Porous Dust Fences in Sotckyards
Porous Dust Fences in Sotckyards
Porous Dust Fences in Sotckyards
Atmospheric Environment
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: As a common solution, porous fences are used to reduce the fugitive particulate emission from store piles
Received 22 January 2011 aggregated in the open storage yards of harbor areas. The dust dispersion has caused heavy ecological
Received in revised form pollution and economic losses. In this paper, taking the open coal yard in Caofeidian Port as an example,
29 June 2011
CFD technology was employed and the flow characteristics over the surfaces of stockpiles were simulated
Accepted 4 July 2011
using the k 3 RNG turbulence closure model. To validate the boundary conditions defined in the
simulation, a field measurement campaign was carried out and the experimental results verified the
predicted ones. A more detailed formulation for dust emission compared to the EPA mode was developed
Porous fence
Numerical simulation
afterward to evaluate dust emissions by the CFD approach. The results confirmed the role of porous
Diffuse dust emissions fences in reducing the dust emissions by comparing the average emission coefficients of four possible
Industrial site installation scenarios proposed from the local wind flow characteristics. It was found that, for variable
wind conditions tested during a whole year, dust emissions reduction was approximately 85% in all
enclosure along the yard, and the value was 55% and 65% respectively when installing two-side and
three-side protection scenarios against the windward of dominant wind direction. This study may
suggest some meaningful implications to understand the shelter effect differences among the installation
scenarios of porous fences from the technical view.
Crown Copyright Ó 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1352-2310/$ e see front matter Crown Copyright Ó 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
5248 X.C. Cong et al. / Atmospheric Environment 45 (2011) 5247e5253
DP ¼ 38:363u þ 0:438u2 (2)
Fig. 2. The geometry model of the porous fence (mm).
X.C. Cong et al. / Atmospheric Environment 45 (2011) 5247e5253 5249
Porous fence 28 27 26 25 7
24 23 22 21 6
20 19 18 17 5
190 6
16 15 14 13 4
wind Reference Row number of
Fig. 3. Schematic representing the calculation domain and the boundary conditions. point 0 points
12 11 10 9 3
identical fences located in the computational volume presented by
8 7 6 5 2
Fig. 3. The geometries and meshes are constructed using the
GAMBIT (2006) and then exported to the Fluent software. An 4 3 2 1 1
irregular mesh is selected: the higher resolution tetrahedral hybrid
100 150 150 150
grid with the size of 11.5 m (Dx/h ¼ 0.5, Dy/h ¼ 0.5, Dz/h ¼ 0.5) is 681
applied in the vicinity of the fence; the coarser grid with the size of
4 3 2 1
23 m tetrahedral hybrid cells (Dx/h ¼ 1.0, Dy/h ¼ 1.0, Dz/h ¼ 1.0) is Column number of points
defined for the zone away from the fence. The whole study volume
Fig. 5. Locations of measurement points (m) (the value within every bracket indicates
is meshed into 1739, 2609 and 20 segments in the x, y and z
the point serial number).
directions, respectively, with 1,760,415 cells in total.
The stockpile surface is regarded as the solid wall with the
roughness of 5.0 mm and is meshed with triangular-based prism
where Cm is an empirical constant specified in the turbulence model
cells (Fig. 4(a)). Fig. 4(b) shows that a finer mesh scheme is selected
(0.09), l is the turbulence length scale (l ¼ 0.007h).
near the pile surfaces along the vertical direction. An adaption
The bottom surface of the domain is modeled as no-slip surface
function is applied to the first cells from the pile surface. The
with a specific roughness of z0 (0.3 m). Porous fences are repre-
adaption function consists in refining the mesh in the near wall
sented as a momentum sink (Section 2.1). We adopt symmetry
region by dividing each cell in four equal parts. Four cells are pro-
boundary conditions for the upper and lateral boundaries of the
grammed within 25 cm from the pile surface, which is used for the
domain. This condition is normally used when zero normal velocity
EPA mode. Additionally, a grid sensitivity test is performed to judge
and zero normal gradients of all variables are imposed at the upper
the robustness of the model. The grid resolution for each part of the
boundary. Since the exit flow is close to a fully developed condition,
domain is modified gradually until the difference of the flow
the outflow boundary condition is applied to model the flow exit.
prediction around the fences is within 2%.
The boundaries of the computed domain include the air inlet,
the air outlet, the walls of the computational volume and the 2.4. Numerical Validation
porous fences. The used incoming velocity profile is the logarithmic
law. The mechanism of wind erosion is difficult to understand
because the dispersion mechanism is complicated and depends on
u* z various topographic and meteorological factors. To ensure the
uðzÞ ¼ ln (3)
k z0 validity of the simulations, the field measurements are conducted
from March 24 to March 30, 2009 after the fence construction is
where u(z) is wind velocity at the height of z m in m s1, u* is
completed. The huge single-layer artificial wind fences are installed
friction velocity in m s1, z0 is ground roughness length of the
along three sides on the measurement site: both north and south
terrain in m, k is the von Karman constant (0.4).
sides of the yard are 681 m in length, and the east side is 1390 m.
