Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Item Description
Purpose To ensure that all the DDU-GKY training centres across India have
distinctive look
Reference to Para, page 27
Prerequisite/s After signing of MoUand locating training centre.
Time for As per training plan
SF 5.1A1: Look and feel of a training centre, SF 5.1A2: Training centre
name board, SF 5.1A3: Hostel centre name board, SF 5.1B1: Activity
summary and achievement board, SF 5.1B2: Contact details of
important people, SF 5.1B3: Basic Information Board (Training Centre),
SF 5.1B4: Basic Information Board (Residential Centre), SF 5.1B5:
Academic Information Board, SF 5.1B6: Living Area Information Board,
SF 5.1B7: Code of conduct for candidates, SF 5.1B8: Food menu
(residential centre), SF 5.1C1: Student entitlement board and
responsibilities board, SF 5.1C1 A: Student Attendance and Entitlement
Summary Information Board
Process owner PIA OP team
Actor Action Time for Relevant
completion documents
PIA op Team To ensure that the training centre As per SF 5.1A1: Look
conforms to DDU-GKY standards on training plan and feel of a
furniture, layout, and colour scheme training centre, SF
5.1A2: Training
centre name
board, SF 5.1A3:
Hostel centre
name board, SF
5.1B1: Activity
summary and
board, SF 5.1B2:
Contact details of
Actor Action Time for Relevant
completion documents
SF5.1B3: Basic
Information Board
(Training Centre),
SF 5.1B4: Basic
Information Board
Centre), SF
5.1B5: Academic
Information Board,
SF 5.1B6: Living
Area Information
Board, SF5.1B7:
Code of conduct
for candidates, SF
5.1B8: Food menu
center), SF 5.1C1:
entitlement board
board, SF 5.1C1
A: Student
Attendance and
Information Board
PIA Q team To ensure that the training centre At the time of SF5.1A1, SF5.1A2,
conforms to DDU-GKY standards on due SF5.1A3, SF5.1B1,
furniture, layout, and colour scheme diligence, as SF5.1B2, SF5.1B3,
per 5.1.3 SF5.1B4, SF5.1B5,
SF5.1B6, SF5.1B7,
SF5.1B8, SF5.1C1,
SF5.1C1 A
SRLM To ensure that the training centre At the time of SF5.1A1, SF5.1A2,
conforms to DDU-GKY standards on due SF5.1A3, SF5.1B1,
furniture, layout, and colour scheme diligence, as SF5.1B2, SF5.1B3,
per 5.1.3 SF5.1B4, SF5.1B5,
SF5.1B6, SF5.1B7,
SF5.1B8, SF5.1C1,
SF5.1C1 A
CTSA Check on Q team and SRLM reports As per SF5.1A1, SF5.1A2,
inspection SF5.1A3, SF5.1B1,
schedule SF5.1B2, SF5.1B3,
SF5.1B4, SF5.1B5,
Actor Action Time for Relevant
completion documents
SF5.1B6, SF5.1B7,
SF5.1B8, SF5.1C1,
SF5.1C1 A
CTSA To ensure that the training centre At the time of SF5.1A1, SF5.1A2,
conforms to DDU-GKY standards due SF5.1A3, SF5.1B1,
on furniture, layout, and colour diligence, as SF5.1B2, SF5.1B3,
scheme. per 5.1.3 SF5.1B4, SF5.1B5,
Check on Q team reports and also SF5.1B6, SF5.1B7,
follow up on compliance of SRLM’s SF5.1B8, SF5.1C1,
observations. SF5.1C1 A
Item Description
Purpose To verify availability of minimum infrastructure before a training centre
Reference to Para, page 27
SF 5.1D1: Due diligence of training centre (excluding residential
facilities), SF 5.1D2: Due diligence of residential facilities and all the
Item Description
Actor Action Time for Relevant
completion documents
PIA OP Team To ensure that the centre is As per training plan SF 5.1D1: Due
as per SF 5.1D1 and SF diligence of
5.1D2 at training centre training centre
To revise the due diligence in (excluding
case PIA Q team/ SRLM/ residential
CTSA points out facilities), SF
deficiencies/incompleteness 5.1D2: Due
Permitted to start training if diligence of
CTSA/SRLM visit does not residential
happen in 10 working days of facilities
approval of due diligence by
SF 5.1S: Bare
PIA Q team.
minimum items to
be ensured to
start training
pending CTSA/
SRLM due
diligence visit
PIA Q team To check and certify As per training plan SF 5.1D1 and SF
particulars of SF 5.1D1 and 5.1D2
SF 5.1D2 at training centre
To upload results from the
due diligence onto a
designated web site
SRLM Check on Q team’s report Within 10 working SF 5.1D1, SF
days of receipt of 5.1D2 and 5.1S
To upload results from the information from
due diligence onto a PIA Q team
designated web site
If the above is not
possible due
diligence should be
done within 20
working days of
start of training.
