Volvo F10 F12 F16 LHD Wiring Diagram PDF

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Service Manual Trucks Group 37 Wiring Diagram F10, F12, Fi6 LHD TSP 23688/1 Contents Component wiring diagram index. 1-2 Component witing diagrams 5-47 Cable harnesses 126-127 Circuit card, electrical centre 130 Fuses 130, 181 Connectors 131, 198 List of components 182, 134-135 The contents of this Manual replace the following service bullatins: 1370-69 370-72 370-77 370-83 ‘Supplement date 08.91 Correction date 09.91 Order number: TSP 2688/1 © 1996 Volvo Truck Corporation, Geteborg, Sweden All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any forms by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording of otherwise, without the prior witten permission of the Volvo Truck Corperation Component wiring diagram F10, F12, F16, LHD Starter motor, alternator, 24 V 5 Goplant level, preheating, exhaust pressure governor, exhaust brake, range inhibitor, interval wiping 6 BG Engine-switch-off 7 2] 8K Speedslimiter 7 (28] BN EDC, electronically controlled fuel injection 8 SEI ce parking, sidemarking, roof and rear lights Fall beams and dipped beams, spot lights 10 _ a ~ Dimn-Dip (only RHO) PCG Fog lights oT [Al ck Brake tights 14 a — With ABS — Without ABS CN Direction indicators, hazard warning lights. 4 EA Reversing lights " ED Loading light, fifth wheel light 12 EG Rear fog lights 12 EK Roof sign (high cab) 12 EN Rotating warning lights 12 GS] ER interior lighting, tow cab 13 a ~ Sleeper cab. 1 bunk b = Day cab, 2 bunks GR] ET interior tighting, high cab 14 a ~ Extra bunk (ZQ)22) EV Ashtray fighting, cigarette lighter 14 DFA Horn 14 [IF] GA Windsoreen wiper with washer, headlamp wiper with washer. 15 [3 [2 HA Climat unit (air conditioning) 16-17 ~ a ~ AC, ATC b~ arc © ~ With heater, without AC or ATS HC Parking heater DW80 19 HG Heated rearview mirror, heated seat, ait dryer 20 a ~ Twintower air dryer b = Single-tower air dryer JA Radio, comunications radio and loudspeakers 20 KA Electrical window winder. 24 KO Seat belt 22 KH Central lock 22 LC Speed indicator, Korea 23 LD Power take-off 23 LE Power take-off, clutch-independent 24 LG Diff. tock 24 a 6x4, 8x4 FD Ww Lock, self-steered axle . 28 [ceanrmowe] LO Geartronic ..- MA Bogie lift (hydraulic) MO Bogie lift (hydraulic), with axle load limiter MG Bogie lift (air-operated) MK Bogie lift (air-operated), with axle load limiter MN Air suspension a ~ Air suspension, rear 'b ~ Complete air suspension ¢ = With driver information 4 — Without driver information @ ~ Bagi lit, air suspension 18 tonnes £ — Bogie lit, air suspension < 15 tonnes MP Bogie lift, air suspension < 15 tan MS Bogie lift, air suspension 15 ton MV_ Drive axle load-increase. MX, 6x4 air suspension .. NA Combined instrument a ~ Without tachograph NO Indicator lamps a ~ Without driver information b — With driver information NG instrument, buzzer, rheostat a 6x4, 8x4 NK Driver information system a ~ Without driver information OA Anti-lock brakes (ABS) 0B Anti-lock brakes (ABS), &-channel OD Electromagnetic brake OG Hydrodynamic brakes. PA Level control headlights XA G-unit fuse holder XB G-unit fuse holder for superstructure XD Connection, extra equipment XF Connection for extra equipment (connector MD) ZA Earth connections 2D. Joint sleeve 26-27 2B 29 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 . 