Undertaken at
Under guidance of
Submitted by:
Vibhu Yadav R010208064
This project is a result of their original efforts and findings. This work has not
been submitted to any other University or published any time before.
---------------------------- ----------------------------
Place: Moradabad
Date: 05 August 2011
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I am grateful to Mr. Neeraj Joshi (Deputy Manager –Pipeline), Mr. Gaurav Kumar Arya
(Sr. Engineer –Pipeline), Mr. Nishant Jain (Engineer –Pipeline), MR. Gaurav Arora
(Engineer –CNG), Mr. Dhruv Pal Negi (Engineer –CNG), for their encouragement and co-
operation. They took painstaking effort in helping me to complete my project, a fruitful
learning experience.
Submitted By:
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Table of Contents
5. Introduction 7-9
11. Conclusion 63
12. References 64
13. Annexure 65
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List of tables
S.No. Table no. Page
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City gas distribution is an interconnected network of pipelines used for the distribution of gas
to domestic/commercial/industrial consumers in the form of PNG (low pressure distribution
network) and to the automobiles in the form of CNG (high pressure distribution network).
PNG deals with the distribution of natural gas from bulk supply high pressure transmission
grids and subsequently to medium pressure distribution mains through service distribution
mains to the domestic consumers(at a pressure of 21 mbar) and to the commercial/industrial
consumers at a pressure depending upon the demand of the consumer.
On the other hand, CNG system deals with the dispensing of natural gas into vehicles at a
pressure of 200 bar.
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Natural gas
Natural gas is a gaseous fossil fuel consisting primarily of methane and other heavier
hydrocarbons like ethane, propane, butane etc. until Heptanes along with some non
hydrocarbon components like Hydrogen Sulfide, Nitrogen, Carbon Di Oxide and traces of
Helium. It is formed from organic material that was formed as a result of deposition of dead
plant and animals under high pressure and temperature beneath the earth’s surface.
Methane: 88%
Ethane: 5%
Propane: 1%
CO2: 5%
Others: 1%
Property Value/significance
8 | Page
Color Colorless
Odor Odorless
Note: The energy derived from natural gas is a result of the energy released by the
breaking of molecular bonds in the presence of oxygen.
Advantages of natural gas over conventional fossil fuels
Heat transfer 85 80 55 40
efficiency in %
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Net cal. Value in 7225 9400 5775 4168
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Combustion related properties of gasoline & CNG
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Present scenario of natural gas and its utilization in India
Natural gas has emerged as the most preferred fuel due to its inherent environmentally benign
nature, greater efficiency and cost effectiveness. The demand of natural gas has sharply
increased in the last two decades at the global level. In India too, the natural gas sector has
gained importance, particularly over the last decade, and is being termed as the Fuel of the
21st Century.
2007-08 140 40 33
20011-12 166 44 49
2016-17 214 64 71
% growth 5% 7%
12 | P a g e
Oil 45 45 55 55 50 0.53
Hydroelectric 23 29 36 41 44 3.22
The domestic oil and gas sector in the country got a boost after the commencement of
production of natural gas from Reliance Industries Ltd’s (RIL) Krishna Godavari fields and
production of crude oil from Cairn India Ltd’s fields in Rajasthan.
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The gas produced in the western offshore fields is brought to Uran plant (ONGC) in
Maharashtra and partly in Gujarat (ONGC-Hazira). The gas brought to Uran is utilised in and
around Mumbai. The gas brought to Hazira is sour gas which has to be sweetened by
removing the sulphur present in the gas. After sweetening, the gas is partly utilised at Hazira
and the rest is fed into the Hazira-Vijaypur-Jagdhishpur(HVJ) pipeline which passes through
Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, U.P., Delhi and Haryana.
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Source :EIA statistics 2008.
(Note: the LNG received is then converted to RLNG and then transported through HVJ
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PNGRB was setup on October 1 2006 in order to develop and increase ‘fuel growth’ of
natural gas market in India. It has laid down rules and regulations for CGD network for
supplying gas to CNG station and PNG to household, industrial and commercial consumers.
The players in this field can be classified into two:
those who own the pipeline (today, GAIL is the biggest, followed by Reliance)
And those who distribute the gas (Indraprastha Gas, Gujarat Gas and GSPC etc.).
Bidding procedure
There's a step-wise competitive bidding process for the licences. To start with, companies
submit an expression of interest (EOI) to PNGRB for the cities they are interested in. If
there's sufficient interest in a city, PNGRB calls for bids. Bidders have to meet financial (net
worth-related) and technical (experience) parameters to submit bids.
PNGRB is targeting CGD bidding in 200 cities by 2012. For most cities, it will be a head to
head contest between Reliance and GAIL. Currently CGD networks are operative in multiple
cities including Delhi, Mumbai, Indore, Pune, Vijayawada, Vadodara, Surat, Ankleshwar,
Ahmadabad and Kanpur.
significant investment
lengthy gestation period
provision of tax incentives to companies interested in setting up these networks by
the government Currently, the domestic tax law provides a 10 year tax holiday for
laying and operating 'cross country' natural gas distribution network, including
pipelines and storage facilities.
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GAIL was the first company in India to pioneer city gas distribution project. In addition to
marketing Natural Gas through Trunk and Regional Transmission systems, GAIL has formed
joint venture companies to supply gas to households, commercial users and the transport
sector. The backbone of this pipeline system is a national grid that circumnavigates and criss-
crosses the country, and whose size is increasing by the day. GAIL has completed 7,000 km
and is aiming for 13,000 km by 2012; Reliance has 1,400 km and is waiting for government
clearance for another 3,000 km.
