Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing
Types of Cloud:
(a) Companies having large data centers have already deployed the
resources and to provide cloud services they would need very little
investment and the cost would be incremental.
(b) Cloud users need not to take care about the hardware and software
they use and also they don’t have to be worried about maintenance. The
users are no longer tied to some one traditional system.
(c) Virtualization technology gives the illusion to the users that they are
having all the resources available.
(d) Cloud users can use the resources on demand basis and pay as much
as they use. So the users can plan well for reducing their usage to
minimize their expenditure.
(e) Scalability is one of the major advantages to cloud users. Users get as
much resources as they need.
Disadvantage or Limitations
"The downside is that you will have limited customization options. Cloud
computing is cheaper because of economics of scale, and—like any
outsourced task—you tend to get what you want. A restaurant with a
limited menu is cheaper than a personal chef who can cook anything you
want. Fewer options at a much cheaper price: it's a feature, not a bug."
He also suggests that "the cloud provider might not meet your legal
needs" and that businesses need to weigh the benefits of cloud
computing against the risks. In cloud computing, the control of the back
end infrastructure is limited to the cloud vendor only. Cloud providers
often decide on the management policies, which moderates what the
cloud users are able to do with their deployment. Cloud users are also
limited to the control and management of their applications, data and
services.This includes data caps, which are placed on cloud users by the
cloud vendor allocating certain amount of bandwidth for each customer
and are often shared among other cloud users.