Obesity Causes and Consequences - Bora - 2016
Obesity Causes and Consequences - Bora - 2016
Obesity Causes and Consequences - Bora - 2016
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1 author:
Kaustubh Bora
ICMR - Regional Medical Research Centre, North East Region, Dibrugarh, Assam (India)
All content following this page was uploaded by Kaustubh Bora on 18 January 2017.
Dr. Kaustubh Bo
Dept. of Biocchemistry, NEIGRIHM
N g – 793018,, Meghalaya (India)
MS, Shillong
Obesity is thought to increase the risk of cancer generalized obesity, abdominal obesity and
and cancer-associated mortality too. In males, combined (i.e. both generalized and abdominal)
this includes cancer of the oesophagus, colon, obesity, respectively. Further, a recent
rectum, pancreas, liver and prostrate; while in systematic review compiling data from 52
females it includes cancer of the gall bladder and studies available from 16 states of India
biliary tract, breasts, endometrium, cervix and revealed a combined prevalence of 19.3% for
ovaries. In addition, obesity can lead to childhood overweight and obesity (i.e. roughly
gynaecological problems like abnormal menses one in every 5 children). This is considerably
and infertility. higher than the earlier reported prevalence of
16% in 2001. This is of concern because
Further, obesity is associated with problems of childhood obesity is a precursor to obesity and
bones and joints like osteoarthritis and gout. It other associated disorders in adulthood.
can lead to skin problems as well, viz.
acanthosis nigricans (manifested by darkening These statistics aside, obesity in Indians has
and thickening of the skin folds on the neck, some peculiar features too. For instance, the
elbows and interphalangeal spaces), enhanced international cut-off points for anthropometric
friability of skin, and increased risk of fungal indices of obesity (BMI and WC) are not
infections. applicable for Indians and other south Asians
(Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Sri Lankans). The
To summarize, the adverse effects of obesity on recommended range for these indices in these
health are multiple. It can compromise the populations is much lower than Western
normal physiology of different organ systems populations (Table 1). This is because people
and produce far-reaching effects. from Indian subcontinent are prone to develop
obesity associated morbidities at lower levels of
Obesity – the Indian scenario:
BMI and WC values as compared to other ethnic
India is currently undergoing a major groups. Further, Indians also have an increased
epidemiological transition, where nutritional tendency to accumulate subcutaneous and intra-
deficiencies and infectious diseases, which were abdominal fat. Thus, Indians are at greater risk
once the dominant health problems, are now to develop obesity associated non-
being replaced by obesity and obesity associated communicable diseases like DM and CVD.
conditions like diabetes, CVD, etc., largely due Infamously dubbed as the ‘diabetes capital’ and
to demographic and lifestyle changes. ‘heart disease capital’ of the world, Indians tend
Improvements in sanitation, nutrition, infectious to deposit more fat in ectopic sites (e.g. liver) as
disease control and advances in critical care well. Thus, conditions like NAFLD are also
have led to an enhancement of overall life highly preponderant in Indians. Moreover even
expectancy. On the negative side though, these as neonates, Indian babies have smaller lean
improved standards of living have brought about mass, but higher abdominal obesity in
a detrimental shift towards inappropriate dietary comparison to Caucasian babies – a phenotype
patterns and a reduction of physical activities; referred to as ‘thin-fat Indian baby’.
hence the rising prevalence of obesity. The
trends are alarming. A recently conducted phase-
wise study by the Indian Council of Medical
research (ICMR) revealed very high prevalence
of both generalized and abdominal obesity.
Projections for the whole country indicated 135,
153 and 107 million individuals with
Obesity Cut-offs for Cut-offs for other changes, improved standards of living and easy
indices Asian Indians populations access to nutrition. In fact, studies in animal
models suggest that multigenerational
BMI Normal BMI: Normal BMI: 18.5 – undernutrition leads to foetal metabolic
(kg/m2) 18.0 – 22.9 24.9
programming such that subsequent nutrient
recuperation does not reverse these metabolic
Overweight: 23.0 Overweight: 25.0 –
– 24.9 29.9 changes, but increases the risk of obesity and
diabetes instead. Epigenetic modifications in
Obesity: > 25 Obesity: > 30 crucial positions of the genome are thought to
underlie these changes.
WC (cm) Abdominal Abdominal obesity:
obesity: males: > males: > 102, Future perspectives:
90, females: > 80 females: > 88
Future challenges to biomedical researchers
Table 1. Cut-offs for BMI and WC working on obesity are two-pronged. The first
challenge is to come up with an integrative
While heredity, environmental influences and understanding of the biological mechanisms
behavioural factors all seem to play important involved in obesity predisposition and causation.
roles and work in tandem in the Indian context, a Relevant lines of investigation in this context
comprehensive explanation for the same is include identifying susceptible genetic loci,
lacking. An interesting approach in that direction finding hitherto unknown environmental and
is examining the ‘thrifty genotype’ and ‘thrifty behavioural triggers, dissecting the gene-
phenotype’ hypotheses. The former attributes environmental interactions and relevant
the rising burden of obesity and diabetes to epigenetic changes, and characterizing the
thrifty genes, which enhanced chances of neurobiological regulation of appetite and
survival in the past when food supplies were caloric homeostasis completely. The second
scarce and intermittent, but have become challenge is developing effective strategies for
detrimental in the modern conditions of plentiful preventing and treating obesity. Although there
food and sedentary lifestyles. On the other hand, are a number of options for tackling obesity,
the ‘thrifty phenotype’ hypothesis subscribes to ranging from lifestyle management (dietary
the view that the seeds for obesity and modification and exercise), pharmacological
associated complications are sown right during agents and bariatric surgeries, the results are
the intra-uterine period. It suggests that foetal often disappointing. Thus, it is not unsurprising
undernutrition leads to persistent metabolic to find people relating to one another the
and/or structural changes in the developing experience of “gaining weight is so easy, but
foetus (foetal origins of disease) – a phenotype losing weight is so hard”. Exploring newer
that can sustain in the face of thrifty nutrition. avenues of obesity management (e.g. non-
Such a phenotype is advantageous if the exercise activity thermogenesis, shortly NEAT)
nutrition stays poor in the post-natal period, but is necessary. It is imperative that researchers,
leads to obesity, insulin resistance and diabetes physicians, policy-makers, and various stake-
if food supply is surplus. This proposition is holders join their hands and gear their efforts to
particularly attractive for the Indian scenario. address these challenges. With rapid
This is because people in the Indian urbanization and improved standards of living, it
subcontinent have faced famines and may be expected that the burden of obesity and
undernutrition for multiple generations in the the looming threat of its associated health
past, but now undergoing major lifestyle consequences will increase even further.