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economic and cultural point of view. A person who pre-

pares baked goods as a profession is called a baker.

1 Foods and techniques

Bedouins making and baking bread

Anders Zorn - Bread baking (1889)

Baking is a method of cooking food that uses prolonged

dry heat, normally in an oven, but also in hot ashes, or on
hot stones. The most common baked item is bread but A Palestinian woman baking markook bread on tava or Saj oven
many other types of foods are baked.[1] Heat is gradu- in Artas, Bethlehem
ally transferred “from the surface of cakes, cookies, and
All types of food can be baked, but some require special
breads to their centre. As heat travels through it trans-
forms batters and doughs into baked goods with a firm care and protection from direct heat. Various techniques
dry crust and a softer centre”.[2] Baking can be combined have been developed to provide this protection.
with grilling to produce a hybrid barbecue variant by us- In addition to bread, baking is used to prepare cakes,
ing both methods simultaneously, or one after the other. pastries, pies, tarts, quiches, cookies, scones, crackers,
Baking is related to barbecuing because the concept of pretzels, and more. These popular items are known col-
the masonry oven is similar to that of a smoke pit. lectively as “baked goods,” and are often sold at a bakery,
Because of historical social and familial roles, baking has which is a store that carries only baked goods, or at mar-
traditionally been performed at home by women for do- kets, grocery stores, or through other venues.
mestic consumption and by men in bakeries and restau- Meat, including cured meats, such as ham can also
rants for local consumption. When production was in- be baked, but baking is usually reserved for meatloaf,
dustrialized, baking was automated by machines in large smaller cuts of whole meats, or whole meats that contain
factories. The art of baking remains a fundamental skill stuffing or coating such as bread crumbs or buttermilk
and is important for nutrition, as baked goods, especially batter. Some foods are surrounded with moisture dur-
breads, are a common but important food, both from an ing baking by placing a small amount of liquid (such as


serves this purpose. The cooking container is half sub-

merged in water in another, larger one, so that the heat
in the oven is more gently applied during the baking pro-
cess. Baking a successful soufflé requires that the baking
process be carefully controlled. The oven temperature
must be absolutely even and the oven space not shared
with another dish. These factors, along with the theatri-
cal effect of an air-filled dessert, have given this baked
food a reputation for being a culinary achievement. Sim-
ilarly, a good baking technique (and a good oven) are also
needed to create a baked Alaska because of the difficulty
of baking hot meringue and cold ice cream at the same
Baking can also be used to prepare various other foods
such as pizzas, baked potatoes, baked apples, baked
A terracotta baking mould for pastry or bread, representing goats beans, some casseroles and pasta dishes such as lasagne.
and a lion attacking a cow. Early 2nd millennium BC, Royal
palace at Mari, Syria
2 Baking in ancient times
water or broth) in the bottom of a closed pan, and letting
it steam up around the food, a method commonly known
as braising or slow baking. Larger cuts prepared with-
out stuffing or coating are more often roasted, which is
a similar process, using higher temperatures and shorter
cooking times. Roasting, however, is only suitable for
finer cuts of meat, so other methods have been devel-
oped to make tougher meat cuts palatable after baking.
One of these is the method known as en croûte (French
for “in a crust”), which protects the food from direct
heat and seals the natural juices inside. Meat, poultry,
game, fish or vegetables can be prepared by baking en
croûte. Well-known examples include Beef Wellington,
where the beef is encased in pastry before baking; pâté
en croûte, where the terrine is encased in pastry before
baking; and the Vietnamese variant, a meat-filled pas-
try called pâté chaud. The en croûte method also allows
meat to be baked by burying it in the embers of a fire –
a favourite method of cooking venison. In this case, the
protective casing (or crust) is made from a paste of flour
and water and is discarded before eating. Salt can also
be used to make a protective crust that is not eaten. An-
other method of protecting food from the heat while it is
baking, is to cook it en papillote (French for “in parch- An Egyptian funerary Model of a bakery and brewery (11th dy-
ment”). In this method, the food is covered by baking nasty, circa 2009–1998 B.C.)
paper (or aluminium foil) to protect it while it is being The first evidence of baking occurred when humans took
baked. The cooked parcel of food is sometimes served wild grass grains, soaked them in water, and mixed ev-
unopened, allowing diners to discover the contents for erything together, mashing it into a kind of broth-like
themselves which adds an element of surprise. paste.[3] The paste was cooked by pouring it onto a flat,
Eggs can also be used in baking to produce savoury or hot rock, resulting in a bread-like substance. Later, when
sweet dishes. In combination with dairy products espe- humans mastered fire, the paste was roasted on hot em-
cially cheese, they are often prepared as a dessert. For ex- bers, which made bread-making easier, as it could now
ample, although a baked custard can be made using starch be made any time fire was created. The world’s old-
(in the form of flour, cornflour, arrowroot, or potato est oven was discovered in Croatia in 2014 dating back
flour), the flavour of the dish is much more delicate if eggs 6500 years ago. The Ancient Egyptians baked bread us-
are used as the thickening agent. Baked custards, such as ing yeast, which they had previously been using to brew
crème caramel, are among the items that need protection beer.[4] Bread baking began in Ancient Greece around
from an oven’s direct heat, and the bain-marie method 600 BC, leading to the invention of enclosed ovens.[4]

