Combat and Survival September 2014
Combat and Survival September 2014
Combat and Survival September 2014
Distributed by
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P68 Security
Robert Shaw questions whether
the downing of the airliner P58
over the Ukraine was state
terror or a tragic mistake
P05 : Comms
P56, 62 & 70 : Reviews
August 14 Cover Image:
P72 : Books
© Carl Schulze
© M.A.I. Publications 2014
t home senior military command- was still the possibility of flying RAF Media Communications personnel.
ers, and even some politicians, Harriers from Illustrious to try to bridge
have been warning that Britain’s this gap. Then they decommissioned C&S does not have the near bottomless
defence capability has been the RAF jump jet fleet too, in December pit of resources that the news channels
seriously degraded over the last fifteen 2010, and a year later sold them off to have, and the MoD does not lay on free
or so years and have been urging that the US Marines. Still at least there was transportation and accommodation in
more resources be devoted to reinvig- the possibility of the USMC, one of our the same way that many other nations
orating our armed services. With more NATO partners, operating their AV8 look after their specialist defence media,
than a quarter of a century of observing Harriers off Illustrious on multinational but if given sufficient notice of major
military matters under our belt, C&S operations. Worryingly, even that option multinational exercises we try to provide
agrees wholeheartedly with them. no longer exists with no fixed wing coverage if at all feasible ... and at no
carriers currently on the Royal Navy’s expense to the taxpayer. On a value for
On the positive side, the first of our books. money basis we might just be one of
long-awaited aircraft carriers, HMS the best ‘on-message’ publicity assets
Queen Elizabeth [R08], was named by Well at least we are currently living in a available for Royal Marine, British Army
Her Majesty on 4th July and floated stable world. Aren’t we? and RAF Regiment recruitment ... if only
out of her dock just a few days later. MoD would grant us reasonable access.
However she will not be commissioned In the light of the Russian Bear going on One can but wish. - BM
EXERCISE COMBINED 1st of May 2014, around noon.
RESOLVE II TOOK PLACE From his hatch the commander of
IN MAY AND JUNE WITH a TR-85 M1 ‘Bizonul’, Romanian
4,300 TROOPS FROM 15 for Bison or Buffalo, main battle
DIFFERENT NATIONS BEING tank of the Opposing Forces (OpFor)
TRAINED UNDER US LEAD TO carefully scans the other end of the one
CONDUCT DEFENSIVE AND kilometre wide valley on the Hohenfels Above: AH-64D the AH-64D Apache combat helicopters
OFFENSIVE OPERATIONS training area through a pair of binocu- Apache combat of the NATO contingency forces, that
IN A JOINT COMBINED lars, looking for any signs of the enemy. helicopters from have now operated in the area for some
The Romanian’s MBT and two others the 2nd Battalion time, have not yet detected the tanks.
have been given the task of overwatch of the 159th Attack
THE JOINT MULTINATIONAL on an obstacle belt that denies access It is clear that something is going on as,
READINESS CENTER (JMRC) to the valley and consists of barbed wire
Reconnaissance in addition to the combat helicopters,
OF THE US ARMY EUROPE and a large number of anti-tank mines.
Battalion provided the roaring of engines has been heard in
(USAREUR), SITUATED AT combat aviation the distance for some time and the noise
THE HOHENFELS TRAINING The tankers have chosen their support to the NATO is growing louder every minute. Then all
AREA IN SOUTHERN positions well, making best use of any contingency forces hell breaks loose, detonations caused
GERMANY. C&S FOLLOWED possible cover that the ground offers. by simulation devices echo through
THIS MAJOR EXERCISE AND Camouflaged with branches the vehicles Images © the valley, the bangs indicating that the
HERE IS OUR REPORT. are hard to spot by the human eye. Even Carl Schulze artillery of the NATO contingency forces
1 2
n 2014, the US Marine Corps the vicinity of Pohang on South Korea’s
(USMC) returned to the Korean east coast.
