Boiler Acid Cleaning
Boiler Acid Cleaning
Boiler Acid Cleaning
1. Initial boiler filling with hot water through BFP at 90-100 C for tightness
2. Super heater will be kept filled up to avoid acid contamination. Test closure
installed at SH output (LHS & RHS) and hangers jacked. HP Bypass emergency
opening Manos tat will be kept disconnected to check for any passing of test
5. The following instrument isolating values to be kept closed prior to acid cleaning.
i. Drum level 3H switch - NA20 L3 and L12
ii. Drum level 2H switch - NA20 L004
iii. Drum level H switch - NA20 L005
iv. Drum level 3L switch - NA20 L008 & L013
v. Drum level 2L switch - NA20 L007
vi. Drum level L switch - NA20 L006
vii. Drum level transmitter - NA20 L2 & L011
viii. Drum level local gauges - NA20 L9 & L010
ix. Drum level remote level indicator - NA20 L014
NOTE: Drum level transmitter NA20 L001 – impulse lines are cut and re-routed
for temporary local level indicator for acid cleaning.
x. Drum pressure H - NA20 P005 (PSH)
xi. Drum pressure 3H - NA20 P003 (PA -3H)
xii. Drum pressure gauge (local) - NA20P4
xiii. Drum pressure control recorder - NA20 P001 (PCR)
xiv. Drum pressure process - NA20 P002 (PIP)
xv. Drum pressure process - NA20 P002 (PIP)
xvi. Drum pressure HH - NA20 P006 (PS-HH)
xvii. Pressure gauge root value (after RL50G201)
6. Drum vents (2” new drum vent provided from saturated stream lines NC35 3” ø
header and 1” ø manual vent) should remain always open throughout the acid
cleaning period unless asked to be closed by the contractor.
10. For Acid recirculation pump, 415V power supply is arranged from 56CB2 bus.
11. DP return condensate (from common header) will be lined up to U#5 for
1. Confirm that the boiler has been restored and drum doors are closed.
4. Drain boiler and replace tube (this operation must be done as fast as possible).
5. Fill again to operational level by hot water containing hydrazine (50ppm and
pH>9) back-flush super heater.
8. Refill boiler (not super heater) to operation level using a solution containing
50ppm of N2H4 and ammonia 50 ppm and maintain same concentration in FWT
12. Continue purging each 30’ opening each valve for about 1’ – as decided by
13. After reaching 5 bars try to remain at this pressure for about 2 hrs. using HP
bypass & start up vent.
14. In case it is difficult to maintain the pressure constant allow the minimum
possible increase.
15. Try to avoid extinguishing fire. This is to avoid any fluctuation of the pressure.
17. At the end of the step at 5 bars it is suggested to have hydrazine content > 80
18. Increase the pressure to reach 10 bars (increase the temperature by about 30 – 40
C per hour)
20. Check water turbidity and in case it gets close to normal operation values reduce
time (45’ – 30’ – 15’) of draining as well as percentage of opening of continuous
blow down.
21. Maintain the pressure at 10 bars for about 2 hrs.
22. In case it is difficult to maintain the pressure constant allow the minimum
possible increase.
23. Try to avoid extinguishing fire. This is to avoid any fluctuation of the pressure.
24. Continue same program of purging unless differently advised by chemical lab
(see point 19)
25. At the end of the step of 10 bars it is suggested to have hydrazine content > 60
26. Increase the pressure to reach 30 bars (increase the temperature by about 30 – 40
C per hour)
27. Continue same program of purging unless differently advised by chemical
29. In case it is difficult to maintain the pressure constant allow the minimum
possible increase.
30. Try to avoid extinguishing fire. This is to avoid any fluctuation of the pressure.
31. Continue same program of purging unless differently advised (see point 19)
32. At the end of the step of 30 bars it is suggested to have hydrazine content > 50
33. Increase the pressure to reach 50 bars (increase the temperature by about 30 – 40
C per hour)
34. Continue same program of purging unless differently advised (see point 19)
36. In case it is difficult to maintain the pressure constant allow the minimum
possible increase.
37. Try to avoid extinguishing fire. This is to avoid any fluctuation of the pressure.
38. Continue same program of purging unless differently advised by chemical lab.
39. At the end of the step at 50 bars it is suggested to have hydrazine content 2 – 5
40. Slowly increase pressure to operating level stay in this condition for few hours
and control all parameters before admitting to turbine.
NOTE: The hydrazine values shown above are just a reference that permits to avoid a
continuous monitoring of the chemical parameters. During operation you must
guarantee always the presence of an excess (few ppm) of hydrazine to permit
the formation of magnetite. Even if you find lower values (respect to those
listed above), you do not have to worry as a matter of fact it is sufficient to have
hydrazine present in slight excess.