BioTime 8.5 User Manual
BioTime 8.5 User Manual
BioTime 8.5 User Manual
BioTime 8.5
Version: 1.0
Date: Sep 2019
Glossary .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Chapter 1 System Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 System Function Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Basic System Use Procedure ................................................................................................................................ 4
Chapter 2 System Management .......................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Login ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Logout .................................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Change Password .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Chapter 3 Personnel Management ..................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Department Management ...................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.1 Add a Department ............................................................................................................................................ 7
3.1.2 Edit a Department ............................................................................................................................................ 8
3.1.3 Delete a Department ........................................................................................................................................ 8
3.1.4 Adjust Employee .............................................................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Position Management ............................................................................................................................................ 9
3.2.1 Add a Position ................................................................................................................................................ 10
3.2.2 Edit a Position ................................................................................................................................................ 10
3.2.3 Delete a Position ............................................................................................................................................ 10
3.2.4 Adjust Employee ............................................................................................................................................ 10
3.3 Area Management ................................................................................................................................................ 12
3.3.1 Add an Area ................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.3.2 Edit an Area .................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.3.3 Delete an Area ................................................................................................................................................ 13
3.3.4 Adjust Employee ............................................................................................................................................ 14
3.4 Personnel Management ....................................................................................................................................... 15
3.4.1 Add an Employee ........................................................................................................................................... 15
3.4.2 Edit an Employee ............................................................................................................................................ 19
3.4.3 Delete an Employee ........................................................................................................................................ 20
3.4.4 Adjustment .................................................................................................................................................... 20
3.4.5 App Enable/Disable Settings ........................................................................................................................... 21
3.4.6 Re-synchronize to Device ................................................................................................................................ 21
3.4.7 Re-upload from Device ................................................................................................................................... 22
3.4.8 Delete Biometric Template .............................................................................................................................. 22
3.5 Personnel Resignation ......................................................................................................................................... 22
3.5.1 Add a Resignation .......................................................................................................................................... 22
3.5.2 Delete Resignation ......................................................................................................................................... 23
3.5.3 Reinstate ........................................................................................................................................................ 24
3.5.4 Disable Attendance ........................................................................................................................................ 24
3.6 Workflow .............................................................................................................................................................. 24
3.6.1 Role ............................................................................................................................................................... 24
3.9.2 Workflow Builder ............................................................................................................................................ 26
3.6.3 Workflow Node............................................................................................................................................... 27
3.6.4 Delete Workflow ............................................................................................................................................. 30
3.7 Document Management ................................................................................................................................... 30
3.7.1 Add Document Type ....................................................................................................................................... 30
3.6.2 Delete Certificate Type .................................................................................................................................... 31
Chapter 4 Device Management ......................................................................................................................................... 32
4.1 Device Management ............................................................................................................................................ 32
4.1.1 Add a T&A Device ........................................................................................................................................... 33
4.1.2 Edit a Device .................................................................................................................................................. 34
4.1.3 Delete a Device .............................................................................................................................................. 34
4.1.4 New Area ....................................................................................................................................................... 35
4.1.5 Enroll Remotely .............................................................................................................................................. 35
4.1.6 Data Clean ..................................................................................................................................................... 35
4.1.5 Data Transfer .................................................................................................................................................. 36
4.1.6 Device Menu .................................................................................................................................................. 37
4.2 Device Command................................................................................................................................................. 39
4.3 Device Short Message Management ................................................................................................................... 40
4.3.1 Add a Public Message ..................................................................................................................................... 40
4.3.2 Add a Private Message .................................................................................................................................... 41
4.3.3 Send Message ................................................................................................................................................ 41
4.3.4 Delete Short Message ..................................................................................................................................... 42
4.4 Work Code ........................................................................................................................................................... 42
4.4.1 Add Work Code .............................................................................................................................................. 42
4.4.2 Issue Work Code to Device .............................................................................................................................. 43
4.4.3 Remove Work Code ........................................................................................................................................ 43
4.4.4 Delete Work Code .......................................................................................................................................... 43
4.5 Bio-Template ........................................................................................................................................................ 43
4.6 Bio-Photo ............................................................................................................................................................. 44
4.6.1 Register Bio-Photo .......................................................................................................................................... 44
4.6.2 Import Bio-Photo............................................................................................................................................ 45
4.6.3 Delete Bio-Photo Application .......................................................................................................................... 46
4.7 Transaction .......................................................................................................................................................... 46
4.7.1 Transaction Table ............................................................................................................................................ 46
4.7.2 Upload USB Transaction .................................................................................................................................. 47
4.8 Device Log ........................................................................................................................................................... 47
4.9 Upload Log ........................................................................................................................................................... 47
4.8 Mobile App ........................................................................................................................................................... 48
4.8.1 GPS For Employee .......................................................................................................................................... 48
4.8.2 GPS For Department ....................................................................................................................................... 49
4.8.3 APP Account .................................................................................................................................................. 50
4.8.4 Announcement .............................................................................................................................................. 52
4.8.5 Notice ............................................................................................................................................................ 53
4.8.6 Operation Log ................................................................................................................................................ 53
4.9 Configuration ................................................................................................................................................... 54
Chapter 5 Attendance Management .................................................................................................................................. 55
5.1 Attendance Parameters........................................................................................................................................ 55
5.1.1 General Rule................................................................................................................................................... 55
5.1.2 Department Rule ............................................................................................................................................ 57
5.2 Break Time ........................................................................................................................................................... 58
5.2.1 Add a Break Time ............................................................................................................................................ 58
5.2.2 Edit a Break Time ............................................................................................................................................ 60
5.2.3 Delete a Break Time ........................................................................................................................................ 60
5.3 Timetable ............................................................................................................................................................. 60
5.3.1 Add a Timetable ............................................................................................................................................. 60
5.3.2 Add Flexible Timetable ................................................................................................................................... 64
5.3.3 Edit a Timetable .............................................................................................................................................. 65
5.3.4 Delete a Timetable.......................................................................................................................................... 65
5.4 Shift Management ................................................................................................................................................ 65
5.4.1 Add a Shift ..................................................................................................................................................... 66
5.4.2 Edit a Shift...................................................................................................................................................... 67
5.4.3 Delete a Shift.................................................................................................................................................. 67
5.5 Department Schedule .......................................................................................................................................... 67
5.5.1 Add Department Schedule .............................................................................................................................. 67
5.5.2 Delete Schedule Records................................................................................................................................. 68
5.6 Employee Schedule ............................................................................................................................................. 68
5.6.1 Employee Schedule ........................................................................................................................................ 68
5.6.2 Querying Schedule Details .............................................................................................................................. 69
5.6.3 Delete Schedule Records................................................................................................................................. 69
5.7 Temporary Schedule ............................................................................................................................................ 70
5.6.1 Add a Temporary Schedule.............................................................................................................................. 70
5.6.2 Delete Temporary Schedule ............................................................................................................................ 71
5.7 Employee Schedule ............................................................................................................................................. 71
5.8 Attendance Approval ............................................................................................................................................ 71
5.8.1 Manual Log .................................................................................................................................................... 71
5.8.2 Leave ............................................................................................................................................................. 73
5.8.3 Overtime ....................................................................................................................................................... 74
5.8.4 Training ......................................................................................................................................................... 74
5.8.5 Schedule Adjustment ..................................................................................................................................... 75
5.9 Holidays ............................................................................................................................................................... 76
5.9.1 Add a Holiday for Attendance .......................................................................................................................... 76
5.9.2 Edit a Holiday for Attendance .......................................................................................................................... 76
8.4 Log Record ........................................................................................................................................................ 121
8.5 Configuration Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 122
8.5.1Auxiliary Setting ............................................................................................................................................ 122
8.5.2 Company Setting............................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.5.3 Email Setting ................................................................................................................................................ 123
8.5.4 Alert Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 123
8.5.5 FTP Settings ................................................................................................................................................. 124
8.5.6 Bookmarks ................................................................................................................................................... 124
Chapter 9 Appendices ..................................................................................................................................................... 126
Appendix 1 ............................................................................................................................................................... 126
1. Personnel Selection........................................................................................................................................... 126
2. Date Selection .................................................................................................................................................. 127
3. Time Selection .................................................................................................................................................. 128
4. Import.............................................................................................................................................................. 129
5. Export .............................................................................................................................................................. 130
6. Custom Display Fields ....................................................................................................................................... 131
7. Adaptive Column Width .................................................................................................................................... 131
8. Multi-Label Function ......................................................................................................................................... 132
9. Custom Skin ..................................................................................................................................................... 133
10. Filter Search Function ...................................................................................................................................... 133
11. Custom bookmark .......................................................................................................................................... 135
12. Log View......................................................................................................................................................... 136
Appendix 2 END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT .................................................................................................... 137
To use the system on a server, choose Program > BioTime > BioTime Server Controller and start the service, and then
double-click the shortcut icon of BioTime Home Page on the desktop. The system login interface pops up.
