MSC Thesis Adil Bouchmal
MSC Thesis Adil Bouchmal
MSC Thesis Adil Bouchmal
A. Bouchmal
March 2011
Modeling of Dielectric-Barrier Discharge Actuator
Implementation, validation and generalization of an electrostatic model
A. Bouchmal
March 2011
c A. Bouchmal
All rights reserved.
Delft University Of Technology
Department Of
The undersigned hereby certify that they have read and recommend to the Faculty of Aerospace
Engineering for acceptance a thesis entitled “Modeling of Dielectric-Barrier Discharge Ac-
tuator” by A. Bouchmal in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of
Board of Examiners:
Prof. dr. ir. drs. H. Bijl
M. Kotsonis M.Sc
Currently, one of the most promising active flow control device is the Dielectric-Barrier Discharge
(DBD) actuator. Therefore, Delft University of Technology seeks to construct a model of this plasma
actuator for use with CFD. The advantages of having a plasma actuator model for CFD purposes
is clear: It facilitates the prediction of flows over different configurations and flow properties of
interest for aerospace purposes.
There are currently two groups of plasma actuator models: Simplified models and First-principles
based models. Although the First-principles based models are more accurate than simplified models,
they are more complex and therefore computationally intensive. Because this is the first attempt
at Delft University of Technology for the implementation of a plasma actuator model, simplicity
is an essential starting point. The simplified model of Suzen & Huang is simple, fast and easy to
implement and is therefore the first model considered. The implementation is done in the commercial
CFD-software Fluent, by using the User-Defined Scalar transport equations (UDS). Two separate
UDSs are computed: one for the electric potential φ and one for the net charge density ρc . The code
is verified by means of the Method of Manufactured Solutions. The code is validated by comparison
with the results obtained from the model of Suzen & Huang. The electric potential field, net charge
density field and the corresponding body force field proved, although with minor differences, to
be accurately modeled. The resulting flow field in quiescent air was qualitatively correct, however
differences were found in the results obtained by Suzen & Huang and the results of the current
Finally, an attempt is made to generalize the model of Suzen & Huang and to analyze its capability
of accurately modeling experimentally obtained body force field for a different plasma actuator
configuration. The measurements of Kotsonis et al are used as a benchmark and the net charge
density field is extracted from the body force measurements by division by the electric field strength.
Even though the correct boundary conditions are applied, the model of Suzen & Huang is not able
to accurately model the charge density field and body force field. Specifically, the model is not able
to compute the change in plasma volume as a function of the applied voltage. Furthermore, the
relation between the integrated horizontal body force and the applied voltage does not agree with
the relation of Umax ∝ fb,x ∝ Vpp found in literature. An explanation for this could lie in the
assumption in the derivation of the model that ϕ << T . Literature states that this assumption is
questionable. Therefore, usage of the plasma actuator model for different voltages will introduce an
inaccuracy in the magnitude of the integrated horizontal body force and therefore in the maximum
induced velocity.
I would like to thank my mother, my father and my wife for all the love and support
Abstract v
Acknowledgements vi
Contents ix
List of Figures x
List of Tables xi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Contents A. Bouchmal
List of Figures A. Bouchmal
List of Tables A. Bouchmal
Latin Symbols
f~b Body force vector [N/m3 ]
B Magnetic induction [Tesla]
D Electric induction [C/m2 ]
d Distance of separation between electrodes [m]
Di,e Diffusion coefficient of specie [-]
E Electric field [N/C]
e Elementary charge 1.60217646 ·10−19 C [C]
H Magnetic field strength [A/m]
J Free electric current [A/m2 ]
k Boltzmann constant [-]
Ki,e Thermal conductivity of specie [-]
m Mass of a particle [kg]
n0 Background plasma density [1/m3 ]
ne Electron density in the plasma [1/m3 ]
ni Ion density in the plasma [1/m3 ]
T Temperature of the species [K]
U Horizontal component of the velocity vector [m/s]
Umax Maximum induced horizontal velocity component [m/s]
f∆ Discrete solution function [-]
f exact Exact solution function [-]
fb,x Horizontal component of the body force vector [N/m3 ]
fx Integrated horizontal component of the body force [N ]
G Gaussian distribution function [-]
List of Symbols A. Bouchmal
Greek Symbols
Permittivity = 0 r [C 2 /N m2 ]
0 Permittivity of free space 8.854·10−12 C 2 /N m2 [C 2 /N m2 ]
r Relative permittivity [-]
Γ Diffusion coefficient [-]
λd Debye length [m]
µ Location parameter for Gaussian distribution function [-]
Φ Total electric potential Φ = φ + ϕ [V]
φ Electric potential due to external electric field [V]
ρc Net charge density or charge density [C/m3 ]
ρc,max Maximum value of the net charge density on the wall [C/m3 ]
ρc,wall Net charge density on the wall [C/m3 ]
σ Scale parameter for Gaussian distribution function [-]
ϕ Electric potential due to net charge density [V]
AC Alternating Current
CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics
DBD Dielectric-Barrier Discharge
DSMC Direct Simulation Monte-Carlo
H.O.T. Higher Order Terms
MMS Method of Manufactured Solutions
PDE Partial Differential Equation
PIC Particle-In-Cell
UDF User-Defined Function
UDS User-Defined Scalar
1.1 Introduction
Historically, engineers have always tried to use the laws of physics in order to obtain a desirable
effect for mankind. In the field of aerodynamics, nothing is different. Due to its significance both
technologically as well as scientifically, engineers are continuously looking for a way to control the
flow in all possible ways and configurations.
Gad-El-Hak states that flow control can be divided in Passive and Active flow control [9]. Passive
flow control devices require no auxiliary power and no control-loop. Examples of Passive flow control
are: application of zig-zag tapes and dimples on surfaces. An Active flow control device requires a
certain amount of energy input and a control loop. Gad-El-Hak goes further by dividing Active flow
control devices in either Predetermined or Reactive flow control devices. Predetermined flow control
includes the application of a steady or unsteady energy input without looking at the particular state
of the flow. The control-loop is therefore open. Reactive flow control makes use of a closed control-
loop where the control action is changing due to measured flow variables. Furthermore, Reactive
flow control can be split in Feedforward and Feedback control. In Feedforward control, the measured
variable and controlled variable are different. In Feedback control, a controlled variable is measured
and compared with a reference value which then results in an adaptation of the control device. See
Figure 1.1 for an overview of the classification of flow control methods.
The last couple of years, research in the field of active flow control has grown rapidly. The most
promising active flow control device is the Dielectric-Barrier Discharge (DBD) plasma actuator,
from now on referred to as plasma actuator. The plasma actuator has become popular due to the
following properties: Low weight, low power consumption, no moving parts and flexibility of use.
It can be used as a Predetermined or a Reactive flow control device. The plasma actuator can
be placed in the group of flow control methods that uses injection of momentum in the near-wall
In order to manipulate a free airflow, three main fields of flow control can be investigated [17]:
• Flow separation
Introduction A. Bouchmal
• Turbulence
The plasma actuator has proven to be effective in these fields of flow control applications such
as: exciting boundary layer instabilities on a sharp cone at Mach 3.5, lift augmentation on a
wing section, low-pressure turbine blade separation control, unsteady vortex generation and airfoil
leading-edge separation control [18].
Due to the limited momentum injection by the conventional plasma actuator, recently, nanosecond-
pulsed plasma discharge mechanisms are proposed [16]. It has been shown that the effect of the
plasma actuator on the flow field is much higher for nanosecond-pulsed plasma discharges. Exper-
iments have shown high efficiency of the given mechanism to control boundary layer separation,
lift and drag force coefficients, in addition to acoustic noise reduction in the Mach number range
0.05-0.85. The difference in physical mechanism of flow-discharge interaction is the main difference
between the nanosecond-pulsed discharge and the AC discharge when applied to the plasma ac-
tuator. In the case of an AC discharge, the momentum transfer from the electric field to the gas
and near-surface flow acceleration is the main mechanism of impact. For the nanosecond-pulsed
discharge mechanism, the impact lies in the energy transfer to the near-surface gas and the fast
heating of the layer [23].
Furthermore, the plasma actuator is proven to be successful in the delay of transition by means of
Tollmien-Schlichting wave cancellation [10]. This technique aims at damping the instability waves
while still at linear amplification stage. It is found, that the amplitude of the velocity fluctuations
at the excitation frequency is reduced significantly depending on the distance from the wall.
1.2 Approach
In this work, we will start by analyzing different plasma actuator models described in literature. A
suitable model will be chosen based on a set of requirements and the model will be programmed and
implemented in CFD-software. After this, the model is verified and validated with experimental
data. Finally, the applicability of the model in a different configuration and with different input
parameters will be investigated. An attempt will be done to generalize the model in such a way that
a wider field of application is achieved. A new approach will be used for this, where experimentally
obtained body force fields are used to extract charge density fields of the plasma actuator model.
These extracted charge density fields are then compared with the modeled charge density fields to
give insight in the accuracy of the chosen model.
This work will contain the following objectives:
5. Research for generalization of the used model for a different configuration and input parame-
Plasma is by far the most common phase of matter in the universe. All the stars are made out of
plasma and even the space surrounding them consists of plasma. It is common knowledge that a
plasma is a gas which contains a certain concentration of ionized particles. Literature gives us the
more precise following definition:
A plasma is a quasi-neutral gas of charged and neutral particles which exhibits collective behavior
Charged particles are either electrons, positive ions or negative ions. If left to itself, a plasma
exhibits a very strong tendency to become electrically neutral so that the charge density of ions and
electrons is approximately equal. This is what is meant by quasi-neutrality [21]. With collective
behavior is meant that there should be enough charged particles in the plasma present that it acts
more or less as a continuum. Furthermore, plasmas can either be referred to as hot or cold. A hot
plasma is a plasma which is almost fully ionized. In general one can say that the plasmas used in
industrial applications are all cold plasmas which means that the only a small fraction of the gas is
2.2.1 Introduction
In literature, one can find dozens of different plasma actuator configurations [?]. The most common
and widely used configuration is the asymmetric single DBD plasma actuator [?]. These consist
of two electrodes that are separated by a dielectric material. One of the electrodes is exposed to
air. The other electrode is completely encapsulated by a dielectric material. The electrodes are
arranged in a asymmetrical way. The electrodes are connected to a high AC voltage power source.
