston 6, N.Y. Yankees 1 Fiers, W, 14-3 6 4 3 3 3 3 Atlanta
Los Angeles 92 50 .648 — — 6-4 W-4 55-18 37-32
New York Boston Hendriks, H, 8 1 0 0 0 0 2 Keuchel W,7-5 6 6 0 0 2 3
Arizona 73 67 .521 18 3 9-1 W-3 36-33 37-34 ab r h bi ab r h bi Diekman, H, 8 1 1 0 0 0 2 Martin H,4 1 0 0 0 0 1
San Francisco 67 73 .479 24 9 2-8 L-1 30-38 37-35 LeMahieu 3b 300 0 Betts rf 3 1 0 0 Wendelken 1 0 0 0 0 2 Jackson 1/3 3 3 3 0 1
San Diego 64 75 .460 26½ 11½ 4-6 L-3 31-37 33-38 Judge rf 400 0 Devers 3b 2 2 1 0 Detroit Newcomb H,16 2/3 0 0 0 0 1
Colorado 59 82 .418 32½ 17½ 1-9 L-9 34-35 25-47 Gregorius ss 4 0 1 0 Bogaerts ss 4 0 1 2 Soto 4 4 3 3 2 3 Greene S,1-3 1 0 0 0 0 2
Sánchez c 2 0 0 0 Martinez dh 2 0 0 0 Farmer 1 1/3 2 0 0 0 0 HBP—Rainey (Flowers).
Stumpf 1-3 2 0 0 0 0
Scores, schedule Encarnación dh
Torres 2b
4 0 0 0 Benintendi lf 3 1 0 0
300 0 Holt 2b 4 1 1 1 Reininger, L, 0-2 1 2 2 2 2 0
Umpires—Home, Paul Emmel; First, Ryan Blak-
ney; Second, Mike Estabrook; Third, Bruce Dreck-
Gardner cf 3 1 2 1 Moreland 1b 4 1 3 3 Alcántara 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 man.
Voit 1b 300 0 Vázquez c 4 0 0 0 McKay 2 2 2 2 0 4 T—3:20. A—37,181 (41,149).
a-Frazier ph-lf
2 0 0 0 Bradley Jr. cf 2 0 0 0
100 0
Reininger pitched to 6 batters in the 7th.
Umpires—Home, Tim Timmons; First, Rob
Thursday’s Games Thursday’s Games Pittsburgh 9, St. Louis 4
Totals 29 1 3 1 Totals 28 6 6 6 Drake; Second, Mike Muchlinski; Third, Mike Win-
White Sox 7, Cleveland 1 St. Louis 10, San Fran. 0 ters.
St. Louis Pittsburgh
ab r h bi ab r h bi
Detroit 6, Kansas City 4 Cincinnati 4, Philly 3, 11 inn. New York 000 010 000 — 1 T—2:58. A—15,680 (41,297).
Fowler rf 500 0 Newman ss 3 2 2 1
Oakland 10, Angels 6 Atlanta 4, Washington 2 Boston 000 420 00x — 6 Wong 2b 401 0 Reynolds lf 5 1 1 0
DP—New York 1, Boston 0. LOB—New York 4,
Texas 3, Baltimore 1
Minnesota 2, Boston 1
Miami 10, Pittsburgh 7
Cubs 10, Milwaukee 5
Boston 5. 2B—Gregorius (11), Devers (49), Bo- National League J.Martínez ph
Goldschmidt 1b
101 0
301 0
Marte cf 4 1 2 2
Bell 1b 3 1 1 2
gaerts (49). HR—Gardner (21), Moreland (15). N.Y. Mets 5, Philadelphia 4 Ozuna lf 300 0 Moran 3b 2 0 0 0
Tampa Bay 6, Toronto 4
Houston 11, Seattle 9, 13 inn.