39 4 42 43 49 44 44 45 45 46 47-48 EXAMPLE OF CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Refer to the lst of contents for the designation and symbol ofthe circuit rc diagram. H the cireult diagram designation is boxed in with broken lines this means thatthe circuit diagram is not standard on all markets or vehicle models Seek column 30 Always voltage 1 Voltage with starting key in drive position 61 Voltage when alternator charges (only FL) Fuse (D) Reference arrow (for circuit diagram EA, seek column 6) Swich (104) Relay (303) IV the line is broken this means the cable is not standard on all markets oF vehicle models. Earth terminal no. 1 at earth connection point no. 4 (600 circuit diagram ZA). Double lines, conductor on circuit card Connector (G, terminal 6} Cable area and colour (1.5 mm? white/yellow) Single lines, cables ‘Acrous indicate that component 404 or 403 is connected up Bulb (404) ‘A broken line box round the component number shows that the component is not standard on all markets or vehicle models. Earth connection without cable EXAMPLES OF SYMBOLS ON WIRING DIAGRAM lr — Bate le Feta, lectone ° Connector oO sone fe Bulb Bulb, full beams and dipped beams Alternator Starter motor Cable CConduetar on circuit card Washer motor Earth connection without cable Solenoid valve with diode Switch Instrument, temperature and leve! Switch, starting switch Pressure sensor 7 Closing comtst Temperature sender ia Closing contact, pressure-regulated | Break contact, vemperature-regulated Level sender TH Closing contact, time-regulated ca . se Starting heater Oo Sip contact, horn 3 fe rape © Cigarette ighter Sf Relay = a Horn a mA || | Retaywithntrnal creat cagram 7t theosta fe 4, ‘ Ny Buzzer Ot r EKILE 5 LEN) 5 ar Esles ole) |. r EKILE 5 LEN) 5 ar Esles ole) |. bso ilk 7 F A|| Dest] ter 2 Evia Wo. ee 4.5205 YS LG) (ea) [E 4 ei ir L) < J 18 dye oF joeues 3 bE al ‘3 005 2 one . aa'ce awe 37 Aaa. wie she nto ning cd on ening age Ty TP EP Epa i I || al oe wy} |) dt iT | ' ‘Sony © fais} + 7 sass l L 45 SUIN3O NOLINGILSIO TvoHHLOITS wei INBANULS sw waann eT] 80¢1 «SOV + 903, M/NE wSDV +9034 SL+ zort 1 zgot Xey a 2ibl «SOW. Y/ND Web (L) ney Ee) eal en ad roo folly v9 9001 = LHOI YORSINKA Aver ae J ire 600. 7 sit (av) Sv2b 009t LVISOR. BS* HvZy 48 F10, F12 F16 FI6 1000 1006 KHH/LHH 1007, 1049 1008A, 1008B KH/LH 1009 1023, 1046 1030, 1432 F10, F12, F16 BOOK 28, 1030, 1432 F10 1030,1432 F12 1030,1432 1035 1035 3\ é q oh 3 6x4/8x4 1037A [Malmo], 1074 [MAINO] 1037B 4071 CP ( , \Z. aN 1037, 1071, 1074 SX leita Ss CG) / / 1051 KHH/LHH 1056 1057 1057 1000, 1006, 1017, 1062 1450 7 1015, 1017, 1061, 1062 1055, 1061, 1062 LVA 1069 F10, F12, F16 ALT, POSITION a —_ 1069B F10, F12 1070 1072 4x2 ol ue wr g 2 83 1072 4x2 1072 4x2 (aN) SbS5555 BOOOCES, P| 1072 4x2 fa) 1072 4x2 fa) 1072 4x2 [a] 1072 6x2 INFOSYST \ i BIE fast 1a 1072 6x2 BE] 1072 6x2 1072 6x2 ) 1072 6x2 5 8 = 1072 6x2 i) 1072 6x2 OOGSSOS