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Air-Cooled Exchangers
An air-cooled exchanger is used to cool fluids with ambient components are one or more tube sections served by one or
air. Several articles have been published describing in detail more axial flow fans, fan drivers, speed reducers, and an en-
their application and economic analysis. (See Bibliography at closing and supporting structure.
the end of this section.) This section describes the general
design of air-cooled exchangers and presents a method of ap- Air-cooled exchangers are classed as forced draft when the
proximate sizing. tube section is located on the discharge side of the fan, and as
induced draft when the tube section is located on the suction
side of the fan.
Advantages of induced draft are:
Figs. 10-2 and 10-3 show typical elevation and plan views of
horizontal air-cooled exchangers as commonly used. The basic • Better distribution of air across the section.

FIG. 10-1

Ai = inside surface of tube, m2 L =

length of tube, m
Ab = outside bare tube surface, m2 LMTD =
log mean temperature difference, °C (see Fig. 9-3)
Ax = outside extended surface of tube, m2 N =
number of rows of tubes in direction of flow
At = tube inside cross-sectional area, cm2 NP =
number of tube passes
(see Fig. 9-25) NR modified Reynolds number, (mm • kg)/(m2 • s • cp)
ACMS = actual cubic meters per second Nt =
number of tubes
APF = total external area/unit length of fintube, m2/m ∆P =
pressure drop, kPa
APM = area of fintube per meter of tube length, in m2/m PF =
fan total pressure, Pa
APSM = fintube area (m2) per m2 of bundle face area
ρadensity of air, kg/m3
AR = area ratio of fintube compared to the exterior area
ρwdensity of water, kg/m3
of 2.54 cm OD bare tube
B = correction factor, kPa (see Fig. 10-14) P =
temperature ratio (see Fig. 10-8)
Cp = specific heat at average temperature, kJ/(kg • °C) Q =
heat transferred, W
CMTD = corrected mean temperature difference, °C R =
temperature ratio (see Fig. 10-8)
D = fan diameter, m rdfouling resistance (fouling factor), (m2 • °C)/W
Di = inside tube diameter, cm rf =
fluid film resistance (reciprocal of film coefficient)
Do = outside tube diameter, cm rmb =
metal resistance referred to outside bare surface
DR = density ratio, the ratio of actual air density to the rmx =
metal resistance referred to outside extended
density of dry air at 21.1°C and 101.325 kPa surface
(abs), 1.203 kg/m3 (see Fig. 10-16) S = relative density (water = 1.0)
f = friction factor (see Fig. 10-12) t = temperature air side, °C
F = correction factor (see Fig. 10-8) T = temperature tube side, °C
Fa = total face area of bundles, m2 U = overall heat transfer coefficient, W/(m2 • °C)
Fp = air pressure drop factor, cm of water per row Y = correction factor, kPa/m (see Fig. 10-14)]
of tubes W = flow, kg/s
FAPF = fan area per fan, m2/fan µ = viscosity, cp
g = local acceleration due to gravity, m/s2
µw = viscosity at average tube-wall temperature, cp
G = mass velocity, kg/(m2 • s)
ϕ = viscosity gradient correction
Ga = air face mass velocity, kg/(m2 • s) of face area
Gt = tubeside mass velocity, kg/(m2 • s) Subscripts:
ha = air side film coefficient, W/(m2 • °C) a = air side
hs = shell side film coefficient based on outside tube b = bare tube surface basis
area, W/(m2 • °C) s = shell side
ht = tube side film coefficient based on inside tube t = tube side
area, W/(m2 • °C) x = extended tube surface basis
J = J factor (see Fig. 10-15) 1 = inlet
k = thermal conductivity, W/(m • °C) 2 = outlet

FIG. 10-2 • The fan drive components are less accessible for mainte-
nance, which may have to be done in the hot air gener-
Typical Side Elevations of Air Coolers
ated by natural convection.
• For inlet process fluids above 175°C, forced draft design
Tube section
Nozzles should be used; otherwise, fan failure could subject the
Headers Fan Fan ring
Air plenum
fan blades and bearings to excessive temperatures.
Air plenum Section chamber
Headers Advantages of forced draft are:
• Slightly lower horsepower since the fan is in cold air.
Fan Fan Drive
Supporting ring assembly
Drive Driver Driver (Horsepower varies directly as the absolute tempera-
Forced draft Induced draft
• Better accessibility of mechanical components for main-
• Easily adaptable for warm air recirculation for cold cli-
FIG. 10-3 The disadvantages of forced draft are:
Typical Plan Views of Air Coolers • Poor distribution of air over the section.
• Greatly increased possibility of hot air recirculation, due
width Unit width to low discharge velocity from the sections and absence
of stack.
• Low natural draft capability on fan failure due to small
Tube Tube stack effect.
length length
• Total exposure of tubes to sun, rain, and hail.
The horizontal section is the most commonly used air cooled
section, and generally the most economical. For a fluid with
One-fan bay with Two one-fan bays with
3 tube bundles 4 tube bundles freezing potential, the tubes should be sloped at least 10 mm
per meter to the outlet header. Since in most cases there will
be no problem associated with freezing, and it is more costly
width Unit width to design a sloped unit, most coolers are designed with level
Vertical sections are sometimes used when maximum drain-
age and head are required, such as for condensing services.
Tube Tube Angled sections, like vertical sections, are used for condens-
length length ing services, allowing positive drainage. Frequently, angle sec-
tions are sloped thirty degrees (30°) from the horizontal.