Friday’s Games Philadelphia New York DeJong ss 411 0 M.Cabrera rf 2 1 1 1
Kansas City 3, Miami 0 IP H R ER BB SO Molina c 401 0 Osuna rf-3b 4 1 2 1
ab r h bi ab r h bi Edman 3b 422 3 Frazier 2b 3 1 2 2
Friday’s Games Pittsburgh 9, St. Louis 4
New York
Tampa Bay 5, Toronto 0 Germán, L, 17-4 4 1/3 3 5 5 4 5 Segura ss 5 2 3 0 McNeil lf-3b 3 1 1 1 Bader cf 310 0 Stallings c 2 0 0 0
Kansas City 3, Miami 0 Atlanta 4, Washington 3 Cortes Jr. 2/3 1 1 1 2 1 Realmuto c 512 3 Alonso 1b 4 0 1 2 Mikolas p 200 0 Tucker ph 2 1 1 0
Texas 7, Baltimore 6 Mets 5, Philadelphia 4 Lyons 1 1 0 0 0 1 Harper rf 1 0 0 0 Conforto rf 4 1 1 1 Webb p 000 0 Liriano p 0 0 0 0
Gearrin 1 0 0 0 1 0 Rodríguez rf 100 0 Ramos c 4 0 1 1 Carpenter ph 101 1 Vázquez p 0 0 0 0
Boston 6, Yankees 1 Milwaukee 7, Chicago Cubs 1
Adams 1 1 0 0 0 1 Arozarena pr 000 0 McRae p 1 0 0 0
Oakland 7, Detroit 3, 1st game Arizona at Cincinnati Dickerson ph-lf 2 0 1 0 Canó 2b 4 0 1 0 Gant p 000 0 Kramer ph 1 0 0 0
Cleveland at Minnesota Boston Hoskins 1b 310 0 Rosario ss 4 0 1 0
Colorado at San Diego Miller p 000 0 Feliz p 0 0 0 0
Angels at White Sox Chacín 2 0 0 0 0 4
San Francisco at L.A. Dodgers Kingery cf 4 0 0 0 Nimmo cf-lf 4 0 0 0 Brebbia p 000 0 Rodríguez p 0 0 0 0
Seattle at Houston Taylor 1 0 0 0 0 2 Mayers p 000 0 Wang p 0 0 0 0
Hernández 2b 4 0 0 0 Frazier 3b 2 1 1 0
Detroit at Oakland, 2nd game Saturday’s Games Walden, W, 9-2 1 1 0 0 1 2 Muñoz ph 101 0 Reyes ph 1 0 0 0
Cashner 1 1 1 1 0 1 Franco 3b 4 0 2 1 Haggerty pr 0 1 0 0
Arizona (Young 6-3) at Cincinnati Díaz c 1 0 0 0
Saturday’s Games Weber 2 1 0 0 1 1 Pirela lf-rf 301 0 Lagares cf 1 1 1 0 Totals 35 4 9 4 Totals 34 9 12 9
N.Y. Yankees (Happ 11-8) at Boston (Castillo 14-5), 3:10 p.m.
Hernandez 1 0 0 0 1 1 Eflin p 200 0 Matz p 1 0 1 0
(TBD), 3:05 p.m. Kansas City (Duffy 5-6) at Miami Poyner 1 0 0 0 0 2 Gosselin ph 000 0 Avilán p 0 0 0 0 St. Louis 020 000 200 — 4
Kansas City (Duffy 5-6) at Miami (Smith 8-9), 5:10 p.m. Umpires—Home, Tim Timmons; First, Ron Kul- Hughes p 000 0 Brach p 0 0 0 0 Pittsburgh 001 000 62x — 9
(Smith 8-9), 5:10 p.m. St. Louis (Wainwright 10-9) at Pitts- pa; Second, Mike Muchlinski; Third, Rob Drake. DP—St. Louis 2, Pittsburgh 1. LOB—St. Louis
Suárez p 000 0 Wilson p 0 0 0 0
burgh (Brault 4-3), 6:05 p.m. T—3:08. A—36,162 (37,731).
