Jamb Past Question PHYSICS 1
Jamb Past Question PHYSICS 1
Jamb Past Question PHYSICS 1
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Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
In the diagram above, which of the A. helium B. alcohol
simple pendula will resonate with P C. platinum D. mercury.
when set into oscillation? 17.
A. R and T B. Q and R
C. U D. T.
10. The terrestrial telescope has one extra
lens more than the astronomical
telescope. The extra lens is for
A. erection of the image.
B. improving the sharpness. If a ray traveling in air is incident on a
C. crating an inverted image. transparent medium as shown in the
D. magnification of the image. diagram, the refractive index of the
11. A plane sound wave of frequency medium is given as
85.5Hz and velocity 342ms-1 is reflected cos cos
from a vertical wall. At what distance A. B.
sin sin
from the wall does the wave have an
antinode? sin sin
C. D.
A. 1m B 1m C. 2m D. 3m sin sin
12. A string is fastened tightly between two 18. Find the frequencies of the first three
walls 24cm apart. The wavelength of harmonics of a piano string of length
the second overtone is 1.5m, if the velocity of the waves on the
12cm B. 24cm C. 8cm D. 16cm string is 120ms-1.
13. A ray of light strikes a plane mirror at an A. 180Hz, 360Hz, 540Hz.
angle of incidence of 35o. If the mirror is B. 360Hz, 180Hz, 90Hz.
rotated through 10o, through what C. 40Hz, 80Hz, 120Hz.
angle is the reflected ray rotated? D. 80Hz, 160Hz, 240Hz.
A. 45o B. 20o C. 70o D. 25o 19. The pressure of a given mass of a gas
14. A gas with initial volume 2 x 10-6m3 is changes from 300Nm-2 to 120Nm-2
allowed to expand to six times its initial while the temperature drops from
volume at constant pressure of 127oC to –73oC. The ratio of the final
2 x 10-5Nm-2. The work done is volume to the initial volume is
A. 4.0J B. 12.0J C. 2.0J D. 1.2J A. 2 : 5 B. 4 : 5
15. the driving mirror of a car has a radius C. 5 : 2 D. 5 : 4
of curvature of 1m. A vehicle behind the 20. Ice cubes are added to a glass of warm
car is 4m from the mirror. Find the water. The glass and water are cooled
image distance behind the mirror. by
8 4 4 9 A. convection and radiation.
A. B. C. D. B. conduction only.
7 7 9 2
16. The thermometric substance of an C. convection only.
absolute thermometer is D. conduction and convection.
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
21. A working electric motor takes a current 26. What is the angle of dip at the magnetic
of 1.5A when the p.d. across it is 250V. equator?
If its efficiency is 80%, the power output A. 0o B. 45o C. 90o D. 180o
is 27. When a piece of rectangular glass block
A. 469.0W B. 300.0W is inserted between two parallel plate
C. 4.8W D. 133.0W. capacitors, at constant plate area and
22. In a Daniel Cell, the depolarizer, positive distance of separation, the capacitance
and negative electrodes are of the capacitor will
respectively A. remain constant
A. sulphuric acid, lead oxide and lead. B. decrease, then, increase
B. copper sulphate, copper and zinc. C. decrease D. increase.
C. potassium hydroxide, nickel and 28.
D. manganese dioxide, carbon and
23. The cost of running five 6W lamps and
four 100W lamps for 20 hours if
electrical energy costs N10.00 per KWh
The diagram shows three capacitors C1,
C2 and C3 of capacitances 2F, 6F and
A. N280.00 B. N160.00
3F respectively. The potential
C. N140.00 D. N120.00
differences across C1, C2 and C3
24. A bread toaster uses a current of 4A
respectively are
when plugged in a 240 volts line. It
A. 6V, 2V and 4V.
takes one minute to toast slices of
B. 6V, 4V and 2V.
bread. What is the energy consumed by
C. 2V, 6V and 4V.
the toaster?
D. 4V, 6V and 2V.
A. 3.60 x 103J B. 5.76 x 104J
C. 1.60 x 102J D. 1.60 x 104J
^ E
In the circuit diagram above, the The diagram above shows two
ammeter reads a current of 3A when R capacitors P and Q and capacitances
is 5 and 6A when R is 2. Determine 2F and 4F respectively connected to
the value of x. a d.c. source. The ratio of energy stored
A. 10 B. 8 C. 4 D. 2 in P to Q is
A. 1 : 2 B. 2 : 1 C. 4 : 1 D. 1 : 4
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
30. The ratio of electrostatic force FE to 34. A cell of internal resistance r supplies
gravitational force FG between two current to a 6.0 resistor and its
protons each of charge e and mass m, efficiency 75%, find the value of r.
at a distance d is A. 2.0 B. 1.0 C. 4.5 D. 8.0
e e2 35. A resistance R is connected across the
A. B. 2 terminal of an electric cell of internal
4 o Gm 4 o Gm
resistance 2 and the voltage was
e2 Gm 2
C. D. 3
Gm 2 4 o e 2 reduced to of its nominal value. The
31. A cell can supply currents of 0.4A and value of R is
0.2A through a 4.0 and 10.0 A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 6
resistors respectively. The internal 36. A student is at a height 4m above the
resistance of the cell is ground during a thunderstorm. Given
A. 1.5 B. 1.0 C. 2.5 D. 2.0 that the potential difference between
32. the thunderstorm and the ground is
107V, the electric field created by the
storm is
A. 2.0 x 106NC-1.
B. 4.0 x 107NC-1.
C. 1.0 x 107NC-1.
1 6V D. 2.5 x 106NC-1.
In the diagram above, the current I is 37. At resonance, the phase angle in an a.c.
