MAY 2016
I certify that this research work was carried out by AKINSEYE, VICTOR OLUWATOYIN
under my supervision in the Department of Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine,
University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.
TB Tuberculosis
M. tb Mycobacterium tuberculosis
IL Interleukin
health importance responsible for millions of illness and death annually. Bovine TB (BTB) and
helminth infections are both diseases of debilitating and socioeconomic importance with dire
consequences on both livestock production and public health. Furthermore, there are evidence of
immunological interplay existing in animals co-infected with BTB and helminths resulting in
We conducted a cross sectional study among cattle herds in Itesiwaju (rural) and Ido (peri-urban)
Local Government Areas (LGA) of Oyo State between January 2013 and February 2014 to
purposive sampling method. Cattle were screened for BTB using the single comparative
intradermal tuberculin test (SCITT) while faecal samples of cattle were examined for helminths
using standard sedimentation, floatation and copro-culture techniques. Data were analysed using
STATA 12, all tests were two tailed and stastical significance was set at p≤0.05.
Overall, 288 cattle from 35 herds were screened. An individual animal prevalence of 8.3%
(BTB), 55.9% (helminth) and 4.9% (helminth-BTB co-infection) were obtained while herds
prevalence of 50.0%, 90.0% and 36.7% were recorded for BTB, helminth and helminth-BTB co-
infection respectively. Relatively higher (55.2%) rate of cattle were screened from the peri-
urban, while majority of the animals screened were Bunaji (88.5%), female (60.4%) and adult
(74.0%). There was no significant association between BTB infection and location (OR=1.3;
association was observed between helminth infection and location (OR=0.7; 95%CI:0.4–1.1),
breed (OR=1.1; 95%CI:0.4–2.7), sex (OR=0.9; 95%CI:0.5 – 1.5), age (OR=0.8; 95%CI:0.4 –
1.4). However, location and breed were identified as risk factors for the occurrence of helminth–
BTB co-infection among cattle screened with animals in the rural area (OR=1.5; 95%CI:1.0–2.2)
and Balami breed (OR=15.3; 95%CI:1.2 – 199.5) of cattle being more likely to be co-infected.
From the 161 (55.9%) cattle positive for helminths infection, a total of 14 helminths from
different genera, including 10 nematodes, three trematodes and one cestode were found.
Our findings reveal that helminth-BTB co-infection exists among cattle herds. Also, BTB and
helminth infections are prevalent among cattle herds screened. Given the fact that helminth
infection has been implicated in negatively impacting on the diagnosis of BTB, it therefore
becomes imperative to investigate the role of helminths in the accurate diagnosis of bovine
tuberculosis among cattle herds and its consequences in the control of this disease in Nigeria.
This research work is dedicated to my loving parents Mr. and Mrs. F.K. Akinseye
I wish to express my profound gratitude to my supervisor; Professor S.I.B. Cadmus for his
encouragement and mentorship so far has greatly contributed to the materialization of this
research work.
My sincere appreciations go to all staff and members of the Department of Veterinary Public
Health and Preventive Medicine: the Acting HOD Dr Olayinka O. Ishola, Professor G.A.T.
Dr. I. Olatoye, Dr. Veronica E. Adetunji, Mr B. Ojomo, Mrs Beatrice Kolawole, Mr. Olayemi
Many thanks to the past and present members of the Tuberculosis and Brucellosis Research
Laboratory, Dr. H.K. Adesokan, Dr Tayo Falodun, Dr. Charity A. Agada, Dr. Joe Akwoba
Ogugua, Dr Dupe Ayoola, Dr Bukola Adedipe, Dr Dupe Hambolu and Dr A.M Adebayo; I
remain grateful for the imprints that you have made in my life.
I want to appreciate in a special way the Ajayis: Prof S.O Ajayi, Mrs G.I.B. Ajayi, Deji Ajayi,
Tobiloba Ajayi and Tomisin Ajayi for your great impact in my life and encouragement during
the course my research work. May the lord continue to bless you and reward you accordingly.
Also my wonderful friends who supported me materially and morally Mr Ibukun Afolami, Mr
I also appreciate the moral support of Rev. Fr. Eddy Emokpo who supported me with lots prayers
Words cannot express my thanks and appreciation to my loving Parent Mr and Mrs F.K.
Akinseye, my siblings: Mr Abiodun Akinseye, Ben Akinseye Yetunde Akinseye for your prayers
encouragement and moral support. I also want to appreciate my fiancée Miss Anthonia Akinsete
Finally, my profound gratitude goes to God Almighty, the Eternal, Invincible most faithful God
for the journey so far. May your name be blessed in my life both now and forever, Amen.
Title page i
Certification ii
Abstract iv
Dedication vii
Acknowledgement viii
Table of content ix
List of plate xv
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Justification 3
1.3 Aim 3
1.4 Objectives 4
2.3 Aetiology 7 Locations 13
2.7.2 Transmission 16
in Nigeria 24
10 Eating habit and standard of living 25 Diagnosis 26 Illiteracy 27
2.9 Helminth 33
2.9.1 Definition 33
2.9.2 Aetiology 33
2.9.3 History 33
2.9.5 Biodiversity 34
2.9.6 Nematyhelminthes 34
2.9.7 Platyhelminthes 35 Trematodes 35 Cestodes 35
2.9.9 Life-cycles 36 Nematodes 37
11 Cestodes 37 Trematodes 37
2.9.12 Pathogenesis 42
2.9.14 Diagnosis 44
helminth eggs 52
3.6 Copro-culture 53
screened 55
cattle screened 59
screened 61
screened 62
List of Tables
of helminth infection 57
10% level with the main outcome measure (C.I status) in bivariate analysis 64
List of Figures
co-infection in cattle
Figure 3.1 Map of Oyo State, showing the local government areas
Figure 3.3 Venn diagram showing infection rates among cattle screened 67
Lists of Plates
Plate 1 Herds near the (Bororo camp) camp: In typical Bororo camps
herds are kept nearby the camps in lands where the next season’s
1.1 Introduction
morbidities and mortalities among millions of people annually (WHO, 2014). It ranks alongside
HIV as a leading cause of death from an infectious disease worldwide, (WHO, 2015). In 2014,
9.6 million new TB cases and 1.5 million deaths were reported globally, out of which 1.1 million
were HIV-negative and 0.4 million were HIV-positive (WHO, 2015). Globally, from 9.6 million
incidence of TB, which ranges from 9.1 million – 10.0 million, equivalent to 133 cases per 100
population, Africa region accounts for 28% of the total burden (WHO, 2015) with Nigeria
primarily affects cattle. The disease is associated with loss of productivity and restrictions in
importance (Cadmus et al., 2006). It is a lingering concern in most of the developing countries;
and compulsory pasteurization of milk have led to effective control of the problem (Ayele et al.,
2004; Amanfu, 2006). Bovine TB is one of the seven most neglected endemic zoonoses in the
world, particularly in developing countries (WHO, 2006 very old!!!!!). Bovine TB has serious
public health consequences and estimated to be responsible for approximately 10% of human TB
in Africa (Cosivi et al., 1998). Though several diseases abound in Africa, Nigeria has the highest
burden of negleted tropical diseases (NTDs) coupled with an un-estimated number of BTB
(Hotez et al., 2009). Of these NTDs, those caused by helminths are prevalent worldwide,
Helminths adversely affect the health status of animals leading to substantial economic losses for
the livestock industry. Aside damages inflicted on the health and productivity of animals,
infestation of helminth is also responsible for loss in body weight, poor reproductive
performance, digestive disturbance, and emaciation for longer period (Radostits et al., 1994).
Tuberculosis is the second major co-infection whose prognosis is associated with parasitemia
(Zvi et al., 2010). Bovine TB and helminth infections are both of significant economic and
public health importance; coincidentally, they share the same ecological niche, in the developing
world. Helminths are among the most widespread infectious agents that have affected, and still
affect both livestock and human populations, particularly in marginalized, low-income and
resource-constrained regions of the world. It is estimated that over one billion people in
developing regions of sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and the Americas are infected with one or more
species of helminths (Hotez et al., 2011). The gastrointestinal tracts (GIT) of animals harbour a
variety of helminths, which are known to cause major constraints to ruminants’ productivity on a
Accurate diagnosis of BTB will facilitate effective epidemiological investigation of the disease
in endemic areas and this will in turn provide platform for its control and possible eradication.
While the diagnosis of many diseases including BTB requires detection of the host’s immune
response to the causative agent, helminth parasites impair their host’s immune response. Hence,
immunologically based diagnostic tests in determining the prevalence of such diseases [Claridge
et al., 2012]. Reports showed that helminth infection may bias the immunological responses
towards a Th2 (eosinophilic) type and may reduce the sensitivity of immunological diagnostic
tests for TB in cattle which are Th1 dependent (Flynn et al., 20011). Thus, a biased immune
response caused by Th2, induced helminth infection, might impact negatively on the effort at
accurately diagnosing BTB in this part of world where both diseases are endemic.
The burden of BTB seems unabated in cattle population and its endemicity persists especially in
developing countries. Its diagnosis and hence control have been challenging given the available
evidence showing that helminth infection stimulates strong Th2 immune response which
suppresses Th1 anti-TB response. Coincidentally, helminth infection shares the same
“developing world” niche with BTB infection among cattle. The conventional ante-mortem BTB
(PPD). This test is dependent on functional antigen specific T-cells and their capacity to secrete
IFN-γ (a Th1 induced cytokine). There is therefore the need to investigate the burden as well as
risk factors associated with the occurrence of helminths – BTB co-infection among cattle herds
1.3 Aim
To determine the prevalence of helminth-BTB co-infection and its associated risk factors among
1.4 Objectives
To investigate the association between location, breed, sex as well as age of cattle and
helminth-BTB co-infection.
