Parents Guide To 6th Grade Math PDF

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Parents’ Guide to 6th Grade

Math + Practice Worksheets

Parents’ Guide to 6th Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets

Table of Contents

Introduction 3

CCSS Review 4

Critical Areas of Focus 5

Overview of Topics 6

The Truth about CCSS and Performance 9

How to Help Your Child Succeed Beyond CCSS 14

Worksheets 16

Worksheet Answer Key 21

Parents’ Guide to 6th Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets

Many educators, politicians, and parents

believe the instruction of mathematics in
the United States is in crisis mode, and has
been for some time. Indeed, recent test
results show that American 15-year-olds
were outperformed by 29 other countries
on math testing scores. 1 To help counter
this crisis, educational, civic, and business
leaders worked together to develop the
Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The goal of Common Core is to establish
consistent, nationwide guidelines of what children should be learning each school
year, from kindergarten all the way through high school, in English and math.
Though CCSS sets forth these criteria, states and school districts are tasked with
developing curricula to meet the standards.

The 2014-15 school year will be important for Common Core as the standards
are fully implemented in many remaining states of the 43 (and the District of
Columbia) that have embraced their adoption. CCSS has its advocates as well as
its critics, and the debate on its merits has become more pronounced in recent
months. Irrespective of the political differences with Common Core, its concepts
are critical for students because the standards help with understanding the
foundational principles of how math works. This guide steers clear of most of the
controversy surrounding CCSS and primarily focuses upon the math your sixth-
grader will encounter.

U.S. Students Slide in Global Ranking on Math, Reading, Science;; Dec. 13, 2013 3
Parents’ Guide to 6th Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets

CCSS Review
A stated objective of Common Core is many state standards, which mandate
to standardize academic guidelines a “mile-wide, inch-deep” curriculum
nationwide. In other words, what in which children are being taught
sixth-graders are learning in math so much in a relatively short span
in one state should be the same as of time that they aren’t effectively
what students of the same age are becoming proficient in the concepts
learning in another state. The curricula they truly need to succeed at the next
may vary between these two states, level. Hence, CCSS works to establish
but the general concepts behind an incredibly thorough foundation not
them are similar. This approach is only for the math concepts in future
intended to replace wildly differing grades, but also toward practical
guidelines among different states, thus application for a lifetime.
eliminating (in theory) inconsistent
For sixth grade, Common Core’s focus
test scores and other metrics that
includes ratios, division of fractions,
gauge student success.
negative numbers, and variables.
An increased focus on math would Ultimately, this focus will enable
seem to include a wider variety of children to develop rigor in real-
topics and concepts being taught at life situations by developing a base
every grade level, including sixth of conceptual understanding and
grade. However, CCSS actually calls procedural fluency.
for fewer topics at each grade level.
The Common Core approach (which
is clearly influenced by so-called
“Singapore Math”—an educational
initiative that promotes mastery
instead of memorization) goes against

Parents’ Guide to 6th Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets

Critical Areas of Focus

Fasten your seatbelts: Sixth-graders are in for a wild ride this year in math.
Many new concepts, such as negative numbers and variables, are introduced,
but students’ previous learning will set them up nicely for learning these
topics. Furthermore, much of what debuts in sixth grade provides some
foundation for the algebra in the near future. Here are the four critical areas
that Common Core brings to sixth-grade math:

expanded to include all four quadrants

on the coordinate plane.
Students not only apply their
Expressions and Equations
proficiency of multiplication and
division that they learned in earlier In what may be the strongest preview
grades, they also use fractions of future algebra, students will learn to
extensively to solve problems about solve one-step equations using variables
ratios and rates (e.g, if a recipe uses (e.g, x+10=17, solve for x). Sixth-graders
4 cups of flour to make 20 cookies, will also rewrite equations in equivalent
how many cups are needed to make 5 forms and understand that a solution is
cookies?). the values of the variables that make an
equation true.
Division of Fractions, Negative Numbers

Negative numbers are introduced, Statistical Thinking

with an emphasis on negative rational As they develop their ability to think

numbers, negative integers, and statistically, sixth-graders will learn
absolute value. In the last of the four about mean, median, and mode, and they
basic operations they will apply to will start describing data distributions.
fractional equations, students learn to They will also learn about measures and
divide fractions by fractions. The graph variability and the effect of outliers.
system, on which students previously
were working with only one quadrant, is

Parents’ Guide to 6th Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets

Overview of Topics
From the four critical areas of focus discussed in the previous section, Common
Core also further clarifies the skills sixth-graders should know by the end
of the school year. For example, the fluency requirement at this level is
multi-digit division and multi-digit operations with decimals. The five topics
presented here, taken directly from CCSS itself, 2 include some specifics on
what kids will be taught in Grade 6.