FIG. 10-4
Angled Section Layout
Two-fan bay with Two two-fan bays with
2 tube bundles 6 tube bundles

• Less possibility of the hot effluent air recirculating

around to the intake of the sections. The hot air is dis-
charged upward at approximately 21⁄2 times the velocity Hot
of intake, or about 450 m/min. air
Hot air
• Less effect of sun, rain, and hail, since 60% of the face
Exhaust stream

area of the section is covered.

Cool Tube
• Increased capacity in the event of fan failure, since the air bundle
natural draft stack effect is much greater with induced
Disadvantages of induced draft are: rear header

• Higher horsepower since the fan is located in the hot air.

• Effluent air temperature should be limited to 95°C, to
prevent potential damage to fan blades, bearings, V-
belts, or other mechanical components in the hot air

A-frames are usually sloped sixty degrees (60°) from the hori- FIG. 10-5
zontal. See Fig. 10-4. Typical Construction of Tube Section with Plug and Cover
Fan sizes range from 0.9 m to 8.5 m diameter. However, Plate Headers
4.3 m to 4.9 m diameter is the largest diameter normally used.
Fan drivers may be electric motors, steam turbines, hydraulic 16 9
motors, or gas-gasoline engines. A speed reducer, such as a 3 14
V-belt drive or reduction gear box, is necessary to match the 10 13 4
driver output speed to the relatively slow speed of the axial 5
flow fan. Fan tip speeds are normally 3650 m/min or less. Gen-
eral practice is to use V-belt drives up to about 22 kW and gear 2 11 7
drives at higher power. Individual driver size is usually lim- 8
ited to 37 kW.
Two fan bays are popular, since this provides a degree of 12
safety against fan or driver failure and also a method of control 15
by fan staging. Fan coverage is the ratio of the projected area Plug header
of the fan to the face of the section served by the fan. Good
practice is to keep this ratio above 0.40 whenever possible be-
cause higher ratios improve air distribution across the face of
the tube section. Face area is the plan area of the heat transfer 16
18 9
surface available to air flow at the face of the section. 10
13 14 18
3 11
17 1 17
The heat-transfer device is the tube section, which is an as-
sembly of side frames, tube supports, headers, and fin tubes.
Aluminum fins are normally applied to the tubes to provide 6
an extended surface on the air side, in order to compensate for
the relatively low heat transfer coefficient of the air to the
tube. Fin construction types are tension-wrapped, embedded, 5 12
extruded, and welded. 3 4 15
Cover plate header
Tension-wrapped is probably the most common fin type used
because of economics. Tension wrapped tubing is common for
continuous service with temperatures below 200°C. Extruded 1. Tube sheet 7. Stiffener 13. Tube keeper
fin is a mechanical bond between an inner tube exposed to the 2. Plug sheet 8. Plug 14. Vent
process and an outer tube or sleeve (usually aluminum) which 3. Top and bottom plates 9. Nozzle 15. Drain
4. End plate 10. Side frame 16. Instrument connection
is extruded into a high fin. Embedded fin is an aluminum or 5. Tube 11. Tube spacer 17. Cover plate
steel fin grooved into the base tube. Embedded fins are used 6. Pass partition 12. Tube support 18. Gasket
in cyclic and high temperature services. Other types of finned cross-member
tubes available are soldered, edge wrapped, and serrated ten-
sion wrapped. Coolers are regularly manufactured in tube
lengths from 1.8 m to 15 m and in bay widths from 1.2 m to HEADER DESIGN
9.1 m. Use of longer tubes usually results in a less costly de-
sign compared to using shorter tubes. Plug header construction uses a welded box which allows
partial access to tubes by means of shoulder plugs opposite the
Base tube diameters are 16 mm to 38 mm OD with fins from tubes. Plug headers are normally used as they are cheaper
12.7 mm to 25.4 mm high, spaced from 276 to 433 per meter, than the alternate cover plate design. Cover plate header con-
providing an extended finned surface of 12 to 25 times the struction allows total access to header, tube sheet, and tubes.
outside surface of the base tubing. Tubes are usually arranged This design is used in high fouling, low pressure service.
on triangular pitch with the fin tips of adjacent tubes touching Fig. 10-5 shows typical designs for both plug header and
or separated by from 1.6 mm to 6.4 mm. Matching of the tube
cover plate header.
section to the fan system and the heat transfer requirements
usually results in the section having depth of 3 to 8 rows of fin
tubes, with 4 rows the most typical. AIR-SIDE CONTROL
A 25.4 mm OD tube is the most popular diameter, and the Air-cooled exchangers are sized to operate at warm (sum-
most common fins are 12.7 mm or 15.9 mm high. The data mer) air temperatures. Seasonal variation of the air tempera-
presented in Fig. 10-11 are for 25.4 mm OD tubes with ture can result in over-cooling which may be undesirable. One
12.7 mm high fins, 354 fins/m and 15.9 mm high fins, 394 way to control the amount of cooling is by varying the amount
fins/m. of air flowing through the tube section. This can be accom-
plished by using multiple motors, 2-speed drives, variable
Common materials of construction for headers are firebox
speed motors, louvers on the face of the tube section, or vari-
quality carbon steel, ASTM SA-515-70, SA-516-70. Tubes are
able pitch fans.
generally ASTM SA-214 (ERW), SA-179 (SMLS), carbon steel.
Louvers are generally carbon steel, or aluminum with carbon Staging of fans or fan speeds may be adequate for systems
steel construction being the most general and most economi- which do not require precise control of process temperature or
cal. Fins are normally aluminum. Both stainless and brass pressure. Louvers will provide a full range of air quantity con-
alloys have their applications but are more expensive than trol. They may be operated manually, or automatically oper-
carbon steel. ated by a pneumatic or electric motor controlled from a remote