To determine the relationship between helminth burden and BTB (using tuberculin test)
in cattle
What is the prevalence of helminth, BTB and helminth-BTB co-infection among cattle
What are the roles of location, breed, sex and age of cattle in susceptibility to helminth-
What is the relationship between helminth burden and tuberculin test in cattle?
Tuberculosis (TB) has a long history. It has existed before the beginning of recorded history and
has left its impact on all aspects of human life including music, art, and literature; and has greatly
influenced the advancement in biomedical sciences and healthcare. Its causative agent,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, may have killed more persons than any other microbial pathogen
(Daniel, 2006). Tuberculosis has infected humans and animals since ancient times. The disease
was described in Italian writing 2000 years or more before Christ was born and was also found to
be evident in Neolithic man from various skulls and other bones recovered from different parts
The disease was prevalent in Egypt and Rome (Zink 2003, Donoghue 2004); it had been present
in America before Columbus (Salo 1994, Konomi 2002, Sotomayor 2004), and in Borneo before
any European contact (Donoghue 2004). The earliest DNA-based documentation of the presence
from an extinct long-horned Pleistocene bison from Wyoming, US, which was radiocarbon-dated
at 17,870 +/- 230 years before the present (Rothschild 2001). German microbiologist, Robert
Koch discovered the causative organism, the tubercle bacillus in 1882; in 1890 he developed the
tuberculin test for the diagnosis of the disease. In 1924, a vaccine called Bacillus Calmete Guerin
Tuberculosis in cattle, which was also called ‘Pearl-disease’, attracted attention thousands of
years ago and the early meat inspection regulations in various countries were concerned with this
form of the disease (Salo 1994). The danger of eating meat from TB-infected cattle existed in
Mosaic laws and the German regulations banning the sale of TB meat (Collins and Grange,
When Robert Koch, a German bacteriologist unveiled the mystery of TB in March 1882 with the
discovery of the tubercle bacillus, he believed that the same organism caused the bovine and
human TB. Commenting on the source of the disease in human beings; he (1882) wrote that,
“one of these sources and certainly the most important, is the expectorant of individuals with TB,
another is tuberculous domestic animal, notably cattle”. This statement led to considerable
increase in interest in the prevention of infection by inspection of meat and heat treatment
(pasteurization) of milk.
In 2014, there were estimated 9.6 million incidence cases of TB (ranging between 9.1 million –
10.0 million) equivalent to 133 cases per 100 population globally (WHO, 2014). The absolute
number of incident cases is falling slowly, at an average rate of 1.5% per year between 2000 and
2014 and 2.1% between 2013 and 2014 (WHO, 2014). In all, most of the estimated number of
cases in 2013 occurred in Asia (58%) and the African Region (28%); smaller proportions of
cases occurred in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (8%), the European Region (3%) and the
Region of the Americas (3%) (WHO, 2014). The 22 Highest Burden Countries (HBCs) that have
been given highest priority at the global level since the year 2000 accounted for 83% of all
estimated incident cases worldwide. The six countries that stand out as having the largest number
of incident cases in 2013 were India (2.0 million–2.3 million), Indonesia (0.7 million−1.4
million), China (0.86 million–1.0 million), Nigeria (340 000−870 000), Pakistan (370 000−650
000), and South Africa (400 000−510 000). India Indonesia and China alone accounted for a
combined total of 43%of global cases in 2014 (WHO, 2015). Of the 9.6 million incident cases,
an estimated 1.0 million were children and 3.2 million (range, 3.1–3.4 million) occurred among
women. Also, 6 million TB illness cases and 1.5 million death was reported globally, out of
which 1.2 million were HIV-negative and 0.4 million were HIV-positive (WHO, 2015).
2.3 Aetiology
The disease is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and any member of the so-called
caprae (M. caprae), and “Mycobacterium tuberculosis subsp. canettii” (Brosch et al., 2002;
Mostowy et al., 2002). The most common species of Mycobacterium associated with the disease
(Cadmus, 2003).
characterized by the formation of tubercles in any tissue/organ of the animal. It is zoonotic, being
transmitted to humans by an aerogenous route and/or through consumption of infected milk and
BTB is a disease of both economic and zoonotic importance and has resulted in the adoption of
little of the disease’s prevention, particularly as the contribution of BTB to human TB has
received limited attention. Major constraints, including lack of resources to study the disease
pattern and implement control measures, have led to the current situation in Africa (Sharp and
Daborn, 1995).
The disease is a chronic contagious respiratory disease of cattle which spreads horizontally
within and between species, by the aerosol and ingestion (O'Reilly and Daborn, 1995). It is
occurring in almost all developed and developing nations of the world. The incidence of disease
is not only higher in the developing nations but in the absence of any national control and
eradication program, it is also increasing worldwide particularly in the Asian, African and Latin
American countries (Bonsu et al., 2001). Mycobacterium bovis, the cause of BTB and M.
tuberculosis, the cause of classical human TB, are genetically and antigenically very similar and
cause identical clinical disease in humans (Dankner et al., 1993). There is considerable and
continuing public health significance of M. bovis infection in humans and animals and the
disease has emerged as a major zoonotic problem in many African countries (WHO, 1994). In
gastrointestinal tract and tuberculosis of cervical and mesenteric lymph nodes, the peritoneum,
and the genito-urinary tract (Bonsu et al., 2001; Dakner et al., 1993). Bovine tuberculosis, a
and organs, more significantly in the lungs, lymph nodes, intestine and kidney etc. It is caused by
slowly growing non-photochromogenic bacilli members of the MtbC: M. bovis and M. caprae
species. However, M. bovis is the most universal pathogen among mycobacteria and affects
many vertebrate animals of all age groups including humans although, cattle, goats and pigs are
found to be most susceptible, while sheep and horses are showing a high natural resistance
BTB has been significantly widely distributed throughout the world and it has been a cause of
great economic loss in animal production. In developed countries, BTB in animals is a rarity
with occasional severe occurrences in small groups of herds. In developing countries, however,
such as in 46% of African, 44% of Asian and 35% of the South American and the Caribbean
countries, sporadic occurrences and (particularly in Africa 11%) enzootic occurrences of BTB
have been reported (Cosivi et al., 1998). Apart from being the most important disease of
intensification with a serious effect on animal production, it also has a significant public health
importance (O’Reilly and Daborn, 1995). Although, the direct correlation between M. bovis
infection in cattle and human populations is not well known (Collins and Grange, 1983; Cosivi et
al., 1995), zoonotic BTB is present in most developing countries where surveillance and control
activities are often inadequate or unavailable. The actual impact of animal BTB on human health
is generally considered low in developed and developing countries, which may be based on the
rare identification of M. bovis isolates from human patients (Amanfu, 2006). In addition, the
technical problems in isolating the micro-organism (Collins and Grange, 1983). In most
developed countries of the world, the disease in farmed animals is now relatively well controlled
and supplementary precautions of regulated meat inspection and milk pasteurization have
minimized the risk of human infection from M. bovis. Where human TB caused by M. bovis is
around <1% of all tuberculosis cases (Grange, 2001). In such instances, infection is often seen in
the elderly, who have or have had agriculture associations, and disease has probably arisen from
reactivation of dormant lesions. The precise epidemiology of this disease in animal and human
populations in these countries has not been established and the contribution of M. bovis to human
tuberculosis in most instances therefore remains largely unknown. However, the correlation
between the prevalence of M. bovis infection in humans and in local cattle populations in Africa
highlights the potential threat of BTB to humans in such countries (Daborn et al.,1996).
humans and animals are sharing the same micro-environment and dwelling premises, especially
in rural areas. At present, due to the association of mycobacteria with the HIV/AIDS pandemic
and in view of the high prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the developing world and susceptibility of
AIDS patients to tuberculosis in general, the situation changing is most likely (Amanfu, 2006).
Prevalence data on BTB infection in Africa is scarce. There is, however, sufficient evidence to
indicate that it is widely distributed in almost all African countries and even is found at high
prevalence in some animal populations (WHO, 1994; Ayele et al., 2004; Zinsstag et al., 2006a).
Thus BTB is still a great concern in many developing countries and Nigeria is one of those
alongside HIV/AIDS, as being responsible for the deaths of more people each year than any
other single infectious disease, with more than 6 million new cases and 1.5 million deaths per
year and it is responsible for one-third of all deaths of HIV-infected individuals in Africa
(Zinsstag et al., 2006a; WHO, 2015). In Nigeria, the endemic nature of the human tuberculosis
Mycobacteriumbovis is commonly known as bovine tubercle bacillus and was first distinguished
from other mycobacteria through the work of Smith (1898) and Koch (1901). They are short to
moderately long rods. On primary isolation, growth is very poor on glycerol-containing media,
although repeated subculture permits adaptation to growth on such media. Furthermore, freshly
isolated cultures of M. bovis are microaerophilic; inocula dispersed into liquid, semisolid or solid
agar media grow in the medium but not on the surface, as distinguished from M. tuberculosis
which is highly aerobic (Schmiedel and Gerloff, 1965). On repeated subculture, M. bovis will
adapt to aerobic growth. Dilute inocula on egg media yield small, rounded, white colonies, with
irregular edges and a granular surface after 21 days or more of incubation at 37oC. Colonies on
transparent oleic acid albumin agar are thin, flat, generally corded; not easily emulsified in
absence of a detergent.
tubercle bacillus is short (1-3um long) relatively plump and not as beaded as the human type but
shows solid staining. M. bovis is Gram positive while its cell wall composition is similar to
Gram-negative organisms (Kotani et al, 1959). The wax D-component which plays a decisive
role in inducing delayed type hypersensitivity of M. bovis differs from that of M. tuberculosis in
lacking peptides, a fact which apparently makes it unsuitable for use as an adjuvant (Alhaji,
1976). English workers frequently use the terms eugonic (heaped up growth indicates an aerobe)
and dysgonic (a flat sheet of growth indicates a microaerophil) in referring to the ease with
which mammalian bacilli can be cultivated, the first term being equivalent in general to the
human and the latter to the bovine type. The human type develops a little faster than the bovine
on cultures (Hagan and Bruner 1951). M. bovis grows slowly on solid or liquid media than M.