Delaying it will
impact the
Actor Action Time for Relevant
completion documents
grading of the
CTSA Check on Q team and SRLM As per inspection SF 5.1D1, SF
reports schedule 5.1D2 and 5.1S
To upload results from the
due diligence onto a
designated web site
CTSA Check on Q team’s report Within 10 working SF 5.1D1, SF
To upload results from the days of receipt of 5.1D2 and SF
due diligence onto a information from 5.1S
designated web site PIA Q team
Follow up compliance of
If the above is not
SRLM observations
possible it should
be done within 20
working days of
start of training
Delaying it will
impact the
grading of the
Item Description
Purpose To lay down procedures for opening and running hybrid training centres.
Reference to No specific reference
Prerequisite/s Any time after signing of MoU
Time for As per due diligence process
Resource/s SF 5.1R: Instructions for opening and running hybrid training centres and
introducing multiple shifts and double shift batches in a training centre
Process owner SRLM for APS/CTSA for anYPS
See SF 5.1 R for definition of a hybrid centre
Actor Action Time for completion Relevant
PIA OP team To ensure the following: As per training plan SF 5.1D1,
New centre: ensure SF 5.2D2,
compliance to 5.1 R in
addition to those specified in SF 5.1R:
due diligence. Instructions
for opening
Existing DDU-GKY centre:
and running
Suggest changes and ensure
compliance to 5.1 R in
addition to those specified in
centres and
due diligence.
shifts and
double shift
batches in a
PIA Q team To follow due diligence As per training plan SF 5.1D1,
process SF 5.2D2,
To verify the capacity of the SF 5.1R
training centre as per plan
for hybrid centre.
SRLM To follow due diligence As per due diligence SF 5.1D1,
process and certify the process SF 5.2D2,
centre capacity SF 5.1R
CTSA To follow due diligence As per due diligence SF 5.1D1,
process and certify the centre process SF 5.2D2,
capacity SF 5.1R
5.1.4 Introduction and running of multiple shifts and Double shift batches2 in a
Item Description
Purpose To lay down procedures for introducing multiple shifts and double shift
batches in a centre.
Actor Action Time for completion Relevant
PIA OP team To communicate their plan As per training plan at the SF 5.1D1,
for running multiple shifts or centre SF 5.2D2,
double shift batches SF 5.1R:
To verify the capacity of the Instructions
training centre to for opening
accommodate the multiple and running
shifts or double shift hybrid
batches training
centres and
shifts and
double shift
batches in a
PIA Q team To verify the capacity of the At least 5 working days in SF 5.1D1,
training centre to advance of SF 5.2D2,
accommodate the multiple commencement of training SF 5.1R
shifts or double shift
SRLM To certify the submitted As per the inspection SF 5.1D1,
information at the time of schedule SF 5.2D2,
centre inspection SF 5.1R
CTSA To certify the submitted As per the inspection SF 5.1D1,
information at the time of schedule SF 5.2D2,
centre inspection SF 5.1R
Actor Action Time for completion Relevant
If a PIA plans to introduce multiple shifts and/or double shift batches in a training centre
at the time of due diligence all the timelines prescribed in due diligence will be
Item Description
Purpose To ensure proper functioning of training centre and capture details of
non-functional equipment, trainer and trainee attendance, and deviations
if any from the notified training plan
Reference to No specific reference
Prerequisite/s Filing due diligence report by PIA Q team
Time for On all days when the trainings are scheduled in the centre
Resource/s SF 5.1T: Daily failure items report and SF 5.1U: 15 day summary of
centre status
Process owner PIA OP team
Actor Action Time for completion Relevant
PIA OP team To check and report on Daily when the centre Daily report as
non-functional training opens per SF 5.1T:
equipment, and trainee Daily report on
and trainer attendance centre status
and upload the results on
the designated web-link Summary as per
Summarise data for 15 SF 5.1U: 15 day
days and upload results Summarise by 16 of the summary
th of
on the designated web- month for first fortnight and centre status
link by 1st of next month for the
second fortnight and the
complete month
PIA Q team Checks from HQs on Fortnightly and monthly SF 5.1T and
i) daily entry of data and review SF 5.1U
ii) trend of failures
CTSA Checks from HQs on Fortnightly and monthly SF 5.1T and
i) daily entry of data review SF 5.1U
and ii) trend of
failures As per the inspection
Same functions under schedule
taken by Q team
To verify randomly
generated samples
verified by PIA Q
team including the
inspection notes and
compliance to the
PIAs Q team
Follow up on SRLM’s
Item Description
Purpose To describe inspection procedures to:
ensure compliance of earlier checks
check the documentation
assess the quality of training and
overall performance of training centres
Reference to guidelines Para, page 23
Prerequisite/s Access to completed:
SF 5.1D1: Due diligence of training centre (excluding
residential facilities)
SF 5.1D2: Due diligence of residential facilities
Item Description
SF 5.1H1: Batch summary as on day of batch freezing
SF 5.1H2:List of candidates in the batch and their profile
SF 5.1I: Attendance registers for candidates (as per
SF 5.1J: Attendance registers for trainers (as per
SF 5.1P: List of equipment in the training centre
SF 5.1Q: List of equipment in the trainees’ accommodation
facilities (applicable for residential training only)
SF 5.1T : Daily failure items report
SF 5.1U: 15 day summary of centre status
Actor Action Time for Relevant
completion documents
PIA OP team To ensure Duration varies as
Availability of all recordsas per list per each activity SF 5.2A:
given in due diligence and time for Training centre
Proper functioning of the training completion is inspection and
centre shown against the as per forms
activity listed in due
diligence list.