Toronto (TBD) at Tampa Bay (Morton Parker p 0 0 0 0 Guillorme ph 0 0 0 0 8, Pittsburgh 8. 2B—Carpenter (16), Molina (22),
14-6), 5:10 p.m. Chicago Cubs (Darvish 5-6) at Mil- Neris p 000 0 Díaz p 0 0 0 0 Newman (17), Reynolds (34). 3B—Frazier (7).
Texas (TBD) at Baltimore (Brooks waukee (González 2-2), 6:10 p.m. Tampa Bay 5, Toronto 0 Morrison ph 100 0 J.Davis ph 1 0 1 0 HR—Edman 2 (7).
4-7), 6:05 p.m. Philadelphia (Smyly 3-6) at N.Y. Mets Toronto Tampa Bay Morin p 000 0
(Stroman 7-12), 6:10 p.m. ab r bih ab r h bi IP H R ER BB SO
Cleveland (Civale 3-3) at Minnesota Vincent p 000 0 St. Louis
Washington (Ross 3-4) at Atlanta Bichette ss 3 0 0
0 Sogard 2b 2 0 0 0
(Odorizzi 14-6), 6:10 p.m. Totals 35 4 9 4 Totals 32 5 10 5 Mikolas 5 3 1 1 4 7
(Teheran 9-8), 6:20 p.m. Hernández cf 4 0 0 0 Duffy 3b 2 0 1 0
L.A. Angels (Heaney 3-4) at Chicago Webb H,5 1 0 0 0 0 1
Colorado (Hoffman 1-5) at San Di- Grichuk dh 4 0 1
0 Meadows lf 4 1 2 1 Philadelphia 000 011 002 — 4 Gant H,17 1/3 1 2 2 1 1
White Sox (Covey 1-7), 6:10 p.m.
ego (Lucchesi 9-7), 7:40 p.m. Guerrero Jr. 3b 4 0 0 0 García rf 4 0 1 1 New York 001 100 021 — 5 Miller L,4-5 BS,5-8 1/3 3 3 3 0 1
Seattle (Kikuchi 6-9) at Houston
San Francisco (Beede 3-9) at L.A. Tellez 1b 3 0 0 0 Choi 1b 4 0 0 0 DP—Philadelphia 2, New York 1. LOB—Philadel- Brebbia 1/3 2 1 1 0 0
(Verlander 17-5), 6:10 p.m. Drury 2b 3 0 0 0 Lowe dh 4 0 0 0 phia 9, New York 7. 2B—Segura 2 (35), Realmuto Mayers 1 3 2 2 1 1
Detroit (Zimmermann 1-9) at Oak- Dodgers (Gonsolin 2-1), 8:10 p.m. (34), Dickerson (9). HR—Realmuto (23), Conforto Pittsburgh
Davis rf 3 0 0
0 Adames ss 3 1 2 0
land (Bassitt 9-5), 8:07 p.m. Sunday’s Games Jansen c 2 0 0
0 Kiermaier cf 3 1 0 0 (29). SB—Hoskins (2). S—Matz (4), Guillorme (2). McRae 5 5 3 2 2 2 1
Arizona at Cincinnati, 12:10 p.m. Alford lf 3 0 0 1 Zunino c 3 1 1 2 Feliz 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
Sunday’s Games Rodríguez 1/3 2 2 2 1 1
Texas at Baltimore, 12:05 p.m. Kansas City at Miami, 12:10 p.m. Wendle 2b 3 1 2 0 IP H R ER BB SO
Philadelphia Wang W,2-0 2/3 0 0 0 0 0
Kansas City at Miami, 12:10 p.m. Philly at N.Y. Mets, 12:10 p.m. Totals 29 0 2 0 Totals 32 5 9 4 Liriano H,11 2/3 2 0 0 0 0
Eflin 5 6 2 2 0 6
Toronto at Tampa Bay, 12:10 p.m. Washington at Atlanta, 12:20 p.m. Vázquez S,25-28 1 1 1/3 2 0 0 0 3
Toronto 000 000 000 — 0 Hughes 1 0 0 0 0 1
Cleveland at Minnesota, 1:10 p.m. Suárez 1 0 0 0 0 2 HBP—Mikolas (Newman).