The inlet boundary conditions for the turbulent kinetic energy
Previous studies have found that the fences, which are 1.2e1.5
and its dissipation rate have been obtained from the experimental
times higher than stockpile, have good shelter effect (Zhao, 2007).
study on the assumption of an equilibrium boundary layer (Bitog
Thus, in this industrial site, the fence height is set to 23.0 m, which
et al., 2009; Stunder and Arya, 1988). The specific dissipation rate
is 1.35 times higher than the standard height of coal piles. Out of the
3 profile is calculated from the k experimental values using a rela-
fences, two 15 m high auxiliary buildings used as machine opera-
tion proposed by FLUENT (Fluent, 2006) which reads,
tion rooms are adjacent to the north fence.
In the field campaign, 28 measured locations are positioned at
3 ¼ 1=4
(4) a height of 2.0 m from the ground in the shelter zone protected by
cm l the porous fences. The reference point is located upstream outside
EPA report provides sub-area distributions of normalized spacing and by 4 piles in column with 5 m spacing. The topography
velocity values us/ur for a flow over two representative pile shapes of each stored pile is a compact trapezoid configuration with the
(cone and flat top oval configurations) and for three flow angles standard height of 17.0 m, corresponding to the capacity of a ship or
(0 , 20 , 40 ). These data are derived from wind tunnel studies. In a train. The top and bottom surfaces of each stored piles are both
this study, coal particles are aggregated compact cubic configura- rectangular with areas of 113 10 m2, 254 51 m2, respectively.
tions in industrial sites, completely different from the EPA standard. Based on the practical operation requirements and local wind
It is not possible to develop experimental measures to evaluate the direction characteristics, four scenarios of porous fences are
exposure level and dust erosion degree for the non-standard pile assumed representing the possible conditions for assessing the
shape. Numerical approach for the normalized velocity value us/ur fence construction (Fig. 8).
that has been studied by Badr and Harion (2005, 2007) is developed It should be noted that the aim of the present work is to evaluate
here to provide detailed data of friction velocity with the fine the effect of porous fences, rather than to predict absolute esti-
spatial resolution. mation of emissions. The impact of nearby buildings on fugitive
In the EPA mode, the aggregate pile surface is divided into sub- emissions under the fence shelter is negligible in this section. The
areas of constant u* to represent the different degrees of wind first reason is that the auxiliary buildings which are adjacent to the
exposure over the pile. And the potential functions of each sub-area porous fences are usually much lower than the fence itself and are
are then treated independently because each sub-area is regarded not prominent in industrial sites. They do not significantly perturb
as a separate source. Then, the emission factor is estimated by the the dynamic flow structure over the stockpiles. Thus, the effect of
sum of local erosion potentials corresponding to the same value of flow reorganization created by turbulent disturbances limits the
friction velocity. Therefore, under the availability of the total vicinity where the obstacles locate. Secondly, the porous fences are
number of the element grid area, as well as detailed friction installed along the dominate wind direction which implies the flow
velocity from numerical simulations, Eq. (6) can be changed as first comes across the stockpiles and the flow field is not strongly
follows: modified by the buildings (Turpin and Harion, 2010).
Xm Xm h i The simulations are conducted using the CFD approach (Section 2),
EF ¼ m 58 u* u*t Sij for u* >u*t (9) taking the inflow speed 5.00 m s1 and east direction as an example.
i¼1 j¼1
Data of normalized velocity value of us/ur are drawn at a normal
where M is the number of the element grid area when the friction distance of 25 cm over the surfaces of piles. Then the friction velocity
velocity u* is greater than the threshold friction velocity u*t ; Sij is the u* over the piles for each scenario is achieved by assuminguþ 10 as
jth element grid area of the erosion corresponding to ith distur- 10 m s1. In fact, the wind erosion process strongly depends on uþ 10
bance in m2. However, the subject of this study does not quantify the erosion
Eq. (9) provides spatially richer information than results from potential of a pile as a function of the wind speed. Instead, it discusses
published experiments to map the degree of wind exposure over the variation of dust emission for tested fences under identical wind
stockpiles. This allows a more accurate assessment to checking the conditions. Qualitatively, the distribution of friction velocity over
particulate emission for each considered scenario of the porous stockpiles remains similar whatever the wind velocity. Therefore, the
fences, which plays a dominant role in the evaluation of the envi- analysis of flow structure over the piles under the function of porous
ronmental impact. fences has been carried out in this study only when uþ 10 equals
10 m s1. Meanwhile, a coal material is sampled from the Caofeidian
4. Application Port as a reference to the calculations. Its threshold friction velocity is
determined from a wind tunnel experiment and averages about
The local meteorological observation during the whole year of 0.23 m s1. Proportionally, it averages 4.4 m s1 at the 10 m reference
2008 in Caofeidian Port indicates that the predominant wind height (Cong et al., 2010).
