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Applicable for Class – XI (PINNACLE)
DATE: 01/12/2019

Time Allotted: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 198

 Please read the instructions carefully. You are allotted 5 minutes sp ecifically for
this purpose.
 You are not allowed to leave the Examination Hall before the end of the test.

Caution: Question Paper CODE as given above MUST be correctly marked in the answer
OMR sheet before attempting the paper. Wrong CODE or no CODE will give wrong

A. General Instructions
1. Attempt ALL the questions. Answers have to be marked on the OMR sheets.
2. This question paper contains Three Parts.
3. Part-I is Physics, Part-II is Chemistry and Part-III is Mathematics.
4. Rough spaces are provided for rough work inside the question paper. No additional sheets will be
provided for rough work.
5. Blank Papers, clip boards, log tables, slide rule, calculator, cellular phones, pagers and electronic
devices, in any form, are not allowed.

B. Filling of OMR Sheet

1. Ensure matching of OMR sheet with the Question paper before you start marking your answers on
OMR sheet.
2. On the OMR sheet, darken the appropriate bubble with HB pencil for each character of your Enrolment
No. and write in ink your Name, Test Centre and other details at the designated places.
3. OMR sheet contains alphabets, numerals & special characters for marking answers.
C. Marking Scheme For All Three Parts.
(i) Section-A (01 – 4) contains 4 multiple choice questions which have only one correct answer. Each
question carries +3 marks for correct answer and – 1 mark for wrong answer.
Section-A (5 – 9) contains 5 multiple choice questions which have one or more than one correct
answer. Each question carries +4 marks for correct answer. There is no negative marking.
Section-A (10 – 11) contains 1 paragraph. Each question has only one correct answer and carries
+3 marks for correct answer and – 1 mark for wrong answer.
(ii) Section-B contain 1 Matrix Match Type questions containing statements given in 2 columns.
Statements in the first column have to be matched with statements in the second column. Each
question carries +8 marks for all correct answer. For each correct row +2 marks will be awarded.
There may be one or more than one correct choice. No marks will be given for any wrong match in
any question. There is no negative marking.
(iii) Section-C (01 – 05) contains 5 Numerical based questions with single digit integer as answer,
ranging from 0 to 9 and each question carries +4 marks for correct answer. There is no negative

Name of the Candidate :____________________________________________

Batch :____________________ Date of Examination :___________________

Enrolment Number :_______________________________________________

FIITJEE Ltd., Plot No. 47, Sector – 12B, Opposite Bal Bhawan International School, Dwarka, New Delhi – 110 075,
Ph. : 011-28035963/64/65 website :
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SECTION – A (Single Correct Answer Type)

This section contains 4 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

1. A cubical block of side ‘a’ and density ‘’ slides over a fixed inclined plane with constant velocity
v. There is a thin film of viscous fluid of thickness ‘t’ between the plane and the block. Then the
coefficient of viscosity of the thin film will be
agt sin  gt sin 
(A)   (B)  
v av

(C)  
(D) None of these 
agt sin 

2. A soap film is slowly blown under isothermal conditions in air at NTP to a radius R. How much
work is done? Surface tension of film is T
(A) 4 R T (B) 8 R T
2 2

(C) 18 R T
(D) zero

3. Steam is passed into 22g of water at 20°C. The mass of water that will be present when the water
acquires a temperature of 90°C (Latent heat of steam is 540 cal/g) is
(A) 24.8 g (B) 24 g
(C) 36.6 g (D) 30 g

4. A cylindrical vessel of 90 cm height is kept filled upto the brim. It has four holes 1, 2, 3, 4 which
are respectively at heights of 20 cm, 30 cm, 45 cm and 50 cm from the horizontal floor PQ. The
water falling at the maximum horizontal distance from the vessel comes from



(A) Hole number 4 (B) Hole number 3
(C) Hole number 2 (D) Hole number 1

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(Multi Correct Answer Type)

This section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONE OR MORE may be correct.