A schematic qualitative drawing of the asymmetric single DBD plasma actuator can be found in
Figure 2.1.
Typically, a high AC voltage of 5 - 20kV is applied to the electrodes at frequencies ranging from 3-15
kHz. As a result, a cold plasma discharge appears on the dielectric material above the encapsulated
Physics and modeling of plasma actuator A. Bouchmal
electrode. The plasma affects the flow by pumping momentum into the boundary layer region. We
will elaborate on the working of the plasma actuator in the next section. This momentum addition
can be used for flow control purposes, e.g. separation control.
An important characteristic of plasma is the ability of the plasma to shield out electric potentials
that are imposed on it. This concept could best be explained by a small example. Suppose we have
a volume of plasma (a mixture of ions and electrons) and we insert two electrodes in the volume.
One electrode will have a positive charge and the other a negative one. The electrodes will attract
species of the opposite charge. Therefore a cloud of electrons will form around the positive electrode
and a cloud of positive ions around the negative electrode. We will assume that the voltage source
is strong enough to retain the potential on both the electrodes in spite of the clouds of opposite
charge surrounding them. One can imagine that a certain specie which is on the edge of the cloud
at a distance l from the electrode will be able to escape the attractive forces from the electrode due
to the neutralizing surrounding cloud. This length l is known as the Debye length λd .
Literature tells us that the Debye length is given by [5]:
ε0 kTe ε0 kTi
λd = + (2.1)
n0 e 2 n0 e2
in which n0 is the background plasma density, k the Boltzmann constant, ε0 is the permittivity of
free space and Ti and Te are respectively the temperature of a the ion and electron species. This
equation can also be written in the following form [21]:
0 1/2
λd ≈ 7434 (2.2)
with T 0 = kT /e being expressed in electron volts and the number density ne in electrons per
cubic meter. For plasmas used in industrial applications the kinetic temperature is approximately
eT 0 = 5eV and the number density is approximately ne of 10l6 particles/m3. This results in a
Debye length of approximately λd = 0.00017m [21]. Therefore, this value of λd = 0.00017m is only
indicative for industrial plasmas, however, and is not necessarily applicable to the DBD actuator
Since we are dealing with an AC voltage source, there are two half-cycles. During the first half-
cycle, the exposed electrode acts like an anode where the encapsulated electrode acts like a cathode.
In the space between both electrodes, electrons are extracted from neutral particles by ionization.
Under the electric field, these electrons are accelerated towards the anode and ionize the gas by
collisions with neutral particles. The chemical reaction for the ionization is typically as follows:
A + e− → A+ + 2e− (2.3)
where A is a neutral particle and A+ a positive ion. From Equation 2.3, one can see that one
electron colliding with one neutral particle results in two electrons and one charged particle. These
two electrons collide with two neutral particles to form four electrons and so on. Therefore, an
avalanche develops because the multiplication of electrons continues along their drift from the
cathode to the anode. A discharge current is then created [17]. By definition, through the collisions
momentum is transfered into the flow. It should be noted that the contribution of the electrons
to the momentum transfer is small due to their low mass compared to the mass of the ions. The
plasma is formed as the result of a series of discharges as electrons are transferred onto and off of
the dielectric surface.
The charge build-up of the electrons on the dielectric material causes the plasma actuator to be self-
limiting (in the case that the voltage is not continuously increased). In the first half-cycle, electrons
drift from the exposed electrode (acting as a cathode) to the encapsulated electrode (acting as an
anode) and accumulate on the surface of the dielectric. During the subsequent half-cycle these
electrons return to the exposed electrode (which is now the anode). A schematic drawing of both
half cycles can be seen in Figure 2.2. The plasma actuator induces a pulsed velocity with the same
frequency as the AC voltage. However the induced velocity is higher during the negative half-cycle
than the positive one. This will be demonstrated from experiments in Section 2.2.5.
The self-limiting effect of the plasma actuator, avoids the creation of an unfavorable so-called arc
discharge. This arc discharge can have detrimental effects on the electronic equipment and causes
the plasma actuator to become unstable. A glow discharge is the result of the self-limiting effect.
The net effect of the plasma on the flow can be seen as a localized body force.
Figure 2.2: Schematic drawing of the charge build-up on the dielectric material surface during the first
half cycle (negative exposed electrode) a) and second half cycle (negative exposed electrode)
b) [5]
The plasma is composed of charged particles. Still, the plasma is on average neutral since it is created
by ionization of neutral fluid. The electrons will tend to move to the positive electrode, while the
positive ions move to the negative electrode. This will result in an imbalance of charge within
the plasma field. The charge imbalance will result in an electric field opposite to the electrodes’
electric field. This so-called rearrangement process will continue until an equilibrium electric field
is reached. The plasma formation consists of a number of different time scales. The first time scale
in the plasma formation process, that of the rearrangement process, is in the order of 10−9 - 10−8
seconds (for an electron temperature of 1000- 10000K, with mobility velocity on the order of 105 -
106 m/s) [18].
The second time scale is given by the period of the half-cycle of the applied AC voltage. Assuming
an AC frequency of 10kHz, the associated time scale is in the order of 10−4 seconds. This is
approximately 104 times slower than the time scale of the rearrangement process.
The third time scale governs the response of the neutral flow on the plasma. This is in the order of
10−2 seconds. This is approximately 102 slower than the time scale of the AC voltage.
Summarizing, there are three different time scales in the plasma actuator modeling problem, see
Table 2.1. If one is dealing with airflow, the four orders of magnitude difference in time scale justify
the assumption that the formation of the plasma and the rearrangement process are instantaneous.
The effect of the plasma actuator on the induced flow field is a function of many parameters. For
separation control purposed, especially the maximum induced velocity and the induced velocity
profiles are interesting. In Figure 2.3, one can see the relation between the applied voltage and the
maximum induced velocity found by different references. In the modeling of the plasma actuator this
relation is very important. The correct form of this relation will broaden the field of applicability
of the plasma actuator model. In Figure 2.3, the actuator configurations used in the references are
different. Furthermore, the frequency and waveforms applied are different. Therefore a reasonable
quantitative comparison is not possible. However we can tell something about whether or not
there is a general proportionality between Umax and Vpp (a qualitative comparison). Note that the
voltages used by Forte [8] are voltage amplitudes, while Enloe [5] uses peak-to-peak voltages (twice
the voltage amplite). Clearly, Forte et al 2.3(a) finds a different proportionality of Umax with respect
to voltage than Enloe et al 2.3(b) and Kotsonis et al 2.3(c). The latter two correspond with each
other with respect to the proportionality Umax ∝ Vpp .
Forte found that for a single plasma actuator, the maximum induced ionic wind velocity is equal
to 7 m/s at 0.5 mm distance from the wall [8]. For multiple plasma actuators, this maximum
induced velocity is the amount of actuators placed multiplied by the maximum induced velocity per
actuator [5]. One can see the influence of different parameters on the generated plasma in Figure
(a) Maximum induced velocity vs. voltage ampli- (b) Maximum induced velocity vs. peak-to-peak
tude for a single plasma actuator with sine wave voltage for a single plasma actuator with triangular
form 1kHz [8] wave form 5kHz [5]
2.4. Figure 2.4(a) shows the change of the velocity profile for different voltage amplitudes. Figure
2.4(b) shows the maximum induced velocity with respect to electrode gap. Clearly, there seems to
be a maximum electrode gap to obtain obtain optimal velocity induction. Beyond this value of the
electrode gap the induced velocity drops quickly. Figure 2.4(c) show the maximum induced velocity
with respect to encapsulated electrode width. One can see that the maximum induced velocity
increases asymptotically with increasing encapsulated electrode width.
In Figure 2.5, one can see the light emission measured from the plasma during a complete voltage
cycle. The light emission is proportional to the plasma density. The plasma does not extend further
than the downstream limit of the encapsulated electrode. Furthermore, the figure tells us that
indeed during the negative half-cycle, the largest concentration of plasma is created.
(a) Typical velocity profiles for different applied (b) Maximum induced velocity versus electrode gap
Figure 2.4: Mechanical effects of the plasma actuator on the flow field [17]
In the past, there are numerous plasma actuator models developed. Some successful, others less
successful. In this section, we will describe some of the models. These models can be placed in
two different categories: Simplified (phenomenological) models and First-principles based models.
Simplified models use a reduction of complexity to describe the plasma. They are often based
on phenomenological approaches of the physics. These type of models are discussed in Section
2.3.1. The First-principles based models use a more fundamental approach to model the physical
mechanisms and these are discussed in Section 2.3.2. These models will be described briefly. For
more detail, the reader is referred to the corresponding literature.
Electrostatic model
Suzen & Huang [25] used an electrostatic model with a Gaussian charge distribution to compute the
plasma body force produced. Suzen & Huang proposed to split the electrostatic equations into two
components: the first part due to the external electric field and the second part due to the electric
field created by the charged particles. The main advantage of the model is its simplicity. This
makes the model fast and easy to implement. Furthermore, the body force field can be decoupled
from the flow field and can therefore be calculated prior to flow computations. Its drawbacks are
its use of a time-independent plasma volume assumption and a voltage-independent charge density
distribution function. A more elaborate description of the model is given in Section 3.1.
A more complex electrostatic model is used by Orlov & Corke [19]: the Lumped element circuit
model. Two physical electrodes make up the plasma actuator. Therefore it is modeled as a capacitor
driven by the AC voltage. This is first suggested by Enloe [5]. Orlov & Corke modeled the plasma
actuator by a network of lumped-element circuit elements, see Figure 2.6. The model consists of a
number of capacitive elements and one resistive element which represents the plasma. Each of these
elements are time-dependent, due to the changing plasma during the half-cycle of the applied AC
Orlov & Corke assume that the plasma is operating in a quasi-steady regime, when the charges
are disturbed, so that they cancel the external electric field everywhere, except in the small regions
near the electrodes. This allows them to make a quasi-DC assumption when modeling the plasma
and computing the plasma body force. Using the Maxwell’s equations they obtain a function for
the body force per volume of plasma. The volume of the plasma is obtained by solving a set of five
equations using the lumped element circuit model. One obtains the voltages at each node in the
circuit and the physical movement of the plasma directly as a function of time. The lumped-element
circuit model is successful in modeling the effect of the voltage on the body force. A shortcoming of
the model is that it needs empirically determined coefficients which are functions of the frequency
of the voltage. Therefore itis only valid for one single frequency.