Peninsula with an amphibious
assault conducted by thou- Last year, Combat & Survival featured
sands of Marines on 31st April. In a South Korean Marines and this year
challenging feat of command and it is time to focus on their American
control, three landings combining counterparts, especially with such a
US and Republic of Korea Marine large-sized exercise taking place. C&S
2 The effort needed to flip the massive tractor tyre can be seen on the faces of
China’s Blue Team as they head on the return leg towards the firing point
Ten years ago, at SOFEX 1: China’s Yellow Ceremony and display on Wednesday Monday we had to break away to sit
2004, the C&S team was Team push the pick-up 30th April or the first three stages of in on the Middle East Special Opera-
shown plans and a scale truck loaded with the competition held the next day, but tions Commander’s (MESOC), thereby
model of a projected Special ammo boxes and eager to document as much of the unfortunately missing out on the Top
Operations training centre water jerrycans up competition as possible we spent the Gun stage, before returning to KASOTC
which the Jordanian Ministry a long slope at the following three days out under the in the late afternoon to photograph the
of Defence hoped would in end of which awaits blazing desert sun following teams Awards Ceremony.
time become a world class the log carry and tyre around five of the following six stages
facility. Five years later, in shifting challenges plus the King’s Challenge finale which Built inside a massive disused quarry,
May 2009, the King Abdullah took place on the Sunday. On the about half an hour’s drive from down-
II Special Operations 2: China’s Snow
Training or KATOSC was Leopards (Red Team)
formally opened and as part striding in perfect
of the ceremonies three unison, with the two
Spec Ops teams participated largest under one
in a skills competition. From log and the three
these humble beginnings smallest under the
the annual WARRIOR other, head back
COMPETITION grew in towards the tractor
size and stature, just like tyre
KATOSC itself. In early May
we were invited to cover the Right: Jordan’s Royal
sixth competition. Guard engage falling
targets from the firing
agazine production point atop a bund
schedules and prior com- after the truck push,
mitments prevented us log carry and tyre
being in Jordan at the start shifting challenges
of the event to cover the Opening against the clock
the Commando Selection and the designated firing range area they up a slope, after which they raced out 7: A three-man
the Urban Assault. We also briefly loaded their weapons. Also on safety and back over a 200-metre course assault team - this
covered the 3-Gun Gauntlet stage, grounds, some of my shots had to be carrying two telegraph poles, before one is Jordanian
but more on that another day. Like taken from a distance using a rather flipping (not rolling) a very heavy tyre - makes its way
all of the competitive stages, these long zoom lens (the Jordanian Army at least 50 metres around a traffic speedily to the
events included a live-fire element as camera team I worked alongside cone and repositioning it exactly inside Forming Up Point as
well as a degree of physical exertion, nicknamed this Mr Bob’s RPG!). a marked circle, then they engaged
its snipers provide
run against the clock with time and a bank of dropping targets at 100
points penalties being awarded for In brief, the Commando Selection metres and finally sprinted another 100
overwatch from high
mistakes of failures. In most close- stage involved each 5-man team metres to the finishing line ... against
above our camera
up photos on safety grounds the filling the loadbed of a pick-up truck the clock. position
weapons have no magazine fitted, with ammo boxes and full jerrycans
but as soon as the operators ran into then pushing it more than 500 metres To be continued ... 8: The assault trio
from Palestine’s NSF
101, protected by
snipers overhead,
sprint from the
Forming Up Point
towards the target
building to locate
and take down a
high value target
Left: The rooftop
snipers overhead had
to engage several
hostiles in and
around this urban
complex - two of the
targets in the open
which were visible
from our camera
position are ringed
in red
Images ©
Bob Morrison :
Military Scene
According to the United he TR-85 M1 ‘Bizonul’, or ‘Bison’, is
Nations the Romanian Army the most modern variant of the Tanc
has a total of 857 main battle Românesc Model 1985 cu Motor
tanks in its vehicle inventory, de 800cp, also called TR-85-800 or
namely; 530 T-55, 42 TR-77- in short just the TR-85. The TR-85 was
580, 231 TR-85 and 54 TR-85 developed between 1978 and 1986,
M1 ‘Bizonul’. Based at Galati based on the Tanc Românesc Model
1&2: Between 2
in eastern Romania, the 1977 cu Motor de 580cp, or TR-77-580.