5. When a capillary tube is dipped into a liquid, the liquid neither rises nor falls in the capillary.
(A) the surface tension may be zero
(B) the surface tension of the liquid must be zero
(C) the contact angle may be 90°
(D) none of these

6. Choose the correction option(s)

(A) with the rise in temperature viscosity decreases
(B) viscosity of liquid increases with increase in pressure but in case of water, viscosity decreases
with rise in pressure
(C) viscosity of liquid is decreases with increase in pressure
(D) viscosity of gases is independent of pressure

7. Due to thermal expansion with rise in temperature

(A) metallic scale reading becomes lasser than true value
(B) pendulum clock becomes fast
(C) a floating body sinks a little more
(D) the weight of a body in a liquid increases

8. When two samples at different temperatures are mixed, the temperature of mixture can be
(A) lesser than lower or greater than higher temperature
(B) equal to lower or higher temperature
(C) greater than lower but lesser than higher temperature
(D) average of lower and higher temperature

9. If ,  and  are coefficient of linear, superficial and volume expansion respectively, then
B 1 B 2
(A)  (B) 
 2  3
 3  
(C)  (D) 
 1  

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Phase Test-3_11 PINNACLE_4

(Paragraph Type)
This section contains 1 paragraph. Based upon the paragraphs 2 multiple choice questions have to be
answered. Each of these questions has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Paragraph for Question Nos. 10 to 11

Liquid is flowing out of container containing liquid upto height H. There are two holes in the wall of
container one at depth h below top of liquid level and other at height h from bottom of liquid level.
The liquid flows out of both the holes as shown in figure

h v1


10. The velocities of efflux from two holes are
(A) v1  2gh, v 2  2g(H  h) (B) v1  2g(H  h), v 2  2gh
(C) v1  v 2  2gh (D) v1  v 2  2g(H  h)

11. The ratio of distances at which liquid will strike at level with bottom of container
x Hh h
(A) 1  (B)
x2 h Hh
(C) 1 (D)

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SECTION – B (MatrixMatch Type)

This Section contains 1 question. Each question has four statements (A, B, C and D) given in Column I
and four statements (p, q, r, s) in Column II. Any given statement in Column I can have correct
matching with ONE or MORE statement(s) given in Column II. For example, if for a given question,
statement B matches with the statements given in q and r, then for the particular question, against
statement B, darken the bubbles corresponding to q and r in the ORS.
12. Three liquids A, B and C having same specific heat and mass m, 2m and 3m have temperatures
20°C, 40°C and 60°C respectively. Temperature of the mixture when
Column - I Column – II
(A) A and B are mixed (p) 33.3°C
(B) A and C are mixed (q) 52°C
(C) B and C are mixed (r) 50°C
(D) A, B and C all three are mixed (s) 46.67°C

SECTION – C (Integer Answer Type)

This section contains 5 questions. The answer to each question is a single-digit integer, ranging from 0
to 9. The correct digit below the question number in the ORS is to be bubbled.
13. The terminal speed of a sphere of gold (density = 19.5 kg/m ) is 2 m/s in a viscous liquid (density
3 3
= 1.5 kg/m ). The terminal speed of sphere of a silver (density 10.5 kg/m ) of the same size in the
same liquid is k, where value of k?

14. A U-tube contains water and methylated spirit separated by mercury. The mercury columns in the
two arms are in level with 10.0 cm of water in one arm and 12.5 cm of spirit in the other. The
specific gravity of spirit is 0.1  k, where value k is?

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Phase Test-3_11 PINNACLE_6

15. A wooden plank of length 1 m and uniform cross-section is

hinged at one end to the bottom of a tank as shown in figure. The /2
tank is filled with water up to a height of 0.5 m. The specific
gravity of the plank is 0.5. The angle  that the plank makes with
0.5 m
the vertical in the equilibrium position is cos   , where value 
of k. (Exclude the case  = 0). O

16. A bent tube is lowered into a water stream as shown in figure. The
velocity of stream relative to be tube is equal to v = 2.5 m/s. The h
closed upper end of the tube located at the height h 0 = 12 cm as a
1 h0
small orifice. The height h will the water jet spurt will be h  , where
value of k is

17. 1 g ice at 0°C is placed in a calorimeter having 1 g water at 40°C. In equilibrium final contents of
water and ice is in the ratio of k, where value of k. (Assuming heat capacity of calorimeter is
negligibly small)

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Ph. : 011-28035963/64/65 website :
Phase Test-3_11 PINNACLE_7

SECTION – A (Single Correct Answer Type)
This section contains 4 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

1. Which of the following expressions is not true?

(A) For a neutral solution [H ]  [OH ]  K w
(B) For an acidic solution [H ]  K w and [OH- ]  K w
(C) For an alkaline solution [H ]  K w and [OH- ]  K w
(D) For a neutral solution [H ]  [OH ]  107 M at all temperatures

2. The maximum pH of a solution in which concentration of Mg is 0.10 M, from which Mg(OH)2 is
not precipitated is (Ksp of Mg(OH)2 is 1.2  10 .)
(A) 4.96 (B) 6.96
(C) 7.04 (D) 9.04

3. In the rock salt AB, if C introduced in tetrahedral voids such that no distortion occurs, then
formula of resultant compound is
(A) ABC (B) ABC2
(C) A 4B4C (D) ABC8

4. For the reaction

2HI(g)  
 H2(g) + I2(g)
The degree of dissociation () of HI(g) is related to equilibrium constant, Kp by the expression
1  2 Kp 1  2K p
(A) (B)
2 2
2K p 2 Kp
(C) (D)
1 2K p 1 2 K p

(Multi Correct Answer Type)

This section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONE OR MORE may be correct.

5. The blue colour of the solution (metal dissolved in liquid ammonia) is due to
(A) free electrons
(B) paramagnetic nature of solution
(C) ammoniated electrons
(D) liberation of hydrogen from solution on standing

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Phase Test-3_11 PINNACLE_8

6. Which of the following hydride is covalent can exist in polymeric form?

(A) BeH2 (B) SrH2
(C) CaH2 (D) BaH2

7. Which of the following reactions are involved in solvay process?

(A) 2NH3  H2O  CO2   NH4 2 CO3
(B) NH4 2 CO3  H2O  CO2 
 2NH4HCO3
(C) NH4HCO3  NaCl 
NH4Cl  NaHCO3
(D) 2NaHCO3 
Na2CO3  CO2  H2O

8. Amorphous solids
(A) are isotropic
(B) do not have sharp melting point
(C) are supercooled liquids
(D) have same physical properties in all the directions

9. Given: Radius of A 2  100pm, Radius of C = 240pm, Radius of B2  300pm; radius of

D = 480pm. Which is/are correct statements?
(A) C.N. of A 2 in compound AB is 4 (B) C.N. of A 2 in compound AB is 6
 +
(C) C.N. of C in compound CD is 6 (D) C.N. of C in compound CD is 8

(Paragraph Type)
This section contains 1 paragraph. Based upon the paragraphs 2 multiple choice questions have to be
answered. Each of these questions has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Paragraph for Question Nos. 10 to 11
The heavier elements of group 13, 14 and 15 besides their group oxidation state exhibit another
oxidation state which is two units lower than the group oxidation state. The stability of lower
oxidation state increases down the group.
The display of lower oxidation state is due to inert pair effect.

10. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

(A) Boron shows only +3 oxidation state.
(B) In Ga +3 oxidation state is more stable than +1 oxidation state.
(C) In Pb + 2 oxidation state is more stable than +4 oxidation state.
(D) In Tl +1 oxidation state is less stable than +3 oxidation state.

11. The strongest reducing agent among the following is:

(A) GeCl2 (B) SnCl2
(C) PbCl2 (D) TlCl

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SECTION – B (MatrixMatch Type)

This Section contains 1 question. Each question has four statements (A, B, C and D) given in Column I
and five statements (p, q, r, s and t) in Column II. Any given statement in Column I can have correct
matching with ONE or MORE statement(s) given in Column II. For example, if for a given question,
statement B matches with the statements given in q and r, then for the particular question, against
statement B, darken the bubbles corresponding to q and r in the ORS.

