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1.1 Start
PICO: Research Questions for Health Sciences
1.2 Welcome
Welcome to the PICO: Research Questions for Health Sciences tutorial!
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Try to think about things like, how would you describe a group of patients? Or, is
there a group or community that you are interested in?
Think about characteristics like sex, race, age, geographical location, health
issue or disease and so on.
Ask yourself, what intervention or therapy are you considering? What hazards
has your patient been exposed to?
For example, if you’re interested in treating diabetes you might be interested in a
particular diet as a type of intervention.
Or, if you want to mitigate health concerns from a public health disaster like
contaminated water, lead might function as your exposure.
1.7 C: Comparison
The C stands for Comparison.
Limit yourself to one comparison as comparing more than two options can make
your question too complex.
1.8 O: Outcome
The O stands for Outcome.
What can you hope to accomplish, measure, improve or affect? What are you
trying to do for the patient? Choose the best treatment? Relieve or eliminate
symptoms? Prevention?
Put some thought into your outcome, how would a researcher measure this
outcome? Is your outcome actually measurable? What would be a significant
change in the outcome?
1.10 PICO
Population P
Patient P
Problem P
Intervention I
Comparison C
Outcome O
Other Variables
Opposing Views
You are a physical therapist; one of your aides says she has heard that tai chi is
an effective therapy for preventing and reducing the risk of falls in the elderly.
She recommends implementing tai chi as part of a physical therapy routine for
some of your elderly patients who are at risk of falling.
1.12 Topic-P
What is the P for this topic?
1.13 Topic-I
What is the I or intervention in this scenario?
1.14 Topic-C
What is the C?
1.15 Topic-O
What is the O for this topic?
As a student or researcher you would do the same with your particular topic or
area of interest.
Review the scenario and select the correct options that correspond to the P, I, C,
O in PICO.
Here are a couple of sample questions from the first topic we looked at.
If there is no explicit C then the comparison can be left out of the question.
First, consider what other words might be used to describe your question and the
concepts you are interested in?
Here, you can see suggested synonyms and related ideas for our topic. Now you
are ready to start searching research databases to find relevant information.
• explain what PICO is & what the letters P I C & O stand for
• apply the PICO framework to a specific topic or scenario
• formulate an answerable research question using PICO
1.21 Conclusion
Congratulations, you’ve completed the PICO tutorial!
3.1 Credits
The sources and images used in the PICO tutorial are listed here.