In this analysis, we use BTEX (Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl Benzene and Xylene) as standard sample, Perkin
Elmer Elite-5MS chromatography column with 30 meter length and 0.25mm diameter and TurboMass as
GCMS operating software.
Elite-5MS Column
2. Insert a septum, 1/16-inch column nut, and 1/16-inch graphite ferrule (0.8-mm i.d., or 0.5-mm i.d.) over
one end of the column
3. Cut about 1 cm (3/8 inch) from the column end using a wafer scribe. Break off the tubing at the score
mark so that the break is clean and square.
Injector A
Injector A
Injector B
6. Insert the column into the capillary injector fitting. Hand-tighten the column nut ¼ turn past finger tight.
Using two ¼-inch wrenches tighten the column nut only until the column cannot be pulled out of the
fitting. Do not over tighten column nuts. Over tightening can cause damage to the ferrule and/or
Condition the Column: At the PPC panel, set the carrier gas flow at 1 mL/ min, oven temperature at 250
C (isothermal) for 2 hours.
2. Slide the septum, 1/16-inch column nut and 1/16-inch graphite/Vesper ferrule over the end of the
3. Slide the septum, column nut, and ferrule along the column to the position shown below. Score
and break 1.0 cm off the end of the column. Wipe the column with a methanol dampened lab
tissue to remove fingerprint on the column or wear glove during the installation of the column.
4. Carefully insert the column end to the transfer line into mass spectrometer until it is visible inside the
Plug Handle and Sight.
The correct position of the column end should be aligned with the edge of the circle
5. Hold the column and slide the column nut and ferrule to the transfer line and tighten the nut until hand
tight. Slide the septum until flush against the rear of column nut and this mark as the position of the
column end.
6. Pull back the column until the distance between nut and septum is 10mm. Then use the 10 mm
positioning tool (Gauge) to set the column nut at this position by placing the slot in the 10 mm Gauge
over the column between the nut and the septum. At this point be careful to avoid moving the septum
from its position on the column.
7. Remove the Plug Handle and Sight tool and reinsert back the inner source. Close the SQ8T MS access
8. Using the 5 mm and 1/4 inch crescent wrenches, tighten the column nut until the ferrule is crimped
onto the column, making leak-free seal and making sure that the 10 mm spacing is retained between the
end of the column nut and the septum. Remove the 100m Gauge and column is now completely
installed into the MS.
9. Setup all the connection cable from GC-MS to the computer and carrier gas flow piping into GC-MS.
Part B: Preparing MS for Calibration
Starting up the GC-MS system and TurboMass Program
1. Turn on carrier gas (default Helium gas) and check inlet pressure (70-100 psi).
2. Turn on GC-MS and at the MS check for red light yellowish green light blinking.
3. Power on PC and wait for Windows loading into stable.
4. Make sure connection cable from GC-MS is connected into PC Ethernet port and check for connection
status in the Control Panel.
5. Turn on TurboMass.
1. Click ‘File” then ‘Project Wizard’ and enter ‘Project Name’ and ‘Description’ in the pop-up window.
2. Create project using ‘Default’ or existing project as template or Create new project
Air/Water check (Leak Test)
TunePage icon
2. Before doing anything, check the ‘Inlet Line Temperature’ and ‘Source Temperature’ and make sure
both temperatures value is at 50c. This is to ensure that the inlet and source does not heat up
immediately as system try to read the last saved memory. When turning on the system as it may oxidize
and become black when heated up with high oxygen content inside.
5. Key in the masses, span and gain as the table below into TunePage.
6. Click ‘Press for Operate’ to check for the leaking in the system
7. In normal cases, water percentage is high initially as introduce moisture to the system when changing
the column, heat the oven to 250c for 30 minutes and then cool down to 50c to remove all the
water/moisture in the system. Repeat the process if the water mass percentage is still high.
8. Tighten the 1/16’ nut at the transfer line and injector at every heat-up and cool-down time.
- In a leak free system, the percentage of helium mass must be 100%, since is a carrier gas; percentage
of water mass is 10%; mass of nitrogen should be less than 10% and oxygen mass should be lower
than 25% of nitrogen percentage and 5% of helium mass. Leaking is presence if percentile is more
than stated above and turns off filament immediately to prevent it from oxidizing.
9. Increase the temperature of ‘Inlet Line Temperature’ and ‘Source Temperature’ to 250c after 30
minutes pump down time, as in this period of time, water content is low enough to prevent damage to
the inner source and inlet line. Now you have a leak free system and safe condition to run the GC-MS.
1. Before starting the tuning of the system, click ‘Save As’ to save a new tune file as tunexxxxxx.ipr,
example: tune15052013.ipr. This file will be located in C:\TurboMass\ProjectName\ACQUDB.
2. By using PFTBA (perfluorotributylamine) as reference gas, input the masses, span and gain as below in
the TunePage.
3. Click to open Reference Gas Valve and allow reference gas flow in the system.
4. Press for Operate’ and print screen the TunePage as record for easy viewing.
5. Click ‘option’, open ‘UltraTune’ and ‘Custom/Auto Tune’.
7. Monitor the peak and percentage of the graphs, picture below show desired graph shapes and
8. Click ‘Press for Standby' and no need to pump out reference gas if need to continue carry out the mass
calibration process.
Mass Calibration
1. Before starting the calibration of the system, click ‘Save As’ to save a new calibration file as
calxxxxxx.cal, example: cal15052013.cal. This file will be located in
5. Injector A is CAP injector, set it to ‘0’ when not used, while injector B is PSSI, temperature
programmable, set it ‘On’ and insert the temperature programming into the table above.
