Coffer Dams
Coffer Dams
Coffer Dams
Iqra Shafi
Scholar no. :192111206
I hereby certify that the work which has been carried out in this seminar entitled
“COFFER DAMS”, in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of
degree of “Master of Technology in Civil Engineering” submitted to Department
of Civil Engineering, Maulana Azad National Institute Of Technology Bhopal
462003 (MP-INDIA) is carried out under supervision of “Dr Vishnu Prasad”.
This is to certify that the statement made above by the candidate is correct and
true to the best of their knowledge.
“All praises to Allah, the compassionate and the magnificent creator of creations,
the cherisher and the sustainer of Worlds”.
Cofferdams are the retaining structures and constructed temporarily. In cofferdams materials
conventionally used are timber, steel, concrete, sand, etc. In these types of cofferdams materials
used are sometimes eco-friendly but, during construction they create air pollution, noise
pollution. And during removal of cofferdam the process involves many operations which
produce land and water pollution. So, there is a need of a cofferdam which do not create much
pollution and are economical in construction. Recent research is the development of
environment friendly water filled coffer dam.
Cellular cofferdams have been employed mainly as provisional “water exclusion devices” for
water diversion projects to permit dry construction of dams, locks, bridge footings and piers,
hydroelectric power plants, and other in-water structures. The comprehensive study on the
potential use of cellular cofferdams as water retaining structures to sustainably and cost-
effectively harness hydropower. Cellular cofferdams have been very rarely utilized as the main
permanent structure for hydropower dams.
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION………………………………………………...…………06
4.1 Installation………………………………...……………………...…….16
4.2 Applications…………………………………………………...……….17
4 SUMMARY………………………………...………………………….…… 18
5 REFERENCES……………………………………………….………………20
List of Figures
Nowadays even structure in water are being constructed. But the construction in water is a very
tedious job. The structures are hard to build in water as concrete doesn’t set in water. Many
methods are being used to overcome this problem. One of the methods used for this purpose
are Cofferdams. Cofferdam can be defined as the temporary structure that is built to keep the
water away from the execution site, so that the structure can be built on the dry surface. The
cofferdams should have walls that exclude water from building site. For this the walls must be
waterproof, and the height of the wall must be more than the maximum water level. These
types of cofferdams are preferred where the area of building site is large, and the dry soil bed
is at reasonable depth.
Therefore, cofferdams are temporary enclosures to keep out water and soil to permit dewatering
and construction of the permanent facility (structure) in the dry. A cofferdam involves the
interaction of the structure, soil, and water. The loads imposed include the hydrostatic forces
of the water, as well as the dynamic forces due to currents and waves.
The loads imposed on the cofferdam structure by construction equipment and operations must
be considered, both during installation of the cofferdam and during construction of the structure
itself. Removal of the cofferdam must be planned and executed with the same degree of care
as its installation, on a stage-by-stage basis. The effect of the removal on the structure must
also be considered. For this reason, sheet piles extending below the permanent structure are
often cut off and left in place, since their removal may damage the foundation soils adjacent to
the structure.
In cofferdam construction, safety is a paramount concern, since workers will be exposed to the
hazard of flooding and collapse. Safety requires that every cofferdam and every part thereof
shall be of suitable design and construction, of suitable and sound material and of sufficient
strength and capacity for the purpose for which it is used, proper construction, verification that
the structure is being constructed as planned, monitoring the behaviour of the cofferdam and
surrounding area, provision of adequate access, light and ventilation, and attention to safe
practices on the part of all workers and supervisors, and shall be properly maintained.
Considering the material used in their construction, cofferdams may be divided into the
following categories:
1. Earthen cofferdam
2. Rockfill cofferdam
3. Single-walled cofferdam
4. Double-walled cofferdam
5. Braced cofferdam
6. Cellular cofferdam
The height of the dam is kept 1m more than that of maximum water level. Freeboard of the
dam or the top of the dam is kept 1m so that the water doesn’t enter the other side even when
waves arise.
The slope is usually given but 1:1 or 1:2. The slope of the water side is pitched with rubble
stones as in fig 1 so the water action doesn’t scour the embankment. Even sheet piles are driven
in the centre of the dam to resist water seepage. After the construction of earthen cofferdam,
the water from the other site is pumped out and construction is executed.
The height of the dam is can be up to 3m. The slope can be maintained at 1:1.5. The slope on
the water side is pitched so as to protect dam from wave action.
This type of cofferdam is preferred when the depth of the water is more than 6m and area of
construction is less. Usually this is used in construction of bridges.
Wooden or timber sheets are driven into the river bed on the perimeter of the area of
construction. On the inside steel or iron sheets are driven into the river bed. This inside sheet
is placed at equal distance with the help of wales which are bolted to both sheets for either
Double-walled types of cofferdams are used when the area of construction site is large, and
depth of water is high. In this place use of single walled cofferdam becomes uneconomical as
the supports are to be increased. So double walled cofferdam is used. The difference in one
wall and double wall dam is that here it has two walls instead of walls for extra stability. This
type of dams can hold water up to 12m high. Two piles are driven inside the waterbed with a
space in between and attached each other with wales with bolted connection. As the water
depth increases the space between the walls increases. The space between the walls are filled
with soil. To prevent the leakage from the ground below, the sheet piles are driven to a good
depth in the bed.
When it’s difficult to drive piles inside the bed in the water, then this type of cofferdam is used.
In braced cofferdam two piles are driven into the bed and they are laterally supported with the
help of wooden cribs installed in alternate courses to form pockets.