temperature or pressure controller in the process stream. Lou- WARM AIR RECIRCULATION
vers used with constant speed fans do not reduce fan power
requirements. Extreme variation in air temperature, such as encountered
Auto-variable-pitch fans are normally provided with pneu- in northern climates, may require special air recirculation fea-
matically operated blade pitch adjustment which may be con- tures. These are needed to provide control of process stream
trolled from a remote sensor. Blade pitch is adjusted to provide temperatures, and to prevent freezing of liquid streams. Warm
the required amount of air flow to maintain the process tem- air recirculation varies from a standard cooler with one revers-
perature or pressure at the cooler. The required blade angle ing fan to a totally enclosed system of automatic louvers and
decreases as ambient air temperature drops and this con- fans. These two widely used systems are termed “internal re-
serves fan power. Hydraulic variable speed drives reduce fan circulation” and “external recirculation.”
speed when less air flow is required and can also conserve fan A typical layout for internal recirculation is shown in Fig.
power. 10-6. During low ambient operation, the manual fan continues
to force air through the inlet half of the section. The auto-vari-
A design consideration which might be required for satisfac- able fan operates in a reversing mode, and draws hot air from
tory process fluid control is co-current flow. In extreme cases the upper recirculation chamber down through the outlet end
of high pour point fluids, no amount of air side control would of the section. Because of the lower recirculation skirt, the
allow satisfactory cooling and prevent freezing. Co-current manual fan mixes some of the hot air brought down by the
flow has the coldest air cool the hottest process fluid, while the auto-variable fan with cold outside air and the process repeats.
hottest air cools the coolest process fluid. This is done in order The top exhaust louvers are automatically adjusted by a tem-
to maintain a high tube wall temperature. This gives a much perature controller sensing the process fluid stream. As the
poorer LMTD, but for highly viscous fluids is often the only fluid temperature rises, the louvers are opened. During design
way to prevent freezing or unacceptable pressure drops. With ambient conditions, the louvers are full open and both fans
air coolers, the most common method of accomplishing co-cur- operate in a standard forced draft mode.
rent flow is to have the inlet nozzle on the bottom of the header
with the pass arrangement upwards. This totally reverses the A cooler with internal recirculation is a compromise between
standard design, and may cause a problem with drainage dur- no recirculation and fully controlled external recirculation. It
ing shut-downs. In addition, air side control is necessary with is cheaper than full external recirculation, and has less static
co-current designs. pressure loss during maximum ambient temperature condi-
tions. A cooler with internal recirculation is easier to erect, and
requires less plot area than an external recirculation design.
However, this latter design is more costly than a cooler with
no recirculation, and cannot provide complete freeze protec-

FIG. 10-6
Internal Recirculation Design

Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust

Automatic louvers Automatic louvers (partially closed)

Upper recirculation upper recirculation

chamber chamber

Coil Coil

Manual fan Auto-variable fan Manual fan Auto-variable fan

(on) (positive pitch) (on) (slight negative pitch)