(4) When you enter the system, authentication is required to guarantee system security. A super user (with all
operation permissions) is provided for a user using this system for the first time. Enter the username and password,
and click Login to access the system home interface.
Note: The username and password of the super user are both admin. After the user logs in to the system for the
first time, in order to guarantee system security, use the change password function to change this password.
This super user is able to assign new users (such as company management personnel, registrars and statistics clerks)
for the employees inside the company and configure corresponding user roles. For specific operations, please refer
to 6.1.2 "User Management."
On the main interface, six menu panels are displayed: Personnel, Device, Attendance, Access Control, Payroll and
System. Click a related following function below any panel to quickly access the corresponding interface.
2.2 Logout
Click the menu button on top-right of the interface, select Logout and click [Confirm] to return to the system
login interface, or close the browser directly to log out of the system completely.
After logout, stop the service in BioTime Server Controller and quit the service counter.
Before managing company personnel, set the department organization structure of the company. When this system
is used for the first time, a level 1 department named Department and numbered 1 already exists in the system by
default. This department can be edited (modified) but cannot be deleted.
1. Choose [Personnel] > [Department] > [Add] to access the department adding interface, as shown in the figure
1. You can click Import to import the department information in other software or data into this system. For specific
operations, please refer to 4."Import" in Appendix 1.
2. You can click to export the department data in software locally. For specific operations, please refer to 5.
"Export" in Appendix 1.
If a department change or organization structure change occurs in the company, you can modify the department
name, number and parent department. Click Department Code of the department to be modified directly or click
in the line of the department to be modified to access the editing interface. After modification, click [Confirm]
to save the modified department information.
Select the department to be deleted, and then click [Delete] on upper left of the department list. Or directly click
in the line of the department to be deleted to access the confirmation interface for department canceling. Click
[Confirm] for confirmation of canceling the selected department.
Departments cannot be deleted or modified at will. Deleting or modifying a department causes the personnel
belonging to this department to belong to no department. This also causes the failure to query for some historical
data. If deletion or modification is indeed required, transfer the personnel in this department to other departments,
and then delete the department. That is, the department being used cannot be deleted.
1. Choose [Personnel] > [Position] > [Add] to access the position adding interface.
If the related position information changes in the company, you can use the position editing function to modify the
position name, number and department. Directly click Position or in the line of the position to be edited to
access the editing interface for modification. After modification, click [Confirm] to save the modification.
Select the position to be deleted, and then click Delete on upper left of the position list. Or directly click in the
line of position to be deleted to access the confirmation interface for position deletion. Click [Confirm] for
confirmation of deleting the selected position.
1. You can click Import to import the position information in other software or data into this system. For specific
operations, please refer to 4."Import" in Appendix 1.
2. You can click to export the position data in software locally. For specific operations, please refer to 5. "Export"
in Appendix 1.
The system will set a default area, with the name of Area Name and number of 1.
1. Choose [Personnel] > [Area] > [Add] to access the area addition interface.
2. After the completion of the settings, click [Confirm] to save the settings and return to the Area Settings interface.
The Area list displays the added area. An area tree will appear on the right of the interface. Click to update the
3.3.2 Edit an Area
1. In the area list, click an area code, or click in the line of the area to be edited to access the area editing
2. Modify various parameters as needed. (The modification method is the same as the method of setting parameters
in the area adding section.) After modification is completed, click [Confirm] to save the area information modified.
In the area list, select the area to be deleted and then click [Delete] on the upper of the area list or directly click
in the line of the area to be deleted to access the area deleting confirmation interface.
Click [Confirm] to delete the selected area and return to the area setting interface. The area list no longer displays
the deleted area.
1. The default area cannot be deleted.
2. Areas that have been used by personnel or equipment cannot be deleted.
3. Areas with subordinates cannot be deleted.
2. In the personnel list, select the personnel requiring area setting in batches (you can screen personnel by
department, name or personnel No.).
3. Select the personnel (mandatory), and click [Confirm]. The area of selected personnel will all change.
1. You can click Import to import the position information in other software or data into this system. For specific
operations, please refer to 4."Import" in Appendix 1.
2. You can click to export the position data in software locally. For specific operations, please refer to 5. "Export"
in Appendix 1.
1. Choose [Personnel] > [Employee] > [Employee] > [Add] to access the personnel adding interface.
Click [OK] to save the settings and return to the Personnel interface.
Private Information
Click tab [Private Information] to expand Personnel Details.
Device Setting
Click [Device Setting] to expand the setting interface.
Verify Mode: Set the verify mode when the user punches.
Device Privilege: Set the permission of a user in the device, with the options including the following four types.
Card NO.: Assign card numbers to personnel for attendance checking. Enter the card No. manually or use a
card enroller for issuing cards.
PIN: Set the personnel password. The black-and-white T&A device supports passwords with only five digits. The color-
screen T&A device supports passwords with only eight digits. Passwords with digits exceeding the specified length
are cut out by the system automatically. When you change a password, clear the old password in the text box and
then enter the new password.
Enroll Device: Personnel enroll device.
FP Register (v10): Register the user’s fingerprints.
Bio-Photo: The bio-photo of personnel.
Attendance Settings
Click [Attendance Setting] to expand the setting interface.
App Settings
Click [App Settings] to expand setting interface.
APP Status: The default is No, set to Yes, then the user can use the mobile APP.
APP Role: Set personnel role.
Payroll Settings
Click [Payroll Settings] to expand setting interface.
Payment Period: Set the payment period of personnel. Now only support monthly.
Payment Type: Set the payment type for employee. With the options including the following three types.
Bank Name: Set the bank name corresponding to the bank card held by personnel.
Bank Account: Set the bank account of personnel.
Agent ID: Set the agent ID of personnel.
Agent Account: Set the agent account of personnel
2. After the completion setting, click [Confirm] to save the settings and return to the Personnel interface. The newly
updated personnel information is displayed in the Personnel list.
Note: No matter whether the personnel is resigned or employed, the uniqueness of the number must be
guaranteed, and the system will automatically go to the resignation database for number query when verifying.