Jayaraman et al [13] use a simplification of the pattern of the electric field lines generated between
the electrodes. One can see in Figure 2.7(a) that the electric field lines are concentrated at the
(a) Orlov & Corke [19] divide the region above the encapsulated electrode in N domains
cathode and distributed over the anode. This lead to the assumption that the electric field lines
could be modeled as being are parallel, except the small space near the cathode. This simplification
linearized the field variation and therefore no detailed calculation of the electric field is needed.
The variation of the assumed electric field can be written as
Ē = E0 − k1 x − k2 y (2.4)
in E0 is the electric field on the dielectric material in the spacing between the electrodes and can
be approximated as E0 = U/d where d is the distance of separation between the two electrodes in
x-direction and U is the applied voltage. Furthermore k1 and k2 are positive constants. The sign
of the two constants ensure that the electric field intensity decreases when one moves along the
positive direction of the axes. In Figure 2.7 one can see a comparison between the actual electric
field lines and the linearized field lines. Note that the line AB in Figure 2.7(b) is the plasma fluid
boundary using linear approximation. The electric field strength outside this line is assumed not to
be strong enough to ionize the air and therefore no plasma exists outside this line. This is defined
by the breakdown voltage of the dielectric. The breakdown voltage is the minimum voltage needed,
to induce electric conductivity of a portion of the dielectric.
The period of interest in a cycle is the time step ∆t (the efficient half-cycle) during which the
plasma discharge takes place and therefore the momentum is transfered into the flow. In Section
2.2.4 we found that the force is acting on the fluid in a quasi-steady way. Note that the force in the
(a) Actuator arrangement with actual approximate (b) Actuator arrangement with linearized shape of
shape of electric field lines electric field lines
Figure 2.7: Comparison of the linearized force model electric field lines and the original electric field
subsequent half-cycle is neglected, since it has a negligible effect on the flow. Therefore the force
can be time-averaged over the complete cycle:
δEx ρc ec ∆t
Fx = (2.5)
δEy ρc ec ∆t
Fy = (2.6)
Ex = q (2.7)
k12 + k22
Ey = q (2.8)
k12 + k22
δ = 1 for E < Ecr and δ = 0 for E ≥ Ecr . Ta is the period of the applied voltage cycle and ec
is the electronic charge. The equations for the body force (Equations 2.5 and 2.6) can directly be
substituted as a source term in the Navier-Stokes equations. The largest drawback of this model is
the harsh assumption that the electric field strength decreases linearly as one moves away from the
inner edge of the electrode.
Hall et al [11] used potential flow theory to model the effects of the plasma actuator. A simple model
based on a doublet (source-sink) was developed to predict the effect of one particular actuator. By
particular is meant a given actuator geometry and activating signal (i.e., fixed AC voltage amplitude,
frequency and waveform) for which experimental data is available. This experimental data is used
as closure to determine the doublet strength.
Kinetic models
Kinetic models describe macroscopic properties of fluids by analyzing their molecular composition
and motion. In general, kinetic models involve either solving the Boltzmann equation for the species
velocity or the direct solution of particle models using e.g. Monte-Carlo methods. The Boltzmann
equation is an equation for the distribution function f (x̄, ῡ, t) in a one-particle phase space, where
x̄ is the position of the particle, ῡ is the velocity at time t:
∂f ∂f F̄ (x̄, t) ∂f df
+ ῡ · + · = (2.9)
∂t ∂ x̄ m ∂ ῡ dt coll
F̄ (x̄, t) is the force field acting on the particles in the fluid and m is the mass of the particles. Only
electromagnetic forces are considered, hence the force is proportional to the electric field and and
the charge. For electrons this is F̄ = e · Ē. The term on the right hand side of Equation 2.9 is
the collision term and describes the collision between the particles. Equation 2.9 must be written
for every type of charged species, i.e., electrons and ions. To obtain a self-consistent solution, one
needs to solve for the electric field Ē by using the Poisson equation:
∇ · Ē = (2.10)
where ρ is the charge density and ε0 is the vacuum permittivity. The problem described above is
multi-dimensional and time-dependent, which makes it ,without any simplification or assumption,
extremely difficult and time consuming to solve due to the short time scales of the electron and
collision relaxation times.
The collision term in Equation 2.9 is the source of the non-linearity and is often modeled using
a particle technique such as the Monte-Carlo method. The most common method is the Direct
Simulation Monte-Carlo method (DSMC method). The DSMC method follows a large number of
simulated particles simultaneously in order to reproduce the behavior of a large number of real
atoms and molecules in the flow [2]. The fundamental assumption employed in the DSMC method
is that the movement of the particles in a gas can be decoupled from the collisions between particles
if a sufficiently small time step is used. Particle collisions are calculated using statistical collision
Alternatively, techniques such as the particle-in-cell (PIC) technique are used to model the collision
term. This method is based on deterministic mechanics of particles in prescribed force fields.
Particles are followed using a Lagrangian approach, whereas forces are computed simultaneously
on an Eulerian stationary mesh. For the kinetic models one can say that the PIC technique is
more deterministic while the Monte-Carlo technique is more statistical. A direct solution of the
Boltzmann equation is also possible, however it is very time consuming.
Fluid models
When considering the kinetic models, one can ask whether all the information offered by the distri-
bution function is needed. Since we are dealing with a distribution function f , it could be sufficient
to obtain averages or moments of this function. In fluid models (or continuum models) moments
are used to characterize distribution functions. The mathematical expression for the nth moment
of a distribution function about a value c is given by the following equation:
µn = (x − c)n f dx (2.11)
with x being one of the quantities (e.g. velocity or a space coordinate). Due to the fact that the
distribution function f is unknown, a method to compute the moments is required. There are three
main methods to compute the moments:
Taking the first three moments of the Boltzmann equation together with Well’s equation, one obtains
the conservation equations [13]. The electron inertial terms are insignificant due to their negligible
mass. For ions, at low pressure (< 100 mTorr) the inertial term is significant and for high pressure
(≥ 1000 mTorr) the inertial term is insignificant.
Continuity equation:
+ ∇ · (ne ue ) = ne S − ni ne R (2.12)
Momentum equation:
ne µe E − ∇(ne De ) = ne ue (2.13)
In most of the fluid models, the energy equation of the electrons is not solved.
Continuity equation:
+ ∇ · (ni ui ) = ni S − ni ne R (2.14)
Momentum equation:
ni m i + ni mi (ui · ∇)ui + ni mi ui N (Kc,i − Kd,i ) + ∇(ni kTi ) − ni qi E = −ni mi ui N Kmi (2.16)
In this case, there is no energy equation, because ions do not affect the ionization process. In
numerical studies, the equations above are used together with the Poisson equation for the electric
e X
∇·E = ni − ne (2.17)
The parameters of the conservation equations can be obtained by solving the spatially homogeneous
Boltzmann equation or from experimental data.
Hybrid models
To avoid computational heavy kinetic simulations and still not lose to much accuracy, hybrid models
are used. These hybrid models treat some parts of the flow as a fluid and others kinetically.
Belenguer et al [1] and Surendra et al [24] worked on a so-called bulk-beam model, which models
the high-energy electrons as particles (beam) and other electrons and ions as a fluid (bulk). Fiala
et al [7] used a fluid model where the ionization term is simulated using the Monte-Carlo method.
Fluid models are a simplification of the kinetic models (considering only the first few moments).
Kinetic models are more accurate for low pressures (<100 mTorr [13]). This is easily explained. If
the pressure is relatively low, the assumption of the flow being a continuum fails and therefore the
accuracy decreases. Furthermore, note that fluid models are impractical or inaccurate in situations
where the deviations from equilibrium are strong, for example due to the presence of large gradients
or strong transient effects. Computationally, kinetic models are much more intensive than fluid
models (one order of magnitude longer running time) [13]. This is because fluid models deal with
macroscopic quantities and being a simplification of the more complex kinetic models.
2.4 Trade-off
A trade-off has to be made to choose which plasma actuator model will be implemented. This is
the first attempt to implement a plasma actuator model at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at
Delft University of Technology. Therefore, one should start-off as simple as possible preferably with
a time-averaged plasma actuator model. Because we are interested in the net effect of the plasma
actuator on the flow field, we will use an electrostatic model which does not model the plasma
build-up during the half-cycles of the applied AC voltage. This significantly simplifies the choice
for the plasma actuator model because the First-principles based models are dropped. Although
the first-principles based models are more accurate than simplified models, they are more complex
and therefore computationally intensive.
This brings us at the simplified models. An interesting starting point for the implementation of a
plasma actuator model is the model of Suzen & Huang. It is simple, fast and easy to implement.
The method of implementation of the model of Suzen & Huang is discussed in the following chapter.
Furthermore, the similarities between the model of Suzen & Huang and the lumped-element circuit
model are considerable. Therefore a successful implementation of the model of Suzen & Huang
can be used as a first step to implement the more accurate time-dependent lumped-element circuit
In this chapter, the model of Suzen & Huang is elaborately described together with the used
boundary conditions. Furthermore, the model is verified and validated with the results obtained by
Suzen & Huang.
