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The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) predicts the long term average annual rate of erosion on a field slope
based on rainfall pattern, soil type, topography, crop system and management practices. USLE only predicts the
amount of soil loss that results from sheet or rill erosion on a single slope and does not account for additional
soil losses that might occur from gully, wind or tillage erosion. This erosion model was created for use in
selected cropping and management systems, but is also applicable to non-agricultural conditions such as
construction sites. The USLE can be used to compare soil losses from a particular field with a specific crop and
management system to "tolerable soil loss" rates. Alternative management and crop systems may also be
evaluated to determine the adequacy of conservation measures in farm planning.

Five major factors are used to calculate the soil loss for a given site. Each factor is the numerical estimate of a
specific condition that affects the severity of soil erosion at a particular location. The erosion values reflected by
these factors can vary considerably due to varying weather conditions. Therefore, the values obtained from the
USLE more accurately represent long-term averages.

A calculation of soil losses using the USLE may also be done in OMAFRA's Nutrient Management (NMAN
2000 or upgrade) computer program, SOF001. The soil loss value generated from the USLE equation is used to
determine the "soil erosion rating value" in the calculation of the Phosphorus Index.

Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE)

A =R x K x LS x C x P

A represents the potential long term average annual soil loss in tons per acre per year. This is the amount, which
is compared to the "tolerable soil loss" limits.

R is the rainfall and runoff factor by geographic location as given in Table 1, R Factor Data. The greater the
intensity and duration of the rain storm, the higher the erosion potential. Select the R factor from Table 1 based
on the county and corresponding station where the calculation is to be made.

K is the soil erodibility factor. (See Table 2, K Factor Data). It is the average soil loss in tons/acre per unit area
for a particular soil in cultivated, continuous fallow with an arbitrarily selected slope length of 72.6 ft. and slope
steepness of 9%. K is a measure of the susceptibility of soil particles to detachment and transport by rainfall and
runoff. Texture is the principal factor affecting K, but structure, organic matter and permeability also contribute.

LS is the slope length-gradient factor. The LS factor represents a ratio of soil loss under given conditions to that
at a site with the "standard" slope steepness of 9% and slope length of 72.6 feet. The steeper and longer the
slope, the higher is the risk for erosion. Use either Table 3A, LS Factor Calculation or the Equation for
Calculating LS included in this Factsheet to obtain LS.

C is the crop/vegetation and management factor. It is used to determine the relative effectiveness of soil and
crop management systems in terms of preventing soil loss. The C factor is a ratio comparing the soil loss from
land under a specific crop and management system to the corresponding loss from continuously fallow and
tilled land. The C Factor can be determined by selecting the crop type and tillage method (Table 4A, Crop Type
Factor and Table 4B,Tillage Method Factor respectively) that corresponds to the field and then multiplying
these factors together.

The C factor resulting from this calculation is a generalized C factor value for a specific crop that does not
account for crop rotations or climate and annual rainfall distribution for the different agricultural regions of the
country. This generalized C factor, however, provides relative numbers for the different cropping and tillage
systems; thereby helping you weigh the merits of each system.

P is the support practice factor. It reflects the effects of practices that will reduce the amount and rate of the
water runoff and thus reduce the amount of erosion. The P factor represents the ratio of soil loss by a support
practice to that of straight-row farming up and down the slope. The most commonly used supporting cropland
practices are cross slope cultivation, contour farming and strip-cropping (Table 5, P Factor Data).

Procedure for Using the USLE

1. Determine the R Factor. (Table 1)

2. Based on the soil texture determine the K value (Table 2). If there is more than one soil type in a field
and the soil textures are not very different, then use the soil type that represents the majority of the field.
Repeat for other soil types as necessary.
3. Divide the field into sections of uniform slope gradient and length. Assign an LS value to each section
(Table 3A).
4. Choose the crop type factor and tillage method factor for the crop to be grown. Multiply these 2 factors
together to obtain the C factor.
5. Select the P factor based on the support practice used (Table 5).
6. Multiply the 5 factors together to obtain the soil loss per acre.

Soil Loss Tolerance Rates

A tolerable soil loss is the maximum annual amount of soil, which can be removed before the long term natural
soil productivity is adversely affected.