Lower recirculation
skirt Lower recirculation skirt


Normal airflow Normal airflow

Recirculated airflow

Without recirculation With recirculation

FIG. 10-7
External Recirculation Design

Access door for each bay
Automatic louvers

Coil guard

Automatic louvers
Fixed panel in
recirculation compartment

Bug and lint screen

when required Manual louvers

Manual louvers door

Bug and lint screen when required

tion. Because there is no control over air intake, and fans bly than an internal system. Because of the need to restrict air
alone cannot fully mix air, stratified cold air may contact intake, this design increases the static pressure, causing
the section. With the fans off, high wind velocity during low greater energy use, and 20-25% larger motors than a standard
ambient conditions could cause excessive cold air to reach cooler.
the section.
When designing an external recirculation unit, considera-
A typical layout for external recirculation is shown in Fig. tion must be given to the plenum depth and duct work to allow
10-7. During low ambient temperature conditions, two-speed air mixing and prevent excessive static pressure loss. The lou-
motors on low speed, or auto-variable fans at low pitch, are ver intake area should be large enough to keep the air flow
normally used. For this design, the sides of the cooler are below 152 m/min during maximum design conditions.
closed with manual louvers. Over both ends, a recirculation
chamber projects beyond the section headers, and provides a
duct for mixing cold outside air with warm recirculated air. As AIR EVAPORATIVE COOLERS
with the internal recirculation design, the top exhaust louvers Wet/dry type (air evaporative coolers) air coolers may be a
are controlled by the temperature of the process fluid. How- good economical choice when a close approach to the ambient
ever, this design provides for control of the inlet air tempera- temperature is required. In these systems, the designer can
ture. As the inlet air louver closes, an internal louver in the take advantage of the difference between the dry bulb and wet
end duct opens. These adjustments are determined by a con- bulb temperatures. There are two general types of air evapo-
troller which senses air temperature at the fan. Once the rative cooler combinations used although other combinations
system reaches equilibrium, it automatically controls proc- are possible:
ess temperature and prevents excessive cooling. During
warm weather, the side manual louvers are opened, while Wet air type — In this type, the air is humidified by
close control is maintained by adjustment of the exhaust spraying water into the air stream on the inlet side of the air
louvers. cooler. The air stream may then pass through a mist elimina-
tor to remove the excess water. The air then passes over the
The external recirculation design is preferred for critical
finned tubes at close to its wet-bulb temperature. If the mist
control and prevention of freezing. Once operational, it re-
eliminator is not used, the spray should be clean, treated
quires little attention. Upon failure of power or air supply, the
water or the tube/fin type and metallurgy should be compat-
system closes automatically to prevent freezing. It can be de-
ible with the water.
signed to automatically reduce motor energy use when excess
cooling is being provided. The main drawback for this type of Wet tube type — An air evaporative cooler may be oper-
system is its high cost. Several actuators and control devices ated in series with an air cooler if there is a large process fluid
are required, along with more steel and louvers. It is usually temperature change with a close approach to the ambient. The
too large to be shop assembled, and requires more field assem- process fluid enters a dry finned tube section and then passes

into a wet, plain tube section (or appropriate finned tube sec- Avoid placing the bank of coolers downwind from other heat
tion). The air is pulled across the wet tube section and then, generating equipment.
after dropping out the excess moisture, passes over the dry
Since air can only enter on the ends of coolers in a bank, the
tube section.
bank should be located above ground high enough to assure a
reasonably low inlet velocity.
SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN STEAM The prevailing summer wind direction can have a profound
CONDENSERS effect on the performance of the coolers. Normally the bank
should be oriented such that the wind flows parallel to the long
There are often problems with steam condensers which need axis of the bank of coolers, and the items with the closest ap-
special attention at the design stage. proach to the ambient temperature should be located on the
Imploding (collapsing bubbles) or knocking can create vio- upwind end of the bank.
lent fluid forces which may damage piping or equipment. These generalizations are helpful in locating coolers. The
These forces are created when a subcooled condensate is use of Computational Fluid Dynamics to study the effect of
dumped into a two-phase condensate header, or when live wind direction, velocity, obstructions, and heat generating ob-
steam passes into subcooled condensate. This problem is jects should be considered to assure the best location and ori-
avoided by designing the steam system and controls so that entation of air cooled heat exchangers, especially for large
steam and subcooled condensate do not meet in the system. installations.
Non-condensable gas stagnation can be a problem in the air
cooled steam condenser any time there is more than one tube
row per pass. The temperature of the air increases row by row
from bottom to top of the air cooled section. The condensing If different services can be placed in the same plot area with-
capacity of each row will therefore vary with each tube row in out excessive piping runs, it is usually less expensive to com-
proportion to the ∆T driving force. Since the tubes are con- bine them on one structure, with each service having a
nected to common headers and are subject to the same pres- separate section, but sharing the same fan and motors. Sepa-
sure drop, the vapor flows into the bottom rows from both ends. rate louvers may be placed on each service to allow inde-
The non-condensables are trapped within the tube at the point pendent control. The cost and space savings makes this
of lowest pressure. The non-condensables continue to accumu- method common practice in the air cooler industry.
late in all but the top rows until they reach the tube outlet.
The system becomes stable with the condensate running out In designing multiple service coolers, the service with the
of these lower tube rows by gravity. This problem can be elimi- most critical pressure drop should be calculated first. This is
nated in several ways: because the pressure drop on the critical item might restrict
the maximum tube length that the other services could toler-
• By assigning only one tube row per pass.
ate. The burden of forcing more than one service into a single
• By connecting the tube rows at the return end with 180° tube length increases the possibility of design errors. Several
return bends and eliminating the common header. trial calculations may be needed to obtain an efficient design.
After all service plot areas have been estimated, combine
AIR COOLER LOCATION them into a unit having a ratio of 2 or 3 to 1 in length to width
(assuming a two fan cooler). After assuming a tube length,
Circulation of hot air to the fans of an air cooler can greatly calculate the most critical service for pressure drop using the
reduce the cooling capacity of an air cooler. Cooler location assumed number and length of tubes and a single pass. If the
should take this into consideration. drop is acceptable or very close, calculate the critical service
Single Installations completely. Once a design for the most critical service has been
completed, follow the same procedure with the next most criti-
Avoid locating the air-cooled exchanger too close to buildings cal service. After the second or subsequent services have been
or structures in the downwind direction. Hot air venting from rated, it is often necessary to lengthen or shorten the tubes or
the air cooler is carried by the wind, and after striking the change the overall arrangement. If tubes need to be added for
obstruction, some of the hot air recycles to the inlet. An in- pressure drop reductions in already oversurfaced sections, it
duced draft fan with sufficient stack height alleviates this might be more cost effective to add a row(s) rather than widen
problem, but locating the air cooler away from such obstruc- the entire unit. The fan and motor calculations are the same
tions is the best solution. as for a single service unit, except that the quantity of air used
An air cooler with forced draft fans is always susceptible to must be the sum of air required by all services.
air recirculation. If the air cooler is located too close to the
ground, causing high inlet velocities relative to the exhaust CONDENSING DISCUSSION
air velocity leaving the cooler, the hot air recirculation can
become very significant. Forced draft coolers are preferably The example given covers cooling problems and would work
located above pipe lanes relatively high above the ground. In- with straight line condensing problems that have the approxi-
duced draft coolers are less likely to experience recirculation mate range of dew point to bubble point of the fluid. Where
because the exhaust velocities are normally considerably de-superheating or subcooling or where disproportionate
higher than the inlet velocities. amounts of condensing occur at certain temperatures, as with
steam and non-condensables, calculations for air coolers
Banks of Coolers should be done by “zones.” A heat release curve developed
Coolers arranged in a bank should be close together or have from enthalpy data will show the quantity of heat to be dissi-
air seals between them to prevent recirculation between the pated between various temperatures. The zones to be calcu-
units. Mixing of induced draft and forced draft units in close lated should be straight line zones; that is, from the inlet
proximity to each other invites recirculation. Avoid placing temperature of a zone to its outlet, the heat load per degree
coolers at different elevations in the same bank. temperature is the same.