1. In the personnel list, click a personnel number, or click in the line of the personnel to be edited to access the
personnel editing interface.
On the Personnel interface, select the employee (or employees) to be deleted, and click [Delete] on upper left of the
personnel list or directly click in the line of the personnel to be deleted to access the confirmation interface for
Note: When you delete an employee, the information on this employee in the database is also deleted.
3.4.4 Adjustment
Personnel adjustment covers personnel transfer (transfer department, transfer position, transfer area, pass probation)
and resignation.
1. Personnel Transfer
This includes adjust department, adjust position, adjust adjustment, pass probation.
The following uses department adjustment as an example to describe the specific operations.
(A) In the personnel list, select an employee (or employees), and click [Adjustment] > [Transfer Department] to
access the department adjustment interface, as shown in the figure below.
(B) In the Department drop-down list, select the department to which the employee is to be adjusted and enter the
information in Transfer Reason and Remark as required.
(C) After the completion of the setting, click [Confirm] to save the settings and return to the Personnel interface.
Note: The operations of adjust position, adjust adjustment, pass probation are the same as the operation of
department adjustment and are not described here.
2. Personnel Resignation
The operations of personnel resignation cover personnel resignation and disabling attendance.
(A) In the personnel list, select the employee (or employees), and click [Adjustment] > [Resignation] to access the
resignation setting interface.
1. In the personnel list, select the employee (or employees), and click [App] > [Enable/Disable] to access the App
enable/disable confirmation interface.
In the personnel list, select an employee (or employees) and click [More] > [Delete Biometric Template] to access
the confirmation interface for deleting biometric template.
Select the type of biometric template to delete. Click [Confirm], and the biometric template of the selected employee
is deleted, and the biometric template of this employee in the devices is also deleted.
1. Choose [Personnel] > [Employee] > [Resign] > [Add] to access the new resignation adding interface.
The following shows how to perform the operation.
Employee: Select the employee for resignation. (You can screen personnel by department, name or personnel No).
Resign Date: Select the date of resignation.
Resign Type: Choose the types of leave such as Quit, Dismissed, Resign, Transfer, Retain Job Without Salary.
Resign Reason: Enter the reason for resignation as required. It can be left blank.
Attendance: Check if attendance needs to be closed. (If checked, personnel details will be deleted from the
attendance device)
2. After the completion of setting, click [Confirm] to save the settings and return to the Resignation interface, and
the just added employee for resignation will be displayed in the resigned personnel list.
On the Resignation interface, select the employee (or employees) to be deleted, and click [Delete] on upper left of
the personnel list or directly click in the line of the personnel to be deleted to access the confirmation interface
for deletion.
3.5.3 Reinstate
Reinstate a resigned employee from the resigned personnel list to the personnel list, delete this employee from the
resigned personnel list and recover his/her file.
1. In the resigned personnel list on the Resignation interface, click to select the resigned employee who needs to be
reinstated from resignation, and then click [Reinstate] above the resigned personnel list to access the confirmation
interface for reinstatement from resignation, as shown in the figure below.
2. Click [Confirm] for confirmation and reinstating the information of this resigned employee to the (on-the-job)
personnel list.
For an employee newly added for resignation with attendance not disabled immediately, follow the following
method to disable attendance.
In the resigned personnel list on the Resignation interface, click to select the resigned employee whose attendance
needs to be disabled, and then click [Disable Attendance] above the resigned personnel list to access the
confirmation interface for disabling attendance, as shown in the figure below.
2. Click [Confirm] for confirmation and disabling the attendance of the selected resigned employee.
1. You can click Import to import the personnel resignation information in other software or data into this system.
For specific operations, please refer to 4."Import" in Appendix 1.
2. You can click mark to export the personnel resignation data in software locally. For specific operations,
please refer to 5. "Export" in Appendix 1.
3.6 Workflow
3.6.1 Role
Add a Role
1. Choose [Personnel] > [Workflow] > [Workflow Role] > [Add] to access the Add role interface.
Delete a Role
On the role interface, select the role (or roles) to be deleted, and click [Delete] on upper left of the list or directly click
in the line of the role to be deleted to access the confirmation interface for deletion.
Assign Employee
1. On the role interface, click to select corresponding workflow role, and then click [Assign Employee] to enter the
employee assignment interface:
Employee: Click to select "yes", then enter the personnel selection interface, and directly select the personnel
executing the workflow; Select "No" to select departments and positions.
Position: Click to select the position to perform the workflow.
2. After the completion of setting, click the edit button on the interface to enter the interface of adding
approval node.
3. Set the number of approval nodes, and after setting the node name, click [Confirm] to complete the setting of
workflow node.
1. When Employee is selected as "Yes", it goes directly to the selection of personnel, and the Position and Department
functions are blocked, indicating that the executor of this workflow is the selected personnel.
2. When Employee is selected as "No" and neither Position nor Department is selected, the execution object of this
workflow is the user with department but no position (provided that the department corresponding to this person
has no special approval flow).
When the workflow is set up, the workflow of the newly added successful node is displayed under Node, as shown
in the figure:
1. Click the workflow name corresponding to the node or click the edit button after the node to enter the node
Select the role and scope of the approver, the notifier, and the notification scope. The scope of this approval is
selected as Own Department. The first node selects the person whose role is Manager for approval, and the notifier
is also Manager. The second node selects the person whose role is Boss for approval, and the notifier is also the Boss.
Click [Confirm] and the interface of node list is as follows:
On the workflow interface, select the workflow (or workflows) to be deleted, and click [Delete] selected record on
upper left of the list or directly click in the line of the workflow to be deleted to access the confirmation
interface for deletion.
1. Choose [Personnel] > [Configurations] > [Document] > [Add] to access the adding document interface.
1. You can click [Import] to import the document type in other software or data into this system. For specific
operations, please refer to 4."Import" in Appendix 1.
2. You can click to export the certificate type in software locally. For specific operations, please refer to 5.
"Export" in Appendix 1.
On the Document interface, select the certificate type (or types) to be deleted, and click [Delete] selected record on
upper left of the list or directly click in the line of the personnel to be deleted to access the confirmation
interface for deletion.
State: - shows connected, shows not connected, means need to assign area except the default area to
Last Activity: Represents the last time the command was executed.
User Qty: It shows the number of employees already registered on the device.
FP Qty: It shows the number of Fingerprints registered.
Face Qty: It shows the number of Faces registered.
Palm Qty: It shows the number of Palms registered.
Transaction Qty: It shows the total number of attendance records.
Last Sync: It shows the time that the system issues data to the device last time.
There are two ways to add a T&A device: manually adding a T&A device and automatically adding a T&A device.
Manually Add a T&A Device
1. Choose [Device] > [Device] > [Add] to access the device addition interface.
Note: If an employee is added to a device, when the employee information is uploaded to the server, the
information will be automatically synchronized to other devices in the same area as the employee on the server.
Click a device name, or click in the line of the device to be edited to access the device editing interface.
Note: Grey items cannot be edited. The device name cannot be the same as the name of another device.
1. Click to select the device to be deleted, and then click [Delete] above the device list, or directly click in the
line of the device to be deleted to access the device deletion confirmation interface, as shown in the following figure.
Click [Device] > [Device] > [New Area] to create a new area conveniently. For the detail operation, please refer to
3.3.1 Add an Area
This function is suitable for the case while having set device administrator for device, and administrator is not
available to operate device and enroll fingerprint for personnel.