City Gas Distribution means an interconnected network of gas pipelines and the
associated equipments used for transporting natural gas from a bulk supply high pressure
transmission main to the medium pressure distribution grid and subsequently to the
service pipes supplying natural gas to domestic, industrial or commercial premises and
CNG stations (where pressure is increased instead) situated in a specified geographical
Scope of CGD Business in India
Natural Gas usage in Indian cities has been limited primarily due to the scarcity of supply.
However this scenario is undergoing change with several LNG projects/transnational
pipelines under implementation, which together with new domestic Gas finds are expected to
shore up the supply deficit in the next few years. Meanwhile the market for city gas
distribution is also set to grow at an accelerated pace. The CNG demand got a boost with the
Supreme Court directive on pollution reduction in 12 major cities in India. With a growing
demand base and increasing supply options City Gas Distribution networks offer a
tremendous investment opportunity. However in order to tap this opportunity the developers
need to analyze several critical aspects of the project like:
Demand build-up.
Infrastructure required
Technological challenges
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With the growing concern about environmental aspect, GOI started CNG distribution in
cities. Various organizations like GAIL, IOCL, BPCL, GGCL etc. entered into this sector by
forming JV’s with other players and provided this sector the necessary thrust. The CGD
network caters to the supply of PNG to domestic households and small commercial/industrial
establishments and CNG to automobile sector. With the introduction of PSUs the Indian gas
chain has become more structured and organized. Currently major oil PSU’s like IOCL,
BPCL and HPCL are providing substantial support in all parts of the gas chain with the
formation of JVs like Green Gas Limited in Lucknow &Agra; IGL in Delhi-NCR etc.
Siti Energy Limited (SEL) is a .Company was incorporated in 2006 and was given work for
implementation of City Gas Projects for supply of Piped Natural Gas (PNG) to domestic,
commercial and industrial customers and Compressed Natural Gas(CNG ) to automobile
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consumers in the cities Agra and Lucknow. Now GGL is the only player in PNG & CNG
distribution field of above cities.
Siti Energy Limited established its Daughter booster station in Lodhipur in 2006 which is
situated on Delhi road about 18 km. from Moradabad city. It is distributing CNG to
Automobile consumers by installing 3 dispensers there. Now SEL is completing its 38 km.
pipeline from Lodhipur to Moradabad city. Except Lodhipur station SEL has 1 other daughter
booster station on Kanth road. SEL taps the source of natural gas from GAIL’s pipeline. Gas
from GAIL pipeline is given to CGS at Lodhipur (point of custody transfer) where it is
supplied to 300 class pipes which are owned by CGD Company connected to pressure valve.
This is connected to 300 class pipe; a Butterfly valve is installed here.’ Odorizing unit’
contains Ethyl Mercaptan which is mixed with natural gas. Then it is resent into the line
going to filling station.
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Siti Energy Ltd. has vigorous expansion plans for the implementation of City Gas
Distribution (CGD) projects in its authorized areas. Simultaneously, SEL is striving hard to
explore business opportunities in other parts of the country as well.SEL is looking forward to
provide the complete energy solution by moving beyond the CNG and PNG applications
currently in existence which would enable it to enhance value for the stakeholders including
customers, shareholders and employees. The company is committed to be a customer-
oriented organization by adopting world class operational practices. Recognizing the fact that
vehicle owners will not convert their vehicles to CNG until and unless CNG has been made
available in adequate quantity and at many locations across the city, SEL has decided to make
CNG available at multiple places and to ramp up the availability of CNG both in terms of
quantity and geographical spread.
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Major players in City Gas Business
Technical Standards: In city gas distribution, some of the widely used standards referred
for establishing the gas network and ensuring the safety of customers include:
ASME B31.8
OISD Standards
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1. PNGRB-Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) Act came into force on
April 03, 2006 to protect the interest of consumers and is engaged in specified activities
to ensure uninterrupted and adequate supply of petroleum, petroleum products and natural
gas in all parts of the country and promote competitive markets in Oil and Gas sector of
India. This document lays down certain standards which need to be followed during setup
of a CGD network in comparison with other standards as well. Some of the important
aspects discussed in this document include: material and equipment (Schedule–1A),
welding (Schedule–1B), piping system components and fabrication (Schedule– 1C),
design, installation and testing (Schedule–1D), operating and maintenance procedures
(Schedule–1E), corrosion control (Schedule–1F) and miscellaneous (Schedule–1G).
3. Gas cylinder rules: It is a draft published under explosives act 1884, and states following
procedures with respect to CNG cylinders:
filling, possession and import of cylinders
markings on cylinders
repairing of gas cylinders
testing, handling and use
general precautions
safety aspects
4. ASME B31.8: This document lays down codes and procedures for designing, operation
and maintenance of gas transmission & distribution piping systems. (for more details
refer ASME B31.8 norms)
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Major components of CGD
The fundamental purpose of a CNG station is to dispense natural gas to vehicles. Where,
practical CNG stations have been located close to a transmission pipeline. At these stations
natural gas is tapped from pipeline and connected to the suction side of a compressor. The
natural gas is then compressed and transferred to storage cylinders (cascades) and held until a
vehicle is connected. When it has not been possible to locate a dispensing station close a
transmission pipeline; mother-daughter concept has been used whereupon a mother station
compresses the gas into cascades which are then transported by a road vehicle to daughter
dispensing outlet. In some cases mother station also acts as a dispensing station.
Mother station
Online station
Daughter station
Daughter /Booster Station
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CNG “Mother Station”:
CNG facility connected to natural gas pipeline at the CGS and at the isolation point. It is
having compression capacity meant primarily to fill stationary cascades/mobile cascades
(LCV’s) for ‘daughter’ stations and dispeners. Their filling capacity is also high.
CNG facility is connected with natural gas pipeline and having a compression capacity
primarily to fill stationary cascades for dispensing CNG to vehicles. In case the ‘online’
station has enough space to accommodate mobile cascades filling, it can be used to act as
mother compressor station. Moreover its filling capacity is lower than mother station.