Ratios and Proportional Relationships

• Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems.

The concept of ratios will be taught; for example, every soccer team in the
league has 12 players, so the ratio of players to teams is 12:1. From this
concept is introduced the idea that a unit rate of a ratio a:b is the same as
a/b (e.g., if the soccer team has 2 goalkeepers out of its 12 players, 1/6
of the team are goalies). Once ratios are understood, students will solve
real-world math problems including ratios of time and speed, unit pricing,
percentages, and measurement.

The Number System

• Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division

to divide fractions by fractions. This is exactly how it sounds: Students will
become proficient in dividing fractions by fractions. Then, they will apply
this concept to word problems.

• Compute fluently with multi-digit numbers and find common factors and
multiples. By the end of sixth grade, students complete their fluency of the
four basic operations and will be able to add, subtract, multiply, or divide
any multi-digit number, either whole or including decimals. Also, they will
learn to find the greatest common factor (GCF) of two numbers of 100 or
less and the least common multiple (LCM) of two numbers not greater
than 12.

Grade 4: Introduction, Common Core State Standards Initiative 6
Parents’ Guide to 6th Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets
• Apply and extend previous • They will apply the distributive
understandings of numbers to the property to reach equivalent

system of rational numbers. The equations. For example, 2 (x + 4) is

the same as 2x + 8.
concept of negative numbers are
emphasized, particularly in real-world • They will be able to identify when
quantities (e.g., temperature, budgets, equations are equivalent. For
example, x + x + 2x is equivalent to
and so on). Rational numbers and
5x - x.
absolute value are introduced, as well
as the role of 0 on the number line. • Reason about and solve
Finally, word problems will include one-variable equations and
graphing points in all four quadrants of inequalities. With these algebraic
a coordinate plane. concepts down, sixth-graders will
begin to solve simple equations
Expressions and Equations and inequalities that include
one variable. They will also use
• Apply and extend previous
substitution to determine if an
understandings of arithmetic to
equation is true.
algebraic expressions. Among the
subjects taught: • Represent and analyze quantitative
relationships between dependent
• Students will begin to identify and and independent variables.
evaluate expressions that replace
Students will solve problems
letters for numbers (e.g., add x to 8 to
that use variables to represent
get x + 8).
two quantities that change in
• They will identify parts of an expression relationship to one another. For
using the terms they have learned from example, how far would a train
previous grades (e.g., quotient, factor, that goes 50 miles per hour travel
sum, and so on). in a certain number of hours? If d
• They will create and evaluate represents distance and t equals
expressions using whole-number time, then d = 50t. The equation can
exponents. change if the train goes faster or
• They will apply the order of operations slower.
to equations, especially those without

Parents’ Guide to 6th Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets

has a center (mean, median, and

mode), a spread (interquartile range,
• Solve real-world problems involving mean absolute deviation, and outliers),
area, surface area, and volume. and an overall shape.
Concepts taught in sixth grade include: • Summarize and describe distributions.
Sixth-graders will display data
• Students will solve for the area of
on a number line, including dot
right triangles, special quadrilaterals,
plots, histograms, and box plots.
and other polygons by composing the
shapes into rectangles or decomposing Furthermore, they will summarize data

them into triangles and other shapes. sets in relation to context, including by
reporting the number of observations,
• The will learn how to find the volume of
describing the nature of the attribute
a right prism.
(e.g., how it was measured), by mean
• They will draw polygons in the and median, and by identifying
coordinate plane based on given
patterns in relation to the center.
vertices, and they will apply this
concept to word problems.

• They will represent three-dimensional

problems using nets of rectangles and
triangles to find surface area.

