Drinking Water Quality in Quetta

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Drinking Water Quality in Capital City of Pakistan

Shahid Mehmood1, Asif Ahmad1, Anwaar Ahmed1, Nauman Khalid2* and Tariq Javed3
Department of Food Technology, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Department of Chemistry, Islamia University Bahawalpur, Pakistan

This study was designed to evaluate the quality of drinking water in selected areas of capital of Pakistan and
its adjacent city Rawalpindi. Drinking water samples collected from selected localities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad
are analyzed for different water quality parameters such as pH, alkalinity, hardness, total dissolved solids, chloride,
bicarbonates, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulphates, phosphates, nitrates lead, copper, cadmium,
cobalt, iron and zinc. Total viable count, coliforms, fecal coliforms and Escherichia coli were also part of the study.
Analyzed samples provide information that the level of pH, alkalinity, lead, copper, nitrates, phosphates, cadmium,
cobalt, iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, sulfate, bicarbonates and chloride are under the limit specified by WHO
and PSQCA. While some water quality parameters such as calcium, sodium, total dissolved solids, and hardness
were found to be above the WHO and PSQCA specified limit in some regions of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Total
viable count test performed to analyze the microbial quality of water samples revealed that all the samples were
heavily loaded by microbial growth and considered unsafe for drinking purposes. Presence of coliforms, fecal
coliforms and Escherichia coli clearly revealed that water is not fit for drinking purpose in the twin cities of Pakistan.

Keywords: Drinking water; Water quality; Chemical contaminant; cause annual national income losses of USD 380–883 million or
Microbial quality; Pakistan approximately 0.6-1.44% of the GDP [7,9].
Introduction Pakistan ranked 80th in the world on availability of safe and clean
drinking water to its people [10]. It has been estimated that if no
Water is essential for biochemical processes taking place in
improvements are made to ensure the availability of safe drinking water,
every living organism and is basic requirement for human being but
only1000 m3 per capita will be available from onward to 2010 in the
unfortunately, it is largely contaminated by physical, chemical and
country [11]. Water samples collected from major cities of the country
biological impurities that may include trace elements, pesticides, and
like Karachi, Faisalabad, Kasur, Gujrat and Rawalpindi revealed that
detergents [1]. The presence of these contaminants in drinking water is
a great threat to the public health causing number of diseases such as the analyzed samples from these cities are unfit to drink [12]. In a study
diarrhea, trachoma, nausea, abdominal pain and vomiting. The severe conducted by Sun et al. [13] related to Islamabad showed that, out of
toxicity of these contaminants may also cause death [2]. Ground water, 271 samples collected, 77% were unsafe bacteriologically while 10.3%
the source of drinking water for human beings around the World, is contained both bacteriological and physicochemical contamination.
contributing about one-third in total water resources of Pakistan and is Amongst 196 of CDA (Capital Development Authority) samples,
a major source of water supplies in major municipalities [3]. 5.1% were polluted bacteriologically while 3.6% contained both
physicochemical and bacteriological contamination. The quality of
In Pakistan access to safe drinking water falls below satisfactory water in the twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi is no better than
levels with only 25% of the population has sustainable access to the rest of the country. 94% of the total samples were found heavily
quality drinking water [4-7]. Like many other countries in the world, polluted with biological contamination and considered unfit to safe
Pakistan is also under great threat regarding availability of safe and [14] while 34% have fecal contamination. Similarly a survey conducted
clean drinking water. Polluted water is becoming the major cause in by NIH Pakistan [15] confirmed that 75% of water in Islamabad and
deteriorating the health related issues to the public in the country. 87% of water in Rawalpindi are unsafe for human consumption [16].
Further the quality of ground water in the country is also no longer safe Hashmi et al. [7] analyzed the drinking quality of highly populous area
due to the manipulation of many external factors. The quantity of water in Rawalpindi (Westridge and Tench) concluded that water is unfit
available to public sector for drinking is of inferior quality. The old and for drinking. In Pakistan, the drinking water is getting contaminating
rusty pipelines carrying drinking water are becoming more dangerous and there are very few studies conducted in some areas concerning this
to the natural composition of the water. Insufficient water treatment issue. So there is dire need to analyze the drinking water to identify the
measures and lack of any monitoring plan made this problem more potential harmful contaminants in these localities.
severe [8].
Prevalence of waterborne diseases in Pakistan is mainly due to
contamination of drinking water mostly with municipal sewage and *Corresponding author: Nauman Khalid, Graduate School of Agricultural and
Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo,1-1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-8657,
industrial waste [7]. According to the Pakistan National Conservation Japan, Tel: 81-80-3385-0786; E-mail: nauman_khalid120@yahoo.com
Strategy report of 1992, about 40% of communicable diseases are
Received November 22, 2012; Published February 04, 2013
waterborne [7]. Major diseases mostly connected with drinking water
in Pakistan are diarrhea, gastroenteritis, typhoid, cryptosporidium Citation: Mehmood S, Ahmad A, Ahmed A, Khalid N, Javed T (2013) Drinking
Water Quality in Capital City of Pakistan. 2: 637 doi:10.4172/scientificreports.637
infections, giardiasis intestinal worms, and some strains of hepatitis.
According to International Union on Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Copyright: © 2013 Mehmood S, et al. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
60% of infant deaths are caused by waterborne diarrhea in Pakistan, unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
which is the highest in Asia. It is estimated that water related diseases original author and source are credited.