The impact of erosion on a given soil type, and hence the tolerance level varies, depending on the type and
depth of soil. Generally, soils with deep, uniform, stone free topsoil materials and/or not previously eroded have
been assumed to have a higher tolerance limit than soils which are shallow or previously eroded.

Soil loss tolerance rates are included in Table 6, Soil Loss Tolerance Rates.

The suggested tolerance level for most soils in Ontario is 3 tons/acre/year or less.

Management Strategies to Reduce Soil Losses

Having obtained an estimate of the potential annual soil loss for a field, you may want to consider ways to
reduce this loss to a tolerable level. Table 7, Management Strategies to Reduce Soil Losses, outlines
management strategies to help you reduce soil erosion.

Table 1. R Factor Data

Weather R
Station Factor
Brantford Brant 90
Delhi 100
Essex Essex 110
Fergus Dufferin, Wellington 120
Glen Allen 130
Guelph 100
Hamilton Halton, Hamilton-Wentworth 100
Kingston Frontenac, Lennox & Addington, Prince Edward 90
Kitchener Waterloo 110
London Lambton, Middlesex, Oxford 100
Mount Forest Bruce, Grey, Haliburton, Muskoka, Simcoe 90
Niagara Niagara 90
Northern Algoma, Cochrane, Kenora, Manitoulin, Parry Sound, Rainy River, Sudbury,
Ontario Thunder Bay, Timiskaming
Dundas, Grenville, Glengarry, Lanark, Leeds, Nipissing, Ottawa-Carleton, Prescott,
Ottawa 90
Renfrew, Russell, Stormont
Prospect Hill Huron, Perth 120
Ridgetown Kent 110
Simcoe Haldimand/Norfolk 120
St. Catherines 100
St. Thomas Elgin 90
Toronto Metro-Toronto, Peel, York 90
Tweed Durham, Hastings, Northumberland, Peterborough, Victoria 90
Windsor 110
Note: any other counties not in this chart are assumed to have an R Factor of 90.
Table 2. K Factor Data (Organic Matter Content)
Textural Class Average Less than 2 % More than 2 %
Clay 0.22 0.24 0.21
Clay Loam 0.30 0.33 0.28
Coarse Sandy Loam 0.07 -- 0.07
Fine Sand 0.08 0.09 0.06
Fine Sandy Loam 0.18 0.22 0.17
Heavy Clay 0.17 0.19 0.15
Loam 0.30 0.34 0.26
Loamy Fine Sand 0.11 0.15 0.09
Loamy Sand 0.04 0.05 0.04
Loamy Very Fine Sand 0.39 0.44 0.25
Sand 0.02 0.03 0.01
Sandy Clay Loam 0.20 - 0.20
Sandy Loam 0.13 0.14 0.12
Silt Loam 0.38 0.41 0.37
Silty Clay 0.26 0.27 0.26
Silty Clay Loam 0.32 0.35 0.30
Very Fine Sand 0.43 0.46 0.37
Very Fine Sandy Loam 0.35 0.41 0.33
Table 3A. LS Factor Calculation
Slope Length ft (m) Slope (%) LS Factor
10 1.3800
8 0.9964
6 0.6742
5 0.5362
100 ft (31 m) 4 0.4004
3 0.2965
2 0.2008
1 0.1290
0 0.0693
10 1.9517
8 1.4092
6 0.9535
5 0.7582
200 ft (61 m) 4 0.5283
3 0.3912
2 0.2473
1 0.1588
0 0.0796
10 2.7602
8 1.9928
6 1.3484
5 1.0723
400 ft (122 m) 4 0.6971
3 0.5162
2 0.3044
1 0.1955
0 0.0915
10 3.9035
8 2.8183
6 1.9070
5 1.5165
800 ft (244 m) 4 0.9198
3 0.6811
2 0.3748
1 0.2407
0 0.1051
10 5.5203
8 3.9857
1600 ft (488 m)
6 2.6969
5 2.1446
4 1.2137
3 0.8987
2 0.4614
1 0.2964
0 0.1207
10 7.8069
8 5.6366
6 3.8140
5 3.0330
3200 ft (975 m) 4 1.6015
3 1.1858
2 0.5680
1 0.3649
0 0.1386

