2.2.5. Relative Density
2.2.5. Relative Density
2.2.5. Relative Density
Relative density
The relative density of a substance is the ratio of the
REACTION OF SOLUTION, mass of a certain volume of a substance at temperature t1 to
APPROXIMATE pH AND COLOUR the mass of an equal volume of water at temperature t2.
OF CERTAIN INDICATORS Unless otherwise indicated, the relative density is
used. Relative density is also commonly expressed as .
To 10 ml of the solution to be examined, add 0.1 ml of Density ρ20, defined as the mass of a unit volume of
the indicator solution, unless otherwise prescribed in the substance at 20 °C may also be used, expressed in
Table 2.2.4.-1. kilograms per cubic metre or grams per cubic centimetre
(1 kg·m− 3 = 10− 3 g·cm− 3). These quantities are related by the Factors affecting accuracy include :
following equations where density is expressed in grams per — temperature uniformity throughout the tube,
cubic centimetre : — non-linearity over a range of density,
— parasitic resonant effects,
— viscosity, whereby solutions with a higher viscosity than
the calibrant have a density that is apparently higher than
the true value.
The effects of non-linearity and viscosity may be avoided by
using calibrants that have density and viscosity close to those
Relative density or density are measured with the precision of the liquid to be examined (± 5 per cent for density, ± 50 per
to the number of decimals prescribed in the monograph cent for viscosity). The density meter may have functions for
using a density bottle (solids or liquids), a hydrostatic automatic viscosity correction and for correction of errors
balance (solids), a hydrometer (liquids) or a digital density arising from temperature changes and non-linearity.
meter with an oscillating transducer (liquids and gases). Precision is a function of the repeatability and stability of the
When the determination is made by weighing, the buoyancy oscillator frequency, which is dependent on the stability of
of air is disregarded, which may introduce an error of 1 unit the volume, mass and spring constant of the cell.
in the 3rd decimal place. When using a density meter, the Density meters are able to achieve measurements with an
buoyancy of air has no influence. error of the order of 1 × 10− 3 g·cm− 3 to 1 × 10− 5 g·cm− 3 and a
Oscillating transducer density meter. The apparatus repeatability of 1 × 10− 4 g·cm− 3 to 1 × 10− 6 g·cm− 3.
consists of:
— a U-shaped tube, usually of borosilicate glass, which 01/2005:20206
contains the liquid to be examined ;
— a magneto-electrical or piezo-electrical excitation system
that causes the tube to oscillate as a cantilever oscillator The refractive index of a medium with reference to air is
at a characteristic frequency depending on the density of equal to the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence of a
the liquid to be examined ; beam of light in air to the sine of the angle of refraction of
— a means of measuring the oscillation period (T), which the refracted beam in the given medium.
may be converted by the apparatus to give a direct Unless otherwise prescribed, the refractive index is measured
reading of density, or used to calculate density using the at 20 ± 0.5 °C, with reference to the wavelength of the D-line
constants A and B described below. of sodium (λ = 589.3 nm) ; the symbol is then .
The resonant frequency (f) is a function of the spring Refractometers normally determine the critical angle. In
constant (c) and the mass (m) of the system : such apparatus the essential part is a prism of known
refractive index in contact with the liquid to be examined.
Calibrate the apparatus using certified reference materials.
When white light is used, the refractometer is provided
Hence : with a compensating system. The apparatus gives readings
accurate to at least the third decimal place and is provided
with a means of operation at the temperature prescribed.
The thermometer is graduated at intervals of 0.5 °C or less.