“Ovens and worktables have been discovered in archaeo- the streets of Germany, with children clamoring for a
logical digs from Turkey (Hacilar) to Palestine (Jericho) sample. In London, pastry chefs sold their goods from
and date back to 5600 BC.”[5] handcarts. This developed into a delivery system of
Baking flourished during the Roman Empire. Begin- baked goods to households and greatly increased demand
ning around 300 BC, the pastry cook became an occu- as a result. In Paris, the first open-air café of baked
pation for Romans (known as the pastillarium) and be- goods was developed, and baking became an established
came a respected profession because pastries were con- art throughout the entire world.
sidered decadent, and Romans loved festivity and cele-
bration. Thus, pastries were often cooked especially for
large banquets, and any pastry cook who could invent new
types of tasty treats was highly prized. Around 1 AD,
there were more than three hundred pastry chefs in Rome,
and Cato wrote about how they created all sorts of diverse
foods and flourished professionally and socially because
of their creations. Cato speaks of an enormous number
of breads including; libum (sacrificial cakes made with
flour), placenta (groats and cress), spira (our modern day
flour pretzels), scibilata (tortes), savaillum (sweet cake),
and globus apherica (fritters). A great selection of these,
with many different variations, different ingredients, and
varied patterns, were often found at banquets and dining
halls. The Romans baked bread in an oven with its own
Schulze Baking Company Factory (1914–15)
chimney, and had mills to grind grain into flour. A bak-
ers’ guild was established in 168 BC in Rome.[4]
Every family used to prepare the bread for
its own consumption, the trade of baking, not
3 Commercial baking having yet taken shape.
Mrs Beeton (1861)[7]

Baking eventually developed into a commercial industry

using automated machinery which enabled more goods
to be produced for widespread distribution. In the United
States, the baking industry “was built on marketing meth-
ods used during feudal times and production techniques
developed by the Romans.”[8] Some makers of snacks
such as potato chips or crisps have produced baked ver-
sions of their snack products as an alternative to the usual
cooking method of deep-frying in an attempt to reduce
their calorie or fat content. Baking has opened up doors
to businesses such as cake shops and factories where the
Vincent van Gogh – The Bakery in Noordstraat (1882) baking process is done with larger amounts in large, open
Eventually, the Roman art of baking became known The aroma and texture of baked goods as they come out
throughout Europe and eventually spread to eastern parts of the oven are strongly appealing but is a quality that is
of Asia. By the 13th century in London, commercial trad- quickly lost. Since the flavour and appeal largely depend
ing, including baking, had many regulations attached. In on freshness, commercial producers have to compensate
the case of food, they were designed to create a system by using food additives as well as imaginative labeling.
“so there was little possibility of false measures, adulter- As more and more baked goods are purchased from com-
ated food or shoddy manufactures.” There were by that mercial suppliers, producers try to capture that original
time twenty regulations applying to bakers alone, includ- appeal by adding the label “home-baked.” Such attempts
ing that every baker had to have “the impression of his seek to make an emotional link to the remembered fresh-
seal” upon each loaf of bread.[6] ness of baked goods as well as to attach positive associ-
Beginning in the 19th century, alternative leavening ations the purchaser has with the idea of “home” to the
agents became more common, such as baking soda.[4] bought product. Freshness is such an important qual-
Bakers often baked goods at home and then sold them in ity that restaurants, although they are commercial (and
the streets. This scene was so common that Rembrandt, not domestic) preparers of food, bake their own prod-
among others, painted a pastry chef selling pancakes in ucts. For example, scones at The Ritz London Hotel “are

