Complete Speed Training Report

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Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
The information, techniques, tips and suggestions contained within this book is
not a substitute for medical advice but rather represents the author’s opinions
and is solely for educational and informational purposes. The author is not
responsible whatsoever for any injury or health condition that may occur from
following the programs and opinions expressed herein. Always consult with your
physician or health care professional before starting any exercise program.

The Complete Speed Training Report

7 Secrets to Dominant Speed

The information I'm going to share with you MUST be implemented as part of
your overall speed development program if you expect to see real results.

I'm not going to beat around the bush; I'm going to tell you exactly what you need
to do in order to make dramatic improvements to your athletes' speed.

I want you to absorb all the information and then think about whether you are
effectively applying these principles to your athletes.

If not, I want to give you a chance to apply them at your next practice. Then you'll
be able to experience just how much of an impact a program like Complete
Speed Training can have on you and your athletes.

The truth is that real speed development involves more than just running a speed
workout on the track every few days. I wish it were as simple as just giving you a
few speed workouts and then sitting back while all your athletes get faster, but
that just isn't the case.

Making your athletes faster is actually easy to do, but only if you specifically
address certain skills in a certain way.

Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
Throughout the course of this clinic, I'll be talking about how important it is that
you be able to teach your athletes how to do certain things in a certain order and
how to correct certain things in specific ways.

Coaches often say to me, "I'm not sure if I know how to teach/correct that drill,
technique, skill or exercise."

And it's a great point to raise.

Here is my response. And I want you to think about this every time you find
yourself in a similar situation:

If you would be 100% confident in teaching or fixing your athletes technique in

any area, while I stood next to you and graded you out loud in front of your
athletes, then (and ONLY then) should you feel comfortable in teaching that skill
to your athletes.

Make sense?

Of course, if you have any questions as we go through these topics, please send
an email to:

OK, OK, enough of all that. Let's get to our first topic!

I know you really want me to hand over all my best speed drills, workouts,
coaching cues and secrets right off the bat.

But that would be putting the cart before the horse.

That's the main problem with most programs...

If you really want to make your athletes faster, the first step you must take
concerns the very first thing that your athletes do each day at practice - The
Warm Up!

I know it doesn't sound too glorious, but if you don't show your athletes an
effective dynamic warm-up, you're asking for some serious problems!

What do I mean?

I still know A LOT of programs that are using static stretching as the primary form
of warming up. You know what I'm talking about. Athletes will jog a lap or two
around the field or around the track, get together in a circle and do those
stretches where you hold one position for an 8 or 10 count.

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I know YOU wouldn't use that as your primary method of warming up, but sadly
some of your colleagues and competitors still do it.

So let me ask you a couple of questions...

How many sports can you think of that involve, at any point, holding a stretch for
10 seconds in order to be successful?

That's right, none. So is that an effective way to get ready to compete or


In fact, studies show that static stretching can reduce power output by up to 20%.
Don't you think that might have a negative effect on the speed and performance
of your athletes?

Many coaches claim to use a dynamic warm-up, but in fact it’s just a series of
poorly taught, poorly executed drills that aren't set up with any rhyme or reason.
Although better than only using the static stretch warm-up, this is still a terrible
way to prepare your athletes to run as hard and fast as they can.

Here are some of the many benefits to the athletes I train that I attribute to our
implementation of a dynamic warm-up:

» Muscle strains and pulls have been almost completely eliminated because
entire muscle groups have been activated through various progressive

» More points and better marks are being scored earlier in competitions
because athletes aren't spending the early part of the game or meet trying
to get loose.

» Athletes are running faster times, making sharper cuts and exploding off
the line with ease, again, because they're fully warmed up before they
have to start moving at full speed.

» Late-season and post-season productivity has increased significantly.

Athletes aren't getting burnt out at the end of the season because, among
other things, they're avoiding the muscular and cellular trauma that comes
with forcing cold muscles to move at speeds they aren't ready for.

Here's a quick analogy to prove my point...

When you start your vehicle on a cold morning, what do you do?

You let it warm up for a few minutes before trying to drive it. Otherwise,
acceleration is terrible and you risk seriously damaging your engine because oil
and other fluids haven't had the chance to heat up parts that make your car run

Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
Well, think of your athletes like a car.

If you try to get them to run at full speed before they are properly warmed up,
their acceleration will be terrible and you risk a serious muscle pull or tear
because blood hasn't had a chance to heat up the muscles that allow the athlete
to run quickly and efficiently.

Does that make sense?

The most glaring evidence I have in support of a good warm-up is the behavior of
the athletes that I coach.

They'll come to me from their sports having primarily used static stretching to
warm up. If they did do some type of movement based, dynamic warm up, it was
sloppy and followed no particular pattern.

After working with me, not only do they run much faster and feel better, but they
couldn't imagine warming up any other way! When I go watch their competitions, I
see them out there with their teammates using my warm-up!

Listen, the warm up doesn't have to be complicated. It just has to follow a few
basic premises.

But before I list them I will say this...

In my experience, if you've been using static stretching at the beginning of

practice, you shouldn't just stop cold turkey. Most athletes have been doing this
at the start of every practice, for every sport, for their entire lives.

