Computer Organization QP
Computer Organization QP
Computer Organization QP
4. a) An instruction is stored at location 300 with its address field at location 301. The (8M)
address field has the value 400. A processor register r1 contains the number 200.
Evaluate the effective address if the addressing mode of the instruction is
i) Direct ii) Immediate iii) Relative iv) Register Indirect
b) Explain the operation of a Micro programmed control unit using a diagram (8M)
5. a) Multiple (-7)10 with (3)10 by using Booth’s multiplication. Give the flow table of (8M)
the multiplication
b) Draw the circuit of a BCD adder / subtractor and explain its operations (8M)
6. a) The access time of a cache memory is 100 ns and that of main memory 1000 ns. It (10M)
is estimated that 80 percent of the memory requests are for read and the remaining
20 percent for write. The hit ratio for read accesses only is 0.9. A Write-through
procedureis used i) What is the average access time of the system considering only
memory read cycle? ii) What is the average access time of the system for both
read and write requests? iii) What is the hit ratio taking into consideration the
write cycles?
b) What is virtual memory? With a neat block diagram explain the virtual memory (6M)
address translation
Code No: RT22054 R13 SET - 1
1. a) Perform the following subtractions in the binary number system, using 2’s (4M)
complements : (i) 1111 – 110 (ii) 1110 – 1100
b) Differentiate between Micro operation and Macro Operation with an example (4M)
c) “Instruction Set Architecture has impact on the processors micro architecture” – (3M)
support this statement with proper reasoning.
d) Differentiate Micro programmed control and Hardwired control. (4M)
e) What is the impact of the cache on overall performance of the computer? (3M)
f) What do you understand by the term peripheral? Explain with some examples (4M)
2. a) Explain different functional units of a digital computer with neat sketch. (8M)
b) Discuss the advantages, disadvantages, and applications of (8M)
i) Excess – 3 code ii) Gray Code
(Illustrate with one example each)
4. a) What do you mean by addressing mode? Explain the following addressing modes (8M)
with examples.
i) Index addressing mode ii) Relative addressing mode
b) Explain clearly the three types of CPU organizations with examples (8M)
5. a) Perform floating point addition using the numbers 0.5 and 0.4375 use the floating (8M)
point addition algorithm.
b) Explain the multiplication of positive numbers using array multiplier with a neat (8M)
6. a) What is virtual memory? With the help of neat sketch explain the method of (8M)
virtual to physical address translation.
b) Explain the READ and WRITE operations in Associative Memory (8M)
7. a) Draw the block diagram of a DMA controller and explain its functioning? (10M)
b) Discuss any five key differences between subroutine and interrupt service routines (6M)
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Code No: RT22054 R13 SET - 2
3. a) Distinguish between circular shift and arithmetic shift with proper example. (8M)
b) Explain the design of accumulator logic. (8M)
5. a) Given signed decimal number +86 and -17. Perform (using 8 – bit representation) (8M)
i) 2’s complement Addition ii) 2’s complement Subtraction
b) Explain the steps for Floating Point Multiplication with neat diagram and suitable (8M)
6. a) Draw a neat block diagram of memory hierarchy in a computer system. Compare (8M)
the parameters size, speed and cost per bit in the hierarchy.
b) Explain ROM and RAM with respect to their block diagrams (8M)
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Code No: RT22054 R13 SET - 3
1. a) Convert the following decimal numbers to the bases indicated (4M)
i) 9872 to octal ii) 4689 to hexadecimal
b) What is the use of buffers? Explain about tri-state buffers. (3M)
c) Explain how different instruction formats influence the system. (4M)
d) Explain the concept of partial remainder (4M)
e) List and explain the advantages of virtual memory. (3M)
f) Distinguish isolated and memory mapped I/O (4M)
2. a) What is a bus? Explain single bus and multiple bus structure used to interconnect (8M)
functional units in the computer system.
b) Distinguish between error detection and error correction. Explain with an example (8M)
how Hamming code is used for error detection.
5. a) Perform the restoring division for the binary numbers 1010 and 11. Draw the (8M)
circuit arrangement for binary division.
b) What are the steps involved in the addition of 2’s complement notation. Explain 8M
with an example.
6. a) A computer system has a MM capacity of a total of 1M 16 bits words. It also has a (8M)
4K words cache organized in the block set associative manner, with 4 blocks per
set & 64 words per block. Calculate the number of bits in each of the TAG, SET &
WORD fields of MM address format.
b) Explain the following (8M)
i) Memory management using segmentation
ii) Memory management using paging
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Code No: RT22054 R13 SET - 4
1. a) Convert the number (5675)8 into its decimal and hexadecimal (4M)
b) Discuss on RTL with suitable example. (4M)
c) What do you understand by register stack and memory stack? (3M)
d) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of micro programmed control unit. (3M)
e) Define i) Memory access time ii) Memory cycle time (4M)
f) Differentiate between tightly coupled systems and loosely coupled systems. (4M)
2. a) Describe basic operational concepts of computer in detail (8M)
b) “Parity checking can be used for error detection” – Justify your answer with an (8M)
4. a) Explain how registers are connected to common bus in the computer with a neat (8M)
b) What do you mean by addressing mode? Explain the following addressing modes (8M)
with examples.
i) Direct Addressing Mode ii) Immediate Addressing Mode
6. a) Explain the following mapping techniques used for cache mapping (8M)
i) Associative mapping cache ii)Direct mapping cache
iii) Block-set-associative mapping cache
b) Write short note on i) Magnetic Disks ii) Magnetic tapes (8M)
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