Truth About Charm PDF
Truth About Charm PDF
Truth About Charm PDF
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The Truth about charm…
Now “Charm” is a whole other topic on it’s own, and frankly I could write an entire book on
the topic, but for the purposes of this manual we will stick to the basics.
Have you ever met someone who made you feel significant in any way, after having met
If you’re like most people, and can relate to this feeling, then it is safe to say that you were
charmed by them.
If after reading this manual you only remember the few techniques to be more charming, then
you will be VERY well-off.
If you learn how to implement these few practices into your everyday interactions, women,
business contacts, dudes, strangers, strippers, friends, etc. They will ALL be charmed by you,
remember you, and admire you.
Moving on.
If you have ever read the book “How To Win Friends and Influence People” then this should
sound very familiar to you. [If you haven’t read that book, then I don’t know what the fuck
you’re doing, bro :-)]
According Dale Carnegie, the sweetest sound that anybody could ever hear is their name… 2
So naturally the first step to becoming a charming motherfucker is to be the guy who
remembers peoples names!
Simple, right?
I personally used to struggle with remembering names all the time; until I realized how much
of a difference in your personal magnetism it could make.
Most people are actually bad with names. They will ask your name as a formality, and not
remember it 5 seconds later. Aka this means it is a very rare commodity to meet someone
who will remember your name the first time you tell them.
The way I like to do this in a charming way is as follows. If you meet another dude, you will
obviously shake their hand, look them in the eyes and say “Nice to meet you, man.” But if you
meet a chick that you may be interested in, you would also look them in the eyes, but you
would hold the handshake longer than normal, and say “Nice to meet you, (insert name they
told you).”
And obviously when you repeat their name back to them you would emphasize their name,
and say it in a playful way.
Now after you perform that first step, you will make it a point to say their name again a few
minutes later after some light conversation.
For the guys, I’ll introduce them to another one of my friends who might walk by. “Hey mike
(my friend), meet (insert name of person I just met).”
Or at the end of the conversation I’ll simply say “Nice talking to ya, (insert name).”
[Slight tangent: I don’t care if it’s your mom’s friend, the old lady at the cash register, the
Korean lady who lives next door, or an attractive woman you met in a bar.. EVERY woman 3
LOVES to have light and interesting conversations, with a playful undertone. So when I say
you should repeat their name back to them in a playful way, with a little bit of emphasis, I
mean it. This will set the light tone to the conversation, and make them more receptive for
you to potentially tease them about something later in the conversation. Additionally, think
about the people you are able to tease without offending in your life… People you already
know and have some sort of rapport with. When you are able to tease a girl you just met, you
will make her feel as if you guys have more of a connection than normal. Or in her words, “we
just have some natural chemistry.”]
When I bring up their name later in the conversation I will do it in a teasing manner.
“Listen, (insert name)! I don’t care what your opinion is on the French revolution, I still won’t
make out with you!” [Haha I don’t recommend using that as a ‘line’ – it just happened to be
an excerpt from a convo I recently had with a girl. Totally out of context.]
Or I’ll say her name at the end of any statement that I direct towards her.
“That’s actually a very good observation, (insert name). Good job.” [and then I’ll hold my hand
up to high-five them].
But you don’t have to be all fancy and actually tease her. It can be something as simple as
bringing someone else into your conversation [Charisma Mindset] and saying, “Yo, me and
(insert name) were just talking about how cats are the scum of the earth. What do you think?”
Just TRY my Charming method of casually saying someone’s name a few minutes into the
conversation, and you will notice the other person’s eyes light up like a kids’ on Christmas
Remembering names is such a rarity. Start being one of the rare people that actually does it.
Instant Charm and Charisma.
Creating nicknames is one of the easiest ways to make another person feel significant. 4
For example, one of my buddies that I played basketball with in college would give
nicknames to everybody that was on his team, and he called everybody by the nickname he
came up with.
And they were positive nicknames that made us feel better about ourselves as well.
So the nickname he gave me was “Nice” [notice it doesn’t have to be very clever], insinuating
that my moves on the basketball court were “nice.”
Another guy who we regularly played ball with, he called “Coach” because coach was always
telling people what to do… Think about this one. Someone who is always telling other people
what to do would normally be thought of as an “asshole” or “stuck up” or “cocky,” but my
buddy who understood the power of nicknames decided to start calling him “Coach” instead.
“Coach” then became more constructive in his criticism because, after accepting his given
nickname, his self-image became that of someone who is a coaching figure rather than a
domineering player.
In my life right now I have a nickname for just about anybody I see on a regular basis, and I
make it very well known that I call them by a nickname.
One of my friends, for instance, is the president of his class in the school he goes to so I call
him “Mr. President.”
Another one of my buddies has the last name of “Ho,” so lets say if his first name is Alex.
When I first see him, without fail I yell out “Alex Ho Fo Sho! What up doe.”
I find it entertaining. Alex isn’t offended, and since I am the only one who does that with him,
he feels more connected to me, and charmed by me, rather than if I were to simply just call
him Alex every time I see him.
A girl I know, her name is Shari, so I call her “My Shari Amour” like the line from that famous
Stevie Wonder song.
There is another girl I know who always is working and rarely comes out to our social events,
so I call her “All Work No Play.” 5
These nicknames, as you can tell, are not too clever, but since they are unique and not
offensive to the person I give them too, we now have a deeper connection created.
I highly encourage you doing this to just about everybody. Even if you just met them.