1. Select corresponding device, and click [Device] > [Device] > [Enroll Remotely] to access the enroll remotely
Note: You can upload personal information on a T&A device to the server in batches by using the function of
uploading data again. If timeout occurs, the uploading is interrupted and you need to perform the operation again.
Here you can select to upload all transactions or set the Start Time and End Time to upload specified time
period transaction.
2. Click [Confirm] to upload transaction.
Note: The operation of synchronizing the software data to the devices will delete existing data (excluding event
records) in the devices at first and then re-download all setting information. It is essential to ensure a smooth Internet
connection and avoid power failure during this operation.
Remotely reboot a device via the system.
In the device list, select a device to be rebooted, and then click [Device Menu] > [Reboot] to access the device
rebooting confirmation interface.
Read Information
Read the number of persons, attendance records, and the firmware version on a device.
Select a device and click [Device Menu] > [Read Information] to access the confirmation interface of reading device
information. Click [Confirm] to download the information or click [Cancel] to abort this operation.
Capture Setting
Upgrade Firmware
Upgrade the firmware for corresponding device.
1. Select a device and click [Device Menu] > [Upgrade Firmware] to access the upgrade interface:
2. Click [Choose File] to select corresponding emfw.cfg file, click [Confirm] to successfully upgrade firmware for
Important tip: Attendance data collation operation, need attendance device firmware protocol supports.
4.3 Device Short Message Management
The software supports adding short messages in the system and issuing them to a designated device.
1. Select the short message to be issued in the short message list, and click [Send Message].
When a short message is deleted on the software side, it is deleted on the device.
1. Select the short message to be deleted in the short message list, and click [Delete] to access the deleting short
message interface.
2. Click [Confirm] and the message will be deleted from the list and the device.
1. Click [Device] > [Work Code] > [Add] to access the adding work code interface:
1. Click [Device] > [Work Code] > [Remove From Device] to access the removing work code interface, select the
device in the pull-down list:
2. Click [Confirm] and the work code will be deleted from the list.
4.5 Bio-Template
Check the detail information of employee’s biometric template.
Register visible light comparison photos to verify and punch on the visible light device.
1. Choose [Device] > [Data] > [Bio-photo] > [QR Code] to access the QR Code getting interface.
2. Scan the QR code and register the comparison photo of the user on the mobile phone (the user must be stored in
the software), the following interface is entered after successful scanning:
3. Take the photo, enter the employee's ID number, First Name and Last Name are not required. Click [Enroll],
complete registration, and return to the Bio-photo page as below:
After selecting Approve State, click [Confirm] to complete the approval process and return to the approval list, which
shows the approval result of the person. If yes, the user can use the face to verify on the visible light device. If not, it
cannot be verified.
1. Click [Device] > [Data] > [Bio-Photo] > [Import Bio-Photo] to access to the batch import Bio-Photo interface.
(1) The name of photo must be employee ID.
(2) The size of photo maximum is 25kb.
On the application interface, select the application (or applications) to be deleted, and click [Delete] on upper left of
the list or directly click in the line of the personnel to be deleted to access the confirmation interface for deletion.
4.7 Transaction
4.7.1 Transaction Table
An AC log table displays the attendance records of all employees, including appended log, those uploaded by the
T&A device and APP.
Choose [Device] > [Data] > [Transaction] to access the Transaction interface, and the main interface lists the
attendance records of all employees by default.
(1) Users can export an AC log table to an .xls, pdf, csv or txt file based on requirements. Please refer to 5. Export
Appendix 1 for the specific method of exporting the AC log table.
(2) Users can select the fields to be displayed in the AC log table based on requirements (the fields are displayed after
being checked in columns).
(3) Users can change the column width by dragging the column border to the left or right.
Import the attendance records downloaded from a device to the USB disk to the attendance system.
1. Click [Upload USB Transaction] on the Transaction interface. An interface as shown in the following is displayed.
Upload File: Click [Choose File], and select an attendance record file to be uploaded.
2. After completion of the setting, click [Confirm] to upload the attendance records in the attendance record file to
the software.
Set the punch range for employee while make attendance punch on Mobile APP.
1. Click [Device] > [Mobile APP] > [GPS For Employee] > [Add] to access the setting interface:
Set the punch range for department, that means for all employee from specified department should punch within
the range while make attendance punch on Mobile APP.
1. Click [Device] > [Mobile APP] > [GPS For Department] > [Add] to access the setting interface:
Display all APP accounts (personnel who have enabled the mobile APP function under the Personnel module. On
the APP side, the personnel login to the APP by entering the personnel ID and self-service login password). The main
information includes the user name, login time, last active time, client ID, device token, client category, run
status(whether the user is online), APP status(whether the APP is disabled).
Push Notification
1. Click [Device] > [Mobile APP] > [Account], select corresponding account, click [Push Notification].
2. Fill in the notification content, click [Confirm] and push the notification.
1. Click [Device] > [Mobile APP] > [Account], select corresponding account, click [Disable].
A disabled account cannot login to the App unless the account is enabled.
1. Click [Device] > [Mobile APP] > [Account], select corresponding account, click [Enable].
Delete Account
1. Click [Device] > [Mobile APP] > [Account], select corresponding account, click [Delete].
4.8.4 Announcement
The software supports adding announcement and pushing them to the App.
Push Public Notice
1. Click [Device] > [Mobile APP] > [Announcement] > [Push Public Notice].
3. After the completion of setting the parameter, click [Confirm], to push the push notice to all mobile clients.
Delete Announcement
1. Click [Device] > [Mobile APP] > [Announcement] , selected the announcement that need to be deleted, and the
click [Delete] or mark in the announcement list.
2. Click [Confirm] to delete selected announcement, and back to the announcement interface. The deleted
announcement will no longer appear in the announcement list.
4.8.5 Notice
Display all the announcements pushed to the APP, approval (leave, overtime, and manual log), and abnormal
reminder message.
1. General rules apply to all departments. All general attendance parameters can be set here.
Basic Setting
Duplicate Punch Period: Set the time period (in minutes) for duplicate punch. If set to 1 minute, then the user tries
to punch several times within a minute, the system will only accept the first punch.
Weekend Setting
The hours set for OT Level should be OT Level 3 > OT Level 2 > OT Level 1.
Overtime Setting
Overtime Rule: It can be set to "Disable Overtime" to disable the overtime function. "Calculation OT" calculates the
overtime based on the punch time, "Approval OT" calculates the overtime based on the overtime application, and
"Approval OT Priority" preferentially calculates the overtime on the overtime application.
Calculation Setting
Calculation Rule
The following check-in and check-out settings are valid only when mandatory check-in and check-out items are set
to Yes in shift timetable settings.
Late exceed N minutes or early leave exceed N minutes is counted as absence.
On-duty without check-in entry is counted as late arrival (absence/no complete) for N minutes.
For Calculation Rule and Overtime Setting, please refer to Global Rule Setting.
Select the department rule to be deleted in the department rule list, and click [Delete], or directly click in the
line of the department rule to be deleted to access the department rule deletion confirmation interface.
1. Click [Attendance] > [Shift] > [Break Time] > [Add] to enter the adding break time interface.
1) Duration cannot exceed the time range for punch in break time.
1. Click the name of the break time or the mark after the corresponding period to enter the period editing
2. According to the need to modify the relevant settings, the specific operation is consistent with the add break time.
After the modification is completed, click [Confirm] to save.
1. Select corresponding break time, click [Delete] at the top left of the rest period list or directly click the mark
after the corresponding break time to enter the confirmation interface of deleting break time.