9 3 circuit is
A. A B. A A. 0o B. 60o C. 90o D. 180o
11 8
38. The process of energy production in the
8 11
C. A D. A sun is
3 9 A. radioactive decay
33. B. electron collision.
C. Nuclear fission.
D. Nuclear fusion.
39. I. Low pressure.
II. High pressure.
III. High p.d.
The diagram above shows a closed IV. Low p.d.
square box of side 0.5m in a uniform Which combination of the above is true
electric field E in the direction shown by of the conduction of electricity through
the arrows. What is the flux for the gases?
box? A. II and III only.
A. 0.5E B. 2.0E C. 0.0E D. 0.2E B. II and IV only.
C. I and III only.
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D. I and IV only. A. electron B. beta
40. A capacitor of 20 x 10-12F and an C. alpha D. gamma.
inductor are joined in series. The value 46. The magnetic force on a charged
of the inductance that will give the particle moving with velocity v is
circuit a resonant frequency of 200 KHz A. independent of the magnitude of
is the charge.
1 1 1 1 B. proportional to both the
A. B. C. D. magnitude of the charge and the
64 32 16 8
41. A transistor functions mainly as a velocity v.
A. rectifier and an amplifier. C. proportional to the velocity v only.
B. charge storer and an amplifier. D. proportional to the magnitude of
C. charge storer and a switch. the charge only.
D. Switch and an amplifier. 47.
42. Which of the following graphs correctly
represents the variation of mass of a
given material deposited with time for
constant current in Faraday’s Law of
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Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
3. A wheel and axle is used to raise a load A. increase
of 500 N by the application of an effort B. decrease
of 250N. If the radii of the wheel and C. be constant
the axle are 0.4cm and o.1cm D. increase then decrease
respectively, the efficiency of the 9. Two force each of 10N act on a body,
machine is one towards the north and the other
A. 20% B. 40% C. 50% D. 60% towards the east. The magnitude and
4. Which of the following is the correct the direction of the resultant force are
shape of the velocity-time graph of a A. 20N, 450E B. 20N, 450W
spherical steel ball dropped into a C. 10 2 N, 45oW D. 10 2 N , 45oE
viscous fluid in a tall cylinder? 10. A particle in circular motion performs
30 oscillations in 6 seconds. Its angular
velocity is
A. 5 rad s-1 B. 6 rad s-1
C. 5rad s-1 D. 10rad s-1
11. the effect of a particle in a fluid
attaining its terminal velocity is that the
A. acceleration is maximum
B. weight is equal to the retarding
5. The hydrostatic blood pressure force
difference between the head and feet C. buoyancy force is equal to the
of a boy standing straight is 1.65 x 104 viscous retarding force
Nm-2. Find the height of the boy. D. buoyancy force is more than the
A. 0.5m B. 0.6m C. 1.5m D. 2.0m weight of the fluid displaced
[Density of blood = 1.1 x 10m3kgm-3, 12. The diagram above shows the force (F)
g = 10m-2] acting on an object through a distance
6. A body weighing 80N stands in an (x). The work done on this object is
elevator that is about to move. The
force exerted by the floor on the body
as the elevator moves upward with an
acceleration of 5ms-2
A. 40 N B. 80 N C. 120N D. 160N
7. If the distance between two suspended F
A. FxJ B. xJ
masses 10kg each is tripled, the 2
gravitational force of attraction F
C. Fx2 J D. J
between them is reduced by x
A. one half B. one third 13. A coin placed below a rectangular glass
C. one quarter D. one ninth block of thickness 9cm and refractive
8. If the total force acting on a particle is index 1.5 is viewed vertically above the
zero, the linear momentum will
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block. The apparent displacement of 18. The property that is propagated in a
the coin is traveling wave is
A. 3cm B. 5cm C. 6cm D. 8cm A. frequency B. amplitude.
14. The radiator of a motor car is cooled by C. energy D. wavelength
A. radiation 19. Which of the following eye defects can
B. conduction be corrected using a cylindrical lens?
C. convection A. Myopia B. Astigmatism
D. radiation and conduction B. Presbyopia
15. I. Temperature. D. Chromatic aberration
II. Density of air molecules. 20. The time rate of loss of heat by a body
III. Pressure. is proportional to the
IV. Pitch. A. difference in temperature
Which of the above will affect the between the body and its
velocity of sound in air? surroundings
A. I and II only. B. temperature of its surroundings
B. II and IV only. C. ratio of the temperature of the
C. I, II and IV only. body to that of its surroundings
D. I, II, III and IV. D. temperature of the body.
16. Which of the following is a 21. If tension is maintained on a stretched
characteristic of stationary wave? string of length 0.6m such that its
A. They are formed by two identical fundamental frequency of 220Hz is
waves traveling in opposite excited, determine the velocity of the
directions. transverse wave in the string.
B. They can be transverse or A. 528ms-1 B. 264ms-1
longitudinal. C. 132ms-1 D. 66ms-1
C. The distance between two 22. A concave mirror of radius of curvature
successive nodes is one 40cm forms a real image twice as large
wavelength. as the object. The object distance is
D. The antinode is a point of A. 10cm B. 30cm
minimum displacement. C. 40cm D. 60cm.
17. To produce an enlarged and erect 23. Water is a poor thermometric liquid
image with a concave mirror, the object because it
must be positioned A. is opaque
A. at the principal focus. B. is a poor conductor.
B. beyond the centre of curvature. C. wets glass.
C. between the principal focus and D. has low vapour pressure.
the centre of curvature. 24. A ray of light which strikes a glass slab
D. between the principal focus and from air at normal incidence passes
the pole. through the slab
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A. undeviated and undisplaced at a
lower speed.
B. deviated and undisplaced at a
lower speed.
C. deviated and displaced at a lower
speed. Calculate the refractive index of the
D. undeviated and displaced at a material for the glass prism in the
faster speed. diagram above.
25. Blowing air over a liquid aids 2 4 3
evaporation by A. B. C. 2 D.
