E-Supply Chain PDF
E-Supply Chain PDF
E-Supply Chain PDF
D. Li
e-Business Division, Management School,
University of Liverpool, UK
E-Supply chain management in a manufacturing context, is a series of Internet-
enabled value-adding activities to guarantee products created by a manufacturing
process can eventually meet customer requirements and realize returns on
investment. Supply chains have advanced in the last two decades with improved
efficiency, agility and accuracy. The recent advancement of Internet technology
has brought more powerful support to improving supply chain performance. In
this context, e-supply chain management becomes a new term that distinguishes
itself by net-centric and real-time features from traditional supply chain
management. In this chapter, principles and methodologies of e-supply chain
management are discussed. It focuses on a fundamental challenge for supply
chain management: how to efficiently integrate and optimize supply chain
operations with widespread marketplaces and characteristic demands using the
latest advances in information and communication technologies. A case of e-
supply chain management application is also described in this chapter. As
Internet and related technologies have been discussed in detail in other chapters
of this book, this chapter will focus on e-supply chain management principles,
approaches and methodology.
1 Introduction
Supply chain is a series of business processes in which products or services are
produced and delivered to customers through value adding activities
implemented by involved parties. In a manufacturing supply chain, the value
WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 16, © 2005 WIT Press
www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
adding activities mainly include product development, product design, raw
materials supply, manufacturing the product, product packaging, delivery to
customers, and post sale services. Supply chain management for a manufacturing
company refers to incorporating its manufacturing process to all value-adding
activities implemented by parties who add values to its final products. The term,
supply chain, is a simplified description for vertically related business processes.
Nowadays, it is more frequently referred as supply networks or supply chain
networks because a company is likely to be involved in more than one supply
chain and the related companies form business networks.
Since information technology became an enabler of improving business
processes, supply chain management has gained tremendous benefits from
applying ICT to various aspects of its tasks. IT application moves from data
management to control automation, and then moves to enterprise integration.
Supply chains have advanced the last two decades with improved efficiency,
agility and accuracy. However, it was only at the time when the Internet
technology became a practical means of information exchange in industries, that
supply chain management started changing its way of allocating and controlling
resources across organization boundaries. When business activities of a company
are electronically incorporated in value-adding processes throughout the supply
chain, e-supply chain management becomes a new term that distinguishes itself
by Internet-supported, net-centric and real-time features from traditional supply
chain management. In this chapter, principles, methodologies and examples of e-
supply chain management will be discussed in the following sections.
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www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
agility, real-time control, and customer satisfaction. Not about technology
change alone, e-SCM is about culture change and changes in management
policy, performance metrics, business processes, and organizational structures
across the supply chain.”
A key feature of e-business equipped supply chain management is network-
centric. This focuses on connectivity, co-operation, co-ordination and
information transparency. Networked supply chain partners share information,
knowledge and other resources in real time. The networked relationships change
the traditional supply chain information flows from linear transmission to end-to-
end connections, i.e. information can be transferred directly from any partner of
the supply chain to another partner without distortion and delay. Figure 1 shows
a simplified traditional supply chain structure and a networked supply chain
First-tier Packaging
suppliers Packaging & &
suppliers distributors
Manufacturing &
Other core-value
-adding activities
Upstream Customers
Information flows
Physical product flows
WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 16, © 2005 WIT Press
www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
This networked information transfer provides transparent customer demand
information to any part of the supply chains. Impacts of information
transparency on supply chain operations are not only in shorter leadtime and
leaner production, but more importantly, changes in the way that supply chain
partners collaborate. Partnerships are built on enhanced mutual trust and
interdependency [3]. Based on the principle of network-oriented organizations
[4], supply chains in an Internet-enabled environment should be managed by
concentrating on their core business competence and contact with other partners
for the other functions; sharing common goals of the supply chain and operating
as an integrated system; co-operating with each other based on co-operative
norms and solving conflicts; and recognizing and relying on interdependence of
resources. In this section, the main principles of e-supply chain management
will be described.
