Total Bodyweight Transformation
Total Bodyweight Transformation
Total Bodyweight Transformation
Have you tried and failed to get into great shape in the past?
Do you struggle with training programs that involve going to the gym 5 days a week for an hour
at a time and starving yourself of carbs and other tasty foods?
Don’t worry, I’m not about to try and sell you something. Far from it! Rather, I’m recommending
that it’s time you used something that you already own. And something that’s entirely free: your
own body!
Bodyweight training is the perfect solution when it comes to building muscle, losing weight,
getting fitter and improving health all round. This is the answer that has been staring you in the
face all this time and it can work where so many other methods have failed in the past for a
number of key reasons. Read on and we’ll see just why bodyweight is the very best tool for
transforming your body and mind.
The first thing to recognize is that any training program that involves going to the gym several
times a week is almost guaranteed to fail.
The way to look at it is like this: if you’re currently out of shape, then it’s probably because you
aren’t being active enough and aren’t getting out of the house enough.
The question you need to ask yourself then, is why that might be. Could it be that you’re overly
tired and don’t have the motivation after a heavy day at work to go and beast yourself at the gym
for an hour?
And what’s more, is that going to the gym five times a week takes a lot more than five hours.
Rather, going to the gym five times a week is much more likely to take you a good 8-10 hours.
First, you get home and you have to pack your gym kit. You then have to get in the car and
drive/find a parking spot, or cycle/walk when it might be cold and wet. You get to the gym, get
changed and then start working out. After your 45 minutes of training (and chatting to the
trainers and other gym goers), you then have to go and have a shower. We’re now probably at
1.5 hours easily and you’ve yet to get changed and get home yet!
Then you have to fit cooking dinner around all of that and you have to wash all the extra washing
you made by getting sweaty and working out. This all takes work and it all takes energy.
And your energy is finite. You’ve just added 8-10 hours of exertion to your tired week, as well as
more washing, more expense… it’s a huge amount to ask!
Okay then, here’s an alternative: why not just create a home gym?
So in short, this takes a lot of time and effort too and it’s not something you can easily just ‘dive
With bodyweight training, you now don’t need any equipment. Ideally you’ll get yourself a pull
up bar which you can add into your doorframe for $5-$10 (you don’t even have to drill any holes).
You might also want to get yourself some gymnastic rings for performing dips and other similar
But essentially, bodyweight training means training with only your own body. That means that:
In a moment, we’re going to look at a very simple training program called ‘SSE’. That’s ‘Super
Simple and Easy’ and you’ll see that you can actually get a great workout in just ten minutes.
This makes all the difference in your training. Now, you only have to motivate yourself to do the
press-ups. There’s no going out in the cold, no lifting heavy, painful iron into position. No
spending money on equipment or fees. No being gawked at by other people working out.
Now you train when you like, where you like, how you like. It’s fun, it’s quick and it’s really easy.
And there are more reasons to love working out with only your bodyweight too.
For example:
Low Injury Rate: When you’re training with weights in the gym, you’ll regularly be throwing
around huge dumbbells and barbells and performing scary compound movements like squats.
For these reasons, bodyweight training is much safer. Now, the only weight is yourself. There’s
nothing to drop and pulling a muscle is much less likely.
Weight/Strength Ratio: Bodyweight training is something that will always adapt to meet you at
your current level of performance. The stronger you get, the heavier you get. That means that
the weight you’ll be pushing against will increase too and you’ll never have to buy anything new.
What it also means though, is that you’ll feel light and powerful. You’ll be able to jump, run and
climb with more speed and power than you’ve ever felt.
No need to jump, run and climb? Sure, it’s not really something most of us need to be able to do
these days! But being able to do those things is really what’s exciting and interesting. This makes
you feel powerful like a coiled spring to the point where you’ll outperform everyone in sports
even and just generally be much more formidable.
Let’s face it, most people – even guys – don’t want to look like a bodybuilder. If your aim is to be
huge, to lose mobility and to run out of breath climbing the stairs then great! But if you want to
be lean, ripped, fast and powerful then bodyweight can get you there.
Flexibility and Proprioception: It goes further than that too. Working out with your bodyweight
can essentially give you ninja-like reflexes and skills. That’s because you’ll be using your whole
body in conjunction all the time. You’ll be forced to balance, to generate explosive power and
more and all those things help to make you more aware of your own body and your own shape.
You’ll also improve your flexibility which is great for your overall health. Even your brain power
can benefit from bodyweight exercise.
All this can eventually lead to you being able to do some incredible bodyweight moves. Once
you’re further into your training, you’ll be pulling off feats like one armed pull ups, planche,
handstand push ups and more. These are great party tricks and a great way to demonstrate total
mastery over your own body.
Adaptable: Finally, bodyweight training is great for people who are just starting out and it’s great
for people who want to get into incredible shape. If you really want to build big muscles, you
might be worried that bodyweight training is not for you. Read the Total Bodyweight
Transformation ebook though and you’ll find that you learn this just isn’t true. You can build
massive muscle if you want to, you just need to know how to push yourself with your own body
At the same time though, bodyweight training can also be used to burn lots of fat fast. We learn
in the book how you can use bodyweight in conjunction with tabata and HIIT in order to melt off
fat and increase VO2 max.