tuberculosis, especially on primary isolation. M. bovis can be differentiated from the other
nitrate reduction negative or weakly positive, niacin production negative, weakly catalase
pyrazinamide (60mg/1).
mycobacteria to be more readily seen against a contrasting background and also tends to inhibit
the growth of certain contaminants in primary cultures. The growth of M. bovis is inhibited by
glycerol. Theobald Smith (1905) as cited by Hagan and Bruner (1951) early pointed out a growth
character by which the mammalian strains generally may be differentiated from each other. This
depends upon the fact that the human type utilises glycerol very actively whereas the utilisation
by the bovine type is limited. When cultivated upon a broth containing 3% glycerol, human types
produce enough acid to maintain a terminal acidity, whereas bovine types leave the medium
alkaline. Smith tested his fully developed cultures with phenolphthalein. If the reaction is acid,
there is a strong probability that the stain belongs to the human type; if alkaline, that it is of the
bovine type. If the original glycerol content of the medium is below 1%, both types will produce
an alkaline terminal reaction (Smith, 1905 as cited by Hagan and Bruner, 1951). An egg medium
with pyruvate replacing glycerol is favourable for growth, but the bacilli can be grown either on
egg or agar base medium. The colonial morphology of M. bovis varies with the medium for
rough and dull, while on Stonebrink’s medium they are white, moist and convex resembling
those of M. avium.
2.7.1 Environmental and animal reservoirs of M. bovis Locations
infection is direct animal contact (Pallock and Neil, 2002). However, experimental evidence has
shown that M. bovis can survive for long periods outside an animal host in an environment
ways of transmission. Yet in cattle, the natural host of M. bovis and the main source of human
spread, transmission via the oral route or even the respiratory route by inhalation of dust particles
in fields where no wildlife reservoirs are implicated in transmission to livestock, would play a
less important role. This is because the excretion of the organisms in faeces even from heavily
infected cattle occurs irregularly and at a low frequency (Menzies and Neil, 2000). There are no
records of human infection by M. bovis coming from a direct environmental source, revealing
that this way of transmission is not the most important one for this pathogen.
The success of tubercle bacilli as pathogens comes mainly from its ability to persist in the host
for long periods and cause disease by overcoming host immune responses (Flynn and Chan,
2001). Nevertheless, the possibility of surviving for long periods in the environment is explained
by the mycobacterial impermeable cell wall (Brennan and Nikaido, 1995) and slow growth
(Gonzalez-y-Merchand et al1997). In contrast, other features render these species more sensitive
Bernard 1962 and Cotter and Hill, 2003). Genomic comparisons between MAC and M.
tuberculosis complex members will not only allow to explaining differences in virulence
determinants between these two mycobacterial complexes but also the disparities in
Domestic and non-domestic animals may be considered either as maintenance (or reservoir)
hosts or non-maintenance (or spill-over) hosts for bovine tuberculosis. In reservoir host species,
infection can persist through horizontal transfer in the absence of any other source of M. bovis
and may as well be transmitted to other susceptible hosts. In contrast, spillover hosts become
infected with M. bovis but the infection only occurs sporadically or persists within these
populations if a true maintenance host is present in the ecosystem. If the source of infection is
removed, the prevalence for this disease is reduced and it can only be maintained in the long
Although the course of infection, clinical signs and development of disease can vary within
different host species, it can be presumed that certain essential physiological characteristics are
common for successful infection in any susceptible host. The analysis of the complete genome
sequence of M. bovis (Garnier et al., 2003) provides a means to dissect these characteristics.
To begin with, the cell wall protects the bacteria from harsh environments but also promotes
The ability to infect and persist in the macrophage by inhibiting phagosome-lysosome fusion,
creating a privileged compartment and remaining sequestered away from the terminal endocytic
organelles, is central to the success of the pathogen (Goren et al., 1976; Raja, 2004). The
presence of acidic, glycine-rich proteins (PE and PPE families) also found in M. leprae (Cole et
al., 2001) and M. marinum (Ramakrishman et al., 2000) whose genes are involved in virulence
are worth mentioning. Another important genetic factor implicated in the attenuation of the M.
bovis BCG strain is the lack of the RD1 locus (Ramakrishman et al., 2000), which is involved in
Latency is another important aspect of tubercle bacilli pathogenesis. The molecular basis for the
persistence phenotype and the pertinent host immune mechanisms that contribute to the
maintenance of tuberculosis latency are just beginning to be understood. The bacillus releases
peripheral cell wall lipids into their host cells, which induce the granulatomous response. This
represents active manipulation of the host’s response to ensure the maintenance of the infection.
The granuloma appears as a balance structure that walls off the infection and limits its
metastasis. However, the very prison that limits spread could well restrict the capacity of the host
Within domesticated animals, cattle, farmed buffalo and goats are considered reservoir hosts of
M. bovis, while pigs, cats, dogs, horses and sheep are considered spillover hosts (Cousins, 2003;
Biet et al., 2005). The realisation that wildlife is infected with M. bovis may result in apparent
failure programmes to eradicate the infection from cattle (Delahay et al., 2002). Knowledge of
wildlife tuberculosis through appropriate surveillance programmes in feral animal populations
may be important in the research strategies for the total elimination of livestock tuberculosis.
2.7.2 Transmission
Tuberculosis is primarily a respiratory disease but it can also spread to other parts of the body.
The primary route of transmission of infection within and between species is by the airborne
route and is facilitated by close, prolonged contact between infected and healthy humans or
animals through the exchange of respiratory secretions (O’Reilly and Daborn 1995 and Kempf et
al., 2005). However, other routes of transmission such as congenital and vertical transmission
have been recorded (Collins and Grange, 1983 and Neil et al., 1994). Transmission of
In cattle as well as in other animal hosts, the route of transmission of M. bovis can be deduced by
the pattern of lesions observed in slaughtered animals. Animals with lesions restricted to the
thoracic cavity are presumed to have been infected by the inhalation of aerosols, while those with
lesions in mesenteric lymph nodes are thought to have acquired the infection by ingestion
(Pollock and Neil, 2002). In field cases of cattle, the majorities of lesions are found in the upper
and lower respiratory tract and associated lymph nodes. Thus, it is considered that the inhalation
of M. bovis is the most probable route of infection (Neil et al., 1994). In fact, the development of
tuberculosis lesions which invade the airways is thought to be required to facilitate active
excretion and aerosol spread of M. bovis (Menzies and Neil, 2000). Respiratory excretion and
transmission occurs in bovines. Droplets of contaminated water, eructation while ruminating
infected pastures or inhalation of contaminated dust particles can also be an alternative way of
aerogenous infection. This is, in fact, suspected to be the most likely way cattle could get
M. bovis directly from infected animals or from contaminated pastures, water or fomites is
considered secondary to respiratory spread, as deduced from the minor presence of mesenteric
lesions in cattle cases (Menzies and Neil 2000). Congenital infections and vertical transmission
to calves as well as genital transmission are uncommon in regions where intensive eradication
programmes operate.
Intensive livestock farming promotes close contact between animals, favouring the spread of M.
bovis (Alhaji 1979; O’Reiley and Daborn, 1995; Shirima, 2003). Extensive livestock farming,
however, especially transhumance with no housing system, raises the question as to how bovine
TB transmission can take place. Close contact between animals occurs for example at water
points such as ponds, wells, and streams. In Africa, grazing animals usually gather at night for
protection from predators. Vaccination and artificial insemination centers, dipping tanks, auction
stations, market places and transportation are the commonest animal gathering places, and again
are sites where transmission of infection could easily occur. Due to the high ambient temperature
in tropical zones, animals tend to concentrate under trees or other shaded areas for parts of the
day, preferring to graze early in the morning and late in the afternoon (Ayele et al., 2004).
Possibly the most dangerous spots for nose-to-nose or mouth-to-mouth contact between animals
are salt supplementing points. Therefore, while extensive farming is safer than zero level grazing
systems to prevent disease transmission, some of the above situations stimulate the dangers of
33 Animal-to-human transmission
zero level as a result of pasteurisation of milk and milk products and eradication of bovine
especially Africa, the disease in animals can be widely distributed in regions where control
measures are not applied or are conducted sporadically and pasteurisation is rarely practised
(Cosivi et. al., 1998), and hence transmission to humans. The direct correlation between M.
bovis infection in cattle and disease in the human population has been well documented in
industrialized countries as well as in developing countries (Cosivi et al., 1998, Cook et al., 1996
and Ameni and Erhikum, 2007). Pulmonary TB due to M. bovis is more common in rural
infected animals, while urban dwellers acquire the infection via the gastrointestinal route and
develop extra-pulmonary TB (Daborn et al., 1996). In countries with a relatively high prevalence
of bovine TB in cattle, abattoir and farm workers are the groups most exposed to infection
Infection of humans may occur by the inhalation of aerosols or through the consumption of
contaminated milk. The aerosols are the result of animal excretion but can also be produced by
handling lesioned carcasses (Neil et al., 1986). This route of infection leads to respiratory
Current economic and social globalization has created greater opportunities for the spread of
zoonotic disease such as TB. When considering the revival of TB in countries previously
declared to be free of the disease, it is worth noting the statement by Grange: ‘we are now
learning the hard way that none are safe until all are safe’ (Grange, 1994). Also enhancing
human infection with bovine tuberculosis is the menace of HIV/AIDS. The incidence of human
tuberculosis increased globally in 2003, but incidence, prevalence, and death rates were
approximately stable or decreased in all countries except Africa. Out of the 15 counties in the
world with the highest rates of tuberculosis, 13 are in Africa. It is estimated that 2.4 million
Africans become infected and 540 000 die annually from the disease (Mitka, 2005, OIE, 2006;
Raviglione et al., 1995). An HIV infection result in humans becoming much more susceptible to
all forms of tuberculosis; and it is estimated that 50% or more of new cases are related to prior
HIV infection (Raviglione et al., 1995). This not only poses a risk for other humans but also
results in cows being exposed to far higher levels of M. tuberculosis and other Mycobacteria than
was previously the case. Mixed infections of different M. tuberculosis strains in the same patient
have also been demonstrated (Warren et al., 2004). The cycle of tuberculosis infection between
The primary sources of infection for humans are consumption of unpasteurised milk and close
association between humans and animals (Coetzer and Tustin, 2005). Rural inhabitants and some
urban dwellers in Africa still consume unpasteurised and sour milk potentially infected with M.
