Section Propeties To Staad Parametric Formation

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Design of Column and Lacings For Axial Load and Bending Moment

Axial Load (P) = 2699 kN

Moment ( M ) = 3541 kN-m

Shear Force ( V1 ) = 345 kN

Normal Load Case ● Wind or Seismic load Case

Properites of Section
MB Section ISMB350

Area = 6670 mm²

Depth = 350 mm
Thickness of Web = 8.1 mm
Ixx = 136000000 mm4
Iyy = 5380000 mm4
Width of Flange = 140 mm

Flange Plate

Width = 300 mm
Thickness = 10 mm

Web Plate

Depth = 450 mm ###

Thickness = 8 mm

*Depth of web plate is more than of the beam

Distance Between The Two Columns,c/c ( C ) = 1500 mm

Properites of Single Section

Area = 19870 mm²

Ixx = 4.52E+08 mm4
Iyy = 5.08E+07 mm4

Properites of Compound Section

Area ( A ) = 39740 mm²

Iaa = 9.04E+08 mm4
Ibb = 2.25E+10 mm4

Length of column about aa - Axis ( La ) = 8000 mm

Length of column about bb - Axis ( L b ) = 27000 mm

Axial Force

raa (SQRT ( Iaa / A ) for combined section = 150.81 mm

rbb (SQRT(Ibb / A ) for combined section = 753.21 mm

La / raa for combined section = 53.05

Lb / rbb for combined section = 35.85

l =' Max of above Two = 53.05

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

fcc = 701.45 N/mm²

fy = 240.00 N/mm²

sac = 165.89 N/mm²

(sac ) act =P / A = 67.92 N/mm²

Bending Force

T =Mean Thickness of Compression Flange = 15.90 mm

( Area of Single Section / Depth of single
Section )

D = Overall Depth of Section = 1800 mm

sbc = 0.66*(fcb * fy)/(( fcb )1.4 + (fy) 1.4 ) 1/1.4 )

(Refer IS 800 - 1984 cl 6.2.3
fcb = k1 ( X + k2 Y ) C2 / C1 pg 56,63 & 64 )

X = Y * sqrt ( 1 + (1/20)*(l * T / D)2 )

Y = 26.5 x 10 5 / (l )²

Y = 941.70 N/mm²

X = 946.85 N/mm²

K1 = 1
K2 = 0
C2 / C1 = 1
fcb = 946.85 N/mm²

sbc = 191.09 N/mm²

(sbc )act = M / Z

Z ( Ibb * 2 / D ) = ### mm³

(sbc )act = 141.35 N/mm²

Check for Axial compression and Bending:

Refer IS 800 - 1984, pg 90 & cl 7.1.1

(sac )act + Cmx(sbc )act <= 1.0

(sac ) (1 - (sac .act / (0.66*fcc))* sbc

Cmx = 0.85

0.409408 + 0.736887 = 1.15

Not ok

Design Of Lacing
Element Slenderness

le <= 50 or

<= 0.7 * l = 37.13

le = 37.13

le = S / rimin

S = Spacing of Lacing

ri min = Min Radius of gyration of Single Member

ri min = 50.59 mm

S req = 1878.44 mm

S pro ( S ) = 1850 mm

Single Member Local Bucking

Total Vertical Force PTS = P / 2 + M / C

PTS = 3710.17 kN
Length about xx - Axis ( Lx ) = 8000 mm

Length about yy - Axis ( Ly ) = 1850 mm

rxx = 150.81 mm
ryy = 50.59 mm

Lx / rxx = 53.05

Ly / ryy = 36.57

l =' Max of above Two = 53.05

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

fcc = 701.45 N/mm²

fy = 240.00 N/mm²

sac = 165.89 N/mm²

(sac ) act =P / A = 186.72 N/mm² Not OK

Inclination ( Measured from vertical )

tan f = distance between col / 0.5*S pro

= 58.34 SAFE
f lies between 40 to 70

Transverse Shear V2 = 0.025 * P = 67.475 kN

Total Shear force ( VT = V1 + V2 ) = 412.475 kN

● Single Lacing Double Lacing

No. of Lacing Plane ( N ) = 2

Corresponding Force on Lacing

= VT * cosec f / N = 242.30 kN

Length of the Lacing ( a ) SQRT ( C²+(S/2)²) = 1762.28 mm

Effective Length 0.7 * a = 1233.59 mm

Angle Size 90X90X10

Area of Angle AA = 1700 mm²

r min (rvv ) = 17.4 mm

l 0.7 *a / r min = 70.90

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

Fcc = 392.72 N/mm²

Fy = 250.00 N/mm²

sac = 147.14 N/mm²

(sac )act = VT / AA = 142.53 N/mm²

Design of Column and Lacings For Axial Load and Bending Moment

Axial Load (P) = 2509 kN

Moment ( M ) = 3347 kN-m

Shear Force ( V1 ) = 328 kN

Normal Load Case ● Wind or Seismic load Case

Properites of Section
MB Section ISMB550

Area = 13200 mm²

Depth = 550 mm
Thickness of Web = 11.2 mm
Ixx = 649000000 mm4
Iyy = 18300000 mm4
Width of Flange = 190 mm

Flange Plate

Width = 300 mm
Thickness = 10 mm

Web Plate

Depth = 460 mm ###

Thickness = 8 mm

Distance Between The Two Columns,c/c ( C ) = 1500 mm

Properites of Single Section

Area = 26560 mm²

Ixx = 1.25E+09 mm4
Iyy = 6.40E+07 mm4

Properites of Compound Section

Area ( A ) = 53120 mm²

Iaa = 2.50E+09 mm4
Ibb = 3.01E+10 mm4

Length of column about aa - Axis ( La ) = 8000 mm

Length of column about bb - Axis ( L b ) = 27000 mm

Axial Force

raa (SQRT ( Iaa / A ) for combined section = 216.87 mm

rbb (SQRT(Ibb / A ) for combined section = 752.73 mm

La / raa for combined section = 36.89

Lb / rbb for combined section = 35.87

l =' Max of above Two = 36.89

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

fcc = 1450.60 N/mm²

fy = 240.00 N/mm²

sac = 181.21 N/mm²

(sac ) act =P / A = 47.23 N/mm²

Bending Force

T =Mean Thickness of Compression Flange = 18.07 mm

( Area of Single Section / Depth of single
Section )

D = Overall Depth of Section = 1800 mm

sbc = 0.66*(fcb * fy)/(( fcb )1.4 + (fy) 1.4 ) 1/1.4 )

(Refer IS 800 - 1984 cl 6.2.3
fcb = k1 ( X + k2 Y ) C2 / C1 pg 56,63 & 64 )

X = Y * sqrt ( 1 + (1/20)*(l * T / D)2 )

Y = 26.5 x 10 5 / (l )²

Y = 1947.44 N/mm²

X = 1954.10 N/mm²

K1 = 1
K2 = 0
C2 / C1 = 1
fcb = 1954.10 N/mm²

sbc = 203.03 N/mm²

(sbc )act = M / Z

Z ( Ibb * 2 / D ) = ### mm³

(sbc )act = 100.08 N/mm²

Check for Axial compression and Bending:

Refer IS 800 - 1984, pg 90 & cl 7.1.1

(sac )act + Cmx(sbc )act <= 1.0

(sac ) (1 - (sac .act / (0.66*fcc))* sbc

Cmx = 0.85

0.260654 + 0.440749 = 0.70


Design Of Lacing
Element Slenderness

le <= 50 or

<= 0.7 * l = 25.82

le = 25.82

le = S / rimin

S = Spacing of Lacing

ri min = Min Radius of gyration of Single Member

ri min = 49.08 mm

S req = 1267.34 mm

S pro ( S ) = 1250 mm

Single Member Local Bucking

Total Vertical Force PTS = P / 2 + M / C

PTS = 3485.83 kN
Length about xx - Axis ( Lx ) = 8000 mm

Length about yy - Axis ( Ly ) = 1250 mm

rxx = 216.87 mm
ryy = 49.08 mm

Lx / rxx = 36.89

Ly / ryy = 25.47

l =' Max of above Two = 36.89

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

fcc = 1450.60 N/mm²

fy = 240.00 N/mm²

sac = 181.21 N/mm²

(sac ) act =P / A = 131.24 N/mm² SAFE

Inclination ( Measured from vertical )

tan f = distance between col / 0.5*S pro

= 67.38 SAFE
f lies between 40 to 70

Transverse Shear V2 = 0.025 * P = 62.725 kN

Total Shear force ( VT = V1 + V2 ) = 390.725 kN

● Single Lacing Double Lacing

No. of Lacing Plane ( N ) = 2

Corresponding Force on Lacing

= VT * cosec f / N = 211.64 kN

Length of the Lacing ( a ) SQRT ( C²+(S/2)²) = 1625.00 mm

Effective Length 0.7 * a = 1137.50 mm

Angle Size 90X90X8

Area of Angle AA = 1380 mm²

r min (rvv ) = 17.5 mm

l 0.7 *a / r min = 65.00

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

Fcc = 467.20 N/mm²

Fy = 250.00 N/mm²

sac = 155.56 N/mm²

(sac )act = VT / AA = 153.36 N/mm²

Design of Column and Lacings For Axial Load and Bending Moment

Axial Load (P) = 2380 kN

Moment ( M ) = 3110 kN-m

Shear Force ( V1 ) = 303 kN

Normal Load Case ● Wind or Seismic load Case

Properites of Section
MB Section ISMB500

Area = 11100 mm²

Depth = 500 mm
Thickness of Web = 10.2 mm
Ixx = 452000000 mm4
Iyy = 13700000 mm4
Width of Flange = 180 mm

Flange Plate

Width = 250 mm
Thickness = 10 mm

Web Plate

Depth = 400 mm ###

Thickness = 10 mm

Distance Between The Two Columns,c/c ( C ) = 1500 mm

Properites of Single Section

Area = 24100 mm²

Ixx = 8.84E+08 mm4
Iyy = 4.06E+07 mm4

Properites of Compound Section

Area ( A ) = 48200 mm²

Iaa = 1.77E+09 mm4
Ibb = 2.72E+10 mm4

Length of column about aa - Axis ( La ) = 8000 mm

Length of column about bb - Axis ( L b ) = 27000 mm

Axial Force

raa (SQRT ( Iaa / A ) for combined section = 191.50 mm

rbb (SQRT(Ibb / A ) for combined section = 751.84 mm

La / raa for combined section = 41.78

Lb / rbb for combined section = 35.91

l =' Max of above Two = 41.78

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

fcc = 1131.05 N/mm²

fy = 240.00 N/mm²

sac = 177.29 N/mm²

(sac ) act =P / A = 49.38 N/mm²

Bending Force

T =Mean Thickness of Compression Flange = 18.54 mm

( Area of Single Section / Depth of single
Section )

D = Overall Depth of Section = 1750 mm

sbc = 0.66*(fcb * fy)/(( fcb )1.4 + (fy) 1.4 ) 1/1.4 )

(Refer IS 800 - 1984 cl 6.2.3
fcb = k1 ( X + k2 Y ) C2 / C1 pg 56,63 & 64 )

X = Y * sqrt ( 1 + (1/20)*(l * T / D)2 )

Y = 26.5 x 10 5 / (l )²

Y = 1518.44 N/mm²

X = 1525.86 N/mm²

K1 = 1
K2 = 0
C2 / C1 = 1
fcb = 1525.86 N/mm²

sbc = 200.06 N/mm²

(sbc )act = M / Z

Z ( Ibb * 2 / D ) = ### mm³

(sbc )act = 99.88 N/mm²

Check for Axial compression and Bending:

Refer IS 800 - 1984, pg 90 & cl 7.1.1

(sac )act + Cmx(sbc )act <= 1.0

(sac ) (1 - (sac .act / (0.66*fcc))* sbc

Cmx = 0.85

0.278511 + 0.454416 = 0.73


Design Of Lacing
Element Slenderness

le <= 50 or

<= 0.7 * l = 29.24

le = 29.24

le = S / rimin

S = Spacing of Lacing

ri min = Min Radius of gyration of Single Member

ri min = 41.02 mm

S req = 1199.64 mm

S pro ( S ) = 1150 mm

Single Member Local Bucking

Total Vertical Force PTS = P / 2 + M / C

PTS = 3263.33 kN
Length about xx - Axis ( Lx ) = 8000 mm

Length about yy - Axis ( Ly ) = 1150 mm

rxx = 191.50 mm
ryy = 41.02 mm

Lx / rxx = 41.78

Ly / ryy = 28.03

l =' Max of above Two = 41.78

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

fcc = 1131.05 N/mm²

fy = 240.00 N/mm²

sac = 177.29 N/mm²

(sac ) act =P / A = 135.41 N/mm² SAFE

Inclination ( Measured from vertical )

tan f = distance between col / 0.5*S pro

= 69.03 SAFE
f lies between 40 to 70

Transverse Shear V2 = 0.025 * P = 59.5 kN

Total Shear force ( VT = V1 + V2 ) = 362.5 kN

● Single Lacing Double Lacing

No. of Lacing Plane ( N ) = 2

Corresponding Force on Lacing

= VT * cosec f / N = 194.11 kN

Length of the Lacing ( a ) SQRT ( C²+(S/2)²) = 1606.43 mm

Effective Length 0.7 * a = 1124.50 mm

Angle Size 90X90X8

Area of Angle AA = 1380 mm²

r min (rvv ) = 17.5 mm

l 0.7 *a / r min = 64.26

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

Fcc = 478.06 N/mm²

Fy = 250.00 N/mm²

sac = 156.60 N/mm²

(sac )act = VT / AA = 140.66 N/mm²

Design of Column and Lacings For Axial Load and Bending Moment

Axial Load (P) = 1904 kN

Moment ( M ) = 2525 kN-m

Shear Force ( V1 ) = 245 kN

Normal Load Case ● Wind or Seismic load Case

Properites of Section
MB Section ISMB450

Area = 9220 mm²

Depth = 450 mm
Thickness of Web = 9.4 mm
Ixx = 304000000 mm4
Iyy = 8340000 mm4
Width of Flange = 150 mm

Flange Plate

Width = 250 mm
Thickness = 10 mm

Web Plate

Depth = 300 mm ###

Thickness = 10 mm

Distance Between The Two Columns,c/c ( C ) = 1500 mm

Properites of Single Section

Area = 20220 mm²

Ixx = 6.14E+08 mm4
Iyy = 3.49E+07 mm4

Properites of Compound Section

Area ( A ) = 40440 mm²

Iaa = 1.23E+09 mm4
Ibb = 2.29E+10 mm4

Length of column about aa - Axis ( La ) = 8000 mm

Length of column about bb - Axis ( L b ) = 27000 mm

Axial Force

raa (SQRT ( Iaa / A ) for combined section = 174.19 mm

rbb (SQRT(Ibb / A ) for combined section = 752.01 mm

La / raa for combined section = 45.93

Lb / rbb for combined section = 35.90

l =' Max of above Two = 45.93

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

fcc = 935.80 N/mm²

fy = 240.00 N/mm²

sac = 173.45 N/mm²

(sac ) act =P / A = 47.08 N/mm²

Bending Force

T =Mean Thickness of Compression Flange = 19.26 mm

( Area of Single Section / Depth of single
Section )

D = Overall Depth of Section = 1750 mm

sbc = 0.66*(fcb * fy)/(( fcb )1.4 + (fy) 1.4 ) 1/1.4 )

(Refer IS 800 - 1984 cl 6.2.3
fcb = k1 ( X + k2 Y ) C2 / C1 pg 56,63 & 64 )

X = Y * sqrt ( 1 + (1/20)*(l * T / D)2 )

Y = 26.5 x 10 5 / (l )²

Y = 1256.32 N/mm²

X = 1264.31 N/mm²

K1 = 1
K2 = 0
C2 / C1 = 1
fcb = 1264.31 N/mm²

sbc = 197.11 N/mm²

(sbc )act = M / Z

Z ( Ibb * 2 / D ) = ### mm³

(sbc )act = 96.61 N/mm²

Check for Axial compression and Bending:

Refer IS 800 - 1984, pg 90 & cl 7.1.1

(sac )act + Cmx(sbc )act <= 1.0

(sac ) (1 - (sac .act / (0.66*fcc))* sbc

Cmx = 0.85

0.271442 + 0.450989 = 0.72


Design Of Lacing
Element Slenderness

le <= 50 or

<= 0.7 * l = 32.15

le = 32.15

le = S / rimin

S = Spacing of Lacing

ri min = Min Radius of gyration of Single Member

ri min = 41.57 mm

S req = 1336.54 mm

S pro ( S ) = 1300 mm

Single Member Local Bucking

Total Vertical Force PTS = P / 2 + M / C

PTS = 2635.33 kN
Length about xx - Axis ( Lx ) = 8000 mm

Length about yy - Axis ( Ly ) = 1300 mm

rxx = 174.19 mm
ryy = 41.57 mm

Lx / rxx = 45.93

Ly / ryy = 31.27

l =' Max of above Two = 45.93

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

fcc = 935.80 N/mm²

fy = 240.00 N/mm²

sac = 173.45 N/mm²

(sac ) act =P / A = 130.33 N/mm² SAFE

Inclination ( Measured from vertical )

tan f = distance between col / 0.5*S pro

= 66.57 SAFE
f lies between 40 to 70

Transverse Shear V2 = 0.025 * P = 47.6 kN

Total Shear force ( VT = V1 + V2 ) = 292.6 kN

● Single Lacing Double Lacing

No. of Lacing Plane ( N ) = 2

Corresponding Force on Lacing

= VT * cosec f / N = 159.45 kN

Length of the Lacing ( a ) SQRT ( C²+(S/2)²) = 1634.78 mm

Effective Length 0.7 * a = 1144.34 mm

Angle Size 90X90X8

Area of Angle AA = 1380 mm²

r min (rvv ) = 17.5 mm

l 0.7 *a / r min = 65.39

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

Fcc = 461.63 N/mm²

Fy = 250.00 N/mm²

sac = 155.01 N/mm²

(sac )act = VT / AA = 115.54 N/mm²

Design of Column and Lacings For Axial Load and Bending Moment

Axial Load (P) = 1478 kN

Moment ( M ) = 2067 kN-m

Shear Force ( V1 ) = 203 kN

Normal Load Case ● Wind or Seismic load Case

Properites of Section
MB Section ISMB450

Area = 9220 mm²

Depth = 450 mm
Thickness of Web = 9.4 mm
Ixx = 304000000 mm4
Iyy = 8340000 mm4
Width of Flange = 150 mm

Flange Plate

Width = 250 mm
Thickness = 8 mm

Web Plate

Depth = 300 mm ###

Thickness = 8 mm

Distance Between The Two Columns,c/c ( C ) = 1500 mm

Properites of Single Section

Area = 18020 mm²

Ixx = 5.50E+08 mm4
Iyy = 2.95E+07 mm4

Properites of Compound Section

Area ( A ) = 36040 mm²

Iaa = 1.10E+09 mm4
Ibb = 2.04E+10 mm4

Length of column about aa - Axis ( La ) = 8000 mm

Length of column about bb - Axis ( L b ) = 27000 mm

Axial Force

raa (SQRT ( Iaa / A ) for combined section = 174.67 mm

rbb (SQRT(Ibb / A ) for combined section = 751.86 mm

La / raa for combined section = 45.80

Lb / rbb for combined section = 35.91

l =' Max of above Two = 45.80

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

fcc = 940.96 N/mm²

fy = 240.00 N/mm²

sac = 173.58 N/mm²

(sac ) act =P / A = 41.01 N/mm²

Bending Force

T =Mean Thickness of Compression Flange = 17.16 mm

( Area of Single Section / Depth of single
Section )

D = Overall Depth of Section = 1750 mm

sbc = 0.66*(fcb * fy)/(( fcb )1.4 + (fy) 1.4 ) 1/1.4 )