PIA Q team carry out the inspection as detailed in As per the Same as
SF: 5.2A inspection above
SRLM Carry out the inspection as As per the Same as row 1
detailed in SF: 5.2A inspection above
To verify randomly selected items schedule
verified by PIA Q team including
the inspection notes and
compliance of the PIAs Q team
(If the centre does not run throughout the year, the number of inspections will be
reduced proportionately but there should be at least one inspection by Q team in a
year). Deleted
Content of the section is deleted, however the section is retained to maintain the
number continuity
Q team will inspect a training centre at least 6 times in a year of which at least
4will be planned inspections. These inspections should be staggered such that a
centre is inspected around 40 days after a batch starts.
Remaining inspections will be surprise. During surprise visits the team should
check 2 modules randomly picked by the system. In addition the team can chose
two more modules as per the situational needs.
CTSA will conduct the inspections to audit inspections of PIA Q team and the
In this role CTSA will undertake at least 3 visits to a training centre - 2 surprise
and 1 detailed
It will ensure that each centre will undergo due diligence inspection before
initiation of training.
For APSSRLM will ensure compliance of its reports and CTSA reports.
For YPSCTSA will take corrective action based on its inspections and those
undertaken by the SRLM.
SRLM in anYPS can play an active role in ensuring quality of the programme. However, as
SRLM team is not strengthened no schedules are prescribed for their inspections. Depending
on the staff availability, SRLM is encouraged to get its personnel trained in DDU-GKY
procedures and to enable monitoring by its team.
All inspection reports of SRLM of YPS should be sent to CTSA, PIA and MoRD. It is the
responsibility of the PIA to comply with items and send a compliance report through the PIA Q
team to SRLM and CTSA. CTSA will monitor and ensure proper compliance.
Item Description
Purpose To ensure that a training centre performs as per procedures in
guidelines and the SOP by review of CCTV footage
Reference to Para, page 27
Prerequisite/s Start of training centre
Time for Continuous process when the training is going on
Resource/s As per SF 5.2B: CCTV - Specifications, location and recording, review
and storage
Process owner PIA OP team
Actor Action Time for Relevant
completion documents
PIA OP team To ensure that the daily activities are being Daily SF 5.2B:
captured through CCTV. CCTV -
Storage of sampled video footage after Specifications,
completion of each batch location and
review and
PIA Q team To review CCTV footage as per the As per the SF 5.2B
instruction given in SF 5.2A: Training centre inspection
inspection schedule
SRLM To review CCTV footage as per the As per the SF 5.2B
instruction given in SF 5.2A: Training inspection
centre inspection schedule
To verify randomly generated
samples verified by PIA Q team
including the inspection notes and
compliance of the PIAs Q team
Item Description
Reference to Row 11, sl no. 5, table 1, para, page 32
Prerequisite Freezing of batch
Purpose To generate a distinct identity and a sense oneness amongst the candidates
Item Description
Time for To be distributed with the welcome kit
Resources As per SF 5.3A:Specifications for uniform and SF 5.1K: Checklist of items
given to candidates
Process owner PIA OP team
Actor Action Time for completion Relevant
PIA op team To distribute uniform to Measurements: At the SF 5.3A
candidates time of batch freezing Specifications
Maintain the record of Distribution: Along with for uniform
distribution of uniform welcome kit SF 5.1K:
Checklist of
items given to
PIA Q team Verification during training As per the inspection SF 5.2A
centre inspection visit as per schedule training centre
randomly selected inspection
Review of CCTV footage
SRLM Verification during training As per the inspection SF 5.2A
centre inspection visit as per schedule training centre
randomly selected inspection
Review of CCTV footage
To verify randomly selected
candidates verified by Q
CTSA Check on Q team and SRLM
CTSA Verification during training As per the inspection SF 5.2A
centre inspection visit as per schedule
randomly selected
Review of CCTV footage
To verify randomly selected
candidates verified by Q
Follow up on compliance of
SRLM’s observations.