1997 and 2009
Batalionului 284 Tancuri of The TR-77-580 in turn is a Romania-built the Romanian
the Brigada 282 Mecanizata variant of the Soviet T-55 that features a Armed Forces
‘Unirea Principatelor’ is the modified and stretched hull, a chassis received a total
only tank battalion in the with six road wheels on each side and of 54 of the TR-85
Romanian Army to field the armoured side skirts. M1 - Batalionului
TR-85 M1 ‘Bizonul’ MBT. In 284 Tancuri is the
May 2014 one company of In comparison to the TR-77-580 the only unit in the
TR-85 M1 tanks was deployed more modern TR-85 features a new De Maüini Grele Speciale in Bucharest;
to southern Germany for
Romanian Army
turret, a new and more powerful fire today the tank plant runs under the
exercise COMBINED RESOLVE control system, a new suspension and
equipped with this designation Uzina Mecanica Bucuresti¸
II (see page 09). C&S used a more powerful engine. Some 400
main battle tank (UMB) and belongs to the 100% state-
the occasion, which also of the TR-77-580 were manufactured owned Romarm S.A. which is the largest
marked the first deployment between 1977 and 1981. The TR-85 supplier for arms and ammunition to the
of Romanian tanks abroad went into series production in 1986 Romanian Armed Forces.
since World War II, to and up to 1990 around 100 vehicles
research and photograph the were produced annually. Production Modernisation To NATO Standard
‘Bizonul’ MBT. of the TR-85 took place at the Fabrica With the end of the Cold War, the
3 4
5 6
11 12
13 14
(particularly if unripe) as it may Above: Avoid still METHODS OF PURIFICATION See you next time when we will
induce diarrhoea. Generally, avoid pools if possible Water gathered from plants, animals, discuss the importance of fire.
drinking milky sap, but coconut milk as they may be by condensation or by melting snow or 6
and the liquid from barrel cacti are
contaminated ice does not need to be purified. Water
gathered from the ground, river, lakes,
6: Small water etc. does.
Cover part of a leafy plant with
a plastic bag, seal it and catch purifiers like this Unless you have a proper filter,
the ensuing water that will collect can save your improvise and pass the water through
through condensation. life and keep you a mesh of fine cloth and/or a tube
functioning. (perhaps a sock) containing sand
Try making a solar still: dig a and charcoal, but not ash. Do this a
hole about a metre (3ft) across few times then drop in some water
though possibly as many as eight
ince peacefully parting
times that number are available as by our sadly
company in 2006 with Mon-
trained Reservists. missed friend
tenegro to the east, which Yves Debay in
had been lumped in with its 2008.
Around the time of the break-up of
Serb neighbours since the end of
Yugoslavia a new five-colour oak
World War One, Serbia has both
become less insular and mod-
leaf camouflage pattern, designed Images ©
ernised its armed forces on more
in 1989, was widely introduced Carl Schulze
Western lines. Conscription was
across the JNA (Yugoslav National unless noted
Army) and in due course Serbia
abandoned at the start of 2011,
inherited this as the M89 pattern.
considerably downsizing the total
This consisted of three shades
number of troops in service, and
of green plus reddish brown and
today the Serbian Army (Kopnena
black. Around 2001 one of the
Vojska) is fully professional with
green shades was dropped and
n this fifth and final article in the the past small contingents of This well-received
mini-series we are concluding personnel deployed on UN duties Kit & Camo mini-
with the Serbian Contingent to arid areas have worn foreign series, which grew
(SERBCON) who work under desert pattern uniforms, such out of a simple
Slovakian Contingent (SLOVCON)
command in Sector 4, at the
as Bulgarian 3-colour DDPM, kernel of an idea,
eastern end of the UN Buffer Zone
the nation currently only fields would not have these pages were photographed
M-MDU-10 for conventional troop been possible while undertaking vehicle or
through Cyprus. The uniform they deployments. SERBCON in Sector familiarisation patrols out in the
wear is the woodland or temperate without the
4 is a 45-strong reinforced platoon assistance of all Buffer Zone in early March, when
digital pattern introduced in 2010 which has responsibility for one Aphrodite’s Island is at its most
and designated Model - Maskiranje those UN personnel
third of the sector but also supplies verdant, so their uniforms blend
Dezen Uniforme - 2010, or M-MDU- personnel to both the Mobile Force
who volunteered in reasonably well. As daytime
10. This is the same camo worn by Reserve in Nicosia and the sector
to pose for C&S. temperatures were well above
the Serbian troops who participated headquarters at Famagusta. With We would like to 20C it was T-shirt weather and one
on Exercise COMBINED RESOLVE this being such a comparatively express our thanks of the Blue Berets posed for us
in Germany in May and which is small detachment deployed to each and every without his jacket to allow us to
covered in the preceding article on overseas it would not be financially one of them plus photograph the standard M-MDU-
pages 42-44. viable to produce M-MDU combats to the UN Press 10 pattern issue garment worn
in desert colours so the woodland Officers who helped underneath the combat jacket.