2. Click [Confirm] to delete the break time, and return to the break time interface.
5.3 Timetable
Set the time periods that may be used during attendance and set various parameters. The timetable is the minimum
unit in personnel attendance time settings. For example: These settings include work start/end time, allowed late
arrival/early leaving duration, whether check-in/check-out is mandatory, allowed time period for check-in/out, rest
time, and overtime.
Before scheduling the shift, you must set all shift timetables possibly used. Only in this way can various parameters
set be valid.
Break Time: Add a break time to the timetable. Multiple break times can be added within a timetable, but the break
time must be within a timetable. (See 5.2.1 Add a Break Time for the setting of break time)
→Unscheduled Time Setting
OT Level: Set the OT level rule. Ignore: will not calculate the overtime of corresponding OT level. Depend On Work
Time: Calculate the overtime of corresponding OT Level based on work time. Depend On OT: Calculate the overtime
of corresponding OT level based on calculation or approval overtime.
OT Level 1/OT Level 2/OT Level 3: Set OT level 1, 2 and 3 to different lengths of work time or overtime (calculation
or approval overtime).
Method of Overtime Level Calculation: (Calculated in subparagraph)
Assume that the values of T1 to T3 are the hours of OT Level1 to 3. T represents the work time or overtime
(calculation or approval overtime).
·If an employee’s daily work time or overtime (calculation or approval overtime) is greater than Time 2 but less than
Time 3; then the overtime at OT Level 1 is the Time 2 minus Time 1; the overtime at OT Level 2 is the daily work time
minus Time 2.
·If an employee’s daily work time or overtime (calculation or approval overtime) is greater than Time 3; then the
overtime at OT Level 1 is the Time 2 minus Time 1; then overtime at OT Level 2 is Time 3 minus Time 2; the overtime
of OT Level 3 is the daily work time minus Time 3.
The following example is used to explain how overtime is calculated by using the values which is specified in the
preceding figure. Suppose employee work time is 8 hours, OT Level 1 is 9 hours, OT Level 2 is 11 hours, OT Level 3 is
14 hours.
·If an employee works 9 hours a day, he/she has 1-hour overtime (9 minus 8) at OT Level 1.
·If the employee works 12 hours a day, he/she has a total of 4-hour overtime, 3-hour overtime (11 minus 8) at OT
Level 1 and 1-hour overtime (12-11) at OT Level 2.
·If the employee works 15 hours one day, he/she has a total of 7-hour overtime, 3-hour overtime (11 minus 8) at
OT Level 1, 3-hour overtime (14-11) at OT Level 2, and 1-hour overtime (15-14) at OT Level 3.
→Rule Setting
Necessary Clock-In, Necessary Clock-Out: Decide whether check-in and check-out are mandatory in the selected
time range. If an employee needs to check in/out, select Yes; otherwise, select No.
Allow Late-In, Allow Early-Out: This refers to the permissible time for late arrival/early leaving before the designation
of late arrival/early leaving starts during the specified working time.
For example, if Allowed late minute is set to 5 and check-in time is set to 9:00; Employee A checked in at 9:03 and
Employee B checked in at 9:06, we can conclude that Employee A is not late as the interval between his or her check-
in time and check-in start time is less than 5 minutes and Employee B is late for 6 minutes as the interval between
his or her check-in time and check-in start time exceeds 5 minutes.
Punch Interval Type: The time interval of punch can be set as Relate to Rule or user customize. When users customize
it, they need to set the Duplicate Punch Period (m).
Duplicate Punch Period (m): Punch interval.
Base on Punch State: Whether to use the function key. When "yes" is selected, the attendance will be calculated
according to the punch status. When "no" is selected, the attendance status will be automatically corrected when
calculates the attendance.
For example: The work time is 9:00-18:00, and the time range for punch is 8:00-10:00, 17:00-19:00 respectively. A
(1) There is no timetable with the same start time and end time.
(2) Please refer to "3. Time Selection" in Appendix 1 for time setting.
Flexible Timetable: Work delay is not counted as overtime, and late arrival or early out is not calculated.
1. Click [Attendance] > [Shift] > [Timetable] > [Add Flexible Timetable] on the Timetable interface to access the
Add interface.
Necessary Clock-In, Necessary Clock-out: Decide whether check-in and check-out are mandatory in the time range.
If an employee needs to check in/out, select Yes; otherwise, select No.
Punch Interval Type: Can be set Relate to Rule or user-defined.
Duplicate Punch Period (m): Punch interval.
Base on Punch State: Decide whether to use function keys.
Multiple In/Out: Multiple in/out function. When Multiple in/out is selected as Yes, this function is enabled, and users
can check in and check out for multiple times. In the calculation of attendance, the time of checking out in each
period minus the time of checking in is taken as the attendance time in that period. In the attendance detail report
of the day, the check-in of the first period shall be taken as the check-in of the day, and the check-out of the last
period shall be taken as the check-out of the day.
2. After the completion of the settings, click [Confirm] to save the settings and return to the Timetable interface. The
timetable list displays the added timetable.
1. Click Timetable Name or the mark after the corresponding period to access the timetable edit interface.
2. Modify relevant settings as needed. The detailed modification method is the same as the operation of adding a
timetable. Click [Confirm] for saving after completing the modification.
1. Select a timetable, click [Delete] on the upper left of the timetable list or directly click the mark after the
corresponding period to access the timetable deletion confirmation interface.
2. Click [Confirm] to delete this timetable and return to the Timetable interface.
1. Click [Add] on the Shift interface to access the shift addition interface:
1. Click Shift Name or the mark after the corresponding shift to access the shift edit interface.
2. Modify relevant settings as needed. The detailed modification method is the same as the operation of adding a
shift. Click [Confirm] for saving after completing the modification.
1. Select a shift, click [Delete] on the upper left of the shift list or directly click the mark after the corresponding
shift to access the shift deletion confirmation interface.
2. Click [Confirm] to delete this shift and return to the Shift interface.
1. Click [Add] on the Department Schedule interface to access the schedule addition interface.
Note: By default, the start date and end date are set to the first day of this month and the current day.
5.5.2 Delete Schedule Records
Users can select the schedule record to be deleted and click [Delete] to delete it, or click in the line of the
department schedule.
1. Click [Add Schedule] on the Employee Schedule interface to access the schedule addition interface.
Note: By default, the start date and end date are set to the first day of this month and the current day.
5.6.2 Querying Schedule Details
(1) Choose [Attendance] > [Schedule]> [Employee Schedule] to access the Employee Schedule interface. The
interface displays personnel schedule records in a list by default.
(2) Click the drop-down box next to Filters, Select the personnel or shift (see 10. Filter Search Function in Appendix
1.) To view the schedule records of employee. In Personnel Schedule Table, click the line where the schedule records
are to view the schedule timetable details in Schedule details on the right of the interface.
Users can select the schedule record to be deleted and click [Delete] to delete it, or click in the line of the
1. Click [Attendance]> [Schedule] > [Temporary Schedule] > [Add Temporary Schedule] to access the Add
temporary schedule interface.
Users can select the schedule record to be deleted and click [Delete] to delete it, or click in the line of the
personnel temporary schedule.
When an employee leaves on business trip or forgets to punch in or out, entering an attendance record to the
attendance report manually is called adding a manual log. The manual logs are generally entered by the
management personnel based on the attendance result and the attendance system of the enterprise after an
attendance cycle ends.