After the zones are determined, an approximate rate must Figs. 10-8 and 10-9 which have been developed for the cross-
be found for each zone. Do this by taking rates from vapor flow situation existing in air-cooled exchangers.
cooling, condensing, and liquid cooling, then average these
Fig. 10-8 is for one tube pass. It is also used for multiple tube
based on the percent of heat load for that phase within the
zone. Next, calculate the LMTD of each zone. Begin with the passes if passes are side by side. Fig. 10-9 is for two tube passes
outlet zone using the final design outlet temperature and the and is used if the tube passes are over and under each other. A
MTD correction factor of 1.0 is used for four or more passes, if
inlet temperature of that zone. Continue to calculate the zone
as if it were a cooler, except that only one pass and one or two passes are over and under each other. A correction factor of 1.0
rows should be assumed, depending on the percentage of heat may be used as an approximation for three passes, although the
factor will be slightly lower than 1.0 in some cases.
load in that zone. In calculating the pressure drop, average
conditions may be used for estimating. The procedure for the thermal design of an air cooler con-
If the calculations for zone one (or later a succeeding zone) sists of assuming a selection and then proving it to be correct.
show a large number of short tubes with one pass, as is usually The typical overall heat transfer coefficients given in Fig.
the case with steam and non-condensables, recalculate the 10-10 are used to approximate the heat transfer area required.
zone with multiple rows (usually four) and short tubes having The heat transfer area is converted to a bundle face area using
one pass that uses only a percentage of the total pressure drop Fig. 10-11 which lists the amount of extended surface avail-
allowed. The total cooler will be calculated as if each zone were able per square foot of bundle area for two specific fin tubes
a cooler connected in series to the next one, except that only on two different tube pitches for 3, 4, 5, and 6 rows. After as-
tube pressure drops should be calculated for the middle zones. suming a tube length, Fig. 10-11 is also used to ascertain the
number of tubes. Both the tube side and air side mass veloci-
Thus, each zone must have the same number of tubes and true
ambient must be used in calculating the LMTD. Only the tube ties are now determinable.
length may vary, with odd lengths for a zone acceptable as long The tube-side film coefficient is calculated from Figs. 10-12
as overall length is rounded to a standard tube length. and 10-13. Fig. 10-17 gives the air-side film coefficient based on
If the calculations for zone one (and succeeding zones) fit outside extended surface. Since all resistances must be based on
well into a longer tube length, the LMTD must be weighted. the same surface, it is necessary to multiply the reciprocal of the
After the outlet zone has been calculated, calculate zone two tube-side film coefficient and tube-side fouling factor by the ratio
using the inlet temperature for it and its outlet temperature, of the outside surface to inside surface. This results in an overall
which is the inlet temperature of zone one. The “ambient” used transfer rate based on extended surface, designated as Ux. The
to find the zone two LMTD will be the design ambient plus the equation for overall heat transfer rate is:
air rise from zone one. Continue in this manner, always using 1  1   Ax   Ax  1
the previous zone’s outlet air temperature in calculating the =    + rdt   + rmx + h Eq 10-2
Ux h
 t  A i   Ai  a
current zone’s LMTD. After the cooler size and configuration
have been determined, the fan and motor calculations will be The basic equation will then yield a heat transfer area in
made in the normal manner. extended surface, Ax, and becomes:

The ultimate pressure drop is the sum of the drops for each Q = (Ux) (Ax) CMTD
zone or approximately the sum of the drop for each phase using Either method is valid and each is used extensively by ther-
the tube length and pass arrangement for each phase. An es- mal design engineers. Fig. 10-10 gives typical overall heat
timated overall tube side coefficient may be calculated by es- transfer coefficients based on both extended surface and out-
timating the coefficient for each phase. Then take a weighted side bare surface, so either method may be used. The extended
average based on the percentage of heat load for each phase. surface method has been selected for use in the example which
The total LMTD must be the weighted average of the calcu- follows. The air-film coefficient in Fig. 10-17 and the air static
lated zone LMTDs. pressure drop in Fig. 10-18 are only for 25.4 mm OD tubes with
15.9 mm high fins, 394 fins/m on 64 mm triangular pitch. Re-
fer to Bibliography Nos. 2, 3, and 5 for information on other
THERMAL DESIGN fin configurations and spacings.
The basic equation to be satisfied is the same as given in The minimum fan area is calculated in Step 16 using the
Section 9, Heat Exchangers: bundle face area, number of fans, and a minimum fan coverage
Q = UA CMTD Eq 10-1 of 0.40. The calculated area is then converted to a diameter
and rounded up to the next available fan size. The air-side
Normally Q is known, U and CMTD are calculated, and the static pressure is calculated from Fig. 10-18 and the fan total
equation is solved for A. The ambient air temperature to be pressure is estimated using gross fan area in Step 20. Finally,
used will either be known from available plant data or can be fan horsepower is calculated in Step 21 assuming a fan effi-
selected from the summer dry bulb temperature data given in ciency of 70%, and driver horsepower is estimated by assum-
Section 11, Cooling Towers. The design ambient air tempera- ing a 92%-efficient speed reducer.
ture is usually considered to be the dry bulb temperature that
is exceeded less than 5 percent of the time in the area where Example 10-1 — Procedure for estimating transfer surface,
the installation is required. plot area, and horsepower

A complication arises in calculating the LMTD because the Required data for hot fluid
air quantity is a variable, and therefore the air outlet tempera- Name and phase: 48°API hydrocarbon liquid
ture is not known. The procedure given here starts with a step
for approximating the air-temperature rise. After the air-out- Physical properties at avg. temp. = 93°C
let temperature has been determined, the corrected LMTD is Cp = 2.3 kJ/(kg • °C)
calculated in the manner described in the shell and tube sec-
tion, except that MTD correction factors to be used are from µ = 0.51 mPa • s

FIG. 10-8
MTD Correction Factors (1 Pass – Cross Flow, Both Fluids Unmixed)

FIG. 10-9
MTD Correction Factors (2 Pass – Cross Flow, Both Fluids Unmixed)

k = 0.1326 W/(m • °C)
FIG. 10-10
(From this Data Book Section 23)
Typical Overall Heat-Transfer Coefficients for Air Coolers Heat load: Q = 4.4 MW
U, W / (m2• °C)
Flow quantity: Wt = 34.4 kg/s
Service 25.4 mm OD Fintubes
12.7mmx354/m 15.9mm by 394/m Temperature in: T1 = 121°C
1. Water & water solutions Temperature out: T2 = 66°C
Engine jacket water
(rf = 0.0002 m2•°C/W)
Fouling factor rdt = 0.0002 m2 • °C/W
Process water Allowable pressure drop: ∆Pt = 34 kPa
(rf = 0.0004 m2•°C/W) 540 37 620 29
50-50 ethylene glycol- Required data for air
water (rf = 0.0002 m2•°C/W) 510 35 600 28
Ambient temperature: t1 = 38°C
50-50 ethylene glycol-
water (rf = 0.0004 m2•°C/W) 450 31 540 25
Elevation: Sea level (see Fig. 10-16 for altitude
2. Hydrocarbon liquid coolers correction)
Viscosity, mPa • s, CPair = 1.0 kJ/(kg • °C)
Ub Ux Ub Ux
at avg. temp.
0.2 480 33 570 27 Basic assumptions
0.5 430 30 510 24 Type: Forced draft, 2 fans
1.0 370 26 430 20
Fintube: 25.4 mm OD with 15.9 mm high fins
2.5 260 18 310 14
4.0 170 12 200 9.3 Tube pitch: 64 mm triangular (∆)
6.0 110 7.6 140 6.5 Bundle layout: 3 tube passes, 4 rows of tubes,
10.0 57 3.9 74 3.5 9.1 m long tubes
3. Hydrocarbon gas coolers First trial
kPa (ga)
Ub Ux Ub Ux 1. Pick approximate overall transfer coefficient from Fig.
10-10. Ux = 24 W/(m2 • °C)
350 170 12 200 9.3
700 200 14 230 11
2. Calculate approximate air temperature rise
2100 260 18 310 14  Ux   T1 + T2 
∆ta =  + 0.1  − t1
• °C)
2 2
3500 310 21 370 17
 60W/(m  
5200 370 26 430 20
 24   121 + 66 
7000 430 30 510 24 ∆ta =  + 0.1  − 38 = 28°C
 60  2 
4. Air and flue-gas coolers
Use one-half of value given for hydrocarbon gas coolers. 3. Calculate CMTD
5. Steam Condensers (Atmospheric pressure & above) Hydocarbon 121 → 66
Ub Ux Ub Ux Air ___
66_ ← ___38_
Pure Steam 55 28
(rf = 0.000 09 m2•°C/W) 710 49 820 38
Steam with
LMTD = 40°C (see Fig. 9-3)
non-condensibles 340 23 400 19
CMTD = (40°C) (1.00) = 40°C
6. Hydrocarbon condensers (3 tube passes assumed)
*Condensing Ub Ux Ub Ux 4. Calculate required surface
Range, °C
0 480 33 570 27
Ax =
6 450 31 540 25 (Ux) (CMTD)
14 430 30 510 24
4.4 (106 W/MW)
33 370 26 430 20
Ax = = 4583 m2
56+ 340 23 400 19 (24) (40)
7. Other condensers 5. Calculate face area using APSM factor from Fig. 10-11
Ub Ux Ub Ux Ax
Fa =
Ammonia 620 43 740 35 APSM
Refrigerant R-12 370 26 430 20
Fa = = 42.8 m2
Note: Ub is overall rate based on bare tube area, and Ux is overall rate based 107.2
on extended surface. 6. Calculate unit width with assumed tube length
*Condensing range = hydrocarbon inlet temperature minus hydrocarbon
outlet temperature. Width =
Width = = 4.7 m