(Refer IS 800 - 1984 cl 6.2.3
fcb = k1 ( X + k2 Y ) C2 / C1 pg 56,63 & 64 )

X = Y * sqrt ( 1 + (1/20)*(l * T / D)2 )

Y = 26.5 x 10 5 / (l )²

Y = 1263.24 N/mm²

X = 1269.60 N/mm²

K1 = 1
K2 = 0
C2 / C1 = 1
fcb = 1269.60 N/mm²

sbc = 197.18 N/mm²

(sbc )act = M / Z

Z ( Ibb * 2 / D ) = ### mm³

(sbc )act = 88.77 N/mm²

Check for Axial compression and Bending:

Refer IS 800 - 1984, pg 90 & cl 7.1.1

(sac )act + Cmx(sbc )act <= 1.0

(sac ) (1 - (sac .act / (0.66*fcc))* sbc

Cmx = 0.85

0.236267 + 0.409745 = 0.65


Design Of Lacing
Element Slenderness

le <= 50 or

<= 0.7 * l = 32.06

le = 32.06

le = S / rimin

S = Spacing of Lacing

ri min = Min Radius of gyration of Single Member

ri min = 40.49 mm

S req = 1298.02 mm

S pro ( S ) = 1250 mm

Single Member Local Bucking

Total Vertical Force PTS = P / 2 + M / C

PTS = 2117.00 kN
Length about xx - Axis ( Lx ) = 8000 mm

Length about yy - Axis ( Ly ) = 1250 mm

rxx = 174.67 mm
ryy = 40.49 mm

Lx / rxx = 45.80

Ly / ryy = 30.87

l =' Max of above Two = 45.80

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

fcc = 940.96 N/mm²

fy = 240.00 N/mm²

sac = 173.58 N/mm²

(sac ) act =P / A = 117.48 N/mm² SAFE

Inclination ( Measured from vertical )

tan f = distance between col / 0.5*S pro

= 67.38 SAFE
f lies between 40 to 70

Transverse Shear V2 = 0.025 * P = 36.95 kN

Total Shear force ( VT = V1 + V2 ) = 239.95 kN

● Single Lacing Double Lacing

No. of Lacing Plane ( N ) = 2

Corresponding Force on Lacing

= VT * cosec f / N = 129.97 kN

Length of the Lacing ( a ) SQRT ( C²+(S/2)²) = 1625.00 mm

Effective Length 0.7 * a = 1137.50 mm

Angle Size 75X75X8

Area of Angle AA = 1140 mm²

r min (rvv ) = 14.5 mm

l 0.7 *a / r min = 78.45

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

Fcc = 320.75 N/mm²

Fy = 250.00 N/mm²

sac = 136.25 N/mm²

(sac )act = VT / AA = 114.01 N/mm²

Design of Column and Lacings For Axial Load and Bending Moment

Axial Load (P) = 807 kN

Moment ( M ) = 2016 kN-m

Shear Force ( V1 ) = 265 kN

Normal Load Case ● Wind or Seismic load Case

Properites of Section
MB Section ISMB600

Area = 15600 mm²

Depth = 600 mm
Thickness of Web = 12 mm
Ixx = 918000000 mm4
Iyy = 26500000 mm4
Width of Flange = 210 mm

Flange Plate

Width = 300 mm
Thickness = 10 mm

Web Plate

Depth = 410 mm ###

Thickness = 8 mm

Distance Between The Two Columns,c/c ( C ) = 750 mm

Properites of Single Section

Area = 28160 mm²

Ixx = 1.57E+09 mm4
Iyy = 7.22E+07 mm4

Properites of Compound Section

Area ( A ) = 56320 mm²

Iaa = 3.14E+09 mm4
Ibb = 8.15E+09 mm4

Length of column about aa - Axis ( La ) = 8000 mm

Length of column about bb - Axis ( L b ) = 12150 mm

Axial Force

raa (SQRT ( Iaa / A ) for combined section = 235.97 mm

rbb (SQRT(Ibb / A ) for combined section = 380.51 mm

La / raa for combined section = 33.90

Lb / rbb for combined section = 31.93

l =' Max of above Two = 33.90

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

fcc = 1717.42 N/mm²

fy = 240.00 N/mm²

sac = 183.27 N/mm²

(sac ) act =P / A = 14.33 N/mm²

Bending Force

T =Mean Thickness of Compression Flange = 19.83 mm

( Area of Single Section / Depth of single
Section )

D = Overall Depth of Section = 1050 mm

sbc = 0.66*(fcb * fy)/(( fcb )1.4 + (fy) 1.4 ) 1/1.4 )

(Refer IS 800 - 1984 cl 6.2.3
fcb = k1 ( X + k2 Y ) C2 / C1 pg 56,63 & 64 )

X = Y * sqrt ( 1 + (1/20)*(l * T / D)2 )

Y = 26.5 x 10 5 / (l )²

Y = 2305.64 N/mm²

X = 2329.15 N/mm²

K1 = 1
K2 = 0
C2 / C1 = 1
fcb = 2329.15 N/mm²

sbc = 204.64 N/mm²

(sbc )act = M / Z

Z ( Ibb * 2 / D ) = ### mm³

(sbc )act = 129.80 N/mm²

Check for Axial compression and Bending:

Refer IS 800 - 1984, pg 90 & cl 7.1.1

(sac )act + Cmx(sbc )act <= 1.0

(sac ) (1 - (sac .act / (0.66*fcc))* sbc

Cmx = 0.85

0.078185 + 0.546032 = 0.62


Design Of Lacing
Element Slenderness

le <= 50 or

<= 0.7 * l = 23.73

le = 23.73

le = S / rimin

S = Spacing of Lacing

ri min = Min Radius of gyration of Single Member

ri min = 50.62 mm

S req = 1201.28 mm

S pro ( S ) = 1200 mm

Single Member Local Bucking

Total Vertical Force PTS = P / 2 + M / C

PTS = 3091.50 kN
Length about xx - Axis ( Lx ) = 8000 mm

Length about yy - Axis ( Ly ) = 1200 mm

rxx = 235.97 mm
ryy = 50.62 mm

Lx / rxx = 33.90

Ly / ryy = 23.71

l =' Max of above Two = 33.90

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

fcc = 1717.42 N/mm²

fy = 240.00 N/mm²

sac = 183.27 N/mm²

(sac ) act =P / A = 109.78 N/mm² SAFE

Inclination ( Measured from vertical )

tan f = distance between col / 0.5*S pro

= 51.34 SAFE
f lies between 40 to 70

Transverse Shear V2 = 0.025 * P = 20.175 kN

Total Shear force ( VT = V1 + V2 ) = 285.175 kN

● Single Lacing Double Lacing

No. of Lacing Plane ( N ) = 2

Corresponding Force on Lacing

= VT * cosec f / N = 182.60 kN

Length of the Lacing ( a ) SQRT ( C²+(S/2)²) = 960.47 mm

Effective Length 0.7 * a = 672.33 mm

Angle Size 75X75X8

Area of Angle AA = 1140 mm²

r min (rvv ) = 14.5 mm

l 0.7 *a / r min = 46.37

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

Fcc = 918.13 N/mm²

Fy = 250.00 N/mm²

sac = 179.23 N/mm²

(sac )act = VT / AA = 160.18 N/mm²

Design of Column and Lacings For Axial Load and Bending Moment

Axial Load (P) = 756 kN

Moment ( M ) = 1861 kN-m

Shear Force ( V1 ) = 243 kN

Normal Load Case ● Wind or Seismic load Case

Properites of Section
MB Section ISMB550

Area = 13200 mm²

Depth = 550 mm
Thickness of Web = 11.2 mm
Ixx = 649000000 mm4
Iyy = 18300000 mm4
Width of Flange = 190 mm

Flange Plate

Width = 300 mm
Thickness = 10 mm

Web Plate

Depth = 350 mm ###

Thickness = 10 mm

Distance Between The Two Columns,c/c ( C ) = 750 mm

Properites of Single Section

Area = 26200 mm²

Ixx = 1.19E+09 mm4
Iyy = 6.41E+07 mm4

Properites of Compound Section

Area ( A ) = 52400 mm²

Iaa = 2.38E+09 mm4
Ibb = 7.59E+09 mm4

Length of column about aa - Axis ( La ) = 8000 mm

Length of column about bb - Axis ( L b ) = 12150 mm

Axial Force

raa (SQRT ( Iaa / A ) for combined section = 213.20 mm

rbb (SQRT(Ibb / A ) for combined section = 380.51 mm

La / raa for combined section = 37.52

Lb / rbb for combined section = 31.93

l =' Max of above Two = 37.52

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

fcc = 1401.87 N/mm²

fy = 240.00 N/mm²

sac = 180.74 N/mm²

(sac ) act =P / A = 14.43 N/mm²

Bending Force

T =Mean Thickness of Compression Flange = 20.96 mm

( Area of Single Section / Depth of single
Section )

D = Overall Depth of Section = 1050 mm

sbc = 0.66*(fcb * fy)/(( fcb )1.4 + (fy) 1.4 ) 1/1.4 )

(Refer IS 800 - 1984 cl 6.2.3
fcb = k1 ( X + k2 Y ) C2 / C1 pg 56,63 & 64 )

X = Y * sqrt ( 1 + (1/20)*(l * T / D)2 )

Y = 26.5 x 10 5 / (l )²

Y = 1882.02 N/mm²

X = 1908.24 N/mm²

K1 = 1
K2 = 0
C2 / C1 = 1
fcb = 1908.24 N/mm²

sbc = 202.78 N/mm²

(sbc )act = M / Z

Z ( Ibb * 2 / D ) = ### mm³

(sbc )act = 128.78 N/mm²

Check for Axial compression and Bending:

Refer IS 800 - 1984, pg 90 & cl 7.1.1

(sac )act + Cmx(sbc )act <= 1.0

(sac ) (1 - (sac .act / (0.66*fcc))* sbc

Cmx = 0.85

0.079826 + 0.548341 = 0.63


Design Of Lacing
Element Slenderness

le <= 50 or

<= 0.7 * l = 26.27

le = 26.27

le = S / rimin

S = Spacing of Lacing

ri min = Min Radius of gyration of Single Member

ri min = 49.46 mm

S req = 1299.10 mm

S pro ( S ) = 1250 mm

Single Member Local Bucking

Total Vertical Force PTS = P / 2 + M / C

PTS = 2859.33 kN
Length about xx - Axis ( Lx ) = 8000 mm

Length about yy - Axis ( Ly ) = 1250 mm

rxx = 213.20 mm
ryy = 49.46 mm

Lx / rxx = 37.52

Ly / ryy = 25.27

l =' Max of above Two = 37.52

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

fcc = 1401.87 N/mm²

fy = 240.00 N/mm²

sac = 180.74 N/mm²

(sac ) act =P / A = 109.13 N/mm² SAFE

Inclination ( Measured from vertical )

tan f = distance between col / 0.5*S pro

= 50.19 SAFE
f lies between 40 to 70

Transverse Shear V2 = 0.025 * P = 18.9 kN

Total Shear force ( VT = V1 + V2 ) = 261.9 kN

● Single Lacing Double Lacing

No. of Lacing Plane ( N ) = 2

Corresponding Force on Lacing

= VT * cosec f / N = 170.46 kN

Length of the Lacing ( a ) SQRT ( C²+(S/2)²) = 976.28 mm

Effective Length 0.7 * a = 683.40 mm

Angle Size 75X75X8

Area of Angle AA = 1140 mm²

r min (rvv ) = 14.5 mm

l 0.7 *a / r min = 47.13

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

Fcc = 888.63 N/mm²

Fy = 250.00 N/mm²

sac = 178.40 N/mm²

(sac )act = VT / AA = 149.53 N/mm²

Design of Column and Lacings For Axial Load and Bending Moment

Axial Load (P) = 701 kN

Moment ( M ) = 1737 kN-m

Shear Force ( V1 ) = 226 kN

Normal Load Case ● Wind or Seismic load Case

Properites of Section
MB Section ISMB500

Area = 11100 mm²

Depth = 500 mm
Thickness of Web = 10.2 mm
Ixx = 452000000 mm4
Iyy = 13700000 mm4
Width of Flange = 180 mm

Flange Plate

Width = 250 mm
Thickness = 10 mm

Web Plate

Depth = 330 mm ###

Thickness = 10 mm

Distance Between The Two Columns,c/c ( C ) = 750 mm

Properites of Single Section

Area = 22700 mm²

Ixx = 8.37E+08 mm4
Iyy = 4.04E+07 mm4

Properites of Compound Section

Area ( A ) = 45400 mm²

Iaa = 1.67E+09 mm4
Ibb = 6.52E+09 mm4

Length of column about aa - Axis ( La ) = 8000 mm

Length of column about bb - Axis ( L b ) = 12150 mm

Axial Force

raa (SQRT ( Iaa / A ) for combined section = 192.02 mm

rbb (SQRT(Ibb / A ) for combined section = 378.88 mm

La / raa for combined section = 41.66

Lb / rbb for combined section = 32.07

l =' Max of above Two = 41.66

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

fcc = 1137.26 N/mm²

fy = 240.00 N/mm²

sac = 177.39 N/mm²

(sac ) act =P / A = 15.44 N/mm²

Bending Force

T =Mean Thickness of Compression Flange = 19.57 mm

( Area of Single Section / Depth of single
Section )

D = Overall Depth of Section = 1000 mm

sbc = 0.66*(fcb * fy)/(( fcb )1.4 + (fy) 1.4 ) 1/1.4 )

(Refer IS 800 - 1984 cl 6.2.3
fcb = k1 ( X + k2 Y ) C2 / C1 pg 56,63 & 64 )

X = Y * sqrt ( 1 + (1/20)*(l * T / D)2 )

Y = 26.5 x 10 5 / (l )²

Y = 1526.78 N/mm²

X = 1551.94 N/mm²

K1 = 1
K2 = 0
C2 / C1 = 1
fcb = 1551.94 N/mm²

sbc = 200.29 N/mm²

(sbc )act = M / Z

Z ( Ibb * 2 / D ) = ### mm³

(sbc )act = 133.26 N/mm²

Check for Axial compression and Bending:

Refer IS 800 - 1984, pg 90 & cl 7.1.1

(sac )act + Cmx(sbc )act <= 1.0

(sac ) (1 - (sac .act / (0.66*fcc))* sbc

Cmx = 0.85

0.087043 + 0.57741 = 0.66


Design Of Lacing
Element Slenderness

le <= 50 or

<= 0.7 * l = 29.16

le = 29.16

le = S / rimin

S = Spacing of Lacing

ri min = Min Radius of gyration of Single Member

ri min = 42.19 mm

S req = 1230.53 mm

S pro ( S ) = 1200 mm

Single Member Local Bucking

Total Vertical Force PTS = P / 2 + M / C

PTS = 2666.50 kN
Length about xx - Axis ( Lx ) = 8000 mm

Length about yy - Axis ( Ly ) = 1200 mm

rxx = 192.02 mm
ryy = 42.19 mm

Lx / rxx = 41.66

Ly / ryy = 28.44

l =' Max of above Two = 41.66

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

fcc = 1137.26 N/mm²

fy = 240.00 N/mm²

sac = 177.39 N/mm²

(sac ) act =P / A = 117.47 N/mm² SAFE

Inclination ( Measured from vertical )

tan f = distance between col / 0.5*S pro

= 51.34 SAFE
f lies between 40 to 70

Transverse Shear V2 = 0.025 * P = 17.525 kN

Total Shear force ( VT = V1 + V2 ) = 243.525 kN

● Single Lacing Double Lacing

No. of Lacing Plane ( N ) = 2

Corresponding Force on Lacing

= VT * cosec f / N = 155.93 kN

Length of the Lacing ( a ) SQRT ( C²+(S/2)²) = 960.47 mm

Effective Length 0.7 * a = 672.33 mm

Angle Size 75X75X8

Area of Angle AA = 1140 mm²

r min (rvv ) = 14.5 mm

l 0.7 *a / r min = 46.37

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

Fcc = 918.13 N/mm²

Fy = 250.00 N/mm²

sac = 179.23 N/mm²

(sac )act = VT / AA = 136.78 N/mm²

Design of Column and Lacings For Axial Load and Bending Moment

Axial Load (P) = 554 kN

Moment ( M ) = 1353 kN-m

Shear Force ( V1 ) = 172 kN

Normal Load Case ● Wind or Seismic load Case

Properites of Section
MB Section ISMB450

Area = 9220 mm²

Depth = 450 mm
Thickness of Web = 9.4 mm
Ixx = 304000000 mm4
Iyy = 8340000 mm4
Width of Flange = 150 mm

Flange Plate

Width = 250 mm
Thickness = 10 mm

Web Plate

Depth = 325 mm ###

Thickness = 8 mm

Distance Between The Two Columns,c/c ( C ) = 750 mm

Properites of Single Section

Area = 19420 mm²

Ixx = 6.14E+08 mm4
Iyy = 3.48E+07 mm4

Properites of Compound Section

Area ( A ) = 38840 mm²

Iaa = 1.23E+09 mm4
Ibb = 5.58E+09 mm4

Length of column about aa - Axis ( La ) = 8000 mm

Length of column about bb - Axis ( L b ) = 12150 mm

Axial Force

raa (SQRT ( Iaa / A ) for combined section = 177.85 mm

rbb (SQRT(Ibb / A ) for combined section = 379.15 mm

La / raa for combined section = 44.98

Lb / rbb for combined section = 32.05

l =' Max of above Two = 44.98

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

fcc = 975.57 N/mm²

fy = 240.00 N/mm²

sac = 174.37 N/mm²

(sac ) act =P / A = 14.26 N/mm²

Bending Force

T =Mean Thickness of Compression Flange = 17.65 mm

( Area of Single Section / Depth of single
Section )

D = Overall Depth of Section = 1000 mm

sbc = 0.66*(fcb * fy)/(( fcb )1.4 + (fy) 1.4 ) 1/1.4 )

(Refer IS 800 - 1984 cl 6.2.3
fcb = k1 ( X + k2 Y ) C2 / C1 pg 56,63 & 64 )

X = Y * sqrt ( 1 + (1/20)*(l * T / D)2 )

Y = 26.5 x 10 5 / (l )²

Y = 1309.71 N/mm²

X = 1330.20 N/mm²

K1 = 1
K2 = 0
C2 / C1 = 1
fcb = 1330.20 N/mm²

sbc = 197.97 N/mm²

(sbc )act = M / Z

Z ( Ibb * 2 / D ) = ### mm³

(sbc )act = 121.16 N/mm²

Check for Axial compression and Bending:

Refer IS 800 - 1984, pg 90 & cl 7.1.1

(sac )act + Cmx(sbc )act <= 1.0

(sac ) (1 - (sac .act / (0.66*fcc))* sbc

Cmx = 0.85

0.081803 + 0.531993 = 0.61


Design Of Lacing
Element Slenderness

le <= 50 or

<= 0.7 * l = 31.49

le = 31.49

le = S / rimin

S = Spacing of Lacing

ri min = Min Radius of gyration of Single Member

ri min = 42.32 mm

S req = 1332.43 mm

S pro ( S ) = 1300 mm

Single Member Local Bucking

Total Vertical Force PTS = P / 2 + M / C

PTS = 2081.00 kN
Length about xx - Axis ( Lx ) = 8000 mm

Length about yy - Axis ( Ly ) = 1300 mm

rxx = 177.85 mm
ryy = 42.32 mm

Lx / rxx = 44.98

Ly / ryy = 30.72

l =' Max of above Two = 44.98

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

fcc = 975.57 N/mm²

fy = 240.00 N/mm²

sac = 174.37 N/mm²

(sac ) act =P / A = 107.16 N/mm² SAFE

Inclination ( Measured from vertical )

tan f = distance between col / 0.5*S pro

= 49.09 SAFE
f lies between 40 to 70

Transverse Shear V2 = 0.025 * P = 13.85 kN

Total Shear force ( VT = V1 + V2 ) = 185.85 kN

● Single Lacing Double Lacing

No. of Lacing Plane ( N ) = 2

Corresponding Force on Lacing

= VT * cosec f / N = 122.97 kN

Length of the Lacing ( a ) SQRT ( C²+(S/2)²) = 992.47 mm

Effective Length 0.7 * a = 694.73 mm

Angle Size 65X65X6

Area of Angle AA = 744 mm²

r min (rvv ) = 12.6 mm

l 0.7 *a / r min = 55.14

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

Fcc = 649.29 N/mm²

Fy = 250.00 N/mm²

sac = 168.87 N/mm²

(sac )act = VT / AA = 165.28 N/mm²

Design of Column and Lacings For Axial Load and Bending Moment

Axial Load (P) = 441 kN

Moment ( M ) = 1123 kN-m

Shear Force ( V1 ) = 131 kN

● Normal Load Case ● Wind or Seismic load Case

Properites of Section
MB Section ISMB450

Area = 9220 mm²

Depth = 450 mm
Thickness of Web = 9.4 mm
Ixx = 304000000 mm4
Iyy = 8340000 mm4
Width of Flange = 150 mm

Flange Plate

Width = 200 mm
Thickness = 8 mm

Web Plate

Depth = 160 mm ###

Thickness = 8 mm

Distance Between The Two Columns,c/c ( C ) = 750 mm

Properites of Single Section

Area = 14980 mm²

Ixx = 4.77E+08 mm4
Iyy = 1.92E+07 mm4

Properites of Compound Section

Area ( A ) = 29960 mm²

Iaa = 9.55E+08 mm4
Ibb = 4.27E+09 mm4

Length of column about aa - Axis ( La ) = 8000 mm

Length of column about bb - Axis ( L b ) = 12150 mm

Axial Force

raa (SQRT ( Iaa / A ) for combined section = 178.50 mm

rbb (SQRT(Ibb / A ) for combined section = 377.65 mm

La / raa for combined section = 44.82

Lb / rbb for combined section = 32.17

l =' Max of above Two = 44.82

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

fcc = 982.66 N/mm²

fy = 240.00 N/mm²

sac = 174.52 N/mm²

(sac ) act =P / A = 14.72 N/mm²

Bending Force

T =Mean Thickness of Compression Flange = 19.45 mm

( Area of Single Section / Depth of single
Section )

D = Overall Depth of Section = 950 mm

sbc = 0.66*(fcb * fy)/(( fcb )1.4 + (fy) 1.4 ) 1/1.4 )

(Refer IS 800 - 1984 cl 6.2.3
fcb = k1 ( X + k2 Y ) C2 / C1 pg 56,63 & 64 )

X = Y * sqrt ( 1 + (1/20)*(l * T / D)2 )

Y = 26.5 x 10 5 / (l )²

Y = 1319.23 N/mm²

X = 1346.73 N/mm²

K1 = 1
K2 = 0
C2 / C1 = 1
fcb = 1346.73 N/mm²

sbc = 198.17 N/mm²

(sbc )act = M / Z

Z ( Ibb * 2 / D ) = ### mm³

(sbc )act = 124.84 N/mm²

Check for Axial compression and Bending:

Refer IS 800 - 1984, pg 90 & cl 7.1.1

(sac )act + Cmx(sbc )act <= 1.0

(sac ) (1 - (sac .act / (0.66*fcc))* sbc

Cmx = 0.85

0.084343 + 0.547895 = 0.63


Design Of Lacing
Element Slenderness

le <= 50 or

<= 0.7 * l = 31.37

le = 31.37

le = S / rimin

S = Spacing of Lacing

ri min = Min Radius of gyration of Single Member

ri min = 35.80 mm

S req = 1123.21 mm

S pro ( S ) = 1100 mm

Single Member Local Bucking

Total Vertical Force PTS = P / 2 + M / C

PTS = 1717.83 kN
Length about xx - Axis ( Lx ) = 8000 mm

Length about yy - Axis ( Ly ) = 1100 mm

rxx = 178.50 mm
ryy = 35.80 mm

Lx / rxx = 44.82

Ly / ryy = 30.73

l =' Max of above Two = 44.82

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

fcc = 982.66 N/mm²

fy = 240.00 N/mm²

sac = 174.52 N/mm²

(sac ) act =P / A = 114.68 N/mm² SAFE

Inclination ( Measured from vertical )

tan f = distance between col / 0.5*S pro

= 53.75 SAFE
f lies between 40 to 70

Transverse Shear V2 = 0.025 * P = 11.025 kN

Total Shear force ( VT = V1 + V2 ) = 142.025 kN

● Single Lacing Double Lacing

No. of Lacing Plane ( N ) = 2

Corresponding Force on Lacing

= VT * cosec f / N = 88.06 kN

Length of the Lacing ( a ) SQRT ( C²+(S/2)²) = 930.05 mm

Effective Length 0.7 * a = 651.04 mm

Angle Size 65X65X6

Area of Angle AA = 744 mm²

r min (rvv ) = 12.6 mm

l 0.7 *a / r min = 51.67

sac = 0.6*fcc*fy / ((fcc)n+(fy)n)1/n ( Refer IS :800-1984,cl 5.1.1 & pg38)

fcc =p 2* E / l

E = 200000.00 N/mm²

Fcc = 739.36 N/mm²

Fy = 250.00 N/mm²

sac = 173.17 N/mm²

(sac )act = VT / AA = 118.36 N/mm²

BUILT UP PLATES (Property calculation for built - up I Section) (Top and bottom flange can be different plate sections)

6.3 234.2


Cross Sectional Area Ax = 7119.86 mm2

Depth of section D = 275.4 mm
Thickness of Web TD = 6.3 mm
Width of Section B = 137 mm
Flange Thickness TB = 20.6 mm
Moment of Inertia IZ = 98556544.029 mm4
Moment of Inertia IY = 8833192.0506 mm4
Torsional Constant IX = 27774569.139 mm4
Section Modulus SZ = 715733.79832 mm3
Section Modulus SY = 128951.71 mm3
Shear area Parallel to local Y axis AY = 1475.46 mm2
Shear area Parallel to local Z axis AZ = 5644.4 mm2

Staad Format UNIT = m

0.00711986 0.2754 0.0063 0.137 0.0206 9.86E-05 8.83E-06 2.777457E-05 0.000716
BUILT UP PLATES (Property calculation for built - up I Section) (Top and bottom flange can be different plate

10 460



Cross Sectional Area Ax = 13600

Depth of section D = 500
Thickness of Web TD = 10
Width of Section B = 225
Flange Thickness TB = 20
Moment of Inertia IZ = 599813333.33
Moment of Inertia IY = 38007083.333
Torsional Constant IX = 325653333.33
Section Modulus SZ = 2399253.3333
Section Modulus SY = 337840.74
Shear area Parallel to local Y axis AY = 4600
Shear area Parallel to local Z axis AZ = 9000

Staad Format UNIT = m

0.0136 0.5 0.01 0.225 0.02 0.0006 3.8E-05 0.0003256533

om flange can be different plate sections)

Member Section modulus

340 lvl
4B3 2284743.5946667
4B2 2694677.3333333
4B1 1832129.03111111
mm2 4B4 9114722.2826667
mm LB1 1788652.5866667
mm 4B7 2284743.5946667
mm 346 lvl
mm 4 Radius of Gyration, rxx = 210 mm 5B1 1832129.03111111
mm 4 Radius of Gyration, ryy = 53 mm 5B2 3841372.7573333
mm4 MR supp 6941804.5374359
mm3 5B3 1832129.03111111
mm3 5B4 1076887.4209524
mm2 5B5 6941804.5374359
mm2 5B6 3339965.44
5B7 353057.33333333
LB1 4.15E+07
350 lvl
6B1 1832129.03111111
6B2 2694677.3333333
6B3 4690000
0.002399 0.000337841 0.0046 0.009 0 0 0 0 6B4 2105596.2962963
6B5 3126666.6666667
LB1 1788652.5866667

Moment Stress Ratio Actual Allowable

4.73E+08 206.8197 1.253453 35.371 33.25

4.92E+08 182.5154 1.106154 13.2 17.5
3.47E+08 189.2116 1.146737 7.05 12.5
1.52E+09 167.2349 1.013545 14.06 30 TOP FLANGE PLATE
4.23E+07 23.66027 0.143396 3.1 8.125 Width
4.63E+08 202.5129 1.227351 2.83 6.825 Thickness
2.88E+08 157.3142 0.95342 6.896 15 Width
5.98E+08 155.6293 0.943208 14.58 15 Thickness
3.23E+07 4.65729 0.028226 38.6 30 Area
2.25E+08 122.9608 0.745217 32.86 17.5 WEB PLATE
8.22E+07 76.34038 0.462669 30.11 11.675 Depth
1.06E+09 152.5972 0.924832 40.97 30 Thickness
4.69E+08 140.2829 0.850199 38.08 23.75 Area
3.42E+07 96.81147 0.586736 24.33 23.75
1.43E+08 3.44078 0.020853 2.21 8.125 TOTAL AREA


1.49E+08 81.49535 0.493911 5.97 15
4.96E+08 183.9998 1.11515 16.52 20 y
5.69E+08 121.322 0.735285 28.1 30
2.56E+08 121.785 0.738091 29.3 19.625 C.G DISTANMCE FROM TOP - y'
3.57E+08 114.2783 0.692595 28.6 30
1.57E+08 87.57989 0.530787 2.356 8.125 Y'



For Staad Format

mm 1
cm 0.1
m 0.001
SELECTED 3 0.001
225 mm
20 mm
4500 mm²

225 mm
20 mm
4500 mm²

460 mm 500
10 mm
4600 mm²

13600 mm² 1.0676


250 mm

OM TOP - y'


6.00E+08 mm4 Zxx 2.40E+06 mm³

3.80E+07 mm4 Zyy 3.38E+05 mm³
500 mm
4600 mm²
5940 mm²
1353333 mm4
BUILT UP PLATES (Built - up star Section Properties)


Cross Sectional Area Ax = 137856 mm2

Depth of section D = 1000 mm
Thickness of Web TD = 32 mm
Width of Section B = 1000 mm
Flange Thickness TB = 40 mm
Moment of Inertia IZ = 12133592832 mm4
Moment of Inertia IY = 12133592832 mm4
Torsional Constant IX = 62414848 mm4
Section Modulus SZ = 24267185.664 mm3
Section Modulus SY = 24267185.664 mm3
Shear area Parallel to local Y axis AY = 54816 mm2
Shear area Parallel to local Z axis AZ = 55840 mm2

Staad Format UNIT = m

0.137856 1 0.032 1 0.04 0.0121335928 0.0121335928 6.241485E-05 0.0242671857
BUILT UP PLATES (Built - up star Section Properties)


Cross Sectional Area Ax = 110175 mm2

Depth of section D = 1000 mm
Thickness of Web TD = 25 mm
Width of Section B = 1000 mm
Flange Thickness TB = 32 mm
Moment of Inertia IZ = 9875162731 mm4
Moment of Inertia IY = 9875162731 mm4
Torsional Constant IX = 31465125 mm4
Section Modulus SZ = 19750325.463 mm3
Section Modulus SY = 19750325.463 mm3
Shear area Parallel to local Y axis AY = 43895 mm2
Shear area Parallel to local Z axis AZ = 44520 mm2

Staad Format UNIT = m

0.110175 1 0.025 1 0.032 0.0098751627 0.0098751627 3.146513E-05 0.0197503255
BUILT UP PLATES (Built - up star Section Properties)


Cross Sectional Area Ax = 70464 mm2

Depth of section D = 1000 mm
Thickness of Web TD = 16 mm
Width of Section B = 1000 mm
Flange Thickness TB = 20 mm
Moment of Inertia IZ = 6399303552 mm4
Moment of Inertia IY = 6399303552 mm4
Torsional Constant IX = 7932928 mm4
Section Modulus SZ = 12798607.104 mm3
Section Modulus SY = 12798607.104 mm3
Shear area Parallel to local Y axis AY = 28304 mm2
Shear area Parallel to local Z axis AZ = 28560 mm2

Staad Format UNIT = m

0.070464 1 0.016 1 0.02 0.0063993036 0.0063993036 7.932928E-06 0.0127986071


Cross Sectional Area Ax = 6675

Depth of section D = 266
Thickness of Web TD = 6.9
Width of Section B = 125
Flange Thickness TB = 20.5
Moment of Inertia IZ = 83276960
Moment of Inertia IY = 5649000
Torsional Constant IX = 228358.59167
Section Modulus SZ = 626142.55639
Section Modulus SY = 90384.000
Shear area Parallel to local Y axis AY = 1552.5
Shear area Parallel to local Z axis AZ = 3329.7

Staad Format UNIT = m

0.006675 0.266 0.0069 0.125 0.0205 0.000083277 0.0000056490 0.000000228
mm4 rxx = 111.6958 mm Widht of Flange
mm4 ryy = 29.0911 mm Thickness of Flange
mm4 Depth of Web
mm3 Thickness of web

0.000626 9E-05 0.001553 0.00333 0 0 0 0


Beams/ C



= 125 mm ISMB500

= 12.5 mm ISMB550
= 225 mm ISMB600
6.9 mm

For Staad Format

mm 1
cm 0.1
m 0.001
SELECTED 3 0.001


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Thicknes Moment of Inertia Sectional Modulus

Sectional Total Flange Thicknes Root Area of
s of
Weight Depth Width s of Web radius section X Axis Y Axis X Axis
w H b tw tf r A Ixx Iyy Zxx
Kg/m mm mm mm mm mm mm2 mm4 mm4 mm3
11.500 100 75 4.0 7.2 9.0 1460 2575000 408000 51500
13.000 125 75 4.4 7.6 9.0 1660 4490000 437000 71840
14.900 150 80 4.8 7.6 9.0 1900 7264000 526000 96853
19.300 175 90 5.5 8.6 10.0 2462 12720000 850000 145371
25.400 200 100 5.7 10.8 11.0 3233 22354000 1500000 223540
31.200 225 110 6.5 11.8 12.0 3972 34418000 2183000 305938

37.300 250 125 6.9 12.5 13.0 4755 51316000 3345000 410528
44.200 300 140 7.5 12.4 14.0 5626 86036000 4539000 573573
52.400 350 140 8.1 14.2 14.0 6671 136303000 5377000 778900
61.600 400 140 8.9 16.0 14.0 7846 204584000 6221000 1022920
72.400 450 150 9.4 17.4 15.0 9227 303908000 8340000 1350702

86.900 500 180 10.2 17.2 17.0 11074 452183000 13698000 1808700

103.700 550 190 11.2 19.3 18.0 13211 648936000 18338000 2359767

122.600 600 210 12.0 20.8 20.0 15621 918130000 26510000 3060433
wt/m H B Tw Tf R1 A Ixx Iyy Zxx
kN/m mm mm mm mm mm mm 2
mm 4
mm 4

0.089 100 50 4.7 7.0 9.0 1140 1830000 129000 36600

0.133 125 70 5.0 8.0 9.0 1700 4450000 385000 71200
0.150 150 75 5.0 8.0 9.0 1910 7180000 468000 95733
0.196 175 85 5.8 9.0 10.0 2500 12600000 767000 144000
0.242 200 100 5.7 10.0 11.0 3080 21200000 1370000 212000
0.312 225 110 6.5 11.8 12.0 3970 34400000 2180000 305778
0.373 250 125 6.9 12.5 13.0 4750 51300000 3350000 410400
0.460 300 140 7.7 13.1 14.0 5860 89900000 4860000 599333
0.524 350 140 8.1 14.2 14.0 6670 136000000 5380000 777143
0.615 400 140 8.9 16.0 14.0 7840 205000000 6220000 1025000
0.724 450 150 9.4 17.4 15.0 9220 304000000 8340000 1351111
0.871 500 180 10.2 17.2 17.0 11100 452000000 13700000 1808000
1.036 550 190 11.2 19.3 18.0 13200 649000000 18300000 2360000
1.225 600 210 12.0 20.3 20.0 15600 918000000 26500000 3060000
12 13 14 15

Sectional Modulus Radius of gyyration

Y Axis X Axis Y Axis
Zyy rxx ryy
mm3 mm mm

10880 42.0 16.7

11653 52.0 16.2
13150 61.8 16.6
18889 71.9 18.6
30000 83.2 21.5
39691 93.1 23.4

53520 103.9 26.5

64843 123.7 28.4
76800 142.9 28.4
88871 161.5 28.2
111200 181.5 30.1

152200 202.1 35.2

193032 221.6 37.3

252476 242.4 41.2

Zyy Rxx Ryy R2
mm 3
mm mm mm

5160 40.1 10.6 4.5

11000 51.2 15.0 4.5
12480 61.3 15.7 4.5
18047 71.0 17.5 5.0
27400 83.0 21.1 5.5
39636 93.1 23.4 6.0
53600 103.9 26.6 6.5
69429 123.9 28.8 7.0
76857 142.8 28.4 7.0
88857 161.7 28.2 7.0
111200 181.6 30.1 7.5
152222 201.8 35.1 8.5
192632 221.7 37.2 9.0
252381 242.6 41.2 10.0


Cross Sectional Area Ax = 43742

Depth of section D = 650
Thickness of Web TD = 12
Width of Section B = 600
Flange Thickness TB = 20.8
Moment of Inertia IZ = 2165994166.7
Moment of Inertia IY = 1009744166.7
Torsional Constant IX = 5767138.8267
Section Modulus SZ = 6664597.4359
Section Modulus SY = 3365813.8889
Shear area Parallel to local Y axis AY = 12466.56
Shear area Parallel to local Z axis AZ = 20716.56

Staad Format UNIT = m

0.043742 0.65 0.012 0.6 0.0208 0.002165994 0.001009744 0.000005767

0 X 0 THK

mm4 rxx = 222.5253 mm Widht of Flange
mm4 ryy = 151.9345 mm Thickness of Flange
mm4 Depth of Web
mm3 Thickness of web

0.006665 0.003366 0.012467 0.020717 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000


Beams/ C



= 210 mm ISMB500

= 20.8 mm ISMB550
= 558.4 mm ISMB600
= 12 mm

For Staad Format

mm 1
cm 0.1
m 0.001
SELECTED 3 0.001


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Thicknes Moment of Inertia Sectional Modulus

Sectional Total Flange Thicknes Root Area of
s of
Weight Depth Width s of Web radius section X Axis Y Axis X Axis
w H b tw tf r A Ixx Iyy Zxx
Kg/m mm mm mm mm mm mm2 mm4 mm4 mm3
11.500 100 75 4.0 7.2 9.0 1460 2575000 408000 51500
13.000 125 75 4.4 7.6 9.0 1660 4490000 437000 71840
14.900 150 80 4.8 7.6 9.0 1900 7264000 526000 96853
19.300 175 90 5.5 8.6 10.0 2462 12720000 850000 145371
25.400 200 100 5.7 10.8 11.0 3233 22354000 1500000 223540
31.200 225 110 6.5 11.8 12.0 3972 34418000 2183000 305938

37.300 250 125 6.9 12.5 13.0 4755 51316000 3345000 410528
44.200 300 140 7.5 12.4 14.0 5626 86036000 4539000 573573
52.400 350 140 8.1 14.2 14.0 6671 136303000 5377000 778900
61.600 400 140 8.9 16.0 14.0 7846 204584000 6221000 1022920
72.400 450 150 9.4 17.4 15.0 9227 303908000 8340000 1350702

86.900 500 180 10.2 17.2 17.0 11074 452183000 13698000 1808700

103.700 550 190 11.2 19.3 18.0 13211 648936000 18338000 2359767

122.600 600 210 12.0 20.8 20.0 15621 918130000 26510000 3060433
wt/m H B Tw Tf R1 A Ixx Iyy Zxx
kN/m mm mm mm mm mm mm 2
mm 4
mm 4

0.089 100 50 4.7 7.0 9.0 1140 1830000 129000 36600

0.133 125 70 5.0 8.0 9.0 1700 4450000 385000 71200
0.150 150 75 5.0 8.0 9.0 1910 7180000 468000 95733
0.196 175 85 5.8 9.0 10.0 2500 12600000 767000 144000
0.242 200 100 5.7 10.0 11.0 3080 21200000 1370000 212000
0.312 225 110 6.5 11.8 12.0 3970 34400000 2180000 305778
0.373 250 125 6.9 12.5 13.0 4750 51300000 3350000 410400
0.460 300 140 7.7 13.1 14.0 5860 89900000 4860000 599333
0.524 350 140 8.1 14.2 14.0 6670 136000000 5380000 777143
0.615 400 140 8.9 16.0 14.0 7840 205000000 6220000 1025000
0.724 450 150 9.4 17.4 15.0 9220 304000000 8340000 1351111
0.871 500 180 10.2 17.2 17.0 11100 452000000 13700000 1808000
1.036 550 190 11.2 19.3 18.0 13200 649000000 18300000 2360000
1.225 600 210 12.0 20.3 20.0 15600 918000000 26500000 3060000
12 13 14 15

Sectional Modulus Radius of gyyration

Y Axis X Axis Y Axis
Zyy rxx ryy
mm3 mm mm

10880 42.0 16.7

11653 52.0 16.2
13150 61.8 16.6
18889 71.9 18.6
30000 83.2 21.5
39691 93.1 23.4

53520 103.9 26.5

64843 123.7 28.4
76800 142.9 28.4
88871 161.5 28.2
111200 181.5 30.1

152200 202.1 35.2

193032 221.6 37.3

252476 242.4 41.2

Zyy Rxx Ryy R2
mm 3
mm mm mm

5160 40.1 10.6 4.5

11000 51.2 15.0 4.5
12480 61.3 15.7 4.5
18047 71.0 17.5 5.0
27400 83.0 21.1 5.5
39636 93.1 23.4 6.0
53600 103.9 26.6 6.5
69429 123.9 28.8 7.0
76857 142.8 28.4 7.0
88857 161.7 28.2 7.0
111200 181.6 30.1 7.5
152222 201.8 35.1 8.5
192632 221.7 37.2 9.0
252381 242.6 41.2 10.0
Property Calculation for Star Angle:

Section Used : ISA150x150x16

Gap = 8 mm

Cross Sectional Area Ax = 9120 mm2

Depth of section D = 308 mm
Thickness of Web TD = 16 mm
Width of Section B = 308 mm
Flange Thickness TB = 16 mm
Moment of Inertia IUU = 48363798 mm4
Moment of Inertia IVV = 30400000 mm4
Torsional Constant IX = 819200 mm4
Section Modulus SZ = 432890.8 mm3
Section Modulus SY = 286613.9 mm3
Shear area Parallel to local Y axis AY = 4800 mm2
Shear area Parallel to local Z axis AZ = 4800 mm2

Staad Format UNIT = m

0.00912 0.308 0.016 0.308 0.016 0.0000304 4.83638E-05 8.19E-07 0.000287
Moment of Inertia IZ = 48363798.4 mm4
Moment of Inertia IY = 30400000 mm4
h = 66.6094588 mm
YMAX FOR SZ = 111.722871 mm
YMAX FOR SY = 106.066017 mm
RUU = 72.8220301 mm
RVV = 57.7350269 mm

0.000433 0.0048 0.0048 0.000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000

Selected section
For Staad Format
mm 1
cm 0.1
m 0.001

SELECTED = 3 0.001
ISA150x150x16 150 x 150 x 16 0.358 4560 16 12 43.1 9590000 15200000

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Mass (M) Sectional Dimensions Sectional Proper

Designation Area, a t R1 Cx = Cy Ix = Iy Iu(Max)
KN/m mm² mm mm mm mm4 mm4
ISA20x20x3 20 x 20 x 3 0.009 112 3 4 5.9 4000 6000
ISA20x20x4 20 x 20 x 4 0.011 145 4 4 6.3 5000 8000
ISA25x25x3 25 x 25 x 3 0.011 141 3 4.5 7.1 8000 12000
ISA25x25x4 25 x 25 x 4 0.014 184 4 4.5 7.5 10000 16000
ISA25x25x5 25 x 25 x 5 0.018 225 5 4.5 7.9 12000 18000
ISA30x30x3 30 x 30 x 3 0.014 173 3 5 8.3 14000 22000
ISA30x30x4 30 x 30 x 4 0.018 226 4 5 8.7 18000 28000
ISA30x30x5 30 x 30 x 5 0.022 277 5 5 9.2 21000 34000
ISA35x35x3 35 x 35 x 3 0.016 203 3 5 9.5 23000 36000
ISA35x35x4 35 x 35 x 4 0.021 266 4 5 10 29000 47000
ISA35x35x5 35 x 35 x 5 0.026 327 5 5 10.4 35000 56000
ISA35x35x6 35 x 35 x 6 0.03 386 6 5 10.8 41000 65000
ISA40x40x3 40 x 40 x 3 0.018 234 3 5.5 10.8 34000 55000
ISA40x40x4 40 x 40 x 4 0.024 307 4 5.5 11.2 45000 71000
ISA40x40x5 40 x 40 x 5 0.03 378 5 5.5 11.6 54000 86000
ISA40x40x6 40 x 40 x 6 0.035 447 6 5.5 12 63000 100000
ISA45x45x3 45 x 45 x 3 0.021 264 3 5.5 12 50000 80000
ISA45x45x4 45 x 45 x 4 0.027 347 4 5.5 12.5 65000 104000
ISA45x45x5 45 x 45 x 5 0.034 428 5 5.5 12.9 79000 126000
ISA45x45x6 45 x 45 x 6 0.04 507 6 5.5 13.3 92000 146000
ISA50x50x3 50 x 50 x 3 0.023 295 3 6 13.2 69000 111000
ISA50x50x4 50 x 50 x 4 0.03 388 4 6 13.7 91000 145000
ISA50x50x5 50 x 50 x 5 0.038 479 5 6 14.1 110000 176000
ISA50x50x6 50 x 50 x 6 0.045 568 6 6 14.5 129000 206000
ISA55x55x5 55 x 55 x 5 0.041 527 5 6.5 15.3 147000 235000
ISA55x55x6 55 x 55 x 6 0.049 626 6 6.5 15.7 173000 275000
ISA55x55x8 55 x 55 x 8 0.064 818 8 6.5 16.5 220000 349000
ISA55x55x10 55 x 55 x 10 0.079 1000 10 6.5 17.2 263000 415000
ISA60x60x5 60 x 60 x 5 0.045 575 5 6.5 16.5 192000 306000
ISA60x60x6 60 x 60 x 6 0.054 684 6 6.5 16.9 226000 360000
ISA60x60x8 60 x 60 x 8 0.07 896 8 6.5 17.7 290000 460000
ISA60x60x10 60 x 60 x 10 0.086 1100 10 6.5 18.5 348000 549000
ISA65x65x5 65 x 65 x 5 0.049 625 5 6.5 17.7 247000 394000
ISA65x65x6 65 x 65 x 6 0.058 744 6 6.5 18.1 291000 465000
ISA65x65x8 65 x 65 x 8 0.077 976 8 6.5 18.9 374000 595000
ISA65x65x10 65 x 65 x 10 0.094 1200 10 6.5 19.7 450000 713000
ISA70x70x5 70 x 70 x 5 0.053 677 5 7 18.9 311000 498000
ISA70x70x6 70 x 70 x 6 0.063 806 6 7 19.4 368000 588000
ISA70x70x8 70 x 70 x 8 0.083 1060 8 7 20.2 474000 755000
ISA70x70x10 70 x 70 x 10 0.102 1300 10 7 21 572000 907000
ISA75x75x5 75 x 75 x 5 0.057 727 5 7 20.2 387000 619000
ISA75x75x6 75 x 75 x 6 0.068 866 6 7 20.6 457000 731000
ISA75x75x8 75 x 75 x 8 0.089 1140 8 7 21.4 590000 941000
ISA75x75x10 75 x 75 x 10 0.11 1400 10 7 22.2 714000 1130000
ISA80x80x6 80 x 80 x 6 0.073 929 6 8 21.8 560000 896000
ISA80x80x8 80 x 80 x 8 0.096 1220 8 8 22.7 725000 1160000
ISA80x80x10 80 x 80 x 10 0.118 1500 10 8 23.4 877000 1390000
ISA80x80x12 80 x 80 x 12 0.14 1780 12 8 24.2 1020000 1610000
ISA90x90x6 90 x 90 x 6 0.082 1050 6 8.5 24.2 801000 1280000
ISA90x90x8 90 x 90 x 8 0.108 1380 8 8.5 25.1 1040000 1660000
ISA90x90x10 90 x 90 x 10 0.134 1700 10 8.5 25.9 1270000 2020000
ISA90x90x12 90 x 90 x 12 0.158 2020 12 8.5 26.6 1480000 2350000
ISA100x100x6 100 x 100 x 6 0.092 1170 6 8.5 26.7 1110000 1780000
ISA100x100x8 100 x 100 x 8 0.121 1540 8 8.5 27.6 1450000 2320000
ISA100x100x10 100 x 100 x 10 0.149 1900 10 8.5 28.4 1770000 2820000
ISA100x100x12 100 x 100 x 12 0.177 2260 12 8.5 29.2 2070000 3290000
ISA110x110x8 110 x 110 x 8 0.134 1710 8 10 30 1970000 3130000
ISA110x110x10 110 x 110 x 10 0.165 2106 10 10 30.9 2400000 3810000
ISA110x110x12 110 x 110 x 12 0.197 2510 12 10 31.7 2810000 4460000
ISA110x110x16 110 x 110 x 16 0.257 3280 16 10 33.2 3570000 5600000
ISA130x130x8 130 x 130 x 8 0.159 2030 8 10 35 3310000 5260000
ISA130x130x10 130 x 130 x 10 0.197 2510 10 10 35.9 4050000 6400000
ISA130x130x12 130 x 130 x 12 0.235 2982 12 10 36.7 4760000 7570000
ISA130x130x16 130 x 130 x 16 0.307 3920 16 10 38.2 6090000 9660000
ISA150x150x10 150 x 150 x 10 0.229 2920 10 12 40.8 6340000 10100000
ISA150x150x12 150 x 150 x 12 0.273 3480 12 12 41.6 7460000 11900000
ISA150x150x16 150 x 150 x 16 0.358 4560 16 12 43.1 9590000 15200000
ISA150x150x20 150 x 150 x 20 0.441 5620 20 12 44.6 11600000 18300000
ISA200x200x12 200 x 200 x 12 0.369 4690 12 15 53.9 18300000 29100000
ISA200x200x16 200 x 200 x 16 0.485 6180 16 15 55.6 23700000 37600000
ISA200x200x20 200 x 200 x 20 0.6 7640 20 15 57.1 28800000 45700000
ISA200x200x25 200 x 200 x 25 0.739 9410 25 15 59 34700000 55000000
3950000 45.8 57.7 29.4 89700

14 15 16 17 18

Sectional Properties
Iv(Min) rx ru(Max) ru(Min) Zx
mm4 mm mm mm mm3
2000 5.8 7.3 3.7 300
2000 5.8 7.2 3.7 400
3000 7.3 9.3 4.7 400
4000 7.3 9.1 4.7 600
5000 7.2 9.1 4.7 700
6000 8.9 11.3 5.7 600
7000 8.9 11.2 5.7 800
9000 8.8 11.1 5.7 1000
9000 10.5 13.3 6.7 900
12000 10.5 13.2 6.7 1200
15000 10.4 13.1 6.7 1400
17000 10.3 12.9 6.7 1700
14000 12.1 15.4 7.7 1200
18000 12.1 15.3 7.7 1600
22000 12 15.1 7.7 1900
26000 11.9 15 7.7 2300
20000 13.8 17.4 8.7 1500
26000 13.7 17.3 8.7 2000
32000 13.6 17.2 8.7 2500
38000 13.5 17 8.7 2900
28000 15.3 19.4 9.7 1900
36000 15.3 19.3 9.7 2500
45000 15.2 19.2 9.7 3100
53000 15.1 19 9.6 3600
59000 16.7 21.1 10.6 3700
70000 16.6 21 10.6 4400
91000 16.4 20.7 10.6 5700
112000 16.2 20.3 10.6 7000
77000 18.2 23.1 11.6 4400
91000 18.2 22.9 11.5 5200
119000 18 22.7 11.5 6800
146000 17.8 22.3 11.5 8400
99000 19.9 25.1 12.6 5200
117000 19.8 25 12.6 6200
153000 19.6 24.7 12.5 8100
188000 19.4 24.4 12.5 9900
125000 21.5 27.1 13.6 6100
148000 21.4 27 13.6 7300
193000 21.2 26.7 13.5 9500
237000 21 26.4 13.5 11700
155000 23.1 29.2 14.6 7100
184000 23 29.1 14.6 8400
240000 22.8 28.8 14.5 11000
294000 22.6 28.4 14.5 13500
225000 24.6 31.1 15.6 9600
294000 24.4 30.8 15.5 12600
360000 24.1 30.4 15.5 15500
424000 23.9 30.1 15.4 18300
320000 27.7 35 17.5 12200
420000 27.5 34.7 17.5 16000
516000 27.3 34.4 17.4 19800
609000 27.1 34.1 17.4 23300
445000 30.9 39.1 19.5 15200
584000 30.7 38.8 19.5 20000
718000 30.5 38.5 19.4 24700
847000 30.3 38.2 19.4 29200
810000 34 42.8 21.8 24600
989000 33.7 42.5 21.6 30400 checked with IS 808
1160000 33.5 42.2 21.5 35900
1500000 33 41.5 21.4 46500
1360000 40.4 51 25.9 34900
1660000 40.2 50.7 25.7 43100
1960000 39.9 50.3 25.6 51000
2500000 39.4 49.7 25.4 66300
2600000 46.6 58.7 29.8 58000
3060000 46.3 58.4 29.7 68800
3950000 45.8 57.7 29.4 89700
4810000 45.3 57.1 29.3 110000
7470000 62.4 78.7 39.9 125000
9680000 61.9 78 39.6 164000
11800000 61.4 77.3 39.3 201000
14400000 60.7 76.1 39.1 246000
Mass (M)
20 x 20 x 3 0.9
20 x 20 x 4 1.1
25 x 25 x 3 1.1
25 x 25 x 4 1.4
25 x 25 x 5 1.8
30 x 30 x 3 1.4
30 x 30 x 4 1.8
30 x 30 x 5 2.2
35 x 35 x 3 1.6
35 x 35 x 4 2.1
35 x 35 x 5 2.6
35 x 35 x 6 3
40 x 40 x 3 1.8
40 x 40 x 4 2.4
40 x 40 x 5 3
40 x 40 x 6 3.5
45 x 45 x 3 2.1
45 x 45 x 4 2.7
45 x 45 x 5 3.4
45 x 45 x 6 4
50 x 50 x 3 2.3
50 x 50 x 4 3
50 x 50 x 5 3.8
50 x 50 x 6 4.5
55 x 55 x 5 4.1
55 x 55 x 6 4.9
55 x 55 x 8 6.4
55 x 55 x 10 7.9
60 x 60 x 5 4.5
60 x 60 x 6 5.4
60 x 60 x 8 7
60 x 60 x 10 8.6
65 x 65 x 5 4.9
65 x 65 x 6 5.8
65 x 65 x 8 7.7
65 x 65 x 10 9.4
70 x 70 x 5 5.3
70 x 70 x 6 6.3
70 x 70 x 8 8.3
70 x 70 x 10 10.2
75 x 75 x 5 5.7
75 x 75 x 6 6.8
75 x 75 x 8 8.9
75 x 75 x 10 11
80 x 80 x 6 7.3
80 x 80 x 8 9.6
80 x 80 x 10 11.8
80 x 80 x 12 14
90 x 90 x 6 8.2
90 x 90 x 8 10.8
90 x 90 x 10 13.4
90 x 90 x 12 15.8
100 x 100 x 6 9.2
100 x 100 x 8 12.1
100 x 100 x 10 14.9
100 x 100 x 12 17.7
110 x 110 x 8 13.4
110 x 110 x 10 16.6
110 x 110 x 12 19.7
110 x 110 x 16 25.7
130 x 130 x 8 15.9
130 x 130 x 10 19.7
130 x 130 x 12 23.5
130 x 130 x 16 30.7
150 x 150 x 10 22.9
150 x 150 x 12 27.3
150 x 150 x 16 35.8
150 x 150 x 20 44.1
200 x 200 x 12 36.9
200 x 200 x 16 48.5
200 x 200 x 20 60
200 x 200 x 25 73.9
Sectional Dimensions Sectional Properties
Area, a t R1 Cx = Cy Ix = Iy Iu(Max) Iv(Min) rx ru(Max) ru(Min) Zx
Cm² mm mm Cm Cm4 Cm4 Cm4 cm Cm Cm Cm³
1.12 3 4 0.59 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.58 0.73 0.37 0.3
1.45 4 4 0.63 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.58 0.72 0.37 0.4
1.41 3 4.5 0.71 0.8 1.2 0.3 0.73 0.93 0.47 0.4
1.84 4 4.5 0.75 1 1.6 0.4 0.73 0.91 0.47 0.6
2.25 5 4.5 0.79 1.2 1.8 0.5 0.72 0.91 0.47 0.7
1.73 3 5 0.83 1.4 2.2 0.6 0.89 1.13 0.57 0.6
2.26 4 5 0.87 1.8 2.8 0.7 0.89 1.12 0.57 0.8
2.77 5 5 0.92 2.1 3.4 0.9 0.88 1.11 0.57 1
2.03 3 5 0.95 2.3 3.6 0.9 1.05 1.33 0.67 0.9
2.66 4 5 1 2.9 4.7 1.2 1.05 1.32 0.67 1.2
3.27 5 5 1.04 3.5 5.6 1.5 1.04 1.31 0.67 1.4
3.86 6 5 1.08 4.1 6.5 1.7 1.03 1.29 0.67 1.7
2.34 3 5.5 1.08 3.4 5.5 1.4 1.21 1.54 0.77 1.2
3.07 4 5.5 1.12 4.5 7.1 1.8 1.21 1.53 0.77 1.6
3.78 5 5.5 1.16 5.4 8.6 2.2 1.2 1.51 0.77 1.9
4.47 6 5.5 1.2 6.3 10 2.6 1.19 1.5 0.77 2.3
2.64 3 5.5 1.2 5 8 2 1.38 1.74 0.87 1.5
3.47 4 5.5 1.25 6.5 10.4 2.6 1.37 1.73 0.87 2
4.28 5 5.5 1.29 7.9 12.6 3.2 1.36 1.72 0.87 2.5
5.07 6 5.5 1.33 9.2 14.6 3.8 1.35 1.7 0.87 2.9
2.95 3 6 1.32 6.9 11.1 2.8 1.53 1.94 0.97 1.9
3.88 4 6 1.37 9.1 14.5 3.6 1.53 1.93 0.97 2.5
4.79 5 6 1.41 11 17.6 4.5 1.52 1.92 0.97 3.1
5.68 6 6 1.45 12.9 20.6 5.3 1.51 1.9 0.96 3.6
5.27 5 6.5 1.53 14.7 23.5 5.9 1.67 2.11 1.06 3.7
6.26 6 6.5 1.57 17.3 27.5 7 1.66 2.1 1.06 4.4
8.18 8 6.5 1.65 22 34.9 9.1 1.64 2.07 1.06 5.7
10 10 6.5 1.72 26.3 41.5 11.2 1.62 2.03 1.06 7
5.75 5 6.5 1.65 19.2 30.6 7.7 1.82 2.31 1.16 4.4
6.84 6 6.5 1.69 22.6 36 9.1 1.82 2.29 1.15 5.2
8.96 8 6.5 1.77 29 46 11.9 1.8 2.27 1.15 6.8
11 10 6.5 1.85 34.8 54.9 14.6 1.78 2.23 1.15 8.4
6.25 5 6.5 1.77 24.7 39.4 9.9 1.99 2.51 1.26 5.2
7.44 6 6.5 1.81 29.1 46.5 11.7 1.98 2.5 1.26 6.2
9.76 8 6.5 1.89 37.4 59.5 15.3 1.96 2.47 1.25 8.1
12 10 6.5 1.97 45 71.3 18.8 1.94 2.44 1.25 9.9
6.77 5 7 1.89 31.1 49.8 12.5 2.15 2.71 1.36 6.1
8.06 6 7 1.94 36.8 58.8 14.8 2.14 2.7 1.36 7.3
10.6 8 7 2.02 47.4 75.5 19.3 2.12 2.67 1.35 9.5
13 10 7 2.1 57.2 90.7 23.7 2.1 2.64 1.35 11.7
7.27 5 7 2.02 38.7 61.9 15.5 2.31 2.92 1.46 7.1
8.66 6 7 2.06 45.7 73.1 18.4 2.3 2.91 1.46 8.4
11.4 8 7 2.14 59 94.1 24 2.28 2.88 1.45 11
14 10 7 2.22 71.4 113 29.4 2.26 2.84 1.45 13.5
9.29 6 8 2.18 56 89.6 22.5 2.46 3.11 1.56 9.6
12.2 8 8 2.27 72.5 116 29.4 2.44 3.08 1.55 12.6
15 10 8 2.34 87.7 139 36 2.41 3.04 1.55 15.5
17.8 12 8 2.42 102 161 42.4 2.39 3.01 1.54 18.3
10.5 6 8.5 2.42 80.1 128 32 2.77 3.5 1.75 12.2
13.8 8 8.5 2.51 104 166 42 2.75 3.47 1.75 16
17 10 8.5 2.59 127 202 51.6 2.73 3.44 1.74 19.8
20.2 12 8.5 2.66 148 235 60.9 2.71 3.41 1.74 23.3
11.7 6 8.5 2.67 111 178 44.5 3.09 3.91 1.95 15.2
15.4 8 8.5 2.76 145 232 58.4 3.07 3.88 1.95 20
19 10 8.5 2.84 177 282 71.8 3.05 3.85 1.94 24.7
22.6 12 8.5 2.92 207 329 84.7 3.03 3.82 1.94 29.2
17.1 8 10 3 197 313 81 3.4 4.28 2.18 24.6
21.1 10 10 3.09 240 381 98.9 3.37 4.25 2.16 30.4
25.1 12 10 3.17 281 446 116 3.35 4.22 2.15 35.9
32.8 16 10 3.32 357 560 150 3.3 4.15 2.14 46.5
20.3 8 10 3.5 331 526 136 4.04 5.1 2.59 34.9
25.1 10 10 3.59 405 640 166 4.02 5.07 2.57 43.1
29.82 12 10 3.67 476 757 196 3.99 5.03 2.56 51
39.2 16 10 3.82 609 966 250 3.94 4.97 2.54 66.3
29.2 10 12 4.08 634 1010 260 4.66 5.87 2.98 58
34.8 12 12 4.16 746 1190 306 4.63 5.84 2.97 68.8
45.6 16 12 4.31 959 1520 395 4.58 5.77 2.94 89.7
56.2 20 12 4.46 1160 1830 481 4.53 5.71 2.93 110
46.9 12 15 5.39 1830 2910 747 6.24 7.87 3.99 125
61.8 16 15 5.56 2370 3760 968 6.19 7.8 3.96 164
76.4 20 15 5.71 2880 4570 1180 6.14 7.73 3.93 201
94.1 25 15 5.9 3470 5500 1440 6.07 7.61 3.91 246

SECTION: UB 254x146x31

Cross Sectional Area Ax = 3968 mm2

Depth of section D = 251.4 mm
Thickness of Web TD = 6 mm
Width of Section B = 146.1 mm
Flange Thickness TB = 8.6 mm
Moment of Inertia IZ = 44130000 mm4
Moment of Inertia IY = 4475000 mm4
Torsional Constant IX = 25753523.23 mm4
Section Modulus SZ = 351073.9857 mm3
Section Modulus SY = 61259.41136 mm3
Shear area Parallel to local Y axis AY = 1405.2 mm2
Shear area Parallel to local Z axis AZ = 2512.92 mm2

Staad Format UNIT = mm

3968 251.4 6 146 9 44130000 4475000 25753523.23 351073.9857
rxx = 105.4584 mm Widht of Flange of Jindal section =
ryy = 33.58232 mm Thickness of Flange of Jindal Section =
Depth of Web of Jindal Section =

61259.41 1405.2 2512.92 0 0 0 0


Beams/ Columns


UB 203X133X 25
UB 203X133X 30
UB 254x146x31
UB 254x146x37
UB 254x146x43
UB 305 x 165 x 40
UB 305 x 165 x 46
UB 305 x 165 x 54
UB 356X171X45
146.1 UB 356X171X51
8.6 UB 356X171X57
234.2 UB 356X171X67
UB 406 X 178 X 54
UB 406 X 178 X 60
UB 406 X 178 X 67
UB 406 X 178 X 74
UB 610 x 229 x 101
UB 610 x 229 x 113
UB 610 x 229 x 125.1
UB 610 x 229 x 139.9

For Staad Format

mm 1
cm 0.1
m 0.001

2 3 4 5 6 7

Sectional Weight Total Depth Flange Width Thickness of Web Thickness of Flange Root radius
w H b tw tf r
Kg/m mm mm mm mm mm
0.251 203.2 133.2 5.7 7.8 7.6
0.3 206.8 133.9 6.4 9.6 7.6
0.311 251.4 146.1 6 8.6 7.6
0.37 256 146.4 6.3 10.9 7.6
0.43 259.6 147.3 7.2 12.7 7.6
0.403 303.4 165 6 10.2 8.9
0.461 306.6 165.7 6.7 11.8 8.9
0.54 310.4 166.9 7.9 13.7 8.9
0.45 351.4 171.1 7 9.7 10.2
0.51 355 171.5 7.4 11.5 10.2
0.57 358 172.2 8.1 13 10.2
0.671 363.4 173.2 9.1 15.7 10.2
0.541 402.6 177.7 7.7 10.9 10.2
0.601 406.4 177.9 7.9 12.8 10.2
0.671 409.4 178.8 8.8 14.3 10.2
0.742 412.8 179.5 9.5 16 10.2
1.01 602.6 227.6 10.5 14.8 12.7
1.13 607.6 228.2 11.1 17.3 12.7
1.251 612.2 229 11.9 19.6 12.7
1.399 617.2 230.2 13.1 22.1 12.7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Moment of Inertia Sectional Modulus Radius of gyyra

Area of section
X Axis Y Axis X Axis Y Axis X Axis Y Axis
A Ixx Iyy Zxx Zyy rxx ryy
mm2 mm4 mm4 mm3 mm3 mm mm

3197 23400000 3076000 230300 46200 85.6 31

3821 28960000 3847000 280000 57500 87.1 31.7
3968 44130000 4475000 351100 61300 105.5 33.6
4717 55370000 5706000 432600 78000 108.3 34.8
5477 65440000 6774000 504100 92000 109.3 35.2
5132 85030000 7644000 560500 92600 128.7 38.6
5875 98990000 8957000 645700 108000 129.8 39
6877 117000000 10630000 753600 127000 130.4 39.3
5733 120700000 8111000 686700 94810 145.1 37.6
6491 141400000 9683000 796400 112900 147.6 38.6
7256 160400000 11080000 896000 128700 148.7 39.1
8549 194600000 13620000 1071000 157300 150.9 39.9
6895 187200000 10210000 930000 115000 164.8 38.5
7652 216000000 12030000 1063000 135000 168 39.7
8554 243300000 13650000 1189000 153000 168.7 39.9
9451 273100000 15450000 1323000 172000 170 40.4
12890 757800000 29150000 2515000 256000 242.4 47.5
14390 873200000 34340000 2874000 301000 246.3 48.8
15930 986100000 39320000 3221000 343000 248.8 49.7
17820 1118000000 45050000 3622000 391000 250.5 50.3
15 16 17 18


UB 203
UB 203
UB 254
UB 254
UB 254
UB 305
UB 305
UB 305
UB 356
UB 356
UB 356
UB 356
UB 406
UB 406
UB 406
UB 406
UB 610
UB 610
UB 610
UB 610
Sectional Total Flange Thicknes
Descriptio s of
Weight Depth Width s of Web
Beams/ C w H b tw tf
Kg/m mm mm mm mm
UB 203X125.1 203.2 133.2 5.7 7.8
UB 203X130 206.8 133.9 6.4 9.6
UB 254x1 31.1 251.4 146.1 6 8.6
UB 254x1 37 256 146.4 6.3 10.9
UB 254x1 43 259.6 147.3 7.2 12.7
UB 305 x 40.3 303.4 165 6 10.2
UB 305 x 46.1 306.6 165.7 6.7 11.8
UB 305 x 54 310.4 166.9 7.9 13.7
UB 356X145 351.4 171.1 7 9.7
UB 356X151 355 171.5 7.4 11.5
UB 356X157 358 172.2 8.1 13
UB 356X167.1 363.4 173.2 9.1 15.7
UB 406 X 54.1 402.6 177.7 7.7 10.9
UB 406 X 60.1 406.4 177.9 7.9 12.8
UB 406 X 67.1 409.4 178.8 8.8 14.3
UB 406 X 74.2 412.8 179.5 9.5 16
UB 610 x 101 602.6 227.6 10.5 14.8
UB 610 x 113 607.6 228.2 11.1 17.3
UB 610 x 125.1 612.2 229 11.9 19.6
UB 610 x 139.9 617.2 230.2 13.1 22.1
Root Area of Moment of Inertia Sectional Modulus Radius of gyyration
radius section X Axis Y Axis X Axis Y Axis X Axis Y Axis
r A Ixx Iyy Zxx Zyy rxx ryy
mm cm2 cm4 cm4 cm3 cm3 cm cm

7.6 31.97 2340 307.6 230.3 46.2 8.56 3.1

7.6 38.21 2896 384.7 280 57.5 8.71 3.17
7.6 39.68 4413 447.5 351.1 61.3 10.55 3.36
7.6 47.17 5537 570.6 432.6 78 10.83 3.48
7.6 54.77 6544 677.4 504.1 92 10.93 3.52
8.9 51.32 8503 764.4 560.5 92.6 12.87 3.86
8.9 58.75 9899 895.7 645.7 108 12.98 3.9
8.9 68.77 11700 1063 753.6 127 13.04 3.93
10.2 57.33 12070 811.1 686.7 94.81 14.51 3.76
10.2 64.91 14140 968.3 796.4 112.9 14.76 3.86
10.2 72.56 16040 1108 896 128.7 14.87 3.91
10.2 85.49 19460 1362 1071 157.3 15.09 3.99
10.2 68.95 18720 1021 930 115 16.48 3.85
10.2 76.52 21600 1203 1063 135 16.8 3.97
10.2 85.54 24330 1365 1189 153 16.87 3.99
10.2 94.51 27310 1545 1323 172 17 4.04
12.7 128.9 75780 2915 2515 256 24.24 4.75
12.7 143.9 87320 3434 2874 301 24.63 4.88
12.7 159.3 98610 3932 3221 343 24.88 4.97
12.7 178.2 111800 4505 3622 391 25.05 5.03

SECTION: UB 254x146x37

Cross Sectional Area Ax = 9434 mm2

Depth of section D = 256 mm
Thickness of Web TD = 6.3 mm
Width of Section B = 256 mm
Flange Thickness TB = 10.9 mm
Moment of Inertia IZ = 61076000 mm4
Moment of Inertia IY = 61076000 mm4
Torsional Constant IX = 49923305.28 mm4
Section Modulus SZ = 477156.25 mm3
Section Modulus SY = 477156.25 mm3
Shear area Parallel to local Y axis AY = 3581.8632 mm2
Shear area Parallel to local Z axis AZ = 3581.8632 mm2

Staad Format UNIT = mm

9434 256 6 256 11 61076000 61076000 49923305.28 477156.25
rxx = 80.46136 mm Widht of Flange of Jindal section =
ryy = 80.46136 mm Thickness of Flange of Jindal Section =
Depth of Web of Jindal Section =

477156 3581.863 3581.863 0 0 0 0


Beams/ Columns


UB 203X133X 25
UB 203X133X 30
UB 254x146x31
UB 254x146x37
UB 254x146x43
UB 305 x 165 x 40
UB 305 x 165 x 46
UB 305 x 165 x 54
UB 356X171X45
UB 356X171X51
UB 356X171X57
146.4 UB 356X171X67
10.9 UB 406 X 178 X 54
234.2 UB 406 X 178 X 60
UB 406 X 178 X 67
UB 406 X 178 X 74
NPB 400 x 180 x 57.4
NPB 400 x 180 x 66.3
NPB 400 x 180 x 75.7
NPB 450 x 190 x 67.2
NPB 450 x 190 x 77.6
NPB 450 x 190 x 92.4
NPB 500 x 200 x 79.4
NPB 500 x 200 x 90.7
NPB 500 x 200 x 107.3
NPB 600 x 220 x 107.6
NPB 600 x 220 x 122.4
NPB 600 x 220 x 154.5
For Staad Format UB 610 x 229 x 101
mm 1 UB 610 x 229 x 113
cm 0.1 UB 610 x 229 x 125.1
m 0.001 UB 610 x 229 x 139.9
WPB 600 x 300 x 128.8
SELECTED = 1 1 WPB 600 x 300 x 177.8
WPB 600 x 300 x 211.9
WPB 600 x 300 x 285
WPB 700 x 300 x 149.9
WPB 700 x 300 x 204.5
WPB 700 x 300 x 240.5
WPB 700 x 300 x 300.7
2 3 4 5 6 7

Sectional Weight Total Depth Flange Width Thickness of Web Thickness of Flange Root radius
w H b tw tf r
Kg/m mm mm mm mm mm
0.251 203.2 133.2 5.7 7.8 7.6
0.3 206.8 133.9 6.4 9.6 7.6
0.311 251.4 146.1 6 8.6 7.6
0.37 256 146.4 6.3 10.9 7.6
0.43 259.6 147.3 7.2 12.7 7.6
0.403 303.4 165 6 10.2 8.9
0.461 306.6 165.7 6.7 11.8 8.9
0.54 310.4 166.9 7.9 13.7 8.9
0.45 351.4 171.1 7 9.7 10.2
0.51 355 171.5 7.4 11.5 10.2
0.57 358 172.2 8.1 13 10.2
0.671 363.4 173.2 9.1 15.7 10.2
0.541 402.6 177.7 7.7 10.9 10.2
0.601 406.4 177.9 7.9 12.8 10.2
0.671 409.4 178.8 8.8 14.3 10.2
0.742 412.8 179.5 9.5 16 10.2
0.574 397 180 7 12 21
0.663 400 180 8.6 13.5 21
0.757 404 182 9.7 15.5 21
0.672 447 190 7.6 13.1 21
0.776 450 190 9.4 14.6 21
0.924 456 192 11 17.6 21
0.794 497 200 8.4 14.5 21
0.907 500 200 10.2 16 21
1.073 506 202 12 19 21
1.076 597 220 9.8 17.5 24
1.224 600 220 12 19 24
1.544 610 224 15 24 24
1.01 602.6 227.6 10.5 14.8 12.7
1.13 607.6 228.2 11.1 17.3 12.7
1.251 612.2 229 11.9 19.6 12.7
1.399 617.2 230.2 13.1 22.1 12.7
1.288 571 300 12 15.5 27
1.778 590 300 13 25 27
2.119 600 300 15.5 30 27
2.85 610 305 21 40 27
1.499 670 300 13 17 27
2.045 690 300 14.5 27 27
2.405 700 300 17 32 27
3.007 715 304 21 40 27
8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Moment of Inertia Sectional Modulus Radius of gyyra

Area of section
X Axis Y Axis X Axis Y Axis X Axis Y Axis
A Ixx Iyy Zxx Zyy rxx ryy
cm2 cm4 cm4 cm3 cm3 cm cm

3197 23400000 3076000 230300 46200 85.6 31

3821 28960000 3847000 280000 57500 87.1 31.7
3968 44130000 4475000 351100 61300 105.5 33.6
4717 55370000 5706000 432600 78000 108.3 34.8
5477 65440000 6774000 504100 92000 109.3 35.2
5132 85030000 7644000 560500 92600 128.7 38.6
5875 98990000 8957000 645700 108000 129.8 39
6877 117000000 10630000 753600 127000 130.4 39.3
5733 120700000 8111000 686700 94810 145.1 37.6
6491 141400000 9683000 796400 112900 147.6 38.6
7256 160400000 11080000 896000 128700 148.7 39.1
8549 194600000 13620000 1071000 157300 150.9 39.9
6895 187200000 10210000 930000 115000 164.8 38.5
7652 216000000 12030000 1063000 135000 168 39.7
8554 243300000 13650000 1189000 153000 168.7 39.9
9451 273100000 15450000 1323000 172000 170 40.4
7310 202930000 11706000 1022300 130100 166.6 40
8450 231280000 13178000 1156400 146400 165.5 39.5
9650 267470000 15642000 1324100 171900 166.6 40.3
8550 297590000 15024000 1331500 158100 186.5 41.9
9880 337430000 16759000 1499700 176400 184.8 41.2
11770 409230000 20854000 1794900 217200 186.5 42.1
10130 429330000 19392000 1727700 193900 206.1 43.8
11550 481990000 21417000 1927900 241200 204.3 43.1
13670 577770000 26217000 2283700 259500 205.6 43.8
13700 829190000 31163000 2777800 283300 246 47.7
15600 920830000 33873000 3069400 307900 243 46.6
19680 1183020000 45208000 3678800 403600 245.2 47.9
12890 757800000 29150000 2515000 256000 242.4 47.5
14390 873200000 34340000 2874000 301000 246.3 48.8
15930 986100000 39320000 3221000 343000 248.8 49.7
17820 1118000000 45050000 3622000 391000 250.5 50.3
16410 918720000 69934000 3217900 466200 236.6 65.3
22650 1412080000 112713000 4786700 751400 249.7 70.5
27000 1710410000 135302000 5701400 902000 251.7 70.8
36370 2374470000 189755000 7659600 1244300 256.5 72.2
19090 1427210000 76731000 4260300 511500 273.4 63.4
26050 2153010000 121788000 6240600 811900 287.5 66.5
30640 2568880000 144408000 7339700 952700 289.6 66.8
38300 3292780000 187974000 9197700 1236700 293.2 70.1
15 16 17 18


UB 203
UB 203
UB 254
UB 254
UB 254
UB 305
UB 305
UB 305
UB 356
UB 356
UB 356
UB 356
UB 406
UB 406
UB 406
UB 406
Equivalent to IPEA 400 NPB 400
Equivalent to IPE400 NPB 400
Equivalent to IPEO 400 NPB 400
Equivalent to IPEA 450 NPB 450
Equivalent to IPE 450 NPB 450
Equivalent to IPEO 450 NPB 450
Equivalent to IPEA 500 NPB 500
Equivalent to IPE 500 NPB 500
Equivalent to IPEO 500 NPB 500
Equivalent to IPEA600 NPB 600
Equivalent to IPE600 NPB 600
Equivalent to IPEO600 NPB 600
UB 610
UB 610
UB 610
UB 610
Equivalent to HE 600A WPB 600
Equivalent to HE 600B WPB 600
Equivalent to HE 600M WPB 600
WPB 600
Equivalent to HE 700A WPB 700
Equivalent to HE 700B WPB 700
Equivalent to HE 700M WPB 700
WPB 700