But if you’re just a beginner and you want something mild, easy and gently – then you’re once
again in the right place! Bodyweight training can mean using easy and simple moves like wall
press ups, sit ups and press ups with your knees on the floor. This doesn’t have to be hard at all
and it really is something that anyone can do!
We’ve raved about bodyweight training enough now though. Now it’s time that we actually get
on with demonstrating the power of this type of exercise and helping you to start seeing results.
In this part of the report, we’re going to look at the easiest and most effective way to burn fat
and build muscle – and we’re giving it to you completely for free!
The workout is called ‘SSE’. That stands for ‘Super Simple & Effective’. This is how it’s going to go:
You then repeat that five times for a total of 10 minutes training.
I’ll get to that in a minute. Firstly, let’s take a look at some ways you can make it easier/harder to
match your level of experience and fitness.
For starters, those who can’t do push ups can replace those with either push ups with your hands
against the wall (standing up) or push ups with your knees on the floor.
Likewise, if you fail after doing 10 push ups but there are still 15 seconds on the clock, move
immediately onto one of these easier variations and carry on. This is called a ‘mechanical
Likewise, if you can’t do pull ups then you can lower the bar close to the ground and rest your
feet on the floor. This way, you’ll only be lifting the upper portion of your body and this will make
the movement significantly easier.
Alternatively, if you can’t lower the bar, then you can pull up a chair and use that instead by
resting your feet on it. You can even put the bar entirely underneath you and use your feet and
legs to help yourself through the movement somewhat. Don’t entirely take your weight on your
legs but just use them to help yourself get up slightly. This is called an ‘assisted pull up’.
Finally, make sure when you’re doing your jack-in-the-boxes that you are squatting all the way
down and touching the floor with legs together, before bursting up and splaying your arms and
legs in a starfish shape. This is an explosive way to train your legs and is similar to a squat in that
regard (but more explosive and full-body). If you find this too hard, just do tuck jumps or jumping
Essentially, you can do whatever you like, as long as you are performing one compound ‘pull’
exercise, one compound ‘push’ exercise and one compound move for your legs. This way, you
will be utilizing nearly the entire body and the result will be that you build a lot more strength
and burn a lot more calories (it also means no part of body will be ‘left out’).
So what’s so great about this type of training? Why should everyone do it? And how do you get
the most out of it?
Let’s answer that last question first. To get the most out of bodyweight training of this kind,
you’re going to do it first thing in the morning before you’ve showered or eaten. However, you
must give yourself ten minutes before you star as you are slightly more prone to injury when you
first wake up.
By doing this ten minute workout first thing in the morning though, you’ll notice a few benefits.
For starters, training first thing in the morning means that you’ll be able to train when you have
plenty of energy before you start getting brow beaten by the day. This is the point in the day
when we actually have the highest motivation and will power, so if you stick on some good music
you should find that you can talk yourself into doing just ten minutes.
And that’s the other thing: this is just ten minutes and it won’t leave you exhausted or in lots of
pain the next day. At the same time though, it’s ten minutes of intensive training and actually
this exercise is more than enough to burn a significant number of calories and to add some
muscle over time. Specifically, this will burn between 100 and 200 calories, which is enough for
you to eat an extra chocolate bar and get away with it! It should also help improve your general
health and fitness in all of the different ways that we saw earlier!
Additionally, training before you go in the shower means that you aren’t adding ‘shower’ onto
the long list of additional things you have to do. Train at any other time of day and you can often
end up showering more than once. This then means that you’ll end up spending an extra 10-20
minutes showering on top of training which is tough when we’re all so perpetually busy.
Finally, because you’re training in the morning and in your own home, that means that you can
train in your boxers that you were wearing yesterday. This way, you are creating zero extra
washing so that isn’t an issue either.
All this adds up to mean that with this particular workout, ten minutes really does mean ten
minutes. And this is ten minutes at the time of day when you’re most likely to train. It’s quick, it’s
easy and it has great benefits.
Of course this isn’t going to be enough training if you’re looking to get a body like Arnold
Schwarzenegger, or if you’re intending on competing in the Olympics. In those cases, you might
be tempted to hit the gym properly or to use one of the more intensive types of training that we
discuss in the full book.
In that case, you can use the SSE workout on top of your other training. This is perfect because it
now means that you’re able to train twice in a day a lot of the time and add an extra 200 calories
on top of those 500 you would be burning anyway.
It also means that you’ll be increasing your anabolic response and you’ll be staying more active.
The human body wasn’t designed to spend all day sitting around and then to exert itself
intensively for 1 hour. This way, you come a little closer to using your body as it was designed to
be used – continuously and throughout the day. In the full book, we learn more about how you
Finally, this is the perfect antidote to the busy life that keeps getting in the way. If you find that
you often have to skip gym sessions because you’re just too busy, then having done this quick
routine first thing in the morning means that you’ll always have done something and that makes
a huge difference.
Then make sure to get yourself a copy of Total Bodyweight Transformation. In there, you’ll learn
so much more about training with only your bodyweight. You’ll learn:
How to add real muscle by using intensive workouts and understanding the science of
How to burn maximum fat by using HIIT and ‘resistance cardio’
Tons of new bodyweight exercises you can adapt into your routine
How to eat for the best results
Cool equipment you can use to get more from your training
How to train biceps with no equipment necessary
Tons of new workout regimes including PPL
How to train using ‘dynamic self resistance’
And much more!