2 3 2
A. increasing its surface area. 31.
B. decreasing its vapour pressure.
C. increasing temperature.
D. decreasing its density.
26. The phenomenon that makes sound
persist when its source has been
removed is known as
A. acoustic vibration
B. rarefaction C. echo From the diagram above, determine the
D. reverberation. value of the resistance X.
27. The pressure of 3 moles of an ideal gas A. 6 B. 9 C. 12 D. 15
at a temperature of 27oC having a 32. The energy stored in a capacitor of
volume of 10-3m3 is capacitance 10F carrying a charge of
A. 2.49 x 105Nm-2 100C is
B. 7.47 x 105Nm-2 A. 5 x 104J B. 4 x 102J
C. 2.49 x 106Nm-2 C. 4 x 10-3J D. 5 x 10-4J
D. 7.47 x 106Nm-2 33. When connected to a mains of 250V,
[R = 8.3J mol-1K-1] the fuse rating in the plug of an electric
28. Vibration in a stretched spring cannot device of 1 kW is
be polarized because they are A. 2A B. 3A C. 4A D. 5A.
A. stationary waves. 34. The eye controls the amount of light
B. transverse waves. reaching the retina by adjusting the
C. longitudinal waves. A. cornea B. iris
D. mechanical waves. C. retina D. optic nerve.
29. The colours seen in soap bubbles are 35. An electric iron is rated 1000W, 230V.
due to What is the resistance of its element?
A. diffraction B. refraction A. 51.9 B. 52.9 C. 55.9 D. 57.6
C. dispersion D. interference. 36.
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A. B.
The electric field between two-point
41. Pure silicon can be converted to a p-
charges is shown in the diagram above.
type material by adding a controlled
What types of charges are at X and Y?
amount of
A. Both X and Y are negative.
A. trivalent atoms
B. Both X and Y are positive.
B. tetravalent atoms
C. X is positive and Y is negative.
C. pentavalent
D. X is negative and Y is positive.
D. hexavalent atoms
37. The electromagnetic wave that can
42. The energy associated with the photon
produce a heating effect on the
of a radio transmission at 3 x 105Hz is
environment is
A. 2.00 x 10-28J B. 1.30 x 10-28J
A. X-rays B. ultraviolet rays
C. 2.00 x 10-29J D. 1.30 x 10-29J
C. infra-red rays D. gamma rays
[h = 6.63 x 10-34Js]
38. An electric cell with nominal voltage E
43. The percentage of the original nuclei of
has a resistance of 3 connected across
a sample of a radioactive substance left
it. If the voltage falls to 0.6E, the
after 5 half-lives is
internal resistance of the cell is
A. 8% B. 5% C. 3% D. 1%
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
23 20 4
44. From the generating station to each
39. 11 Na X 9 F 2 He. substation, power is transmitted at a
What particle is X in the reaction very high voltage so as to reduce
above? A. hystersis loss
A. Alpha B. Beta B. eddy current loss
C. Neutron D. Gamma. C. magnetic flux leakage
40. D. heating in the coils.
45. The particle that is responsible for
nuclear fission in a nuclear reactor is
A. neutron B. proton
C. electron D. photon.
46. A transistor is used in the amplification
of signals because it
Which of the following graphs shows A. controls the flow of current.
the correct vector diagram for the B. consumes a lot of power.
circuit above? C. allows doping.
D. contains electron and hole
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
47. The carbon-granule microphone works 13. Option A.
on the principle of change in 14. Option C.
A. inductance B. resistance 15. Option A.
C. capacitance D. voltage. 16. Option A.
48. At what frequency would a capacitor of 17. Option D.
2.5F used in a radio circuit have a 18. Option C.
reactance of 250? 19. Option B.
800 20. Option A.
A. Hz B. Hz 21. Option B.
C. 200 Hz D. 2000 Hz 22. Option B.
49. A current of 0.5A flowing for 3 hours 23. Option C.
deposits 2g of a metal during 24. Option A.
electrolysis. The quantity of the same 25. Option B.
metal that would be deposited by a 26. Option D.
current of 1.5A flowing in 1 hour is 27. Option D.
A. 2g B. 6g C. 10g D. 18g 28. Option C.
50. Which of the following statements is 29. Option C.
true of the properties of a moving coil 30. Option C.
galvanometer? 31. Option D.
A. The coil has a small area. 32. Option D.
B. There are strong hair springs to 33. Option C.
give a large control couple. 34. Option B.
C. There is a strong permanent 35. Option B.
magnet to give high magnetic flux. 36. Option B.
D. It has a small number of turns of 37. Option C.
coil. 38. Option B.
39. Option C.
2002 Solutions 40. Option B.
1. Option A. 41. Option A.
2. Option B. 42. Option A.
3. Option C. 43. Option C.
4. Option B. 44. Option D.
5. Option C. 45. Option A.
6. Option C. 46. Option A.
7. Option D. 47. Option B.
8. Option C. 48. Option B.
9. Option D. 49. Option A.
10. Option D. 50. Option C.
11. Option B.
12. Option B.
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
15. A tuning fork of frequency 340 Hz is
vibrated just above a cylindrical tube of
The figure above shows two velocities height 1.2m. If water is slowly poured
into the tube, at what maximum height
V1 and V2 . Which of the following will resonance occur?
diagrams correctly represents the A. 0.95m B. 0.60m C. 0.50m
D. 0.45m
vector difference W V1 V2 ? [Speed of sound in air = 340ms-1].
16. By what factor will the size of an object
placed 10cm from a convex lens be
increased if the image is seen on a
screen placed 25cm from the lens?
A. 15.0 B. 2.5 C. 1.5 D. 0.4
17. Thermal equilibrium between two
objects exists when
A. the temperatures of both objects
13. A satellite is in a parking orbit if its are equal.
period is B. the quantity of heat in both
A. less than the period of the earth. objects is the same.
B. more than the period of the earth. C. the heat capacities of both
C. equal to the period of the earth. objects are the same.
D. the square of the period of the D. one object loses heat
earth. continuously to the other.