[You’ll also find that when you give someone another name, it is harder for you to forget their
actual name.. I don’t know why.]
End-all-be-all of Charm Techniques #3: Lead The Subject Of Conversation Back To Them.
Earlier when talking about how you should adopt the ADD mindset while conversing with
people. Included in this mentality was the fact that you can easily change the topic to
anything that YOU find more interesting – no transition needed.
Yes, this is my technique, so obviously it works wonders. HOWEVER, if you are always
changing topics away from things that other people bring up, then it can start to lead to
So naturally, after encountering this little hiccup I innovated my way to a solution that not only
makes you more interesting to talk to, but also makes the other person feel charmed by you.
This is the solution. Charismatic people, who are also charming, are able to consistently
bring the conversation full-circle.
Let’s give an example. If you and a person are having a conversation and they mention the
fact that they for some reason love broccoli. And I get bored of talking about green
vegetables, and instantly bring in the topic of how ‘news sources are saying that Kobe Bryant
may retire next year…’
Well after I give my spiel about Kobe Bryant and how he is the best player since Jordan, I can
and should bring it back to something the other person said earlier.
So in this example I can say something like, “You know Kobe is actually the best because of
everything he does off the court. Did you know that Kobe eats super healthy almost all the
time. His body is a temple, and only the best foods go in, which lead to optimal performance 6
on the court… So that’s awesome that you have a strange obsession with broccoli; maybe you
could be the best at something too.”
And listen, it doesn’t even have to be a clever way of bringing the conversation back to them..
As long as you are somehow able to relate what you were saying to something they said, you
accomplish the goal of making them feel charmed.
This conversational judo accomplishes two things. You talk about what YOU want to talk
about without looking selfish, and you make the other person feel significant because you
show them that you were actually listening and remember the small details of what they were
A lot of times, especially when in a highly charged social environment, compliments never
seem to have very much of a positive effect on people’s impression of the compliment giver.
If you compliment someone on something that they were maybe a little self-conscious about,
then it will obviously have a greater effect.
But 95% of compliments are weak, and not very unique at all. When you get the combination
of weak & not unique, you come across as not genuine, even if it was a sincere compliment.
Two, they should be said for yourself because you enjoy giving off positive vibes, and
definitely NOT because you want any sort of reaction from the other person. [Go back to the
discussion on a gentleman vs. nice guy.]
Three, not dwelled upon for any period of time after the compliment is delivered. 7
Instead of telling a girl “You look nice today.” Say “I actually think it’s fucking awesome that
you are also a dog person, but at the same time hate those little dogs that yip because their
brain is the size of a walnut. Like I never meet anyone who has the same taste in dogs as me.”
<— unique
[bonus: every now and then I’ll throw in a little teasing comment at the end of a unique
compliment, “…but seriously stop trying to be so much like me.” Something simple that just
amplifies the effect of the next part of indifferent compliments.]
This next step is the key: change the subject right away.
A lot of guys get this wrong because they will compliment someone [guy or girl] and then stay
on the subject of their compliment. They think if they keep talking about the nice thing they
just said, the other person will value the compliment more; which is not at all how it works.
Truthfully, if for example you gave that compliment from above and stayed on the topic of
dogs, or just kind of sat back and tried to get a positive response out of the compliment it
would convey that you said the nice comment for their reaction. Aka needy behavior.
However, if you changed the topic instantly though, it’s almost as if you injected some good
emotions into them, and then took it away.
Taking it away actually plays on one of the cognitive biases of the human brain – Scarcity;
which in a nutshell just means that we value what we don’t have very much of.
The Scarcity bias is also why we as humans want what we cannot have.
So a way I can inject scarcity into the example from above is I’d instantly say something like
“But you know what is really awesome?” and they would say, “What?” and I’d go, “Chipotle
burritos. Like that stuff is seriously crack.. but healthy.”
This last part conveys non-neediness, indifference, and that you do things for yourself rather
than anybody else. Which all leads to you being the source of a whirlwind of charming
emotions that draws people to you. 8
The take-away also ends that part of the interaction at the emotional peak. It’s like if a story
was ended right after the author got to the climax.. You would wonder what was going to
happen next.
Which is why many popular movies end with a cliffhanger. It keeps the audience intrigued
even after the movie is over.
Notice how he takes it all away from her, and walks away with no problem.
She was literally as unwelcoming as she could possibly be, but the fact that he took it away
turned a very cold situation hot. We want what we can’t have. <— Fact.
If you are in a social situation, it is impossible to argue against the fact that we would be
drawn towards someone who is smiling vs. not smiling. It’s just the way it is.
If you see a group of people in a venue, and one group is laughing, smiling, and appears to
be having a good time; you would most likely want to go hang out with those people over
another group who all looks bored, and tired.
So this is benefit #1 of smiling, you appear more fun to people around you. 9
Benefit #2 would be that when you choose to smile, even when you don’t necessarily feel like
it, your body language will convey back to your brain that “Right now, I’m actually happy.”
And you’ll start to actually feel happy.
Benefit #3, you will literally become more physically attractive by smiling.
The less you smile, the weaker those muscles will be.
The more you smile, the stronger those muscles will be.
Stronger smiling muscles lead to a stronger smile, which leads to a more attractive smile.
So many people are worried about getting their abs defined, but neglect to work out their
smile, and then they wonder why the only friends they have are dumbbells.
That being said, you now have all the tools to charm the PANTS off of
literally anyone.
Go out there. 10