12. Match the following

Two moles of helium gas are taken over the cycle ABCDA, as shown (below) in the P – T
diagram, (Assume the gas to be ideal and R is gas constant)

Now, match list I with list II and selected the options given below

Column I Column II
(A) Magnitude of work done by the gas in (p) 693 R
taking from A to B
(B) Magnitude of work done by the gas in (q) 277 R
taking from BC
(C) Magnitude of work done one the gas in (r) 400 R
taking from D A
(D) Magnitude of the net heat (s) 416
absorbed/envolved in the cycle

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Ph. : 011-28035963/64/65 website :
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SECTION – C (Integer Answer Type)

This section contains 5 questions. The answer to each question is a single-digit integer, ranging from 0
to 9. The correct digit below the question number in the ORS is to be bubbled.
13. What is the ratio of nearest neighbour in a face centred cubic to the number of atoms in its per
unit cell

14. Ratio of coordination number of cation and anion in fluorite structure is

15. In the given graph, the area of circle ‘A’ and ‘B’ are 25 units and 20 units respectively. Work done
will be......... unit.

16. The number of alkali metal(s) capable of forming superoxide amongst (Li, Na, K) are

17. Find the number of reagents which would lead to unsymmetrical cleavage of diborane
CH3NH2 ,NH3 ,  CH3  NH,  CH3 3 N,
O ,

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PART – III : Mathematics

SECTION – A (Single Correct Answer Type)
This section contains 4 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
2 2
1. The locus of a point whose chord of contact with respect to the ellipse x + 2y = 1 subtends a right
angle at the centre of the ellipse is
2 2 2
(A) x + 4y = 3 (B) y = 4x
2 2
(C) 2x + y = 1 (D) none of these
x2 y2
2. The number of point(s) outside the hyperbola   1 from where two perpendicular tangents
25 36
can be drawn to the hyperbola is/are
(A) None (B) 1
(C) 2 (D) Infinite

+ . . .+z +1= 0, where n  N, n

n-1 n-2 n-3
3. If z1, z2, z3 . . .. zn-1 are the roots of the equation z +z +z
> 2, then
(A)  ,  are also the roots of the same equation.
n 2n

(B)  ,  are also the roots of the same equation.

1/n 2/n

(C) z1, z2, . . . , zn-1 form a geometric progression.

(D) none of these.
Where  is the complex cube root of unity.
2 2
4. The solutions of the equation (cos x – 4sinx + 6) (1-sinx) = cos x are
(A) 2n, n I (B) (4n – 1) /2, n  I

(C) (4n + 1) , nI (D) None of these
(Multi Correct Answer Type)
This section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONE OR MORE may be correct.

5. Let F1, F2 be two foci of the ellipse and PT and PN are tangent and normal respectively to the
ellipse at point P. Then
(A) PN bisects F1PF2 (B) PT bisects F1PF2
(C) PT bisects angle (180° - F1PF2) (D) None of these

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Phase Test-3_11 PINNACLE_12

6 A circle cuts rectangular hyperbola xy = 1 in the points (x r, yr), r = 1, 2, 3, 4 then

(A) y1y2y3y4 = 1 (B) x1x2x3x4 = 1
(C) x1x2x3x4 = y1y2y3y4 = -1 (D) y1y2y3y4 = 0

A A A 
7. If 1 sin A = sin – cos , then  could lie in quadrant
2 2 2 4
(A) first (B) second
(C) third (D) fourth

8. If sinx + cosx = y , x  [ 0, ], then
(A) x =/4 (B) y =0
(C) y = 1 (D) x= 3/4.
2 2
9. Let ‘z’ be a complex number and ‘a’ be a real parameter such that z + az + a = 0, then
(A) locus of z is a pair of straight lines (B) locus of z is a circle
(C) arg(z) =  (D) |z| =|a| .

(Paragraph Type)
This section contains 1 paragraph. Based upon the paragraphs 2 multiple choice questions have to be
answered. Each of these questions has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Paragraph for Question Nos. 10 to 11
Let P(x, y) be a variable point such that  x  12   y  22   x  5 2   y  5 2  4 which represents a

10. The eccentricity of the corresponding conjugate hyperbola is

5 4 5 3
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 3 3 2

11. Locus of point of intersection of two perpendicular tangents to the hyperbola is

2 2
 7 1  7 3
(A)  x  3    y    (B)  x  3    y   
2 2

 2 4  2 4
2 2
 7 5  7 7
(C)  x  3    y    (D)  x  3    y   
2 2

 2 4  2 4

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Ph. : 011-28035963/64/65 website :
Phase Test-3_11 PINNACLE_13

