Boiler Sop Rev
Boiler Sop Rev
Boiler Sop Rev
1. Start up sequence
2. Filling the boiler
3. Start up procedure
4. Purging procedure
5. SOP for Loop seal Fan
6. SOP for ID Fan
7. SOP for PA Fan
8. SOP for SA Fan
9. Emergency Trip
10.Soot Blowing
11.Spray Attemperation
12. Normal Shutdown
13.HP dosing
14.LP dosing
15.Cold Start Up procedure
16.Operating Parameters
17.Boiler Shut Down procedure
18.Important points during Start up and Shutdown
19.Design Parameters
The boiler is initially filled using the boiler initial fill pump to the start-up
level about 40% water level. The water should be chemically treated to the
proper chemical concentrations and pH for normal boiler operation, as per
the water quality requirement
1. Ensure boiler interlocks are OK.
Prior to purge, it is essential that an internal inspection of the combustion
air duct (wind box), be made for back sifting of bed material. All back
shifting materials should be removed from the duct, the combustor,
cyclones and COC (cyclone outlet chamber) must be purged (except the
special procedure for hot restart).
The general procedure will be to start one (1), the ID fan, the loop seal
blower, Secondary fan and the Primary. Airflow is then set as for the
requirements and all fans put on AUTO control. Purging will be
accomplished and fans will be left in operation for subsequent start-up.
PA fan flow minimum
30 TPH
SA header pressure
- >400 MMWC
1. Start one ID fan. The ID fan inlet control vanes will close, the ID fan
breaker will close and the motor will start running. Once the motor is
Runs, the inlet control vanes are released to furnace draught control.
2. Start the Loop seal blower, before that delivery valve should be open and
air vent at 40 % open.
3. Start the Secondary, the fan inlet control vanes will close, and delivery
should be close. The fan breaker will close and the motor will start
running. Once the motor is runs, delivery dampers to be open after that
the inlet control vanes are released as per the combustor draught, SA
header pressure & SA flow.
4. Start the primary air fan, the fan inlet control vanes will close, and
delivery should be close. The fan breaker will close and the motor will
start running. Once the motor is runs at normal amps, delivery dampers to
be open after that the inlet control vanes are released as per the combustor
draught. The air flow must be maintained at 30 TPH.
5. Oil gun and ignition system to be cleaned and ensure the power supply
and the service air compressor pressure.
6. Start the LDO pump for burner light up, pressure should be maintained at
12 -15 Kg /cm^2 and re circulation process to be continuous.
7. Purge the unit for 5 minutes.
8. One number of Burners to be start and LDO pressure the oil gun should
be maintained below the service air compressor pressure.
9. After an hour next (any) burner to be start.
10.Oil flow and oil pressure should be maintained according the bed
temperature and it should be maintain below than the service air
compressor pressure.
11.After the bed temperature reached 550 degree coals feeding to be start.
12.After the bed temperature reached 800 degree cut off the burner one by
13.Set the PA air flow and coal feeding for the requirement.
ID Fan
Per missives:
Before starting the ID fan, the system shall ensure the following conditions.
1. Steam drum level not low (not in interlocks)
2. Steam drum level not high (not in interlocks)
3. ID fan motor winding temperature not high
4. ID fan motor bearing temperature not high @ D.E
Before starting the loop seal Blower-I, the system shall ensure the following
1. Steam drum level not low
2. Steam drum level not high
3. Loop seal Blower motor not tripped
SA Fan Permissive:
Before starting the SA fan the system shall ensure the following conditions.
1. SA fan motor ready.
2. SA fan motor not tripped
3. SA fan motor running (or) suction Damper closed.
4. SA fan delivery damper close.
5. SA fan motor running (or) SA fanII motor running (or) SA fanII delivery
damper close.
6. ID Fan-I running.
7. Loop seal blower running.
8. Loop seal blower air pressure not low.
9. Furnace pressure not high high.
10. SA fan-I bearing temperature at DE & NDE not high high.
11. SA fan-I motor bearing temperature at DE & NDE not high high.
12. SA Fan-I motor winding temperature not high high.
13. Drum level not low.
14. Drum level not high.
PA Fan
Per missives:
Before starting the PA fan - the system shall ensure the following conditions.