bovis. Milk-borne infection is the main cause of non-pulmonary TB in areas where bovine TB is
common and uncontrolled. The agro-pastoral system of farming in Africa also exposes the
farmer to the mycobacteria which may be present in the faeces excreted by infected animal often
used as manure to fertilize the farmlands. Traditionally in Africa, cows suckle their calves and
are milked at the same time. Usually the cow is separated from the calf for about 12 hours, either
at night or, more usually, during the day and milked as the calf is returned to her. An infected
cow could produce milk containing mycobacteria, or cough infected droplets in the direction of
the milker. Milk is seldom pasteurised in pastoral societies, and, even if soured, can still contain
infective levels of mycobacteria [Coetzer and Tustin, 2005; Kazwala, 1996]. Animals in
traditional African farming systems are seldom culled and there is a greater chance for chronic
tuberculosis in old cows, particularly those subjected to stress (Michel et al., 2004).
Fritshe et al., (2004) recently reported a scenario of tuberculosis in cattle exposed to a patient
infected with M. bovis, where the strain isolated in the cattle and the patient where identical. The
human patient, a 72-year old farmer was reported to have been exposed and contaminated from a
farm during childhood. The role of humans in infecting cattle with bovine TB was reviewed by
Torning in 1965 (van Soolingen et al., 1994). Sjögren and Hillerdal (1978) cited several
examples of human-to-cattle transmission, and stressed the potential danger that patients with
smear-positive pulmonary TB due to M. bovis may pose to animals. However, reports of human
infection of cattle are rare (O’Reilly and Daborn, 1995).The genitourinary tract in humans is a
importance to epidemiologists in studying human infection, but this route of infection from man
to cattle is well-documented. Grange and Yates reported that farm workers urinating in cowsheds
may represent a source of infection for animals (Grange and Yates, 1994). An analogous
situation is thought to occur in rural Africa, where patients with genitourinary TB may urinate on
pasture; animals craving salt preferentially graze on this grass and may succumb to infection. In
the same vein, people also live very close to the animals. Due to hand milking, the contact
between cow and human is also much closer and there is a high possibility that droplet-mediated
36 Human-to-human transmission
Mycobacterium bovis is pathogenic for humans, but its pathogenicity may be less than that of M.
tuberculosis. Person to person spread of M. bovis has been recorded, but the relative contribution
of this mode of transmission to the overall problem of tuberculosis has not been investigated in
in the Netherlands in 1994 (van Soolingen et al., 1994). Evidence of transmission of M. bovis
between humans is considered rare and largely anecdotal, and the rate of transmission seems
1995). Though this mode of transmission is considered less efficient than that of M. tuberculosis
increases the susceptibility of the host organism to infection, may be different. Mycobacterium
bovis has been isolated from HIV-infected individuals in some industrialised countries, with an
In Nigeria, the presence of bovine tuberculosis can be traced back to 1932 (Alhaji, 1976). Past
studies have confirmed the prevalence and the endemicity of the tuberculosis in indigenous cattle
population (Alhaji 1976; Ayanwale, 1989). Prevalence rates of 0.49% and 1.29% have been
reported in slaughtered cattle in Sokoto State by Dusai and Abdullahi (1994) and Ajogi et al.
(1995) respectively. In similar studies conducted in Oyo and Osun States, south-west Nigeria as
well as in Maiduguri north-eastern part of the country, reported prevalence rates of 1.43%,
1.22% and 1.26% were respectively obtained(Ogundipe and Ajiboye, 1997, Ishola et al., 2001
and Egbe-Niyi et al., 2000). Wekhe and Berepubo (1989) reported a prevalence of 8.2% in a
study carried out in an eastern abattoir of the country; while Cadmus (2006) confirmed the
There has been a rise in the prevalence and the existence of foci of infection of the disease as
demonstrated by the tuberculin results of Alhaji (1976); Ayanwale (1989); Shehu (1988);
Cadmus et al. (2004); Abubakar (2007); Okaiyeto et al. (2008); Cadmus et al. (2009) and
Ibrahim et al. (2012) where individual prevalence rates of between 1% and16.65% as well as
herd prevalence of 45.45% were reported. The isolation of the causative agent along with other
mycobacteria species in fresh and sour milk have been reported as well across the country
(Alhaji 1976; Shehu 1988; Okolo 1992; Abubakar 2007; Cadmus and Adesokan 2007; Ofukwu
Various organs especially lungs and lymph nodes of suspected tuberculous cattle from abattoirs
and slaughtered houses have yielded M. bovis in most of the cases with a small number of other
mycobacteria such as M. tuberculosis and M. africanum (Cadmus et al., 2006, 2007 and
Abubakar 2007). Mycobacterium bovis have been isolated from the nasal secretions of tuberculin
positive cattle by Ayanwale (1989) while Ibrahim et al., (2010) in a study conducted in Jigawa
State ascertained that tuberculin reactivity is significantly associated with respiratory signs hence
re-emphasizing inhalation as the route of transmission. This has a grave public health implication
seeing the disease can be transmitted to humans through the inhalation of cough sprays.
The disease was reported in other animal species in Nigeria. A rare case of tuberculosis of the
skin was reported in a horse which was presented to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the
Usmanu Dandodiyo University Sokoto with a main complain of circumscribed deep seated
wound located on the cheek (Garba et al, 2001). Mycobacterium bovis was isolated from a horse
The infection resulted in cross-infection to the horse boy who reacted positively to tuberculin
The occurrence of BTB due to M. bovis in humans is difficult to determine accurately in Africa
because of technical problems in isolating the organism (Collins and Grange, 1983). Currently,
humans and animals are sharing the same micro-environment and dwelling premises especially
in rural areas (Abubakar, 2007). The association of TB with the HIV/AIDS pandemic and in
view of the high prevalence of the human TB due to M. bovis is likely to change (Amanfu,
Rural inhabitants and some urban dwellers in Nigeria still consume unpasteurized and soured
milk potentially infected with M. bovis. A study conducted in four states in Northern Nigeria by
Idrisu and Schnurrenberger (1977) reported that one of the 10 mycobacteria isolated from
sputum-positive cultures was M. bovis. In addition, Idigbe et al. (1986) reported that 4 (3.9%) of
102 M. tuberculosis complex isolates from sputum samples of patients with pulmonary TB, were
M. bovis. Other studies in Nigeria reveal a range of prevalence in different states of the country.
human tuberculosis in Sokoto State reported that 39 of the 106 samples yielded Mycobacterium
on culture; and on further characterization, eight were M. bovis and 4 atypical mycobacteria and
were principally from cases of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis, thus giving a prevalence of 7.55%.
In a related study in Jos, Plateau State, Mawak et al. (2006) discovered that 10 out of the 65
isolates from sputum of patients with persistent bronchopneumonia were M. bovis. In Ibadan,
south-western Nigeria, M. bovis was isolated from a child with cervical lymphadenitis (Cadmus
et al., 2004). Also in another study to establish baseline strains causing tuberculosis in Nigeria
conducted in Ibadan, Cadmus et al. (2006) established that 13% of the disease in the humans
studied was caused by M. africanum and M. bovis rather than M. tuberculosis. Furthermore, in a
State for the prevalence of Mycobacterium; 26 out of 70 people screened (37.14%) tested
positive for tuberculosis by cultural isolation and biochemical characterization showed that five
(5) of the isolates were M. bovis giving a prevalence of 7.14%, however, deletion analysis
The control of BTB in Nigeria is regulated by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture. However, the
control policy of the Animal Disease (Control) Decree of 1988 is poorly or inadequately
implemented (Abubakar et al., 2011). This is largely due to politico-economic reasons and high
cost of sustainable testing and slaughter of infected animals and the subsequent compensation to
the farmers. In addition to these is the problem of social unrest due to political instability and
ethnic wars especially between the Fulani herders and local farmers (Ayele et al., 2004 and
Also contributing to this occurrence is the lack of quarantine and communication networks at the
various control posts which enhances animal smuggling across state boundaries (Ayele et al.,
2004). This is also buttressed by the fact that most control posts have turned into revenue
collection points rather than checking points for disease surveillance. Most abattoirs are under-
staffed lacking sufficient veterinary expertise. The uncooperative attitudes of butchers coupled
with illiteracy, during meat inspection as a result of little or no compensation by the government
for condemned carcasses due to bovine tuberculosis is also a major bottle-neck in the control of
Majority of the cattle in Nigeria are of dual purpose and are with the pastoralists; who own them
as a sign of wealth, cohabit with them and also feed on their milk. The cattle are slaughtered only
during ceremonies. Therefore, the risk of transmission of the disease from cattle to humans
abound as there has been association between the keeping of cattle and the occurrence of both
pulmonary and extra pulmonary tuberculosis in man (Grange and Yates 1994; Ameni and
Erkihun 2007).