St. Louis at Pittsburgh, 12:35 p.m. Tampa Bay 120 100 01x — 5
Angels at White Sox, 1:10 p.m. Parker 1/3 0 2 2 2 0 Umpires—Home, Lance Barksdale; First, Ted
Seattle at Houston, 1:10 p.m. Cubs at Milwaukee, 1:10 p.m. E—Drury (4). DP—Toronto 1, Tampa Bay 0. Barrett; Second, Roberto Ortiz; Third, John Tump-
Neris 2/3 2 0 0 0 0
Detroit at Oakland, 3:07 p.m. Colorado at San Diego, 3:10 p.m. LOB—Toronto 4, Tampa Bay 3. 2B—García (20), Morin L,1-2 2/3 2 1 1 0 0 ane.
N.Y. Yankees at Boston, 7:05 p.m. San Fran. at L.A. Dodgers, 3:10 p.m. Adames (21). 3B—Grichuk (4). HR—Zunino (9). Vincent 0 0 0 0 1 0 T—3:28. A—19,090 (38,362).
his hitting streak to 11 singles for the Red Sox, jor league debut. Danny
games. who won for the 13th Jansen had a leadoff
Despite battling a time in 19 games. The walk, Anthony Alford
The Lawton Constitution
Primer State
3) Pryor (19-7) vs. 6)
Ardmore (23-3); 2)
Piedmont (21-4) vs. 7)
Continued from Page 1B Continued from Page 1B East Central (17-8)
scorers on a team that gets plenty in the first round. How- Storyline: A new queen
of help from its defense, limiting e v e r, c o a c h M a r c o With last year’s ti-
opponents to 31 points per game. Gagliardi’s team shouldn’t tle winner — Booker T.
Anadarko — which is riding an be written off so quickly. Washington — moving
18-game winning streak — has sev- The Chargers are un- up to Class 6A this sea-
eral outside shooters, none more vi- doubtedly great, but this son, Class 5A is guaran-
tal than sophomore, Lexi Foreman, isn’t a seven-game series. teed a new champion.
who sank six triples and erupted One game is all it takes to The only other recent
for 33 points in the Area champi- get the job done. champ in the field is East
onship overtime win over Classen Steal the upset on Central, which took home
last weekend. Thursday, and the High- the crown in 2017. For
Ke e p an e ye on anot he r landers are looking at any other team, it will be
2,000-point scorer, Holland Hall’s two beatable teams in El a new experience.
Gabby Gregory, the 6-foot prolific Reno or Carl Albert in the Ike is looking to end a
scorer who will play for the Okla- semifinals. long slump in state tour-
homa Sooners next season and is Ike’s road is much eas- nament games, having
one of only four girls in Oklahoma ier, though No. 3 North- not advanced past open-
history to surpass 2,500 career west Classen is no slouch. ing day since 1985. The
points and 1,000 rebounds. The Eagles have been Lady Eagles actually won
Quotable one of Class 5A’s powers the state title that year,
“The girls have worked so hard the last few years, even their second-straight.
even after losing the coach (Brett winning the title in 2015, After that, though, ap-
Tahah). WNU ‘Why Not Us?’ has but their 14-13 record this pearances were few and
been our motto.” — Elgin coach season has them being far between. Following
Jerrod Jones overlooked despite their the ’85 title run, Ike didn’t
“The girls are starting to show No. 5 ranking. return to the state tour-
that championship poise.” — Coach Todd Millwee’s nament until 2003 and
Anadarko coach Jeff Zinn squad and the Knights then another 14 years af-
are evenly matched on ter that.