- Carrier gas default value for injector B.
6. Carrier gas setting according to chromatography method with flow value of 1ml/min.
7. Set Detector A temperature to ‘0’ to turn off the detector, as it’s a FID, while we are using a MS
8. Save the GC method as xxxx.mth into the ACQUDB folder in TurboMass folder.
Create MS method
3. Key in the solvent delay, taking BTEX in methanol as example, solvent peak will be shown in the
spectrum if solvent delay is not set, causing the pe4aks for the BTEX sample to be very low.
- Default setting.
4. Method setting.
5. Save the MS method as xxxx.exp into the ACQUDB folder in TurboMass folder.
Create a sample list
1. Right click then click ‘Customize Display’ then ‘OK’, to display the selected information in the TurboMass
5. Press ‘Ok’ in the pop-up window and GC-MS will run automatically.
Part D: Data Processing (Method Qualification)
1. Check the chromatogram after the run has finished, click ‘View Chromatogram’.
2. Click on the clock icon to view real-time chromatogram during the progress of analysis.
3. Right click on any of the peak of the chromatogram window; it will pop up a ‘Spectrum’ window.
4. Press ‘F1’ on the Spectrum window it will search automatically using NIST library search.
7. We uses BTEX as sample and the spectrum from the chromatogram show that this peak is ortho-xylene.
11. Click ‘Process’ then ‘Purity’ to check the purity of each peak. If the purity of each peak if not high enough
or in a desired value, choose a chromatography data from a high sample concentration.
12. From the chromatogram, major peaks has 100% purity show is formed by 100% of a single compound,
run the MS another for confirmation if desired.
Part E: MS Method for Acquire Data (Full Scan + SIR for BTEX)
By using Full Scan method in the mass spectrometer, we can expect to see 5 distinct peaks of retention time
from BTEX compound. By analyzing the compound using NIST search through the retention time peaks, we can
roughly identify the 5 peaks are given by benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, meta & para-xylene and ortho-
xylene. To further increase confidence of the identification, we use the BTEX sample with 100ppm. Since we
have 5 different retention time peaks, we can conduct a full scan together with SIR scan to further identify the
compound presence in BTEX. SIR stands for selective ion recording in MS, scans a selective part of mass
spectrum according to the different elution time of compound out from the chromatography column. Each SIR
scan will generate a specific mass spectrum of individual scanning period, which the spectrum data is used in the
data processing and quantifying method.
1. Open the MS Method Editor. It will show the full scan method that being set during the initial MS scan.
2. Click on the SIR icon to manipulate the SIR scan.
3. It will show a ‘Function: 2 SIR’ pop-up window and key in the mass of mother ion, qualifier ion, dwell and
retention window. Click ‘Add’ when finish a set of molecular mass. Example of benzene SIR according to
the table prepared above:
4. Click ‘Ok’ when finish adding the data and the Scan Function window will show SIR of benzene from time
2.1 to 2.3 minutes.
5. Continue adding the data of other compound
10. Highlight function number 2 to 6 by holding down ‘ALT’ button and select the ‘Add Trace’ option to stack
up the chromatogram of every SIR over the full scan chromatogram. Then, click ‘Ok’.
11. It will display a chromatogram with 6 functions. The small square beside each chromatogram indicates
the highlighted chromatogram.
Part F: Data Processing (Method Quantification)
By generating the every chromatogram for each compound in BTEX, we can use the chromatogram to
quantify our sample by creating a calibration curve. By using 100ppm BTEX as standard sample, create a
calibration curve using individual SIR chromatogram and quantify for every other BTEX’s ppm analyte.
Function number
according to the
chromatogram. Eg.
Benzene spectrum is
function number 2
2. In the spectrum window, click ‘Edit’ then ‘Copy Spectrum List’, then paste the spectrum into the Method
Editor window by clicking ‘Edit’ then ‘Paste Spectrum’.
3. Fill in all the data for each of the five compounds in the BTEX compound.
4. Save the file as BTEX.mdb by clicking ‘File’ then ‘Save As’ into the MethDB folder.
5. After editing the quantify method, highlight the samples that wanted to be quantify, click ‘Quantify’
then ‘Process Samples’
Integrate sample Integrates all the sample data files named in the peak list.
Calibrate standard Uses Integration results to form Quantify calibration curves
from all the data files in the Sample List.
Quantify samples Uses Integration results and Quantify calibration curves to
calculate compound concentrations from all the data files in
the Sample List
Print quality report Produces hard copies of the results of integration and
Quantify from sample to sample Sets the range of samples in the sample list that will be
6. Check the quantify sample number is matching with the selected compound in the Sample List, then
click ‘Ok’. In the example we uses sample number 8 to 11 for quantify.
7. A pop-up window ‘Quantify-Summary’ showing the summary of response and ppm of each BTEX
concentration quantified according to the BTEX 100ppm data.
Show current peak
8. Click on the ‘Show Current Peak’ icon to display the calibration curve of individual BTEX concentration.
9. Click ‘Display’, then ‘View’. Tick on ‘Curve’, ‘Residuals’ ‘Show summary window’ then click ‘Ok’ to display
the information. In this example, uses BTEX 5ppm as display example.
- In this window it displays the data of calibration curve, chromatogram, review spectra and ion ratio
data. Double click on #8 to display all the information of BTEX at 5ppm.