It's hardwired into their heads that they need to do it to get warmed up properly,
even though it isn't true. So I don't cut it out completely. Instead, I'll give them 5
minutes to stretch out on their own, before we start our full warm up. This way
they feel like they got a 'pre-stretch' and it gives them a chance to see what their
tight spots are.

OK, let's get to the basic principles behind the warm up. But I will warn you - once
you read this you have no excuse for using static stretching or a sloppy,
unorganized dynamic warm up with your athletes.

Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
1. Progress from slow, simple movements to faster, more
complex movements.
Think back to my 'cold car' analogy. Your athletes have to start with movements
that aren't going to put muscles in a position to pull or tear because they aren't
fully warmed up.

2. A good warm-up will have your athletes slightly out of breath

and lightly sweating.
Anything less than this and they aren't ready to go at full speed. This means that
on a speed day, the warm-up should take a good 20 minutes.

Remember, our goal is to make athletes faster. You can't cheat the warm up and
expect athletes to achieve their goals.

How you'll decide those numbers depends, again, on your training goals for that

3. Make sure your athletes do the drills with perfect form every
You'd think this was a no-brainer, but in my experience that couldn't be further
from the truth. The majority of the time, even in programs that claim to use a
dynamic warm-up, athletes' technique is so sloppy that it is almost counter-

I'm serious!

In addition to being a great warm-up, these drills also work on running

mechanics, coordination and flexibility. If athletes just go through the motions by
doing the drills half-assed, then they're only setting themselves up to get injured.

Show your athletes how to do each drill correctly and get on them when they're
not putting in the effort. I've kicked kids out of practice on more than one occasion
because they didn't focus on their drills. If that takes too much effort to do
correctly, then how can I expect them to execute properly in the workout or the

Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
There is no excuse for telling athletes to do a certain type of drill if they don't
know how to do it right and you can't tell them how to fix any mechanical

I can't emphasize the importance of this fact strongly enough!

4. Don't do the same warm-up every single day.

Athletes will quickly get bored doing the same old warm-up. That means the drills
will be sloppy, they won't get warmed up correctly and they set themselves up for
injury. Variety is one of the keys to getting the most out of your team.

If the warm-up gets monotonous, kids will go through the motions. So you should
switch up your warm up routines a few times every season so athletes don't get
bored and lazy before practice even starts.

If they're lethargic from a warm-up they've been doing every day for the past two
months, what do you really expect to get out of them in their speed workout?

My experience tells me not a whole lot.

I hope this gives you some ideas on how, where and when to modify your warm-
up. You can't get more out of your athletes without making this the first issue you

For proven speed training methods guaranteed to get the most out of every athlete on
your team go to:

Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
The Importance of strength Training
For some reason, the majority of programs simply do not consider this important
enough to make it a regular part of their preseason and in season training.

The only sport that I see using weight training with any regularity is American
football and most of the time they're not doing it right.

It's true.

For some reason, in the United States, we have adopted a 'bodybuilder' mentality
when it comes to strength training for sport.

Let me give you another example:

I used to coach at a high school. Whenever I'd be in the weight room with my
athletes, I would obviously watch all the athletes lift.

OK, the only other athletes in the weight room besides mine were the football
team. Literally no other team in the school used the weight room.

Shameful, but not surprising.

Anyway, it became a running joke with my athletes because whenever we'd be in

the weight room, the football players would be doing some crazy stuff!

What do I mean?

I can count the number of times on one hand that I saw a workout that consisted
primarily of leg exercises and contained rep schemes that were less than 8-10

On top of that, coaches didn't instruct anyone on how to do the lifts correctly (the
athletes started coming to me for that - and their coaches would just give me dirty

Plus, many of the lifts they did were, well, useless for sports.

So, what are the rules of the weight room as it relates to athletes?

Rule #1: Learn right....Start light

I know that it is very difficult, especially for boys, to go into the weight room and
put anything less than 45 pound plates on the bar.

That's why I have a motto that I have to repeat over and over and over again: No
Egos in the Weight room.

Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
Most athletes’ technique is so bad in the weight room that they are rarely more
than a lapse in focus away from a career ending injury.

I can't stress how important it is, especially with athletes brand new to weight
training that they start with very light weights and master the technique of the lift

At the beginning, complete forget about 'heavy' or 'light' and just go for good form.
With your 'veteran' lifters, back them up and re-teach them how to lift with perfect

As you'll see in a minute, effective weight training for sports is dependent on an

athlete’s ability to get the most out of the precious few reps they will be doing. So
if their form is crap, then that's just what their workouts will be.

In this instance, I apply the 'graduation' game with their weights. I allow them to
slowly increase the number of pounds on the bar once they prove to me that they
can do it with good form.

I suggest you do the same. Of course, I'm assuming that you have learned how
to teach, correct and identify perfect form with the fundamental lifts.

And no, your experience as a high school or college athlete 15+ years ago does
not qualify you.

If you'd be 100% comfortable correcting and instructing your athletes in front of

me, then you qualify.

Rule #2: Athletes not bodybuilders

With very few exceptions, it isn't going to help an athlete's speed if they are in the
weight room doing lifts that are going to add useless bulk to their bodies.

Athletes should only be doing multi-joint movements that address multiple muscle
groups at once and can have a positive impact on athletic performance.

For example, there are certain core lifts that we use in all of our strength training

None of them involve machines.