In this station, CNG facility is not connected to natural gas pipeline and dispensing of CNG
to the vehicles is done through mobile cascades. Gas is transported to stations through LCV’s.
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These stations are generally not economical for the operating company as the pressure in the
mobile cascades goes down very rapidly as a result of which the residual gas content left is
more which remains unutilized.
1. Compressors
2. Cascades
3. Dispensers
4. LCV’s
Compressors are used to compress incoming natural gas for converting into CNG.
Compressors are used for increasing the suction pressure (from 17-19 bar to 250 bar). ‘Air
Actuated Valves’ starts the engine of the compressor. Air coming from air compressors at
pressure of 7-8 kg/cm2 is stored in a vertical vessel which provides storage of compressed air
at constant pressure for pneumatic startup of the gas compressor. During pneumatic startup
firing takes place and the compressor engine then continues to operate.
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Compressors are classified:
Chicago Pneumatic
DR( Dresser Rand)-used by GGL
Knox western
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STAGE 1 2 3
CYLINDER 4 3.125 3.125-2.25
STROKE(in.) 7 7 7
30 | P a g e
BHP HP 203 203 203
SPEED RPM 685 685 685
CAPACITY AT SCMH 1200 1200 1200
C.I.- Cast Iron
F.S.- Forged Steel
KSCG- kg/cm2
SACE- Single Acting Frame End
DA- Double Acting
SAHE- Single Acting Outer End
Engine driven by DR
Make- Chicago Pneumatic
Model- NG 1200M
RPM- 1485
Belt drive- V-belt drive
2. PROIRITY PANEL: It is situated inside the compressor house .The flow of the compressed
gas from the compressor to the various equipments is decided by the priority panel & priority
is given by programming.
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Functions -
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Safety valve: it is used to prevent excess pressure which can be there under abnormal
conditions. The valve is set in way that whenever pressure in dispenser reaches above
a particular pressure, it pops up and discharges the excess pressure in atmosphere.
3-way valve: it is used to dispense the gas into the vehicles. The three way valve is
used because after filling we have to vent the remaining gas in nozzle to the
Some common dispensers used in CNG station are:
- Compaq
- Nuovo Pignone
The flow of compressed gas into the dispenser is accordingly:
The compressed gas from the priority panel goes to the dispenser through three pipes
transporting gas at low, medium or high pressures.
The compressed gas goes through the gas filters. Gas filters are according to the
pipes as low, medium or high. The compressed gas from the low pressure pipe is
going to go in low gas filter and accordingly.
Then the compressed gas passes through the actuators.
There are NRVs (No Return Valve) fitted. After passing through NRV the gas cannot
return back into the system.
The compressed gas then goes through the main pipe and flows through the mass
flow meter where the amount of gas flowing into the dispenser is measured.
There is a safety valve besides the mass flow meter to release high pressure gas
safely and instantaneously into the atmosphere with any hazard.
Then the compressed gas goes into refueling probe.
There is an electrical panel too in the dispenser that sets all the valves and the
flow of CNG through the probe is controlled.
The electronic panel calculates the total price of gas filled in a vehicle.
The dispensing unit shall be of a type approved by the chief Controller of
Explosives/Statuary Authorities.
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known for their robust build quality. They also have a higher working, test and burst
pressure parameters than CNG cylinders used in vehicles. The cascades are filled in
three modes viz. low, medium, high. The cascades are filled at a pressure of 250 bars.
The gas is withdrawn from a cascade in the reverse mode i.e. high, medium and then
Cascades are primarily of two types:
Features :-
35 | P a g e
Mobile CNG Cascades: - Mobile cascade is used for transportation of CNG. It is a
structural container with an array of cylinders which can be loaded on a carrier
truck and transported from one place to another. It is also known as LCV (Light
Commercial Vehicle) and is used to transport CNG from Mother Station to
Daughter station/ Daughter Booster Station.
Mobile cascade
36 | P a g e
Consists of an assembly of components
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11. All electrical fittings and equipment such as compressors, motors, switches, starters, etc.,
installed in the premises used for compressing and filling of CNG shall be of flameproof
construction conforming to IS:2148 or such other specification as approved by the CCOE.
12. No alterations or additions shall be carried out to the premises without prior approval of
the licensing authority.
TABLE 10: INTER DISTANCES From buildings and outer boundaries to gas storage units
Total capacity of gas storage cascade units (in Minimum distance from buildings
liters) and boundaries (in meters)
Up to 4500 2.5
4500 to 10000 4.0
10000 to 100000 10.0
TABLE 11: Inter distances between various facilities in the CNG fuelling station
Sl. Distance from CNG CNG Storage Outer MS/HSD Vent of MS/HSD Filling
No. (in meters) Compressor dispensing cascade boundary Dispenser u/g storage tanks point of
Unit wall/ MS/HSD
38 | P a g e
ii) Distances shown as “-“shall be any distance necessary for operational convenience.
iii) A suitable curbing platform shall be provided at the base of the dispensing unit to prevent
vehicles from coming too near the unit.
iv) A CNG cascade having cylinders of total water capacity not exceeding 4500 liters can be
mounted on top of the compressor super structure.
13. Smoking, naked lights, lamps, source of fire, mobile phones or any other implements
capable of igniting flammable vapour or gas shall not be allowed inside the premises.
14. Every person managing or employed on or in connection with the licensed premises shall
abstain from any act whatsoever which tends to cause fire or explosion and which is not
reasonably necessary and to the best of his ability, shall prevent any other person from doing
such act.
15. The operators and attendants shall be fully conversant and trained with all the facets of
the dispensing activities including operations, procedures, maintenance and hazards of CNG
and the risk associated with the handling of the product.