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WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 16, © 2005 WIT Press
www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
supporting activities which are input and infrastructure of the primary activities
[5]. Incorporated with the e-business approach, supply chains have now been
enhanced with more efficient value-adding capabilities and new business
models, e.g. more agile manufacturing processes due to visible real-time
demands of end customers and virtual integration of manufacturing with retail
store controls, etc. The information systems are therefore key activities for
adding value to e-supply chains. Figure 2 describes the value-adding activities of
an e-supply chain. In networked e-supply chains, information flows are
integrated by ICT, particularly the Internet technology. Supply chain members
are directly connected with customer demands and real-time operational
information of all supply chain stages. This leads to synchronized supply chain
planning and co-ordination, with more efficient physical product flows.
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www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
ordination of the supply chain operations. It is obvious that supply chain
integration focuses on information system integration instead of organizational
integration. It is Internet-enabled technologies that makes supply chain
integration practically feasible and efficient. An e-supply chain is actually an
integrated virtual enterprise. e-Supply chain integration ensures that supply chain
legacy systems and operational systems are seamlessly incorporated into a
networked business environment connected through the Internet and other
information and communication facilities. e-Supply chain integration is at
different levels with different focuses.
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www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
instance, ordering digital products can be automatically processed on-line and
delivered to customers through the Internet without any intermediary services.
The seller-side e-marketplace provides customers with 7 days a week and 24
hours a day services. The Web enabled direct access to product catalogues and
interactive interfaces allowing customers to configure their preferred products
on-line. The e-business approach facilitates the mass customization strategy by
dynamically planning production based on real-time and large-quantity
customized orders.
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www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
changes, increased mutual understanding and trust [1]. With the advancement of
Internet technology, information exchange can be easily implemented through
Internet-based applications. This has significantly enhanced information
transparency in supply chains.
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www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
which customers can order commodities in a catalogue and complete
transactions on-line. The portal also provides financial services for customers
and allows customers to customize the Website according to their preference.
Such a Web portal is a seller-side e-marketplace which is a virtual environment
for downstream supply chains to directly connect retailers with end customers.
Web-based applications can be developed as a virtual environment for
manufacturing control. It can be used to monitor and control a manufacturing
process and provide product design services, etc. Wiptrac.com is a Web based
manufacturing control system. It monitors shop floor manufacturing processes
and control product qualities. Engineers can review process and quality control
charts in real time. According to the on-line information, manufacturing process
can be remotely monitored. Alarms demonstrated by the system can be
responded to in real-time. Processes can be shut down when they are out of
control. For an enterprise with distributed manufacturing sites, a virtual
environment of manufacturing control works as a virtual control centre to
synchronize the distributed manufacturing processes.
OneSpace Collaboration is anther example of virtual environment that allows
engineers to work interactively in a team. It supports collaboratively loading,
viewing, inspecting and modifying product design models and drawings. The
system virtually integrates distributed design teams to view and share documents
and drawings, mark up data, capture issues and ideas by marking up models and
documents, make and document decisions, schedule meetings and automatically
generate email invitations to participants. The application works as a virtual
department of product design connecting supply chain partners to sharing
knowledge. Virtual aggregation and integration When all of the supply chain
functions are integrated by various e-business applications, the whole supply
chain virtually operates as a vertically integrated enterprise. The distributed
operational processes in different companies can be aggregated and synchronized
based on end customer requirements. Workflows or business processes (BP) are
controlled by Web-based systems which make the whole process visible to all
involved partners. The workflow can be automated to some extent through
multiple agent systems without or with limited human interactions.
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www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
configured through combining core competence from different partners. Figure 3
illustrates a VE creation case [10] for implementing four business processes
(BP1, BP2, BP3 and BP4) with eleven potential VE members (E1 to E11) and
three potential VEs (VE1, VE2 and VE3). VE1 is the selected team for given
business objectives.
