1994 Ashby Materials Design Bicycle MTA
1994 Ashby Materials Design Bicycle MTA
1994 Ashby Materials Design Bicycle MTA
t T I .o ucT I t
Fig. 1--The design process, with design tools on the left and material and
process selection on the right. In the early stages, the emphasis is on
breadth; in the later stages, it is on precision.
(Concept modeler)
Function modeler
3-D solid m o d e l e r Product
Jl" and =
F E M ... S i m u l a t e . . . O p t i m i z e Specification
Rapid protctyping
around 1795. By 1815, it had acquired steering, the inven- bicycles? But before delving into that, we should examine
tion of a German--the Count von Draise--with the quite what can be learned from this history.
unexpected additional benefit that one could now balance The most obvious lesson is this: technical development
on a moving bicycle. By 1838, pedals--direct power to the comes first and innovation in the use of materials follows
front wheel--had been added, devised, according to the later. Understandable. If you are a designer struggling to
French, by a Frenchman, Pierre Michaux. Thereafter (Fig- devise concepts, develop embodiments, analyze detail, and
ure 6), new concepts and their technical development fol- plan product manufacture, you choose materials you know.
lowed rapidly. The ball bearing, the spoked wheel, the Unfamiliar materials carry risks: a program to develop a
tubular frame, the chain drive, the free wheel, gears and new material carries heavy risks. But the sequence we see
differentials, and finally, in about 1890, Dunlop's pneu- here, though understandable, is undesirable. A design, once
matic tire were all invented for the bicycle. By 1895, the frozen, constrains the use of materials; the potential of a
bicycle had acquired the form and functionality of the bi- new material may never then be realized.
cycle of today: it had a diamond frame, pedal power, chain An example is as follows. The standard bicycle frame is
drive, and pneumatic tires; in technical specification, there made of 1-in. tubing. An accessory industry has grown up
is nothing to distinguish today's bicycle from that one. And around this dimension: all the things you clip, clamp, or
the perfection, so to speak, of the bicycle, was not the only screw onto bicycle frames are designed for 1-in. tubes. An
outcome of this remarkable burst of technical innovation. innovative designer seeking to employ a new material is
It created the infrastructure necessary for the development under pressure to retain this tube diameter: failure to do so
both of the automobile and the airplane: Henry Ford and divorces the new design from all the accessories available
the Wright brothers--among others--were bicycle builders to the old one. Yet the constraint of 1-in. tubing m a y - -
before they moved on to larger and (for the Wright broth- indeed does--prevent the most effective use of many al-
ers, at least) higher things. ternative materials, as we shall see subsequently. So we
The automobile all but killed the bicycle. Between 1900 return to the question: can materials selection be integrated
and 1950, the bicycle's popularity declined, and there was into the design process? We need a design-led materials
little incentive to develop it further. Indeed, it is arguable selection procedure.
that in the 100 years that have elapsed since 1895, there
have been no conceptual or technical developments in the
bicycle that remotely compare in their importance with the IV. DESIGN-LED MATERIALS SELECTION
invention of steering, of pedal power, of the chain drive,
or of the pneumatic tire. Yet, we live today in what is the The essentials of a design-led materials selection sys-
second great era of the bicycle: and the innovation, this tem El4,151are sketched in Figure 7. Its inputs are design re-
time, is materials. Since 1950, the conventional materials quirements: function, constraints, and objectives. Function
of which bicycles were made--wood, iron, and mild defines the purpose of the component: to carry bending mo-
steel--have been replaced by a portfolio of newer materi- ments, to transmit heat, etc. Constraints are conditions that
als, many of them derived from the aerospace industry that must be met in performing the function: first, functional
was itself first nucleated by the bicycle: low-alloy steels constraints such as a limit on elastic deflection or the re-
(now the bike industry standard), filled polymers, alloys of quirement that the component does not fail; and second,
aluminum, magnesium, and titanium, and--most recently-- geometric constraints which prescribe certain dimensions.
advanced composites. Surveying this range, one is tempted The objective describes the quantity to be minimized or
to ask: can all these materials be equally good for making maximized: the weight, the cost, the life, etc.
(materal ndees) '~= -- ROAD REACTION
,l Bending Torsion
Fig. 9--The loading on the bicycle frame: (a) bending and (b) torsion. [13]
Fig. 15--The output of a computer-aided selection system for a fixed tube There is evidence that in mechanical design, technical
shape when weight is to be minimized.
innovation precedes innovation in material and process.
While this is understandable, it is undesirable; when a new
material is introduced into an already detailed design, its
which can be passed to downstream tools for simulation, potential may never be fully realized.
finite element analysis, etc. Properly integrated for other The computer has greatly changed the design world. So-
design tools, the designer could select any one of these phisticated tools exist to capture function and geometry; to
candidates and watch the consequence of the choice cas- simulate, model, and analyze; to optimize, both for me-
cade through the linked chain of design tools and, if the chanical performance and manufacturability; and more. No
results are unsatisfactory, could pick an altemative candi- such tools exist for the selection of materials and processes,
date and follow the consequences again. with the result that their selection is poorly integrated into
We have limited ourselves thus far to the performance- the design stream. There is, today, a sense that the achieve-
related objective of minimizing weight. Suppose, as a final ments of material science have outstripped the ability of the
example, material cost rather than weight was the objective, engineer to apply them; and this divergence relates, at least
then, drawn from the same database, the appropriate slice in part, to the problem we have just defined: the inability
through property space is created, as shown in Figure 16. of the designer to explore the potential of alternative ma-
The vertical axis is terials in his design. A strategy is needed to deal with it.