RPP - Eka Annisa Yuli P - 1701070085 - B
RPP - Eka Annisa Yuli P - 1701070085 - B
RPP - Eka Annisa Yuli P - 1701070085 - B
A paper
To fullfil the requirement of Task of Teaching English for Foreign Language-2
Class TBI B
Present by :
Eka AnnisaYuli Prastiti 1701070085
academic context.
expalanation text.
A. Opening
Praying together.
Check the attendance list.
Review last material.
B. Main activities
The teacher presents the material.
The teacher asks the students about the material.
The teacher explains the material to the students.
The teacher gives the example of procedure text.
The teacher gives question about the material to know the respond of
the students.
The teacher gives exercise to the student.
The teacher asks the student to do the exercise by themself.
The teacher discusses the exercise together with the student.
The teacher gives positive respond to the students.
C. Closing
Give question to measure the students understanding.
Make the conclusion about the material.
Close the lesson and go out from class.
A. Opening
1. Greeting.
The teacher comes to the class and then says “Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
How are you guys? Are you okay today?
2. Praying together.
The teacher asks one of the students to lead praying together. “Anybody
wants to lead praying together?” if there’s nothing student want to try, just
choose one of them to lead it. The teacher gives star accessory to the student
that want to lead praying together.
3. Check the attendance list.
The teacher checks the attendance list to the students one by one. If the time
is limit, just say “Any absent today?”
4. Review last material.
The teacher asks the student to review last material. “Do you remember our
last material? What is our last material?”
B. Main activities
1. The teacher presents the material on white board. The teacher asks the
students about the material.
“Anybody know what is explanation text?”
2. The teacher explains the material to the students.
“Explanation text is a text which tells processes relating to forming of natural,
social, scientific and cultural phenomena. Explanation text is to say “why”
and “how” of the forming of the phenomena.”
3. The teacher gives the example of explanation text.
“And this is the example of explanation text.”
4. The teacher explains about the generic structure of the text.
“In this example, this is the goal of the text, this is the material and this is the
steps. That’s the generic structure of explanation text.”
5. The teacher gives question about the material to know the respond of the
“Any question anymore related to the topic?”
6. The teacher gives exercise to the students.
“I ask to you all to do this exercise by yourself.”
7. The teacher discuss together about the exercise with the students.
“Now, let’s discuss this exercise together.”
8. The teacher gives positive respond and little achievement for the students
who answer correctly.
“That’s good guys.”
D. Closing
1. Give question to measure the students understanding.
“Any question anymore? It is easy, isn’t it? Do you get the point?”
2. Make the conclusion about the material.
3. Close the lesson and go out from class.
“Our class finish now, thank you very much for your great attention. Don’t
forget about your homework. Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.”
3. Language Feature
Did you know the Mona Lisa has no eyebrows? Did Leonardo da Vinci forget to draw
them? Some people say the Mona Lisa is an unfinished work. Some people say Leonardo
painted the Mona Lisa with eyebrows, but they were erased over time. Why doesn’t the Mona
Lisa have eyebrows? Because it was the fashion in the Renaissance to shave them. Women
shaved their facial hair, including their eyebrows, then. Leonardo was an Italian, but he sold
the painting to the king of France. Today, it is in the Louvre Museum in Paris.
Exercise 4
True or False
Exercise 5
Reading Check-Up 1
a. painted
b. erased
c. sold
d. unfinished
3. It was the fashion in the Renaissance for women to ... their eyebrows.
a. forget
b. shave
c. draw
d. say