When imposing a high AC voltage on the arrangement of two electrodes separated by a dielectric
layer, the air between the electrodes starts to ionize and plasma is formed. The plasma results
in a body force that acts on the flow in either a steady or unsteady manner. Because we are
dealing with plasmas, the equations of Maxwell are introduced (respectively Gauss law, Gauss law
for magnetism, Faraday’s law of induction and Ampre’s circuital law):
~ = ρc
~ =0
~ = − ∂B ~
∇×E ∂t
~ = J~ − ~
∇×H ∂t
where H~ is the magnetic field strength, B~ is the magnetic induction, E ~ is the electric field strength,
~ ~
D is the electric induction, J is the electric current and ρc is the charge density. We assume that
the charges in the plasma have sufficient amount of time for the redistribution process and the
whole system is quasi-steady. These assumptions yield, the electric current, J, ~ the magnetic field,
~ ~
H, and the magnetic induction, B , are equal to zero, as well as the time derivatives of the electric
~ ~
induction, ∂∂tD , and the magnetic induction, ∂∂tB . This leaves two of the four Maxwell equations:
Implementation of plasma actuator model A. Bouchmal
~ = ρc
~ =0
We use the relation between the electric induction and the electric field strength:
~ =ε·E
D ~ (3.3)
where ε = ε0 εr , ε0 is the permittivity of free space and εr is the relative permittivity. Equations
3.2 can then be written as:
~ = ρc
∇ · εE
~ =0
~ = 0 implies that the electric field can be derived from the gradient of a scalar
Furthermore ∇ × E
potential Φ:
~ = −∇Φ
E (3.5)
∇ · (εr ∇Φ) = − (3.6)
Now let us look at the electric potential due to the net charge density (Equation 4.3). Note that
sometimes the net charge density is referred to simply as charge density. If we use the Boltzmann
ni,e = n0 exp (3.7)
kb T
The following relation can be written:
ρc n0 eϕ eϕ
= e (ni − ne ) = −e exp + exp (3.8)
ε0 ε0 kTi kTe
with ϕ being the local electric potential. Expanding the exponential functions in a Taylor series for
ϕ << T , Equation 3.8 becomes, to lowest order of ϕ/T :
ρc n0 1 1
≈ −e2 ϕ + (3.9)
ε0 ε0 kTi kTe
ρc = − Φ (3.10)
The body force induced by the plasma actuator on the flow can be expressed by the Lorentz equation
as (neglecting the magnetic forces)
f~b = ρc E
~ (3.11)
In Equation 3.11, f~b is the body force per unit volume, ρc is the net charge density and E ~ is the
electric field generated by the electrodes. Substitution of Equation 3.10 in Equation 3.11 yields:
f~b = − 2 Φ · E
~ (3.12)
Analysis of Equation 3.11 shows that independent of which electrode the voltage is applied to (Case
I or Case II), the body force is always directed from encapsulated electrode to the exposed electrode,
see Figure 3.1. It is known that the body force, must be directed in the opposite direction.
To obtain the correct direction, the potential Φ is decomposed in two parts: the potential due to
the external electric field φ and the potential due to the net charge density ϕ:
Φ=φ+ϕ (3.13)
Assuming that the Debye length is small and the charge on the wall above the encapsulated electrode
is small, the distribution of charged particles in the domain is governed by the potential due to the
electric charge on the wall and is unaffected by the external electric field. Note that the grid spacing
should not be larger than the Debye length. It is possible to write two independent equations of the
two potentials. For the potential due to the external electric field, the following Poisson equation
is found:
For the potential due to the net charge density, the following Helmholtz equation is found:
∇ · (εr ∇ϕ) = − (3.15)
∇ · (εr ∇ρc ) = (3.16)
Equations 3.14 and 4.4 yield respectively the variable φ and ρc . In order to obtain the correct
direction of the induced body force, the net charge density ρc is synchronized with the applied
voltage. The body force per unit volume is obtained as follows:
f~b = ρc E
~ = ρc (−∇φ) (3.17)
The body force obtained from equation 3.17 can directly be implemented in the Navier Stokes
equations as a source term.
Because there are two different equations that need to be solved (Equations 3.14 and 4.4), the
computational domain has two different sets of boundary conditions for these equations. The
applied AC voltage at the exposed electrode is given by:
The wave form function f (t) can e.g. be a sine wave given by:
where ω is the frequency and φmax is the amplitude. The wave form function f (t) is a time-
dependent boundary condition and can be used to model both steady and unsteady (duty cycles)
actuator arrangements. For the steady case, f (t) can be set to be a square wave. For unsteady
cases, different frequencies and wave forms can be used to simulate actuation with different duty
(a) Boundary conditions for the Poisson equation (b) Boundary conditions for the Helmholtz equa-
to solve φ tion to solve ρc
Figure 3.2: Boundary conditions and computational domain for Equations 3.14 and 4.4 [25]
Furthermore, for the net charge density boundary condition applied on the wall above the encap-
sulated electrode is given by:
From light intensity measurements, it is known that the net charge density distribution can be
modeled by a half Gaussian distribution G(x) [5][6]. This is given by:
" #
−(x − µ)2
G(x) = exp (3.21)
2σ 2
In the simulation, the parameters µ and σ are set such that the peak charge density corresponds
to the left edge of the encapsulated electrode and to obtain a gradual decay of the charge density
from the left to the right edge of the electrode (see Figure 3.3). Suzen & Huang chose a value of
σ/L = 0.3 and µ depends on the chosen frame of reference and L being equal to the encapsulated
electrode width.
0.9 σ/L=0.2
0.8 σ/L=0.4
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
To obtain a fully decoupled problem, non-dimensional variables are introduced. This allows the
computation of the solutions of Equations 3.14 and 4.4 only once at the beginning of the compu-
tation. With these solutions it is possible to calculate the electric potential and the net charge
density at any given time with any amplitude by transformation to dimensional variables. The
non-dimensional boundary conditions are shown in Figure 3.4.
λd = 0.001m and ρmaxc = 0.0008C/m3 . These are calibrated by Suzen & Huang for the model
validation with the experimental results done by Jacob et al [12].
The following section deals with the implementation of the model of Suzen & Huang in Fluent.
Furthermore, the numerical set-up is discussed. Finally, the implemented code is verified using the
Method of Manufactured Solutions (MMS).
To implement the model of Suzen & Huang in Fluent, use is made of the so-called User-Defined
Scalar (UDS) Transport Equations. Fluent allows the definition of a UDS transport equation by
setting the parameters of the following equation:
∂φ ∂ ∂φ
+ Fi φ −Γ = Sφ (3.22)
∂t ∂x i |{z} ∂xi |{z}
U nsteady Dif f usion
φ is the solved scalar quantity and Γ is the diffusion coefficient. Since we are dealing with a
steady-state and we set the convective term equal to zero, Equation 3.22 can be written as:
If we set −Sφ = 0 and Γ = εr , we obtain the Poisson equation for the electric potential field
(Equation 3.14). Furthermore, if we set φ = ρc , Γ = εr and −Sφ = λρc2 we obtain the Helmholtz
equation that needs to be solved for the net charge density field (Equation 4.4) . Therefore, we could
use this function within Fluent to compute the two differential equations for the electric potential
field and the net charge density field.
Two separate UDS Transport Equations have to be set, one for the electric potential φ and one for
the net charge density ρc . The boundary conditions can be set in the fluid zone and in the solid
boundaries. Now that we have the UDS Transport Equations, only a small bit of programming is
needed to obtain the solutions. Fluent gives the possibility to use a so-called User-Defined Function
(UDF) which has to be written in the programming language C. A UDF is used to program the
following parts of the computation:
• Source term of the Helmholtz equation λ2d
The UDF used can be found in Appendix A. The main advantages of the UDS Transport Equations
are that it is possible to compute the UDSs (in this case φ and ρc ) fully decoupled from the flow
computations and the calculation of these variables are computationally fast.
After implementation of the model of Suzen & Huang in Fluent, it is important to verify that the
model works correctly and that we compute with the correct order of accuracy. The process of
determining that a code accurately represents the underlying mathematical model and its solution
is called Code Verification. In addition, Code Verification involves error evaluation from a known
(analytical) solution. The Method of Manufactured Solutions (MMS) as described by Roache [20]
provides a procedure to perform Code Verification .
The idea of the MMS procedure is to manufacture an exact solution, whether it is physical or
not is not relevant. A non-physical solution can be used because Code Verification is a purely
mathematical exercise and therefore does not concern the physics. In order to verify the code, the
following test is applied. Suppose we have an exact solution f exact and a discrete solution f ∆ .
Roache describes that for a p order, the error in the solution asymptotically will be by definition
proportional to ∆xp , see Equation 3.24 (where H.O.T. are Higher Order Terms). In the computation
of φ and ρc , a second order method is used. Therefore, the error should be proportional to ∆x2 .
This should yield by definition a slope of 2 in a log-log graph of the error plotted against the cell
width (∆x), if the grid is sufficiently refined. This test will be applied to verify the code.
Roache claims that if the discretization convergence test indeed converges with a slope of p, the
code verifies:
Note that the fourth point is not in the scope of this work, due to the fact that only rectangular
domains are used. In the model of Suzen & Huang there are two different equations which are
solved (Equations 3.14 and 4.4). Therefore, two MMS procedures have to be conducted, one for
every equation.
The PDE for the electric potential φ can be written as (assuming εr = 1 which does not change the
form of the equations):
∇2 φ = 0 (3.25)
The first step is to choose a benchmark non-trivial continuous solution. Roache suggests to use a
Sine shape solution. The chosen solution is:
with b being an arbitrary constant. A plot of this chosen solution can be found in Figure 3.5. The
next step is to calculate the source term S(x, y) that produces this analytical solution. To do this,
Equation 3.25 is written in an operator form and set equal to the source term:
For the sake of simplicity, a rectangular domain used: 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ y ≤ 1. This domain
results in the boundary conditions found in Table 3.1.
In order to perform the grid convergence test, several cases are run with varying number of cells.
The measured quantity will be the integral of φ over the domain. Because we are using an analytical
solution, the integral of this analytical solution is exact.
Z1 Z1 Z1 Z1
(sin(b) + sin(1) − sin(1 + b))
φ(x, y)dydx = sin(x + by)dydx = (3.29)
0 0 0 0
Z1 Z1
sin(x + by)dydx = 2sin(1) − sin(2) ≈ 0.7736445 (3.30)
0 0
The PDE for the electric potential φ is solved using a second order discretization. The simulations
are conducted with square cells of varying width (or height).
In Table 3.2 one can see the simulations conducted together with the error with respect to the
analytical solution. A log-log graph of the cell width with the corresponding errors can be found in
Figure 3.6. As predicted, the slope of the graph has a value of 2. Therefore the code is verified.