Although Serbia trialled a desert pattern is issued. make it happen. Other photos on this page show
theatre digital camouflage the low visibility national badge,
pattern a few years ago, and in The Serbian peacekeepers on flag and rank insignia.
Paddy has worked within the security sector dealing with threatening
situations from site level to VIP Level. Students attending the course will
benefit from his mental approach and self defence skills. If you want to
improve your mental strength, confidence and self esteem, sign up today
for the new IQ Level 2 Award in Personal Self
Defence Protection Course.
Written and illustrated by Frank Fletcher and Rupert Godesen, this really
is a mini-bible for sharpshooters and snipers, but any military or game
shooter should find it very useful, as should every infantryman even
if sharpshooting is not their speciality. Complete with a useful plastic
weather cover, this one is small enough to fit in your jeans or inside jacket
pocket allowing you to read up on the subject even when off-duty. Also if
you buy the book through the website the publishers
will give you access to an app version too! Recommended.
Whenever possible
we taste test the
ration packs we
cover - this is Dutch
Meatballs & Spinach
heated over the new
Zip tablet on a Zip
odern combat ration
main courses, with the
It has been said a million 1: An old standard exception of freeze-dried
times before, and it is very issue hexamine components intended for
doubtful that Napoleon tablet and pressed Arctic use, are usually prepared
Bonaparte was the first to say metal stove - hexi in such a way that they can be
it, but an army really does fumes are noxious eaten cold but to derive maximum
march on its stomach. On nutritional and morale benefit it 3
so the heater cannot
the modern battlefield there is recommended that they are
be used in confined heated before consumption.
is even less chance of living
off the land in the way that
spaces Since WWII the standard method
Napoleon’s troop’s opponents used by many armies for heating
were often expected to do, so 2: Fire Dragon, rations has been the hexamine
the individual combat ration which was invented (hexamethylenetetramine) solid
pack is an essential part of in Wales by BCB, fuel tablet, usually issued with a
the kit carried by almost every is now widely simple pressed metal disposable
frontline soldier today, be that available in both gel stove, though over the last twenty
in or on his vehicle or in his form for civvy use or so years the Flameless Ration
pack and webbing. and as solid tablets Heater has been issued in US MRE be used outdoors or in a very well
1 for military uses rations and adopted by some other ventilated space, plus ingestion
nations. of the fuel can cause nausea and
3: The BCB Crusader even organ damage, a search has
Cooker and Crusader In their day hexamine fuel tablets been on for alternatives for quite
Cup - the foil topped provided a workable solution to some time. Over the last couple
tub to the right the problem of reheating military of years two British companies,
contains the fuel rations in the field, but as the BCB International of Cardiff
which is non-toxic poisonous chemical formaldehyde and Standard Brands (Zip) of
and can be used as a is one of the ingredients the fumes Leatherhead, have been keeping
hand cleaner too given off during combustion are C&S abreast of developments
noxious, meaning this fuel can only in non-hexamine fuel tablets
clothing line look like e sourced this pair for Lottie These trousers are
they should be military to wear on a photo assign-
but are actually fashion
the smallest in the
ment to the Torcal Natural range, being UK Size
items, though this is not Park - think Dartmoor Tors
necessarily a bad thing 8 with 72cm waist,
with incessant sunshine, abundant
as the German company ibex and rare imperial eagles - from
but waistband sizes
behind them has been in the Becketts Adventure online store
increase in 4cm
the business a long time ( As she is tall and increments (through
and has a reputation for
slim with long legs the type of combat- M, L & XL) to 84cm
sourcing good quality
style ‘lightweights’ closest to her size or UK14 with the
clothing. These 100% XXL or UK16 version
available in the average outdoor chain
cotton heavyweight being 88cm - there is
store would hang on her like a sack
olive green combat-style
trousers are made in China at half mast but as these trousers are a cargo pocket with
but, unlike most of the specifically designed for the female cover flap on each
thin lightweight Chinese- form, cut low at the waist with around thigh
produced combat trousers a 34-inch inside leg measurement
found on just about every they are a much better fit yet still give
High Street, tailoring plenty of room for outdoor climbing
quality is very good and and clambering as well as being highly
they are very hard-wearing, durable.
