Leadership Archetypes
Leadership Archetypes
Leadership Archetypes
Recognize your own.
Lead and follow those of others.
he following is based on the research of Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries, the
Distinguished Professor of Leadership Development and Organizational Change at
Since publishing his findings in the Harvard Business Review his 8 Archetypes have
continued to attract both academic and in-practice interest.
When written about by businesses commentators and bloggers, they tend (almost
always) to make a key error. They conflate leadership archetypes with leadership
models. The 8 archetypes identified are not optional models, they are the
predispositions of individuals (perhaps learned, perhaps innate) expressed through
their leadership behaviors.
In the pages which follow, you will learn to detect each archetype in both yourself
and others. And, crucially, to understand how to both lead and follow others according
to their archetype.
The Strategist is talented in dealing with future developments in
their organization’s environment. They know how to provide
vision, and strategic direction to create new organizational forms
and generate future growth.