The procedure of the electric potential φ is also used for the charge density ρc equation. Again,
taking εr = 1 which does not change the form of the equation, the equation for the charge density
reduces to:
∇2 ρc (x, y) = (3.31)
with b being an arbitrary constant. A plot of this chosen solution can be found in Figure 3.5. The
next step is to calculate the source term S(x, y) that produces this analytical solution. To do this,
Equation 3.31 is written in an operator form and set equal to the source term:
Error [%]
−3 −2 −1
10 10 10
Cell width [m]
ρc (x, y)
L(φ) = ∇2 ρc (x, y) − = S(x, y) (3.33)
S(x, y) = ∇2 ρc (x, y) = −(1 + + b2 ) sin(x + by) (3.34)
If we compare this source term with the source term obtained for the electric potential φ MMS
procedure (Equation 3.28), we see that they are almost similar. The source term for the charge
density has an extra constant term ( λ12 ) in the amplitude of the source term. Furthermore, the
boundary conditions are similar. Therefore, we can conclude that this is a similar problem as
worked out for the electric potential only with a larger amplitude. Because the code verification
succeeded for the electric potential φ, the code for the charge density ρc is also verified.
Suzen & Huang do not give information about the used computational grid and domain. This
leaves us in some difficulty regarding obtaining an exactly corresponding solution to that obtained
by Suzen & Huang. The dimensions of the configuration used by Suzen & Huang can be found in
Figure 3.7.
10 mm
0.5 mm
0.127 mm
0.102 mm
Due to the rectangular computational domain and bodies (electrodes and dielectric), use is made
of a rectangular two-dimensional grid. This rectangular grid is built-up in a structured manner
in order to minimize the number of cells. Several cases are run with different grid resolution and
domain size (see Section 3.3.4). Figure 3.8(a) shows the reference grid. This grid is a reference grid
for the domain and grid independence studies. The cell density increases near the electrodes, in
order to capture the important physics at these locations. Therefore, the grid refinement is applied
at these regions. For a zoomed view of the grid near the electrodes, see Figure 3.8(b).
The outer boundaries are set with the pressure-outlet boundary condition option in Fluent. When
using the pressure-outlet boundary condition, Fluent uses the pressure set as the static pressure of
the fluid at the outer boundary and extrapolates all other conditions from the interior of the domain.
A second order discretization is used for pressure and momentum. The SIMPLE algorithm is used
for the pressure-velocity coupling.
(a) Reference numerical grid (b) Reference numerical grid zoomed view
Figure 3.8: Grid used for validation of model of Suzen & Huang
Before comparing the obtained body force field fb , electric potential field φ, charge density field ρc
and streamlines with the results obtained by Suzen & Huang, it is important to note the following.
The works of Suzen & Huang leave us with some uncertainties and inaccuracies. In the works
of Suzen & Huang, no description is given of the numerical set-up. The size of the domain, the
number of cells and cell size are all unknown variables. Furthermore, Suzen & Huang obtain a jet
with a maximum velocity of approximately 1 m/s. The phrase ’approximately’ is cited from the
works of Suzen & Huang. This phrase leaves us with an unknown error margin in the maximum
velocity. Therefore, it is expected that the simulation will qualitatively yield the same results as
obtained by Suzen & Huang. However, because there are a lot of unknown parameters (as described
above), there could be some quantitative differences between the simulations. Therefore, the flow
field simulation is compared to the experimental results obtained by Jacob et al [12].
Use is made of non-dimensional variables. Therefore, as said earlier, it is possible to solve for an
unsteady actuation case both UDS equations prior to the computation of the flow field. In Figure
3.9 one can see a comparison of the electric potential contours obtained by Suzen & Huang and the
current simulation. The results of the current simulation agrees well with the potential field found
by Suzen & Huang. The largest gradient in electric potential can be found in the area between the
electrodes. Therefore, by definition this is the region where the electric field is the strongest. There
is a small difference in the contour lines at the interface between dielectric and air. This is caused
by the method used to set the diffusion coefficient Γ (or relative permittivity εr ) in Fluent. Suzen
& Huang set a mean relative permittivity on the edge between the electrodes, see Figure 3.4(a). In
Fluent it is not possible to set a diffusion coefficient on an edge. It is only possible to set this in a
face region. Therefore the choice is made to use a discontinuous relative permittivity. This results
in the kink in the contour lines at the interface. In the body force force plots, we will see that the
influence of these kinks is negligible. There is a larger difference however in the streamlines. In the
results of Suzen & Huang, the streamlines arrive more vertically from the upper region of the field
of view. Furthermore, the streamlines end up concentrated in the region above the right electrode.
It should be noted that the field of view is very small (2.5mm x 0.6mm) and the complete flow field
does agree well with the results of Suzen & Huang (see Section 3.3.3).
In Figure 3.10 one can see a comparison of the contours of the charge density ρc . The results match
the contours as obtained by Suzen & Huang well. The only significant difference, is in the region
between both electrodes. The results of Suzen & Huang (Figure 3.10(a)) show a smaller gradient of
the charge density as one moves from the left to the right electrode. The current simulation (Figure
3.10(b)), this gradient is larger and more concentrated near the region above the left edge of the
encapsulated electrode.
In Figure 3.11 one can see a comparison of the contours of the body force fb . Again the results
correspond well with the contour plot of Suzen & Huang. Suzen & Huang obtain a maximum
normalized body force of fbmax = 1250, in the current simulation fbmax = 1444 and acts in a small
area compared to the total body force field. The error is approximately 15% . The rest of the body
force field magnitudes correspond well with the values obtained by Suzen & Huang. A parameter
which would tell use more about the oveall error is the integral of the body force over the domain.
Unfortunately, Suzen & Huang do not compute this value in his works.
(a) Normalized electric potential (φ/φmax ) con- (b) Normalized electric potential (φ/φmax ) con-
tours obtained by Suzen & Huang tours current simulation
(a) Charge density (ρc ) contours obtained by Suzen (b) Charge density (ρc ) contours current simulation
& Huang
(a) Normalized body force (fb ) obtained by Suzen (b) Normalized body force (fb ) contours current
& Huang simulation
In Figure 3.12, one can see the body force profile above the left edge of the encapsulated electrode.
One can see that the maximum body force reaches its peak at a 0.1mm from the wall. Furthermore,
in Figure 3.13, one can find the obtained body force vector field. The body force is directed upwards
(relatively small body force magnitude) above the exposed electrode and downwards (relatively large
body force magnitude) above the encapsulated electrode.
x 10
Y distance normal to wall [m]
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Normalized body force fb
Figure 3.12: Profile of the body force fb above left edge of encapsulated electrode
In Figure 3.14 one can find the obtained flow field compared to the flow field found by Suzen &
Huang and the experimental flow field found by Jacob [12]. It is clear that overall the flow field
obtained corresponds well with the flow field obtained by Suzen & Huang. However, the current
simulation shows slightly curved streamlines above right edge of the exposed electrode (x = 2cm),
where the streamlines of Suzen & Huang are more straight when approaching the electrodes. These
curved streamlines however do seem to correspond with the streamlines obtained experimentally by
Jacob. The jet thickness at x = 5cm in the current simulation is approximately 1mm thicker than
the jet thickness obtained by Suzen & Huang. The experimental jet thickness is even thicker.
The difference in streamline pattern can be due to the unknown computational set-up used in the
simulations of Suzen & Huang. Therefore it is difficult to obtain a exactly similar streamline pattern
in the current simulation. Qualitatively, these results are sufficient because the most important flow
area (the synthetic jet) is captured well. The plasma actuator attracts the flow from the surrounding
area and pushes it as a jet from the exposed to the encapsulated electrode direction.
(a) Streamlines near electrodes obtained by (b) Streamlines obtained current simulation
Suzen & Huang
Figure 3.14: Comparison of streamlines near electrodes for 0 ≤ x ≤ 50mm and 0 ≤ y ≤ 45mm
The following approach is used to ensure that the obtained solution is both domain and grid inde-
pendent. The reference grid is primarily solved. Two different grids are generated by building blocks
around the reference grid. Therefore the maximum grid resolution is equal to the reference grid,
however the domain is larger. The measured quantity is the maximum velocity in the domain and
it is compared to the obtained maximum velocity from experiments [12] and numerical simulations
done by Suzen & Huang. Jacob obtained a maximum velocity of 1 m/s.
When the domain-independent solution is found, the largest domain is used and grid refinement is
applied to obtain a higher grid resolution in the area with the largest velocity gradients. Two grids
are built with increasing number of cells. Again the measured quantity is the maximum velocity in
the domain. This will yield both a domain and grid independent solution.
In Table 3.3 one can see the results of the domain independence study. The error in maximum
velocity is 7.94% for the smallest domain and 7.75% for the largest domain. This shows that the
error does not change significantly ≈ 2% with increasing domain size. Figure 3.15(a) shows the
graph of the error in maximum velocity plotted against the domain size.
Domain size [m2 ] Number of Cells Maximum velocity Error maximum velocity [%]
0.01 213200 0.92153 7.85
0.027 232100 0.92276 7.72
0.056 254334 0.92582 7.42
In Table 3.4 one can see the results of the grid independence study. The error in maximum velocity
is 7.94% for the case with the lowest number of cells and 7.54% for the grid with the largest number
of cells. This shows that the error does not change significantly (≈ 5%) with increasing cell density.
This error is certain with respect to the experimental data. However compared to the simulation of
Suzen & Huang, this error could be significantly less. As mentioned earlier, Suzen & Huang only
give an appoximate value of 1m/s and therefore leaves an unknown error margin. Figure 3.15(b)
shows the graph of the error in maximum velocity plotted against the number of cells.
Domain size [m2 ] Nr. of cells Smallest cell size [m] Max. velocity [m/s] Error max. velocity [%]
0.056 162176 1 · 10−5 0.92436 7.56
0.056 254334 5 · 10−6 0.92582 7.42
0.056 1007748 1 · 10−6 0.93407 6.59
Error maximum velocity [%]
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
Domain size [m2]
(a) Plot of the Error in maximum velocity vs. the Domain size
Error maximum velocity [%]
0 2 4 6 8 10
Number of Cells 5
x 10
(b) Plot of the Error in maximum velocity vs. the Number of cells
4.1 Introduction
The previous chapter resulted in validation of the model of Suzen & Huang for one specific case:
One specific electrode configuration and one applied voltage (5kV). The goal of having a plasma
actuator model is the possibility to mimic the plasma actuator in different configurations and
input voltages. This variety of parameters then allows to efficiently study aerodynamic phenomena
caused by the actuator with CFD, rather than building every test case in real life. This chapter
will research methods to generalize the model of Suzen & Huang in order to apply it with various
input voltages and configurations. The application of different voltages is coupled to the important
relation between the induced maximum velocity and the applied voltage discussed in Section 2.2.5.