but they will not make a
massive hole in your wallet. Starting at the top, the lined
Floating is perhaps not a thing
have to say 5.11 do produce a good level of impact you often need a lighter to do
comfortable footwear. These train- absorbency in the but, turning this around, its
ers are light, robust, grippy and, heels 3
design means it is waterproof
especially if in warm dry condi-
and I could not get water into it
tions, are really good to wear for all 2: I used these for by floating it or holding it under
sorts of uses and not just training. bike riding and walks a tap.
on fine days in the
1 Alps and for driving - hen living outdoors we all need
they were ideal a reliable source of fire and this
one has worked for me. It can
3: The powerful flame be used both in its watertight
ignites easily and is container or out, which can be more
kind on the fingers, handy for some uses. The lighter is
sealed into the container by O-ring so
unlike some
is both watertight and secure. It can be
refilled by the usual gas refill.
5 6
Some while back I t is surprising how much heat
covered the Biolite Stove you can get from a few sticks
and I must say at first I and with the grill fitted to the
4: It definitely was a bit of a sceptic on Biolite you can barbecue some
floats! Perhaps not this concept. I was wrong! meat as well as boil the kettle or
a convincing shot It works and works well heat a pan, not to mention charg-
but you try taking a and I will cover it again ing up your mobile phone all at
picture of a floating in depth in due course once. Very fuel efficient and it’s
lighter in the sea or as my son is currently free. A bonus.
on a river using it as the principal
WE HAVE JUST TAKEN cooker on his Danube The only warning here is to
canoe expedition so a lot beware of the type of wood you
of firsthand experience use as it will have an effect on
WHERE WE MOVED A LOT, Lantern is a handy will come back on this taste of the likes of bacon. The
TRAVELLED MILES AND item to have for tent one. However, the Biolite grill certainly makes the Biolite a
CHANGED CAMP NIGHTLY or more general use. Grill proved to be a bit whole lot more versatile for that
bulky for his trip so I am outside meal, be it at home or on
PACKED, UNPACKED AND 6: All new and shiny covering this separately. a backwoods trip.
REPACKED AND HUMPED the grill packs away
quite compact but
LANTERN STOOD THE PACE is still reasonably
WELL. large so not really a
backpack item
used it as a base light for our
tent but it also works well as a
7: With the fire
general camp light or cooking
going the heat is
area light and so on. It gives a
diverted under the
good light on two levels and also
grill but you can
flashes SOS if needs be. A single
press button makes operation easy
still add fuel as
and simple to find in the dark. A
good thing. It has a very long burn
time, according to use, and is pow-
8: Using the Biolite
ered by 4 AA batteries. It is also
Grill you can
water resistant and slip resistant, barbecue some meat
rubbed coated where it matters, as well as boil the
and can be hung by its own folding kettle or heat a pan
handle or on the base by another
recessed hook. Neat and handy.
he TravelPak range comprises four categories with the
10: Note the 2-suffix being middle of this range with a recommended
attached mossie/ usage range down to -3C extreme or +2C comfort. At
just over the 1 kilogramme it is not heavy and compress-
bug net - handy es to a good small size in its supplied compression sack. An
to have in those add-on for this is the built-in mossie/bug net. With this, if the
areas where needs arises, you can zip it over the aperture to keep those
insects are a pesky biters out while you rest inside.
problem The Travel Pack also has anti-bacterial treatment which
is a good thing for longer trips. Jean used this on our
Images © recent European trip in support of my son’s Danube canoe
or via expedition. The weather was up and down, to say the least,
Mike Gormley albeit us being in ‘summer’ and Jean found the temp range
of this to be ideal, if perhaps on the bottom line a couple of
times. The mossie net was not required for real, even though
we were often camped near the river, and although a good
idea Jean thought it would be better to be able to remove it
completely if not in use as does tend to get in the way a bit.