Volume 2 • Issue 2 • 2013

Citation: Mehmood S, Ahmad A, Ahmed A, Khalid N, Javed T (2013) Drinking Water Quality in Capital City of Pakistan. 2: 637 doi:10.4172/

Page 2 of 6

Water supplies of Islamabad and Rawalpindi are mostly burtz media (S&B) and presence of blackish colonies indicates fecal
supplemented by ground water through more than 200 wells installed contamination [18].
by the Capital Development Authority. The twin cities are facing water
quality problem due to contamination through untreated sewage and
industrial waste. This aims of present study were to access the quality of Physico-chemical analysis
drinking water in twin cities, to access the level of contaminants in the
Results of physic-chemical parameter determined in Twin cities
drinking water samples of Rawalpindi and Islamabad and to compare
were presented in tables 2 and 3. The results showed mean pH of 7.34,
quality of drinking water with World health standards (WHO) and
total dissolve solids 911 mg/L, total hardness 436.8 mg/L and alkalinity
Pakistan national standards (PSQCA).
6.74 mg/L from water samples of twin cities (Figure 1). The mean
Material and Methods concentrations of cations are in order of sodium (Na) 102.7 mg/L,
calcium (Ca) 92.8 mg/L, and magnesium (Mg) 13.6 mg/L, while anions
Study area and sample collection
are in order of bicarbonates (HCO3) 274.4 mg/L, sulphates (SO4-2)
Water samples were collected in polyethylene bottles from different 46.23 mg/L chlorides (Cl-) 23.3 mg/L, nitrates (NO3-) 0.34 mg/L and
localities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad region (Twin cities) of Pakistan phosphates (PO4-3) 0.02 mg/L.
(Table 1). These two cities are highly populous and broad socio-
Trace metal analysis
economical features. Sampling was done in all major areas. Before
taking the samples from each location the bottles were thoroughly Results of trace metal analysis from twin cities were presented in
washed with sample water and filled in such a way that no air bubbles Table 4. The mean concentration of trace metals were copper (Cu)
entrapped in the bottle and according to the standard method described 0.04 mg/L, lead (Pb) 0.166 mg/L, cadmium (Cd) 0 mg/L, cobalt (Co)
by Arnold et al. [17]. 0.01 mg/L, iron (Fe) 0.02 mg/L and zinc (Zn) 0.01 mg/L. It was noticed
that concentration of trace metals were more in Rawalpindi areas as
Instruments and reagents
compare to Islamabad, while in Islamabad sample A5(I-9) showed
The pH was analyzed using pH meter (Hanna instrument, higher concentration.
H18418). Flame photometer (Model no. JENWAY PFP7), Atomic
Microbial analysis
absorption spectrophotometer (GBC 932 plus), TDS meter were used
as main instruments. Standard solutions were prepared with chemicals The results of microbial analysis were presented in Table 5. The
of analytical grade and distilled water is used for dilution of solutions. mean value of total viable count was 3.613 cfu/mL, while coliforms and
fecal coliforms were seen on all samples. E.coli was detected on samples
Analytical procedures
A5, B1, B3 and B5, respectively.
Sodium and potassium in samples were determined by Flame
photometer. Nitrate and phosphate were also determined by
spectrophotometry. Calcium, magnesium, copper, lead, cadmium, Physico-chemical parameter on quality
cobalt, iron and zinc in water samples were analyzed using atomic
The study assesses the drinking water quality in Twin cities of
absorption spectrophotometer. This method was also used in
Pakistan. The pH values detected in water samples ranged between 7.1-