14. 18. An open pipe closed at one end
ToC s.v.p (mm Hg) produces its first fundamental note. If
0 4.58 the velocity of sound in air is v and l the
5 6.51 length of the pipe, the frequency of the
10 8.94 note is
15 12.67 2v v v v
20 17.50 A. B. C. D.
l 5l 4l 2l
40 55.10 19. Given that Young’s modulus for
60 149.00 aluminium is 7.0 x 1010 Nm-2 and density
The table above shows the saturation is 2.7 x 103kgm-3, find the speed of the
vapour pressure against temperature in sound produced if a solid bar is struck at
a certain town. If the vapour pressure in one end with a hammer.
this town at 20oC is 10 mmHg, what is A. 5.1 x 103ms-1 B. 4.2 x 103ms-1
the relative humidity? C. 3.6 x 103ms-1 D. 2.8 x 103ms-1
A. 170.0% B. 57.0% 20. On a fairly cool rainy day when the
C. 17.5% D. 10.0% temperature is 20oC, the length of a
steel railroad track is 20cm. What will
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be its length on a hot dry day when the temperature gradient of 30Km-1, the
temperature is 40oC? surface area of the vessel is
A. 20.013m B. 20.009m A. 1.0 x 102 m2 B. 9.0 x 102 m2
C. 20.004m D. 20.002m C. 1.0 x 103 m2 D. 9.0 x 104 m2
[Coefficient of linear expansion of steel 27. A positively charged rod X is brought
= 11 x 10-6 K-1]. near an uncharged metal sphere Y and
21. If an object is placed between two is then touched by a finger with X still in
parallel plane mirrors with their place. When the finger is removed, the
reflecting surfaces facing each other, result is that Y has
how many images of the object will be A. no charge and a zero potential.
formed? B. a positive charge and a zero
A. Infinite B. Eight C. Four D. Two. potential
22. The phenomenon whereby the water C. a negative charge and a positive
droplets in the atmosphere combine potential.
with dust particles in the air to reduce D. a negative charge and a negative
visibility is potential.
A. cloud B. mist C. hail D. fog. 28.
23. At what position will an object be
placed in front of a concave mirror in
order in order to obtain an image at
A. At the pole of the mirror.
B. At the principal focus. In the diagram above, if each of the
C. At the centre of curvature resistors can dissipate a maximum of
D. Between the principal focus and the 18W without becoming excessively
centre of curvature. heated, what is the maximum power
24. If the distance from a point source of the circuit can dissipate?
sound is doubled, by what factor does A. 27W B. 18W C. 9W D. 5W.
the intensity decrease? 29. The operation of an optical fibre is
A. 4.00 B. 2.00 C. 0.50 D. 0.25 based on the principle of
25. A 2000W electric heater is used to heat A. dispersion of light
a metal object of mass 5kg initially at B. interference of light
10oC. If a temperature rise of 30oC is C. refraction of light
obtained after 10 min, the heat capacity D. polarization of light.
of the material is 30.
A. 6.0 x 104JoC-1 B. 4.0 x 104JoC-1
C. 1.2 x 104JoC-1 D. 8.0 x 103JoC-1
26. If 1.2 x 106 J of heat energy is given off
in 1 sec from a vessel maintained at a
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In the diagram above, what would 35. I. It retains its magnetism much longer
happen to the current, I, if another than steel.
resistor, R2, is connected in parallel to II. It is more easily magnetized than
R1 ? steel.
A. It will increase because the III. It is more easily demagnetized than
equivalent resistance will increase. steel.
B. It will decrease if R2 is greater than IV. It produces a stronger magnet than
R1 . steel.
C. It will increase because the effective Which combination of the above makes
resistance will decrease. iron preferable to steel in the making of
D. It will decrease if R2 is less than R1. electromagnets?
31. A ray of light is incident on an A. I and II only B. II and III only
equilateral triangular prism of refractive C. I, III and IV only. D. II, III and IV only.
3 36. Which of the following pairs of light rays
index . Calculate the angle through shows the widest separation in the
which the ray is minimally deviated in spectrum of white light?
the prism. A. Blue and red. B. Green and yellow
A. 30.0o B. 37.2o C. 42.0o D. 48.6o C. Indigo and violet D. Orange and red.
32. A wire of 5Ω resistance is drawn out so 37. The most suitable cell used for short
that its new length is two times the interval switches in electric bells is a
original length. If the resistivity of the A. lead-acid accumulator.
wire remains the same and the cross- B. Daniel Cell C. Leclanche Cell
sectional area is halved, the new D. nickel-iron accumulator.
resistance is 38. A ray incident on a glass prism
A. 40Ω B. 20 Ω C. 10 Ω D. 5 Ω undergoes minimum deviation when
33. An electron of charge 1.6 x 10-19C is the
accelerated between two metal plates. A. incident angle is equal to the angle
If the kinetic energy of the electron is of refraction.
4.8 x 10-17J, the potential difference B. refraction angle equals 90o.
between the plates is C. incident angle equals 90o
A. 30V B. 40V C. 300V D. 400V D. incident angle is equal to the angle
34. A magnetic field is said to exist at a of emergence.
point if a force is 39. In the calibration of an ammeter using
A. exerted on a stationary charge at Faraday’s law of electrolysis, the
the point. ammeter reading is kept constant at
B. exerted on a moving charge at the 1.20A. If 0.990g of copper is deposited
point. in 40 minutes, the correction to be
C. deflected at the point. applied to the ammeter is
D. strengthened at the point. A. 0.30A B. 0.04A C. 0.05A D. 0.06A.
[e.c.e. of copper = 3.3 x 10-4gC-1]
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40. The count rate of a radioactive material C. 6.3 x 1011J D. 9.0 x 1011J
is 800 count/min. If the half-life of the [c = 3.0 x 108ms-1]
material is 4 days, what would be the 47. In a semi-conductor junction diode, as
count rate 16 days later? the depletion or barrier layer is forward-
A. 200 count/min. B. 100 count/min. biased, the layer
C. 50 count/min. D. 25 count/min. A. widens
41. A circuit has an area of 0.4m2 and B. narrows
consists of 50 loops of wire. If the loops C. remains constant
are twisted and allowed to rotate at a D. widens then narrows.