FIG. 10-11
Fintube Data for 25.4 mm OD tubes

Fin height by Fins/meter 12.7 mm by 354 15.9 mm by 394

APM, m2/m 1.16 1.70
AR, m2/m2 14.5 21.4
Tube Pitch 51 mm ∆ 57 mm ∆ 57 mm ∆ 64 mm ∆
APSM (3 rows), m2/m2 68.4 60.6 89.1 80.4
(4 rows) 91.2 80.8 118.8 107.2
(5 rows) 114.0 101.0 148.5 134.0
(6 rows) 136.8 121.2 178.2 160.8
Note: APM is the area of fintube per meter of tube length, in m2/m. AR is the area ratio of fintube compared
to the exterior area of 25.4 mm OD bare tube which has 0.0798 m2/m. APSM is the fintube area (m2) per m2
of bundle face area.

7. Calculate number of tubes using APM factor from Fig. 10-11 11. Calculate tube-side film coefficient using J factor from
Ax Fig. 10-15 and
Nt = 1⁄3
(APM) (L)  Cp • µ 
k  from Fig. 10-13
Nt =
= 296  k 
(1.7) (9.1) 1⁄3
 Cp • µ 
8. Calculate tube-side mass velocity from assumed number ht = J • k   • φ
of passes and reading At from Fig. 9-25 for a 25 mm OD  k 
x 16 BWG tube Di
At = 383.5 mm2 1000 mm 
125   • 0.275 W /(m • °C) (0.96)
 Wt • Np   106 mm2   m 
Gt =   2  ht =
 Nt • At   1 m  (22.1 mm)

 (34.4 kg/s) (3)   106 mm2  ht = 1470 W/(m2 • °C)

Gt =   2 
 383.5 mm (296)   1 m 
12. Calculate air quantity
= 909 kg/(m2 • s) Q
Wa =
9. Calculate Reynolds number (Cpa) (∆ta)
(Di) (Gt) (22.1) (909)  1 Pa  4.4 MW (106 W/MW)
NR = =  2  Wa =
µ 0.51
 1 kg ⁄ (m • s )
 (1.00 kJ/ (kg • °C) (28°C)
NR = 39 400  1 kJ   1 J/S 
10. Calculate tube-side pressure drop using equation from
•  3  •  1W 
 10 J   
Fig. 10-14 and from Fig. 10-15
= 157 kg/s
∆Pt = + BNp 13. Calculate air face mass velocity
To use Fig 10-14, need ρ Ga = = kg/(h • m2 of face area)
141 500 141 500
ρ = =
°API + 131.5 179.5 Ga =
= 3.66 kg/(s • m2)
= 788 kg/m 3 42.8
14. Read air-side film coefficient from Fig. 10-17
From Fig. 10-14, Y = 26 and B = 1.6 kPa/pass
ha = 42 W/(m2 • °C)
From Fig. 10-15, f = 0.03 15. Calculate overall transfer coefficient
(0.03) (2.6) (9.1) (3) Ax (AR) (Do)
∆Pt = + (1.6) (3) =
0.96 Ai Di
Ax (21.4) (25.4)
= 22.2 + 4.8 = 27 kPa = = 24.6
Ai 22.1
(φ is a difficult function to calculate rigorously, see Fig. 1  1   Ax   Ax  1
10-19) =     + rdt   + rmx +
Ux h
  
t Ai A
 i ha

FIG. 10-12
Friction Factor for Fluids Flowing Inside Tubes

FIG. 10-13
Physical Property Factor for Hydrocarbon Liquids

FIG. 10-14
Pressure Drop for Fluids Flowing Inside Tubes




SEE FIG. 10-19

B, kPa/Tube Pass
Y, kPa / m


FIG. 10-15
J Factor Correlation to Calculate Inside Film Coefficient, ht

FIG. 10-16 FIG. 10-18
Air-Density Ratio Chart Air Static-Pressure Drop



Reference state dry air at 21.1°C
and sea level, 101.325 kPa
Temperature, °C


0 Ele
50 ti on
0 2 ,m
-25 0 2
0 1
0 15
-50 00 12
5 0 10
00 75 5 25
0 0 0 0 0
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

Density ratio, Dg, dimensionless

FIG. 10-17
Air Film Coefficient

FIG. 10-19
Correction Factor for Fluid Viscosity Within the Tubes

Correction factor∗ w hen ϕ =   0.14
(See Fig. 10-15)
 µw 
Factor, φ
1. Hydrocarbon vapor; steam; water 1.0
2. Hydrocarbon liquids (18 to 48 API), MEA/DEA 0.96
3. Water/glycol solutions; heat transfer fluids 0.92
4. Lube oils; heavy petroleum fractions (10 to 18 API) 0.85

∗ When N < 2100, ϕ = ( µ ) 0.25

A Reynolds number of less than 2100
is only likely for lube oils or heavy petroleum fractions. The minimum
recommended value of φ to use in Step 10 is 0.80, even though the calcu-
lated value may be lower.