16. The emergency telephone numbers of local fire service, police and the principal
marketing company and emergency instructions shall be conspicuously displayed in the
licensed premises.
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Maintenance of CNG vehicles
After conversion, the vehicle should be turned on gas at workshop after 1000 km
to 1500 km.
During normal servicing, nothing special is required for CNG kit except for
cleaning of air filter.
However in case of major maintenance/troubleshooting on CNG kit, it advisable
to get serviced at the CNG workshop.
Annual inspection of the kit should be carried out.
The cylinder should be hydro-tested after every 5 yrs.
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PNG System: PNG implies Piped Natural Gas i.e. natural gas which is supplied through
pipes to homes and establishments.PNG is continuously supplied through the Hazira –
Vijaypur - Jagdishpur (HVJ) pipeline of GAIL.
Pollution free
Uninterrupted supply at all times
Less storage area occupied as compared to LPG cylinders
Gives a cost benefit of 10% to the user as compared to LPG.
Can be used for multiple purposes like A/C, geysers, lanterns etc.
System design is temper proof
Environmental friendly and clean source of fuel: Its combustion results in virtually
no atmospheric emissions of sulphur di oxide (SO2), and far lower emissions of
carbon monoxide (CO), reactive hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide, than
combustion of other fossil fuels. In fact, when natural gas burns completely, it
gives out carbon dioxide and water vapor.
Other properties are summarized in the table 13 below:
Characteristics LPG PNG
Composition Mixture of propane & Primarily methane
Relative density b/w 1.4- 2.1 0.65( hence lighter than air)
Auto ignition temperature b/w 410- 470 deg C 570 deg C
Calorific value 10900 kcal/kg 13570 kcal/kg
Physical property Liquefied at high pressure Remains in gaseous form
to store a high volume of under normal temperature
gas in cylinders and pressure
Transportation Through LPG cylinders Through pipeline
Source of supply Refineries and fractionizing From gas sources via
plants processing plants
Safety In gaseous state, it is twice In the eventuality of any
as heavy as air, hence leakage, natural gas being
remains trapped at ground lighter than air will disperse
level in case of any leakage. faster than LPG, hence the
Hence dangerous. chances of accident are
42 | P a g e
reduced. Moreover the
PNG connection has built-
in safety system that
ensures tripping of
regulator in case of leakage
Convenience Requires booking of Continuous round the clock
cylinder and its changing, supply.
hence tiring job.
Pressure reduction skid comprising active and monitor combination with minimum
50% redundancy with stream discrimination arrangement, including slam shut valve
for over and under pressure protection with additional feature of under pressure
protection if required(stream redundancy shall not be less than 2+1).
Inlet and outlet isolation valves.
Its main function is to reduce the pressure from 19 kg/cm2 to 4 kg/cm2.
The capacity of the DPRS is determined based on the peak hour load.
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Figure showing important components of DPRS
44 | P a g e
2. IPRS( Individual pressure regulating station) :
Located at the premises of an individual customer
having facilities similar to DPRS however, monitor regulator may or may not
be provided.
Metering facilities may or may not be part of this station.
Filtration facilities not provided
3. MRS
MRS is metering and regulating station
Located at the premises of an individual customer
having facilities similar to DPRS however
Metering facilities an integral part of this station.
Filtration facilities provided
G.I pipe
Copper tubing
MDPE pipeline
45 | P a g e
Copper fittings
Plastic fittings
Split tees
The area under consideration shall be classified under location class 1,2,3 or 4.
46 | P a g e
Consideration shall also be given to loading due to following while selecting nominal
wall thickness t as per ASME B 31.8 as appropriate:
- Overburden loads
- Dynamic and seismic loads
- Cyclic and vibratory loads
- Internal pressure fluctuations
Geo-technical loads (including slides, differential settlement of piping, loss of support,
and thermal effect of the pipeline on soil properties).
Pipeline on bridges should be avoided.
Upstream dry gas filter(s) shall be installed when rotary or turbine meters are used
Protection against over pressure of pipeline or mains downstream of city gate station
(CGS) shall be provided by means of:
- Active / Monitor Regulator System
- pressure relief valve(s)
- Over pressure shut-off valve(s)
Sound pressure levels shall be limited to 100 dba.
In order to prevent over pressurization of piping downstream of regulators / control
valves, creep relief valve should be provided,
When steel pipelines or mains are installed in areas that are normally under water,
anti-buoyancy measures adopted shall be such that specific gravity of resulting
installation is 1.10 or more. For eg. concrete weight coating, geo-textile bags filled
with graded stones or anchorages, etc. to be used to prevent floatation
When a buried steel pipeline or main has to cross any existing underground
pipeline, cable, drain or other services, the pipeline shall be laid at least 300 mm
below from such services.
Clear distance between new steel pipeline or main running parallel to existing
pipeline should be minimum 5.0 meters when heavy conventional construction
equipment is expected to be utilized
Miter bends and wrinkle bends are not permitted in pipelines and mains used in
CGD networks regardless of operating hoop stress.
Use of ductile iron piping is not permitted for CGD networks as per this standard.
Plastic pipe shall not be used for Pipeline and Distribution Mains operating at
pressure in excess of 100 psig.
Nominal wall thickness of plastic pipe shall be calculated as per following formula:
P = 2S * (t / (D-t)) * 0.32
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as per IS 9573. In no case the length shall be more than 1.5 meters. Both ends of the
hose shall be firmly clamped on the nozzle by metallic clamps.
Road signs, warning lamps and barrier systems shall be provided on highway or
other work locations which are accessed by pedestrians or vehicles.
Underground utilities shall not be disturbed or altered without the prior consent and
approval of the owner or authority concerned.
Electricity cables shall be treated as "Live”, unless the owner certifies them as
"Dead".' The dead cable shall also be checked for any residual voltage.
