Was EGW A Plagiarist?
Was EGW A Plagiarist?
Was EGW A Plagiarist?
One cannot study the allegations against Ellen White without inevitably coming across the charge that
she was a plagiarist. Obviously this is a serious issue and should be studied carefully by both
supporters and critics of Ellen White. While this web site is designed to take a closer look at the
charges and methods of her critics, supporters of Ellen White often have room for improvement as
well. If Adventists shut their ears and eyes to the charges against her, claiming that she's right simply
"because she's the Lord's prophet" then they are actually doing her writings, the church, and themselves
a disservice. Critics would then be correct in saying that Adventist logic in defending Ellen White is
no better than some of the other churches out there who claim to have a prophet (a sentiment that is
often expressed). Therefore we will take the approach of looking at the actual evidence.
It may surprise some to know that the plagiarism charge against the Lord's faithful servants is nothing
new. John Wesley and John Bunyan were both accused of this practice (see John Bunyan: Mechanick
Preacher, by William York Tindall, New York: Russell & Russell, Inc., 1964, pp. 194ff and "John
Wesley's 'Calm Address': The Response of the Critics," Methodist History, October, 1975, pp.13-23).
While this by no means gets Ellen White off the hook, it does show us that this sort of allegation is
really nothing new.
In 1982 a new book came out which brought this charge and others against Ellen White. The book was
called The White Lie, and it definitely had an influence in Adventist circles. To read a response to its
author's methods and conclusions, we recommend a booklet prepared by the Ellen White Estate called
The Truth About "The White Lie." If you are reading a printed version of this page (and don't have
Internet access) you can order a copy of the book from the Ellen White Estate (12501 Old Columbia
Pike, Silver Spring, Maryland 20904; Phone: 301-680-6540; FAX: 301-680-6559). There is a minimal
The White Lie revealed various "parallel lines" between Ellen White's writings and other authors. The
findings prompted an awareness of the need to study into this matter more intensely than Adventists
had done in the past. While it had for decades been known that Ellen White had used the writings of
others to enhance her own (EGW herself had addressed this), it was the volume of such use that was
now under fire.
Neil Wilson, President of General Conference, in a March 20, 1980 Adventist Review article
What Wilson stated was indeed true. Everyone recognized this as the research continued. (We will
post more of what Wilson said on this subject, and his conclusions, in the near future.)
"Now it is true that the intensive work in a study of the relationship between portions of certain E.G.
White books and the writings of commentators and historians HAS DISCLOSED A WIDER USE BY
PRESENT CHURCH LEADERS WERE AWARE OF. The staff down through the ages has been
much too small and too busy in meeting the demands upon it to give time to probing for answers to
questions now being asked." (emphasis added)
And so it goes. Such statements, however, don't reveal a loss of confidence in the writings at all (and
even if they did, this is not the issue), they merely present a fact: as the subject had been studied more,
Adventists realized that Ellen White's use of other writings involved more than they had previously
How Much?
So what does all of this mean in light of the plagiarism charge? Having established that she had
utilized more of other writings than they thought, the question became "How much DID she use?" In
1983 the Ellen White Estate underwent an extensive "marking project" using all of Ellen White's
published works. They would highlight each and every line that was known to have a parallel in
another author's book. The definition of "parallel" included all lines which showed a clear verbal
connection, including paraphrasing. The Estate incorporated not only their own findings but
everything that was in The White Lie and anything else that critics could bring forward. The end
result? Although this is an ongoing project, after 17 years of compiling data the studies show that less
than 2% of all of her published work contains parallel lines. To get a better understanding of their
methods and to see a breakdown of the percentages in each of the books, click the link below:
Keep in mind that this research is ongoing and the White Estate's database will be updated as more
information comes in. Anyone is welcome to present their findings to the Estate for inclusion in the
project. At least one critic has challenged Adventists to prove that Ellen White wrote more than 20%
of the content in her books. In any court of law the burden of proof is on the accuser. If 80% of her
writings can be shown to contain similarities, then let the accuser freely bring forth the evidence and
add it to the less than 2% that has already been discovered by the combined efforts of her most vocal
critics and supporters alike.
As pointed out earlier, the "reaction of Adventists" seems to have become a focal point in the
presentation of the charges. Suppose in 20 years from now it is discovered that Ellen White's use of
other writers was actually double what we believe it to be today. The quotes of astonished Adventists
in that day might paint a grim picture, but this increase would actually raise the total volume to only
4% (meaning 96% did not contain parallel lines). Even if all of her critics accumulated enough
evidence over a 20 year period to quadruple the current percentage it would still mean that 92% of her
work did not contain parallel lines. But what about parallel lines themselves...