constant angular velocity of 10 rad s-1 in 48. An electron makes a transition from a
a uniform magnetic field of 0.4T, the certain energy level Ek to the ground
amplitude of the induced voltage is state Eo. If the frequency of emission is
A. 8V B. 16V C. 20V D. 80V. 8.0 x 1014Hz, the energy emitted is
42. If the uncertainty in the measurement A. 8.25 x 10-19 J B. 5.28 x 10-19J
of the position of a particle is 5 x 10-10m, C. 5.28 x 1019J D. 8.25 x 1019J
the uncertainty in the momentum of [h = 6.6 x 10-34Js]
the particle is 49. The major difference between a pure
A. 1.32 x 10-44Ns B. 3.30 x 10-44Ns semi-conductor and a pure metal is that
C. 1.32 x 10-24Ns D. 3.30 x 10-24Ns A. metals are harder than semi-
43. The force on a charge moving with conductors.
velocity v in a magnetic field B is half of B. while the resistance of metals
the momentum force when the angle decreases with temperature, the
between v and B is reverse is the case for semi-
A. 90o B. 45o C. 30o D. 0o. conductors.
44. The maximum kinetic energy of the C. the resistance of metals increases
photoelectrons emitted from a metal with temperature while for semi-
surface is 0.34eV. If the work function conductors, it is the reverse.
of the metal surface is 1.83eV, , find D. metals have forbidden gaps while
the stopping potential. semi-conductors have not.
A. 2.17V B. 1.49V C. 1.09V D. 0.34V 50. When a nucleus is formed by bringing
45. When an alternating current given by protons and neutrons together, the
I = 10sin(120π)t passes through a 12Ω actual mass of the formed nucleus is
resistor, the power dissipated in the less than the sum of the masses of the
resistor is constituent protons and neutrons. The
A. 1200W B. 600W C. 120W D. 30W energy equivalent of this mass
46. In a fission process, the decrease in difference is the
mass is 0.01%. How much energy A. lost energy
could be obtained from the fission of B. work function
1.0g of the material? C. binding energy
A. 9.0 x 109J B. 9.0 x 1010J D. stability energy.
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
2003 Solutions 40. Option C.
1. Option B. 41. Option D.
2. Option C. 42. Option C.
3. Option A. 43. Option C.
4. Option B. 44. Option D.
5. Option B. 45. Option B.
6. Option D. 46. Option A.
7. Option D. 47. Option B.
8. Option D. 48. Option B.
9. Option A. 49. Option C.
10. Option C. 50. Option C.
11. Option B.
12. Option C.
13. Option C. UME 2004 Type S
14. Option B. Questions
15. Option A. 1.
16. Option B.
17. Option A.
18. Option C.
19. Option A.
20. Option C.
21. Option A.
The refractive index of the medium M in
22. Option D.
the diagram above is
23. Option B.
2 1
24. Option D. A. B. C. 2 3 D. 3
25. Option B. 3 3
26. Option A. 2. Which types of mirrors are capable of
27. Option D. producing parallel beams of light such
28. Option A. as those arising from the headlamps of
29. Option C. a car?
30. Option C. A. Cylindrical mirrors
31. Option B. B. Parabolic mirrors
32. Option B. C. Spherical mirrors
33. Option C. D. Plane mirrors.
34. Option B. 3. A person can focus an object only when
35. Option D. it lies within 200cm from him. Which
36. Option A. spectacles should be used to increase
37. Option C. his maximum distance of distinct vision
38. Option D. to infinity?
39. Option C. A. Concave lens B. Plane glasses
C. Binoculars D. Convex lens.
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
4. In which of the following material 12. A body of mass 4kg is acted on by a
media would sound travel faster? constant force of 12N for 3 seconds.
A. Water B. Oil C. Metal D. Gas. The kinetic energy gained by the body
5. Calculate the angle of minimum at the end of the time is
deviation for a ray which is refracted A. 162J B. 144J C. 72J D. 81J
through an equiangular prism of 13. As the pressure of a fluid increases, its
refractive index 1.4. viscosity
A. 29o B. 600 C. 99o D. 90o. A. decreases B. remains constant
6. What happens to the rays in a parallel C. increases then decreases
beam of light? D. increases.
A. They diverge as they travel. 14. I. Jet-propelled aircraft
B. They meet at infinity. II. Rocket propulsion
C. They intersect III. The recoil of a gun
D. They converge as they travel. IV. A person walking.
7. If u is the object distance and v the Which of the above is based on
image distance, which of the following Newton’s third law of motion?
expressions gives the linear A. I, II, III and IV B. I and III only
magnification produced by a convex C. I and II only
lens of focal length f? D. I, II and III only.
u u v v 15. In a hydraulic press, a force of 40N is
A. f B. f C. 1 D. 1 applied on the effort piston of area
v f f f
8. A ray of light makes an angle of 35o with 0.4m2. If the force exerted on the load
a plane mirror. What is the angle of piston is 400N, the area of the large
reflection? piston is
A. 55o B. 35o C. 70o D. 65o A. 8m2 B. 4m2 C. 2m2 D. 1m2
9. The pitch of a sound note depends on 16. A 100kg box is pushed along a road with
A. timbre B. harmonics C. quality a force of 500N. If the box moves with a
D. frequency. uniform velocity, the coefficient of
10. If the angle between two vectors P and friction between the box and the road is
Q is 0o, the vectors are said to A. 0.5 B. 0.4 C. 1.0 D. 0.8
A. be perpendicular B. be parallel 17. The earth is four times the size of the
C. interest at angle 60o. moon and the acceleration due to
D. intersect at angle 45o. gravity on the earth is 80 times that on
11. A machine whose efficiency is 60% has the moon. The ratio of the mass of the
a velocity ratio of 5. If a force of 500N is moon to that of the earth is
applied to lift a load P, what is the A. 1 : 320 B. 1 : 1280
magnitude of P? C. 1 : 80 D. 1 : 4
A. 750N B. 4166N
C. 500N D. 1500N
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
24. For semi-conductors to have negative
temperature coefficient of resistance
implies that
A. they have electrons and holes at
high temperatures.