The primary sources of infection for humans are consumption of unpasteurised milk and close
association between humans and animals (Coetzer and Tustin, 2005). Rural inhabitants and some
urban dwellers in Nigeria still consume unpasteurised and soured milk potentially infected with
M. bovis (Abubakar, 2007 and Cadmus et al., 2008). Milk-borne infection is the main cause of
system of farming in Africa also exposes the farmer to the mycobacteria which may be present in
the faeces excreted by infected animal often used as manure to fertilize the farmlands. An
infected cow could produce milk containing mycobacteria, or cough infected droplets in the
direction of the milker. Milk is seldom pasteurised in pastoral societies, and, even if soured, can
still contain infective levels of mycobacteria [Coetzer and Tustin, 2005; Kazwala, 1996].
Animals in traditional African farming systems are seldom culled and there is a greater chance
for chronic tuberculosis in old cows, particularly those subjected to stress (Michel et al., 2004).
Additionally, prior to sale, cattle are fattened in close proximity to the farmers’ home and after
being sold in at the market; they are being slaughtered in nearby abattoirs where butchers use
minimal protective clothing and process diseases carcasses with bear hands (Cadmus et al.,
The following factors contribute to the risk of contracting bovine tuberculosis: family owner of
cattle, previous ownership of livestock, history of working with animals, living with relative that
owns cattle and consumption of unpasteurized milk and raw or poorly cooked meat (Abubakar et
al., 2011). Diagnosis
Diagnosis of tuberculosis in Nigeria most times ends at the smear level (Abubakar et al., 2011)
and as a result of that, infection by M. bovis cannot be differentiated from that caused by M.
resistant to pyrazinamide which is widely used for the treatment of infections of M. tuberculosis
complex in humans (Krauss et al., 2003). There are very few laboratories that carry out culture
and isolation in Nigeria, and oftentimes it is mostly done for research purposes not for routine
diagnosis. The inability to identify the specific species of the Mycobacterium causing human
tuberculosis in the country has resulted in the lack of understanding of the extent of the
A major setback is the failure of the National TB control program to recognize the importance of
BTB as a major public health problem, coupled with lack of collaboration between the
veterinary and human doctors with regard to the control of the disease (Abubakar, 2007).
Reports indicate that the incidence of tuberculosis in humans has risen as result of HIV/AIDS
epidemic (WHO, 2005 and Shitaye et al., 2007). As the result of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, there
has been increase in the incidence of BTB in humans as well (Cosivi et al., 1998, Ayele et al.,
Tuberculosis and other mycobacterial infections are major opportunistic infections in HIV/AIDS
infected individuals (Grange et al., 1994; Raviglione et al., 1995), while HIV/AIDS is a major
predisposing factor for tuberculosis including reactivation of the disease. The current spreading
domestic and wild animals poses an additional serious public health threat (Grange and Yates,
1994; Grange et al., 1994; Cosivi et al., 1995; Pavlik et al., 2002; Ayele et al., 2004).
2. 7.4.6 Illiteracy
The inability to read and write as well as the failure to utilize modern methods of communication
(Ayele et al., 2004) is a major problem Nigeria; and the limited knowledge of the rural dwellers,
herders, farmers and the general public about the epidemiology of BTB, make prevention and
control programs difficult and often impossible to apply (Shitaye et al., 2007).
Many methods exist for the diagnosis of BTB in cattle. Some of these methods include: In vivo
test like tuberculin screening, the cellular test based on the quantification of gamma interferon as
molecular methods (OIE, 2009). Bovine tuberculosis can be diagnosed in live cattle on the field
with the tuberculin skin test. A strong skin-based immune response to bovine tuberculin is
consistent with infection. In many instances this is performed in a comparative manner, using
avian tuberculin in addition to bovine. The magnitude of the avian response is taken into
consideration when determining positive or negative status. All skin tests are two step procedures
involving tuberculin injection on day one, and a reading of the skin response 72 hours later.
Presumptive testing may be carried out using histopathology and/or the microscopic
demonstration of acid-fast bacilli, where direct smears from clinical samples or tissues (usually
collected at post mortem) may be stained with the Ziehl Neelsen stain, a fluorescent acid-fast
selective culture media, which are incubated for eight weeks. The organism can be confirmed
with biochemical tests or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays (including spoligotyping
which can both confirm and type bacteria). Blood-based tests for immune responses to M. bovis
include the lymphocyte proliferation and gamma-interferon assays and serological tests.
Detection of bTB in Nigeria is carried out most commonly on the basis of tuberculin skin testing,
abattoir meat inspection and rarely on bacteriological techniques. However, the current status of
bTB at the national level is unknown because screening of cattle by the tuberculin skin test in
44 Tuberculin Tests
The primary screening test for BTB in live cattle is performed using one of the variants of the
TST: the caudal fold test (CFT), the (mid) cervical intradermal test (CIT), or the comparative
cervical test (CCT). The TST represents the OIE prescribed test for international trade and
constitutes a delayed type hypersensitivity test (Anon, 2008a). It measures dermal swelling
primarily because of a cell-mediated immune response (CMI) three days (72 hours) after
intradermal injection of purified protein derivative (PPD) in the skin of the caudal fold (CFT) or
neck (CIT), respectively. The skin of the neck is regarded to be more sensitive to a tuberculin-
related hypersensitivity reaction than the skin of the caudal fold. To compensate for this
difference, higher doses of PPD may be used in the caudal fold. Because animals are frequently
PPD-B may occur as many antigens contained within PPD-B are shared between non-
tuberculous and tuberculous mycobacteria. The CCT is used to differentiate between animals
infected with M. bovis and those sensitized to PPD-B as a result of exposure to other
mycobacteria. Responses to bovine and avian tuberculins are compared according to OIE
guidelines or those developed by national eradication programs (e.g. use of a scattergram in the
USA). Historically, the TST has been the primary ante-mortem test available to support bTB
eradication campaigns. Advantages of the TST and reasons for its wide use are low costs, high
availability, long history of use and, for a long time, the lack of alternative methods to detect
bTB. Still, this test has many known limitations including difficulties in administration and
interpretation of results, need for a second-step visit, low degree of standardization, and
imperfect test accuracy (De la Rua-Domenech et al., 2006). Performance of TST techniques may
vary because of differences in tuberculin doses, PPD preparations, site of application, and
interpretation schemes. In fact, disparate performances have been found in many international
studies (Monaghan et al., 1994): 68–96.8% sensitivity and 96–98.8% specificity for CFT, 80–
91% sensitivity and 75.5–96.8% specificity for CIT, 55.1–93.5% sensitivity and 88.8–100%
specificity for CCT. Recent data from some countries or regions indicate a markedly reduced
sensitivity of TST in certain situations. A study in Northern Ireland showed that as few as 59%
of animals with confirmed M. bovis infection were detected by CCT in some herds (Welsh, M.,
and McNair, J., unpublished results). Similarly, herd (n = 42) sensitivity of CCT in fighting bulls
in Camargue, France, was 58% (10.6% sensitivity for individuals, n ‡ 9000) with more than 80%
of bTB cases detected upon subsequent slaughter inspection (Keck, N., unpublished results).
Twenty-eight of the 42 herds contained at least one culture-positive animal and 142 animals had
fighting bulls) or anergy because of an advanced stage of bTB possibly account for the low
sensitivity of TST in some circumstances. These data may represent the lower end of the
performance spectrum of TST and not average values. Still, a low sensitivity constitutes a serious
Upon the inhalation of Mtb, the alveolar macrophages are among the first cells to encounter the
microorganism in the host-pathogen relationship that decides outcome of infection (Figure 2.1).
lymphocytes and activated macrophages into the lesion resulting in granuloma formation. The
exponential growth of the bacilli is checked and dead macrophages form a caseum. Despite the
potential of macrophages to kill pathogens, Mtb can escape this fate. Resting macrophages allow
some degree of Mtb replication, whereas activated cells can either suppress or kill the bacteria
(Hirsch et al., 1997). TB antigen presentation by dendritic cells, potentially aided by neutrophils
(Stewart et al., 1999), in the draining lymph nodes induces a local immune response which
results in the recruitment of various cell types to the site of infection, including monocytes,
macrophages, neutrophils and dendritic cells (Figure 2.1). Together, these cells form a primary
granuloma which, while enclosing the infection, may also permit Mtb growth until T cell are
recruited to the infection site (Figure 2.1). Protection against active TB is known to require a
clearly delineated Th1 response, mediated by IFN γ, IL-2, and TNF-α (Flynn et al., 2011;
Wangoo et al., 2001; Shevach et al., 2001) which may clear infection or drive it into an immune-
mediated containment, or latency. Specifically, individuals defective in genes encoding for IFN
γ or the IFN γ receptor are susceptible to fulminant mycobacterial infections, including Mtb
(Iwashiro et al., 2001). IFN γ is important in macrophage activation with the resulting
stimulation of nitric oxide synthase and L-arginase production, an essential step for proper
Chronic helminth
Helminth infection
infection induce a
induce a dominant Alveolar
regulatory network
Th2 reponse Macrophage
i.e. suppressive
with ingested
regulatory T cells
M. bovis
M. bovis
IL-10 IL-4, 1L-5, infected
TGF-β IL-9, IL-13 Macrophage
Local immune
response and
recruitment of
immune cells
formation MONOCYTES
of T-cells
Fig 2.1: Pathway depicting the immunological interplay between Th1,Th2 & Treg : a classical scenario in
helminth and TB co-infection in cattle
2.9 Helminthosis
2. 9.1 Definition
Helminths are multicellular pathogens that infect vast number of human and animal hosts,
causing widespread of chronic disease and morbidity (Crompton and Nesheim, 2002).