1. PA fan Breaker in Service.
2. PA fan Trip circuit healthy.
3. PA fan motor ready.
4. PA fan delivery damper close
5. PA fan suction Damper close.
6. PA fan motor running or PA fanii delivery Damper close.
7. ID Fan running
8. Loop seal blower-I (or) Loop seal blower-ii running and SA Fan running.
9. Furnace pressure not high high.
10. PA fan bearing temperature at DE & NDE not high high.
11. PA fan motor bearing temperature at DE & NDE not high high.
12. PA fan motor winding temperature not high high.
13. PA fan motor vibration at DE & NDE not high high.
15. Drum level not low.
16. Drum level not high.
Main Fuel Trip (MFT)
On a main fuel trip, the following actions will take place:
a. Drum level low / high
b. Furnace pressure low/high
c. Instrument air compressor pressure.
d. ID fan not running
Soot Blowing
a. All external surfaces of tubes and elements must be kept reasonably free of
deposits if full capacity and efficiency are to be maintained. Soot blowing
should be used as often as necessary to accomplish this.
b. After the unit is placed in service, operate the soot blowers to remove any
deposits which may be present. Soot blowing should always be done on the
pre-established schedule basis regardless of the operating load; however,
below 50% load the PA and ID fans should be in manual control during the
soot blowing operation.
c. Soot blowing operations are considered a part of the boiler operation sand
require frequent monitoring to achieve optimum cleaning. Monitoring or
inspecting the following will insure an early establishment of the optimum
soot blowing sequence:
operation of the drain valves or trap is tube erosion occurring within the first
several feet of blower travel and is caused by water droplets entrained in the
steam being propelled against the tube surface.
2. Check the settings of individual soot blower blowing pressures.
3. During unit down time, visually inspect the furnace convection passes for ash
4. Monitor the high temp. super heater final steam temperatures.
5. Monitor the changes in attemperator spray flows.
6. Monitor economizer and air preheater exit gas temperatures.
7. Monitor air preheater air and gas side pressure differential variations.
8. Monitor gas side system resistance through the cage panel. Typically, when
the soot blowing system is first commissioned, the above mentioned boiler
parameters are monitored and optimized soot blowing sequence is adapted.
Periodic monitoring of the system can help prevent an unscheduled outage.
Spray Attemperation
Do not desuperheat the steam entering the SH wing wall and final superheater
inlet header to less than saturation temperature at the inlet pressure of the
transfer pipes.
a. Normal shutdown involves reducing the load on the unit in an orderly
manner, thus allowing the turbine and boiler to be decoupled without
causing temperature and pressure swings, while at the same time retaining
as hot a unit as possible.
b. Soot blowing before reducing load and taking unit out of service. During
shutting down, do not exceed an maximum temperature difference of 50
between top and bottom of the drum.
c. Control, as necessary, the superheater outlet temperature by regulating the
attemperator spray water flow. Close the water shut-off valves when
attemperation is no longer required.
d. Check and maintain drum level at normal (50 %).
e. Reduce unit load to minimum stable. Maintain minimum unit load for
approximately 30 minutes to help cool cyclone refractory, otherwise cyclone
tube temperatures will rise to greater than 420.
f. Transfer the boiler master control to manual.
g. close all fuel gates and run all fuel off the drag chain feeders ( if an extended
shutdown is expected). Also, empty the fuel bunker storage to their lowest
safe levels.
h. Monitor boiler oxygen levels and bed temperatures; when oxygen starts to
increase and bed temperatures start to decrease, closing off the air control
i. As the load is reduced below approximately 10 percent of rated boiler
capacity, open drain valves of the main steam line and cage panel
rate and these drain valves should not be completely closed off as long as
steam is still generated during the process.
j. After all fires have been extinguished, leave the PA,ID fans in operation for at
least five minutes to purge the setting of combustibles.
k. If pressure is to be maintained on the steam generator after being taken out of
service, shut down the fans after purging the unit. Close any associated fan
dampers to retain heat. When the drum pressure has fallen below the lowest set
safety valves, and there is insufficient heat remaining in the setting to pop the
safety valves, close the drain valves of the cage panel superheater. The drain and
vent valves should remain closed when not firing the unit.