SECTION – B (MatrixMatch Type)

This Section contains 1 question. Each question has four statements (A, B, C and D) given in Column I
and five statements (p, q, r, s and t) in Column II. Any given statement in Column I can have correct
matching with ONE or MORE statement(s) given in Column II. For example, if for a given question,
statement B matches with the statements given in q and r, then for the particular question, against
statement B, darken the bubbles corresponding to q and r in the ORS.

x2 y2
12. For the ellipse  1
5 4
Column-I Column-II
(A) x0 (P) a directrix
(B) x 5 (Q) a latus rectum
(C) x 1 (R) a line parallel to minor axis
(D) x5 (S) tangent at an end of major axis

SECTION – C (Integer Answer Type)

This section contains 5 questions. The answer to each question is a single-digit integer, ranging from 0
to 9. The correct digit below the question number in the ORS is to be bubbled.
13. If |z| < 4, then | iz +3 – 4i| is less than

1  i 2 2
14. If = A + iB, then A +B equals to
1  i

If ( - 2)x + y = 4 represents a rectangular hyperbola then  equals

2 2

16. Let ABC and ABC’ be two non-congruent triangles with sides AB = 4, AC = AC’ = 2 2 and angle B
= 30º. The absolute value of the difference between the areas of these triangles is

17. Consider a triangle ABC and let a, b and c denote the lengths of the sides opposite to vertices A, B
and C, respectively. Suppose a = 6, b = 10, and the area of triangle is 15 3. If ACB is obtuse
and if r denotes the radius of the incircle of the triangle, then the value of r is

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Ph. : 011-28035963/64/65 website :
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Applicable for Class – XI (PINNACLE)
DATE: 01/12/2019

1. A 4. B 7. A, C, D 10. A
2. B 5. A, C 8. B, C, D 11. C
3. A 6. A, B, D 9. B, C

12. A – p; B – r; C – q; D – s

13. 1 14. 8 15. 2 16. 5 17. 3

1. D 4. D 7. ABC 10. D
2. D 5. C 8. AB 11. A
3. B 6. A 9. AC
12 Ar; Bp, Cs; Dq

13. 3 14. 2 15. 5 16. 1 17. 3

1. A 4. C 7. A, B 10. C
2. A 5. A, C 8. A, C 11. D
3. C 6. A, B 9. A, C, D
12. A R; B RS; C QR; D PR

13. 9 14. 1 15. 1 16. 4 17. 3

FIITJEE Ltd., Plot No. 47, Sector – 12B, Opposite Bal Bhawan International School, Dwarka, New Delhi – 110 075,
Ph. : 011-28035963/64/65 website :
Phase Test-3_11 PINNACLE_16

FIITJEE Ltd., Plot No. 47, Sector – 12B, Opposite Bal Bhawan International School, Dwarka, New Delhi – 110 075,
Ph. : 011-28035963/64/65 website :
Phase Test-3_11 PINNACLE_17


1. A
mgsin   A  
or a3 gsin   a2  
agt sin 
 
2. B
W  TA
 T  2[4R2  0]
 8R2T
3. A
22  1 (90  20)  m  540  m  1 (100  90)
 m = 2.8 g
The total mass of water = 22 + 2.8 = 24.8 g
4. B
5. A, C
2T cos 
For h to be zero, either T = 0 or  = 90°
6. A, B, D
7. A, C, D
8. B, C, D
9. B, C
  2 and   3
 2 
  and 3
 3 
10. A
11. C
12. A – p; B – r; C – q; D – s
A and B (m) (s) ( - 20) = (2m)(s)(40 - )
or   33.3C
A and C : (m)(s)( – 20) = (3m)(s)(60 – )
B and C : (2m)(s)( – 40) = (3m)(s)(60 – )
A, B and C : (m)(s)( – 20) + (2m)(s)(60 – )
= (3m) (s) (60 – )
 = 46.67°C
13. 1
v1  g    19.5  1.5 18
   2
v 2  s    10.5  1.5 9
v1 2
v2   1
2 2
14. 8
As the mercury column in the two arms of the U-tube are the same, so
or w ghw  s ghs Spirit
s h w 12.5 cm
or  10cm
 w hs Water
  0.8
Thus specific gravity of spirit is 0.8.