2.9.2 Aetiology
Helminths or worms cause a wide range of health problems to both man and animals (Colley et
al., 2001). Helminthosis, in large part, is caused by members of the phyla Nematyhelminthes and
2.9.3 History
cattle industry in a study conducted by Lee (1955) in south western states of Nigeria where rainy
season is prolonged. Records compiled by Sprent (1946) listed thirteen (13) species of
nematodes from the alimentary tract of cattle in Nigeria. A checklist was also compiled by
Schillhorn van Veen et al. (1975) comprising 16 different species of gastrointestinal nematodes
associated with great economic losses to farmers throughout the world, these loses manifest
through morbidity in acute cases and in chronic infection reduced weight gains, reduced food
conversion, abortion, infertility, reduced meat and milk production (Ogunrinade, 1984; Karki,
1987; Beriajaya et al., 1995). The negative impact of helminth infections on livestock
productivity in tropical countries has long been established. Reports by Ndarathi et al. (1989)
and Olusi (1997), Edosomwan and Ewarami (2012) contained recent appraisals of this problem.
The eggs of intestinal helminths can be found in the mummified feces of humans dating back
thousands of years (Cox, 2002; Hotez, 2008), can also be recognized in many of the
characteristic clinical features of helminth infections from the ancient writings of Hippocrates,
Egyptian medical papyri and the Bible (Cox, 2002; Hotez, 2008).
Helminths are eukaryotic parasites that infect approximately one-third of the world's population
and are one of the most common infections affecting poor people living in the developing world
(Fritsche et al., 1993). Gastrointestinal parasites are known to be widespread in Nigeria and limit
2.9.5 Biodiversity
animals derived from free-living metazoan ancestors. Although commonly grouped together, the
helminths in fact comprise two very distantly related taxa that diverged 600 million or more
years ago (Knoll and Carroll, 1999): the roundworms or Nematyhelminthes and flatworms or
2.9.6 Nematyhelminthes
Nematyhelminthes have long thin unsegmented tube-like bodies with anterior mouths and
longitudinal digestive tracts. A major class of this group is the nematoda, they have a fluid-filled
internal body cavity (pseudocoelum) which acts as a hydrostatic skeleton providing rigidity (so-
called ‘tubes under pressure’). Worms use longitudinal muscles to produce a sideways thrashing
motion. Most species are dioecious. The reproductive system consists of long tubules that serve
as ovaries or testes. In females, the reproductive tubule (ovary) is usually double. Males are
smaller than females and have one or two hardened spicules on their posterior ends that guide
sperm to the female’s genital pore. Species identification is often based on spicule structure.
2.9.7 Platyhelminthes
Platyhelminthes (flatworms) are flattened from the dorsal to ventral surfaces. The classes of this Trematodes
Trematodes (flukes) have small flat leaf-like bodies with oral and ventral suckers and a blind
sac-like gut. They do not have a body cavity (acoelomate) and are dorsoventrally flattened with
bilateral symmetry. They exhibit elaborate gliding or creeping motion over substrates using
compact 3-D arrays of muscles. Most species are hermaphroditic (individuals with male and
female reproductive systems) although some blood flukes form separate male and female adults.
The suckers hold the animal in place. Flukes obtain food by absorbing it through their outer
covering, called the cuticle. Flukes are given common names according to the tissue of the
definitive host in which the adults live (for example, liver fluke). Cestodes
Cestodes (tapeworms) are intestinal parasites with long flat ribbon-like bodies with a single
anterior holdfast organ (scolex) and numerous segments called proglottids. They do not have a
gut and all nutrients are taken up through the tegument. They do not have a body cavity
(acoelomate) and are flattened to facilitate perfusion to all tissues. Segments exhibit slow body
flexion produced by longitudinal and transverse muscles. All tapeworms are hermaphroditic and
2.7.8 Predilection sites
niches within their mammalian hosts, ranging from intestinal lumen to intravascular and even
2.7.9 Life-cycles
All parasitic worms are obligate parasites, that is, they cannot complete their life cycle without
spending some time on their host. Some helminth parasites are very host specific, i.e. they are
able to complete their life cycle only on that particular host species or closely related ones (e.g.
Toxocara vitullorum which infests cattle). Other species can develop on many different host
species (e.g. liver flukes: Fasciola hepatica). Many helminth species have complex life cycles,
alternating stages on the host and stages off the host. The duration of each development stage
depends strongly on ecologic and climatic conditions. Understanding the life cycle is very
important in establishing and managing preventative measures. There are two major types of life
This has a single host that is called definitive or final host, where the worms reach maturity and
This has at least one obligate intermediate host in addition to the final host. Typical intermediate
hosts are often small invertebrates such as snails, insects, crustaceans, etc. The worms complete
certain development stages inside these intermediate hosts, with or without harming them. In
some species the immature stages can multiply asexually inside the intermediate hosts. The final
hosts get infected mostly by ingestion of infected intermediate hosts. Flukes (trematodes) and
tapeworms (cestodes) often have indirect life cycles. Some species have two obligate
Helminths form three main developmental stages: eggs, larvae and adults. Adult worms infect
definitive hosts (those in which sexual development occurs) whereas larval stages may be free- Nematodes
Nematodes produce eggs that embryonate in utero or outside the host. The emergent larvae
undergo four metamorphoses (moults) before they mature as adult male or female worms. Cestodes
Cestodes eggs released from gravid segments embryonate to produce six-hooked embryos
host tissues and become metacestodes (encysted larvae). When eaten by definitive hosts, they Trematodes
Trematodes have more complex life-cycles where ‘larval’ stages undergo asexual amplification
in snail intermediate hosts. Eggs hatch to release free-swimming miracidia which actively infect
snails and multiply in sac-like sporocysts to produce numerous rediae. These stages mature to
cercariae which are released from the snails and either actively infect new definitive hosts or
Figure 2.2: Nematode cycle: egg- larvae (L1-L4) – adult Commented [DA1]: Indicate L1-L4
Fig. 2.3: Cestode cycle: egg- metacestode- adult
Fig. 2.4: Trematode cycle: egg- miracidium- sporocyst- rediae- cercariae- (metacercariae)-
Figure 2.5: Life cycle of helminth (possible route of re-infection)
2.9.11 Route of entry
The word helminth is derived from a Greek word meaning worm (Faust et al., 1970). Infective
stages of parasitic worms have several routes of entry into their hosts. Entry through natural
opening is mostly through the mouth, quite seldom through the anus, nose or other opening.
Ingestion through the mouth is mostly passive, such that infective stages are ingested with
contaminated food. Skin entry could be active when agent penetrates by its own effort or
passively through a bite of a vector (insects). A special case is transplacenta transmission when
worm is transmitted from dam to young, it could also occur via milk.
2.9.12 Pathogenesis
Well-nourished, healthy animals often tolerate considerable worm burdens without major harm,
i.e. without developing a disease, somehow in a natural balance. But if they lose condition (e.g.
due to stress, droughts, malnutrition, etc.) the worm infestation turns into an excessive burden
and the disease breaks out. Unlike other pathogens (viruses, bacteria, protozoa and fungi),
helminths do not proliferate within their hosts. Helminths grow, moult, mature and then produce
offspring which are voided from the host to infect new hosts. Worm burdens in individual hosts
(severity of infection) are therefore dependent on intake (number of infective stages taken up).
Worms develop slowly compared to other infectious pathogens so any resultant diseases are slow
in onset and chronic in nature. Although most helminth infections are well tolerated by their
hosts and are often asymptomatic, subclinical infections have been associated with significant
loss of condition in infected hosts. Helminth infection can result in losses in productivity through
a reduction of feed intake and feed conversion efficiency, loss of blood and even death. Toxins
are produced by mature worms that destroy red blood cells, which result to unthrifty anemic
conditions generated. While immature worms migrating through the body tissues of animals
open the way for bacteria and fungi to enter, this causes serious diseases.
Helminths are responsible for substantial loss of productivity in the livestock industry, although
helminthic infections are often asymptomatic, severe pathology can occur (Tibbo et al., 2006;
Nwosu et al., 2007). Many potential helminthic infections are eliminated by host defenses; others
become established and may persist for prolonged periods, even years. In many cases the same
individual may be infected by more than one parasite (Mckenzie, 2005; Hotez et al., 2006). Their
harmful effects on these animals range from gastro-enteritis, anorexia, abdominal distention,
diarrhea and emaciation. In addition, helminthosis adversely affects ruminants e.g. hematological
and biochemical disturbances (Iqbal et al., 1993; Hayat et al., 1996).Helminths cause serious
clinical diseases characterized by high morbidity and mortality. Clinical signs of infection vary
considerably depending on the site and duration of infection. Larval and adult nematodes lodge,
migrate or encyst within tissues resulting in obstruction, inflammation, oedema, anaemia, lesions
and granuloma formation. Infections by adult cestodes are generally benign as they are not
invasive, but the larval stages penetrate and encyst within tissues leading to inflammation, space-
occupying lesions and organ malfunction. Adult flukes usually cause obstruction, inflammation
and fibrosis in tubular organs, but the eggs of blood flukes can lodge in tissues causing extensive
granulomatous reactions and hypertension. All of which result in serious economic losses to the
farmer and the nation in general (Junaidu and Adamu, 1997). Similarly, they constitute a major
impediment to efficient and profitable livestock production (Akerejola et al., 1999; Jithendran
2.9.14 Diagnoses
Helminths are studied in parasitology because they cause infectious diseases and most are
diagnosed by microscopic examination of eggs or larvae. Eggs may have striations (lines), a
spine, or an operculum (hatch by which the larva leaves). Although faecal examination has a
high specificity, its sensitivity is believed to be low, due to the long pre-patent period,
intermittent egg excretion and over dispersion of the fluke population (Vercruysse and
Claerebout, 2001).