The empty pockets here are filled with stone and earth. The framework of the cofferdam (made
from, logs of wood) is prepared on ground and then floated to the site where the cofferdam is
to be constructed.
The layers of sand and the other loose material overlying the impervious hard bed is dredged
out. Crib is then sunk to the position, the bottom of each crib is given a shape to fit in the
variation in the surface of bedrock. After the pit is dewatered, the structure is concreted. When
concreting has been completed above the water level, the cofferdam is removed.
When the water layer is more than 20m, common types of cofferdams are uneconomical to use.
In this situation cellular cofferdams are used. This type of dam is used in construction of dams,
locks, weirs etc. Cellular cofferdam is made by driving straight web steel sheet piles, arranged
to form a series of interconnected cells. The cells are constructed in various shapes and styles
to suit the requirements of site. Finally, the cells are filled with clay, sand or gravel to make
them stable against the various forces to which they are likely to be subjected to. Cellular
cofferdams have been very rarely utilized as the main permanent structure for hydropower
dams. Consequently, design and construction requirements for cellular cofferdams are less
stringent than for hydropower dams. In addition, there are risks and challenges associated with
using cellular cofferdams as hydroelectric dams, particularly with respect to failure during
flood events. The main hazard involves the potential that a flood exceeds the design flow and
results in overtopping and failure of the dam. Other long-term design issues are failure of the
foundation (i.e., sliding, overturning or bearing capacity), excessive seepage under the dam or
through the cellular cofferdam fill, scouring of the foundation, corrosion of sheet piles, and
structural failure of the sheet piles, supports and connections. With their versatility in terms of
speed of construction, low cost, ease of removal, and applicability to a wide range of
conditions, cellular cofferdams have the potential to be adapted and used as the main
component for the construction of future innovative hydropower dams.
One of the drawbacks of cellular cofferdams for temporary use is that, due to the use of granular
soil as cellular fill, seepage is allowed to happen across the dam. Such seepage occurs along
the joints and connections of the sheet piles that form the cellular cofferdams. This type of
construction is referred to as “wet construction” in this study as shown in Figure.
There are several potential risks to long term and more permanent use of “wet construction”
of cellular cofferdams. In general seepage, while normal for temporary water retaining
structures, can be detrimental for permanent dam constructions. Seepage can lower the stability
and safety of dams through increased buoyancy of the granular fill, and cause seepage-induced
piping downstream of the dam. Though this seepage is allowed for temporary use of cellular
cofferdam due to cost savings and shorter construction times, the “wet construction” may not
be suited for the use of cellular cofferdam for more permanent and more long-term use. A new
concept that is proposed is “dry construction” of cellular cofferdam with granular fill. This can
be achieved by adding a waterproof seal inside the cell and below the cellular fill material
(Figure 2.4). One potential seal material is asphalt that is easy to install, and very flexible
resulting in low potential for cracking when loaded and bent. Asphaltic core is already widely
used as barrier against seepage for earth embankment dams. Another potential seal material is
concrete that is highly impermeable.
A typical cofferdam will experience several loading conditions as it is being build and during
the various construction stages. The significant forces are hydrostatic pressure, forces due to
soil loads, wave forces and accidental loads. In order to overcome the displaced water
buoyancy, the tremie seal thickness is about equal to the dewatered depth. Figure below shows
a typical cofferdam schematic.
Scour of the river bottom or seafloor along the cofferdam may take place owing to river
currents, tidal currents, or wave-induced currents. Some of the most serious and disastrous
cases have occurred when these currents have acted concurrently. A very practical method of
preventing scour is to deposit a blanket of crushed rock or heavy gravel around the cofferdam,
either before or immediately after the cofferdam sheet piles are set. A more sophisticated
method is to lay a mattress of filter fabric, covering it with rock to hold it in place.
Water filled cofferdams consist of two basic parts: an outer or "master tube" (C) made of heavy-
duty geotextile woven polypropylene which holds the two inner tubes (A & B) in contact when
filled with water.
Figure shows a cross section of a typical water filled cofferdam, illustrating the relationship
between the two inner tubes which contain the water and the "master" tube that keeps the inner
tubes parallel and in contact with each other. A and B illustrates the two inner tubes inflated
with water. C is the outer or "master" tube made of very tough polypropylene woven geotextile
fabric which confines the water filled inner tubes, making the cofferdam a solid wall of water.
These two confined columns of water provide the mass, weight, and pressure that gives the
water filled cofferdam its stability. When empty, cofferdam is rolled up on a wooden or metal
core as shown in Figure 4.2. In many instances; the core also plays an important part in
installation, rerolling for future use, and transportation of water filled cofferdams.
Performing work over water has always been more difficult and costly than performing the
same work on land. And when the work is performed below water, the difficulties and cost
difference can increase geometrically with the depth at which the work is performed. The key
to performing marine construction work efficiently is to minimize work over water and perform
as much of the work as possible on land. Below some of the advantages of cofferdams are
1. S.K. Khademian (2014), Study on the use of Cellular Cofferdam for Permanent
Hydropower Use
2. R.M Gahlot1, J. Roshni 2, R.H. Zemse3(2014), Cofferdams- Forces Analysis and Design
Criteria, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 12,
ISSN 2229-5518
3. N.K Prajapati1, J.K. Pitroda2, J. J. Bhavsar3 (2014), Water Filled Cofferdams – A New
Era ofPortable&EnvironmentFriendlyCofferdamResearchgate.Net/Publication/2655946
4. http://www.Cv.Titech.Ac.Jp/~Courses/Atce2/Lesson4.Pdf