Predictions paper, garnering similar However, Lady Ea-
Elgin edges ‘Darko for title results against common gles coach Daniel Wall
I’d be shocked if the top two opponents in wins against has turned the program
seeds in the 4A girls bracket aren’t Michael D. Pope/Staff Carl Albert and Santa Fe around.
playing for a state championship MacArthur guard Sep Reese (2) puts up a layup in traffic past a host of on- South and losses against Ike is now making its
come Saturday, but this is really a looking Elgin defenders during a game this season. The Owls and Highland- Edmond North. third-straight state tour-
coin flip between Anadarko and ers met three times while both made the state tournament this weekend, Not to mention the Ea- nament appearance for
Elgin. but will have to open against the top seeds in their respective field, both of gles defeated Northwest only the second time in
We give the “slight” nod to Elgin whom are 4A and 5A title finalists from a year ago. Classen, 78-77, in a pre- school history.
only because the Lady Owls have season scrimmage. The Lady Eagles are
beaten the Lady Warriors two out ning streak entering the Area ti- the younger brother of Texas A&M
tle game last weekend — until the All-American tight end Jace Ster- If Ike can slip past the out to end the drought,
of three times this season, includ- Knights again, it’ll most and a Gold Ball would
ing for the Bertha Teague champi- Owls ran into Heritage Hall. nberger. The Owls will have their
Heritage Hall, which edged hands full with the younger Stern- likely be matched up with put a nice gloss on the
onship. Elgin also won in the state No. 2 Del City. mission.
tournament quarterfinals a season Kingfisher by five to win the state berger, who you can expect to make
championship last season, enters several highlight-reel type plays this Ike played Del City Meanwhile, Ike’s first-
ago, but let’s just say it could easily twice this season, and de- round opponent, No. 3
be Anadarko clipping Elgin for the the state tournament unblemished weekend.
at 26-0 and on an unprecedented Could Anadarko point guard spite losing each by three Will Rogers and possible
state title. points, it has proven it can semifinals challenger No.
Here’s why: ‘Darko — which beat 46-game winning streak. Can any- Christian Braveheart have another
one stop the Chargers from going buzzer-beating moment in the state hang with the top-ranked 10 El Reno, are looking
Elgin 45-40 at home in January — teams. for their first state tourney
has improved significantly since the 29-0, repeating as state champs and tournament? His 3-pointer at the
extending the streak to 49? Seek- buzzer to knock off Elgin at the If the Eagles reach that wins in program history.
two December losses to the Owls. point, they’ll be hoping Combined, those pro-
“After Christmas, things really ing revenge, top-seeded Kingfisher horn in December hints that the
has the best shot at ending Heritage Warriors’ top scorer could shower the “third time’s a charm” grams are 0-15 in games
changed. The girls were figuring expression comes true of that variety.
out roles and developing as a team. Hall’s reign. fans with an encore under the
bright lights of the Big House. and sends them to their Will Rogers is back in
Now they talk about each other’s Players to watch: Connor Slater, first state title game ap- the fold for the first time
strengths and weaknesses,” Zinn Holden Bartosovsky, Dylan Burk Quotable pearance since 2015. since 2011, and like the
said. “They know they can do it (Elgin), Sternberger (Kingfisher), “We believe we can beat anybody Lady Eagles, El Reno is
now.” Christian Braveheart (Anadarko) in the state.” — Elgin coach Ryan Players to watch making its third-straight
“Our kids aren’t old, but they’ve Elgin has quite the trio in Con- Green Antonio Gordon, Sr., appearance.
