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Anim. Plant Sci. 24(3):2014
ISSN: 1018-7081
Pseudomonas syringae pv. sesami, the causal agent of bacterial leaf spot of sesame is responsible for sesame production
constraints during monsoon season in Pakistan. In the present study, mode of infection of causal bacterium was
conducted in susceptible genotype to elucidate the process of infection within host tissues. Bacterium was identified as
dark blue masses in infected tissues using toluidine blue O. Results showed that pathogen colonized substomatal and
intercellular spaces of the spongy parenchyma cells when initial water soaking symptoms developed at 2-3 days after
inoculation. Upon water soaking progressed, disruption of mesophyll cells occurred, mesophyll tissues were surrounded
by bacterium followed by thinning and disruption of the cell walls. Later, when bacterial cells increased in space
previously occupied by mesophyll cells, there were empty spaces without any differentiation of tissues. Bacterium did
not occur in vascular bundles (tracheary elements) of leaf and stem, but some phloem tissues of stem sections were found
infected. It was concluded that damage chloroplast was might be due to chlorosis or necrosis inducing toxins and toxins
played a crucial role in pathogenesis of Pseudomonas syringae pv. sesami in sesame plant.
Key words: Pathogenesis, leaf spot, sesame, light microscopy.
Firdous et al., J. Anim. Plant Sci. 24(3):2014
objective of this study was to monitor histological section was cut serially. Tissues with ribbon pieces were
manifestations in inoculated leaves due to infection so placed on the slide that was precoated with adhesive and
that pathogenesis of Psse in sesame plants can be dried (Jense, 1996). Slides were placed on the slide
elaborated. warmer at 40°C for short time. After drying, slides were
passed through a series of chemical and stained with
MATERIALS AND METHODS 0.5% toluidine blue-O containing 0.5% H3BO3 and 2%
Na2CO3. The sections examined with Nikon 80 i eclipse
Plants, Bacterial Isolate and Growth of Bacterium: microscope. Photographs were taken and saved in PC,
Susceptible genotype GP-9 was used in the present study. DCE-2 and Nikon DS camera with bright field optics
Seeds of susceptible genotype were heated at 50 °C for I using 20, 40 and 100 X magnifications. Nikon Images
hr before planting. The trial was conducted in growth were captured and saved. Tissues without infection were
chamber under a period of 14 h light at 32°C and 10 h also used as control.
dark at 25°C per day. About 40 days after the sowing,
plants at 6-8 leaf stage were used for inoculation. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Virulent Isolate of Psse (Chakwal-1) was streaked on
Nutrient Agar (NA) and incubated at 27°C under Symptoms Produced by Psse: Light brown angular
alternating light/dark conditions (14h/10h) for 24 hrs. spots with dark purple margin appeared in the interveinal
area of leaves. Defoliation and death of plant may occur
Artificially Inoculation of Sesame Plants: After
in severe leaf and stem infections under natural condition
incubation, bacterium was collected and suspended in
(Fig. 1A). Sunken and shiny spots appeared on the
sterile distilled water (SDW). The suspension was
capsules. Early capsule infection renders them black and
maintained to an optical density of 0.3 [108 CFU/ml
seedless (Fig. 1 B).
estimated spetrophotometrically at a wavelength of 600
P. syringae is the causal agent of a wide variety
nm. Six-to eight week old intact plants were used for
of hosts including apple, beets, beans, olives, peas,
inoculation. Intact leaves were inoculated with bacterial
tobacco and tomato. This species also produced different
suspensions using a 1 ml disposable hypodermic syringe
kind of symptoms such as bacterial speck, galls, leaf spot
at a dose of 108 CFU/ml on lower side of leaf. Inoculated
and blight. Based on environmental conditions the
plants were incubated at 30°C and approximately 80-85%
species produced different kind of symptoms. It infected
relative humidity under a 14 h light and at 25°C under a
plants at all stages from vegetative to reproductive stage.
10 h dark period and incubated at room temperature for
2-4 hrs. Control plants were inoculated with Sterilized Histological observation of artificially Psse inoculated
Distilled Water (SDW) only and were incubated using the samples: Bacterium in infected tissues was identified as
same methods employed for inoculated plants. Infected dark blue structures with toluidine blue O. Control did
plants were analyzed 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 days after not show any such stained structure treating with same
inoculation (DAI). stain. Previous research showed that the Psse ingress host
through stomata and trichomes (Firdous, 2009). In the
Tissue processing for Paraffin Embedding: Small
present study it was found that after inoculation Psse
pieces (1 × 3 mm) of leaf tissues were fixed in 4%
scattered in the substomatal spaces of the spongy
formaldehyde in 50 mM Phosphate buffer with pH 7.2 at
mesophyll (dark blue) at 2 DAI as shown by arrow and
4°C for 48 h. Then two washes in same buffer at pH 7.2,
no obvious changes were observed in the surrounding
dehydrated in an ethanol series (30, 50, 70, 90 and 100
cells (Fig. 2). As symptoms (water soaking) progressed,
percent) each for 1 hr, except 70 percent overnight at
bacterial populations were also increased and substomatal
4°C. Clearing of tissue were done in ethanol: xylene
as well as intercellular spaces were filled with the
series. Finally in pure xylene and placed overnight at
pathogen at 2-3 DAI (Fig. 2). Later, when chlorotic
room temperature. After overnight clearing, infiltration
symptoms appeared bacterium had multiplied in the
was done by adding paraffin chips until saturation and
intercellular spaces and also damaged the palisade
placed at 40°C. Paraffin was further added and placed
parenchyma at 3-4 DAI (Fig. 2). Previous research
overnight in oven at 60°C (Ruzin, 1999). The specimens
reported that inhibition of chlorophyll pigments was due
were taken from oven and placed in paper boat and
to degradation of enzyme chlophyllase produced in P.