determination of alkalinity and carbonate in water samples. Chloride
7.5. Significantly highest pH (7.5) was found in samples collected from
in samples was determined using mercuric nitrate method. Total
New Milpur, whereas lowest pH value (7.1) was recorded in Dhoke
dissolved solids were analyzed using TDS meter. All analysis was
Kala Khan which was statistically significant from all other samples
carried out in quadruplet (n=4).
collected from Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The maximum permissible
Microbial analysis limit described by WHO for pH in drinking water ranged between
6.5-8.5. The pH values in all samples met the WHO requirements
Total viable count was determined on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA)
and considered safe for drinking purposes. Non-significant variation
at 25°C and possible colonies were calculated on colony counter. Total
in tested samples in Islamabad locations was attributed to either
coliforms were detected on Chromogenic Agar (CA). 10 mL of water better water supply system or it may be due to better purification
treated in buffer peptone (BP) was filtered through 0.42 µm filter and facility available to Capital Development Authority. The small but
incubated on CA for 24 hrs. Presence of pinkish colonies indicates non-significant variation in pH of drinking water is affected by the
the presence of coliforms, while a purple colony indicates presence composition of all the constituents available in ionic forms, notably
of Escherichia coli. Total fecal coliforms were detected on slanetz and hydrogen and hydroxyl ions present in it. Similarity in pH values of
samples taken from the selected locations indicated that water has
City Sampling Area Sampling Code almost same ionic composition in studied areas. These results are also
Islamabad F-10 A1 in accordance with the earlier study conducted by Farooq et al. [6] in
G-6 A2 which the pH values varied from 7.02 to 7.30 and also with Hashmi et
G-10 A3 al. [7] in which pH values ranges from 7.03 to 7.73 in Westridge and
H-9 A4 Tench Bata in Rawalpindi.
I-9 A5
Rawalpindi Dhok Kala Khan B1 The alkalinity in water samples ranged between 5.0-7.9 mg/L.
Commerical Market B2 Statistically, highest alkalinity (7.9 mg/L) was found in samples collected
New Milpur B3 from I-9 sector Islamabad, whereas lowest alkalinity (5.0 mg/L) was
Pindora B4 recorded in samples collected from Dhoke Kala Khan. The safe limit
Dhoke Rattah B5 proposed by Canadian Water Rules on alkalinity is 250 mg/L. All water
Table 1: Sampling area of Twin cities of Pakistan. samples were below the alkalinity limits for drinking purposes. The

Volume 2 • Issue 2 • 2013

Citation: Mehmood S, Ahmad A, Ahmed A, Khalid N, Javed T (2013) Drinking Water Quality in Capital City of Pakistan. 2: 637 doi:10.4172/

Page 3 of 6

Drinking water Criteria

Parameters Units Mean SD Minimum Maximum Pakistan WHO
pH 7.34 0.24 6.9 7.8 6.5-9.2 6.5–8.5
Alkalinity mg/L 6.74 1.12 3.5 8.2 - -
Calcium mg/L 92.80 21 58 124 75-200 -
Magnesium mg/L 13.60 1.12 11 14.9 50 -
Hardness mg/L 436.80 113.1 264 587 500 500
TDS mg/L 911.00 191.4 674 1227 1000 -
Sodium mg/L 102.70 49.8 29 202 - 200
Potassium mg/L 7.26 2.99 2 14 12 -
Sulfates mg/L 46.23 17 25 82 200 250
Chlorides mg/L 23.30 11.1 10 45 200 250
Bicarbonates mg/L 274.40 61.9 184 383 - -
Nitrates mg/L 0.34 0.21 0.02 0.6 < 50 50
Phosphates mg/L 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.03 - -
Table 2: Physiochemical results of water samples collected from different localities of Pakistan.