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www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
information systems. Experts or knowledge of specified domains can be accessed
through the Internet when it is necessary. This is very important to supply chain
co-operation as the barriers in distance and time prevent partners’ collaboration
in complex engineering and operational issues. Transferring knowledge on-line
makes it possible for partners to solve problems and conflicts responsively.
As a virtual enterprise approach for cutting stock applications proposed by
Gary [11], complex models and tools for optimizing the material’s size, product
designs and then cutting plans are developed into a Web-based system which is
assessable on the extranet by partners. Suppliers, manufacturers and customers
can be linked by the system which functions as a broker. The system is
particularly valuable for SMEs which do not have the capability to develop or
purchase such complex tools. The manufacturers who need to optimally cut the
materials for product processing can consult the system interactively for cutting
plans based on given materials. In this process, suppliers and customers are also
likely to be involved by co-operating in the optimal overall solution for the
material’s size, product specifications and cutting plans. The partners work
together to share the knowledge of operations optimization.
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www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
3.1 Application scenarios of the Internet technology to supply chain
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www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
groupware, video conferencing, on-line industrial communities, forums for
information exchange, remote processes control and monitor systems, etc.
Through such applications, customers can pursue on-line services from
manufacturers. Supply chain partners can share information and knowledge, and
obtain particular services from registered communities.
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www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
Figure 4: Dell Computer on-line ordering Website (Source: Dell.Com).
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www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
The Web-based integration is characterized by “dynamic” and “real-time”.
The connected supply chain members may change from time to time. All supply
chain activities exposed to the Internet will be transparent to partners with real-
time status. Although a supply chain can be dominated by a product/service
brand owner, the e-supply chain system is frequently a network of enterprise
systems instead of a system hosted by a single enterprise, i.e. the planning
process is implemented co-operatively by supply chain partners. Figure 5 shows
the development history of supply chain systems.
SRM CRM enterprise
Finance planning
Production planning Distribution
WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 16, © 2005 WIT Press
www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
Logistics Finance/Human Sales/
resource Marketing
Desktop Desktop
Desktop Desktop
Desktop Desktop
Printer Printer
Printer Printer
Printer Printer
Laptop PC
Laptop PC Laptop PC
Laptop PC Laptop PC
Laptop PC Laptop PC
Laptop PC
…… ……
…… ……
…… ……
Desktop PC
Laptop PC
…. .
… …. .
… …. .
… …. .
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www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
Web-based or part of wireless networks. Computerized information systems
were firstly applied to accounting and finance management, and office
automation functions. Computers were later used in other business functions,
such as computer aided product design (CAD), numerical control and computer
aided manufacturing (NC, CAM), etc. However, the computerized systems from
early times are generally isolated, working for different business functions. For
instance, transaction processing systems may be used in a company in different
departments. The operations department uses a TPS for processing product
requirements, monitoring productions, recording job start and finish dates, etc.
At the purchasing department, a TPS is used for issuing purchasing orders,
control materials stocks, processing materials requisitions, etc. Product data is
stored and processed at both of the departments for different purposes. Such an
infrastructure of information systems does not only waste system resources due
to data redundancy, but also leads to possible inconsistency of the same data in
different departments due to human errors. More importantly, this disconnection
reduces operational efficiency in an enterprise due to information transfer and
interpretation between the systems. This disconnected infrastructure is function
focused. The infrastructure later changed to process driven, customer focused for
integration of internal business functions. Such an infrastructure improves
process efficiency by reducing information transformation costs and time. The
information systems share integrated company-wide data sources and process
transactions by automatically updating all related changes in all functional
departments. The process driven infrastructure aims at responsive customer
service and efficient co-ordination. This integrated network of information
systems with company-wide database systems forms the integrated enterprise
system. Figure 6 describes the infrastructures of information systems in an
electronics manufacturer.