Equation for Calculation of LS (if not using Table 3A above)

LS = [0.065 + 0.0456(slope) + 0.006541(slope)2] x (slope_length ÷ const)NN


slope = slope steepness (%)

slope length = length of slope (ft.)

constant = 72.5 Imperial or 22.1 metric

NN = see Table 3B below

Table 3B. NN Values

S <1 1 < Slope < 3 3 < Slope < 5 >5
NN 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Table 4A. Crop Type Factor
Crop Type Factor
Grain Corn 0.40
Silage Corn, Beans & Canola 0.50
Cereals (Spring & Winter) 0.35
Seasonal Horticultural Crops 0.50
Fruit Trees 0.10
Hay and Pasture 0.02

Table 4B. Tillage Method Factor

Tillage Method Factor
Fall Plow 1.0
Spring Plow 0.90
Mulch Tillage 0.60
Ridge Tillage 0.35
Zone Tillage 0.25
No-Till 0.25

Table 5. P Factor Data

Support Practice P Factor
Up & Down Slope 1.0
Cross Slope 0.75
Contour farming 0.50
Strip cropping, cross slope 0.37
Strip cropping, contour 0.25

Table 6. Soil Loss Tolerance Rates

Potential Soil Loss
Soil Erosion Class
Very Low (tolerable) <3
Low 3-5
Moderate 5 - 10
High 10 - 15
Severe >15

Table 7. Management Strategies to Reduce Soil Losses

Factor Management Strategies Example
R The R Factor for a field cannot be altered. --
K The K Factor for a field cannot be altered. --
Terracing requires additional investment and will cause
Terraces may be constructed to reduce the
LS some inconvenience in farming. Investigate other soil
slope length resulting in lower soil losses.
conservation practices first.
The selection of crop types and tillage Consider cropping systems that will provide maximum
C methods that result in the lowest possible C protection for the soil. Use minimum tillage systems
factor will result in less soil erosion. where possible.
The selection of a support practice that has Use support practices such as cross slope farming that
P the lowest possible factor associated with it will cause deposition of sediment to occur close to the
will result in lower soil losses. source.
Example: Calculation of Soil Erosion Using USLE

A =R x K x LS x C x P

Rainfall and Runoff Factor (R)

The sample field is in Middlesex County. Therefore the R Factor is obtained in Table 1 from the London
weather station.

R Factor = 100

Soil Erodibility Factor (K)

The sample field consists of fine sandy loam soil with an average organic matter content. The K Factor is
obtained from Table 2.

K Factor = 0.18

Slope Length-Gradient Factor (LS)

The sample field is 800 feet long with a 6% slope. The LS factor can be obtained directly from Table 3A or may
be calculated using the "Equation". The NN value from Table 3B to be used in the "Equation" is 0.5.

LS Factor = 1.91

Crop/Vegetation and Management Factor (C)

The sample field was plowed in the spring and grain corn was planted. The C Factor is obtained from the crop
type factor (Table 4A) and the tillage method factor (Table 4B).

Crop Type Factor for grain corn = 0.4

Tillage Method Factor for spring plow = 0.9

C Factor = 0.4 x 0.9 = 0.36

Support Practice Factor (P)

Cross slope farming is used on this sample field. The P Factor was obtained from Table 5.

P Factor = 0.75


A = R x K x LS x C x P

= 100 x 0.18 x 1.91 x 0.36 x 0.75

= 9.28 tons/acre/year
Referring to Table 6 in this Factsheet, you will see that this soil loss rate of 9.28 tons/acre/year is in the
moderate range and considerably higher than the "tolerable loss level" of 3 tons/acre/year. To reduce the soil
losses for this sample field below 3 tons/acre/year we will make the following changes to the above example.

Change tillage method from "spring plow (0.9)" to "no-till (0.25)"

Therefore, C Factor (Revised) = 0.4 x .25 = 0.10

The adjusted annual soil loss value is:

A = R x K x LS x C x P

= 100 x 0.18 x 1.91 x 0.10 x 0.75

= 2.58 tons/acre/year

Thus by changing the tillage practice, the average annual predicted soil loss for this field is below the "tolerable
soil loss" of 3 tons/acre/year.

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