The diagram above shows forces 4N, B. their resistance is constantly
6N, 10N and 8N which act at a point O changing with temperature.
in the directions indicated. The net C. their resistance increases with
horizontal force is temperature
A. 7 3 N B. 17N C. 3 N D. 13N D. their resistance decreases with
19. A radioisotope has a decay constant of temperature.
10-7s-1. The average life of the 25. Fluorescent tubes produce light by the
radioisotope is A. refraction of light by gas molecules
A. 6.93 x 108s B. 1.00 x 10-7s B. excitation of gas molecules.
C. 1.00 x 10 s D. 6.93 x 107s C. conduction of solar energy
20. A moving coil galvanometer has a full- D. thermal agitation of electrons in the
scale deflection of 3A equivalent to 30o tube.
deflection. The sensitivity of the 26. In a reversed biased junction diode,
instrument is current flows in by
A. 10.0 B. 33.0 C. 90.0 D. 0.1 A. electrons alone
21. The binding energy of helium 42 He is B. majority carriers.
C. minority carriers.
A. 2.017 U B. 0.033 U C. 4.033 U
D. positive holes alone.
D. 0.330 U
27. The energy stored in an inductor of
[atomic mass of proton = 1.00783 U,
inductance 5mH when a current of 6A
atomic mass of neutron =
flows through it is
1.00867 U]
A. 1.8 x 10-2 J B. 9.0 x 10-3 J
22. In a tuned radio receiver, L, C series
C. 1.4 x 10-2 J D. 9.0 x 10-2 J
circuit for resonance, the inductive and
28. X-rays can be used in the study of
capacitive reactance XL and Xc
crystal structures because they
respectively are related as
A. have an extremely short
1 1
A. XL = B. XL = X C wavelength.
XC 2 B. have a very long-reaching
C.. XL = XC D. XL = 2XC wavelength.
23. The particle and wave nature of matter C. are very fast.
are demonstrated in the equation D. are invisible.
h c 29. An a.c. circuit of e.m.f. 12V has a
A. B.
p f resistor of resistance 8Ω connected in
hc series to an inductor of inductive
C. 2d sin D. reactance 16Ω and a capacitor of
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
capacitive reactance 10Ω. The current force required to stretch the same
flowing in the circuit is material from 20m to 20.05m?
A. 1.4A B. 14.0A C. 1.2A D. 12.0A A. 100N B. 50N C. 250N D. 200N.
30. A generator-manufacturing company 36. Tea pots are often silver-coated to
was contracted to produce an a.c. prevent heat loss by
dynamo but inadvertently produced a A. convection and conduction
d.c. dynamo. To correct this error, the B. radiation only
A. commutator should be replaced C. conduction only
with slip rings. D. convection only
B. commutator should be replaced 37.
with split rings.
C. Armature coil should be made of
D. Armature coil should be made of t
The phase difference between waves P
31. Transverse waves can be distinguished
and Q in the diagram above is
from longitudinal waves using the
characteristic of A. B. 2π C. D. π.
A. diffraction B. polarization 2 4
C. reflection D. refraction. 38. Metal rods of length 20m each are laid
32. A man exerts a pressure of 2.8 x 103 end to end to form a bridge at 25oC.
Nm-2 on the ground and has 4 x 10-2m2 What gap will be provided between
of his feet in contact with the ground. consecutive rails for the bridge to
The weight of the man is withstand 75oC?
A. 112N B. 140N C. 102N D. 140N A. 0.22m B. 0.25m C. 0.02m
33. When left in a freezer, a bottle full of D. 0.20m
water cracks on freezing into ice 39. A 50W electric heater is used to heat a
because of the metal block of mass 5kg. If in 10
A. decrease in the volume of water. minutes, a temperature rise of 12oC is
B. contraction of the bottle. achieved, the specific heat capacity of
C. expansion of the bottle. the metal is
D. increase in the volume of water. A. 500 J kg-1 K-1 B. 130 J kg-1 K-1
34. The change in volume when 450kg of C. 390 J kg-1 K-1 D. 400 J kg-1 K-1
ice is completely melted is 40. I. Wavelength
A. 0.05m3 B. 0.45m3 II. Medium of propagation
C. 4.50m3 D. 0.50m3 III. Wave velocity
[Density of ice = 900 kgm-3; IV. Frequency.
Density of water =1000 kgm-3] V. Energy.
35. If a force of 50N stretches a wire from Which of the above are used for
20m to 20.01m, what is the amount of characterizing waves?
A. I, II and V B. III, IV and V.
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
C. I and IV. D. I, III and IV. 46. To protect a material from the influence
41. The instrument used for securing a of an external magnetic field, the
large number of similar charges by material should be kept in a
induction is called A. square steel ring
A. capacitor B. electrophorus B. loop of copper wire
C. electroscope D. proof-plane C. triangular zinc ring
42. A steady current of 2A flows in a coil of D. soft iron ring.
emf 12V for 0.4s. A back emf of 3V was 47. Which of the following is an electrolyte?
induced during this period. The stored A. Grape juice B. Sugar solution
energy in the loop that can be utilized is C. Alcohol D. Paraffin
A. 7.2J B. 12.0J C. 2.4J D. 9.6J 48. Electrical appliances in homes are
43. If 16mA of current flows through a normally earthed so that
conductor in one second, the number of A. both the a.c. and d.c. sources can
electrons transported per second is be used
A. 1.00 x 1020 B. 1.00 x 1017 B. a person touching the appliances is
C. 2.56 x 10-17 D. 2.56 x 10-18 safe from electric shock.
44. The difference between X-rays and C. the appliances are maintained at a
gamma rays is that higher p.d. than the earth.