Sectional Total Flange Thicknes

Weight Depth Width s of Web
Beams/ C w H b tw
Kg/m mm mm mm
UB 203X125.1 203.2 133.2 5.7
UB 203X130 206.8 133.9 6.4
UB 254x1 31.1 251.4 146.1 6
UB 254x1 37 256 146.4 6.3
UB 254x1 43 259.6 147.3 7.2
UB 305 x 40.3 303.4 165 6
UB 305 x 46.1 306.6 165.7 6.7
UB 305 x 54 310.4 166.9 7.9
UB 356X145 351.4 171.1 7
UB 356X151 355 171.5 7.4
UB 356X157 358 172.2 8.1
UB 356X167.1 363.4 173.2 9.1
UB 406 X 54.1 402.6 177.7 7.7
UB 406 X 60.1 406.4 177.9 7.9
UB 406 X 67.1 409.4 178.8 8.8
UB 406 X 74.2 412.8 179.5 9.5
NPB 400 x57.4 397 180 7
NPB 400 x66.3 400 180 8.6
NPB 400 x75.7 404 182 9.7
NPB 450 x67.2 447 190 7.6
NPB 450 x77.6 450 190 9.4
NPB 450 x92.4 456 192 11
NPB 500 x79.4 497 200 8.4
NPB 500 x90.7 500 200 10.2
NPB 500 x107.3 506 202 12
NPB 600 x107.6 597 220 9.8
NPB 600 x122.4 600 220 12
NPB 600 x154.4 610 224 15
UB 610 x 101 602.6 227.6 10.5
UB 610 x 113 607.6 228.2 11.1
UB 610 x 125.1 612.2 229 11.9
UB 610 x 139.9 617.2 230.2 13.1
WPB 600 x128.8 571 300 12
WPB 600 x177.8 590 300 13
WPB 600 x211.9 600 300 15.5
WPB 600 x285 610 305 21
WPB 700 x149.9 670 300 13
WPB 700 x204.5 690 300 14.5
WPB 700 x240.5 700 300 17
WPB 700 x300.7 715 304 21
Thicknes Moment of Inertia Sectional Modulus Radius of gyyration
Root Area of
s of Remarks
radius section X Axis Y Axis X Axis Y Axis X Axis Y Axis
tf r A Ixx Iyy Zxx Zyy rxx ryy
mm mm cm2 cm4 cm4 cm3 cm3 cm cm

7.8 7.6 31.97 2340 307.6 230.3 46.2 8.56 3.1

9.6 7.6 38.21 2896 384.7 280 57.5 8.71 3.17
8.6 7.6 39.68 4413 447.5 351.1 61.3 10.55 3.36
10.9 7.6 47.17 5537 570.6 432.6 78 10.83 3.48
12.7 7.6 54.77 6544 677.4 504.1 92 10.93 3.52
10.2 8.9 51.32 8503 764.4 560.5 92.6 12.87 3.86
11.8 8.9 58.75 9899 895.7 645.7 108 12.98 3.9
13.7 8.9 68.77 11700 1063 753.6 127 13.04 3.93
9.7 10.2 57.33 12070 811.1 686.7 94.81 14.51 3.76
11.5 10.2 64.91 14140 968.3 796.4 112.9 14.76 3.86
13 10.2 72.56 16040 1108 896 128.7 14.87 3.91
15.7 10.2 85.49 19460 1362 1071 157.3 15.09 3.99
10.9 10.2 68.95 18720 1021 930 115 16.48 3.85
12.8 10.2 76.52 21600 1203 1063 135 16.8 3.97
14.3 10.2 85.54 24330 1365 1189 153 16.87 3.99
16 10.2 94.51 27310 1545 1323 172 17 4.04
12 21 73.1 20293 1170.6 1022.3 130.1 16.66 4.00 Equivalent to IPEA 400
13.5 21 84.5 23128 1317.8 1156.4 146.4 16.55 3.95 Equivalent to IPE400
15.5 21 96.5 26747 1564.2 1324.1 171.9 16.66 4.03 Equivalent to IPEO 40
13.1 21 85.5 29759 1502.4 1331.5 158.1 18.65 4.19 Equivalent to IPEA 450
14.6 21 98.8 33743 1675.9 1499.7 176.4 18.48 4.12 Equivalent to IPE 450
17.6 21 117.7 40923 2085.4 1794.9 217.2 18.65 4.21 Equivalent to IPEO 45
14.5 21 101.3 42933 1939.2 1727.7 193.9 20.61 4.38 Equivalent to IPEA 500
16 21 115.5 48199 2141.7 1927.9 241.2 20.43 4.31 Equivalent to IPE 500
19 21 136.7 57777 2621.7 2283.7 259.5 20.56 4.38 Equivalent to IPEO 50
17.5 24 137 82919 3116.3 2777.8 283.3 24.6 4.77 Equivalent to IPEA600
19 24 156 92083 3387.3 3069.4 307.9 24.3 4.66 Equivalent to IPE600
24 24 196.8 118302 4520.8 3678.8 403.6 24.52 4.79 Equivalent to IPEO600
14.8 12.7 128.9 75780 2915 2515 256 24.24 4.75
17.3 12.7 143.9 87320 3434 2874 301 24.63 4.88
19.6 12.7 159.3 98610 3932 3221 343 24.88 4.97
22.1 12.7 178.2 111800 4505 3622 391 25.05 5.03
15.5 27 164.1 91872 6993.4 3217.9 466.2 23.66 6.53 Equivalent to HE 600A
25 27 226.5 141208 11271.3 4786.7 751.4 24.97 7.05 Equivalent to HE 600B
30 27 270 171041 13530.2 5701.4 902 25.17 7.08 Equivalent to HE 600M
40 27 363.7 237447 18975.5 7659.6 1244.3 25.65 7.22
17 27 190.9 142721 7673.1 4260.3 511.5 27.34 6.34 Equivalent to HE 700A
27 27 260.5 215301 12178.8 6240.6 811.9 28.75 6.65 Equivalent to HE 700B
32 27 306.4 256888 14440.8 7339.7 952.7 28.96 6.68 Equivalent to HE 700M
40 27 383 329278 18797.4 9197.7 1236.7 29.32 7.01
Equivalent to IPEA 400
Equivalent to IPE400
Equivalent to IPEO 400
Equivalent to IPEA 450
Equivalent to IPE 450
Equivalent to IPEO 450
Equivalent to IPEA 500
Equivalent to IPE 500
Equivalent to IPEO 500
Equivalent to IPEA600
Equivalent to IPE600
Equivalent to IPEO600
Equivalent to HE 600A
Equivalent to HE 600B
Equivalent to HE 600M

Equivalent to HE 700A
Equivalent to HE 700B
Equivalent to HE 700M

SECTION: NPB 600 x 220 x 107.6


Cross Sectional Area Ax = 41800 mm2

Depth of section D = 621 mm
Thickness of Web TD = 9.8 mm
Width of Section B = 621 mm
Flange Thickness TB = 29.5 mm
Moment of Inertia IZ = 1582025200 mm4
Moment of Inertia IY = 1582025200 mm4
Torsional Constant IX = 921382096 mm4
Section Modulus SZ = 5095089.211 mm3
Section Modulus SY = 5095089.211 mm3
Shear area Parallel to local Y axis AY = 15341.6 mm2
Shear area Parallel to local Z axis AZ = 15341.6 mm2

Staad Format UNIT = mm

41800 621 10 621 30 1582025200 1582025200 921382096 5095089.211
rxx = 194.5443 mm Widht of Flange of Jindal section =
ryy = 194.5443 mm Thickness of Flange of Jindal Section =
Depth of Web of Jindal Section =

5095089 15341.6 15341.6 0 0 0 0


Beams/ Columns


UB 203X133X 25
UB 203X133X 30
UB 254x146x31
UB 254x146x37
UB 254x146x43
UB 305 x 165 x 40
UB 305 x 165 x 46
UB 305 x 165 x 54
UB 356X171X45
UB 356X171X51
UB 356X171X57
220 UB 356X171X67
17.5 UB 406 X 178 X 54
562 UB 406 X 178 X 60
UB 406 X 178 X 67
UB 406 X 178 X 74
NPB 400 x 180 x 57.4
NPB 400 x 180 x 66.3
NPB 400 x 180 x 75.7
NPB 450 x 190 x 67.2
NPB 450 x 190 x 77.6
NPB 450 x 190 x 92.4
NPB 500 x 200 x 79.4
NPB 500 x 200 x 90.7
NPB 500 x 200 x 107.3
NPB 600 x 220 x 107.6
NPB 600 x 220 x 122.4
NPB 600 x 220 x 154.5
For Staad Format UB 610 x 229 x 101
mm 1 UB 610 x 229 x 113
cm 0.1 UB 610 x 229 x 125.1
m 0.001 UB 610 x 229 x 139.9
WPB 600 x 300 x 128.8
SELECTED = 1 1 WPB 600 x 300 x 177.8
WPB 600 x 300 x 211.9
WPB 600 x 300 x 285
WPB 700 x 300 x 149.9
WPB 700 x 300 x 204.5
WPB 700 x 300 x 240.5
WPB 700 x 300 x 300.7
2 3 4 5 6 7

Sectional Weight Total Depth Flange Width Thickness of Web Thickness of Flange Root radius
w H b tw tf r
Kg/m mm mm mm mm mm
0.251 203.2 133.2 5.7 7.8 7.6
0.3 206.8 133.9 6.4 9.6 7.6
0.311 251.4 146.1 6 8.6 7.6
0.37 256 146.4 6.3 10.9 7.6
0.43 259.6 147.3 7.2 12.7 7.6
0.403 303.4 165 6 10.2 8.9
0.461 306.6 165.7 6.7 11.8 8.9
0.54 310.4 166.9 7.9 13.7 8.9
0.45 351.4 171.1 7 9.7 10.2
0.51 355 171.5 7.4 11.5 10.2
0.57 358 172.2 8.1 13 10.2
0.671 363.4 173.2 9.1 15.7 10.2
0.541 402.6 177.7 7.7 10.9 10.2
0.601 406.4 177.9 7.9 12.8 10.2
0.671 409.4 178.8 8.8 14.3 10.2
0.742 412.8 179.5 9.5 16 10.2
0.574 397 180 7 12 21
0.663 400 180 8.6 13.5 21
0.757 404 182 9.7 15.5 21
0.672 447 190 7.6 13.1 21
0.776 450 190 9.4 14.6 21
0.924 456 192 11 17.6 21
0.794 497 200 8.4 14.5 21
0.907 500 200 10.2 16 21
1.073 506 202 12 19 21
1.076 597 220 9.8 17.5 24
1.224 600 220 12 19 24
1.544 610 224 15 24 24
1.01 602.6 227.6 10.5 14.8 12.7
1.13 607.6 228.2 11.1 17.3 12.7
1.251 612.2 229 11.9 19.6 12.7
1.399 617.2 230.2 13.1 22.1 12.7
1.288 571 300 12 15.5 27
1.778 590 300 13 25 27
2.119 600 300 15.5 30 27
2.85 610 305 21 40 27
1.499 670 300 13 17 27
2.045 690 300 14.5 27 27
2.405 700 300 17 32 27
3.007 715 304 21 40 27
8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Moment of Inertia Sectional Modulus Radius of gyyra

Area of section
X Axis Y Axis X Axis Y Axis X Axis Y Axis
A Ixx Iyy Zxx Zyy rxx ryy
cm2 cm4 cm4 cm3 cm3 cm cm

3197 23400000 3076000 230300 46200 85.6 31

3821 28960000 3847000 280000 57500 87.1 31.7
3968 44130000 4475000 351100 61300 105.5 33.6
4717 55370000 5706000 432600 78000 108.3 34.8
5477 65440000 6774000 504100 92000 109.3 35.2
5132 85030000 7644000 560500 92600 128.7 38.6
5875 98990000 8957000 645700 108000 129.8 39
6877 117000000 10630000 753600 127000 130.4 39.3
5733 120700000 8111000 686700 94810 145.1 37.6
6491 141400000 9683000 796400 112900 147.6 38.6
7256 160400000 11080000 896000 128700 148.7 39.1
8549 194600000 13620000 1071000 157300 150.9 39.9
6895 187200000 10210000 930000 115000 164.8 38.5
7652 216000000 12030000 1063000 135000 168 39.7
8554 243300000 13650000 1189000 153000 168.7 39.9
9451 273100000 15450000 1323000 172000 170 40.4
7310 202930000 11706000 1022300 130100 166.6 40
8450 231280000 13178000 1156400 146400 165.5 39.5
9650 267470000 15642000 1324100 171900 166.6 40.3
8550 297590000 15024000 1331500 158100 186.5 41.9
9880 337430000 16759000 1499700 176400 184.8 41.2
11770 409230000 20854000 1794900 217200 186.5 42.1
10130 429330000 19392000 1727700 193900 206.1 43.8
11550 481990000 21417000 1927900 241200 204.3 43.1
13670 577770000 26217000 2283700 259500 205.6 43.8
13700 829190000 31163000 2777800 283300 246 47.7
15600 920830000 33873000 3069400 307900 243 46.6
19680 1183020000 45208000 3678800 403600 245.2 47.9
12890 757800000 29150000 2515000 256000 242.4 47.5
14390 873200000 34340000 2874000 301000 246.3 48.8
15930 986100000 39320000 3221000 343000 248.8 49.7
17820 1118000000 45050000 3622000 391000 250.5 50.3
16410 918720000 69934000 3217900 466200 236.6 65.3
22650 1412080000 112713000 4786700 751400 249.7 70.5
27000 1710410000 135302000 5701400 902000 251.7 70.8
36370 2374470000 189755000 7659600 1244300 256.5 72.2
19090 1427210000 76731000 4260300 511500 273.4 63.4
26050 2153010000 121788000 6240600 811900 287.5 66.5
30640 2568880000 144408000 7339700 952700 289.6 66.8
38300 3292780000 187974000 9197700 1236700 293.2 70.1
15 16 17 18


UB 203
UB 203
UB 254
UB 254
UB 254
UB 305
UB 305
UB 305
UB 356
UB 356
UB 356
UB 356
UB 406
UB 406
UB 406
UB 406
Equivalent to IPEA 400 NPB 400
Equivalent to IPE400 NPB 400
Equivalent to IPEO 400 NPB 400
Equivalent to IPEA 450 NPB 450
Equivalent to IPE 450 NPB 450
Equivalent to IPEO 450 NPB 450
Equivalent to IPEA 500 NPB 500
Equivalent to IPE 500 NPB 500
Equivalent to IPEO 500 NPB 500
Equivalent to IPEA600 NPB 600
Equivalent to IPE600 NPB 600
Equivalent to IPEO600 NPB 600
UB 610
UB 610
UB 610
UB 610
Equivalent to HE 600A WPB 600
Equivalent to HE 600B WPB 600
Equivalent to HE 600M WPB 600
WPB 600
Equivalent to HE 700A WPB 700
Equivalent to HE 700B WPB 700
Equivalent to HE 700M WPB 700
WPB 700

Sectional Total Flange Thicknes
Descriptio s of
Weight Depth Width s of Web
Beams/ C w H b tw tf
Kg/m mm mm mm mm
UB 203X125.1 203.2 133.2 5.7 7.8
UB 203X130 206.8 133.9 6.4 9.6
UB 254x1 31.1 251.4 146.1 6 8.6
UB 254x1 37 256 146.4 6.3 10.9
UB 254x1 43 259.6 147.3 7.2 12.7
UB 305 x 40.3 303.4 165 6 10.2
UB 305 x 46.1 306.6 165.7 6.7 11.8
UB 305 x 54 310.4 166.9 7.9 13.7
UB 356X145 351.4 171.1 7 9.7
UB 356X151 355 171.5 7.4 11.5
UB 356X157 358 172.2 8.1 13
UB 356X167.1 363.4 173.2 9.1 15.7
UB 406 X 54.1 402.6 177.7 7.7 10.9
UB 406 X 60.1 406.4 177.9 7.9 12.8
UB 406 X 67.1 409.4 178.8 8.8 14.3
UB 406 X 74.2 412.8 179.5 9.5 16
NPB 400 x57.4 397 180 7 12
NPB 400 x66.3 400 180 8.6 13.5
NPB 400 x75.7 404 182 9.7 15.5
NPB 450 x67.2 447 190 7.6 13.1
NPB 450 x77.6 450 190 9.4 14.6
NPB 450 x92.4 456 192 11 17.6
NPB 500 x79.4 497 200 8.4 14.5
NPB 500 x90.7 500 200 10.2 16
NPB 500 x107.3 506 202 12 19
NPB 600 x107.6 597 220 9.8 17.5
NPB 600 x122.4 600 220 12 19
NPB 600 x154.4 610 224 15 24
UB 610 x 101 602.6 227.6 10.5 14.8
UB 610 x 113 607.6 228.2 11.1 17.3
UB 610 x 125.1 612.2 229 11.9 19.6
UB 610 x 139.9 617.2 230.2 13.1 22.1
WPB 600 x128.8 571 300 12 15.5
WPB 600 x177.8 590 300 13 25
WPB 600 x211.9 600 300 15.5 30
WPB 600 x285 610 305 21 40
WPB 700 x149.9 670 300 13 17
WPB 700 x204.5 690 300 14.5 27
WPB 700 x240.5 700 300 17 32
WPB 700 x300.7 715 304 21 40
Root Area of Moment of Inertia Sectional Modulus Radius of gyyration
radius section X Axis Y Axis X Axis Y Axis X Axis Y Axis
r A Ixx Iyy Zxx Zyy rxx ryy
mm cm2 cm4 cm4 cm3 cm3 cm cm