Drinking water Criteria

Parameters Units Mean SD Minimum Maximum Pakistan WHO
Calcium mg/L 92.8 21 58 124 75-200 -
Hardness mg/L 436.8 113.1 264 587 500 500
Sodium mg/L 102.7 49.8 29 202 - 200
TDS mg/L 911 191.4 674 1227 1000 -
Table 3: Water quality parameters exceeding the limits set by WHO and PSQCA for drinking water.

Drinking water Criteria

Parameters Units Mean SD Minimum Maximum Pakistan WHO
Lead mg/L 0.166 0.04 0.10 0.26 0.01 0.01
Copper mg/L 0.040 0.01 0.09 0.01 1 2
Cadmium mg/L 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.003
Cobalt mg/L 0.010 0.01 0.00 0.02 - -
Iron mg/L 0.020 0.01 0.00 0.03 - 0.3
Zinc mg/L 0.010 0.01 0.00 0.02 5.0 3.0
Table 4: Trace metal analysis of water samples collected from different localities of Twin cities of Pakistan.

Parameters Units Mean SD Minimum Maximum

Total Viable Count CFU/mL 3.163 1.33 2.26 6.86
Total Coliforms Presence/Absence Present Present Present Present
Fecal Coliforms Presence/Absence Present Present Present Present
E.coli Presence/Absence Present Present Present Present
Table 5: Microbial analysis of water samples collected from different localities of Twin cities of Pakistan.

variation regarding alkalinity in tested samples taken from selected areas. Another possible source to increased hardness is the presence
locations suggested that there were no industries releasing wastewater of inorganic materials in the water. Persistent flowing of hard water
without proper treatment near studied locations. However, there are in water distributing pipelines is the major reason to impart scaling
some human activities which were found to slightly modify alkalinity on the surface of these pipelines. Another important problem related
in drinking water such as practices involved in water treatment process to hard water is the incrustation of utensils used in kitchens. Previous
and operations involved in dry cleaning processes. study conducted by Aziz [19] confirmed hardness of 150-540 mg/L in
different samples of water from Rawalpindi region. Similar results were
Statistically highest hardness value (584 mg/L) was found in water
also provided by Hashmi and Shahab [20].
samples collected from I-9 sector Islamabad. The lowest value of
hardness of 265 mg/L was recorded in samples taken from Dhoke Kala Total dissolved solids detected in water samples ranged between
Khan. Water samples taken from New Milpur, Dhoke Rattah, G-10 675.3-1224 mg/L. Statistically highest total dissolved solid (1224 mg/L)
and I-9 sector of Islamabad did not confirm the PSQCA standards. were found in I-9 sector Islamabad. Whereas lowest total dissolved
All other samples were within the recommended levels of 500 mg/L solids (675.3 mg/L) were recorded in samples of Dhoke Kala Khan.
by PSQCA. Due to the presence of high amount of calcium in I-9 and Samples taken from New Milpur, Dhoke Rattah, I-9 and G-10 did not
G-10 sector Islamabad; it gives significant reason in optimizing the confirm the standards set by PSQCA, while all other samples are under
level of hardness in I-9 and G-10 sector. High amounts of limestone safe limits. The maximum permissible limit regarding total dissolved
and magnesium carbonate may also be attributed to higher level of solids according to PSQCA is 1000 mg/L. Total dissolved solids in
hardness in these areas. The problem of hardness becomes more serious water distribution pipelines originate from many sources such as
due to the presence of rocky materials and marble industries in these sewage, urban and agricultural runoff and industrial wastewater. The