Statistics and Probability

• Develop understanding of statistical

variability. Students will be taught the
definition of a statistical question as one
that anticipates variability (for example,
asking someone’s age with the knowledge
the answer could be within a range of
numbers). Also, they will learn that data
collected to answer a statistical question

Parents’ Guide to 6th Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets

The Truth About CCSS and Performance

Common Core aims to improve educational performance and standardize
what students should learn at every grade in preparation for a lifetime of
application, but it does not set curricula, nor does it direct how teachers
should teach. As with any educational reform, some teachers, schools, and
school districts will struggle with CCSS, some will seamlessly adapt, and some
will thrive. As a parent, your responsibility is to monitor what your sixth-grader
is learning, discover what is working or isn’t working for your child, and to
communicate with his or her teacher—and to accept that your children’s math
instruction does differ from what you learned when you were younger, or even
what they might have learned last year. The transition can be a little daunting
for parent and student alike, but that’s not a product of the standard itself.
Common Core simply takes a new, more pointed approach to improving the
quality of math instruction in this country.

The Benefits

As previously mentioned, CCSS the multitude of ingredients required

decreases the number of topics for so many offerings, and the
students learn at each grade. However, efficiency (or lack thereof) of the staff.
the remaining topics are covered so Because the second restaurant only
extensively that the chances a child serves three items, mastering those
will master the corresponding skills three items efficiently should result
increase. An analogy to this approach in an excellent customer experience.
is comparing two restaurants. One That’s not to say the first restaurant
restaurant has a varied menu with won’t succeed (because many do), but
dozens of items; the other only serves there’s always a chance that something
hamburgers, fries, and milk shakes. The on the menu won’t live up to the
quality of the food at the first restaurant business’s own expectations.
may vary upon the cooks’ experience,

Parents’ Guide to 6th Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets

By reducing the number of math learned at one level translate into

topics taught, Common Core helps the tools they need to learn at the
ensure students are truly ready for next level. This coherence would
what comes next. Given the attention seem an obvious educational
given to the included concepts, more approach, but often, there is no
practical applications and alternate link—students are taught a skill in
operations of the math can be sixth grade that might not be used
explored. (and might have to be re-taught) until
eighth. Each new concept in Common
Coinciding with the reduction of topics
Core is an extension of a previous,
is an emphasis on vigor—achieving a
already learned concept.
“deep command” of the math being
taught. Students will be challenged
to understand the concepts behind
mathematical operations rather than
just resorting to rote memorization
and processes to get a right answer.
Speed and accuracy are still important;
kids won’t be getting away that easily
from flash cards and quizzes that
increase fluency. Moreover, Common
Core places even additional emphasis
on practical application—after all, the
math kids learn now will be important
when they become adults, even if
they never have to think about prime
numbers or symmetrical lines in their
day-to-day lives.

Finally, CCSS links standards from

grade to grade so that the skills

Parents’ Guide to 6th Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets

Math Practices to Help Improve Performance

In addition to the grade-specific standards it sets forth, Common Core also

emphasizes eight “Standards of Mathematical Practice” that teachers at all
levels are encouraged to develop in their students. 3 These eight practices,
designed to improve student performance, are described here, with added
information on how they apply to sixth-graders.

Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them

Students explain the problem to themselves and determine ways they can reach
a solution. Then, they work at the problem until it’s solved. This CCSS math
practice encourages students to take their time to read and try understanding
the problem, emphasizing that the process is ultimately important even if it
doesn’t result in a correct answer. Sixth-graders, for example, might create a
table of numbered pairs to better understand a ratio. Students this age will also
be encouraged to visualize the problem in order to better reach a solution.

Reason abstractly and quantitatively

Students decontextualize and

contextualize problems. By
decontextualizing, they break down the
problem into anything other than the
standard operation. By contextualizing,
they apply math into problems that
seemingly have none. For example,
sixth-graders may decontextualize
by drawing a number line to solve an
equation involving negative numbers. Kids this age who are contextualizing
may add variables into an equation that doesn’t otherwise have any.