l. Before firing a unit to maintain steam pressure, the cage panel superheater
outlet header downstream drain valves must be opened. Keep the drains open
during firing and keep the feed water supply system in operation as long as team
is generating from the unit. Maintain drum water level visible near normal level
indication on the gage glass when firing.
m. If the boiler is to be out of service for an extended period or entered for
maintenance, continue to cool down the unit using the fans, while removing
bed material via the bed ash cooler. The CAGE PANEL super heater outlet
header downstream drain valves may be regulated along with other super
heater drains to decrease drum pressure at the desired rate. Cool the unit as
uniformly as possible. The residual heat in the setting and the boiler
components will continue to generate steam for considerable time. During
this period, the boiler water level should be maintained near the upper limit of
gage glass visibility. Once all bed material is removed from the unit, purge
the boiler setting for five (5) minutes. The bed ash cooler should then be
removed from service. When the unit is cool enough for entry, the fans can be
taken out of service.
n. Stop the feeder systems. Shut down the PA and ID fans.
o. If the unit is to be drained, open all vents and drains when the drum pressure
has decreased to 3Kg/cm2. Temperature of the boiler water should not
exceed 120 when the unit is drained. Draining the unitwhen there is still a
small amount of pressure on the unit is preferred asthe residual heat will
assist in drying the internal surfaces.
p. Super heater header drain and vent valves should remain open during short
q. Idle boilers should not be allowed to remain partially filled withwater for any
appreciable length of time. Fill them completely withdeaerated alkaline water
into which hydrazine has been added as aprotection against corrosion. If the
outage will amount to several weeks or months, or should weather prohibit
filling the unit, drain and dry the unit, placing shallow pans of a
predetermined quantity of silica gel in the drums to absorb moisture and
maintain the internal surfaces in a dry condition. When the unit is to be out of
service for several days or longer, all ash and soot deposits should be
removed since moisture absorbed by sulfur bearing ash or soot causes
corrosion. It is advisable to soot blow the unit just before taking it out of
service, if possible.
Before starting the HP Dosing pump-I motor, the system shall ensure the
folowing conditions.
1. HP Dosing Pump-I motor ready.
2. HP Dosing tank level not low low.
3. HP Dosing Pump-I motor not tripped
HP Dosing Pump-I motor shall be started by selecting either in Remote or from
Local Mode. The HP Dosing Pump-I motor will be Started when the above
Permissive are Satisfied. HP Dosing Pump-I Motor can be started /stopped
either from DCS or LPBS.
Trip Condition:
The HP Dosing Pump-I motor shall be tripped, when any one of the Above
Permissive is failed. The agitator motor can be started when following condition
are satisfied.
Per missives:
1. Agitator Motor is ready.
2. Agitator motor not trip.
HP Dosing Agitator Geared motor shall be started by selecting either in Remote
or from Local mode in DCS. The HP Dosing Agitator Geared motor will be
started, when the above Permissive are satisfied.
HP Dosing Agitator Geared motor shall be wired, such that motor can be started
/stopped either from DCS / LPBS.
Trip Condition:
The HP Dosing Agitator Geared motor shall be tripped, when any one of the
above Permissive is failed.
LP Dosing
Before starting the LP Dosing pump-I motor, the system shall ensure the
following Conditions.
1. LP Dosing Pump motor ready.
2. LP Dosing tank level not low low.
3. LP Dosing Pump motor not tripped
LP Dosing Pump motor shall be started by selecting either in Remote or from
Local Mode. The LP Dosing Pump motor will be started when the above
Permissive are Satisfied. LP Dosing Pump motor can be Started /stopped either
from DCS or LPBS.
Trip Condition:
The HP Dosing Pump-I motor shall be tripped, when any one of the above
Permissive is failed.
The agitator motor can be started when following condition are satisfied.
1. Agitator Motor is ready.
2. Agitator motor not tripped
LP Dosing Agitator Geared motor shall be started by selecting either in Remote
or From Local mode in DCS. The LP Dosing Agitator Geared motor will be
started, when the above Permissive are satisfied.
HP Dosing Agitator Geared motor shall be wired,
Such that motor can be started /stopped either from DCS / LPBS.
Trip Condition:
The LP Dosing Agitator Geared motor shall be tripped, when any one of the
above Permissive is failed.
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