Volume 2 • Issue 2 • 2013

Citation: Mehmood S, Ahmad A, Ahmed A, Khalid N, Javed T (2013) Drinking Water Quality in Capital City of Pakistan. 2: 637 doi:10.4172/

Page 4 of 6

highest value of total dissolved solids detected in Islamabad regions Khan. According to PSQCA the maximum permissible limit for Ca in
may be due to the higher levels of inorganic compounds present in the drinking water is 100 mg/L. Water samples taken from New Milpur,
water. Cemented storage tanks used to store the drinking water may Dhoke Rattah, G-10 and I-9 did not confirm the PSQCA standards
also attribute to increase the level of total dissolved solids in these areas. for Ca. All other samples were within limits of PSQCA. The highest
There are no such evidences that by consuming water having total Ca concentration detected in I-9 sector may be due to the presence
dissolved solids more than 1000 mg/L cause deleterious physiological of calcareous rocks found in underground and significant amount of
reactions. However, excessive amount of total dissolved solids in which is being added into ground water used for drinking purposes.
drinking water may impart undesirable flavor and also scaling on water The presence or absence of limestone near selected locations may also
distribution pipelines .Higher level of TDS was also detected by Farooq be a detrimental factor in variable Ca values. Calcium is well known to
et al. [6]. Similarly in Rawalpindi higher TDS of 209 to 1042 mg/L in cause hardness of water by the combined effect of other compounds.
different samples were identified by Aziz [19] (Figure 2).
The Mg detected in water samples ranged between 12.3-14.8
Statistically, highest Na (199.6 mg/L) was found in Dhoke Rattah, mg/L. Statistically highest level of Mg (14.8 mg/L) was found in water
while lowest Na (46.6 mg/L) was recorded in G-6 sector Islamabad samples taken from I-9 sector of Islamabad whereas, lowest level of
which was statistically non-significant with Pindora. According to Mg (12.3 mg/L) was detected in G-6 sector Islamabad. The maximum
PSQCA, the maximum permissible limit for Na in drinking water is 200 permissible limit for Mg in drinking water is 250 mg/L according to the
mg/L. All tested water samples were under the safe limits. The research standards set by the PSQCA. All samples are considered in safe limits
results of studied area revealed that presence of Na in water samples for drinking purposes. The amount of Mg detected in water samples
may also give indication of rock salts deposited nearby the selected did not confirm the any other external contamination. However, there
localities. Improper sewage treatments also contributed to raise levels are chances that highest amount of Mg detected in I-9 may due to the
of Na during mixing into fresh water streams. Moreover industries external factors such as presence of some rocky material contributing
discharging wastewater without any treatment also contributed to raise Mg to underground water. No health base guideline value regarding
the level of Na as well as other mineral contents. Salts intrusion to the magnesium is set by WHO. However, according to PSQCA the
fresh water streams may become the reason to deviate the research maximum permissible limit for magnesium in drinking water is 150
results regarding Na in selected localities. mg/L.
Statistically highest Ca concentration of 121 mg/L was found in Highest value (12.33 mg/L) of K was found in I-9 sector Islamabad,
water samples collected from I-9 sector Islamabad, whereas lowest value whereas the lowest value (5.1 mg/L) was detected in Commercial
of Ca (63.6 mg/L) was recorded in samples collected from Dhoke Kala Market Rawalpindi. The PSQCA standard value for potassium in
drinking water is 12 mg/L. all tested samples have lower value as
prescribed by PSQCA, therefore water is fit for drinking purposes. The
9 most important source of potassium in drinking water is the waste
8 materials discharged by the industries located nearby the studied
areas. K is important chemical used in manufacturing and processing
industries and is continuously added to natural sources of drinking
6 pH water. Ionic forms and salts are highly soluble in water, and it is very
5 Alkalinity mg/L easy for potassium to become a drinking water pollutant. Moreover
there may be other sources responsible for K excess in drinking water
such as fertilizers. In ionic forms are soluble, therefore from the soils
potassium can leach to the ground water.
The highest value (80.3 mg/L) of SO4-2 was observed in samples of
1 I-9 sector of Islamabad, while lowest value (26.3 mg/L) was recorded
0 in samples collected from Pindora, Rawalpindi. The maximum
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 permissible limit of sulfate according to the standards set by PSQCA
Figure 1: Variation of pH and Alkalinity in water samples from twin cities.
is 250 mg/L. the range of sulfate in tested water samples was under
acceptable limits. Research results showed that it was detected in high
amounts in samples taken from I-9 sector of Islamabad. It may be due
1400 the leaching of gypsum to the ground water in that area. Sodium sulfate
is another compound involved to release the sulfate in fresh streams of
1200 drinking water. Like many other compounds its amount in drinking
water is also influenced by waste materials discharge by the industries.
Sulfur compounds used in industries and being discharge through
800 waste materials without any proper treatment is important factor in
Hardness mg/L
raising levels of sulfate in drinking water (Figure 3).
Total Dissolved Solids mg/L