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15. 2
Let y is the length of the plank inside water
 y
cos 
Let A be the cross-sectional area of the plank, then buoyant force on it
Fb  Vw g
= (Ay)wg
Since plank is in rotational equilibrium, so

 0  0 Fb
 y
or mg  sin   Fb  sin   0 /2
2 2
or mg  Fb  y  0
(A  0.5)g  (Ay)dw y  0 F

or 0.52  y2 mg
 0.5 
or 0.5  (1)2   
 cos  
 cos2  
or cos  
or  = 45°
16. 5
Consider two points 1 and 2. Point (1) is y0 below the free surface the liquid. Applying Bernoulli’s
equation between (1) and (2), we have
(Pa  y0 g)  v 2  0  Pa  0  (y0  h0  h)g h
1 2 h0
or v  (h0  h)g
or  2.52  (0.12  h)  9.8 1 v
 h = 0.2 m
17. 3
The heat required to melt the ice completely
= mL = 1  80 = 80 cal
The heat available on water
= mcT = 1  1  (40 – 0)
= 40 cal.
 Entire heat of water is utilised to melt the ice and its temperature falls to 0°C. Ice still at
0°C. So equilibrium temperature of contents remain 0°C. Let m is the amount of ice melt
due to 40 cal heat, then
m  80 = 40
or m g
1 1
Final contents: ice  1   g
2 2
1 3
water  1   g
2 2

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1. D
Sol. On changing temperature, K w changes, so H   OH   107 at all temperature.
2. D
Mg2  OH   K sp Mg  OH2 
0.1 OH   1.2  1011
OH   1.2  1010
OH   1.09  105
pOH = 5 – log 1.09 = 4.96
pH = 9.03
3. B
Sol. A  4
B  4
C  8
4. D
2HI  g 
 H2  g  I2  g

1 0 0
 
1 
2 2
since ng  0
 

K p  K n  2 22 
1    4 1   

 
Kp   2 Kp 
2 1    1 
2 Kp
1  2 Kp
5. C
6. A
7. ABC
8. AB
9. AC
r 2 1
Sol. (a) A  lies in 0.025 –0.414
rB2 3
rC 240
(c)  lies in 0.44–0.732
rD 480
10. D
Sol. due to inert pair effect
11. A
Sol. due to inert pair effect


12. Ar; Bp, Cs; Dq

WA B  PV  nRT
 2  R  200  400R

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WB  C  2.303nRTlog
 2.30  2  R  500  log2  693R
WD  A  2.303nRTlog
 2.30  2  R  300  log  416R
WABCD  693  416
 277R


13. 3
Sol. 3
14. 2
Sol. eg : CaF2 C.N. of Ca2  8
C.N. if F  4
15. 5
Sol. W. D. = 25–20 = 5
16. 1
Sol. Only potassium
17. 3

CH3 2 NH, CH3 3 N, O

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1. A
Let (h, k) be the point.
2 2
Equation of chord of contact w.r.t. to ellipse x + 2y = 1 is given by
hx + 2ky = 1 ...(1)
2 2
Making curve x + 2y = 1 homogenous with the help of (1) we can write
2 2 2
x + 2y = (hx + 2ky)
2 2
Now coefficient of x + coefficient of y = 0
 (1 – h ) + (2 – 4k ) = 3
2 2

 h + 4k = 3
2 2
2 2
so locus of (h, k) is x + 4y = 3.

2. A
Director circle is the locus of point of intersection of perpendicular tangents drawn to a curve. I.e. x
2 2 2
+y =a –b
Director circle of given hyperbola
2 2
x + y = - 11
Which is not possible.

3. C
n-1 n-2 n-3
Given z + z + z + . . . + z +1 = 0
 (z – 1) ( z + z + . . . + z +1) = 0, z  1
n-1 n-2

z =1=e ( r  N)
n i2r

 zr = e n r = 1, 2, 3, . . . , n-1
i2  i4  i6  i2n  2 
 The roots are en , en , en , , e n .
i2 
Which is a G.P., with common ratio en .