There are supplemental exercises that can be added to these core lifts, step ups
for example, but they must follow the multi-joint movement philosophy.

Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
Now, here are some popular weight room exercises that are great for getting
athletes to look good at the beach, but have no athletic value:

» Bicep curls

» Hamstring curls

» Leg extensions

» Chest flyes

» Tricep extensions

» Most machine exercises

On top of that, Smith Machine squats and leg press are what I consider leg
exercises for athletes too lazy to do squats and deadlifts and coaches too lazy to
teach them.

Not that that applies to you...

Rule #3: Stronger = Faster

Seems obvious right?

As you already know, greater speeds are determined, in large part, by an

athlete's ability to apply greater amounts of force to the ground with each stride.

It stands to reason that if an athlete wants to move faster, they must increase
their physical strength.

At the same time, it is also dependent on increasing physical strength without

significant increases in bodyweight.

Otherwise those gains in strength are neutralized by the fact that the athlete now
has to carry that extra mass around with her.

The bottom line is this:

If you want your athletes to get faster they must lift in a way that maximizes
strength gains without gaining a lot of extra mass.

You should have seen the other coaches when we maxed out in the weight room
and I had a 17 year old girl squat a legitimate 225 pounds.

By legit I mean she stayed back on her heels, kept her back flat And squatted


Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
Anything else isn't a squat.

OK the truth is I was pretty surprised too. But that is a true story.

By lifting this way, athletes will recruit and activate more motor units within the
muscle with each rep. This develops greater degrees of applicable strength and
power, making it much easier for athletes to move and control their bodies while

Weight training isn't as complicated as it is made out to be. Simply follow the
same teaching protocols, as far as technique and progressions, which you do for
every other speed training skill.

If you want to see exactly how we set up a strength training program, The core
lifts that we use and the specific rules we follow for creating Huge gains in single
rep max lifts in no time, you need to get your own copy of Complete Speed
Training now...


Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
How to develop the explosive power of your athletes by
using plyometrics.
Now, plyos are one of those touchy subjects that some people don't have a very
good understanding of.

So, the first thing we have to do is get a working definition of what plyos actually
are. Otherwise, we can't be sure we're doing them correctly, if at all.

Plyometrics are defined as movements that cause a rapid change from eccentric
contraction (lengthening a muscle) to concentric contraction (shortening a

In fact, the very act of running fast is a plyometric activity, as it trains for the
storage and release of elastic energy. And elastic energy is required for faster

You can develop the ability to store and release this elastic energy by having
your athletes engage in a variety of activities such as hopping and bounding
drills, box jumps, hurdle hops, medicine ball throws,etc.

But there's a catch.

These movements require a healthy degree of strength, coordination and


My point?

You can't just decide that tomorrow you want to do hurdle hops or single leg
bounds with your athletes.

Plyometrics are a SKILL that take a great deal of practice if your expectation is
that athletes are going to do them correctly and actually get something out of it.

Ok, it's story time...

Last year I was at an area high school gymnasium helping a friend of mine while
he conducted practice for the team that he coached.

On the far end of this gymnasium a football team was lined up in front of a row of
8 plyo boxes that were of various heights between 24" - 48".

So I decided to watch, hoping that I was going to see an impressive display of

athleticism brought about by some coaches who had taken the time and effort to
learn how and why certain activities are performed before having their athletes
perform them.

Well it turns out that my wish went unfulfilled.


Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
These athletes started doing their box jumps (jumping up onto the box), then
went right into depth jumps (dropping down off of the box) trying to negotiate 8
boxes of different heights.

So, like clockwork, the line of kids began to lose focus. Their form, which was
already terrible, began to fall apart.

Then it happened.

One young athlete, during a depth jump, landed awkwardly and began to fall
forward. But instead of stopping or bailing out of the drill, he tried to jump up onto
the next box.

For a number of reasons, that didn't work. He clipped the front of his foot on the
box, fell over the box and landed on the floor in a heap, clutching his leg.

The result?

The kid broke his ankle in three places.

Needless to say it wasn't pretty.

So let's get into how to effectively introduce plyometric training in a way that will
result in positive growth in the area of strength, power, coordination, body
awareness and, of course, speed...


Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
The underlying principle behind teaching plyos is
simple. The concept is something that you've heard my
preach over and over again:
Start with simple movements and progress to more complex movements ONLY
when athletes have mastered the basic ones.

With my teams and groups, I let athletes 'graduate' to the next drill in our
progression once they meet the criteria required for advancement.

In fact, athletes get pretty intense when it comes to 'graduation'. They all want to
be the first to move on, but more importantly they don't want to be the last.

So using 'graduation' as a reward is a great way to get athletes to focus on the

task at hand.

Remember, only do plyos on your speed days. They tax the same energy system
as speed work and the weight room. So don't have your athletes do explosive
plyos on your recovery days.

Here are the principles to follow when doing your plyos:

STEP 1: Start with basic stabilization exercises that begin and end using
both feet.

Athletes must learn to control movements off of both feet before advancing to the
more demanding drills.

Additionally, be sure to keep the number of ground contacts (total number of

times the feet hit the ground) low until athletes learn to handle the increased load.

You can see the specific plyo progressions that we've found to generate the best
results in your copy of Complete Speed Training.