An early successful integration example of information systems was the point
of sales system (POS) which emerged in the 1980s. A POS manages sales
transactions at checkout counters with barcode and scanners. The system links to
sales and marketing systems for sales and customer management. Today,
information from POS has become a crucial information resource which is used
to connect retailer stores, depots, manufacturing plans and other upstream
suppliers with end customer demands. The information systems have therefore
been moved from functional focused to enterprise process driven, customer
focused, and then moving to supply chain process driven, end customer focused
infrastructure. e-Procurement and e-marketing systems for information exchange
and transaction implementation between buyers and sellers have been important
e-business approaches. They create new procurement and marketing channels to
automate e-supply chain operations. Figure 7 describes an e-supply chain system
infrastructure based on these technologies. e-Marketplace and Web portals are
strategic approaches and technologies to integrate business functions and collect
information for e-supply chain management. These approaches will be discussed
in detail in the following sections. As seen in Figure 7, the integration of an
enterprise system with customers and suppliers has alternative options, i.e.
through system integration or e-marketplace. For supply chain partners with
WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 16, © 2005 WIT Press
www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
relatively stable relationships, the enterprise system may be integrated with a
partner’s enterprise system by sharing operational information and co-ordinated
planning and implementing supply chain transactions. For spot trading
transactions, an e-marketplace may be used to purchase or sell products.
Supplier Customer
relationship relationship
management management
Supplier Customer
system System
integration Enterprise
Enterprise integration
integration Customers
Suppliers Customers
E-marketplace E-marketplace
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www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
(3) Facilitate decision-making. Efficient communication systems such as
teleconferencing, or knowledge management systems facilitate decision
making using enriched information from customer, manufacturing
processes, etc. Grid computing as a new Internet technology facilitates
application outsourcing, e.g. remotely run optimization applications at a
service provider or at a partner’s application server with spare time and
capacity. Such a virtual application integration provides great
computing and decision making capability which is not available to
every company.
(4) Facilitate co-ordination between users. Internet technology has provided
low cost, flexible and convenient communication tools for obtaining
and exchanging real-time, dynamic information. As a result of this,
information transparency as a new supply chain management
philosophy has greatly improved supply chain co-ordination. The
transparent information can make both operational and decision making
processes visible to supply chain partners to some extent. It helps
planning synchronization and joint decision making.
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www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
built on a wide area network (WAN). It can only be accessed by
authorized users on the Internet. Unlike specialized groupware, intranet
and extranet provide a flexible communications environment for a large
group of users for exchanging information as well as running various e-
business applications.
(6) Knowledge management system – communication systems for sharing
and finding knowledge among employees or/and partners. Knowledge
is the understanding of a specialized field through study, or experience
through accumulated information, e.g. a computer system trouble-
shooting advisor shares his experience with the developer and
customers to solve problems in software.
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www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
(2) Intermediary layer for processing business rules, transmitting data in a
platform-independent format such as XML and connecting Web with
databases by middleware using server-side scripting languages, such as
.NET, ASP, JSP, Coldfusion, PHP, etc.;
(3) Presentation layer as the front end for interacting with users on the
Internet in standard HTML format and processing data by client-side
scripting languages such as JavaScript, VBScript.
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www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
mining, expert systems, neural networks, intelligent agents, etc. Although all
conventional decision support technologies can be used for e-supply chain
management, with Web-based applications, decision support systems are
particularly required to equip on-line, responsive decision-making with real-time
information. To achieve such an objective, decision-making models can either be
embedded into Web-based applications, or be virtually integrated into a supply
chain system by application integration technology or outsourcing. For instance,
data mining tools can be imbedded into enterprise portals, which is an integrated
Web site to interact with suppliers or/and customers, to recognize customer
behavior patterns and find business opportunities by automatically collecting and
analysing received data from portal users. Another example is outsourcing on-
line decision-making services [15]. Small manufacturing companies lack
computation facilities for optimizing their operations. One of the issues is
optimising materials by cutting operations to reduce costs at the pre-
manufacturing stage. By outsourcing on-line optimization services,
manufacturers can obtain responsive service from application service providers
Technologies of the conventional decision support system can be classified as
model intensive approaches, data intensive approaches and knowledge intensive
Model intensive DSS can be found in the category of simulation tools and
optimization tools. Data intensive DSS includes data warehouse, OLAP and data
mining. Knowledge intensive DSS is based on artificial intelligence technologies
which include expert systems and case-based reasoning, neural networks, fuzzy
logic, and intelligent agents.