been through this. Before the Area nor Slater, Holden Bartosovsky and Predictions Ike — The 6-foot-10 for-
title game against Classen I told Dylan Burk, who if all hitting on ward can do it all. Gordon, Players to watch
Kingfisher finishes as 4A king Ginger Reece, Sr., Ike
them, ‘You’ve been here before, the same night, could help the Owls Sternberger and Kingfisher will who averages 27.3 points
been caught up in the moment and per game, is a threat ev- — Reece is a fearless com-
make some noise. get revenge on Heritage Hall in the
let the moment get to you,’” Zinn erywhere on court. petitor who has ice in her
Connor Slater is a lanky, savvy state championship game as the Yel- veins when it comes to
said. “Our kids’ mindset is a lot bet- forward and typically the Owls lowjackets and Chargers swap Sil- His pristine shoot-
ter this year than last.” ing ability allows him late-game situations. The
most consistent scorer who, like ver and Gold Balls. Arkansas signee hit seven
Meanwhile, Elgin is filled with Paige Pendley, can drain shots from Here’s a twist, though. Don’t to knock down multiple
upperclassmen, featuring four se- 3-pointers an outing, but free throws in the final 62
the outside, while also terrorizing count out Elgin, which is a dark- seconds of the Area con-
nior starters who have also been on defenders in the paint. Bartosovsky horse as the No. 8 seed. The Owls he also doesn’t mind go-
this stage before. ing inside and posterizing solation championship
hit an emphatic game-winner in an would be seeded higher with a against MacArthur, lift-
Let’s just say it’s a tossup and overtime win against 2A No. 1 Dale better quarterfinal draw if not for opponents with ferocious
hope that round four on Saturday dunks when the time is ing Ike to a 57-52 win.
in the OBU Tournament before bracketing principles that prevents Combine her ability to
comes true so Anadarko and Elgin dropping 42 points on MacArthur. them from playing on the lower half right.
can tussle it out for a Gold Ball. Sep Reese, Jr., Mac — shoot and drive with her
He’s had multiple 30-plus point with Area opponent Heritage Hall. flashy passing ability, and
games this season and don’t be Elgin played the Chargers close Reese is the Highland-
ers’ leader, and he will it’s no surprise she puts up
Class 4A Boys one bit surprised if he climbs that last weekend, and can no doubt play 15.1 points per game.
mountain again in the Big House. with Kingfisher. The Owls are tal- have the ball in his hands
The Field: 1) Kingfisher (25-1) vs. Dylan Burk is Elgin’s top shooter ented enough to upset Kingfisher, with the game on the line. Sierra Gordon, Sr.,
8) Elgin (24-4); 2) Heritage Hall Averaging 18 points per Ardmore — Gordon is
(26-0) vs. 7) Broken Bow (24-4); 3) and has hit his own big shots, in- but will need a near flawless per- an electric player who
cluding the game-winner in the fi- formance to do so. If Elgin does game, look for the junior
John Marshall (22-4) vs. 6) Central to take over when things can attack defenses in a
Tulsa (22-7); 4) Holland Hall (21- nal seconds to edge MacArthur for stun last year’s runner-up, the Owls variety of ways. Her speed
the Shortgrass title. could find themselves in Saturday’s get dicey for Mac.
6) vs. 5) Anadarko (22-6) Kalib and Keylan allows her to blow by de-
Kingfisher is the top seed and title game after taking down ‘Darko fenders and to the rim for
Storyline: Heritage Hall’s has only lost once all season in large — which should emerge victori- Boone, Memorial —
easy layups, but she can
46-game winning streak part due to Jett Sternberger, who av- ous against Holland Hall — in the These two are the main
reason why the Chargers also pull up from deep if
Elgin was on an 18-game win- eraged 21 points as a junior and is semifinals. need be.
are so formidable. Memo-
rial can count on the duo She’s shown to have
to account for at least half NBA range, hitting a
of the team’s points every 3-pointer from near half-
night, and they use their court against Carl Albert
height — 6-8 and 6-9, re- last month. Gordon aver-
spectively — to dominate ages 17.3 points per game
the boards. for No. 1 Ardmore.
Only three other play- Delanie Crawford, Sr.,
ers in the tournament Piedmont — The Lady
can match their length — Wildcats go as Craw-
Gordon, Eli Hollis (6-9, El ford goes. Although only
Reno) and Chris Veales a sophomore, Crawford
(6-9, Carl Albert) averages 14.8 points and
has the ability to stretch
Prediction the floor with an impres-
Memorial three-peats sive inside-outside game.