e a MOCO SH. b>] 1072 6x2 NOT_H83200/HE3400 7 1075, 1076 F10, F12 1075, 1076 F1I6 1084, 1085 1085 1085 1084 102 1086, 1087, 1088 103 1086, 1087, 1088 BoTiE/Scr9 1086, 1087, 1088 1086, 1087, 1088 1403, 1409 (oo 108 1403 1403, 1409 1403 F10, F12 4x2 1407 EDC 1408 EDC 1408 1407, 1413 1407, 1408, 1413 1407, 1408, 1413 1412 19 1407, 1408, 1413, 1422 |SaS0e50 | LOSHOSG5, 1433B 123 1438 1063 126 28 32 33 56 401 402 657 861 700 701 702 710 754 807, 853 1000 1006 1007 1008 1009 1015 1017 1019 1023 1028 1030 1035 1036 1037 1040 1046 1049 1051 1055 CABLE HARNESSES ‘The illustration shows the various cable harnesses and how they are connected to each other, It also shows roughly where the connectors are placed Note that connectors marked with X plus another letter (e.g, XA, XB) are not provided with this marking in the vehicle, Marking occurs only on a wiring diagram in order to differentiate these connectors from each other Test connector Circuit card, electrical centre Circuit card, indicatortwarning lights Fuse holder 6-unit Bulb, fog lights Bulb, spot lights Fan (heater) Window winder motor ‘Spoedometer Tachograph Combined instrument Timer, engine/cab heater Pressure sender air Eddy-retarder control Summer Cable harness, instruments Cable hamess, cab, upper Cable hares, cab, lower Cable harness, reading light Cable hamess, electric window winder Cable harness, fan (heater) Cable hamess, engine/cab heater Cable harness, windscreen wiper motor Cable hamess, horn Cable hamess, fresh water pump Cable harness, engine Cable harness, difflock Cable hamess, trailing wheel operation Cable hamess, bogie lift Cable hamess, frame Cable harness, ciosing contact, climate system (air conditioning) Cable harness, seat belt Cable harness, interio: light Cable hamess, operation, engine and cab heater 68, 71 61 72 79 1056 1057 1059 1081 1062 1063 1064 1069 1070 1071 1072 1072 10728 10720 10720 10728 10726 1072k 1074 1075 1076 1084 1085 5086 1087 1088 1096 1138 1139 1403 1407 1408 1403 1412 1413 1418 1419 1420 1422 1430 1432 1433 14338 1438 1439 1440 1450 4063, 6069 7053 9003 9010 CABLE HARNESSES Cable harness, alr dryer Cable harness, chassis. Cable harness, switch extra Cable names, parking heater, cab Cable names, parking heater, frame Cable hamess, trailer connection Cable hamess, market adaptation Cable harness, driver information Cable hamess, engine stop. Cable hamess, sender axie-load Cable names, air pressure, air ank Cable harness, air suspension Cable harness, 6x2, axle load 15 tonnes Cable harness, 6x2, axle load less than 15 tonnes Cable harness, frame section Cable harness, air suspension Cable harness, air suspension, Cable harness, control box, air suspension Cable harness, hydraulic bogie lit with axle load limiter Cable harness, speed limiter, cab Cable harness, speed limiter, engine. Cable harness, cab, ABS. Cable harness, trailer connection, ABS Cable harness, solenoid valve, ABS, Cable harness, sender, chassis, ABS Cable hamess, sender, ABS. Cable harness, increasing of dive axle pressure “airdump” ‘Switch, door lock ~ key ‘Switch. door lock ~ sill button Cable harness, retarder Cable harness, EDCIcab Cable