Add a Manual Log
1. Choose [Attendance] > [Approvals] > [Manual log] > [Add] to access the Add Appended Log interface.
1. Adding a manual log will simultaneously add an identical entry in the AC log table, and modifying it will
simultaneously modify the same entry in the AC log table.
2. The start time of the manual log must be after the entry time and before the current date.
Edit a Manual Log
Click the name of the personnel who needs to edit the record or click to enter the editing interface.
Modify relevant settings as required. The specific operation is consistent with adding manual log. Click [Confirm]
after modification.
5.8.2 Leave
1. Choose [Attendance] > [Approvals] > [Leave] > [Add] to enter the leave application interface.
2. Select the personnel, the list on the right side shows the selected personnel, select the start and end time of leave,
leave category and reason.
3. After the editing is completed, click [Confirm] to save and return, and the new items will be displayed in the leave
application list.
Edit Leave Application
Click the name of the person who needs to edit the record or click to enter the editing interface. Modify the
relevant settings as required. The specific operation is the same as the application for manual log. Click [Confirm]
after modification.
5.8.3 Overtime
Overtime can be added in two ways. One is through the administrator login, the administrator can add overtime for
each employee (automatic approval), another is through the employee login, and the employee can apply for
overtime (need approval).
Apply for Overtime
1. Choose [Attendance] > [Approvals] > [Overtime] > [Add] to access the adding overtime sheet interface.
2. Select the employee, and the list on the right will show the selected employee. Select the start and end time,
overtime type (normal overtime, weekend overtime, and holiday overtime) and overtime description.
3. After the completion of the setting, click [Confirm] to save the settings and return to the Overtime interface. The
overtime list will display the new overtime application list.
Note: The time of the new overtime application is not included in the working hours of the staff.
Edit an Overtime Application
The edit method of overtime is the same as the manual log.
Delete an Overtime Application
The delete method of overtime is the same as manual log.
Approve an Overtime Application
The approval method of overtime is the same as manual log.
5.8.4 Training
1. Choose [Attendance] > [Approvals] > [Training] > [Add] to enter the training application interface.
Click the name of the person who needs to edit the record or click to enter the editing interface. Modify the
relevant settings as required. The specific operation is the same as the application for manual log. Click [Confirm]
after modification.
After the user applies for changing the shift on the APP, the administrator can approve it on the Web side.
5.9 Holidays
Attendance time on holidays and festivals may be different from that on week days. To simplify operation procedures,
the system offers settings designed for attendance time and rules on holidays and festivals.
1. Choose [Attendance] > [Holiday] > [Holiday] > [Add] to access the holiday addition interface.
In the holiday list, click the name of a holiday, or click after the holiday to access the edit interface. Modify
parameters as needed and click [Confirm] to save the modifications.
In the holiday list, select the holiday to be deleted, and then click [Delete] on the upper left of the holiday list, or
directly click in the line of the holiday to be deleted to access the deletion confirmation interface. Click
[Confirm] to delete the holiday and return to the Holiday interface.
5.10 Calculation
Click [Attendance] > [Calculation] > [Calculation] to access the Attendance Calculation interface. It shows all the
3. Set Start Date and End Date. Please refer to 2. Date Selection in Appendix 1 for the method of setting the date.
4. Click , and view the attendance report information of the selected employees between the set start date and
the end date.
Transaction Report
1. Transaction
It provides all transaction information of the selected personnel.
2. Time Card
It provides the detailed punching information of the selected personnel.
3. First & Last
It provides statistics on the earliest and latest punching data among the punching data of each employee for each
First Punch: The earliest punch record of the day.
Last Punch: The latest punch record of the day.
4. First In Last Out
It provides statistics on the earliest check-in and latest check-out data among the punching data of each employee
for each day.
First Check-in: The earliest check-in record within the day's check-in time range.
Last Check-out: The latest check-out record within the day's check-in time range.
Scheduling Report
1. Scheduled Log
This table calculates the valid values of attendance records.
Users can export an attendance report to an .xls, pdf, csv or txt file based on requirements. Please refer to Appendix
5. Export for the specific method of exporting the report.
Summary Report
1. Employee Summary
The attendance summary interface displays the attendance summary of each employee in the time period, including
the lists of attendance, leaves and overtime, namely the summary table of the attendance lists.
5.12 Configurations
5.12.1 Leave Type
Choose [Attendance] > [Configurations] > [Leave Type] to access the Leave Type interface.
There are six default leave types in the system: sick leave, casual leave, maternal leave, compassionate leave, annual
leave and business trip.
Add a Leave Type (Note: The new leave type has the same function as the default leave types of the system.)
1. Click [Add] on the Leave Type interface to access the leave type addition interface.
Click the name of the leave type to be edited or click to enter the editing interface. Modify relevant settings as
required. The specific operation is the same as the adding leave type. Click [Confirm] after modification.
1. Choose [Attendance] > [Configurations] > [Report Setting] to set the report parameters.
Basic Display
Short Date Format: Set the date format of report display.
Short Time Format: Set the time format of report display.
Resign Employee Display: Whether to filter the separating employee. When it is selected Yes, the resigned
employees will not be shown in the attendance calculation personnel list and report. When Filter Employee is
selected No, the resigned employees will be shown.
Note: When the Unit is hour: minute, the minimum value and Round-off Control cannot be set.
2. After completion of the setting, click [OK] for saving.
6.1 Device
Click [Access Control] > [Device] > [Device] to access the device list interface. Here will show all the devices which
has been set as access control device in Device Module.
6.1.1Open Door
Select corresponding device in the device list, click [Open Door], and enter the open door confirmation interface:
When there is an alarm, enter the device interface, select corresponding device, click [Cancel Alarm], and enter the
cancel alarm confirmation interface:
Select corresponding device in the device list, click [Set Parameter], and enter the interface of setting parameter:
Duress Function: Whether to enable the duress function for the device.
Alarm on 1:1 Match: If it’s enable, when a user uses 1:1 verification method to verify any registered fingerprint, alarm
will be triggered.
Alarm on 1:N Match: If it’s enable, when a user uses 1:N verification method to verify any registered fingerprint, alarm
will be triggered.
Alarm on Password: If it’s enable, when a user uses password verification method, alarm will be triggered.
Alarm Delay: Set the alarm delay for the device, value range is 1-999 second(s).
Anti-Passback Setup
Clear the command issued by the software to a device during communication. Select corresponding device
commands, and click [Delete] or click on the line of command to access the device command clearing interface:
The time period can be defined per week and assign different time.
Click [Access Control] > [Access Control] > [Time Period], select corresponding area from the area tree list on the
left, the click [Add] to add different time intervals for the access.
Note: When start time is greater than the end time, there will be a prompt:
If there are changes for time period of corresponding area, users can follow the steps to make the changes.
1. Click corresponding area on the left area tree list, it will show the time period list of corresponding area on the
right time period list.
2. In the time period list, click time period number or click in the line of the time period to be edited to access
the interface for editing time period.
2. Modify the parameter settings based on requirements (refer to the parameter setting method in "Add a Time
Period"). After the completion of the modification, click [Confirm] to save the modified time period information.
1. Click corresponding area on the left area tree list, it will show the time period list of corresponding area on the
right time period list.
2. In the time period list, select a time period to be deleted, and click [Delete] on the upper part of the interface or
click in the line of the time period to be deleted to access the time period deletion interface.
Click to select the time period to be cloned, and then click [Clone To Areas] at the top left of the time period list to
open the following interface.