Where open cut techniques are used, a warning tape of Yellow colour shall be laid
above the pipe, the difference in elevation of the pipe and warning tape shall be
minimum of 200 mm.
Trench width shall be at least 300 MM. The bed of the trench shall be free of sharp
objects, stones etc. The trench should be padded with soft soil / sand to minimum of
100 mm below the pipe.
49 | P a g e
Where it is necessary to cross or run close to any other utility, a minimum of 250 mm
clearance shall be maintained. In case the clearance is less, appropriate protection measures
shall be taken. The relative position of PNG pipeline with respect to other underground
utilities shall be as shown along side:
Provision shall be made for locating the buried PE pipe by installation of electrical
conductive trace wire or plastic coated metallic tape or any alternate proven locating method.
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A marker shall be marked in easily readable local language with at least the following:
- Location code
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The gas at 19 bar is provided to large scale industrial consumers
Tappings from this pipeline transfer natural gas to various areas where depending
upon the demand, DRS are installed for further reduction in pressure from 19 bar to 4
Piping system downstream of DRS consists of MDPE pipeline whose grade, nominal
outside diameter, wall thickness, tensile strength and other parameters are calculated
from various software available in the market.
Downstream of DRS, Metering and Regulating Stations(MRS) are provided which
further reduce the pressure (depending upon the customer like small scale industries
may reduce the pressure to 2 bar)
At the customer premises, transition joint is provided which allows change of pipeline
type from MDPE to GI due to safety and durability constraints.
Service regulators reduce the pressure from 4 bar to 100 mbar
GI risers enable the pipeline to be raised uptil the customer meter which again reduces
the pressure from 100 mbar to 21 mbar.
Isolation valves are also provided for emergency ‘shut off’ of gas supply
And finally, the gas is supplied to the customer appliance through copper tubings.
5. Metering & Regulatory system-
Metering system- Generally Rotary or Turbine meter are used for metering facility. Gas flow
is generally measured by RPD meters.
52 | P a g e
pressures than
diaphragm meters
Turbine A small internal turbine Turbine gas meters
measures the speed of the infer gas volume by
gas, which is transmitted determining the
mechanically to a speed of the gas
mechanical or electronic moving through the
counter meter.
Orifice A type of differential meter They are well
which infer the rate of gas accepted and
flow by measuring the understood in
pressure difference across a industrial
deliberately designed and applications since
installed flow disturbance they are easy to
field-service and
have no moving
Ultrasonic flow Ultrasonic meters measure Inexpensive varieties
the speed of gas movement of ultrasonic meters
by measuring the speed at are available, which
which sound travels in the can be used to
gaseous medium within the measure flow in any
pipe. dia. of pipe without
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Regulating System: A pressure regulator is a valve that automatically cuts off the flow of a
liquid or gas at a certain pressure. Regulators are used to allow high-pressure fluid supply
lines or tanks to be reduced to safe and/or usable pressures for various applications.
The restricting element is a type of valve. It can be a globe valve, butterfly valve,
poppet valve, or any other type of valve that is capable of operating as a variable
restriction to the flow.
The loading element applies the needed force to the restricting element. It can be any
number of things such as a weight, a spring, a piston actuator, or more commonly the
diaphragm actuator in combination with a spring.
The measuring element determines when the inlet flow is equal to the outlet flow. The
diaphragm is often used as a measuring element because it can also serve as a loading
In the single-stage regulator shown below, a diaphragm is used with a poppet valve to
regulate pressure. As pressure in the upper chamber increases, the diaphragm is pushed
upward, causing the poppet to reduce flow, bringing the pressure back down. By adjusting the
top screw, the downward pressure on the diaphragm can be increased, requiring more
pressure in the upper chamber to maintain equilibrium. In this way, the outlet pressure of the
regulator is controlled.
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Types of regulators used in CGD
Service regulator: it is a regulator installed on a gas service line to control the pressure of
gas delivered to the customer.
Monitoring regulator: it is a pressure regulator set in series with another pressure regulator
for the purpose of automatically taking over in an emergency the control of the pressure
downstream of the station, in case that pressure tends to exceed a set maximum.
Pressure limiting station: It consists of equipment which under abnormal conditions will act
to reduce, restrict, or shut off the supply of gas flowing into a system in order to prevent the
gas pressure from exceeding a predetermined value. While normal pressure conditions
prevail, the pressure limiting station may exercise some degree of control of the flow of the
gas or may remain in the wide open position.
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slam shut valve(SSV)
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Advantages of PE over steel:
The pipe is softer and more susceptible to damage during transport, installation and
future third party activities in the vicinity of the installed pipe.
Because of its thermoplastic nature PE is weaker at higher temperatures. At full
design pressure it should not operate at temperatures above 40°C. Its use is therefore
restricted to underground only.
Because of its thermoplastic expansion (10 times greater than steel) temperature
changes need to be taken into account during construction.
It has a tendency to cold flow or creep under load. An internal stiffener is required to
prevent cold flow whenever a mechanical joint is employed.
Pipeline System
Pipeline network consists of steel pipeline, polyethylene pipeline, galvanized iron pipeline
and finally copper pipeline. A typical CGD network should consist of the following
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to various service regulators at commercial, industrial, and domestic consumers. The network
should be sized for maximum flow velocity of 100 ft / sec (30 m/sec).
The detailed process of laying of the PE is handed over to the contractors. The various steps
or the technical requirements for the PE laying are as follows,
• PE Excavation.
• PE Trenching.
• PE laying.
• PE Valve chamber.
• PE testing.
• PE route marker.
PE Excavation
Excavation for the PE starts after the issue of right of issue and the route of pipelines under
the City gas pipeline project. Excavation works are performed so as to enable the pipe to be
59 | P a g e
laid in conformity with the levels depths, slopes, curves, dimensions and instructions shown
on drawings, specifications. It is done under the direction of the company.