4. C
[(cos x – 4sinx + 6) – (1 + sinx)] (1 – sinx) = 0

 either 1 – sinx = 0  x = ( 4n  1) , nz
or cos x – 5sinx + 5 = 0
sin x + 5sinx – 6 = 0, (sinx + 6) (sinx – 1) = 0

 x = (4n + 1) , nz.

5. A, C
Let PT be tangent and PN be normal then equation of the tangent is
xx1 yy1
 1
a2 b2

P(x1, y1)

F2 O F1
(–ae, 0)

b 2 x1
 Slope of tangent is m 1 = 
a 2 y1

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a 2 y1
 Slope of normal m2 =
b 2 x1
Slope of PF1, m3 =
x 1  ae
Slope of PF2, m4 =
x  ae
y1 a2 y
 2 1
m3  m2 x 1  ae b x 1 aey 1
tan F1PN =   2 2 2 2
( since a – b = a e )
1  m3m2 2
a y1
b 2
b x 1 x 1  ae 

aey 1
tan F2PN =   OPF1 =  OPF2
Since PT is line  to PN, it is bisector of angle tan F1PN.

6. A, B
2 2
Let x + y + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 cuts the hyperbola at the points (pi 1/pi)
i = 1,2,3,4
1 1
 p i2   2gp i  2f c 0
p i2 pi

 p i4  2gp i3  cpi2  2fpi  1  0

 p1p2p3p4 = 1
Now, pi = xi and  yi
 x1x2x2x4 = y1y2y3y4 = 1

7. A, B
 cos
1 sin A = sin =sin – cos if sin cos
2 2 2 2 2 2
 A 5 A 
ie    0    .
4 2 4 2 4

8. A, C
y  2 and |sinx + cosx|  2.
Hence y + = 2 and sinx + cosx = 2 , which is possible for y = 1, x = /4.

9. A, C, D
2 2
z + az + a = 0
 z = a, a ( where ‘’ is non real root of cube unity )

 locus of z is a pair of straight lines

and arg (z) =arg(a) + arg() or arg(a) + arg( )
 arg(z) = 
also, |z| = |a||| or |a| | |  |z| = |a|.

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10. C
Let e ' be the eccentricity of conjugate hyperbola.
1 1
  1
e2 e'2
16 1 1 9
  1  2 
25 e'2 e' 25
 e' 

11. D
Locus of point of intersection of two mutually perpendicular tangents is the director circle given by
 x  h  2   y  k 2   a 2  b 2  ;
 1 5 2  5   7 
Where (h, k) is the centre of hyperbola given by h, k    ,    3, 
 2 2   2
 a2  4, b2  a2  e2  1
 25  9
 4  1 
 16  4
 7 9 7
 Required locus (director circle) is  x  3    y    4  

 2 4 4
12. A R; B RS; C QR; D PR
x2 y2
The equation of the given ellipse can be written as 2
 2  1 where a2  5, b2  4
a b
a2  b2 5  4 1
 e2   
a2 5 5
a  5
So a directrix is x     5
e 1/ 5

A latus rectum is x  ae  5 
 1 tangent at an extremity  5, 0  of the major axis is

x  5 and minor axis is x = 0

13. 9
| iz + ( 3 – 4i)|  | iz| + |3 – 4i|
= |z| +5 < 4 + 5 = 9.
14. 1
1  i 1  i
A +iB =  A - iB = .
1  i 1  i
 ( A+ iB) ( A – iB) =
1  i 1  i  = 1
1  i 1  i 
A +B =1
2 2

15. 1
Condition for rectangular hyperbola
0 ( - 2)   0
   2,   0
h > ab   (- 2) < 0 0<<2
2 2
Coefficient of x + coefficient of y = 0
 -2+=0 =1

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16. 4
a2  16  8
cos30º  A
2a 4
3 a 8
 
2 8a
 a2  4 3 a  8  0
 a1  a2  4 3, a1a2  8
 a1  a2  4 30º
1 1 1
 a1  4 sin30º  a2  4 sin30º  4   4 sin30º B a C
2 2 2
 1   2  4
17. 3
1 2 2  15 3 3
 absinC  sinC   
2 ab 6  10 2
 C  120º
 c  a2  b2  2abcosC
 62  102  2  6  10  cos120º  14
 225  3
Now r   r2  3
s  6  10  14 
 
 2 

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