A. X-rays arise from energy changes in D. the appliances are maintained at a
the electronic structure of atoms lower p.d. than the earth.
while gamma rays come from the 49. A cell whose internal resistance is 0.5Ω
nucleus. delivers a current of 4A to an external
B. X-rays are electromagnetic resistor. The lost voltage of the cell is
radiations while gamma rays are A. 1.250V B. 8.000V
negatively charged radiations. C. 0.125V D. 2.000V
C. X-rays have higher frequencies than 50. Given three capacitors 0.3µF, 0.5µF and
gamma rays. 0.2µF, the joined capacitance when
D. X-rays are more penetrating than arranged to give minimum capacitance
gamma rays. is
45. A. 0.3 µF B. 1.0 µF C. 0.1 µF
D. 0.5 µF
2004 Solutions
1. Option D.
2. Option B.
3. Option A.
4. Option C.
In the diagram above, the ratio of the 5. Option A.
electric power dissipated in the 6Ω and 6. Option B.
3Ω resistors respectively is 7. Option C.
A. 2 : 3 B. 1 : 2 C. 1 : 3 D. 2 : 1
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
8. Option B. 48. Option B.
9. Option D. 49. Option D.
10. Option B. 50. Option C.
11. Option D.
12. Option A.
UME 2005 Type 4
13. Option D.
14. Option A.
1. The pair of physical quantities consisting
15. Option B.
of vectors only are
16. Option A.
A. displacement and torque
17. Option B.
B. momentum and power.
18. Option D.
C. acceleration and speed.
19. Option A.
D. velocity and distance.
20. Option A.
2. A motorcyclist traveling at 30ms-1 starts to
21. Option B.
apply his brakes when he is 50m from the
22. Option C.
traffic light that had just turned red. If he
23. Option A.
reached the traffic light, his deceleration
24. Option D.
25. Option B.
A. 18 ms-2 B. 10 ms-2
26. Option C. -2
C. 9 ms D. 5 ms-2
27. Option D.
3. An object is projected from a height of
28. Option A.
80m above the ground with a velocity
29. Option C.
of 40ms-1 at an angle of 30o to the
30. Option A.
horizontal. The time of flight is
31. Option B.
A. 16s B. 10s C. 8s D. 4s
32. Option A.
[g = 10ms-2]
33. Option D.
34. Option A.
35. Option C.
36. Option B.
37. Option A.
38. Option C.
39. Option A.
40. Option D.
41. Option B. In the figure above, the coefficient of
42. Option A. static friction is 0.5. If the tension in the
43. Option B. string is T, the acceleration of the
44. Option A. system in motion is
45. Option B. A. 3 ms-2 B. 5 ms-2
46. Option D. C. 9 ms-2 D. 15 ms-2
47. Option A. [g = 10 ms-2]
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
5. A force of 200N acts between two is the radius of the axle. The mechanical
objects at a certain distance apart. The advantage is
value of the force when the distance is r R
halved is A. B. C. D.
R r r R
A. 800N B. 400N C. 200N D. 100N
10. An elastic material has length of 36cm
when a load of 40N is hung on it and a
length of 45cm when a load of 60N is
hung on it. The original length of of the
string is
A. 20cm B. 18cm C. 15cm D. 12cm
11. Two liquids L1 and L2 are contained in a
U-tube. The height and the density of L1
are 8cm and 103 kgm-3 respectively. If
the density of L2 is 800 kgm-3, its height
If the system above is in equilibrium, measured from the same level is
the tension in the string Q is A. 16cm B. 12cm C. 10cm D. 8cm.
A. 4N B. 6N C. 9N D. 11N. 12. A body of mass 36kg falls through a
7. viscous liquid which offers a drag force
of 260N on the body. The upthrust on
the body at terminal velocity is
A. 50N B. 100N C. 310N D. 620N
[g = 10 ms-2]
13. A 3m3 volume of liquid W of density 200
kgm-3 is mixed with another liquid of
The value of F in the figure above when volume 7 m3 and density 150 kgm-3. The
in equilibrium is density of the mixture is
A. 27N B. 20N C. 12N D. 10N A. 350 kgm-3 B. 265 kgm-3
8. C. 165 kgm-3 D. 100 kgm-3
14. I. Reproducibility II. Sensitivity
III. High thermal capacity
IV. High accuracy.
The qualities of a good thermometer
In the figure above, the work done by include
the force of 100N inclined at an angle of A. II, III and IV only
60o to the object dragged horizontally B. I, II and III only.
to a distance of 8m is C. I, II and IV only.
A. 100J B. 400J C. 600J D. 800J D. I, III and IV only.
9. In an ideal wheel and axle system, R 15. When very hot water is poured into two
stands for the radius of the wheel and r identical thin and thick glass tumblers in
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
equal volumes, the thick one cracks 22. Marching soldiers crossing a suspension
because bridge are usually advised to break their
A. glass is a good conductor of heat. steps to avoid damaging the bridge
B. of the uneven expansion of glass. owing to
C. glass is a crystal. A. resonance B. swinging C. vibration
D. of the even expansion of glass. D. oscillation.
16. 106J of heat is required to boil off 23. The sharpness of the boundary of the
completely 2kg of a certain liquid. shadow of an object is determined by
Neglecting heat loss to the the
surroundings, the latent heat of A. nature of the object
vaporization of the liquid is B. opacity of the object.