• Trail holes refers to the small pits which are generally dug before the actual excavation
process for determining the pipe route and locate other underground plant or investigate
possible obstruction if any e.g. telephone wires, cables, water lines, pipelines belonging to
other companies.
• The trial holes are normally preplanned i.e. the location of between the trial holes is
normally at a distance of 25m. They are excavated to a depth of pipe and an addition of
250mm. These holes are not closed immediately. They are protected and fenced. The trial
holes are planned in such a way that there are no abandoned trenches and also to avoid
insufficient trial holes. • The excavated trench is maintained on stacked centre line as per the
sheets approved and also taking into account of the curves of the pipelines. Proper care is
taken while trenching to ensure all underground structures and utilities are disturbed to the
minimum. The crossings wherever necessary is provided and maintained for the general
public property owners or tenants to cross and also to move any stock from one side of the
trench to another.
• The bottom of the trench is normally maintained in the square form to the maximum extent
with the equipments so as to avoid the hand grading at the bottom of the trench. The bottom
of the trench is made free of loose rocks, pebbles and trim protruding routes from the sides of
the trench wall. A stretch of 12m is allowed to remain excavated before joining or back
• Any kind of rock which cannot be drilled using sledge hammer, chisel is considered as hard
rock. Any other Plain cement concrete (PCC) or Reinforced cement concrete (RCC)
encountered during excavation are removed in supervision of authorities as the cost of
removing those type of obstructions is high.
PE Trenching
Trenching refers to the making of holes i.e. opening the ground wide apart. It is classified into
2 types,
•Open Cut.
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Red boring.
Red boring refers to the boring of ground without opening the ground wide apart using the
normal tools i.e. by hand.
Machine Boring.
When the boring is not possible by red boring, machine boring is made use of. This happens
when hard obstructions are encountered.
The design of the depth of the trench varies for different locations as follows,
• The above mentioned depths may vary depending on the locality. In case of any difficulties
in maintaining the required depth due to unavoidable factors the new depth shall be decided
and put in to effect in the particular area only.
• The width of the trench is maintained in wide enough to provide bedding around the pipe
and to prevent damage to the pipe inside the trench. The distance between the ground and the
bottom edge of the pipe is 50 mm for 63mm diameter pipelines and 100 mm for pipes larges
than 63 mm which included the 90 and 125 mm pipes.
• The following clearances are provided between the external wall of the gas pipe and the
external surface of the other underground assets in the locality.
150 mm where the gas pipe crosses other assets, other than electric cables where the
clearance is 300mm.And 300 where the gas pipe to be laid is on a similar alignment to the
other assets.
In places where this clearance cannot be maintained due to various reasons, suitable barrier
protections are installed between the pipe and the service line like the electric cable. RCC
half round hume pipe is constructed along the trench.
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• All the works in the municipal or public roads are required to be executed as per there codes
and conduct with a view to cause minimum inconvenience to pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
All the trenching works are carried out with proper caution. E.g. before commencing of the
excavation the ‗caution board‘ & ‗information board‘ as per the standard size, shape and
color are installed at the site. The crown of the backfilled earth is maintained between 50mm
and 100mm and is free from sharp edged stones & boulders. The site is maintained neat and
clean without causing any nuisance to the public until the completion of the work.
• In case of rain dewatering is done prior to back filling. This is maintained strictly for the
protection of the gas pipeline. While back filling the mud or the soil is cautiously done such
that there is no extraneous material or hard lumps of soil near the laid pipeline which could
damage the line or the coating or leave void spaces in between the fillings. The surplus
material is neatly crowned over the trench and adjacent excavated areas on both sides of the
trench. Little extra allowance of mud is put over the trench such that it comes to the normal
level during settling.
• In cases where rock, gravel, lumps of hard soil or materials are encountered at the time of
trench excavation, sufficient sand is placed around and over the pipe to form a protective
cushion extending at least to a height of 100 mm above the top of the pipe. • Thorough and
proper compaction is done where in places where the trench is dug like, the drive or road
ways. Special compaction methods are adopted.
• Trench excavated in dikes which belonging to the property of railways or which are the part
of the main roads are graded and backfilled in their original profile and condition. The
backfill materials if required are supplied.
• PE warning grid or mat are placed on the distribution main and on service lines inside
premises after backfill of the trench up to a height of 300mm after the sand bedding. The
warning mat is unrolled centrally over the pipe section and thereafter the backfilling is done.
• All the excavated material which will be required for backfilling are kept separately and
properly. In areas of roads or pedestrian places the refilling are done immediately to avoid
inconvenience to the public.
• The back filling is assumed to be complete after the joining of pipes are complete. During
the backfilling of the trenches in private society premises, municipal premises and panchayat
premises, watering and ramming or mechanical compaction are carried out. Excess soil in the
area is cleared off the site and is dumped at suitable location.
• Experienced supervisor is always present at the site to decide on various factors in the
required situations. A third party officer is also made to be always available on the site. A
prior information of excavation is given to the people in the area where the work is to
commence in advance for their prior arrangements.
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• Turf is replaced in highly developed grass area. In lesser grassed area top soil are replaced
during the restoration process. In areas where the restoration works cannot be completed
immediately, alternate arrangements are done temporarily for the traffic and the pedestrians.
In some areas where the normal trenching cannot be carried out, trenchless technology is
carried out which is known as the boring. This is mainly done while the crossing of the roads.
The boring is carried as per the requirement. The survey of the underground utilities are done
before the boring process so that the other pipelines are not damaged. The cost of boring is
costly i.e. 5 times the normal trenching. Hence, the boring is done in required areas only.
