Creative thinking- means looking at something in a new way. It is the very definition of “thinking outside the box.”
Flipped classroom- is an instructional strategy that reverses the traditional learning by delivering instructional online
content. It is simply working outside the classroom.
Information and Communications Technology – refer to the convergence of audiovisual and telephone networks with
computer networks through a single cabling or link system. It is also a way to promotes critical thinking and creative
Interactive Learning- is a pedagogical approach that incorporates social networking and urban computing into course
design and delivery.
Social Media - websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social
Uncritical thinkers- a person who is not inclined or able to judge, especially by the application of comparative standards.
ACTIVITY 4: ICT Policies
-Cybercrime Law
Among all the policies listed above, Cybercrime law has a direct impact on my teaching strategies because it
inhibits a person or student to commit a crime like forgery, Illegal Access, illegal interception, Data interference and
Cyber-squatting. Informing a person about the punishment of committing these crimes, can help them avoid doing it.
Instead, they will use their creative and critical thinking to easily finish their job and to analyze the information by
themselves instead of committing the crime. It really helps me as a teacher to build their creative and critical thinking
which they can used to demonstrate and perform a high quality of performance. Furthermore, knowing cybercrime law
can also raise awareness about the correct way of gathering information and helps a student to think outside the box.
Colored Paper – usually use for designs and drawings. It can be also a substitute for cartolina’s and
manila papers.
Highlighter - is a type of writing device used to draw attention to sections of text by simply marking it.
Lesson Plan - is a detailed step-by-step guide that outlines the teacher's objectives for what the
students will accomplish during the course of the lesson and how they will learn it.
Pencil- is an implement for writing or drawing, constructed of a narrow, solid pigment core in a
protective casing that prevents the core from being broken and/or marking the user's hand.
Ruler - sometimes called a rule or line gauge, is a device used in geometry and technical drawing, as
well as the engineering and construction industries
Scissors - are used for cutting various thin materials, such as paper, cardboard, metal foil, cloth,
rope, and wire. A large variety of scissors and shears all exist for specialized purposes.
Whiteboard marker or a dry-erase marker - in some locations, uses an erasable ink, made to be
used on a slick (or matte-finished), non-porous writing surface, for temporary writing with overhead
projectors, whiteboards, and the like.
Projector - is an output device that projects an image onto a large surface, such as a white screen or wall.
Printer - is a device that accepts text and graphic output from a computer and transfers the information to
paper, usually to standard size sheets of paper.
Digital television (DTV) - is the transmission of television audiovisual signals using digital encoding, in contrast to
the earlier analog television technology which used analog signals.
Flash drives - used for storage, data back-up and transfer of computer files. Compared with floppy disks or
CDs, they are smaller, faster, have significantly more capacity, and are more durable due to a lack of moving
Fax Machine - is a device that is used to send documents electronically over a telephone network. The
transmissions it sends are called “faxes”.
Camera - is an optical instrument used to record images. At their most basic, cameras are sealed boxes
(the camera body) with a small hole (the aperture) that let light in to capture an image on a light-sensitive
surface (usually photographic film or a digital sensor).
I am strongly agreed with the statement, “Information is a commodity that has value”. We should admit that
education system today requires a lot of money. Many prestigious schools in the Philippines has expensive
tuition fee but has a relevant and quality education. These schools have the ability to share knowledge that no
other school can possess. I also agreed with the statement, “It is something that can be sold or bought”. There
is a lot of website in the internet that has a free access. But, there also website that contains a lot of supportive
details but has a payment like scribd, coursehero, Microsoft, and etc. This explains that having broad
knowledge can also be profitable.
Ms. Elzie Padillo (Agree)- "he has in possession something worthy to be desired by society because such skills do not
show up on paper but it reflects on the value of what he can bring into the table"
Mr. King Devesfruto (Agree)- “For teachers, a realization that information is a commodity with a value will make them
appreciate the importance of safeguarding information and protection of data in their possession especially to those of
their students.”
Mr.Romeo Jr. Abenir (AGREE)- “Information is like a gem that when it is well crafted, molded, and authentic its value will
appreciate to its maximum”.
Mr June Comendador (AGREE)-“Information is defined as one or more statements or facts that are received by a human
and that have some form of worth to the recipient. It is an abstract item that we use in our daily endeavor. When we
want to know how something is done, or how something happened or occurred we look for information that will supply
and satisfy that we need, in turn, we turn to some available books at our homes or browse the internet to search for
that information”.
Ms.Felrose Pedregosa (AGREE) “It is important that as teachers we teach our students acquire information selectively
and assess the credibility of source materials, especially online.”
Mr. Josue Sotoza Jr (AGREE) “Information indeed is like a commodity that has value and can be bought or sold simply
because everything has information. The only problem therein is the issue between truth and fallacy”.