not baked until early afternoon on the day they are to be

served, to make sure they are as fresh as possible.”[9]

4 Equipment
Baking needs an enclosed space for heating – typically in
an oven. The fuel can be supplied by wood, coal, gas,
or electricity. Adding and removing items from an oven
may be done by hand with an oven mitt or by a peel, a
long handled tool specifically used for that purpose.
Many commercial ovens are equipped with two heating
elements: one for baking, using convection and thermal
conduction to heat the food, and one for broiling or
grilling, heating mainly by radiation. Another piece
of equipment still used for baking is the Dutch oven.
“Also called a bake kettle, bastable, bread oven, fire pan,
bake oven kail pot, tin kitchen, roasting kitchen, doufeu
(French: “gentle fire”) or feu de compagne (French:
“country oven”) [it] originally replaced the cooking jack
as the latest fireside cooking technology,” combining “the
convenience of pot-oven and hangover oven.”[10]
Asian cultures have adopted steam baskets to produce
the effect of baking while reducing the amount of fat
Baked goods

5. Egg, milk, and gluten proteins coagulate

5 Process 6. Starches gelatinise

7. Gases evaporate

8. Caramelization and Maillard browning occur on


9. Enzymes are inactivated

10. Changes occur to nutrients

11. Pectin breaks down.[13]

The dry heat of baking changes the form of starches in

the food and causes its outer surfaces to brown, giving
it an attractive appearance and taste. The browning is
caused by caramelization of sugars and the Maillard reac-
tion. Maillard browning occurs when “sugars break down
Baking bread at the Roscheider Hof Open Air Museum in the presence of proteins”. Because foods contain many
different types of sugars and proteins, Maillard browning
There are eleven events that occur concurrently during contributes to the flavour of a wide range of foods, includ-
baking, and some of them, such as starch glutenization, ing nuts, roast beef and baked bread.”[14] The moisture is
would not occur at room temperature.[12] never entirely “sealed in"; over time, an item being baked
will become dry. This is often an advantage, especially in
1. Fats melt; situations where drying is the desired outcome, like dry-
ing herbs or roasting certain types of vegetables.
2. Gases form and expand
The baking process does not require any fat to be used
3. Microorganisms die to cook in an oven. When baking, consideration must be
given to the amount of fat that is contained in the food
4. Sugar dissolves item. Higher levels of fat such as margarine, butter, lard,

or vegetable shortening will cause an item to spread out

during the baking process.
With the passage of time, breads harden and become
stale. This is not primarily due to moisture being lost
from the baked products, but more a reorganization of
the way in which the water and starch are associated over
time. This process is similar to recrystallization and is
promoted by storage at cool temperatures, such as in a
domestic refrigerator or freezer.

6 Cultural and religious signifi-

Further information: Bread § Cultural significance
Baking, especially of bread, holds special significance

Benedictine Sisters of Caltanissetta producing the crocetta of Cal-


tired of the sinking feeling which afflicted her every after-

noon round 4 o'clock ... In 1840, she plucked up courage
and asked for a tray of tea, bread and butter, and cake to
be brought to her room. Once she had formed the habit
she found she could not break it, so spread it among her
friends instead. As the century progressed, afternoon tea
became increasingly elaborate.”[15]
Benedictine Sisters of the Benedectine Monastery of
Bird baked from bread on the March equinox to celebrate spring Caltanissetta producing the crocette, they used to be pre-
and the forty martyrs pared for the Holy Crucifix festivity. This was situated
next to the Church of the Holy Cross, from which the
sweets take the name.[16]
For Jews, Matzo is a baked product of considerable reli-
gious and ritual significance. Baked matzah bread can be
ground up and used in other dishes, such as Gefilte fish,
and baked again. For Christians, bread has to be baked
to be used as an essential component of the sacrament of
the Eucharist. In the Eastern Christian tradition, baked
bread in the form of birds is given to children to carry to
the fields in a spring ceremony that celebrates the Forty
Martyrs of Sebaste.