7.6 31.97 2340 307.6 230.3 46.2 8.56 3.1

7.6 38.21 2896 384.7 280 57.5 8.71 3.17
7.6 39.68 4413 447.5 351.1 61.3 10.55 3.36
7.6 47.17 5537 570.6 432.6 78 10.83 3.48
7.6 54.77 6544 677.4 504.1 92 10.93 3.52
8.9 51.32 8503 764.4 560.5 92.6 12.87 3.86
8.9 58.75 9899 895.7 645.7 108 12.98 3.9
8.9 68.77 11700 1063 753.6 127 13.04 3.93
10.2 57.33 12070 811.1 686.7 94.81 14.51 3.76
10.2 64.91 14140 968.3 796.4 112.9 14.76 3.86
10.2 72.56 16040 1108 896 128.7 14.87 3.91
10.2 85.49 19460 1362 1071 157.3 15.09 3.99
10.2 68.95 18720 1021 930 115 16.48 3.85
10.2 76.52 21600 1203 1063 135 16.8 3.97
10.2 85.54 24330 1365 1189 153 16.87 3.99
10.2 94.51 27310 1545 1323 172 17 4.04
21 73.1 20293 1170.6 1022.3 130.1 16.66 4.00 Equivalent to IPEA 400
21 84.5 23128 1317.8 1156.4 146.4 16.55 3.95 Equivalent to IPE400
21 96.5 26747 1564.2 1324.1 171.9 16.66 4.03 Equivalent to IPEO 400
21 85.5 29759 1502.4 1331.5 158.1 18.65 4.19 Equivalent to IPEA 450
21 98.8 33743 1675.9 1499.7 176.4 18.48 4.12 Equivalent to IPE 450
21 117.7 40923 2085.4 1794.9 217.2 18.65 4.21 Equivalent to IPEO 450
21 101.3 42933 1939.2 1727.7 193.9 20.61 4.38 Equivalent to IPEA 500
21 115.5 48199 2141.7 1927.9 241.2 20.43 4.31 Equivalent to IPE 500
21 136.7 57777 2621.7 2283.7 259.5 20.56 4.38 Equivalent to IPEO 500
24 137 82919 3116.3 2777.8 283.3 24.6 4.77 Equivalent to IPEA600
24 156 92083 3387.3 3069.4 307.9 24.3 4.66 Equivalent to IPE600
24 196.8 118302 4520.8 3678.8 403.6 24.52 4.79 Equivalent to IPEO600
12.7 128.9 75780 2915 2515 256 24.24 4.75
12.7 143.9 87320 3434 2874 301 24.63 4.88
12.7 159.3 98610 3932 3221 343 24.88 4.97
12.7 178.2 111800 4505 3622 391 25.05 5.03
27 164.1 91872 6993.4 3217.9 466.2 23.66 6.53 Equivalent to HE 600A
27 226.5 141208 11271.3 4786.7 751.4 24.97 7.05 Equivalent to HE 600B
27 270 171041 13530.2 5701.4 902 25.17 7.08 Equivalent to HE 600M
27 363.7 237447 18975.5 7659.6 1244.3 25.65 7.22
27 190.9 142721 7673.1 4260.3 511.5 27.34 6.34 Equivalent to HE 700A
27 260.5 215301 12178.8 6240.6 811.9 28.75 6.65 Equivalent to HE 700B
27 306.4 256888 14440.8 7339.7 952.7 28.96 6.68 Equivalent to HE 700M
27 383 329278 18797.4 9197.7 1236.7 29.32 7.01
t to IPEA 400
t to IPE400
t to IPEO 400
t to IPEA 450
t to IPE 450
t to IPEO 450
t to IPEA 500
t to IPE 500
t to IPEO 500
t to IPEA600
t to IPE600
t to IPEO600
t to HE 600A
t to HE 600B
t to HE 600M

t to HE 700A
t to HE 700B
t to HE 700M

GAP = 8 mm


AREA = 1734 mm2 Weight/m = 0.136 KN/m

Cxx = 37.5 mm
Cyy = 44 mm
D = 40 mm
Ixx = 1520000 mm4
Iyy = 1907641 mm4
Zxx = 40533.33 mm3
Zyy = 43355.47 mm3
rxx = 29.60719 mm
ryy = 33.16834 mm
1 2 3 4 5 6
Section H B wt/m A Tf
mm mm kN/m mm2 mm

ISMC 75 75 40 0.0680 867 7.30

ISMC 100 100 50 0.0920 1170 7.50
ISMC 125 125 65 0.1270 1619 8.10
ISMC 150 150 75 0.1640 2088 9.00
ISMC 175 175 75 0.1910 2438 10.20
ISMC 200 200 75 0.2210 2821 11.40
ISMC 225 225 80 0.2590 3301 12.40
ISMC 250 250 80 0.3040 3867 14.10
ISMC 300 300 90 0.3580 4564 13.60
ISMC 350 350 100 0.4210 5366 13.50
ISMC 400 400 100 0.4940 6293 15.30
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Tw R1 R2 Cy H1 H2 G Ixx Iyy Rxx
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm4 mm4 mm

4.40 8.5 2.4 13.1 41.4 16.80 21 760000 126000 29.61

4.70 9.0 2.4 15.3 64.0 18.00 28 1867000 259000 39.95
5.00 9.5 2.4 19.4 85.4 19.80 35 4164000 599000 50.71
5.40 10.0 2.4 22.2 106.7 21.70 40 7794000 1023000 61.10
5.70 10.5 3.2 22.0 128.4 23.30 40 12233000 1210000 70.84
6.10 11.0 3.2 21.7 150.2 24.90 40 18193000 1404000 80.31
6.40 12.0 3.2 23.0 170.9 27.10 45 26946000 1872000 90.35
7.10 12.0 3.2 23.0 192.5 28.70 45 38168000 2191000 99.35
7.60 13.0 3.2 23.6 240.7 29.60 50 63626000 3108000 118.07
8.10 14.0 4.8 24.4 288.1 30.90 60 100080000 4306000 136.57
8.60 15.0 4.8 24.2 332.8 33.60 60 150828000 5048000 154.81
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Ryy Zxx Zyy g1 X Y tan q S v
mm mm3 mm3 mm

12.06 20267 4684 0 1.0 9.3 0.11 1.66 5.64

14.88 37340 7464 50 1.5 13.65 0.11 2.23 5.27
19.23 66624 13136 55 2.2 20.5 0.11 2.96 5.14
22.13 103920 19375 55 2.7 24.8 0.11 3.53 5.47
22.28 139806 22830 55 2.6 24.15 0.11 3.39 6.81
22.31 181930 26341 60 2.5 23.45 0.11 3.33 8.07
23.81 239520 32842 60 2.7 24.8 0.11 3.66 8.74
23.80 305344 38439 65 2.6 24.45 0.11 3.54 10.56
26.10 424173 46807 65 3.0 28.2 0.11 4.04 9.56
28.33 571886 56958 65 3.4 31.95 0.11 4.38 9.12
28.32 754140 66596 70 3.3 30.7 0.11 4.40 10.90

GAP = 8 mm


AREA = 1734 mm2 Weight/m = 0.136 KN/m

Cxx = 37.5 mm
Cyy = 44 mm
D = 75 mm
Ixx = 1520000 mm4
Iyy = 759038.9 mm4
Zxx = 40533.33 mm3
Zyy = 17250.89 mm3
rxx = 29.60719 mm
ryy = 20.92221 mm
1 2 3 4 5 6
Section H B wt/m A Tf
mm mm kN/m mm2 mm

ISMC 75 75 40 0.0680 867 7.30

ISMC 100 100 50 0.0920 1170 7.50
ISMC 125 125 65 0.1270 1619 8.10
ISMC 150 150 75 0.1640 2088 9.00
ISMC 175 175 75 0.1910 2438 10.20
ISMC 200 200 75 0.2210 2821 11.40
ISMC 225 225 80 0.2590 3301 12.40
ISMC 250 250 80 0.3040 3867 14.10
ISMC 300 300 90 0.3580 4564 13.60
ISMC 350 350 100 0.4210 5366 13.50
ISMC 400 400 100 0.4940 6293 15.30
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Tw R1 R2 Cy H1 H2 G Ixx Iyy Rxx
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm4 mm4 mm

4.40 8.5 2.4 13.1 41.4 16.80 21 760000 126000 29.61

4.70 9.0 2.4 15.3 64.0 18.00 28 1867000 259000 39.95
5.00 9.5 2.4 19.4 85.4 19.80 35 4164000 599000 50.71
5.40 10.0 2.4 22.2 106.7 21.70 40 7794000 1023000 61.10
5.70 10.5 3.2 22.0 128.4 23.30 40 12233000 1210000 70.84
6.10 11.0 3.2 21.7 150.2 24.90 40 18193000 1404000 80.31
6.40 12.0 3.2 23.0 170.9 27.10 45 26946000 1872000 90.35
7.10 12.0 3.2 23.0 192.5 28.70 45 38168000 2191000 99.35
7.60 13.0 3.2 23.6 240.7 29.60 50 63626000 3108000 118.07
8.10 14.0 4.8 24.4 288.1 30.90 60 100080000 4306000 136.57
8.60 15.0 4.8 24.2 332.8 33.60 60 150828000 5048000 154.81
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Ryy Zxx Zyy g1 X Y tan q S v
mm mm3 mm3 mm

12.06 20267 4684 0 1.0 9.3 0.11 1.66 5.64

14.88 37340 7464 50 1.5 13.65 0.11 2.23 5.27
19.23 66624 13136 55 2.2 20.5 0.11 2.96 5.14
22.13 103920 19375 55 2.7 24.8 0.11 3.53 5.47
22.28 139806 22830 55 2.6 24.15 0.11 3.39 6.81
22.31 181930 26341 60 2.5 23.45 0.11 3.33 8.07
23.81 239520 32842 60 2.7 24.8 0.11 3.66 8.74
23.80 305344 38439 65 2.6 24.45 0.11 3.54 10.56
26.10 424173 46807 65 3.0 28.2 0.11 4.04 9.56
28.33 571886 56958 65 3.4 31.95 0.11 4.38 9.12
28.32 754140 66596 70 3.3 30.7 0.11 4.40 10.90
Mass (M) Sectional Dimensions Sectional Properties
Area, a t R1 Cx = Cy Ix = Iy Iu(Max) Iv(Min)
DesignationKg/m Cm² mm mm Cm Cm4 Cm4 Cm4

20X20X3 0.9 1.12 3 4 0.59 0.4 0.6 0.2

20X20X4 1.1 1.45 4 4 0.63 0.5 0.8 0.2
25X25X3 1.1 1.41 3 4.5 0.71 0.8 1.2 0.3
25X25X4 1.4 1.84 4 4.5 0.75 1 1.6 0.4
25X25X5 1.8 2.25 5 4.5 0.79 1.2 1.8 0.5
30X30X3 1.4 1.73 3 5 0.83 1.4 2.2 0.6
30X30X4 1.8 2.26 4 5 0.87 1.8 2.8 0.7
30X30X5 2.2 2.77 5 5 0.92 2.1 3.4 0.9
35X35X3 1.6 2.03 3 5 0.95 2.3 3.6 0.9
35X35X4 2.1 2.66 4 5 1 2.9 4.7 1.2
35X35X5 2.6 3.27 5 5 1.04 3.5 5.6 1.5
35X35X6 3 3.86 6 5 1.08 4.1 6.5 1.7
40X40X3 1.8 2.34 3 5.5 1.08 3.4 5.5 1.4
40X40X4 2.4 3.07 4 5.5 1.12 4.5 7.1 1.8
40X40X5 3 3.78 5 5.5 1.16 5.4 8.6 2.2
40X40X6 3.5 4.47 6 5.5 1.2 6.3 10 2.6
45X45X3 2.1 2.64 3 5.5 1.2 5 8 2
45X45X4 2.7 3.47 4 5.5 1.25 6.5 10.4 2.6
45X45X5 3.4 4.28 5 5.5 1.29 7.9 12.6 3.2
45X45X6 4 5.07 6 5.5 1.33 9.2 14.6 3.8
50X50X3 2.3 2.95 3 6 1.32 6.9 11.1 2.8
50X50X4 3 3.88 4 6 1.37 9.1 14.5 3.6
50X50X5 3.8 4.79 5 6 1.41 11 17.6 4.5
50X50X6 4.5 5.68 6 6 1.45 12.9 20.6 5.3
55X55X5 4.1 5.27 5 6.5 1.53 14.7 23.5 5.9
55X55X6 4.9 6.26 6 6.5 1.57 17.3 27.5 7
55X55X8 6.4 8.18 8 6.5 1.65 22 34.9 9.1
55X55X10 7.9 10 10 6.5 1.72 26.3 41.5 11.2
60X60X5 4.5 5.75 5 6.5 1.65 19.2 30.6 7.7
60X60X6 5.4 6.84 6 6.5 1.69 22.6 36 9.1
60X60X8 7 8.96 8 6.5 1.77 29 46 11.9
60X60X10 8.6 11 10 6.5 1.85 34.8 54.9 14.6
65X65X5 4.9 6.25 5 6.5 1.77 24.7 39.4 9.9
65X65X6 5.8 7.44 6 6.5 1.81 29.1 46.5 11.7
65X65X8 7.7 9.76 8 6.5 1.89 37.4 59.5 15.3
65X65X10 9.4 12 10 6.5 1.97 45 71.3 18.8
70X70X5 5.3 6.77 5 7 1.89 31.1 49.8 12.5
70X70X6 6.3 8.06 6 7 1.94 36.8 58.8 14.8
70X70X8 8.3 10.6 8 7 2.02 47.4 75.5 19.3
70X70X10 10.2 13 10 7 2.1 57.2 90.7 23.7
75X75X5 5.7 7.27 5 7 2.02 38.7 61.9 15.5
75X75X6 6.8 8.66 6 7 2.06 45.7 73.1 18.4
75X75X8 8.9 11.4 8 7 2.14 59 94.1 24
75X75X10 11 14 10 7 2.22 71.4 113 29.4
80X80X6 7.3 9.29 6 8 2.18 56 89.6 22.5
80X80X8 9.6 12.2 8 8 2.27 72.5 116 29.4
80X80X10 11.8 15 10 8 2.34 87.7 139 36
80X80X12 14 17.8 12 8 2.42 102 161 42.4
90X90X6 8.2 10.5 6 8.5 2.42 80.1 128 32
90X90X8 10.8 13.8 8 8.5 2.51 104 166 42
90X90X10 13.4 17 10 8.5 2.59 127 202 51.6
90X90X12 15.8 20.2 12 8.5 2.66 148 235 60.9
100X100X6 9.2 11.7 6 8.5 2.67 111 178 44.5
100X100X8 12.1 15.4 8 8.5 2.76 145 232 58.4
100X100X10 14.9 19 10 8.5 2.84 177 282 71.8
100X100X12 17.7 22.6 12 8.5 2.92 207 329 84.7
110X110X8 13.4 17.1 8 10 3 197 313 81
110X110X10 16.6 21.1 10 10 3.09 240 381 98.9
110X110X12 19.7 25.1 12 10 3.17 281 446 116
110X110X16 25.7 32.8 16 10 3.32 357 560 150
130X130X8 15.9 20.3 8 10 3.5 331 526 136
130X130X10 19.7 25.1 10 10 3.59 405 640 166
130X130X12 23.5 29.9 12 10 3.67 476 757 196
130X130X16 30.7 39.2 16 10 3.82 609 966 250
150X150X10 22.9 29.2 10 12 4.08 634 1010 260
150X150X12 27.3 34.8 12 12 4.16 746 1190 306
150X150X16 35.8 45.6 16 12 4.31 959 1520 395
150X150X20 44.1 56.2 20 12 4.46 1160 1830 481
200X200X12 36.9 46.9 12 15 5.39 1830 2910 747
200X200X16 48.5 61.8 16 15 5.56 2370 3760 968
200X200X20 60 76.4 20 15 5.71 2880 4570 1180
200X200X25 73.9 94.1 25 15 5.9 3470 5500 1440
rx ru(Max) ru(Min) Zx
cm Cm Cm Cm³

0.58 0.73 0.37 0.3

0.58 0.72 0.37 0.4
0.73 0.93 0.47 0.4
0.73 0.91 0.47 0.6
0.72 0.91 0.47 0.7
0.89 1.13 0.57 0.6
0.89 1.12 0.57 0.8
0.88 1.11 0.57 1
1.05 1.33 0.67 0.9
1.05 1.32 0.67 1.2
1.04 1.31 0.67 1.4
1.03 1.29 0.67 1.7
1.21 1.54 0.77 1.2
1.21 1.53 0.77 1.6
1.2 1.51 0.77 1.9
1.19 1.5 0.77 2.3
1.38 1.74 0.87 1.5
1.37 1.73 0.87 2
1.36 1.72 0.87 2.5
1.35 1.7 0.87 2.9
1.53 1.94 0.97 1.9
1.53 1.93 0.97 2.5
1.52 1.92 0.97 3.1
1.51 1.9 0.96 3.6
1.67 2.11 1.06 3.7
1.66 2.1 1.06 4.4
1.64 2.07 1.06 5.7
1.62 2.03 1.06 7
1.82 2.31 1.16 4.4
1.82 2.29 1.15 5.2
1.8 2.27 1.15 6.8
1.78 2.23 1.15 8.4
1.99 2.51 1.26 5.2
1.98 2.5 1.26 6.2
1.96 2.47 1.25 8.1
1.94 2.44 1.25 9.9
2.15 2.71 1.36 6.1
2.14 2.7 1.36 7.3
2.12 2.67 1.35 9.5
2.1 2.64 1.35 11.7
2.31 2.92 1.46 7.1
2.3 2.91 1.46 8.4
2.28 2.88 1.45 11
2.26 2.84 1.45 13.5
2.46 3.11 1.56 9.6
2.44 3.08 1.55 12.6
2.41 3.04 1.55 15.5
2.39 3.01 1.54 18.3
2.77 3.5 1.75 12.2
2.75 3.47 1.75 16
2.73 3.44 1.74 19.8
2.71 3.41 1.74 23.3
3.09 3.91 1.95 15.2
3.07 3.88 1.95 20
3.05 3.85 1.94 24.7
3.03 3.82 1.94 29.2
3.4 4.28 2.18 24.6
3.37 4.25 2.16 30.4
3.35 4.22 2.15 35.9
3.3 4.15 2.14 46.5
4.04 5.1 2.59 34.9
4.02 5.07 2.57 43.1
3.99 5.03 2.56 51
3.94 4.97 2.54 66.3
4.66 5.87 2.98 58
4.63 5.84 2.97 68.8
4.58 5.77 2.94 89.7
4.53 5.71 2.93 110
6.24 7.87 3.99 125
6.19 7.8 3.96 164
6.14 7.73 3.93 201
6.07 7.61 3.91 246
Section H B wt/m A Tf Tw R1 R2
mm mm kN/m mm2 mm mm mm mm

ISMB100 100 50 0.089 1140 7.0 4.7 9.0 4.5

ISMB125 125 70 0.133 1700 8.0 5.0 9.0 4.5
ISMB150 150 75 0.150 1910 8.0 5.0 9.0 4.5
ISMB175 175 85 0.196 2500 9.0 5.8 10.0 5.0
ISMB200 200 100 0.242 3080 10.0 5.7 11.0 5.5
ISMB225 225 110 0.312 3970 11.8 6.5 12.0 6.0
ISMB250 250 125 0.373 4750 12.5 6.9 13.0 6.5
ISMB300 300 140 0.460 5860 13.1 7.7 14.0 7.0
ISMB350 350 140 0.524 6670 14.2 8.1 14.0 7.0
ISMB400 400 140 0.615 7840 16.0 8.9 14.0 7.0
ISMB450 450 150 0.724 9220 17.4 9.4 15.0 7.5
ISMB500 500 180 0.871 11100 17.2 10.2 17.0 8.5
ISMB550 550 190 1.036 13200 19.3 11.2 18.0 9.0
ISMB600 600 210 1.225 15600 20.3 12.0 20.0 10.0

Section H B wt/m A Tf Tw R1 R2
mm mm kN/m mm 2
mm mm mm mm

ISMC 75 75 40 0.0714 910 7.50 4.80 8.5 2.4

ISMC 100 100 50 0.0958 1220 7.70 5.00 9.0 2.4
ISMC 125 125 65 0.1311 1670 8.20 5.00 9.5 2.4
ISMC 150 150 75 0.1672 2130 9.00 5.70 10.0 2.4
ISMC 175 175 75 0.1955 2490 10.20 6.00 10.5 3.2
ISMC 200 200 75 0.2237 2850 11.40 6.20 11.0 3.2
ISMC 225 225 80 0.2614 3330 12.40 6.50 12.0 3.2
ISMC 250 250 80 0.3062 3900 14.10 7.20 12.0 3.2
ISMC 300 300 90 0.3635 4630 13.60 7.80 13.0 3.2
ISMC 350 350 100 0.4270 5440 13.50 8.30 14.0 4.8
ISMC 400 400 100 0.5008 6380 15.30 8.80 15.0 4.8
H1 H2 G Ixx Iyy Rxx Ryy Zxx Zyy
mm mm mm mm4 mm4 mm mm mm3 mm3