harness, EDCiengine Cable hamess, retarder-cab Cable harness, Geartronicigearbox Cable harness, Geartronicicab Cable harness, speed indicator ~ instrument Cable harness, speed indicator ~ cab, upper Cable harness. speed indicator ~ roo! lamps Cable harness, Geartronic ~ chassis. Cable hamess, adapter - without tachograph Cable harness, gearbox Cable hemes, bogie itt ~ lock, rear steer axle Cable harness, bogie lift ~ lock, rear steer axle Cable harness. central lock, door Cable harness, external thermometer Cable harness, el operated rearview mirror Cable harness, relay-parking heater/AC manual Bulb, speed indicator, Motor, door lock Inductive sender, bogie it Control box, air suspension, ngrds Control box, air suspension, tractors 73 74 78 76 125 80 82 70,71 85, 90, 95 83, 88, 93 94) 89 85, 90, 95 90, 95 85, 90, 95 84, 89, 94 68, 71 98 98 100, 102 100 103 103 103 124 124 107, 109 111, 115, 120 112, 115, 117, 120 107, 109 119, 121 118, 120, 121 120, 121 62 122 123 124 77 124 87, 92, 97 84, 89, 94 84, 89, 94 127 128 ABS fa] &) EB AE aa Cr y Mec [GILL cal ied ms mms | a | tins oss sage Hoga 129 a1, eh 1 zu u 6 2, L 9. 5 Busianal Aeiaeh oF Wubi everq Kee 6) BOE fep Aeioy “2, SUE. SYLNAD WW91H190373 NI (Ze) GVO LINDUID NO SAV1SY (9¢) 4apjoy asny wun-g (1s) sepioy esny wun-L sasns Lovgyus 26ues 0Wr2H08 ainssard rsneuK (e301 'weeq ped sewlejpeay Jo1U00 jana" "weg paddip eo ‘92300 (wee) (61g) worsks uo x ‘uses iewopeads (gg tx 9120 tena) Le c ano18615, 19 wea reo Heo 229 329 329 ao veo SYLN3O TWOlLOATA Ni (Zc) UV LINDHIO NO Sasn4 + mae crs fuoon) fxoia) (oxs) feat, (woes) (N50) (re) {NOStNOSS! (asso, (cx) [exa.00es 028) (cx) (cx) ea. (0n80.0884), (oaza0a2e) {fon8s'0862) anos (ania) eats) (eas) (0423.0829.0805.0855) {on35.0835,0804 0804 (0849.0848.0800 0843) [Ons! 04510884 O08), (0983.08531 (ogee bee, ox) ox) a {088 woo, teunit tuse holder 5) $a (008) $1 19a foo1n 51 ‘Sa tops 31 34 [oce! Fuses on circuit card (32) in electrical centre CONNECTORS. ane eas ms {one.o092 ee 0A 0841 0038 0830) fee (SA Okan Baan Bes) 1 oan ge (ees fet (eo) fst {0833} Ros ‘am oe {8638} fer (S622) aes (S638) G9 (988) Relo foam fan (0As7.0457 0948.0848) ane {Gass.oas9 088 0818), ary (0858.0888) fare (08s9.0889) suet 19430 0836) Se (97 0839) SS (@a39 0808), sat (nse op4st She {888 Seas) Sha ‘Gass o6se) che {Ghe2'O8sn) Shs {Gn81 0880) SAB (S83 088") SAF (oxto.0041) She (Gats OB) Say feat open} cpry (0888) Sms 19855) sha (0880) gan (86) 6-unit fuse holder se) 83) #8 5 2 (eas) se Se 5 as) ses Boe bay Be Se 5 Oar) ea Bee bale) 526 Brake lights. Socket 7-unit (Pin 4), Electromagnetic brake Relays on circuit card (32) in electrical centre 308 “3 315A "9" Relay, brake lights Relay, starting switch sats Sars. a 1 res rest aaze TEST az Test ABzS. FEST ab2 Test B23, 13 Te ss 166 ier 16s ne a ie ms we Ue vas one 2 0860) (0860) (ox14004 (oae008) (oar203i (oaat (oas0, fon fone {ene 1039) foor [o018) (0020) {op21) (022) ‘ora. ioe (e021) {o020) oor) (aazay fro) 008) [octt.00"0) fosni (Oa20!00%51 fore (80) 1029) 131 LIST OF COMPONENTS 0A Baty (AAA) BB Batery (AR) SSAA Grovilcad, mccalodwarnig lights (NOS) 3308 Gereuiteardindealoowaring rts (NO) Bt