Standards for Mathematical Practice, Common Core State Standards Initiative 11
Parents’ Guide to 6th Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets

Construct viable arguments and

critique the reasoning of others

Students use their acquired math

knowledge and previous results to
explain or critique their work or the
work of others. Sixth-graders may
be asked to work in teams to solve
a problem or set of problems, then
present their work to the class.

Model with mathematics

This is just like it sounds: Students use math to solve real-world problems.
Sixth-graders can be challenged to take the math skills they have learned into
their own lives. For example, a student may use ratios and variable equations
to determine how many lawns could be mowed in 30 hours if it takes 6 hours to
mow 4 lawns.

Use appropriate tools strategically

Another self-explanatory practice: Students learn and determine which tools

are best for the math problem at hand. By sixth grade, most of the tools used
will be abstract (kids this age likely aren’t counting out objects anymore), but
coordinate graphs, number lines, and histograms are still important methods that
help students arrive at the answers they need.

Parents’ Guide to 6th Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets

Attend to precision

Students strive to be exact and meticulous—period. A great thing about ratios

and variable equations: Answers can be easily and efficiently double-checked,
and sixth-graders will be expected to review an answer to ensure they were
correct. Here’s another example of the importance of precision: Students
can use the distributive property to express the sum of two whole numbers
between 1 and 100 with a common factor as a multiple of a sum of two whole
numbers with no common factor—e.g., 36+8 can also be expressed as 4 (9+2).

Look for and make use of structure

Students will look for patterns and structures within math and apply these
discoveries to subsequent problems. For example, solving for x in an equation
might be as simple as adding or subtracting the variable from each side—a
basic algebraic principle that will help sixth-graders with variable expressions.
Another example: The smaller number in negative inequality (e.g., -7 < -3) will
always be to the right of the larger
number on the number line, which is
the reverse of a positive inequality.

Look for and express regularity in

repeated reasoning

Students come to realizations—“a-

ha” moments is a good term for
these realizations—about the math
operations that they are performing
and use this knowledge in subsequent
problems. For example, a sixth-grader might realize that 30 percent of a
quantity is the same as 30/100 times the quantity. He or she can then use that
knowledge when solving other problems involving percentages.

Parents’ Guide to 6th Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets

How to Help Your Children Succeed

Beyond CCSS
Some of parents’ trepidation with Common Core isn’t so much with the guidelines
themselves, but with the testing now aligned with CCSS via local math curricula.
Standardized testing was stressful for students and parents before; with the
ongoing Common Core implementation, many families simply don’t know what to

Fortunately, CCSS does not have to be that stressful, for you or your sixth-grader.
Here are some tips to help your children succeed with Common Core math:

Be informed; be involved Give them some real-world math

If Common Core concerns you, intrigues A basic tenet of Common Core is to

you, or confuses you, don’t hesitate to apply math principles to real-world
learn as much about it—in your child’s situations. Why not start now? Give
classroom, at your kids’ school, and your child math problems when
on a national level. Talk with teachers, you are out and about—the store,
principals, and other parents. Seek in traffic, the park, and so on. For
advice on how you can help your kids, example, if you are on a road trip
and yourself, navigate CCSS math. with your child, and a highway sign
If you want to take further action, says your destination is 200 miles
become involved with PTA or other away, ask him or her to estimate
organizations and committees that how much time will pass before your
deal with your school’s curriculum. The arrival if you continue driving the
more you know, the more, ultimately, speed limit.
you can help your child.

Parents’ Guide to 6th Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets

Take time to learn what they are learning Seek more help if necessary

You might look at a worksheet If your sixth-grader is struggling with

your child brings home and think, the new math standards, talk with his or
“This isn’t the math I’m used to.” her teacher first. You then might want
Because Common Core emphasizes to seek outside resources to help your
understanding the process of arriving child. Several online resources provide
at an answer, your child may be taught math help, including worksheets and
additional ways to fry a mathematical sample tests that conform to Common
egg, so to speak. Instead of shunning Core standards. Tutoring might be an
these approaches, learn them for option you consider as well. Innovative
yourself. Once you comprehend these iPad-based math programs have emerged
additional methods, you will be better that combine the personalized approach
able to help your child comprehend of a tutor with today’s technology. This
them as well. revolutionary approach also may feature
a curriculum based on Common Core,
Encourage them to show their work thus ensuring your child’s learning at
home is aligned with what he or she is
This suggestion can be read two ways.
learning at school.
First, students will be encouraged to
show how they arrived at an answer,
especially within Common Core.
Second, ask your children to show
you their homework, particularly the
challenging stuff. Explaining how
a problem is solved is a basic CCSS
tenet, so if your kids can be confident
in explaining their work to you, they
will carry that confidence into the
classroom when the teacher asks for
those same explanations.

