G7 Lesson Plan 2
G7 Lesson Plan 2
G7 Lesson Plan 2
Caraga Administrative Region
Schools Division of Siargao
EN7LT-IVh-3: Explain how a selection may be influenced by culture, history, environment, or
other factors
1. Examine why the literary piece “I am a Filipino” by Carlos P. Romulo greatly exhibits
patriotism and love for country.
2. Perform a short skit portraying the culture and history of Tayabenses which are exemplified
throughout the selection.
3. Imbibe the spirit of patriotism through the readings on culture, history, and environment.
1. K to 12 Curriculum G (May, 2016), p. 162
2. Learning Package (Fourth Quarter), pp. 6-9
Task 1: Jumpstart!
Directions: You will be divided into groups according to your own skills/abilities. Let us discover
the things that make us a true-blooded Filipino by accomplishing the following. Please be
guided by the rubrics as provided by your teacher.
Guide Questions:
1. What are the important details about the Philippines that you have seen in the presentation
of your classmates?
2. How do you describe the Filipino race?
3. Do Filipinos of today love the Philippines better than the way our forefathers loved our land
years ago?
4. In your own thoughts, what are the future stores for us Filipinos?
Directions: Together with your group mates, brainstorm the valuable details and great
messages given by Romulo through his selection.
Task 3: Sum It Up!
Directions: Make generalizations based on the story by means of completing the statements.
1. I am a Filipino for I ___________________________________________________.
2. Filipino is a great race because _______________________________________.
3. Our experiences in the past taught us to ______________________________.
4. I will protect our freedom as a nation by ______________________________.
Directions: Complete the chart below by expressing your duty and obligation to the country
through the different period of time.
Task 5: Lights, Camera, Action!
Tayabenses, just like the typical Filipinos, have also endured struggles as they were enslaved by the past, meet
the challenges of the present, and believe in the promise of the future. In accordance to the selection, “I am a
Filipino,” groups will be selected and they should present a short skit with the following themes: