( Argumentative Essay )
A divorce is a legal action between married people to terminate their marriage relationship. It can be
referred to as dissolution of marriage and is basically, the legal action that ends the marriage before the
death of either spouse. The implementation of divorce here in the Philippines has pros and cons which
is mainly argued and controversial.
It’s all over the news, that the Philippine Congress is now pushing forward the Divorce Bill right after
they have put forward the Reproductive Health Bill. There are several complains about devorce being
implemented in the country, very certain people are the Evangelical Christians who are also pro-Rh Bill.
There are pros and cons to divorce. There are some experts said that divorce is a solution for a couple if
only if there was a conflict and for them to have FREEDOM, however divorce will have a negative impact
on your children. You can lessen the impact on your children by making their needs for security your
main priority during and after your divorce. But, make no mistake, divorce is as hard, if not harder on
children as it is for parents.
Also putting into consideration that your finances will suffer during and after divorce. If you are a father
you will pay child support and, in some cases, spousal support. If you are a woman, your income will
drastically decrease leaving you to struggle to make ends meet.According to marriage researchers Drs.
Linda J. Waite and Maggie Gallagher, “Divorcing individuals would need more than a 30% increase in
income, on average, to maintain the same standard of living they had prior to their divorce. About one in
five women fall into poverty as a result of divorce. Three out of four divorced mothers don’t receive full
payment of child support. Most men experience a loss in their standard of living in the years after a
divorce, as well, a loss generally about 10%–40%, depending on circumstances.” It isn’t a pretty picture!
There are many pros to divorce. It can free you from an emotionally unsustainable situation and free you
up to build a healthy, rewarding life either on your own or with a new person.but it can take years to heal
from the emotional pain caused by divorce. Regardless of the problems in the marriage you have
developed an emotional and physiological attachment to your spouse and the family as a unit. You are
detaching yourself from a way of life and it only makes sense that, whether you wanted the divorce or
not, it will take time to work through very confusing emotions.
Marriage is meant to last forever. It is part of the vows you've shared during your wedding. 'Till death do
us part' as it is. Marriage serves as a secret union with the wofe and the husband and is bounded with
love. Thus, we must consider both pros and cons before moving ahead with your plans to divorce due to
marital problems that may have a better solution. Sorting this out, we have concluded that divorce is a
very deadly weapon that may damage a person not physically but emotionally and spiritually.
Furthermore, the implementation of divorce in the Philipoines is out of our control, everything written in
this paper is only based on our perception with the help of some reliable sources.