Helminths induce a strong Th2 host response that promotes mucus secretion, collagen deposition
and wound healing mechanisms that are critical for helminth expulsion (Bethony et al., 2006).
Yet despite the induction of such protective Th2 responses, helminths are often able to persist in
the host for a long time, resulting in chronic infection (Allen and Maizels, 2011). Persistence in
the host is achieved, in part, by the induction of immunoregulatory pathways that are favorable
to helminth survival. It has been observed that during helminth infection, expanding populations
of regulatory T-cells (T-regs) produce cytokines like transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) and
interleukin 10 (IL-10) (Figure 3), that can down-modulate both Th1 and Th2 inflammatory
responses (Babu et al., 2006; Satoguina et al., 2002; King et al., 1993; Gillan et al., 2005). T-
regs interfere with effector T cell activation (Shevach et al., 2001; Oldenhove et al., 2003), and
not surprisingly therefore, excessive exposure to parasitic helminth infection has been associated
with generalized immune hyporesponsiveness (Turner et al., 2008), rather than exacerbation of
Th2 and immunoregulatory cytokines like IL4, IL10 and TGF generated during helminth
infection may act as potent inhibitors of the Th1 responses to TB infection (Rook, 2007; Redford
It has been reported that TB infection induce Th1 immune response and helminth induce Th2
response. Both Th1 and Th2 cells were shown to negatively influence each other both in vitro
and in vivo: IFN-γ inhibits Th2 responses while IL-4 inhibits Th1 responses (Elias et al., 2006).
It is becoming increasingly clear that helminth infections, in addition to stimulating vigorous Th2
responses, can induce suppressive T cell populations known as regulatory T cells (Tregs)
(Shevach et al., 2001). Tregs produce inhibitory cytokines (IL-10 and TGF-β) that suppress Th1
type responses and interfere with effector T cell activation (Shevach et al., 2001). Initially it was
thought that Tregs are important primarily in the control of pathogenic T cells and autoimmune
responses (Shevach et al., 2001). Recently however, it has become apparent that Tregs could be
induced to regulate responses to pathogens (Hesse et al. 2004; Maizels et al. 2004). Reports have
shown the involvement of Tregs in helminth induced immunosuppression (Satoguina et al. 2002;
Pearce & McKee 2004). In experimental nematode infection, it has been observed that there was
enhancement of Treg function associated with up regulated Th2 responses (Gillan & Devaney
2005). Such enhanced Treg function associated with helminth infection may suppress Th1
responses directed against unrelated antigens and/or pathogens (Oldenhove et al., 2003).
2.9.17 Potential impact of helminth infection on TB diagnosis
Intact host immune responses are needed for reliable TB diagnostic tests. Thus, attenuated
immune responses caused by helminth infection may reduce the reliability of diagnostic tests
described by Robert Koch in 1890. Consistent with this, Stewart et al. (1999) reported an
cellular responses to PPD and skewing of the immune response towards a Th2 profile. Further
evidence that worm burden may affect immune responses comes from a deworming trial (Elias et
al., 2001). Among the helminth-infected animals, those treated with albendazole, but not the
PPD. However, no significant effect of deworming was recorded in the skin reaction – possibly
reflecting the lower sensitivity of the skin test compared to cellular responses. Of note, even in
utero helminth exposure may affect downstream immune response to PPD. In one study, children
born to uninfected mothers produced 10-fold higher PPD-specific IFNγ compared to children
from worm-infected mothers (Malhotra et al., 1999). Not all studies have suggested an
This study was carried out in two Local Government Areas (LGA) of Oyo State namely, Ido and
Itesiwaju LGAs (Figure 3.1). The two local governments are located between latitude 8′30′ N
and 7′15′ N; and 3′00′ E and 4′00′ E (Figure 3.1). Though Oyo State is situated in the forest belt
in Nigeria, derived savannah areas stretch southwards from west of Oyo close to the coast in
Benin and Togo Republics. The relatively open land created an area of low humidity thereby
reducing disease risks to the zebu cattle, the major breed reared by the Fulani herdsmen in
Nigeria. Coupled with this ecological factor is the cultural/religious factor: Islam is wide spread
in Yoruba land. Thus, the settlement of the Fulani pastoralists has a long history in Oyo State.
The Fulani pastoralists were well established in savannah north of Yoruba land and dates back to
Plate 1: Herds near the Fulani Bororo camp. In typical Fulani Bororo camps, herds are
kept near the camps in lands where the next season’s crops are to be planted.
Figure 3.1: Map of Oyo State, showing the local government areas where the study was
carried out
Unlike most rural parts of Oyo State, the areas used for this study have large population of cattle
herds owned by Fulani herdsmen due to milk collection centers established by the Federal
Government in conjunction with private organization. Majority of cattle sampled in these study
sites belong to Fulani herdsmen who are believed to have migrated there from the northern part
of Nigeria in search of pasture and water, and have become domiciled, over a long period of
To calculate the required number of animals to sample in order to ascertain the prevalence of co-
infection among cattle, we adopted the formula earlier described by Thrusfeild, 1997, using an
expected prevalence (Pexp) of 79.0% (Risco et al., 2014), and a desired absolute precision (d) of
1.962 . 𝑃. (1 − 𝑃)
𝑛 = 256
This gave a total sample size of 256. For each animal screened for BTB, faecal samples were
also collected per rectum into well-labeled sterile polythene bags and in ice packs to the
Parasitology Laboratory, Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Parasitology, Faculty of Commented [D2]: I believe our lab was used for this!!!!
Veterinary Medicine, University of Ibadan, where they were examined for helminth eggs. In
each herd, about 10% of the animals were randomly selected. Herds were purposively selected
based on cooperation of herdsmen and availability of animals. Each animal was assigned a
number at the beginning of the SCITT testing and data such as breed, sex, age and body
condition score (BCS) were obtained. The body conditions of the animals were scored according
to the modification of guidelines earlier explained by Nicholson and Butterworth (1986). In all,
288 animals from 30 herds were screened for helminth and BTB.
The SCITT was done by intradermally injecting the animals with both avian and bovine purified
protein derivatives (PPD) in the middle neck region (on the left side for consistency) as
described by the World Organization for Animal Health standards [OIE, 2009]. Briefly, two sites
of about 2 cm2 diameter, approximately 12 to 15 cm apart, were shaved using a sterile surgical
blade after which the skin thickness was measured using a manual caliper. Thereafter, exactly
0.1 ml containing 30,000 IU/ml of bovine PPD (Bovine tuberculin PPD, Prionics Lelystad BV,
Lelystad, The Netherlands) and 0.1 ml with 25,000 IU/ml of avian PPD (Avian tuberculin PPD,
Prionics Lelystad BV, Lelystad, The Netherlands) were intradermally injected with the use of
two separate sterile syringes (one for each) into the shaved area. At site of each injection, the
After 72 hours, the measurement of the shaved area in the screened animals was done using
caliper. The initial and final measurement was carried out by the same person in order to avoid
error which may arise from individual measurement variations. The interpretation of the
measurements was done in accordance with the guidelines stipulated by World Organization for
Animal Health Standards (OIE, 2009). A positive reaction is recorded if increase in skin
thickness at the injection site of bovine PPD (Bfinal – Binitial) was at least 4mm more than that
at the avian site (Afinal – Ainitial). A herd is considered positive if at least one animal in the
This was done according to the protocols earlier described by Thienpoint (Thienpoint, 1979) and
Khin-Khin (Khin-Khin, 2007). Eggs were identified on the basis of their morphological features
• Copro-culture
• Faeces and saturated NaCl were thoroughly mixed together with a stirring rod.
• Resulting suspension was filtered through a tea strainer, into another beaker.
• Faecal suspension was dispensed into a test tube which was placed in a test tube rack.
• Faecal suspension in test tube rack was gently topped, leaving a convex meniscus at the
• Coverslip was placed on top of the test tube and allowed to stand for 20minutes.
• Coverslip was carefully lifted with the drop of fluid adhering to it, and placed on a glass
• Prepared sample was viewed under the microscope at (x10 and x40) magnification.
Principle: floatation technique is a qualitative test for the detection of nematode and cestode eggs
in faeces. It is based on the separation of eggs from faecal materials and concentrating them by
• Faeces and water were thoroughly mixed together with a stirring rod.
• Resulting suspension was filtered through a tea strainer, into another beaker.
• Faecal suspension was dispensed into a test tube which was placed in a test tube rack.
• Prepared sample was viewed under the microscope at (x10 and x40) magnification.
Principle: sedimentation technique is a qualitative method for detecting trematode eggs in the
faeces. Most trematode eggs are relatively large and heavy compared to nematode eggs.
3.6 Copro-culture
• The culture of larvae from faeces of infected cattle was carried out in test tubes.
• A thin layer of faeces (1-2mm) was spread on the middle third part of a piece of filter
paper (110mm).
• This piece was put into a 15ml conical tip test tube containing about 3ml of distilled
• Filter paper was pushed to about 1cm from the bottom, while the unsoiled side of the
filter paper is kept towards the opening of the test tube and fixed with cotton wool.
• Culture was checked every day in order to top water when due.
Data collected were entered into excel sheets and analysis were performed using the statistical
software package STATA version12. Data were analyzed to determine the association between
infections and the locations, breed, age, sex and other variables. Group differences were tested
using chi-square statistics for categorical variables. A multi-variable adjusted logistic regression
was carried out using all the variables that were statistically significant at the 10% level with the
main outcome measures (co-infections status) in bivariate analysis. All tests were two-tailed and
In all, 288 cattle from 30 herds were screened (12 from rural and18 from peri-urban). Greater
number (55.2%) of cattle was screened in the peri-urban area. Majority (88.5%) of the cattle
screened were Bunaji breed, cows (60.4%) as well as cattle older than three years (74.0%)
(Table 1). An individual animal prevalence of 55.9%, 8.3% and 4.9% was recorded for
helminths, BTB and helminth-BTB co-infection, , while herd prevalence of 90%, 50% and
36.7% were recorded for helminth, BTB and helminth-BTB co-infection, respectively.