7 See also
Baking matzot at Kfar Chabad

for many cultures. It is such a fundamental part of every- •

day food consumption that the children’s nursery rhyme • Baking pan
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man takes baking as its
subject. Baked goods are normally served at all kinds • Baking chocolate
of party and special attention is given to their quality at
formal events. They are also one of the main compo- • Baking mix
nents of a tea party, including at nursery teas and high • List of baked goods
teas, a tradition which started in Victorian Britain, re-
portedly when Anna Russell, Duchess of Bedford “grew • List of bakers

[9] Simpson, Helen (1986). The London Ritz Book of After-

noon Tea - The Art & Pleasures of Taking Tea. London,
UK: Angus & Robertson, Publishers. p. 8. ISBN 0-207-

[10] Snodgrass, Mary Ellen (2004). Encyclopedia of Kitchen

History,. Taylor & Francis Books. p. 330. ISBN 0-203-

[11] “Chinese steamed sponge cake (ji dan gao)". Chinese

Grandma. 8 February 2013. Retrieved 14 October 2015.

[12] Figoni 2011, p. 38.

[13] Figoni 2011, ch.3 pp.38 ff.

[14] Figoni 2011, p. 42.

[15] Simpson, Helen (1986). The London Ritz Book of Af-

ternoon Tea: The Art & Pleasures of Making Tea. Lon-
don: Angus & Robertson Publishers. p. 16. ISBN 0-207-

[16] “Caltanissetta riscopre le “Crocette"" (in Italian).

9 Bibliography
• Figoni, Paula (2010). How Baking Works: Exploring
• List of ovens the Fundamentals of Baking Science (3 ed.). Wiley.
• Sheet pan ISBN 978-0470392676.—a textbook on baking and
setting up a bakery

8 References 10 Further reading

[1] Baked sausages Retrieved November 02, 2015.
• Pyler, E.J.; Gorton, L.A. (2008). Baking Sci-
[2] Figoni, Paula I. (2011). How Baking Works: Exploring the ence & Technology (PDF). Sosland Publishing Com-
Fundamentals of Baking Science (3rd ed.). New Jersey: pany. ISBN 978-0-9820239-0-7. Retrieved Jan-
John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-470-39813-5.p.38 uary 2013. Check date values in: |access-date=
[3] Pfister, Fred. “Pfister Consulting: History of Baking –
How Did It All Start? Yes people”. Archived from the
original on 3 February 2013. Retrieved January 1, 2013.
11 External links
[4] Morgan, James (2012). Culinary Creation. Routledge.
pp. 297–298. ISBN 978-1-136-41270-7.
• Media related to Baking at Wikimedia Commons
[5] Rochelle, Jay Cooper (2001). Bread for the Wilderness:
Baking As Spiritual Craft. Fairfax, VA: Xulon Press. p. • The dictionary definition of baking at Wiktionary
32. ISBN 1-931232-52-0.

[6] Peter Ackroyd (2003). London: the biography (1st An-

chor Books ed.). New York: Anchor books. p. 59. ISBN

[7] Beeton, Mrs (1861). Mrs Beeton’s Book of Household

Management (Facsimile edition, 1968 ed.). London: S.O.
Beeton, 18 Bouverie St. E.C. p. 831. ISBN 0-224-61473-

[8] Bessie Emrick Whitten (1990). David O. Whitten, ed.

, Handbook of American Business History: Manufactur-
ing. Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group. ISBN

12 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

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• File:1914-15_Schulze_Baking_Company_Factory.jpg Source:
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• File:Anders_Zorn_-_Brödbaket.jpg Source:
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• File:Baked_goods.jpg Source: License: Pub-
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• File:Baking_mold_Mari_Louvre_AO18902.jpg Source:
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• File:Bedouins_making_bread.jpg Source: Li-
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