It has been expected that the next generation of e-business will focus on
optimization and automated negotiation [16, 17]. Decision support systems are
crucial to optimize e-supply chain operations and to automate co-ordination
activities. Current e-business approaches applied to e-supply chain management
are still transaction oriented. They focus on improving supply chain visibilities
and implementing on-line operations instead of support decisions. More and
more decision support functionalities are expected to be integrated with current
e-business technologies in the near future to facilitate e-supply chain automation
and optimization.
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www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
today’s ERP systems are far beyond resource planning capabilities. Current ERP
system vendors are integrating planning, transaction management, business
performance monitoring, and supply chain integration into their packages as well
as the Internet connectivity. As EPS is a major component of e-supply chains, it
is discussed in detail in the next section.
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www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
i.e. they are internally oriented. The functions of an ERP system include the
following aspects as described below [18].
WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 16, © 2005 WIT Press
www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line) Human resource management ERP systems support employee
development management, recruiting management, employee relationship
management, etc.
(1) Products selected from supplier inventory directly into the different
departments of a retailer.
(2) Automatic polling of sales orders from the Web to supplier fulfilment.
(3) Transparent POS data and inventory data (shelf, store, depot) to
(4) Centralized data entry, for both inventory management and the e-
business catalogue.
(5) Consolidated customer history, tracking, and call centre services
integrated with personalized on-line services and knowledge
management tools leading to direct marketing.
(6) Synchronized customer order notification and stock availability
notification to customers and operations planning of an ERP system.
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www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
processes. The Web portals have been included in most of the commercialised
ERP tools.
WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 16, © 2005 WIT Press
www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line) Integration with business process management The dynamics of an e-
business environment requires enterprise systems to manage business processes.
The enterprise business processes in a virtually integrated e-supply chain are
required to link e-supply chain partners, respond quickly to market variations,
support customized business logics, synchronize and automate transaction flows.
Business rules and processes designed into enterprise systems should be easy to
adapt to the changes of markets and enterprise systems.
Nowadays, business processes or workflow execution and control engines
have been integrated with some ERP system packages (e.g. Oracle, SAP, etc.) so
that business processes can be flexibly configured based on changes of internal
and external workflows of an enterprise. There are also specialized workflow
management tools, e.g. OptimalFlow from Compuware. The business process
management approach will be discussed in a separate section below.
WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 16, © 2005 WIT Press
www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line) Business process integration A BPM system links enterprise legacy
systems to the relevant business tasks in a workflow, and manages data sharing
between different applications and business tasks. Distributed tasks can be
remotely executed based on given locations and IDs of the tasks in the system
directory. Messaging services of a BPM system are based on open server
systems which support execution of processes with heterogeneous technologies
in different enterprises. The open server systems are normally Java
implementations or Web services for communications in the XML format.
Therefore, through the workflow engine and communication mechanism,
workflows and applications can be easily integrated across e-supply chains.
Figure 10 shows an example of a Web-based user interface based on a BPM
component for implementing an interactive procurement task. The interface is
derived from the BPM tool, OptimalFlow of Compuware Corp.
Figure 10: A user interface for a task from a BPM tool, OptimalFlow.