Parents’ Guide to 6th Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets

Ratio and Proportion

Enter the ratio of number of boxes to number of Write unit rate as a fraction in its simplest form
cupcakes as a fraction in its simplest form: Mason traveled 164 miles in 8 hours. If he traveled
3 boxes for 15 cupcakes the same number of miles each hour, how many
miles did he travel per hour?

Identify all the equivalent ratios: Select the car that is the most efficient
For every 4 students who like Math in Victoria Public A) Car A
School, 8 like Chemistry.
B) Car B
A) 1:2
C) Car C
B) 2:4
C) 8:16
D) 20:10

12 laps in 3 hours = _ laps per hour

Fill in the missing numbers
Steven saved $54 in 3 days. If he saved the same a= _
amount each day, how much money did he save in a b= _
c= _
Which is a better buy? If the value of x is 10, the value of y is _ .
A) 7 items for $50
B) 10 items for $61

Use a 2x multiplication table to write two equivalent

ratios, a/c and b/d. Fill in the missing numbers.
a/c = _ / _
b/d = _ / _

Are these ratios equivalent?

42 books for every 6 notepads
126 books for every 18 notepads
A) Yes
B) No

Parents’ Guide to 6th Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets

The Number System When the point B is reflected over the y-axis, in
which quadrant will the reflected point, B’, lie?
A) Quadrant I
B) Quadrant II
Select the even number smaller than 5 and greater
than -18. C) Quadrant III
A) -9 D) Quadrant IV
B) -6
C) 12
D) -5

Identify the coordinates of the point Z. Fill in the missing number

A) (2, -7) The distance between (4, -2) and (4, 3) is _ units.
B) (-2, 7)
On the map of Jack’s neighborhood, Jack’s home
C) (-7, -2)
is located at (5, 2). The park is located 3 units
D) (-2, -7) right of Jack’s home. What are the coordinates of
the park?

Which is the farthest from Myra’s home?

A) Mall
B) Park
C) Hospital

If the cross is reflected over the y-axis, give the

coordinates of its reflected position.

4 2/5 ÷ 3 7/9

The Highest Common Factor of 24 and 36 is _.

A set of tiles are put as a border of a room. Every

third tile in the border is green and every fifth
tile is checked. Which would be the first checked
green tile?

Parents’ Guide to 6th Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets

Expressions and Equations

Express in an equation form: Mason bought toffees for $3 and z candies

If 8 is subtracted from a number, the answer is costing $0.25 each. Which expression gives the
14. total amount spent by Mason?
A) x - 14 = 8 A) 0.25 × z - 3

B) x + 8 = 14 B) 0.25 × z × 3

C) x + 14 = 8 C) 3 × z + 0.25

D) x - 8 = 14 D) 0.25 × z + 3

If a = -14 and b = 6, what is a x b? Select all the correct options:

A shop sells a DVD for $8 and a CD for $4. Select
the correct combinations that Mia would be able
to buy if she has $40 dollars in hand.
Find the value of the expression, when x = 15.
A) 3 DVDs and 5 CDs
(6 ÷ 2)x - 4
B) 2 DVDs and 6 CDs
C) 4 DVDs and 2 CDs
Identify all the equivalent expressions
A)2p + p D) 5 DVDs and 1 CD

B) 6p ÷ 2
Is this statement true or false?
C) p + p + p + p + p
When n is an integer less than 0, 10n > 1.
D) 6 × p
A) True
B) False
If (30+20) is expressed as 10(2+3), where 10 is
the greatest common factor of 30 and 20, how
can you express (24+28)? Select all the values that would make the
inequality true:
Study the table and define a rule for the output 15 - 4z > 6
A) y = 3x A) 2

B) y = x² + 2 B) -1
Input, x Output, y
C) y = 2x + 2 C) -3
D) 0
D) y = x² 2 6

3 11

4 18

5 27

Parents’ Guide to 6th Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets

Geometry What is the surface area of the net, in square

inches, if each small square measures 1 square

Robert painted the walls and ceiling of two of his

rooms. Each room measures 15 ft × 20 ft × 12 ft.
How many rectangular faces did he paint?