Coonacor (AA13) B53) Connect. a am junction box (CxS) Se4° Conner ta am jncton box (CK) whey winma lectical carve (RAZ Tre Pg socket Tout (CAI) 7a" Ena plug socket Tana (X13) 7B" Gea pag soot 7-8 (AB) 79-1" Pag sockat, ABS (042.082) Pg socket, ABS (OA14.0814) Pg socket, ABS (OAM,084) Pog sacet, 63S (OA10,0810) ig sacra, ABS (OA12.0812) ‘Stn, Bry mast swich (MAS) ‘Swien, staring switch (AAT) wich ul coral (N02) Swichrtarce! (OG31) ‘Gosng conic, bake bts (CX?) ‘Goring coniet rake sts (CX3} ‘Gonngcarach.nieatr ig, a lanes (sos) 502 Warning gh pressure, engine (402?) S05 Wvnng gM bates charging (W098) so ang baer egg, 8 507 Waring Hah, service brakes (N37) 503 Waning Ya, colar (026) 510 Indicator PPE etek, ear wets (ND?) SH eater nt. tlk sans (NOTE) S24 neato bg a cleaner (NOD) $26 tear igh eddy rere (0033) 525 Indicate IgM. preeting (OWE 525 Waring ght. gear trperare (O28) Bea Waring lat OF prossur,gea?bO»(ND#3) 550, 007 $008 neato lam, av Suspension, Manual postion (ND13) S002 Sica lam vet. ABS (HOB) Soi0 raat amp, Vater. 88S (KOHN, 5017 ical amp. waar, ABS istucbon (NSS) $022 Indato amp, reste (OG221 $000 ndeafo lamp, ty iar (NDS) Be Starter motor (R12) 658 Allama, exra (AACE) (660.__Aterator wth charging regulon (AA?) $019.6 Salanoid entra valve, ABS (O437.0838) 20 Gang cone. ct ck (02) Fe Gre tant vomng hoc este Beth Sees cone! ave. ABE (R82 O285) ceater NOD) Sorat Senos conve, ABS (0056 oor Brasco chen pel (0623) Gia Rr Stone cant valve dS (ORS O84) Be” lay waar up (cer oct oxs.000 Siem. Sone conta wae. ABS fone O05 Sea Beta stra wien An) {o13 Ra Scien cone! ave. ABS (O05 uis6feay stg awe (4420) Goin Sueno ave, wie (00"8! Sor fea, eyreardr (0022) Bot ur Sino ne sheet ABS fA 080) So20__ Peay ination BS (082208221 1225 th. Sansa pte wheat ABS O4#9 O80) Sat ay. xen cota ave ABS Zos7 cnr Son pie whee, M2083. (onecoia, 7027 BF Senco” ple west ABs (0440990) 224-7 Fy son cont wake AS TSYAR Seto” plo whet AB (08570048) (om seen ‘ear At Senso ple wae ABS (0858) 202s Ray etx ip ABS (0428 0820) on eter trp ee” 10019 0a enc’ amp ABs fonr20812 Gor Egayecer coer O01) Bee Real. car amp A85 098008, $3 Gente Sto” Fwy wre (00? 068) Seow cot easyer (003) os eay rho! ake (28,0012) Bos Grater one aos oxo.ane Be Baca sen (ko Sst Soar on ra (0020) SR Bl ete ae nota ABoREWATIONS ‘cance cotouns 3 rer um Long Han ro rte ° Pasonge ton Sk ab a ou FGnee c oonee ‘ptr par y = eee ' fon Apeoton Alea kton w i me Micate a emcning a 5 Lover Scr GayesndHOtonnes, aa Bre tenvprngr tow = = Bak ‘ et Cuenta fea e = ® foe won eeu i TBS oan i Let er agate oe on + otter 4 Len it Reber ref lomaion Sao © = wont 4“ tate Ravers Sond rao eye ' cf RT fh eva ale WA oad woune asst Ugh ue “ tet ‘Not HB3200 Not wheetbase 3200 mm we a an gn ae Reowat recta Ma ee hast ars, ns ton a nop Aeoson ive ‘Tot mee! ee ue he long oranda m router 3 Set oer mana & ‘brea coe fo Repu noor Oran eur aca as vents Bir Au ae oe tong cx st stone 192 VOLVO (e03'sa3) ean (039 g29) ligag eo) (Gon's00) sou ‘zeag'v00) (Gon 2939) (pH P03) (100), awcian) tog rian ‘ean'eam) (6330) ovo) SYOLOSNNOD (sa¥0) (e200) (ova) 8 (e200 tg980! 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