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www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
modeling approach, business process integration is implemented by data
integration plus open connectivity. This approach is an IT initiative task and
requires system modeling knowledge. The integrated system lacks flexibility to
changes in business processes. Systems development is facing the challenge of
increasingly complex software engineering tasks responding to environment
A BPM system firstly builds a business process (workflow) orchestration
model and then integrates data sources and business process components with
the orchestration model. The workflow engine data flows and applications
communicate with each other. With this approach, business process integration is
implemented by the orchestration of applications and data sources into a flexible
process which can be easily updated and extended. This approach improves the
e-supply chain’s agility and productivity, and reduces complexity of system
maintenance. The graphical user interface of BPM systems facilitates monitoring
process performance.
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www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
3.5 Approaches for e-supply chain management
3.5.1 e-Procurement
Procurement is the activities to obtain items from suppliers including purchasing
and inbound logistics. e-Procurement is an Internet-based purchasing system that
offers electronic purchase order processing and enhanced administrative
functions to buyers (sometimes to suppliers as well, if the system is public
marketplace), resulting in operational efficiencies and transaction cost savings. e-
Procurement implements the procurement activities supported by ERP systems
and Internet technologies. e-Procurement can use either vendors’ Web-based
systems or the public marketplace to complete the transactions.
With a vendor’s e-marketing system, the enterprise can log-in to suppliers’
marketing Websites and search required products on e-catalogues. The approach
reduces time and costs for purchasing transactions. There is also an opportunity
to build co-ordinated supply chain planning between vendors and buyers.
Manufacturing and logistics can be synchronized with the procurement activities
when the vendor’s system provides transparent information about enterprise
manufacturing planning and stock levels of ordered items. The information helps
buyers planning their production and controlling stocks.
With a public e-procurement marketplace, e-procurement can be
implemented through the marketplace service. Buyers need to locate a vendor at
first, and then requisite quotes and raise orders on-line. This approach provides
an opportunity to further reduce purchasing costs and improve product quality by
expanded supplier selection base. However, closed co-ordination is more
difficult to build up due to the spot trading relationships between buyers and
In a case of e-procurement with NC@YourService in US, a public Website,
NC E-Procurement@YourService, has been created as a state-wide marketplace
for suppliers and buyers. The Website is used to search for vendors registered
with the service. This service provides a way to search for vendors by vendor
name, vendor tax ID, vendor location, commodity code and construction code.
Search results provide detailed information about the vendor including whether
the vendor participates in the e-quote process. The e-procurement service
performs all procurement activities electronically, including requisitioning,
purchase order transmission, notification of electronic quotation requests and
WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 16, © 2005 WIT Press
www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
electronic quote response for informal bidding, and receipt of goods. The
automated transaction processing reduces order cycle time and transaction costs.
Another example is a Web portal, industry2industry (www.ind2ind.com),
developed as an e-marketplace of e-business (B2B) on-line trading for
chemicals, plastics and energy. The Website is for both buyers and sellers to
trade their products. The difference from an e-procurement Website is the
product category for trade. At an e-procurement site, product category is
narrowed for only one group of customers.
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www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
3.5.3 Co-ordinated e-supply chain planning and decision-making
The transparent operational information supported by Internet and enterprise
systems underlie various co-ordination opportunities in e-supply chains.
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www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
3.6 e-Supply chain automation and optimization with agent-based
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www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
ordinate with other software agents or human agents to solve conflicts in
(5) Communication. Agents are able to receive and send messages so that they
can interact with the environment.
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www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
Interface Agent
XML Parser
Component User
XML Message controller Interface
Message generator
Task Agent
XML Parser Trigger
Component Back end Internal
XML Message controller Channel Process
Message generator
Information Agent
XML Parser Trigger
Component Query
controller DB
XML Message Manager
Message generator
Figure 12: Internal structure of three types of agents (Source: adapted from [28]).
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www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
communication speed, data correctness, and responsiveness to customer
demands in the supply chain.
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www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
Research on negotiation protocols, ontologies, and languages have been
reported in the literature over the past three decades. However, only in the 1990s
did the automated negotiation technology become a practical issue due to the
emerging new business opportunity, e-business. In recent negotiation research,
there are mainly three themes: game theory-based approach, heuristic-based
approach, and argumentation-based approach. These approaches are modeled by
different theories. When e-supply chain partners use different negotiation
approaches, automation of the negotiation process becomes a very difficult task.