Does the net match the solid figure of a triangular

A) Yes A rectangular pyramid and its net are given. Fill in
the missing number.
B) No
The area of the net is _ cm².

Which solid figure does the net represent?

The area of one of the faces of a closed

rectangular prism is 90 cm². The area of another
face is 126 cm². If the area of the base is 35 cm²,
what is the surface area of the prism in cm²?
A) B)
Emily is building a tent in the shape of a square
pyramid. The area of the base is 25 ft² and the
side and height of each of the triangular faces is
Scroll down to see all the options: 5 ft. How much material, in ft², does Emily need
to build the tent?
Which other faces have the same area as B? Select
all the correct options.
A) A Perimeter of a rectangle is 58 cm and one side is
14 cm. Calculate the area in sq. cm.
B) F
C) C
D) E A cube and its net are given. Fill in the missing
The area of the net is _ ft².

Parents’ Guide to 6th Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets
Statistics and Probability

50 students of grade 5 are asked their ages. In An ice-cream store recorded the different types of ice-
which of these statements can you anticipate more creams sold in a day. The table shows the data.
variability? How many Vanilla ice-creams were sold?
A) What is your age in months?
B) What is your age in years?

Stella collected the price of DVDs sold at the

neighborhood store. The dot plot represents the data
she collected. Describe the shape of data distribution.

Holdings Inc. launched a new website. The number of

A) The distribution is symmetrical. hits on the first 5 days are listed here:
B) The data is clustered. 35, 95, 120, 115, 110
C) The data has an outlier. What is the effect of the outlier on the mean?
A) The outlier increases the mean.
D) The distribution is skewed to the left.
B) The outlier decreases the mean.
Identify the sampling method that the statement C) The outlier has no effect on the mean.
Andrew asks five members of every age group Fill in the missing number
attending the gym about the number of hours in a The time (in seconds) taken by 10 contestants to
week they exercise. complete a puzzle was recorded.
A) Biased B) Random C) Representative
52, 48, 59, 62, 54, 135, 51, 59, 62, 58
The Basketball team of Brentwood High School The mean increases by _ seconds when outlier is
played 5 games in a tournament and their scores are included.
depicted in the Box and Whisker plot.
What was their highest score?
The line graph represents the price of stationery
items at a departmental store.
A) Mean B) Median C) Mode

The sizes of farms (in acres) in Sonoma County and

Ben Hill County are depicted in the histograms. Eva is taking French classes. The following are the
number of new words learned by her over a period of
There are _ more 50-acre farms in Sonoma County
10 days.
than in Ben Hill County.
Sonoma County Ben Hill County 5, 8, 7, 10, 6, 3, 12, 7, 8, 15
80 70
The range of the of the data is _ .
70 60
10 10

0 0
25 50 75 100 25 50 75 100
Size (acres) Size (acres)

Parents’ Guide to 6th Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets

Answer Key

Ratio and Proportion The Number System

1. 1/5 1. B)

2. A), B), C) 2. D)

3. 4 3. (-8, -8)

4. 18 4. A)

5. B) 5. 5

6. 6, 10, 12, 20 6. (8, 2)

7. A) 7. C)

8. 20 1/2 8. 1 14/85

9. C) 9. 12

10. 3, 5, 7, 10 10. 15

Expressions and Equations Geometry Statistics and Probability

1. D) 1. 10 1. A)

2. -84 2. B) 2. A)

3. 41 3. A) 3. C)

4. A), B) 4. B), D) 4. 95

5. 4(6+7) 5. 94 5. 30

6. B) 6. 204 6. 18

7. D) 7. 502 7. B)

8. B), C) 8. 75 8. 7.89

9. B) 9. 210 9. B)

10. A), B), C), D) 10. 96 10. 12

Parents’ Guide to 6th Grade
Math + Practice Worksheets


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