• In areas like road junction, front of the society main gates, crossings are done in phases
during the night times due to the traffic problems. The works are done so as to finish the work
in night itself. If in case any area is left uncovered or not completed by night, steel plates are
provided are for the movement of traffic in day time.
PE laying
• The laying of the MDPE pipelines commence only after the ensuring of the proper
dimensions and clean surface of the trench. The trench bottom is made to be free from the
presence of cuts, stones, roots, debris, stakes and rock projections up to 150 mm below the
underside of the pipe and any other material which could make perforations or tearing of the
pipe wall. After ensuring of all the above factors, the MDPE coil is uncoiled
smoothly inside through proper process and care inside the trench ensuring no damage to
pipe coil during laying.
• It is ensured that the pipe caps are provided before the lowering of the pipeline. The trench
after this is released for backfilling leaving adequate lengths open to the ends for joining.
• Before lowering of the pipeline a sand bedding of fine soil is done at the trench bottom.
Similarly after lowering of the pipe the trench is filled with sand around and up to 100mm
from the top of the pipe.
• Proper inspections of pipes and fittings are done before the releasing of the latter from the
store and the defects are reported to store authorities.
• Proper care is taken for PE pipe and fittings after issued from the store till the transporting
storing sheltering the pipe near the trench, uncoiling of the pipe by proper process and
sufficient man power, lowering of pipe in the trench or pulling of the pipe through the trench
such that no external damage is caused to the pipe.
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• Jointing of the pipes is normally carried out by the electro fusion process based on the
requirements. Proper care is taken during the EF jointing such that there is no failure of the
Electro fusion
Electro fusion is a simple method of joining PE pipes in circumstances where butt fusion is
not practicable, such as where valves, elbows, and tees must be added. Prefabricated fittings
are used, incorporating an electrical heating coil which melts the plastic of both the fitting
and the pipe, causing them to fuse together.
The characteristics of the fitting to be welded, such as the fusion time, are registered via a
barcode on the fitting. On swiping the sensor over the bar code the required setting time and
temperature are set and on click of start the process starts. An electro fusion control unit
(ECU) supplies the electrical energy necessary to heat the coil. When the coil is energized,
the material adjacent to it melts and forms an expanding pool which comes into contact with
the surface of the pipe. The continued introduction of heat energy causes the pipe surface to
melt and a mixing of pipe melt and fitting melt takes place, this is vital to produce a good
weld. Following the termination of the heat cycle, the fitting and the pipe are left to cool and
the melted material solidifies to form a sound joint.
Hot and cold zones, sometimes called melt and freeze zones, are formed after energizing the
coil. The length of these zones is particularly important. Each zone ensures that fusion is
controlled to a precise length of the socket of the fitting and that the melt pressure is also
controlled throughout the entire jointing process. The precisely controlled pitch and
positioning of the coil in relation to the inner surface of the socket ensures uniform heat
The basic fusion parameters: temperature, pressure and time, are controlled by the ECU
which is programmed to establish these parameters from the barcode read from the fitting
itself. The ECU also provides a permanent record of the procedure followed.
Compact ECUs are now available that allow in-trench electro fusion welding to be carried out
safely by just one man.
The effectiveness of electro fusion depends on attention to preparation of the jointing surfaces
and ensuring that the surfaces to be welded have satisfactory contact during the welding and
cooling cycles. The pipe surfaces to be fused need to be scraped to remove the surface
oxidation layer prior to fusion. Pipe clamps or other approved methods of restraining,
aligning and re-rounding the pipes during the fusion cycle should be used. To prepare the
jointing surfaces the pipe surface must be scraped with an appropriate pipe scraper, as
64 | P a g e
recommended by the pipe or fitting manufacturer, to remove the entire surface of the pipe
over the area indicated, to a depth of approximately 0.3mm. Metal files, rasps, emery paper
etc are not suitable end preparation tools. Following scraping the scraped surface must be
wiped with an authorized Isopropanol impregnated pipe wipe, as recommended by the pipe or
fitting manufacturer, to remove any dust residue. Methylated spirits, acetone, methyl ethyl
ketone (MEK) or other solvents are not recommended for wiping the scraped surface. The
prepared surfaces must completely dry before proceeding. The resulting joint, when properly
made, is as strong as the original pipe and can withstand all the loads applied during routine
installation and operation. All the fittings related to electro fusion are according to the design
The pipeline is normally flushed with air to remove dust, water mud etc which would have
entered the pipe during the laying process. Before jointing the packing sand is placed under
the pipes on both the sides of the joint to keep the pipes in line and correct during the jointing
process. The alignment clamps with correct size are used whenever necessary to align the
pipe during the electro fusion jointing cycle. It is a usual practice to make a joint of electro
fusion fitting on the same day of laying.
• The electro fusion joint is inspected before the restoration of the trench so as to ensure the
leakage. In case of leakage the joint is redone with a separate coupler to prevent future
damages to line.
• The time of electro fusion for the normal 90mm MDPE is around 42secs and a temperature
of 48 deg C is to be maintained. This reading is noted from the meter. The various types of
the joints which are used in the coupling or jointing of the MDPE pipes are normally 3 types
I. Coupler
II. Tee
III. Elbow
65 | P a g e
Figure 6.1 Types of Joints used for coupling
PE Valve chamber
• At certain areas the installation of the PE stop valves and the construction of the valve
chamber is required. The valve chamber can be constructed in any type of soil. It includes
conveying and spreading the stuff embankment within 200mm from the end of the cutting
with all required lead and lift to required gradient and chamber.
• The cement, bricks, coarse sand are supplied and the fine gravel (machine crushed). The
ratio of cement, coarse and aggregate 40mm is 1:4:8. The necessary PCC work in the annular
space is carried between PE pipe and brick wall for sealing.