Statistically, highest value of 43.6 mg/L for Cl- in water samples were
from Dhoke Rattah, while lowest value of 11 mg/L for Cl- was detected
200 in samples taken from G-6 sector Islamabad. The maximum permissible
limit for chloride in drinking water set by WHO is 250 mg/L. The
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5
chloride level detected in all samples was below the guidelines provided
by the WHO, therefore all the samples are considered safe to drink
Figure 2: Variation of TDS and hardness in water samples of Twin cities.
with respect to chloride. The research results are in agreement with the

Volume 2 • Issue 2 • 2013

Citation: Mehmood S, Ahmad A, Ahmed A, Khalid N, Javed T (2013) Drinking Water Quality in Capital City of Pakistan. 2: 637 doi:10.4172/

Page 5 of 6

findings of Jahangir [14] who also found normal level of chloride in 0.05 mg/L and all values were below the WHO recommendations. The
drinking water samples taken from Rawalpindi and Islamabad regions. values detected were small because of the lead pipelines that are used
to deliver the drinking water on domestic scale. Besides studied areas
Statistically, highest value (382 mg/L) of HCO3-1 was found in
is located near the main roads containing high amounts of lead. The
samples taken from I-9 sector of Islamabad, while lowest value (185.3
vehicle discharge containing lead compounds is directly or indirectly
mg/L) was recorded in samples taken from Dhoke Kala Khan. There
involved to pollute the drinking water sources. Lead is harmful for
are no guidelines related to the HCO3-1 in drinking water. But in
normal functioning of many organs of human body. No previous study
general safe limit considered in drinking water is 500 mg/L. All the
on lead contamination in Twin cities has been reported so far.
samples were found to be within safe limits. Research results revealed
that alkalinity values detected in high amount in I-9 sector of Islamabad The values of Cu detected in the water samples ranged between
give reason to higher level of bicarbonates. Moreover bicarbonates 0.02-0.08 mg/L. statistically, highest value (0.08 mg/L) of copper was
values in drinking water are also deviated by weathering of rocks. observed in water samples taken from I-9 (A5) sector Islamabad, while
Rocky materials are well known to have many minerals having calcium lowest value (0.02 mg/L) of copper was detected in water samples taken
compounds which ultimately lead to increase the level of bicarbonates from Commercial Market (B2) which was statistically non-significant
in drinking water. The variation in values of bicarbonates in studied from G-6 sector of Islamabad. The maximum permissible limit for
locations may also due to the harness of water. No significant health copper in drinking water is 3 mg/L according to WHO. As in all tested
effects are associated with consumption of drinking water containing samples the copper concentration was below the WHO guidelines. Cu
high amount of bicarbonates. concentration in the treated water often increases during distribution,
particularly in the systems where an acidic pH exists or in the presence
Highest value (0.6 mg/L) of NO3-1 was found in water samples of A5
of high-carbonate waters with an alkaline pH. The guidelines are
(I-9) Islamabad and B5 (Dhoke Rhatta). Similarly, highest (0.03 mg/L)
derived on the basis to be protective against the gastrointestinal effects
of PO4-3 was found in sample taken from Dhoke Rhatta (B5). The likely
of copper [23].
reasons for these higher values could be runoff from agricultural fields
where ammonium nitrate, nitrophosphate and diamonium phosphate Cd was not detected in any samples from twin cities. The possible
fertilizers were applied. In addition, applied sewage and industrial reason for this lies in fact that there was no tanning industries located
wastewater also contained higher concentrations of NO3- and PO4-3 in surrounding vicinity. Smoking is a significant additional source
[21,22] (Figure 4). of cadmium exposure [23]. Cadmium accumulates primarily in the
kidneys and has a long biological half-life of 10-35 years, in humans. For
Trace metals on quality
Pakistan a value of 0.01 would be appropriate, which is in accordance
Statistically, highest value (0.025 mg/L) was found in samples with the standards for most developing nations in Asia [23].
taken from I-9 sector of Islamabad, while lowest value (0.010 mg/L)
Higher value (0.02 mg/L) of Co, (0.03 mg/L) Fe and (0.02 mg/L)
was recorded in Dhoke Kala Khan (B1). The maximum permissible
Zn were seen in water sample from A5 (I-9) from Islamabad and B5
limit for lead concentration in drinking water according to WHO is
(Dhoke Rhatta) from Rawalpindi. These values are well below then
standards of both WHO and PSCQA. The results are well matched
250 with previous study of Aziz [19] and Hashmi and Shahab [20]. They
reported iron concentration in drinking samples from 0.03 to 1.53
mg/L in Islamabad and 0.03 to 0.07 mg/L in Rawalpindi, respectively
Magnesium mg/L
150 (Figure 5).
Potassium mg/L