Step 2: Emphasize soft landings.

When doing plyos, athletes must learn to land softly. Cue them to absorb each
landing with the muscles in the legs, not with joints, bones, ligaments and

Each foot strike or impact should make a minimal amount of noise. Athletes can't
graduate to the more 'fun' drills until they can learn to land softly.

If you cave in and let them graduate early, before they have acquired the
necessary skills, then their ability to learn the new drills and avoid injury will be
greatly reduced.


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Here are some tell-tale signs that athletes are not performing the drills correctly:

» Loud slapping sound with the feet upon landing

» Landing on the balls of the feet, with the weight forward and heels off the

» Taking off with one foot instead of both feet

» Landing on one foot instead of both feet

» Inability to maintain/loss of balance upon landing

Once basic drills are mastered, and these common mistakes have been
eliminated, athletes can start the bounding drills that people traditionally equate
with plyometric training.

Step 3: Use medicine balls.

When athletes have a tough time with 'regular' plyos, I'll often back off and use
medicine ball throws.

This will teach them many of the same explosive elements, but can be easier to
master the movements. It also takes some of the pressure off of trying to succeed
in the more difficult drills.

Of course, I use medicine ball throws for the more skilled athletes as well. As
always, make sure that athletes are doing the drills with perfect form.

The main flaw that I see with these drills is that athletes will throw the ball with
their arms. The arms are a guide for the weight and shouldn't be the primary


Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
Plyometric workouts require a coach's close attention.
Hopefully I've given you some useful ideas on introducing these valuable
exercises into your program. The temptation to skip the basic elements will be
great, but I implore you to force your athletes to be patient.

Get started today...

Complete Speed Training

Agility Training
'Agility' is one of those words that cover a variety of skills. When people talk about
agility, most often they are talking about an athlete's ability to make cuts and
quickly change directions.

The way I see it, the primary component to improved agility is through the
development of COORDINATION.

Before you start putting athletes through complicated drills that have them going
in ten different directions over the course of a 30 second time period, you must
take a step back and address their level of coordination.

In my experience, even the best athletes have coordination problems that are so
bad that it even makes me blush just to think about it.

The thing about coordination and agility is this:

The earlier you address it, the better the long term results. If athletes don't begin
developing their coordination until their mid-teens, they will be limited in the
amount of progress they can make.

That's why I like to get kids started as early as possible, preferably before they hit

I'm not saying a 17 year old can't improve her agility and coordination to a
significant degree, but the if she started when she was 8, she'd be much better

Just something to think about for those of you working at the youth levels.

OK, here is what to do...


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STEP 1: Improve your athletes' coordination

My favorite way to both expose an athlete's lack of coordination and also develop
it is through the use of an agility ladder.

You can do an infinite number of drills that focus on single leg movement, double
leg, linear, lateral, backward movement, change of direction -

The list goes on and on.

All of these movements will help address the types of movement they may see in
their competition.

As we get those down, we implement the traditional cone drills that allow for more
instruction on movement patterns that are more applicable to game situations.

But like everything else, technique is the most important skill to both teach and

As I've said before, I even use agility work with my track (straight ahead) athletes
during the preseason as well.


When athletes are uncoordinated, in order to maintain balance and keep the
athlete from falling down or getting hurt, the brain has to work harder.

In order to compensate for all the extra math that the brain must do
instantaneously and on the fly in order to coordinate the movements of all the
active muscles in the body, the body must slow way down.

This is why athletes often look like they are stuck in the mud during agility drills.

Well, sprinting is a highly technical activity as well. So if athletes don't improve

coordination and agility, their brains will have to slow the limbs down during
sprinting to compensate.

So, like with flexibility, athletes aren't being held back because of some innate
lack of ability, but simply because they are only operating at 50% of their true

By applying these (and all the other skills we've gone over so far) they can
operate at a much higher percentage of their true ability.


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STEP 2: Correct body position
One of the reasons that athletes have a tough time changing directions on the fly
is simply because they are out of position.

So here are two things to teach your athletes when doing agility training,
especially when doing cone-type drills:

1. Keep your balance.

2. Push away from the ground when planting.

Applying force in the opposite direction that you want to go is the best way to
change directions quickly.

In your Complete Speed Training program, I show you exactly how to Teach
these skills and what errors athletes typically make.

As with most things, it is much better shown on video than in written format.

STEP 3: Work both sides of the body equally

Athletes always prefer to start or focus on one leg over the other.

So, I always make sure I do an equal number of efforts starting with left leg or
moving to the left as I do to the right.

We have to turn weaknesses into strengths and this is a glaring example of that

At your next practice, set up some cones or a few agility ladders and try these
techniques out. I think you'll be surprised at how much difficulty even the most
accomplished athletes have at performing these exercises correctly.

So get going on your agility work and apply the principles I gave you.

Complete Speed Training


Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
Now we're going to address one of the most widely ignored elements related to
speed development: Flexibility.

Many young athletes are held back by their limited range of motion and general
lack of flexibility.

Most programs don't specifically work on improving basic flexibility.

I know that none of my coaches ever taught me anything about how to train for
speed or how to address my weaknesses.

It's a good thing your athletes won't have that problem.

My point?

Please don't let your athletes struggle through nagging injuries and decreased
performance because you never made flexibility an issue in practice.