• The fix heavy duty RCC manhole chamber circular cover with square frame with the
desired load capacity and the dimensions mentioned in the designed standard drawing. The
remaining PCC work around the precast frame is carried out to fix the precast frame on the
chamber to avoid any displacement.
• The PE stop off valves are installed in pipe system operating at the pressure above
110mbarg. The distance between each stop off valve is 1500m approximately for 125mm dia.
pipe and 2000m for 90mm dia. pipe. This scope covers the necessary reopening of the
charged pipe i.e. providing temporary bypass, squeeze off & cutting of PE pipe, installation
of PE stop off valve, removal of temporary by pass, construction of valve chamber as
mentioned above.
• In case of delay in construction of valve chamber on any charged or uncharged pipeline, the
PE stop off valve is properly wrapped and is backfilled in such a manner that the valve is not
PE Testing
• Pressure testing is carried out with compressed air or nitrogen gas. The progressive pressure
testing for the main pipelines and all the PE 100 pipelines SDR11 are carried out at a pressure
of 6barg, for a time period of 24 hours. The reading of pressure is taken for every one hour.
The leakages in the pipeline can be found out by this method. Any unaccountable loss in
pressure in the line during the test period implies the leakage in the pipe, else vice versa.
• The stabilization period throughout the length of the pipe is normally half an hour which is
assumed. All the measuring instruments which are used are totally tested and approved by the
company. All the testing are witnessed by the company authorities.
• Purging is also done with the help of nitrogen. The nitrogen cylinders used are checked for
their label, certification and tests.
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• The testing carried out during the commissioning process includes the testing of the charged
line for the composition of the gas. The methane content in the gas is tested using the
specified meters. The oxygen content in the line is also checked up. The maximum allowable
range of oxygen in the line is 0-2%. Normally the oxygen content in the line is 0.2%.
• The testing is done with all necessary regulators, hoses and connections, which are in good
condition and working order.
• A record of all the purging plan before the commencing of the purging work is kept as a
reference drawing. The plan includes the provision of the following materials and
•Fire extinguisher.
•Purging adaptor
The design of PE pipe networks should follow conventional network practices with the
installation of valves at convenient or critical locations. The valves can then be operated to
isolate sections of the pipe network for maintenance.
Additionally however PE pipe networks have the advantage that more localized isolation can
be implemented by the use of pipe ‘squeeze-off’. Squeeze-off is used in routine and
emergency situations to stop or nearly stop flow in PE pipe by flattening the pipe between
parallel bars.
PE pipe squeeze-off utilizes the ductility of PE by allowing the pipe to be squeezed together
using relatively simple but specially designed squeeze-off tools thus preventing the flow of
fluid and isolating the pipe section. It is important that only specifically designed tools are
used and that the squeeze-off controls are set for the specific diameter and SDR of the pipe in
order to control the degree of compression of the PE pipe and prevent any damage.
The squeeze off tools are generally mechanically operated up to about 125mm diameter and
hydraulically operated for larger diameters. However squeeze-off equipment is not readily
available for the largest diameters of PE pipe. It is important to follow the manufacturers
instructions when using these tools and to use tools appropriate for the pipe diameter and
SDR. Also the tools need to be capable of resisting the operating pressure of the pipe, and
there are limits to the pressures that they can sustain.
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Properly implemented squeeze-off, using the correct tools, is not expected to cause damage
to the PE pipe, which regains its circular cross-section after the tool is released. However
squeeze-off is not recommended to be done more than once at any location. If repeated flow
control is required a valve or an appropriate flow control device should be installed in the
Squeeze-off is not intended as a means to throttle or partially restrict flow. Complete flow
stoppage may not occur in all cases. When squeezing larger pipes, particularly at higher
pressures, some seepage is likely. When seepage is not acceptable, it may be necessary to
vent the pipe in-between two squeezes-offs. Any work performed must be downstream of the
second squeeze-off.
Inflatable bag flow stopping equipment can also be used for PE pipes. A saddle fitting needs
to be fixed to the pipe, through which the inflatable bags are inserted. It is important that the
correct saddle fitting is used compatible with the equipment being used. Reference should be
made to the manufacturer‘s instructions.
Adequate and sufficient trench is provided for commissioning process or providing tap off.
The reopening of any trench might be required during the commissioning process. . The
maximum trench dimensions which might be required during the commissioning is 2.5m by
PE Route Marker
• The route marker can be defined similar to a milestone. The PE route marker shows the
route of the laid pipeline. This is for the easy reference for finding the route. The Route
marking process is to be completed before the commissioning process.
• The route marker is normally laid for lines in which the pressure of the line is greater than
110mbarg. The distance between each route marker is approximately 300m.
• The precast of RCC mix of 1:1.5:3 is required for the route marker stone. The route marker
stone is casted as per the design requirements. For easy understanding of the route marker in
the diagrams it is represented by the yellow color.
• A 6mm smooth thick cement plastering work is to be done over the projected route marker
including scaffoldings, curing etc.
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Records to be maintained
The various records which is maintained to ensure the proper laying of the line and also the
cost of laying is as follows,
• The testing report of the PE network with reference drawings as per the desired codes
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On Demand / Supply Terms
70 | P a g e
- Regulations of Petroleum & Natural Gas Regulatory Board
- ASME B31.8 (Design, Installation and Testing)
- Gas Cylinder Rules,2004
- OISD STD-179
- Other documents provided in GGL eg: equipment catalogs
71 | P a g e
Table 19: Important conversions used in this industry
Multiply By To obtain
in. 25.4 Mm
Lbs 0.454 Kg
Gal 3.785 L
HP 0.746 kW
Btu 1055 J
Deg F 0.556 (f-32) Deg C
Psi 0.0703 kg/cm2
6.895 Kpa
0.069 Bar
Cfm 0.0283 m3/min
GPM 3.785 L/min
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