Furthermore, prevalences of 35.8% and 20.1% were respectively recorded for single and
Table 1: Distribution of cattle screened according to all the variables tested (N = 288)
Balami 14 4.9
4.2: Results of the BTB infection among cattle screened
Cattle screened in the rural area are more likely to be infected (positive reactors) when compared
to those in the peri-urban (OR=1.3; 95%CI:0.5 – 3.2). Again, Bunaji breed of cattle (OR=1.3;
95%CI:0.3 – 6.1), female cattle (OR=1.3; 95%CI:0.6 – 3.2) as well as cattle older than three
years (OR=1.3; 95%CI:0.6 – 3.3) showed more likelihood to be positive reactors (Table 2).
Table 2: Prevalence of BTB infection (measured by tuberculin test) among cattle herds
according to location, breed, sex, age and burden of helminth infection
Pos. reactors Neg. reactors
n (%) n (%)
Burden of helminth
4.3: Results of the gastrointestinal helminth infection among cattle screened
Among the cattle screened, those in the rural are more likely to be infected with gastrointestinal
helminth when compared to those in the peri-urban area (OR=1.4; 95%CI:0.9 – 2.5). However,
Sokoto Gudali (OR=1.1; 95%CI:0.4 – 2.7), female cattle (OR=0.9; 95%CI:0.5 – 1.5) as well as
cattle older than three years (OR=0.8; 95%CI:0.4 – 1.4) are equally likely to be infected when
compared to Bunaji breed, male cattle and cattle younger than three years of age, respectively
(Table 3).
Table 3: Prevalence of gastrointestinal helminths in relation to location, sex, breed and age
of cattle
Positive Negative
4.4 Diversity of helminth species recovered from the cattle screened
In all, 14 different species of gastrointestinal helminths were recovered from the cattle screened:
• Trichostrongylus sp
• Oesophagostomum sp
• Ostertagia sp
• Bunostomum sp
• Cooperia sp
• Haemonchus sp
• Chabertia sp
• Toxocara sp
• Strongyloides sp
• Nematodirus sp
• Dicrocoelium sp
• Paramphistomum sp
• Fasciola sp
• Moniezia sp
4.5: Results of the helminth-BTB co-infection among cattle screened
The results of the helminth-BTB co-infection show that cattle screened in the rural area are more
likely to be co-infected when compared to those in the peri-urban (OR=3.3; 95%CI:1.1 – 50.0)
(Table 4). Furthermore, though not significant, Sokoto Gudali (OR=1.1; 95%CI: 0.1 – 9.1) and
Balami (OR=1.6; 95%CI: 0.2 – 12.9) breeds showed high likelihood of being co-infected when
compared to Bunaji breed of cattle (Table 4). In the same vein, cow (OR=1.2; 95%CI: 0.4 – 3.6)
and cattle older than three years of age (OR=3.0; 95%CI:0.6 – 33.3) were more likely to show
co-infection when compared to bulls and cattle younger than three years of age, although these
Table 4: Prevalence of helminth-BTB co-infection among cattle herds (N = 288; Herds=30)
Positive Negative
n (%) n (%)
4.6: Results of the of logistic regression analysis of variables significant at 10% level in
bivariate analysis
The final multivariate adjusted logistic regression analysis identified location (figures ???) where
animals were sampled and breed (figures) of cattle as significant risk factors for the occurrence
of helminth-BTB co-infection among cattle screened. Animals screened in the rural area were
two times more likely to be co-infected with helminth-BTB when compared to those screened in
the peri-urban, while Balami breed of cattle were three times more likely to be co-infected when
Table 5: Results of logistic regression analysis of variables significant at 10% level with
Peri-urban 1
Bunaji 1
Bovine TB Infection
Helminth infection
Helminth-BTB Co-infection 90%
70 55.9%
60 50%
50 36.7%
20 8.3% 4.9%
Individual Animal Herd Prevalence
Figure 3.2: Individual and herd prevalence of BTB, helminth as well as helminth-BTB co-infection
among cattle screened
Figure 3.3: Venn diagram showing infection rates among cattle screened
The results of this study recorded an individual animal prevalence of 4.9% and herd prevalence
of 36.7% for helminth–BTB co-infection among the cattle herds screened. This, to the best of our
knowledge is one of the first herd studies on helminth-BTB co-infection in Ibadan, south-western
Nigeria, although concurrent BTB with other infections in cattle have been reported in Nigeria
(Cadmus et al., 2008; Danbirni et al., 2010). The prevalence of 4.9% reported in this study is
higher than 2.8% reported by Adedipe et al. (2014) in a study carried out among slaughtered
Our findings identified location as a risk factor associated with the co-infection of helminth-BTB
among cattle herds screened; with cattle in the rural area being more likely to be co-infected than
those in the peri-urban (OR=1.3;95%CI: 1.0 – 1.5). This could be attributed to the fact that
most of the herds sampled in the rural area were larger in size compared to those in the peri-
urban. Larger herd size increases the chances of exposure and interaction with other herds, and
this has been implicated as a major risk factor for susceptibility of animals to infectious diseases
In the same vein, breed was observed as a risk factor associated with co-infection among the
cattle herd screened. The Balami breed of cattle showed the highest likelihood of being co-
infected when compared to Bunaji (OR=1.6; 95%CI: 1.2 – 19.5). Again, female animals showed
higher likelihood of being co-infected when compared to males, while older animals (≥ 3years)
were five times more likely to be co-infected than young animals (< 3years). This may be
attributed to study type, sampling techniques and sources of animals (Asante-Poku et al., 2014).
Also genetic factor has been implicated in the susceptibility or resistance of animals to infections
Furthermore, our findings reveal 8.3% individual animal and 50% herd prevalence of BTB
infection using the SCITT. The individual animal prevalence recorded in this study is higher than
2.0% and 2.7% reported by Ibrahim et al. (2012) and Zeweld, (2013) respectively. However, it
is lower than 10.5% reported by Cadmus et al. (2004);14% by Ameni et al. (2007); 15.08% by
Yohanna et al. (2008); 14.3% by Thakur et al.(2010) and 11.4% by Biru et al. (2014)
respectively (Cadmus et al., 2004; Ameni et al., 2007; Yohanna et al., 2008; Thakur et al., 2010
Biru et al., 2014). These variations in prevalence can be attributed to several factors such as: age
of animals; breed of animals screened; herd size of animals; farming practices in terms of stock
densities; pasture systems and contact between animals; geographical divergence and sources of
animals; sampling techniques; individual differences in interpretation of tests and the number of
animals sampled (Asante-Poku et al., 2014). Coupled with this is the lack of a BTB control
policy in Nigeria which has consequently given rise to sheer transmission of the disease among
Moreover, although not significant, our findings showed that animal screened in the rural area
were more likely to be positive reactors when compared to those from peri-urban. In the same
vein, Sokoto Gudali breed of cattle, female animals as well as older (≥ 3years) animals showed
more likelihood of being more positive reactors. Our findings did not record any significant
association between positive reactivity and helminth burden (measure by tuberculin screening
test) among animals screened. There was no significant difference in the prevalence of BTB
between animals with single helminth burden and those with multiple infections.
Again, our study recorded an individual animal and herd prevalences of gastrointestinal helminth
among cattle screened to be 55.9% and 90.0% respectively. This further reaffirms the fact that
cattle are not routinely dewormed in this part of the world and, as such, there is a serious public
health concern, owing to the fact that some of these helminths are zoonotic. The prevalence
reported in this study is lower than 62.1% reported by Elele et al. (2013) in a study conducted in
Port Harcourt, south-south Nigeria (Elele et al., 2013). Furthermore, the prevalence recorded in
the present study is higher than 46.1% reported in Ibadan, south-west (Adedipe et al., 2015),
47.4% in Benin City, south-south (Edosomwan and Shoyemi, 2012), and 50.8% in Ebonyi State,
south-east (Nwigwe et al., 2013), respectively. The difference observed could be attributed to
several factors such as the periods or seasons during which the investigations were carried out by
the authors as well as the sources of cattle sampled in the various regions. However, based on the
most prevalent helminths found, our findings showed different helminth profiles when compared
to those reported by Hailu et al. (2011), Mir et al. (2013) and Nwigwe et al. (2013), who
reported trematodes as the most prevalent in studies carried out in India, Ethiopia and Eastern
Nigeria, respectively as against nematodes in our study. The difference observed could however
be associated with the differences in geographical and/or climatic conditions and ecology, since
might differ in quantity/population in the various study sites (Mir et al., 2013) ..
The results obtained in this study should be put in the context of the fact that it is a part/initial
step of a larger study which is aimed at investigating the role of helminth in the accurate and/or
precise diagnosis of BTB. Going by relatively high prevalence of bTB, helminth and helminth- Commented [D3]: Tell us which to use1111
bTB co-infections recorded in this study, this study has been able to establish a baseline data for
further studies which are aimed at investigating the impact (negative/positive) of a pre-existing
helminth burden on the diagnosis of bTB in helminth-bTB co-infected cattle in a natural setting
The results of this study reveal that helminth-BTB co-infection is prevalent among cattle herds
screened in Oyo State. Again, our findings showed that bovine BTB and helminth infections
exist among the cattle herds. Going by the fact that pre-existing helminth infection has been
Bbovine TB, there is the need to investigate the potential role of helminths on BTB infection
and its diagnosis among cattle herds, from the natural host scenario in Nigeria. This will enable
effective control of the scourge of BTB among cattle population considering the endemicity of
both BTB and helminth infections in this study area coupled with lack of control measures in
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