6.4 Holiday
The holiday settings can be configured to control the door access on holidays.
On holidays, special access control time may be required, but changing everyone’s access control time is very tedious.
Therefore, the access control time on holidays, which applies to all personnel, can be set.
Click [Access Control] > [Access Control] > [Holiday], select corresponding area from the area tree list on the left,
the click [Add] to add different holiday for the access.
If there are changes for holidays of corresponding area, users can follow the steps to make the changes.
1. Click corresponding area on the left area tree list, it will show the holidays of corresponding area on the right
holiday list.
2. In the holiday list, click the holiday name or click in the line of the holiday to be edited to access the interface
for editing holiday.
3. Modify the parameter settings based on requirements (refer to the parameter setting method in "Add a Holiday").
After the completion of the modification, click [Confirm] to save the modified holiday information.
1. Click corresponding area on the left area tree list, it will show the time holidays of corresponding area on the right
holiday list.
2. In the holiday list, select a holiday to be deleted, and click [Delete] on the upper part of the interface or click
in the line of the holiday to be deleted to access the holiday deletion interface.
Click to select the holiday to be cloned, and then click [Clone To Areas] at the top left of the holiday list to open the
following interface.
6.5 Group
Grouping is to manage users in the groups.
Each area’s maximum number of groups is 99. Group 1 is automatically created when the area is created, and group
1 cannot be deleted. Group 1 is the default group. The default new person belongs to group 1
1. Click [Access Control] > [Access Control] > [Groups], select corresponding area from the area tree list on the left,
the click [Add] to add different access group.
2. In the group list, click the group name or click in the line of the group to be edited to access the interface
for editing group.
3. Modify the parameter settings based on requirements (refer to the parameter setting method in "Add New Group").
After the completion of the modification, click [Confirm] to save the modified group information.
Delete Group
1. Click corresponding area on the left area tree list, it will show the time groups of corresponding area on the right
group list.
2. In the group list, select a group to be deleted, and click [Delete] on the upper part of the interface or click in
the line of the group to be deleted to access the group deletion interface.
1. Click to select the group to be cloned, and then click [Group Menu] > [Clone To Areas] at the top left of the group
list to open the following interface.
1. Click to select the group, and then click [Group Menu] > [Clone To Areas] at the top left of the group list to open
the following interface.
This function is mainly used for the case while you want to delete the personnel form the group except Group1.
Click to select corresponding personnel on the right personnel list of the group, then click [Move To Group 1].
1. Click [Access Control] > [Access Control] > [Combination] to access the combination interface, click
corresponding area on the left area tree list, then the combinations belong to this area will be shown on the
right combination list. Click corresponding combination No. to access the combination edition interface.
1. Click to select the unlock combination to be cloned, and then click [Clone To Areas] at the top left of the
combination list to open the following interface.
6.6 Privilege
Here you can check or edit employee’s access privilege.
1. Click [Access Control] > [Access Control] > [Privilege] to access the privilege interface, click corresponding area
on the left area tree list, then the privilege information of employee who are belonging to this area will be
shown on the right privilege list. Click corresponding employee ID or in the line of employee privilege to
be edited to access the edition interface.
2. After setting, click [Confirm] to save and return to the privilege list. The privilege list will display the
information just edited.
1. Click corresponding area on the left area tree list, then the privilege information of employee who are
belonging to this area will be shown on the right privilege list. Click [Adjust] to access the adjust privilege
2. After setting, click [Confirm] to save and return to the privilege list. The privilege list will display the
information just edited.
7.2 Formula
Set the formulas for payroll calculation of overtime, exceptions (including late in, early leave and absence), leave and
the other kind of increase and deduction. These formulas are set for the items which are fixed calculation items in
employee’s monthly salary structure.
The formula for different types of OT can be defined according to the organizational rules.
1. Click [Payroll] > [Formula] > [Overtime Formula] to access the Overtime formula interface. And then click [Add]
to access the overtime formula addition interface:
Formula: Set the formula of corresponding overtime type. Click to open the calculator interface as
following, you can set the formula as you need with the calculator which is more convenient and flexible.
The formula for exceptions, including late in, early leave and absence, can be defined according to the organizational
1. Click [Payroll] > [Formula] > [Exception Formula] to access the exception formula interface. And then click [Add]
to access the exception formula addition interface:
Formula: Set the formula of corresponding exception type. Click to open the calculator interface to set
the formula as you need with the calculator.
Remarks: Enter the remarks for the formula.
2. Click [Confirm] to save the formula and return back to the exception formula interface and the new added
formula information will display in the interface.
The formula for leave can be defined according to the organizational rules.
1. Click [Payroll] > [Formula] > [Leave Formula] to access the leave formula interface. And then click [Add] to access
the leave formula addition interface:
Formula: Set the formula of corresponding leave type. Click to open the calculator interface to set the
formula as you need with the calculator.
Remarks: Enter the remarks for the formula.
2. Click [Confirm] to save the formula and return back to the leave formula interface and the new added formula
information will display in the interface.
The formula for monthly fixed increase item can be defined according to the organizational rules.
1. Click [Payroll] > [Formula] > [Increase Formula] to access the increase formula interface. And then click [Add] to
access the increase formula addition interface:
Formula: Set the formula of corresponding increase. Click to open the calculator interface to set the
formula as you need with the calculator.
Remarks: Enter the remarks for the formula.
2. Click [Confirm] to save the formula and return back to the increase formula interface and the new added
formula information will display in the interface.
1. Click [Payroll] > [Extra Fund] > [Extra Increase] to access the extra increase interface. And then click [Add] to
access the extra increase addition interface:
Click to select corresponding department name on the left department list, the employee payroll structure of
the department will show on the right list.
1. In the employee payroll structure list, select a payroll structure to be deleted, and click [Delete] on the upper part
of the interface or click in the line of the payroll structure to be deleted to access the deletion interface.
7.5 Loan
Loan interface displays the records of employee loans.
Click [Payroll] > [Loan] > [Loan] > [Add] to access the interface of adding loan record for employee.
7.6 Reimbursement
In this interface, the reimbursement is listed along with the employee details.
4. Click , and view the salary report information of the selected employees between the set start date and the
end date.
Salary Structure
Display every employee’s detail salary structure.
Increase Items
Display all increase items in employee monthly salary.
Deduction Items
Display all Deduction items in employee monthly salary.
Att Param
Display employee’s salary information together with attendance information.
When using the system, a super user needs to assign different levels to new users. To avoid setting users one by one,
you can set roles with specific levels in role management, and assign appropriate roles to users when adding users.
The permissions of four functional modules are included: personnel, device, attendance and system. The default
super users of the system have all privileges permissions and can assign new users based on requirements and set
corresponding permission for them.
Add a Privilege Group
1. Choose [System] > [User] > [Group] to access the Add Role interface.
1. In the privilege group list, click the role name or click in the line of the role to be edited to access the interface
for editing roles.
2. Modify the parameter settings based on requirements (refer to the parameter setting method in "Adding a role").
After the completion of the modification, click [Confirm] to save the modified role information.
Delete a Privilege Group
1. In the privilege group list, select a privilege group to be deleted, and click [Delete] on the upper part of the
interface or click in the line of the role to be deleted to access the role deletion interface.
Add new users to the system and assign roles (permissions) to users.
Add a User
1. Choose [System] > [User] > [Add] to access the Add User interface:
1. Click the user name or in the line of the user to enter the edit user interface.
2. Enter the Original Password, Password and Confirm Password and click [Confirm] to complete the modification.
Backup data to prevent data loss, the software can be set up to automatically or manually backup database. And it is
supported to restore PostgreSQL database.