direction is SSW and WWS following second with the frequency As expected, the presence of the piles exerts large perturbations
of 10.10% and 8.67%, respectively. The frequency of zero wind on the flow structure of the boundary layer. Among all scenarios,
speed is 2.51%. the simulation predicts the flow deceleration at the base of the
According to the construction program of this coal storage yard, pile, acceleration up the windward slope and toward to the sides,
12 standard storage piles are arranged by 3 piles in row with 10 m followed by a region of flow separation on the crest. The top is
Fig. 8. Scenarios for wind fences (two-side against the windward of the dominant wind direction for the first and three-side for the second, three-side on the leeward of the
dominant wind direction for the third and all enclosure for the fourth).
5252 X.C. Cong et al. / Atmospheric Environment 45 (2011) 5247e5253
where the friction velocity is relatively greater than that over the herein, the emission becomes zero when the wind speed is less
leeward slope, which implicates that there is higher erosion than the threshold velocity at the 10 m height (4.4 m s1), which
potential over the crest than over the slip faces. These flow prop- implies the incurrence of wind erosion.
erties are illustrated by analyzing the friction velocity distribution In industrial sites, the wind is multi-directional in real condi-
in Fig. 9. These predicted results are consistent with the literature tions. Turpin and Harion( 2009) show the evolution of the emission
and published experimental data (Walker and Nickling, 2002; factor of piles is a function of wind incidence angle. Consequently,
Parsons et al., 2004). an average emission coefficient x is proposed based on the whole
The shelter effect of the porous fence on the flow field is year meteorology database. It fully considers the role of local wind
apparent. Without the fences, the friction velocity over the all piles characteristics on dust emissions, and is described as follows:
is larger than the ones with fences, and its maximum and averaged
values are 0.457 m s1 and 0.329 m s1, respectively. By contrast, X16 EF
with the porous fences, the average friction velocity over the pro- x ¼ i¼1 EF
fi (10)
tected piles is decreased to 0.261 m s1, 0.257 m s1, 0.273 m s1 oi
and 0.250 m s1 for each tested ones, accordingly. where x is average emission coefficient in dimensionless, EFfi and
EPA investigation shows that there is a pronounced influence of EF0i are dust emission factors with and without the porous fences
wind directions on the velocity distribution over the piles, although under the ith wind direction in gyr1, respectively fi is the ith wind
only three flow incident angles are experimented. Indeed, the used direction frequency according to the whole year meteorology
porous fences exposed to the various wind conditions and flow statistics, i is the wind direction segment within the whole year,
directions can drastically change flow patterns over the piles, hence which amounts to 16 with respect to the wind rose.
affecting emissions. Therefore, in this study, complementary Taking the emissions in the absence of porous fences as
numerical simulations are carried out for other 15 different wind benchmark, the emission coefficient is introduced to judge the
direction segments and their velocity magnitude based on the site decreased magnitude of emissions under the shelter of porous
wind flow characteristics. The results are presented in Table 1, fences. By doing this, we can comprehensively assess the shelter
Table 1
Emissions under the various wind conditions during a whole year (kg).
Serial number Wind direction Wind Velocity (m/s) Wind direction frequency (%) No fence Scenario 1# Scenario 2# Scenario 3# Scenario 4#
1 N 3.7 3.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 NNE 3.4 4.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 NE 3.4 3.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 ENE 4.2 5.4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 E 5.7 6.01 790.49 651.58 625.57 35.66 13.79
6 EES 5.3 7.15 596.47 540.11 493.16 82.22 30.72
7 ES 5.2 3.97 763.88 610.91 531.43 302.64 165.05
8 SSE 5.1 5.81 1149.41 553.47 499.46 390.22 341.64
9 S 5.0 6.66 1087.14 12.84 1.86 9.36 5.46
10 SSW 5.2 10.1 951.41 385.86 374.00 522.16 338.83
11 WS 4.7 7.52 488.61 160.05 104.02 340.53 77.96
12 WWS 4.6 8.67 373.48 22.68 17.93 297.51 6.52
13 W 3.9 4.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14 WNW 4.6 6.87 367.81 33.39 17.76 287.34 8.48
15 NW 4.9 7.65 588.69 313.35 172.21 417.79 142.94
16 NNW 4.4 5.86 624.39 649.29 181.25 252.15 185.62
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