Therefore, approaches to connect different negotiation systems are required.
In the case of supply chain co-ordination and optimization [30], the agent-
based technology and a co-ordination model are used to automate and optimize
the e-supply chain co-ordination process. In this case, a co-ordination system
was built in a retail supply chain context. The agent-based system has been
developed with three layers, i.e. decision layer, co-ordination layer and
optimization layer. There are four major components in the system – a business
abstraction model, a decision agent, a co-ordination agent and an optimization
Figure 14: The matrix for abstracted decision processes (Source: [30]).
WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 16, © 2005 WIT Press
www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
The system structure and the three components are described below:
WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 16, © 2005 WIT Press
www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
Coordination Layer
Com m unication
D ecision Services
Planning Decision
m odule m odel base
Service D atabase server
D atabase
M iddlew are
Optimisation Layer
Communication Control
Communication C ontrol
Decision Layer
Optimisation Services
Communication Control
WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 16, © 2005 WIT Press
www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
The co-ordination system with three-layered architecture separates individual
negotiation and decision-making platforms from the global co-ordination
approach, so that a standard and flexible co-ordination protocol can be
implemented. The system reduces co-ordination time and man-made errors;
increases customer numbers which can be dealt with at the same time for
negotiations in e-supply chain operations, improves negotiation interface with
transparent decision information; improves trust and mutual understanding, and
maximizes joint gains from negotiation results for e-supply chain partners.
It has been broadly recognized that the grid computing technology will
significantly affect the next generation of Internet technology and the e-business
roadmap. Grid computing technology includes data grids which enables seamless
access to distributed data in files and databases, computational grids which
leverage spare computing power to solve complex problems, and service grids
which create an infrastructure for sharing Web services [31]. These technologies
will greatly improve integration capability of Web-based systems. As a result,
application of grid computing technologies will further facilitate e-supply chain
integration and improve the efficiency. Currently many business functions have
been automated with online systems. The grid technology with current available
standards (TCP/IP, SMTP, FTP, HTTP, HTML, XML, Web services, etc.) and
more advanced hardware (faster chips and network wide band) will seamlessly
connect all supply chain elements, and automate and optimize more supply chain
operations. Currently, technologies in enterprise networks and supply chains
have not been fully integrated, as shown in Figure 18.
WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 16, © 2005 WIT Press
www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
Semantic Awareness
Enterprise Nervous System
Process Awareness
Business Enterprise
Semanti Process Service
Transformation Event and Bus
Integration Engines
Data Operational Business
Warehouses Data Stores Components
Message Collaborations
Taxonomies Message
Warehouses and Analytics
and Schemas Queues
Figure 20: Technology for the Grid and ENS (Source: [32]).
The worldwide grid and enterprise nervous systems (ENS) will facilitate the
world-wide integration of business processes, as illustrated in Figures 19 and 20.
More and more supply chain operations will be able to be dynamically optimized
through the computational technology. Spare computing capacities will be
efficiently utilized for analyzing and optimizing business processes for supply
chain members. Currently, this is virtually out of reach for the majority of small
and middle sized companies. Such technological advancement aims to e-supply
WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering, Vol 16, © 2005 WIT Press
www.witpress.com, ISSN 1755-8336 (on-line)
chain management with simplified network access, seamless connectivity,
increased efficiency, improved agility, and lower costs.
The other trend of technology development is Web-based intelligence. The
next generation e-supply chain management is expected to be more intelligent,
i.e. provide more decision support functionality to business. Today, more and
more decision support technologies include data warehouse, data mining, on-line
analytical processing, and knowledge-based systems. Neural networks
computing and agent-based systems have been applied to Web-enabled business
process management. This development will add more capabilities to current on-
line services, most of which focus on merely transaction processing. The
Internet-enabled intelligence will then allow e-supply chains to operate more
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