It’s tough to pick Also watch out for
against the two-time de- her older sister Regan,
fending champions with who tallies nine points
two of the best players in per game. She scored 16
the state. points alongside Delanie’s
The Chargers are roll- 18 points in a 22-point
ing, and unless a team victory over MacArthur
can find an answer for on Feb. 12.
their overwhelming size
and experience, Memo- Prediction
rial is claiming its ninth Ardmore edges Eisen-
title and third in as many hower
years. Ike will take advantage
However, expect Mac of the easier draw and
and its dynamic shooters take out Will Rogers and
to give the Chargers one Coweta to reach the title
of their best games of the game for the first time in
season. 34 years.
The Lady Tigers have
Class 5A Girls been No. 1 for most of
The Field: 1) Will Rogers the season, though, and
Gerardo Bello/Staff (23-3) vs. 8) Eisenhower they will solidify that with
Eisenhower guard Hallie Horton, right, cruises past MacArthur guard Tamera Thomas during a Class 5A Area conso- (14-13); 4) El Reno (16- the program’s third state
lation final at Moore High on Saturday. Horton, a senior, hopes to close out her high school career with the Lady 10) vs. 5) Coweta (19-8); championship.
Eagles’ first state championship since 1985. Ike takes on Will Rogers at 2 p.m. today at the Mabee Center.
Thursday, March 7, 2019 The Lawton Constitution | 3B
Class 6A Boys
6 p.m. — Semifinal winners Class B
Thursday’s quarterfinals Class 5A Boys Class 4A Boys Class 3A Boys Class 2A Boys Girls Championship
At Catoosa Thursday’s quarterfinals Thursday’s quarterfinals Thursday’s quarterfinals Thursday’s quarterfinals Varnum 39, Hammon 36
2 p.m. — W2) Putnam City (15-11) At Skiatook At Fairgrounds At Southern Nazarene University At Edmond North
vs. E3) Southmoore (19-8) 2 p.m. — E1) Tulsa Memorial (22-3) 2 p.m. — 3) John Marshall (22-4) 1 p.m. — 2) Millwood (23-3) vs. 7) 2 p.m. — 1) Dale (22-7) vs. 8) Re- State Champion: Varnum
3:30 p.m. — E1) BT Washington vs. W4) MacArthur (19-7) vs. 6) Central Tulsa (22-7) Washington (20-8) joice Christian (21-8)
(23-2) vs. W4) Putnam City West 3:30 p.m. — W1) Del City (23-3) 3:30 p.m. — 4) Holland Hall (21-6) 3:30 p.m. — 1) Kingston (25-2) vs. 3:30 p.m. — 4) Okemah (21-6) vs.
(20-7) vs. E4) Collinsville (17-9) vs. 5) Anadarko (22-6) 8) Christian Heritage (21-8) 5) Minco (25-3)
7 p.m. — E2) Sapulpa (21-4) vs. 7 p.m. — E2) Northwest Classen 7 p.m. — 2) Heritage Hall (26-0) 7 p.m. — 3) Metro Christian (23-4) 7 p.m. — 2) Hennessey (24-2) vs. Boys Championship
W3) Edmond Memorial (25-1) (20-5) vs. W3) Eisenhower (14-13) vs. 7) Broken Bow (24-4) vs. 6) Hugo (18-7) 7) Vanoss (26-5) Kinta 47, Calumet 44
8:30 p.m. — W1) Midwest City (20- 8:30 p.m. — W2) El Reno (19-7) 8:30 p.m. — 1) Kingfisher (25-1) 8:30 p.m. — 4) Spiro (22-4) vs. Se- 8:30 p.m. — 3) Rock Creek (25-3)
6) vs. E4) Putnam City North (14-13) vs. E3) Carl Albert (16-11) vs. 8) Elgin (24-4) quoyah-Tahlequah (20-7) vs. 6) Hooker (25-2) State Champion: Kinta