Believe me I know how it goes. In high school and even in college, once practice
ended you wouldn't find me doing a good warm down and stretch.

Maybe, just maybe, I'd sit with some teammates, legs outstretched, shooting the
breeze. I see the same things with my athletes after practice. They resist flexibility
work after a training session because they're tired and they think it's boring.

Maybe it is.

But, after practice when the muscles are warm and loose is the best time to
improve flexibility and range of motion. If athletes are going to static stretch, now
is the time to do it because it's not going to have a negative impact on their

Quite the opposite actually.

You know when an athlete is inflexible because something just looks wrong when
they run. I think you know what I mean.

Athletes who lack flexibility and range of motion sort of look like they're skating
across the track when they run. They don't have the flexibility to get their bodies
to react appropriately.


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What are the results?

» Reduced range of motion

» Decreases in stride length

» Muscle imbalances

» Reduced power output and force application

» Increases in muscle strains and pulls

» Slower recovery times between workouts

You're already on the right path now that you've begun using a dynamic warmup.
By regularly and consistently making flexibility part of your routine, you'll be
surprised at how quickly athletes recover from workouts, there will be less injuries
and, of course, athletes will run faster.

Just think of it like this...

If lack of flexibility is costing at athlete just two inches per stride, just what are
they losing as far as speed is concerned?

Let's say that athlete takes 20 steps to run 40 yards. Well, if each stride is two
inches shorter than it should be, he is potentially losing 40 inches over those 40

What does that mean?

Stay with me here.

If that athlete were to race the 'flexible' version of himself, then he'd lose by well
over a yard.

Not because he has less talent or ability, doesn't work as hard or had a bad start.
He's slower simply because he lacks flexibility. As far as I'm concerned, that's not
an acceptable reason.

That athlete could get faster not by doing extra work, but simply by spending an
extra 10 minutes a day working on flexibility.

How hard is that?

If you take a minute to think about ALL the things we've discussed over the past
week, you should be gaining an good understanding of how putting all these
elements together can have a powerful effect on the performance of your team
and athletes.


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So let's take a look at some of the most effective methods of improving flexibility
and range of motion:

1. Static Stretching - This is still an effective method of improving flexibility, it

just has to be done at specific times..

2. Hurdle mobility - One of my personal favorites. Tight hips are very

common in speed and power athletes and this is a great way to address it.

3. Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) - This requires a rope and is similar, in

some ways, to the active stretches that we use during the warm-up. As an
athlete, I often used this type of stretching before doing my dynamic
warm-up and almost always as part of my warm-down.

4. Self Myofascial Release - This is what we call 'poor man's massage'. We

use tennis balls or a foam roller to roll over areas that have tight and sore
spots. By breaking up scar tissue and knotted muscle, it helps maintain
range of motion, reduce injury, flush metabolic waste out of the muscles
and generally keep athletes fresh.

It's not a direct form of 'stretching', but nonetheless is something that athletes
really take to once introduced to it as long as they learn how to do it right.
Otherwise, athletes can do some serious damage to their muscle tissue.

Look, flexibility doesn't have to be something you dedicate an entire practice to.
But you do have to get your athletes to take it seriously.

You can make major improvements in only a few extra minutes per day.

At your next practice, try some of these new flexibility ideas and see how they
work out. At the very least, take a good look at your athletes and you'll see that a
good number of them are being held back by poor flexibility.


Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
Today we're going to go over the RIGHT way to use conditioning to improve the
speed and performances of your athletes. Many coaches are going about
conditioning their athletes the wrong way.

If you fall into this category, it's not your fault. Once I clear up a few of the most
common misconceptions, you'll begin to see the negative impact your current
conditioning program is having on your team.

When it comes to conditioning your athletes, workouts are going to fall into the
65-89% intensity range.

First we have to look at why we actually do 'conditioning' workouts in the first

place. Somewhere along the way we got the idea that by doing these workouts
we are going to improve the speed of our athletes.

The bottom line is this: YOU CAN'T GET FAST BY RUNNING SLOW!

We have certain goals with our conditioning work, but they aren't necessarily
what you think...

1. Improve aerobic capacity.

In a nutshell this means 'get athletes in shape'. But the purpose of an aerobic
capacity workout is to improve the athletes' ability to handle a higher volume of
speed and power work by increasing capillary density, improving soft tissue
strength, flushing metabolic waste out of the muscles and increasing blood flow to
the muscles.

Put simply, it is a supplement to your speed, strength and power work, not the
foundation of your training program! At least not the way you may be accustomed
to thinking about it.

2. Help aid in recovery from high intensity speed and strength work.

After a speed workout, athletes must recover fully before they engage in more
speed training. Often times athletes are going to be sore and tight following a
speed day. They need to do something to alleviate that soreness so that they can
continue their training without getting injured or burnt out.

Here your low volume conditioning work is going to loosen them up, get their
heart rate up, flush the junk out of their legs and get them ready to get back to

When it comes to conditioning, you have to look at the demands of the sport that
you coach. If you coach a sport that is speed and power based, how applicable to
your sport is slow running for long distances or for a high number of repeats?


Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
Train slow to run slow.

OK so what do you do then?

If it's not a speed day then you're going to be doing some type of low volume
conditioning/recovery workout using low to moderate intensity training.

