LED Chaser
LED Chaser
LED Chaser
Ratings & Reviews of Running LED Light Lamp DIY Electronic Kit NE555+CD4017
Adjustable Speed
This is the circuit of a simple LED chaser. The LEDs lights one by one for a period of 1second
and the cycle repeats giving the running light appearance. The circuit uses two ICs (one is 555)
to drive the LEDs.
IC1 (NE555) is the popular timer IC wired in the Astable Multivibrator mode. Resistors R1, VR1
and capacitor C1 act as the timing components and the output pulses are available from the
output pin 3 of IC1. These pulses are given to the input pin 14 of the Johnson decade counter IC
CD4017. Out of the 10 outputs of IC2, eight outputs are used to drive the LEDs. The ninth
output pin 9 is connected to the reset pin 15 to stop the counting. So that the cycle repeats. With
the value of C1, each LED remains on for 1second. When one LED turns off, the second on turns
on. This cycle repeats giving the running light appearance. Resistor R3 keeps the input pin 14 of
IC2 low after each pulse.VR1 adjusts the speed of LED chasing.
Components Required
CD4017 Counter IC – 1
555 Timer IC – 1
LED – 11
680Ω Resistor – 11
10KΩ Resistor – 1
10KΩ Variable Resistor – 1
10μF Capacitor – 1
0.01μF Capacitor – 1
9V Battery / Power Supply – 1
Circuit Diagram
You can see that the 555 timer wired as an astable multivibrator and its output is connected to the
clock input of 4017 counter IC. The output frequency of the 555 timer is determined by the
resistors R1, RV1 and capacitor C1. VCC (8th pin) and GND (1st pin) is connected to the power
supply. Reset (RST – 4th pin) is connected directly to the positive power supply to avoid
accidental reset of 555 timer. Control Voltage (CV – 5th pin) is not used, so to avoid high
frequency noises we are connecting a capacitor (C2 – 0.01μF) to the ground.
LED D1 is used to indicate the output of 555 IC and the resistor R3 is for current limiting.
Similarly VDD (16th pin) and VSS (8th pin) of the CD4017 IC is connected directly to the power
supply. Clock enable (13th pin) is an active low input, so it is connected to ground. Clock input
(14th pin) is connected to the output of 555 timer. Each decoded output pins (Q0 ~ Q9) is
connected to LED. Resistor R3 is used for current limiting. Only one resistor is required for
limiting current through all LEDs since only one LED will turn on at a time.
You can easily understand the working of the circuit from the above animation. As I explained
above, 555 timer is wired as an astable multivibrator. Please read the article Astable
Multivibrator using 555 Timer for detailed explanation. So the 555 will produce square wave
output and which will act as a clock for the CD4017 counter IC.
You can see that for each high pulse output of 555, the output of 4017 is incrementing by
one. Output frequency of 555 astable is given by the following equation.
Output Frequency = 1.44/((R1 + 2RV1) * C1)
So you can easily change the output frequency of above circuit by varying the preset RV1. By
this we can change the LED chasing speed.
Here you can see the top and bottom view of the PCB design. You can download the PDF files
of PCB at the end of this article.
Components Required:
1. 555 Timer IC
2. CD 4017 IC
3. LED Lights x10
4. Resistors: 470R, 1K, 47K
5. Capacitor: 1uF
6. Breadboard
7. Lot of Breadboard Connectors
8. Power Supply: (5-15)V
[Note: If you are using this circuit with a power source of 9v or above, use a 1K resistor in place
of 470R.]
The 555 timer IC is configured to work in astable mode. Which means, the output from the 555
timer changes continuously between high (Supply Voltage) and low (0V).
In other words, if you connect an LED between the output of 555 timer (pin 3) and ground, the
LED flashes/blinks continuously.
This pulsing output from the 555 timer is connected to the clock input of 4017 IC (a decade
counter). It has 10 output pins and we have connected an LED to each output. By default, the
first output pin is on/high and the rest are off. Each time the clock input pin of 4017 IC detects a
rise in voltage (from low to high), it turns off the current output and turns on the next sequential
output. This swapping of outputs which looks like the LED's are chasing each other, continues
until the last LED and then the output resets back to the first LED.
For this LED chaser circuit, we have used all the 10 outputs of 4017 IC. But if you wish to make
an LED chaser circuit with less than 10 LED's, you can do the same by connecting the LED's
starting from U0. Let's say you wish to build this circuit with 4 LED's, you need to connect an
LED to each of U0, U1, U2, U3 and leave the rest.
Circuit Diagram:
[Note: VDD/pin16 of 4017 IC is connected to negative terminal of battery ('D' for drain),
VSS/pin8 of the 4017 IC is connected to positive terminal of battery ('S' for source).