65.0 17.50 35 1830000 129000 40.1 10.6 36600 5160

89.2 17.90 35 4450000 385000 51.2 15.0 71200 11000
113.9 18.05 40 7180000 468000 61.3 15.7 95733 12480
134.5 20.25 50 12600000 767000 71.0 17.5 144000 18047
152.7 23.65 55 21200000 1370000 83.0 21.1 212000 27400
173.3 25.85 60 34400000 2180000 93.1 23.4 305778 39636
194.1 27.95 65 51300000 3350000 103.9 26.6 410400 53600
241.5 29.25 80 89900000 4860000 123.9 28.8 599333 69429
288.0 31.00 80 136000000 5380000 142.8 28.4 777143 76857
334.4 32.80 80 205000000 6220000 161.7 28.2 1025000 88857
379.2 35.40 90 304000000 8340000 181.6 30.1 1351111 111200
424.1 37.95 100 452000000 13700000 201.8 35.1 1808000 152222
467.5 41.25 100 649000000 18300000 221.7 37.2 2360000 192632
509.7 45.15 140 918000000 26500000 242.6 41.2 3060000 252381

Cy H1 H2 G Ixx Iyy Rxx Ryy Zxx

mm mm mm mm mm 4
mm 4
mm mm mm3

13.2 41.4 16.80 21 785000 129000 29.37 11.91 20933

15.4 64.0 18.00 28 1920000 267000 39.67 14.79 38400
19.5 85.4 19.80 35 4250000 611000 50.45 19.13 68000
22.0 106.7 21.70 40 7880000 1030000 60.82 21.99 105067
21.9 128.4 23.30 40 12400000 1220000 70.57 22.14 141714
22.0 150.2 24.90 40 18300000 1410000 80.13 22.24 183000
23.1 170.9 27.10 45 27100000 1880000 90.21 23.76 240889
23.0 192.5 28.70 45 38800000 2110000 99.74 23.26 310400
23.5 240.7 29.60 50 64200000 3130000 117.75 26.00 428000
24.4 288.1 30.90 60 100000000 4340000 135.58 28.25 571429
24.2 332.8 33.60 60 152000000 5080000 154.35 28.22 760000
g1 X Y tan q S v

55 1.500 2.325 0.65 4.40 2.60

55 0.900 7.2500 0.12 1.46 6.54
55 1.050 8.5 0.12 1.61 6.39
55 1.250 9.8 0.13 1.89 7.11
60 2.650 12.575 0.21 3.81 6.19
60 2.050 13.875 0.15 2.94 8.86
65 2.450 16.525 0.15 3.41 9.09
65 2.150 19.075 0.11 2.94 10.16
65 2.800 18.975 0.15 3.83 10.37
70 2.800 18.775 0.15 3.84 12.16
70 3.000 20.15 0.15 4.12 13.28
75 3.750 25.45 0.15 5.00 12.20
75 3.950 26.7 0.15 5.28 14.02
75 4.850 29.5 0.16 6.49 13.81

Zyy g1 X Y tan q S v
mm 3

4813 0 0.8 9.1 0.09 1.34 6.16

7717 50 1.3 13.5 0.10 1.94 5.76
13429 55 2.1 20.5 0.10 2.83 5.37
19434 55 2.7 24.65 0.11 3.53 5.47
22976 55 2.6 24 0.11 3.39 6.81
26604 60 2.5 23.4 0.11 3.33 8.07
33040 60 2.7 24.75 0.11 3.66 8.74
37018 65 2.6 24.4 0.11 3.54 10.56
47068 65 3.0 28.1 0.11 4.05 9.55
57407 65 3.4 31.85 0.11 4.38 9.12
67018 70 3.3 30.6 0.11 4.40 10.90
Mass (M) Sectional Dimensions Sectional Properties
Designation Area, a t R1 Cx = Cy Ix = Iy Iu(Max)
Kg/m Cm² mm mm Cm Cm4 Cm4
20 x 20 x 3 0.9 1.12 3 4 0.59 0.4 0.6
20 x 20 x 4 1.1 1.45 4 4 0.63 0.5 0.8
25 x 25 x 3 1.1 1.41 3 4.5 0.71 0.8 1.2
25 x 25 x 4 1.4 1.84 4 4.5 0.75 1 1.6
25 x 25 x 5 1.8 2.25 5 4.5 0.79 1.2 1.8
30 x 30 x 3 1.4 1.73 3 5 0.83 1.4 2.2
30 x 30 x 4 1.8 2.26 4 5 0.87 1.8 2.8
30 x 30 x 5 2.2 2.77 5 5 0.92 2.1 3.4
35 x 35 x 3 1.6 2.03 3 5 0.95 2.3 3.6
35 x 35 x 4 2.1 2.66 4 5 1 2.9 4.7
35 x 35 x 5 2.6 3.27 5 5 1.04 3.5 5.6
35 x 35 x 6 3 3.86 6 5 1.08 4.1 6.5
40 x 40 x 3 1.8 2.34 3 5.5 1.08 3.4 5.5
40 x 40 x 4 2.4 3.07 4 5.5 1.12 4.5 7.1
40 x 40 x 5 3 3.78 5 5.5 1.16 5.4 8.6
40 x 40 x 6 3.5 4.47 6 5.5 1.2 6.3 10
45 x 45 x 3 2.1 2.64 3 5.5 1.2 5 8
45 x 45 x 4 2.7 3.47 4 5.5 1.25 6.5 10.4
45 x 45 x 5 3.4 4.28 5 5.5 1.29 7.9 12.6
45 x 45 x 6 4 5.07 6 5.5 1.33 9.2 14.6
50 x 50 x 3 2.3 2.95 3 6 1.32 6.9 11.1
50 x 50 x 4 3 3.88 4 6 1.37 9.1 14.5
50 x 50 x 5 3.8 4.79 5 6 1.41 11 17.6
50 x 50 x 6 4.5 5.68 6 6 1.45 12.9 20.6
55 x 55 x 5 4.1 5.27 5 6.5 1.53 14.7 23.5
55 x 55 x 6 4.9 6.26 6 6.5 1.57 17.3 27.5
55 x 55 x 8 6.4 8.18 8 6.5 1.65 22 34.9
55 x 55 x### 7.9 10 10 6.5 1.72 26.3 41.5
60 x 60 x 5 4.5 5.75 5 6.5 1.65 19.2 30.6
60 x 60 x 6 5.4 6.84 6 6.5 1.69 22.6 36
60 x 60 x 8 7 8.96 8 6.5 1.77 29 46
60 x 60 x### 8.6 11 10 6.5 1.85 34.8 54.9
65 x 65 x 5 4.9 6.25 5 6.5 1.77 24.7 39.4
65 x 65 x 6 5.8 7.44 6 6.5 1.81 29.1 46.5
65 x 65 x 8 7.7 9.76 8 6.5 1.89 37.4 59.5
65 x 65 x### 9.4 12 10 6.5 1.97 45 71.3
70 x 70 x 5 5.3 6.77 5 7 1.89 31.1 49.8
70 x 70 x 6 6.3 8.06 6 7 1.94 36.8 58.8
70 x 70 x 8 8.3 10.6 8 7 2.02 47.4 75.5
70 x 70 x### 10.2 13 10 7 2.1 57.2 90.7
75 x 75 x 5 5.7 7.27 5 7 2.02 38.7 61.9
75 x 75 x 6 6.8 8.66 6 7 2.06 45.7 73.1
75 x 75 x 8 8.9 11.4 8 7 2.14 59 94.1
75 x 75 x### 11 14 10 7 2.22 71.4 113
80 x 80 x 6 7.3 9.29 6 8 2.18 56 89.6
80 x 80 x 8 9.6 12.2 8 8 2.27 72.5 116
80 x 80 x### 11.8 15 10 8 2.34 87.7 139
80 x 80 x### 14 17.8 12 8 2.42 102 161
90 x 90 x 6 8.2 10.5 6 8.5 2.42 80.1 128
90 x 90 x 8 10.8 13.8 8 8.5 2.51 104 166
90 x 90 x### 13.4 17 10 8.5 2.59 127 202
90 x 90 x### 15.8 20.2 12 8.5 2.66 148 235
100 x ### x 6 9.2 11.7 6 8.5 2.67 111 178
100 x ### x 8 12.1 15.4 8 8.5 2.76 145 232
100 x ### x### 14.9 19 10 8.5 2.84 177 282
100 x ### x### 17.7 22.6 12 8.5 2.92 207 329
110 x ### x 8 13.4 17.1 8 10 3 197 313
110 x ### x### 16.6 21.1 10 10 3.09 240 381
110 x ### x### 19.7 25.1 12 10 3.17 281 446
110 x ### x### 25.7 32.8 16 10 3.32 357 560
130 x ### x 8 15.9 20.3 8 10 3.5 331 526
130 x ### x### 19.7 25.1 10 10 3.59 405 640
130 x ### x### 23.5 29.9 12 10 3.67 476 757
130 x ### x### 30.7 39.2 16 10 3.82 609 966
150 x ### x### 22.9 29.2 10 12 4.08 634 1010
150 x ### x### 27.3 34.8 12 12 4.16 746 1190
150 x ### x### 35.8 45.6 16 12 4.31 959 1520
150 x ### x### 44.1 56.2 20 12 4.46 1160 1830
200 x ### x### 36.9 46.9 12 15 5.39 1830 2910
200 x ### x### 48.5 61.8 16 15 5.56 2370 3760
200 x ### x### 60 76.4 20 15 5.71 2880 4570
200 x ### x### 73.9 94.1 25 15 5.9 3470 5500
Iv(Min) rx ru(Max) ru(Min) Zx
Cm4 cm Cm Cm Cm³
0.2 0.58 0.73 0.37 0.3 ISA20x20x3
0.2 0.58 0.72 0.37 0.4 ISA20x20x4
0.3 0.73 0.93 0.47 0.4 ISA25x25x3
0.4 0.73 0.91 0.47 0.6 ISA25x25x4
0.5 0.72 0.91 0.47 0.7 ISA25x25x5
0.6 0.89 1.13 0.57 0.6 ISA30x30x3
0.7 0.89 1.12 0.57 0.8 ISA30x30x4
0.9 0.88 1.11 0.57 1 ISA30x30x5
0.9 1.05 1.33 0.67 0.9 ISA35x35x3
1.2 1.05 1.32 0.67 1.2 ISA35x35x4
1.5 1.04 1.31 0.67 1.4 ISA35x35x5
1.7 1.03 1.29 0.67 1.7 ISA35x35x6
1.4 1.21 1.54 0.77 1.2 ISA40x40x3
1.8 1.21 1.53 0.77 1.6 ISA40x40x4
2.2 1.2 1.51 0.77 1.9 ISA40x40x5
2.6 1.19 1.5 0.77 2.3 ISA40x40x6
2 1.38 1.74 0.87 1.5 ISA45x45x3
2.6 1.37 1.73 0.87 2 ISA45x45x4
3.2 1.36 1.72 0.87 2.5 ISA45x45x5
3.8 1.35 1.7 0.87 2.9 ISA45x45x6
2.8 1.53 1.94 0.97 1.9 ISA50x50x3
3.6 1.53 1.93 0.97 2.5 ISA50x50x4
4.5 1.52 1.92 0.97 3.1 ISA50x50x5
5.3 1.51 1.9 0.96 3.6 ISA50x50x6
5.9 1.67 2.11 1.06 3.7 ISA55x55x5
7 1.66 2.1 1.06 4.4 ISA55x55x6
9.1 1.64 2.07 1.06 5.7 ISA55x55x8
11.2 1.62 2.03 1.06 7 ISA55x55x10
7.7 1.82 2.31 1.16 4.4 ISA60x60x5
9.1 1.82 2.29 1.15 5.2 ISA60x60x6
11.9 1.8 2.27 1.15 6.8 ISA60x60x8
14.6 1.78 2.23 1.15 8.4 ISA60x60x10
9.9 1.99 2.51 1.26 5.2 ISA65x65x5
11.7 1.98 2.5 1.26 6.2 ISA65x65x6
15.3 1.96 2.47 1.25 8.1 ISA65x65x8
18.8 1.94 2.44 1.25 9.9 ISA65x65x10
12.5 2.15 2.71 1.36 6.1 ISA70x70x5
14.8 2.14 2.7 1.36 7.3 ISA70x70x6
19.3 2.12 2.67 1.35 9.5 ISA70x70x8
23.7 2.1 2.64 1.35 11.7 ISA70x70x10
15.5 2.31 2.92 1.46 7.1 ISA75x75x5
18.4 2.3 2.91 1.46 8.4 ISA75x75x6
24 2.28 2.88 1.45 11 ISA75x75x8
29.4 2.26 2.84 1.45 13.5 ISA75x75x10
22.5 2.46 3.11 1.56 9.6 ISA80x80x6
29.4 2.44 3.08 1.55 12.6 ISA80x80x8
36 2.41 3.04 1.55 15.5 ISA80x80x10
42.4 2.39 3.01 1.54 18.3 ISA80x80x12
32 2.77 3.5 1.75 12.2 ISA90x90x6
42 2.75 3.47 1.75 16 ISA90x90x8
51.6 2.73 3.44 1.74 19.8 ISA90x90x10
60.9 2.71 3.41 1.74 23.3 ISA90x90x12
44.5 3.09 3.91 1.95 15.2 ISA100x100x6
58.4 3.07 3.88 1.95 20 ISA100x100x8
71.8 3.05 3.85 1.94 24.7 ISA100x100x10
84.7 3.03 3.82 1.94 29.2 ISA100x100x12
81 3.4 4.28 2.18 24.6 ISA110x110x8
98.9 3.37 4.25 2.16 30.4 ISA110x110x10
116 3.35 4.22 2.15 35.9 ISA110x110x12
150 3.3 4.15 2.14 46.5 ISA110x110x16
136 4.04 5.1 2.59 34.9 ISA130x130x8
166 4.02 5.07 2.57 43.1 ISA130x130x10
196 3.99 5.03 2.56 51 ISA130x130x12
250 3.94 4.97 2.54 66.3 ISA130x130x16
260 4.66 5.87 2.98 58 ISA150x150x10
306 4.63 5.84 2.97 68.8 ISA150x150x12
395 4.58 5.77 2.94 89.7 ISA150x150x16
481 4.53 5.71 2.93 110 ISA150x150x20
747 6.24 7.87 3.99 125 ISA200x200x12
968 6.19 7.8 3.96 164 ISA200x200x16
1180 6.14 7.73 3.93 201 ISA200x200x20
1440 6.07 7.61 3.91 246 ISA200x200x25


Z Z DIS 1.5



350 mm

Angle Size ISA100x100x10

Linking cell

T S 55

DIS = 1.5 m

( Including the thickness of the plate)
Minmum width of the plate = 255
Width = 350 mm
Thicknss = 12 mm

Angle Property
Area of Each angle = 1900 mm²
Width = 100 mm
Thickness of leg = 10 mm
C.G distance = 28.4 mm
Ix= Iy = 1770000 mm4
Iu(max) = 2820000 mm4
Iu(min) = 718000 mm4
rx=ry = 30.5 mm
ru = 38.5 mm
rv = 19.4 mm
Zx=Zy = 24700 mm³

Combined property

Total Area = 16000 mm²

Outer to outer dis of
angle along Z dir = 320 mm
(15 mm projection on each side)
Depth = 1500 mm
Width = 350 mm
Thick of flange = 12 mm
Thick of Web = 10 mm
Ay = 4000 mm²
Az = 4092 mm²

Built up Section C.G

z1 = 175 mm
y1 = 750 mm

Moment of Interia
Izz = 8.48E+09 mm4
Iyy = 2.24E+08 mm4
Ixy = 669866.7 mm4
Szz = 11311502 mm³
Syy = 1282577 mm³
Weight = 125.6 kg/m

457839483.xls/ANGLE KK/ST 02/01/2020

TUAS-BLOCK 3 & 4 CB - 70821 R-0 B-27


Width of flange (B) = 350 mm

= 35 cm Z Z Z
Thickness of flange (TB) = 30 mm
= 3 cm
Depth of web = 1140 mm .
= 114 cm
Thickness of web (TD) = 18 mm Y
= 1.8 cm
(a) Area (A) = (350.00x30.00)x2+1140.00x18.00

= 41520 mm²
= 415.2 cm²

(b) Overall depth ( D ) = 1140.00+30.00x2

= 1200 mm
= 120 cm

(c) Moment of Inertia, IZ = (1140.00^3x18.00 / 12) +(350.00x30.00)x(600.00-15.00)^2 x 2

= 9409041000 mm4
= 940904.1 cm4

(d) Moment of Inertia, IY = (350.00^3x30.00) /12 x 2

= 214375000 mm4
= 21437.5 cm4

(e) Moment of Inertia, IX = 350x30^3/3 x 2 +1140x18^3 / 3

= 46582826.667 mm4
= 4658.2826667 cm4

(f) Section modulus, SZ = (9409041000.00)/(1200/2)

= 15681735 mm³
= 15681.735 mm³

(g) Section modulus, SY = (214375000.00)/350.00/2

= 1225000 mm³
= 1225 cm³
= 1225 cm³ (0.5 * ZY)

(h) Section modulus, AY = 1140.00x18.00

= 20520 mm²
= 205.2 cm²

(i) Section modulus, AZ = 0.66 x (350.00x30.00)x2

= 13860 mm²
= 138.6 cm²

(j) Plastic modulus, PZ = 350.00x30.00x(600.00-15.00) x 2 + 570.00x18.00x(570.00/2)x 2

= 18133200 mm³
= 18133.2 cm³

(k) Plastic modulus, PY = ((175.0x30.00)x87.50)*4+(10260.00x4.50)x2

= 1929840 mm³
= 1929.84 cm³
= 1929.84 cm³ (0.5 * PY)
(k) HSS = 1170.0^2 x 30 x 30 x 350^3 x 350^3 / 12 (30.0 x 350^3 + 30.0 x 350^3)
= 7.33645E+13
= 73364484.375 cm4

(l) DEE = 1170 mm

= 117 cm

457839483.xls 02/01/2020
PLT 150 X 10 THK'

11100 14100 13200
500 550
180 190
17.2 19.3
10.2 11.2
4.52E+08 6.47E+08 6.49E+08
13700000 18300000

457839483.xls/ISMB KK / ST 02/01/2020




WIDTH 175 mm


DEPTH 350 mm



AREA 14000 mm² x x

Ixx 3.11E+08 mm4

Iyy 17864583 mm4


AREA 28000 mm²

Depth 875 mm
Width 390 mm
Thickness of web 20 mm
Thickness of flange 20 mm
Ay 14000 mm²
Az 9240 mm²

IY 6.22E+08 mm4
IZ 3.47E+09 mm4
IX 3733333 mm4
SY 3190085 mm³
SZ 7921667 mm³
WEIGHT 219.8 kg/m

457839483.xls\plate_two (2) KK / ST 02/01/2020





WIDTH 150 mm Area
DEPTH 305 mm



AREA 5440 mm² x x

Ixx 93333833 mm4 9.33E+03

Iyy 5625000 mm4


AREA 10880 mm²

Depth 1400 mm
Width 325 mm
Thickness of web 10 mm
Thickness of flange 8 mm
Ay 6000 mm²
Az 3220.8 mm²

IY 1.87E+08 mm4
IZ 4.26E+09 mm4
IX 304106.7 mm4
SY 1148724 mm³
SZ 6087500 mm³
WEIGHT 85.408 kg/m

457839483.xls KK / ST 02/01/2020

Z 1300 mm



N O 500 mm
16 mm

WIDTH 120 mm
WIDTH 250 mm



AREA 6670 mm²

DEPTH 350 mm
WIDTH 140 mm
Izz 1.4E+08 mm4
Iyy 5380000 mm4


AREA 32940 mm²

Depth 1440 mm
Width 390 mm
Thickness of web 33.75 mm
Thickness of flange 27.65 mm
Ay 17552 mm²
Az 5171.1 mm²

Iz 1.4E+10 mm4
Iy 6.5E+08 mm4
Ix 2271817 mm4

457839483.xls/ISMB (2) KK / ST 02/01/2020

Sz 1.9E+07 mm³
Sy 3346889 mm³
weight 258.579 kg/m

457839483.xls/ISMB (2) KK / ST 02/01/2020

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