All in all, another good bag product from Snugpak and this
one will be off to do the Tour de Mont Blanc in a few days.
always try to give my boots a clean and proof session be- 2 IN 1 Cleaner &
fore a trip, hence getting out the Footwear Proofer to give Proofer, G-Max
my footwear a spruce-up before heading off to the Alps. Universal Footwear Footwear Proofer
As can be seen in the photo Grangers have a product for Proofer which has just
most things and in my experience they work and in particular given my beloved
are easy to use. Leather boots, for example, respond really Alt-Berg Yan Tans a
well to the leather treatment wax (not shown here) keeping re-proof
them supple, well proofed and looking good as well.
across fields and villages insurgents, using transport aircraft airlines were warned and some
has angered Western flying at a greater height, the insurgents of them diverted flight paths. The
governments (especially the are thought to have received the 9K37 Ukrainian air traffic control also
eleven countries with citizens Buk (Beech) M1/M2 missile launcher warned airlines to fly at higher
on board) with blame for the and associated tracked radar, which altitude to reduce the risk, though
act being levelled at Russia’s is a vehicle-mounted system used no one would have thought that
Vladimir Putin, but there to provide umbrella coverage over the separatists would target a civil
are also calls of deception airspace under which an armoured airliner.
and fingers pointed back at force operates. This, then,
the Ukrainians and even the would make sense of the Despite the face of ruthless
airline itself for not diverting reports that as well as efficiency that forces like to project,
the flight. So why was it shot the Buk system they are all made up of human
down and who is to blame? there have beings who are fallible and make
been tanks mistakes. Mistakes are also more
he area in which the airliner was and APCs common in conflict due to friction
brought down is in Ukraine. How- supplied to and fog of war. It would seem
ever the region is under control of the rebels. that the alleged Russian crew
pro-Russian separatists that are thought they had identified a
determined to become part of Russia Giving the Ukrainian military transport
and are defending it robustly against rebels small plane and destroyed it
Ukrainian forces. The pro-Russian arms and ammunition, in a case of mistaken
nationalists, from the self-proclaimed even MANPADS, is a identity. This has been
Donetsk People’s Republic or DPR, whole different game to giving borne out by the intercept
complain that they don’t want to be terrorists a theatre air defence of communications between
part of Ukraine and that their rights system like Buk (which can the Russian-speaking crew,
are violated, despite the fact that the shoot down commercial airliners) the separatist commander and
country holds free elections and that and armoured vehicles and is the team that investigated the crash
the minority Russians who live there altogether far more serious and site to find bodies of women and
are freer than they are in Russia. The could seriously rebound on children rather than the soldiers and
Ukrainian forces could, of course, take Russia. Even worse is the fact weapons they had been expecting.
the contested area back but are being that it might not even have been
cautious as they don’t want to cause rebel forces firing the missile itself So what happens now? Any effort to
excessive collateral damage and hand but actually Russian military as it’s bring the Russians
Russia an excuse to invade based on a fairly complicated system and to justice through
legal means will
of course be
undermined by
the very Western
leaders who
rely on Russian
State Terror or
energy and live
next to them. They will be
very cautious about any Russian
reaction, especially as Western
Tragic Mistake?
governments have a history of
leaving friendly populations to
aggression by fascist or communist
forces despite any treaty to help
defend them. In being weak though,
- By Robert Shaw we risk history repeating itself as we
have already seen with Georgia in
Return your completed subscription to: MAI Publications, Revenue Chambers, St. Peter’s Street, Huddersfield, HD1 1DL
1 2
took the Re-Storm with me as a SLR cameras with zoom lenses (one shows how much lighter
camera bag and daysack on on camera was playing up so I took a PentaCamo is than the
a recent research and photogra- back-up) plus a bridge camera, in other two camo patterns 9
phy trip to Andalucia in Southern the main compartment; chargers
Spain, where I visited a number of with spare lithium batteries and 7: There are plenty of
Arab castles and the Torcal Natural ancillaries plus sat-nav, in the lower PALS tapes for strapping
Park, and was impressed by how it front compartment; a book, road on pouches - this one is
both blended into the arid scrubby maps and travel documents etc.,
British-issue MTP and
terrain and did not stand out unduly in the upper compartment; and my
illustrates well how
when resting against stonework. prescription sunglasses in the pocket
PentaCamo is much
Indeed I reckon Lottie, who was as- lighter than MTP or
set into the top.
sisting me, must have been getting a MultiCam
bit fed up with me repeatedly asking In addition to the obvious zipped 8: Lower front
“Did you see where I put down my compartments, there are also four compartment also has
camera bag?” as I kept losing it useful zipped mesh internal organiser two-way zip and zipped
when shooting in Torcal. pockets plus there is a full depth mesh internal pocket
open-topped mesh pocket on the
As for the bag itself, which when back of the main compartment. 9: There is a handy
full but not over-packed measures The bladder can either be carried fleece-lined zipped
roughly 480x400x200mm so fits in its own rear zipped compartment pocket in the top face
inside even the slightly reduced or in the main compartment mesh into which you can slip
volume EasyJet carry-on baggage pocket, with the drinking tube being your EyePro - or in this face and sides, to which MOLLE-type
gauge, I found it made an excellent threaded out through ports either case my prescription pouches can be added, and two pairs
daysack for carrying: laptop, in the side of the top handle. There are sunglasses case of compression straps are fitted. A very
rear bladder compartment; three light stone PALS straps on the outer useful daysack.
1 2
If those of you who were ence book How To Survive Out- 1: The Holster Shirt’s
in the UK in early July cast doors) to have taken the message design is intended both to
your minds back you will on board. So when Heinnie Hay- be close-fitting so that it
remember that spell of nes sent us the A.D. (After Duty) looks like a T-shirt when
tucked into trousers and
very warm weather caused Australian Bush Hat, produced to spread the weight of a
by what the Met office by Greek company Pentagon, it concealed pistol etc.
forecasters described as seemed a sensible item of kit to
a ‘Spanish plume’ which take down to Andalucia. 2: Although primarily and security personnel who need
reached up towards us designed to discreetly to carry a concealed firearm, but
over the Continent and the With a retail price of just £4.95 this conceal a pistol and covert it is also a very useful garment for
radio or even handcuffs the
Bay of Biscay. This mass simple 100% cotton bush hat is female traveller can use travellers (such as backpackers
of hot air was actually not going to break the bank yet it this comfortable undershirt and gap year students, or even
generated in North Africa does precisely what it needs to do to conceal passport and festival goers) who need concealed
and when Lottie and I were in both protecting the head from money etc. pockets to safely carry passport
shooting on the Costa the sun and shading the eyes with and cash under a shirt or jacket
3: If required the brim at
Tropical, south of Granada, its wide brim. Available in Olive either side, or both, can be without attracting attention.
and in the Torcal Natural or Beige in sizes S, M and L (XL pinned up in Aussie fashion
Park, north of Malaga, we is out of stock at time of writing) using a simple press stud - Manufactured from a polyester/
too experienced very hot this hat has a reinforced brim the crown also has eyelets spandex blend this stretchy
weather in excess of 35C which can be pinned up either or for venting garment is like a long vest to which
which the Spanish called a both sides with a simple press Model: Lottie two deep padded under-bust and
‘Sahara plume’. stud fastener and the crown is underarm pockets are stitched.
Images © Bob Morrison :
ventilated with two eyelets each A yoke and reinforcing spreads
hen working in high Military Scene
side. Lottie took this out to Spain the weight, though if carrying a
temperatures under a in plastic bag inside her suitcase heavy pistol on one side it might
cloudless sky not only is it and despite it getting a bit be advantageous to balance this
necessary to apply a very scrunched up it was still perfectly with spare magazines or a radio
high protection factor sunscreen presentable for casual wear. in the opposite pocket. Simple
but it is also important to wear a Velcro pads hold the pocket closed
hat to prevent sunstroke. This, of Turning now to the Women’s but with only a little practice one
course, is our Survival Writer Jason Holster Shirt from 5.11, also can speedily retrieve the pistol in
Polley’s area of expertise but I supplied by Heinnie Haynes one simple move. If worn under a
have read enough of his articles (available online through Heinnie. loose open fronted shirt or jacket,
on heatstroke and heat exhaustion com), this is intended primarily for this garment really does discreetly
(not to mention his excellent refer- female law enforcement officers conceal a pistol.