melted paraffin was poured over into paper boat.
syringae phytotoxins (Di Giorgio et al. (1996). So it was
Embedding tissue in paraffin was fixed on block holders
suggested in the present study that chlorosis producing
and stored at 4°C.
symptoms were due to damaged chloroplast by action of
Microtome Sectioning, Slide processing and Staining: any phytotoxin that induced chlorosis symptoms. Later,
Position of blocks in microtome (Leica 2125RT) was like masses of bacterium were observed either filled an area
the edge of the razor blade just touched the block. The occupied by palisade cells. The nearby palisade and
thickness of the ribbon was 11-15 µm, so that whole spongy parenchyma cells were observed to become
Firdous et al., J. Anim. Plant Sci. 24(3):2014
surrounded by bacterium with subsequent thinning and buckthorn, cell walls were completely degraded at 6 DAI
disruption of cell walls. Degradation of cell walls also (Temash et al., 2002). In oleander plant this degradation
occurred in plants infected by Pseudomonas spp i.e. in was reported early after inoculation (Wilson et al., 1999).
At relatively later stages of the infection when of necrotic tissue was observed with no profound
chlorosis symptoms disappeared and blackish necrotic histological changes (date not shown). These findings are
spots became elongated at 5-6 DAI, it was shown that the different from those of (Bashan et al., 1986) who studied
space previously occupied by the mesophyll was empty necrotic symptoms developed 100 h after inoculation.
or having strands of unidentified material, as a results cell Histopathology of stem samples removed at, below, or
destruction, and divided into smaller spaces that were above the nodes was also investigated at 7-9 DAI.
either empty or filled with masses of bacteria (Fig. 3). At Bacterium did not occur in stem sections cut near the
the end the necrotic tissues eventually become petiole leaf junction (Data not shown). Occasionally the
dehydrated, matted together without bacterium being leaf spots symptoms were appeared on veins under
visible. In the remaining period at 6-7 DAI, enlargement natural conditions, so it is thought that the pathogen Psse
Firdous et al., J. Anim. Plant Sci. 24(3):2014
might caused infection in phloem of vascular elements. the stem tissues was not determined. Thus it had been
However, it was found that Psse degraded the cell wall of cleared that Psse is not xylem limiting pathogen and
host tissues such as cortical and pith cell (data not apparently did not spread systemically from leaf to stem
shown). and hence to other parts of the plant. Another possible
Present result revealed that rupturing of cell wall reason for the efficient pathogenesis of the leaf spot
was might be due to enzymatic degrading activities by pathogen is that it produced any secondary metabolite. In
the bacterium. Moreover, it was not found that the fact, many of the members of Pseudomonas species are
bacterium established in the vascular tissues or move into thought to cause diseases by the elaboration of specific
the petiole or stem via the vascular system, but some of chemical compounds, including toxins. Some of these,
the phloem tissues were observed to be infected. The cause symptoms similar to leaf spot of sesame such as
mechanism (s) that prevented spread of the pathogen to spot, blight and wilt (Bender, 1999).
Fig. 2. Histopathology of bacterial leaf spot on sesame leaves through artificial inoculation of plants 2-4 DAI. T.S.
of leaf section, where bacteria were found in intercellular spaces of spongy parenchyma (SP) as well as
some palisade parenchyma (PP) 2 DAI. Dark blue and ruptured mesophyll tissues on appearance of
chlorosis symptoms were appeared 3-4 DAI X100 (X100). Sections also showed damaged mesophyll
parenchyma as well as thining and disruption of cell walls X20 (X100). Bar = 10µm.
Firdous et al., J. Anim. Plant Sci. 24(3):2014
Fig. 3. Histopathology of bacterial leaf spot on sesame leaves through artificial inoculation of plants 5-6 DAI. T.S.
of leaf section, where complete destruction of cells without any differentiation of tissues appeared X 20
(X100). Bar = 10µm.
Conclusions: P. syringae pv. sesami is not xylem limited Akhtar, M.A. (1986). Outbreaks and new records from
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It was concluded that leaf spots symptoms were appeared Bashan, Y., E. Sharon, Y. Okon, and Y. Henis (1986).
due to infected mesophyll tissues. In the present study it Scanning electron and light microscopy of
was found that the mesophyll cells were disintegrated and infection and symptom development in tomato
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Based on present finding future efforts can be targeted insights into the biosynthesis, mode of action,
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Acknowledgements: Financial support provided by
Kluwer Academic Press.
Higher Education Commission under a project entitled
Bender, C. L. (1999). Chlorosis inducing phytotoxins
“Virulence analysis of Xanthomonas campestris pv.
produced by Pseudomonas syringae. Euro. .J
sesami and Pseudomonas syringaepv. sesami the causal
Plant Pathol. 105: 1-12.
organisms of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) bacterial
Boureau, T., J. Routtu, E. Roinea, S. Taira, and M.
blight” is highly acknowledged.
Romantschuk (2002). Localization of hrpA-
induced Pst DC3000 in infected tomato leaves.
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