100 Calcium mg/L Microbial quality

Sodium mg/L
Statistically, highest value (6.86 cfu/ml) of total viable count in
50 Sulfate mg/L
water samples taken from Dhoke Rattah, while lowest value (2.26 cfu/
0 ml) of total viable count was detected in samples taken from Dhoke
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 Kala Khan. According to WHO recommendations there should not
Figure 3: Variation of different cations in water samples from Twin cities. be a single microbial growth per m/L of drinking water. The total

350 Lead mg/L
Chloride mg/L 0.06 Copper mg/L
Sulfate mg/L 0.05 Cadmium mg/L
Bicarbonates mg/L Cobalt mg/L
Nitrates mg/L
0.03 Iron mg/L
150 Phosphates mg/L
Zinc mg/L
100 0.02

50 0.01

0 0
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 -0.01 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5

Figure 4: Variation of anions in drinking water samples form twin cities. Figure 5: Variation of trace metals in different water samples from twin cities.

Volume 2 • Issue 2 • 2013

Citation: Mehmood S, Ahmad A, Ahmed A, Khalid N, Javed T (2013) Drinking Water Quality in Capital City of Pakistan. 2: 637 doi:10.4172/

Page 6 of 6

viable count detected in all samples is above the guide lines provided 8. (2005) Pakistan Council of Research and Water Resources, Islamabad.
by the WHO, therefore all the samples are considered unsafe to drink. 9. (2003) UNDP, in “Water Crisis”, Karachi, p. 7 and 103.
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is dependent on microbial load present in the water. There are many Pakistan and its impact on public health — A review. Environment International
reasons that are attributed to increase the level of total viable count 37: 479-497.
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mixing of fresh supply water with sewage water. The leakage of water & Korea International Cooperation Agency.
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with external pollutants. Further inadequate water treatment also gives Islamabad.
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Coliforms and fecal coliforms were seen on all samples. E.coli
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Bata of Rawalpindi. Ali and Ahmed [24] reported water quality from annual session of the Pakistan Engineering Congress, Lahore 239-249.

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loaded with microbial contaminants such as, coliforms, fecal coliforms
and E.coli and the water was unfit of drinking. Therefore it is concluded
that contamination in drinking water from some regions of Rawalpindi
and Islamabad necessitates the need for efficient water treatment for
chemical and microbial quality before it reaches the consumer.
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Volume 2 • Issue 2 • 2013

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