Now let's take a look at the types of conditioning work that you should be using
with your athletes.

1. Tempo Runs

Tempo runs are runs that are between 65-79% intensity. This is fast enough
where athletes have to put some effort into running, but not so fast that they're
going to begin to fatigue and accumulate a lactic acid burn in their legs.

2. Bodyweight Circuits

Circuit training is, without question, my favorite method of doing conditioning



It accomplishes the same things as tempo runs do, but also improves physical
strength (great for athletes too young for the weight room), improves flexibility,
coordination, core strength and can be done in only a few minutes.

I know you have a lot to do at each and every practice so being able to quickly
and easily accomplish your conditioning goals in a short time period has huge
benefits to you and your team.

When using circuits, we follow many of the same rules I discussed when going
over the warm up:

1. Frequently change the exercises you use and the Exercise order.

I rarely do the same circuit in consecutive workouts. There are so many great
circuit exercises you can use that there's no need to let your circuits get stale.

In fact, the Complete Speed Training Program contains over 75 different drills
and exercises that are great for this type of training. That ensures that your
workouts never get stale and you'll always be able to think of something
innovative to do at your next practice.

Just as importantly, they're progressed from 'easy' to 'hard' and will allow you to...


Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
2. Insist that your athletes use perfect form.

Look, circuits can get tough. If An athlete will cheat during this workout and let
their form fall apart Simply because they choose not to be mentally strong, how
can you Expect them to be mentally tough in a critical moment during a game or

You compete like you practice, end of story.

3. Make it a full body workout.

Make sure that your circuits hit all areas of the body. Most of the time you don't
want To overload one muscle group because then form will fall apart and the
workout will be less effective. So don't put 4 leg exercises in a row then give 5
different push up variations.

4. Vary the reps and distances.

Some exercises are harder than others. 25 prisoner squats for a senior is going
to feel like 50 to a freshman. Keep that in mind. Between exercises I have
athletes jog for a specific distance then start the next exercise.

I hope that all makes sense and gives you some ideas on how to adjust your
conditioning work for better results.

Before your next session, come up with 3 or 4 different body weight circuit
workouts that you can begin to rotate into your workouts. Make sure you consider
the order of the exercises and how difficult that order will make the workout.
Remember, the circuit shouldn't be extremely difficult.


Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
Speed Training
By now we've gone over a significant amount of information regarding how you
should be training.

If you've been following my advice, by now you're starting to see some interesting
improvements in many of the typical weaknesses that I see.

Anyway, as I'm sure you have figured out by now, I'm a stickler for focusing on
mastering perfect technique by doing basic movements before jumping into the
more complicated drills and exercises.

At the same time, I know how easy it is to lose focus so it's really important that
we have enough variety in our practices to keep things fresh.

So be sure to come up with a large inventory of drills that you can apply to each
different aspect of training. Also, make sure that the drills are performed correctly
so that you learn the right way the first time AND so you know how to fix your
form on the fly.

If you cover the topics I briefly mentioned in the previous three paragraphs, you
are in position to make some serious improvements.

With the day off between lessons I trust you've begun applying these principles
or, at the very least, you've been looking closer at the strengths and weaknesses
of your current training program.

Keep in mind that every single topic and issue that I've discussed in the lessons
is broken down into much greater detail so that you can practically cut and paste
the information into your own program:

It's time to talk about speed work, what it really is, and what you need to be doing
with your athletes.

The fact is that many coaches don't even know what true speed training is.

It's true.

So let's define it. Speed work consists of full intensity runs lasting between 2-8
seconds. These runs are followed by full recovery, which is usually at least 2-3
minutes between every run.

Between workouts, that means resting 36-48 hours between speed sessions to
allow the body to fully recover.

If a workout doesn't follow those criteria, then athletes aren't developing their top
speed or ability to accelerate.


Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
What I see most often is coaches making strange faces when told that their
athletes have to rest that long between runs. If you're only giving your athletes 30
or 60 seconds between runs or you're making them run at top speed for longer
than 8 seconds, then you're not improving their top speed, you're improving their
speed endurance.

What's the difference?

Speed work as I originally defined it is going to improve, for example, an athlete’s

fastest 40 time, How quickly they can go from standing still to top speed or their
acceleration out of starting blocks.

Speed endurance won't improve any of those things, but it will improve an
athlete's ability to run fairly close to top speed when they're tired.

Both are necessary parts of any athlete's training program.

The problem is this...

Let's say an athlete has a current top speed of 15 miles per hour. If he does
primarily speed endurance he'll NEVER RUN FASTER than 15mph, but he'll get
good at running at 11-12 mph over and over again.


Develop acceleration and top speed first and you can get that athlete to run 18
miles per hour. Then his speed endurance pace will be at 15mph, his old top

The point is that if athletes train at less than full speed, how can you expect them
to have a faster top speed?

It amazes me that coaches in every sport train their athletes using primarily (and
often exclusively) sub-maximal workouts with much less than full recovery, but
then wonder why their athletes don't show consistency in their workouts or times.


Of course, I break this down in more detail in Complete Speed Training and
explain exactly where, when and how to differentiate these types of speed work
to get the best results

So now that you know what speed work is AND what it is not, here's what you
have to do to teach your athletes to run faster:


Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
STEP 1: Teach/Re-teach proper running form and mechanics.
In your first lesson I went over the importance of teaching perfect technique in the
warm up.