We have found that the configuration used by Suzen & Huang induces a jet velocity of approximately
1m/s. For effective aerodynamic flow control purposes, a larger jet velocity is needed. The most
straightforward way to obtain a larger jet velocity is to increase the input voltage. The model of
Suzen & Huang uses normalized body forces and therefore multiplication by a larger input voltage
will yield a larger body force and therefore a larger induced jet velocity. From literature it is
known that the generated thrust should increase as V 7/2 [5]. This proportionality also holds for the
generated total body force. One can say that fb = T hrust = Umax ∝ V 7/2
Now let us analyze the capability of the model of Suzen & Huang to obtain this relation of fb ∝ V 7/2 .
The model of Suzen & Huang calculates a normalized body force obtained from the electric potential
and charge density fields. This normalized body force is multiplied by the input voltage and the
maximum charge density (ρmax Vapp ). Now if we assume that ρmax increases proportionally to the
input voltage Vapp , we find that the generated total body force increases as fb ∝ V 2 . This shows
that the model of Suzen & Huang under predicts the generated body force when using a different
input voltage. This discrepancy can be explained by two incapabilities of the model of Suzen &
1. The model is unable to simulate the growth of the volume of the plasma as a function of input
Generalization of the Suzen & Huang model A. Bouchmal
2. The model does not take into account the charge build-up on the surface above the encapsu-
lated electrode as a function of input voltage.
In order to generalize the model of Suzen & Huang, the above two incapabilities of the model have
to be overcome. The first point, growth of the plasma volume as a function of input voltage, can
be realized by modification of the charge density distribution function on the surface above the
encapsulated electrode. Suzen & Huang use a Gaussian distribution function on the surface. A
method of incorporating growth in plasma volume as a function of input voltage is the addition of
one degree of freedom to the distribution function of the charge density. This degree of freedom is
the input voltage. An additional parameter which could be changed is the Debye length. A larger
Debye length will increase the volume of the plasma and vice versa. It is known from literature that
physically the Debye length for the plasmas under consideration is more or less a fixed parameter,
however calibration within the order of magnitude of λd = 0.00017m is allowed.
The second point, the charge build-up on the surface above the encapsulated electrode, is given in
the model of Suzen & Huang by the parameter ρmax c . Suzen & Huang used a fixed value for this
parameter. This parameter could be made a function of the input voltage in order to account for
the charge build-up as a function of input voltage. Both points are a modification of the charge
density field and thus the electric potential field remains unchanged.
In order to analyze the applicability of the model of Suzen & Huang in different configurations using
the above two points, experimental data is needed as a benchmark to give us a modification of the
model based on physics. Currently in literature there is one source with experimentally measure
body force fields available: Kotsonis et al [15]. The works of Kotsonis offer body force fields for
different input voltages obtained from PIV measurements together with a full Navier-Stokes term
decomposition. The plasma actuator configuration used by Kotsonis consists of electrodes with
a width of 10 mm and 60µm thickness . A zero horizontal gap is used between the electrodes.
Furthermore, the electrodes are separated by two dielectric layers of polymide Kapton tape with
a total thickness (including adhesive layer) of 110µm. The input peak-to-peak voltage on the
electrodes was varied from 8kVpp to 16kVpp with a step size of 2kVpp . The body force field is
measured for every input peak-to-peak voltage. The configuration used by Kotsonis can be found
in Figure 4.1.
Because the previously mentioned two generalization points do not change the potential field, we can
use the body force measurements to obtain the charge density fields. To obtain the corresponding
charge density fields, use is made of Equation 3.17. This equation shows that the charge density field
can be obtained by dividing the body force field f~b by the electric field E
~ = −∇Φ. The electric field
is taken at the peak of the voltage cycle. The obtained charge density field for different voltages will
be a benchmark for the generalization of the model of Suzen & Huang. For the sake of simplicity
we will focus on the horizontal component of the body force. If we are able to generalize the model
to fit this horizontal component the vertical component will also be physically correct. This is due
to the net charge density ρc being a scalar, correct modeling of this parameter together with equal
electric potential field should yield the correct horizontal and vertical body force components.
Kotsonis’ configuration is modeled with CFD using the model of Suzen & Huang to obtain the
electric potential field for this geometry. A grid is constructed with a smallest cell size of 1 · 10−6 m
located at the interface between both electrodes. The grid convergence study conducted in Chapter
3 showed that this cell size is small enough to capture the plasma physics of interest. A domain
size of 0.1x0.1m is used. Because the simulations do not contain a flow computation, this domain
size is large enough to damp out the influence of the outer boundaries on the areas of interest near
the electrodes.
10 mm
In Figure 4.2, one can see the electric potential field φ and the corresponding horizontal component
of the electric field Ex obtained using the model of Suzen & Huang [25] applied on the configuration
used by Kotsonis. A normalized electric potential field is used, therefore a normalized electric field
strength is calculated. This allows the recalculation the electric field strength for every applied volt-
age simply by multiplication of the normalized electric field by the applied voltage. The horizontal
component of the electric field is concentrated in the area between both electrodes where the largest
gradient in electric potential is located.
(a) Normalized Electric potential field φ (b) Normalized Electric field component in x-
direction Ex
2 8000
Ex interpolated
1.5 6000
1 4000
0.5 2000
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
In Figure 4.4, one can see the horizontal component of the body force field obtained by Kotsonis.
The plasma volume, represented by the body force field, clearly increases when the input voltage
is increased (note that Vpp = 2Vin ). The width of the plasma volume increases approximately
proportionally to the increasing input voltage. In addition, height of the plasma volume appears to
increase with increasing input voltage. In Table 4.1, one can see the obtained integrated horizontal
body force component for different input voltages. The obtained integrated body forces agree with
the proportionality found in literature (fx ∝ V 7/2 ), see Figure 4.5.
Now that we have the body force field and the electric field for this configuration, it is possible
to extract the charge density field from the body force measurements conducted by Kotsonis. A
division of the horizontal body force field by the horizontal component of the electric field yields
the charge density field, see Figure 4.6. Similar to the horizontal component of the body force field,
the charge density field increases with increasing input voltage both in width as well as in height.
This is expected because the electric potential field is unchanged and therefore this change has to
be similar to that observed in the body force fields.
The model of Suzen & Huang imposes a charge density distribution function on the surface above the
encapsulated electrode. Therefore, it is useful to plot the charge density function on this surface, see
Figure 4.7. It is clear that the charge density distribution function increases in height and width with
increasing input voltages. The change in the charge density distribution function is a parameter
which we would like to measure. First the maximum value of the charge density distribution is
analyzed for different input voltages (see Figure 4.8). There seems to be a linear relationship
b,x −3
x 10
2 5
1 8kVpp
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 4
1 10kVpp 3.5
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 12kV 2.5
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2
1 1.5
0 1
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 16kVpp
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
fx [N]
Power law: 5.5*10−7*V7/2
6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Figure 4.5: Integrated horizontal body force fx for various voltages and curve fit
between ρc,max and the input voltage. However the graphs of the charge density distribution on
the wall do not have a clear maximum value, especially for larger input voltages (14 and 16 kVpp ).
1 8kVpp
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 10kVpp
0 0.02
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 12kVpp
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 14kVpp
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 0.005
1 16kV
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Therefore, the data is integrated (the area below the graph is calculated). This parameter is less
noise sensitive than the maximum value. Figure 4.9 shows that the integral increases linearly with
increasing input voltage. The height of the plasma is measured and plotted in Figure 4.10. The
height is determined as the location where the body force is 10% of its maximum value. The plot
shows us that also the height of the plasma increases linearly with increasing input voltage. This
linear changing height of the plasma could give us a starting point in modeling a relation of the
Debye length λd as a function of the input voltage. Now that we have obtained the net charge density
field and some other relations, we can start working with hypotheses for model generalization.
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ρc,wall [C/m2]
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ρc,max [C/m2]
Measurement point
y = 0.026372*Vpp − 0.13427
6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Figure 4.8: Maximum charge density ρc,max against peak-to-peak voltage Vpp
Integral of experimentally measured ρc,w
Measurement point
0.2 y = 0.16169*Vpp − 1.1586
6 8 10 12 14 16 18
hp [mm]
Measurement point
0.2 hp= 0.15*Vpp − 0.742
6 8 10 12 14 16 18
From Figure 4.7, one can see that the charge density profile on the wall indeed resembles a Gaussian-
like distribution as suggested by Suzen & Huang. Let us use this Gaussian distribution and modify
the Gaussian parameters σ and µ by making them both a function of the input voltage. It is known
that the parameter µ is used for the location of the maximum value in a Gaussian distribution.
The parameter σ is a measure of the width of the distribution. The Debye length is chosen in this
hypothesis as a constant with a value of λd = 0.00017m.
A manual fit of a Gaussian distribution function with the parameters found in Table 4.2 results
in the charge density on the wall as shown in Figure 4.12. The chosen Gaussian parameters are
increased linearly, because we have found that both the maximum charge density on the wall as
well as the integrated charge density on the wall increase linearly with increasing input voltage.
Furthermore, the linear relationship for ρc,max found in Figure 4.8 is used. The parameters used
for Hypothesis 1 can be found in Table 4.2.
The imposed charge density on the wall resulted in a charge density field found in Figure 4.11. In this
figure a comparison is shown of the experimentally obtained charge density field and the modeled
charge density field. From the figure one can see that the height of the modeled charge density field
is accurate with respect to the experimental height for the voltages 8kVpp and 10kVpp . The height
of modeled the charge density for the voltages 12kVpp , 14kVpp and 16kVpp clearly underestimates
the height of the experimental charge density. The reason for this discrepancy is the fact that a
constant value for Debye length is used. The width of the charge density field is more accurate. We
see a small overestimation of the width for all the voltages.