= 0.04546
Ux = 22 W/(m2• °C)
(rmx is omitted from calculations, since metal resistance is
small compared to other resistances)
Second and subsequent trials. If Ux calculated in
Step 15 is equal or slightly greater than Ux assumed in
Step 1, and calculated pressure drop in Step 10 is within
1  1  allowable pressure drop, the solution is acceptable. Proceed
=  W/(m2 • °C) (24.6) + to Step 16. Otherwise, repeat Steps 1-15 as follows:
Ux  1470 
1. Assume new Ux between value originally assumed in
1 Step 1 and value calculated in Step 15.
[0.0002 (m2 • °C)/W] (24.6) +
42 2. Adjust ∆ta by increasing ∆ta if calculated Ux is higher
than assumed Ux, or decreasing ∆ta if calculated Ux is
lower than assumed Ux.

3. Recalculate values in Steps 3-15 changing assumed Actual fan motor needed for 92% efficient speed reducer is
number of passes in Steps 3 and 8, and tube length in 15.4/0.92 = 16.7 kW. For this application, an 18.65 kW driver
Step 6, if necessary to obtain a pressure drop as calcu- would probably be selected.
lated in Step 10 as high as possible without exceeding Solution:
the allowable.
16. Calculate minimum fan area. ((4.7 m) (9.1) = 42.77 m2
(0.40) (Fa) (42.77) APSM = extended surface area
Fan area/fan = FAPF =
(No. of fans) (42.77) (107.2) = 4585 m2
(0.40) (42.8) Therefore, one unit having 4585 m2 of extended surface, two
FAPF = = 8.6 m2 3.3 m diameter fans, and two 18.65 kW fan drivers is required.
17. Fan diameter = [4 (FAPF)/π]0.5 = [4 (8.6m2)/3.1416]0.5
= 3.3 m
18. Calculate air static pressure drop using Fp from Fig. Attention to the design of the air cooler, and the choice of
10-18 and DR at average air temp from Fig. 10-16. materials, is essential to provide low maintenance operation.
38°C + 66°C Major factors to be considered are atmospheric corrosion, cli-
Ta, avg = = 52°C matic conditions, and temperature cycling of fluid being
2 cooled.
(Fp) (N) Scheduled preventive maintenance and inspection is the
∆Pa =
(DR) key to trouble-free air cooler operation. A check of all fans for
vibration should be made regularly. At the first sign of undue
(26.5) (4) vibration on a unit, the unit should be shut down at the earliest
∆Pa = = 118 Ρa
0.9 opportunity for thorough examination of all moving parts. A
19. Calculate actual air volume using DR of air at fan inlet. semi-annual inspection and maintenance program should:
ti = 38°C • Check and replace worn or cracked belts.
• Inspect fan blades for deflection and for cracks near
ACMS = hubs.
(DR) (1.203 kg/m3) • Grease all bearings.
157 • Change oil in gear drives.
ACMS = = 139 m 3/s
(0.94) (1.203) • Check the inside of tube section for accumulation of
or 69.5 m3/s per fan grease, dirt, bugs, leaves, etc., and schedule cleaning be-
fore tubes become packed with such debris.
20. Approximate fan total pressure using DR of air at fan and
fan area.
PF = ∆Pa + DR (0.975 kg/m3)
2 1. A.P.I. Standard 661, “Air Cooled Heat Exchangers for General
 ACMS per fan   1 Pa  Refinery Services.”
 2
•  2 
 fan diameter   1 kg/(m • s )  2. Briggs, D. E., Young, E. H., “Convection Heat Transfer and Pres-
2 sure Drop of Air Flowing Across Triangular Pitch of Tubes,”
 69.5   1Ρa 
= 118 Ρa + (0.94) (0.975)  2
•  2 
Chemical Engineering Progress Symposium Series, Volume 59,
 (3.3)   1 kg/(m • s )  No. 41, 1963.
= 118 + 37 = 155 Ρa 3. Cook, E. M., “Air Cooled Heat Exchangers,” Chemical Engineer-
ing, May 25, 1964, p. 137; July 6, 1964, p. 131; and August 3,
21. Approximate brake horsepower per fan, using 70% fan 1964, p. 97.
4. Gardner, K. A., “Efficiency of Extended Surfaces,” Trans ASME,
(ACMS per fan) (PF) Volume 67, 1945, pp. 621-631.
Fan Power =
fan efficiency 5. Robinson, K. K., Briggs, D. E., “Pressure Drop of Air Flowing
(69.5) (155)  1N/m2   1 J   1W   1 kW  Across Triangular Pitch Banks of Finned Tubes,” Chemical En-
=    1N • m   1J/s   3  gineering Progress Symposium Series, Volume 62, No. 64, 1966.
0.70  1Pa       10 W  6. Rubin, Frank L., “Winterizing Air Cooled Heat Exchangers,” Hy-
= 15.4 kW drocarbon Processing, October 1980, pp. 147-149.


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