In many ways it was leading to this.

Athletes must develop the habit of always doing drills the way they were meant to
be done. If that's not automatic, it will be extremely difficult to teach and re-teach
good running form.


Running, and particularly sprinting, is a skill just like shooting a basketball, or

throwing a knuckle ball that dances. To get the most out of their bodies, they
must re-train their bodies to move in a particular way through REPETITION of
perfect form.

That is why in the Complete Speed Training program, I show my ‘Championship

Progression'. It's a series of drills that, when taught in a specific order, teach
athletes perfect technique in record time.

The order is critical because one drill builds upon the previous one, thus
'cementing' the proper positioning into place.

Teach your athletes how to do these drills with perfect form and you Will see it
carry over to their speed work and performances almost immediately.

All this leads me to...

STEP 2: 'Step over the opposite knee, drive the foot down into
the ground'
That's it. I just gave you the golden ticket.

Teach your athletes to do this with power and authority and nothing will ever be
the same again.

Oh how I wish someone taught me this when I was young.

Here it is:

Faster speeds come from applying more force to the ground.

NOT from turning the legs over faster.

NOT from taking longer strides.


Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
Stride frequency and stride length are byproducts of the amount of force an
athlete applies to the ground when running.

Lots of coaches talk about 'driving the knees' when running. And they're right.
Except that you need to drive the knee down into the ground, not up.

Most people are teaching it backwards...and going backwards is the longest path
to the finish line.

When you teach your athletes the drills I pointed out in Step 1, they are learning
the motion of 'step over, drive down'. Once that motion becomes automatic
through Perfect Repetition, it's time to teach them to drive the foot down into the
ground, using the legs more like pistons and less like they are riding a bike.

Now it's time to see if they can apply these techniques while running.

The best way to work on acceleration is to put athletes in a position where they
really have to 'step over and drive down'. That's why I like to run speed workouts
up short, fairly steep hills. Because of the angle of the incline, if athletes don't
drive down trying to push the ground back and away from them, they simply won't
gain any momentum going up the hill.

If you can't use a hill, you can have them start from various positions on the
ground. It's almost as good as a hill and athletes have fun competing against
each other.

It's tough to accurately explain it in words, but once you hear me talk about it
while watching it done on video, you'll know exactly what to do with your athletes.

Step 3: Critique form during workouts

In theory I shouldn't have to say this, but coaches rarely do it beyond saying
something vague like 'Swing your arms' or 'Drive your knees'.

Comments like that have little value unless athletes know why they are supposed
to do it.

Since this method of training will be new to your athletes, they're going to need
the aid of your watchful eye in order to make mid-practice changes to their form.

If you neglect to do this during their workouts, then everything that came before it,
in large part, was wasted.


Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
There are common errors that I see in athletes regardless of age, skill level,
experience, sport or gender. At your next practice, make an effort to see if you
can pick these issues out and instruct your athletes on ways to fix them.

Remember that the cause of each of these problems is easily corrected. But until
that happens, they're just slowing athletes down.

Here are the 5 most common form problems that I see, in no particular order:

1. Arms swinging across the midline of the body.

2. Tightly clenched fists, arms, neck and face.

3. Too much 'backside mechanics' - a lot of leg movement taking place

Behind the body, but not much going on in front of the body.

4. 'Reaching' - foot strike takes place out in front of the body resulting in the
shoulders being slightly behind the hips instead of directly above or
slightly in front of the hips.

5. Running heel to toe - the heels should never hit the ground during Speed

Of course, detailed solutions to these problems and the reasons why they are
happening are beyond the scope of this mini-clinic, but are covered in depth in
your Complete Speed Training program.


Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
We covered a lot of information in the Complete Speed Training Report. The key
is to start with basic skills and movements, perfect them, and then add more
technically demanding movements.

Try these techniques out at your next practice or, at least, keep an eye out for the
things I have discussed.

Start applying this information at your very next practice and start reaping the
rewards of faster athletes!

Now you know what needs to change in your program to develop faster athletes.

You do want your athletes and your program to achieve greater success, don't

To your success,

Latif Thomas and Patrick Beith

Co-Owners of Athletes' Acceleration Inc.
Creators of the Complete Speed Training Program

P.S. – If you are looking for the FIRST and ONLY all-inclusive, step by step,
speed development program to show you exactly how to make your athletes
faster and more athletic than the competition go now to:


Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
About the Athletes’ Acceleration
Latif Thomas

Highly regarded as one of the top speed coaches in the country, Latif is the Co-
Owner of Athletes’ Acceleration, Inc., a leader in sports performance consulting,
coaching and training resources for fitness professionals.

A former All East Sprinter while attending the University of Connecticut on a track
and field scholarship, Latif is certified by the National Strength and Conditioning
Association as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and is
USA Track and Field Level II Certified in the Sprints, Hurdles and Relays. In
2005, he was voted the Massachusetts State Track Coaches Association Coach
of the Year for his success in developing countless champions and record
holders at the conference, division and state levels.