Vpp σ µ ρc,max
8kV 0.6 2.1 0.076706
10kV 0.8 2.4 0.12945
12kV 1 2.7 0.182194
14kV 1.2 3.0 0.234938
16kV 1.4 3.3 0.287682
Furthermore, the modeled field overestimates the charge density in the domain 0 ≤ x ≤ 1mm. This
domain also contains the largest concentration of Ex and therefore the body force will be concen-
trated in this domain. This can be seen in Figure 4.13 where the modeled horizontal component
of the body force field is demonstrated. The body force is concentrated at the right edge of the
exposed electrode (x = 0mm). The height of the body force field is underestimated with the model
for the voltages 12kVpp , 14kVpp and 16kVpp due to the constant Debye length. The modeled body
force field is more concentrated and generally overestimated near the wall.
In Figure 4.14, one can see integrated total horizontal body force obtained using Hypothesis 1
together with the data of the experiments. Although the height of the growth in height of the body
force field is not modeled, the implementation of a linear changing Gaussian distribution does result
in a correct proportionality of the body force with respect to the voltage. Hypothesis 1 results in
fx ∝ V 7/2 . Still, the magnitude of the body force is overestimated. However this could be corrected
by calibration of ρc,max .
ρc,exp ρc, h1
2 2
1 8kVpp 1 8kVpp
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.025
2 2
1 10kVpp 1 10kVpp
0 0.02 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 2
1 12kVpp 1 12kVpp 0.015
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 2
0.01 0.01
1 14kV 1 14kV
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0.005 2 0.005
1 16kVpp 1 16kV
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
x[mm] x[mm]
(a) Charge density field extracted from experimen- (b) Modeled charge density field using Hypothesis
tal measurements 1
Figure 4.11: Comparison of experimental and modeled charge density fields for Hypothesis 1
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ρc,wall [C/m2]
0.2 12kVpp
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0.2 14kV
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure 4.12: Extracted charge density profile on the wall together with a Gaussian fit
fb,x fb, h1
−3 −3
x 10 x 10
2 5 2 5
1 8kVpp 1 8kVpp
4.5 4.5
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 4 2 4
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3 3
2 2
1 12kV 2.5 1 12kVpp 2.5
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2
2 2
1.5 1.5
1 14kV 1 14kVpp
0 1 0 1
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 2
0.5 0.5
1 16kV 1 16kVpp
0 0 0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
x[mm] x[mm]
(a) Horizontal body force field extracted from ex- (b) Modeled body force field using Gaussian wall
perimental measurements function using Hypothesis 1
Figure 4.13: Comparison of experimental and horizontal body force fields for Hypothesis 1
Vpp fx [N]
8kV 0.0021
10kV 0.0061
12kV 0.0133
14kV 0.0245
16kV 0.04
fx [N]
Power law: 5.5* 10−7*V7/2
0.001 Hypothesis 1
Power law: 1.8* 10−6*V7/2
6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Figure 4.14: Integrated horizontal body force fx for various voltages using Hypothesis 1
For this Hypothesis, the Gaussian distribution is taken equal to zero in the domain 0 ≤ x ≤ 1mm.
This is based on the fact that from Hypothesis 1 we found a significant overestimation of the charge
density field and body force field in this domain. Investigation will tell us if a correction in this area,
result in a more accurate integrated body force value. Note that all other parameters are equal to
the parameters used in Hypothesis 1.
From Figure 4.15, one can see that indeed above the domain 0 ≤ x ≤ 1mm no concentrated charge
density is present. This results in a less concentrated body force above this domain, see Figure 4.16.
The body force is now concentrated in the domain above 1 ≤ x ≤ 3mm depending on the applied
voltage. This is physically correct if we compare with the experimental results.
ρc,exp ρ
2 2
1 8kVpp 1 8kVpp
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.025
2 2
1 10kVpp 1 10kV
0 0.02 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 2
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 2
1 14kV 1 14kVpp
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0.005 0.005
2 2
1 16kVpp 1 16kV
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
x[mm] x[mm]
(a) Charge density field extracted from experimen- (b) Modeled charge density field using Hypothesis
tal measurements 1B
Figure 4.15: Comparison of experimental and modeled charge density fields for Hypothesis 1B
In Figure 4.17, one can see integrated total horizontal body force obtained using Hypothesis 1B
together with the data of the experiments. Although the magnitude of the integrated body force is
more accurate compared to experimental data, the proportionality is less accurate than the results
obtained from Hypothesis 1. Hypothesis 1B results in fx ∝ V 5/2 .
Vpp fx [N]
8kV 0.0015
10kV 0.0033
12kV 0.0058
14kV 0.0088
16kV 0.0123
1 8kVpp 1 8kVpp
4.5 4.5
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 4 2 4
1 10kVpp 1 10kVpp
3.5 3.5
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3 3
2 2
1 12kVpp 2.5 1 12kV 2.5
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2
2 2
1 1.5 1 1.5
14kV 14kV
pp pp
0 1 0 1
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 2
0.5 0.5
1 16kV 1 16kV
pp pp
0 0 0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
x[mm] x[mm]
(a) Horizontal body force field extracted from ex- (b) Modeled body force field using Gaussian wall
perimental measurements function using Hypothesis 1B
Figure 4.16: Comparison of experimental and modeled horizontal body force fields for Hypothesis 1B
fx [N]
Power law: 5.5* 10−7*V7/2
Hypothesis 1b
Power law: 8.8* 10−6*V5/2
6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Figure 4.17: Integrated horizontal body force fx for various voltages using Hypothesis 1B
The underestimation of the height of the charge density field and the body force field is due to the
constant value of the Debye length. Hypothesis 2 will use a linear changing Debye length value to
investigate the influence of a changing Debye length on both charge density and body force field.
The assumption of having a linear changing Debye length is based on the linear change in height
and width of the plasma. According to Figure 4.10, the Debye length is taken to be:
λd [m] = K · 0.15 · 10−3 Vpp − 0.000742 (4.1)
The constant K is calibrated and has a value of K = 0.2. This results in λd ranging from approx-
imately 0.0001m − 0.0004m. These are in the order of magnitude of the values found in literature
In Figure 4.18, one can see the charge density field obtained using the assumptions of Hypothesis 2.
There where Hypothesis 1 resulted in an underestimation of the charge density volume, Hypothesis
2 clearly captures the growth of the charge density volume more accurately. Furthermore, the model
of Suzen & Huang causes the charge density field to increase rapidly, where the experiment shows a
more gradual decay of the charge density field when moving away from the surface. This is caused
by the source term in the Helmholtz equation (Equation 4.4) and therefore could not be changed
without modification of the model.
Vpp σ µ λd [m]
8kV 0.6 2.1 0.0000916
10kV 0.8 2.4 0.0001516
12kV 1 2.7 0.0002116
14kV 1.2 3.0 0.0002716
16kV 1.4 3.3 0.0003316
In Figure 4.19, one can see the body force field obtained using Hypothesis 2. As expected due
to the more accurately modeled growth of the charge density volume, the body force volume now
grows with increasing input voltage. This is physically more accurate than the results of Hypothesis
1. In Figure 4.28, one can see integrated total horizontal body force obtained using Hypothesis 2
together with the data of the experiments. It is clear that the assumptions made in Hypothesis 2 do
not result in an integrated body force that resembles the experimental data. The proportionality
is fx ∝ V 5 , which is a significant overestimation of the body force change with respect to input
ρc,exp ρc,h2
2 2
1 8kVpp 1 8kVpp
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.025
2 2
1 10kVpp 1 10kVpp
0 0.02 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 2
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 2
0.01 0.01
1 14kV 1 14kVpp
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0.005 0.005
2 2
1 1 16kVpp
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
x[mm] x[mm]
(a) Charge density field extracted from experimen- (b) Modeled charge density field using Hypothesis
tal measurements 2
Figure 4.18: Comparison of experimental and modeled charge density fields for Hypothesis 2
f fb,h2 −3
b,x −3
x 10 x 10
2 5 2 5
1 8kVpp 1 8kVpp
4.5 4.5
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 4 2 4
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3
2 2
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2
2 2
1.5 1.5
1 14kVpp 1 14kVpp
0 1 0 1
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 2
0.5 0.5
1 16kVpp 1 16kVpp
0 0 0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
x[mm] x[mm]
(a) Horizontal body force field extracted from ex- (b) Modeled body force field using Hypothesis 2
perimental measurements
Figure 4.19: Comparison of experimental and modeled horizontal body force fields for Hypothesis 2
Vpp fx [N]
8kV 5.2 · 10−4
10kV 0.0027
12kV 0.0085
14kV 0.0202
16kV 0.0404
fx [N]
Power law: 5.5* 10−7*V7/2
0.001 Hypothesis 2
Power law: 3* 10−8*V5pp
6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Figure 4.20: Integrated horizontal body force fx for various voltages using Hypothesis 2
The previous hypotheses gave us a hint that although the correct boundary conditions are applied
on the wall above the encapsulated electrode, the way the model is built (especially the source
term in the Helmholtz equation) the model is not able to model the charge density and body force
fields accurately. This hypothesis could simply be tested by applying an accurate curve fit of the
charge density distribution on the wall and see if the model is able to obtain the correct charge
density and body force fields. In this hypothesis we will use a constant value for the Debye length
of λd = 0.00017m.
For the curve fit of the charge density distribution on the wall, we will use a general Gaussian
equation with the following shape:
2 2 2
x−B1 x−B2 x−B6
− C1
− C2
− C6
f (x) = A1 · e + A2 · e + ... + A6 · e (4.2)
The coefficients used for the curve fits for the different applied voltages can be found in Appendix
Experiment 8kV
0.09 Gaussian fit
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
x[m] −3
x 10
Figure 4.21: Extracted charge density profile on the wall together with a Gaussian fit for Vpp = 8kV
In Figure 4.26, one can see the charge density fields obtained using Hypothesis 3. From the figure
one can see that the height of the modeled charge density field is accurate with respect to the
experimental height for the voltages 8kVpp and 10kVpp . The height of modeled the charge density
for the voltages 12kVpp , 14kVpp and 16kVpp clearly underestimates the height of the experimental
charge density. From the previous hypotheses we know that it is possible to model the changing
height of the plasma by making the Debye length a function of the applied voltage. In Figure
4.27 one can see the obtained body force fields. In Figure one can see the integrated horizontal
body force as a function of applied voltage. The used boundary condition result in an incorrect
proportionality of approximately fx ∝ V 5/2 .