1) Ramik had been raised a Roman Catholic (though not a "practicing" Catholic at the time of his
research [read interview below]) and one of the books he examined was, in fact, The Great
Controversy—not exactly flattering to that Church or the Pope.
2) Ramik later admitted in an interview that he had been biased against Ellen White when he went into
the project, for he had read the work of many of her critics from D.M. Canright right up to the pre-
publication manuscript of The White Lie itself.
Nevertheless, after more than 300 hours of researching approximately 1,000 relevant cases in American
legal history, Ramik's conclusions were as follows:
"Based upon our review of the facts and legal precedents, we conclude that Ellen G. White was
not a plagiarist and her works did not constitute copyright infringement/piracy." (Adventist
Review, Sept. 17, 1981)
"Considering all factors necessary in reaching a just conclusion on this issue, it is submitted that
the writings of Ellen G. White were conclusively unplagiaristic." (Ibid)
Regarding the specific portions of other writers that she had used, Ramik said that she had "modified,
exalted, and improved" the writings of others in an ethical, as well as legal, manner. (Ibid.)
In Ramik's conclusion he points out several factors that should be carefully considered when one
attempts to accuse Ellen White of literary theft or deceit.
1) Her selections "stayed well within the legal boundaries of 'fair use.'"
2) "Ellen White used the writings of others; but in the way she used them, she made them uniquely her
own"--adapting the selections into her own literary framework.
3) Ellen White urged her readers to get copies of some of the very books she made use of--
demonstrating that she did not attempt to conceal the fact of her use of literary sources, and that she had
no intention to defraud or supersede the works of any other author.
We should keep in mind that Ramik's conclusions were based on studying not only Ellen White's
writings, but approximately 1,000 cases involving literary property rights from the years 1790-1915.
While we realize that the conclusions of one attorney will not convince everyone, we do think that his
research was valid, fair, and extensive.
For more information on Ramik and his research, choose a link below. Read the conclusions
prayerfully and then decide for yourself:
Ramik's examination and conclusions are usually mentioned only in passing (if mentioned at all) by the
critics when their allegations are presented. His research is treated in such a non-chalant way that it
would be easy to underestimate the significance of his findings. One brother who took issue with
Ramik points to the fact that in one of the cases studied a defendant was found guilty. Ramik had,
however, studied 1000 cases in his research, and many are referred to in his full report above. What is
important is Ramik's conclusions after studying all of the case histories and comparing them to Ellen
White's writings, not the outcome of one of the cases studied. When that many trials are examined,
inevitably the results will show both guilty and not guilty verdicts. We hope that by making the reports
and interviews available many seekers of truth will be blessed and many questions will be answered.
When asked how he would sum up the legal case against Ellen White as far as charges of plagiarism,
piracy, and copyright infringement were concerned, Ramik answered:
"If I had to be involved in such a legal case, I would much rather appear as defense counsel than
for the prosecution. There simply is no case!" (Adventist Review, Sept. 17, 1981)
Robert Olson of the Ellen White Estate was asked how he felt about Veltman's study. His response
was as follows:
"I am totally satisfied with this study. No one could have done a better job—no one. He did it as
a neutral person would have and not as one who is an apologist." (Ministry, Dec. 1990, p. 16)
When Veltman himself was asked if he thought Ellen White was guilty of plagiarism, his answer, after
eight years of study was:
"As I pointed out in my report, the investigation did not treat the issue of plagiarism. While we
cannot settle that issue here, nor do I wish to minimize its importance, my personal opinion is
that she was not guilty of this practice." (Ministry, Dec. 1990, p. 14)
Veltman's final conclusions:
"While I do not have all the answers to the questions being addressed to the writings of Ellen
White, my belief in her inspiration is not seriously compromised." (Ministry, Dec. 1990, p. 15)
"Actually, as a result of my reading many of her writings in their handwritten and typescript
form, I find that my respect for and appreciation of Ellen White and her ministry have grown."
"I find compelling reasons for viewing her as a nineteenth-century prophetic voice in her
ministry to the Adventist Church and to the larger society as well. Her voice out of that
Christian community of the past still deserves to be heard today in those timeless messages that
speak to the realities of our world at the end of the twentieth century." (Ibid)
Check back soon for a look at Veltman's most frequently quoted statements. As time goes on we will
be looking at other aspects of the plagiarism charge as well and will be adding to this page as the
research continues.
We hope that the information provided has been helpful. When earnest souls are allowed to see the
entire scope of the evidence they then have a better opportunity to prayerfully make up their minds
regarding this issue. May the Lord continue to bless us all as we progress in our studies.
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