Patrick Beith

Patrick holds his Bachelor of Science in Exercise Physiology, and is recognized

by National Strength & Conditioning Association (CSCS), National Academy of
Sports Medicine (PES), American College of Sports Medicine (HFI), International
Youth Conditioning Association (IYCA) and USA Track & Field Coaching Level II
(Jumps, Sprints, Hurdles and Relays).

A renowned coach, Patrick specializes in speed training & athlete development of

various levels. As a performance coach, his concepts and products have helped
thousands of athletes & coaches around the world. From athletic development to
fitness business development - consulting, lecturing and teaching - Patrick strives
to help each client achieve their goal and to reach their full potential.

Latif and Patrick have decided to finally reveal all of their training methods on
Speed Training for Sports to the rest of the world in their Complete Speed
Training Program.

To discover how to run faster and learn Latif and Patrick’s proven speed training
strategies go now to:


Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
Here what the Experts are saying about the Complete Speed Training Program-

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"I highly recommend Complete Speed Training

Package for every coach and athlete interested in
learning how to get faster and stronger. This is a
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Lee Taft Acceleration's got it completely covered.
Director of Sports
Performance You will walk away from watching this DVD package
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“A must have for all athletes and coaches looking to

improve speed.”

"Complete Speed Training is a must have for all

athletes and coaches looking to improve speed. The
comprehensive manual and DVD set outlines a
straightforward step by step training program that
Brian Schiff, PT, CSCS
covers all the essential elements of speed
Owner - The Fitness Edge
development. From beginners to advanced athletes,
Dublin, Ohio
this training system offers several effective drills. The
in-depth videos provide easy application for all
coaches working with athletes in need of speed and
power development. From dynamic warm-up to pure
speed drills, Complete Speed Training provides a
clear blueprint for success."


Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
“If you're serious about winning then get your hands
on a copy of Complete Speed Training today.”

"Speed kills. Period. If you want your athletes getting

their asses kicked then I highly recommend you stand,
pat, and do nothing. But if you're serious about
winning then get your hands on a copy of Complete
Jim Labadie
Speed Training today. Maybe not all of your
competition is researching ways to get faster, but you
Achieve Total Fitness
Tampa, FL
know full-well at least one team is. And if they get their
hands on this information first...well, your kids are
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It's simple: make the investment, get faster, win


“If I was a high school coach or a performance coach

this would be my Bible for speed & agility training!”

"Ok man, I have finished watching & reading your

Complete Speed Training Package and it is
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information I need and you delivered BIG TIME!
Zach Even - Esh
Strength & Conditioning
The finer points of technique and progression for
Edison, NJ
speed & agility training were great because I was
completely missing these steps with my athlete which
was limiting their true potential.

Your hard core conditioning and strength training

DVD's include a much needed and very often left out
segment of speed training, especially for the young
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strength training for speed and your DVD's on strength
training are going to open up their eyes and take their
athlete to the next level!

I know that if I was a high school coach or a

performance coach that this would be my Bible for
speed & agility training!


Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
“The best resource I have found for building speed.”

“Patrick you have done it! Complete Speed Training

lives up to its name and more! With over 15 years
experience coaching and training in privately,
collegiately, and in high school, this is the best
resource I have found for building speed. Besides for
JR Haworth, CSCS having you right here in my office, the DVDs and
Director of Training
accompanying manual is the next best thing. Plus, I
Athletic Matrix, Inc.
can watch the DVDs again and again to make sure
every detail is absorbed!

Complete Speed Training is a must have resource for

all strength and conditioning coaches who work with
athletes in the offseason. The simple, logical
progressions ensure proper body position is taught. In
fact, just by understanding why certain drills are
excluded are worth the price of the package alone!

By covering all topics in a progressive manner, I was

able to incorporate many of the drills right into our
current program, and the results have been
tremendous. The other day I actually had an athlete
'click' after a couple weeks of teaching the drive phase
portion. He turned to me and said, "It felt like I was
running downhill!" I laughed and explained that he
simply was no longer fighting himself and
overreaching when he accelerated.

Awesome stuff!!

I have spent thousands of dollars on CEU's for my

strength and conditioning certification over the years,
and I have never received anywhere near the
expertise on such an important subject. Thank you
Patrick for sharing this amazing resource.


Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.
"Hands down this is one of the best products on the
market for speed development!”

"Hands down this is one of the best products on the

market for speed development! This is not just a
laundry list of exercises to choose from; rather it is a
step by step guide to developing blazing speed by
Coach Dan Huff
progressing from basic exercise to advanced.
Huff’s Baseball Training
Methods Working with elite baseball players I don’t have time to
waste with drills that have little return for their
investment. Complete Speed Training is loaded with
extremely effective and efficient drills that will get my
athletes in top shape for their season quickly and
efficiently so that they can spend more time on their
field skills to become better baseball players.

If you’re interested in becoming a good athlete don’t

buy this set, but if you are interested in becoming a
GREAT athlete this is a must have for your collection!

There are lots of programs out there that claim to improve your speed (and we’ve
seen all of them). But when it comes to guiding you step by step through EVERY
training element required to improve explosive speed and power, Complete
Speed Training is the ONLY one that truly delivers. There’s no need to waste
your time searching for this information elsewhere, we guarantee you won’t find it.

>>> Go now to learn more about Complete Speed Training by clicking here

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Copyright © 2008 Athletes Acceleration Inc.

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