Backup Automatically
1. Click [System] > [Database] > [Backup Automatically] to enter the Backup Automatically interface and set the
backup path and automatic backup time.
2. After setting, click [Confirm], then the database will be backup in the corresponding path.
Restore Manually
1. Click [System] > [Database] > [Restore Manually] to enter the Restore Manually interface.
2. After setting, click [Confirm], and wait for the restore process finish.
When replacing Biotime8.0, the original data will be migrated to BioTime8.0 from other software to facilitate user
1. Click [System] > [Database] > [Migrate] to enter the migration settings interface.
Migrate From: Select the software you want to migrate, which is currently supported.
Database: Select the database type used by the original software.
Address: Set the IP address of the database.
Port: Fill in the database port.
Name: Fill in the database name.
User: Fill in the database user.
Password: Fill in the correct password.
2. Select the fields to be migrated, the time period for attendance data, and click [Test Connection], if it’s successful,
then click [Migrate].
According to the set format, time period, frequency automatically export attendance data.
Add Auto Export Template
1. Click [System] > [Integration] > [Auto Export] > [Add] to enter the new automatic export settings interface:
Manual Export
After the automatic export settings are saved, you can export the attendance records in real time by clicking [Manual
Export] at the top of the list. The specific operations are as following:
1. Select the set automatic export, click [Manual Export] to enter the following interface.
list, or directly click in the line of template to enter the interface of deleting template.
The company setting interface includes the options to upload the company logo and company name. This company
logo can be displayed in exported report.
1. Click [System] > [Configuration] > [Company Setting] to access to the Company Setting page.
2. Upload company logo and name, set corresponding display position. Click [Submit] to save the setting.
Note: The password is a one-time random authorization password provided by the email service provider.
SMTP Server: Email sending server address.
Port: Port of email sending server.
Email Account: Email account.
Password: One-time random authorization password from the mailbox provider.
Email Address: Email address.
Note: Click the FTP server or in the line of the FTP server to enter the edit FTP server information interface.
click in the line of the FTP server to enter the interface of deleting FTP server.
Add a Bookmark
To get what you want by adding a condition to filter the query, you can save this condition and use it next time
without having to select another condition. See 11. Custom bookmark in Appendix 1 for a custom bookmark.
Delete Bookmark
In the bookmark list, click the selected bookmark to be deleted, then click [Delete] at the top of the bookmark list, or
directly click in the line of bookmark to enter the interface of deleting bookmark.
(The following uses the operation of adding a person to an area as an example.) Choose [Personnel] >
[Organization] > [Area] > [Adjust Employee] to access a interface as shown in the figure below.
department will be displayed under the staff list. Click the select box in front of the person, check the selected
person, and display in the selected person box.
in front of the employee so that information about the employee is displayed in the Selected Personnel list.
If the selected personnel are displayed in the Selected Personnel list and you need to delete one or more employees,
deselect the check box in front of the employees.
2. Date Selection
(The following uses the operation of setting resignation date on the Add Resignation interface as an example.) Click
the input box to the right of Resignation Date. The system automatically displays a date selection box as shown in
the figure below.
(1) Click the number of year, and select a year from the popped up year list (by default, the system displays the year
of the current date).
3. Time Selection
(The following uses the operation of setting the check-in start time on the Add Normal Timetable interface as an
(1) Click the setup box to the right of Check-In. Then, a time setup box as shown in the figure below is displayed.
(2) Click the hour box. Select "hour" by scrolling up and down in the corresponding "hour" selection box.
(3) Click the minute box. Select "minute" by scrolling up and down in the corresponding "minute" selection box.
(4) Click the second box. Select "second" by scrolling up and down in the corresponding "second" selection box.
(5) After the completion of setting the hour, minute and second, click [Confirm] to save the settings.
Now: Click [Now] to set the time to the current time.
Clear: Click [Clear] to clear the selected time if you want to re-select the time.
Note: Users can click [Download Template] to obtain and save the personnel importing template, and fill in and save
corresponding personnel information. Users can use the personnel import function to import the personnel
information of the file (. xls file) to the system.
(2) Click [Choose File]. The Open dialog box is displayed, as shown in the figure below.
(3) Select the file to be imported and click [Open] or directly double-click the file to be imported. After file selection,
the address of the selected file is displayed next to Choose File, as shown in the figure below.
(1) A table header is required for importing templates.
(2) Personnel No., First Name, and Department No. are mandatory, and other fields are optional.
(3) The card number must be unique.
(4) All column values should be in text format.
5. Export
(1) Choose [Personnel] > [Employee] and click on the top right corner of the screen, displays the selecting
format interface.
(2) File Type: if you select Excel file for exporting, click [Excel Export] to display the selected exported content.
Notes: The exported table is the currently displayed list, namely, the list of queried or displayed results.
6. Custom Display Fields
Choose [Personnel] > [Employee] and click on the top right corner of the screen, the field selection window
shown below pops up:
You can adjust the display order and whether the list field needs to be displayed (check means display, not checked
means not display). When adjusting the order, simply move the cursor to the field to be moved, and then drag the
field to move the order when the following appears after the field. After adjusting the order, click Columns to
enter the reordering confirmation interface.
After adjusting the display number of list fields, the column width can be set to the optimal width.
1. After setting the number of fields to be displayed, click and choose [Best Fit] to adjust the Best column
width, as shown in the figure below:
8. Multi-Label Function
No need to refresh the page, each menu under the same module can be switched by opened labels. Avoid losing
the data you are typing due to page refresh when you view other menus.
Take the personnel module as an example:
1. Click [Personnel] to enter the Personnel module. When you open a menu, you can see the opened menu label at
the top of the page, as shown in the following figure:
9. Custom Skin
Customize skin function, change skin color and menu background pattern.
1. Click button at the top right of the page to enter the skin color setting interface:
2. Click [Themes] to select the background of the menu, then click [Pure Colors] to customize the skin color, and then
click to change.
In this software, all the query functions are filtered through Filters or exclusion results.
Take the query personnel as an example (click [Personnel] > [Employee] > [Employee] to enter the Personnel list
(1) In the Filters drop-down menu, select the query field, such as Employee ID (The button moves to the right to
indicate that the search has been filtered, and to the left to indicate that the search has been excluded).
In this example, we select the user whose ID number is 3. After selecting Search, enter "3" and click . The figure
below is displayed at the top of the personnel list:
(3) In the search term that appears at the top of the personnel list, click to toggle whether the search term is
filtered or excluded.
For example: set multiple query conditions as follows:
Note: The query function under each operation menu in the system is basically similar, the difference lies in the query
field setting is different, and users can follow the prompts to enter.
Customize a variety of filter combination, save as a bookmark, the next time you open can directly use existing
bookmarks for data filtering.
1. When multiple filters are set, the page looks like this:
3. Click Bookmarks, select [New Bookmark], enter the saved name, click [Save], and the condition combination would
be saved. The saved bookmarks can be seen under the Bookmarks menu of the page on the day, and in the
Bookmarks menu of the System, the bookmark can be easily opened next time and the existing bookmarks can be
directly used for data filtering.
The following uses the operation of viewing administrator operation logs as an example.
Choose [System]> [Log] > [Log], click on the top right corner to access the Logs interface, as shown in the figure
(1) The Logs interface displays only the operation logs of the current operation module.
(2) You can view all log records in Log under System.
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