Item Description
Purpose Outline procedures for assessment and certification of candidates
Reference to Para, page 29
Prerequisite/s Admission of a candidate to a batch
Time for 1. Internal assessment: Continuous during the training
2. External assessment: Assessment to be done in the last ten days of
training by an agency accredited by NCVT/SSC
Resource/s SF 5.4A: Assessment and certification of candidates, assessment tests
and question banks
Process owner PIA OP team
Actor Action Time for completion Relevant
PIA OP team Internal assessment: To be done continuously SF 5.4A:
Hold tests, save the tests in Assessment
candidates’ personal dossier and and
upload them to a nominated certification
website. of
External assessment: Fixing the Assessment to be done in candidates
date and completing the the last 10 days of a training
processesrelated to assessment schedule (If candidates have
by the accredited assessment OJT PIA has an option to
agency complete the assessment
either before or after the
OJT. This should be
indicated in the lesson
PIA Q team Internal assessments: Verify As per inspection schedule SF 5.4A and
CCTV samples of tests being For internal assessments - 5.2A:
conducted on the examination Check randomly selected Training
process candidates and randomly centre
Retest candidates and selected videos during a inspection
compare performance centre visit.
External assessments: Check Inspect videos of
CCTV samples of tests being assessment process on the
conducted first visit after the batch is
SRLM Same checks as Q team As per inspection schedule SF 5.4A and
but on a different set of 5.2A:
Actor Action Time for completion Relevant
randomly selected . Training
candidates. centre
To verify randomly inspection
generated samples
verified by PIA Q team
including the inspection
notes and compliance to
the PIAs Q team
CTSA Check on Q team and SRLM As per inspection schedule SF 5.4A and
reports 5.2A:
CTSA Same checks as Q team but on a As per inspection schedule SF 5.4A and
different set of randomly selected 5.2A:
candidates. . Training
In addition check one randomly inspection
selected candidate from
amongst the candidates verified
by the Q team.
SRLM Same checks as Q team As per inspection schedule SF 5.4A and
but on a different set of 5.2A:
randomly selected . Training
candidates. centre
To verify randomly inspection
generated samples verified
by PIA Q team including
the inspection notes and
compliance to the PIAs Q
team observations.
Follow up on compliance of
SRLM’s observations.
Earlier sections prescribe checks to be done by an SRLM/CTSA within the state geographical
boundaries. In a project while the prospective candidates should be residents of the state to
which the project is sanctioned, the training of the candidates can be imparted anywhere in the
country. The following steps should be followed if a training centre is outside the state to which
the project is assigned:
PIA should train at least 200 candidates in all the training centres located in a contiguous
geographical location (say a city or a district)
PIA should give the list of training centres and their addresses along with a trade wise
break up of number of candidates to be trained in each centre to SRLM and MoRD for
APS and CTSA SRLM and MORD for YPS at least 60 days before the training of the
candidates commences.
PIA should also state whether the proposed training centre and trade is already part of
the DDU-GKY system of the state along with proofs of due diligence carried out already.
The proposed training centre is within 100 km of state boundary to which project
is assigned:In this scenario monitoring agency will not change – i.e. it will be
SRLM of the state for APS and CTSA in case of YPS. They continue to perform
all the activities envisaged in the guidelines and SOP.
In all other cases: CTSA of the state where the training centre is located will be
the monitoring agency whether the state is an APS or otherwise.However, in
case of APS If the proposed training centre and trade (or trades) are part of
DDU-GKY projects in the state where training centre is located, CTSA will
consider the SRLM reports of due diligence but will not conduct separate due
diligence. Barring this difference, the CTSA will monitor the training of the
candidates as is done by it in case of anYPS. For the monitoring of the training
CTSA will get 1 % of the training and residential cost incurred per candidate. In
case of APS this will be deducted from the monitoring fee of the SRLM and in
case of YPS from that of the CTSA.
The fee to be transferred will be generated from the ASDMS and MoRD will
adjust amount while releasing the monitoring fee for states and CTSAs.