Now let us focus on the charge density field for the voltages 8kVpp and 10kVpp . We can see that
the modeled charge density field height is accurate with respect to the experimental charge density
field. Furthermore, we know that the imposed boundary condition is accurate. However the decay
of experimental charge density field seems to be more gradual. The modeled charge density field
shows a much more sudden decay. This sudden decay is modeled by the right hand side of the
Experiment 10kV
Gaussian fit
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
x[m] −3
x 10
Figure 4.22: Extracted charge density profile on the wall together with a Gaussian fit for Vpp = 10kV
Experiment 12 kV
Gaussian fit
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
x[m] −3
x 10
Figure 4.23: Extracted charge density profile on the wall together with a Gaussian fit for Vpp = 12kV
Experiment 14kV
Gaussian fit
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
x[m] −3
x 10
Figure 4.24: Extracted charge density profile on the wall together with a Gaussian fit for Vpp = 14kV
Helmholtz equation (Equation 4.4). The fact that we obtain a charge density field which is of the
same height as the experimental one and where the imposes boundary condition is the same, yet
the decay of the charge density field is not the same leads to the conclusion that the charge density
Experiment 16kV
Gaussian fit
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
x[m] −3
x 10
Figure 4.25: Extracted charge density profile on the wall together with a Gaussian fit for Vpp = 16kV
ρc,exp ρc,h3
2 2
1 8kVpp 1 8kVpp
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.025
2 2
1 1 10kVpp
0 0.02 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 2
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 2
0.01 0.01
1 14kV 1 14kVpp
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0.005 0.005
2 2
1 16kVpp 1 16kVpp
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
x[mm] x[mm]
(a) Charge density field extracted from experimen- (b) Modeled charge density field using Hypothesis
tal measurements 3
Figure 4.26: Comparison of experimental and modeled charge density fields for Hypothesis 3
fb,x fb, h3
−3 −3
x 10 x 10
2 5 2 5
1 8kVpp 1 8kVpp
4.5 4.5
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 4 2 4
1 10kVpp 1 10kVpp
3.5 3.5
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3 3
2 2
0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2
2 2
1 1.5 1 1.5
14kV 14kV
pp pp
0 1 0 1
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 2
0.5 0.5
1 16kV 1 16kVpp
0 0 0 0
−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
x[mm] x[mm]
(a) Horizontal body force field extracted from ex- (b) Modeled body force field using Hypothesis 3
perimental measurements
Figure 4.27: Comparison of experimental and modeled body force fields for Hypothesis 3
fx [N]
Power law: 5.5* 10−7*V7/2
0.001 Hypothesis 3
Power law: 2.5* 10−5*V5/2
6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Figure 4.28: Integrated horizontal body force fx for various voltages using Hypothesis 3
The previous hypotheses showed that the model of Suzen & Huang is not able to model the charge
density field in a correct manner. Now let us re-analyze the derivation of the model of Suzen &
Huang and use approximation symbols where they are relevant. Let us jump in, in the derivation
at the equation for the net charge density field given by:
∇ · (εr ∇ϕ) = − (4.3)
After some derivation steps we find the Helmholtz equation for the net charge density:
∇ · (εr ∇ρc ) ≈ (4.4)
If we look at the equations, we go from an exact solution (Equation 4.3) to an approximate equation
(Equation 4.4). This, because we use the relation:
ρc ≈ − ϕ (4.5)
This relation is based on a Taylor expansion of the exact relation for ϕ << T :
ρc e (ni − ne ) n0 eϕ eϕ
= = −e exp + exp (4.6)
ε0 ε0 ε0 kTi kTe
which becomes:
ρc n0 eϕ eϕ ϕ
≈ −e + =− (4.7)
ε0 ε0 kTi kTe λ2d
We found in Hypothesis 3 that the model of Suzen & Huang, is inaccurate in the representation
of the decay rate of the charge density even though the correct boundary conditions are applied.
A reason for this could be that the approximation of Equation 4.7 is inaccurate. Equation 4.7 is
based on the assumption that ϕ << T . This assumption could be the source of inaccuracy of the
model. In literature however, it is described that this assumption is questionable [21].
Improvement of the model can be reached by decomposition of the net charge density ρc in the
species ni and ne . This is a more fundamental description of the net charge density ρc . With this
decomposition, research can be focused on (phenomenological) modeling of the separate species ni
and ne to obtain a more accurate charge density field.
With calibration of λd and ρc,max , the model of Suzen & Huang demonstrated that it is able to
induce qualitatively the correct flow stream in the surrounding air. Furthermore, the magnitude of
the induced jet stream is physical with respect to experimental data. Therefore, the model could
be used for steady flows and separation control purposes.
In the current chapter however, we have demonstrated that the net charge density distribution and
therefore the body force distribution obtained from the model of Suzen & Huang are not accurate.
Attempts to generalize the model have failed due to the fundamental description of the model. This
tells us that calibration for every configuration is needed in order to use the model with a different
configuration than the one used in the works of Suzen & Huang.
We can conclude that the model is reasonably accurate, with calibration of the mentioned param-
eters, when one is interested in the time-averaged effect of the body force on the flow field. The
model is based on an electrostatic formulation. The model produces a time-averaged body force
field resulting from a complete AC cycle. This makes the model inaccurate in the time-variation of
the body force during an AC cycle. In unsteady flow problems, we are more interested in the body
force field during the AC voltage cycle. An example of this is the usage of the plasma actuator
for transition delay by means of Tollmien-Schlichting wave cancellation. In this case one is in need
of the time-dependent body force field during an AC cycle and the change of this body force for
changing AC voltages. The Suzen & Huang model can not be used for this purpose due to its
5.1 Conclusions
The research in different plasma actuator models resulted in two groups of plasma actuator models:
Simplified models and First-principles based models. Although the First-principles based models
are more accurate than simplified models, they are more complex and therefore computationally
intensive. Because this is the first attempt at Delft University of Technology for the implementation
of a plasma actuator model, simplicity is an essential starting point. The model of Suzen & Huang
is simple, fast and easy to implement. The implementation is done in the commercial CFD-software
Fluent, by using the User-Defined Scalar transport equations (UDS). Two separate UDSs are com-
puted: one for the electric potential φ and one for the net charge density ρc . The code is verified
by means of the Method of Manufactured Solutions. The UDS transport equations showed to have
second order accuracy.
The code is validated by comparison with the results obtained by Suzen & Huang. The electric
potential field, net charge density field and the corresponding body force field showed although
with minor differences, to be accurately modeled. The resulting flow field in quiescent air was
qualitatively correct, however differences were found in the results obtained by Suzen & Huang and
the results of the current simulation. The reason for this could lie in the fact that in the works of
Suzen & Huang no information is given regarding the used domain and grid.
Finally, an attempt is made to generalize the model of Suzen & Huang and to analyze its capability
of accurately modeling experimentally obtained body force field for a different plasma actuator
configuration. The measurements of Kotsonis et al are used as a benchmark and the net charge
density field is extracted from the body force measurements by division by the electric field strength.
We found that even though the correct boundary conditions are applied, the model of Suzen & Huang
is not able to accurately model the charge density field and body force field. A reason for this could
be the assumption in the derivation of the model that ϕ << T . In literature, it is described that
this assumption is questionable [21].
Furthermore, the model is not able to compute the change in plasma volume as a function of
the applied voltage. The relation between the integrated horizontal body force and the applied
voltage is not the relation of Umax ∝ fb,x ∝ Vpp found in literature. Therefore, usage of the plasma
actuator model for different voltages will introduce an inaccuracy in the magnitude of the integrated
horizontal body force and therefore in the maximum induced velocity.
Conclusions and Next steps A. Bouchmal
We can conclude that the model is reasonably accurate, with calibration of the mentioned parame-
ters, when one is interested in the time-averaged affect of the body force on the flow field. The model
is based on an electrostatic formulation, which makes the model inaccurate in the time-variation of
the body force during an AC cycle. This makes the model inaccurate for usage of unsteady flow
problems such as transition delay. However, the model could be useful when modeling steady flows
and using it for separation control purposes. After calibration, the model could be used in different
actuator configurations.
For future work, there are two fields of research that could be useful for the successful implementation
of a widely usable plasma actuator model for Delft University of Technology. The first field of
research focuses on the improvement of the used Suzen & Huang model. The second field of
research is the implementation of a new and more advanced plasma actuator model.
1. In Hypothesis 3 of Chapter 4, we found that the Helmholtz equation for the net charge density
is simply inaccurate to represent the charge density field. A way of improvement of the model
of Suzen & Huang can be reached by decomposition of the net charge density ρc in the
species ni and ne . With this decomposition, research can be focused on (phenomenological
modeling) of the separate species ni and ne to obtain a more accurate charge density field
without entering the field of First-principles based models. Furthermore, no use is made of the
questionable assumption that ϕ << T . A decomposition could result in two extra differential
equations for the calculation of the species ni and ne . A potential drawback of this approach
is a computationally slower plasma actuator model due to the introduced equations.
2. In the search for a more widely usable plasma actuator model, one could research the imple-
mentation of the Lumped element circuit model. This model, developed by Orlov & Corke, is
accurate in the modeling of the relation of the maximum induced velocity as a function of the
applied voltage Umax ∝ fb,x ∝ Vpp . Furthermore, the model is time-dependent and therefore
has the ability to model the separate half cycles of the plasma actuator. The model showed
to be accurate in the modeling of the plasma extent as a function of the input voltage [19].
All this will prove of value when modeling usage of the actuartor for unsteady aerodynamic
phenomena control such us transition delay. The model uses five equations for the calculation
of the extent of the plasma as a function of time and therefore the model will be computation-
ally more intensive than the model of Suzen & Huang. Especially for more advanced plasma
actuator applications, this field of research will be valuable.
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#include "udf.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "sg_udms.h"
#define debye 0.001
#define rhomax 0.0008
#define phimax 5000
#define sigma 0.003
#define rholoc 0.5
enum {
enum {
User-Defined Functions implemented in Fluent A. Bouchmal
DEFINE_ADJUST(udf_adjust, domain)
Thread *t;
cell_t c;
return source;
return Sourcex;
return Sourcey;
float r[3];
float x;
real xloc;
face_t f;
xloc = r[0];
Gaussian coefficients for Hypothesis 3 A. Bouchmal