A. 5.0 x 106 Jkg-1 B. 2.0 x 106 Jkg-1 C. rays of light passing through the
C. 5.0 x 105 Jkg-1 D. 2.0 x 105 Jkg-1 object
17. The process whereby a liquid turns D. intensity of light striking the object.
spontaneously into vapour is called 24. A real image three times the size of an
A. boiling B. evaporation object is formed 24cm from a
C. sublimation D. relegation. converging mirror. What is the focal
18. When the temperature difference length of the mirror?
between the wet and dry bulbs of a A. 6cm B. 8cm C. 12cm D. 16cm
hygrometer is high, this indicates that 25.
A. the relative humidity is high.
B. the relative humidity is low.
C. it is about to rain.
D. there is plenty of sunshine
19. The process whereby the molecules of
different substances move randomly is
A. osmosis B. capillarity
C. diffusion D. surface tension.
20. I. Melting II. Boiling
The figure above shows a plot of angles
III. Refraction IV. Conduction.
of deviation through a glass prism when
Which combination of the above is
light is incident at θ degrees on the
evident of the molecular nature of
prism. The incident angle that produces
the minimum deviation is
A. I, II and III only B. II, III and IV only
A. 18o B. 20o C. 25o D. 35o
C. I, II and IV only. D. I, III and IV only.
26. A thin converging lens has a power of
21. The velocity of sound in air will be
4.0 diopters. Determine its focal length.
doubled if its absolute temperature is
A. 0.03m B. 0.25m C. 2.50m D.5.00m
A. halved B. doubled C. quadrupled
27. Satellite communication network makes
D. constant.
use of
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
A. sound wave B. radio wave 33. An electric device is rated 2000W, 250V.
C. infra-red rays D. visible light. The correct fuse rating of the device is
28. If the distance between two point A. 6A B. 7A C. 8A D. 9A
charges is increased by a factor of four, 34. Two charged particles are projected
the magnitude of the electrostatic force into a region where there is a magnetic
between them will be field perpendicular to their velocities. If
A. 4 times its former value the charges are deflected in opposite
1 directions, which of the following
B. of its former value. statements is true of the charges?
1 A. The charges are electrically neutral
C. of its former value. B. The charges must be of opposite
D. of its former value. C. The charges are of the same sign.
16 D. Positive charges are more in number.
29. The electric field intensity in a place 35. The North pole of a magnet can never
where a charge of 10-10C experiences a be separated from the South pole
force of 0.4N is because of a property known as
A. 8.0 x 109NC-1 B. 4.0 x 109NC-1 A. magnetic monopole
C. 4.0 x 10-11NC-1 D. 8.0 x 10-12NC-1
B. magnetic dipole
30. C. magnetic quadrupole
D. magnetic octopole.
36. A proton moving with a speed of
1.0 x 106 ms-1 through a magnetic field
of 1.0T experiences a magnetic force of
The figure above shows three magnitude 8.0 x 10-14N. The angle
capacitors, 2µF, 3µF and 6µF connected between the proton’s velocity and the
in series. If the p.d. across the system is field is
12V, the p.d. across the 6µF capacitor is A. 90o B. 60o C. 45o D. 30o.
A. 2V B. 4V C. 6V D. 12V. 37. A transformer is rated 240V. If the
31. A car battery rated 45AH is charged primary coil is 4000 turns and the
with a charger whose rating is 2.5A. secondary voltage 12V, determine the
How long will it take to charge the number of turns in the secondary coil.
battery fully? A. 100 B. 150 C. 200 D. 250
A. 25 hrs B. 20 hrs 38. If two inductors of inductances 3H and
C. 18 hrs D. 10 hrs 6H are arranged in series, the total
32. The resistance of a piece of wire of inductance is
length 20m and cross-sectional area 8 x A. 0.5H B. 2.0H C. 9.0H D. 18.0H
10-6m2 is 39. In an a.c. circuit that contains only a
A. 0.5Ω B. 1.0Ω C. 5.0Ω D. 10.0Ω capacitor, the voltage lags behind the
current by
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C. D.
V0 V0 In the circuit diagram of a transistor
above, the terminals P, Q and R
F F represent
A. base, emitter and collector.
44. The time it will take a certain
B. base, collector and emitter.
radioactive material with a half-life of
C. emitter, base and collector.
1 D. collector, emitter and base.
50 days to reduce to of its original
number is 2005 Solutions
A. 150 days B. 200 days C. 250 days 1. Option A.
D. 300 days. 2. Option C.
45. The ray which causes gas molecules to 3. Option C.
glow is known as 4. Option B.
A. gamma ray B. molecular ray 5. Option A.
C. cathode ray D. anode ray. 6. Option C.
46. Which of the following materials is a 7. Option B.
conductor? 8. Option B.
A. Sodium B. Glass C. Plastic 9. Option B.
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
10. Option B. 50. Option C.
11. Option C.
12. Option B. UTME 2007
13. Option C. Questions - Type Y
14. Option C. 1. A glass plate 0.9cm thick has a
15. Option B. refractive index of 1.50. How long does
16. Option C. it take for a pulse of light to pass
17. Option B. through the plate?
18. Option B. A. 3.0 10-11 s B. 4.5 10-11 s
19. Option C. C. 3.0 10-10 s D. 4.5 10-10 s
20. Option C. 2. The fundamental frequency of a
21. Option C. plucked wire under a tension of 400N is
22. Option A. 250 Hz. When the frequency is changed
23. Option D. to 500 Hz at constant length, the
24. Option A. tension is
25. Option C. A. 40N B. 160N C. 400N D. 1600N
26. Option B. 3. The production of pure spectrum could
27. Option B. easily be achieved using a
28. Option D. A. triangular prism only
29. Option B. B. triangular prism with two concave
30. Option A. lenses
31. Option C. C. triangular prism with two convex
32. Option B. lenses
33. Option C. D. glass prism with a pin.
34. Option B. 4. I. They should be identical.
35. Option B. II. They should originate from the
36. Option D. same source.
37. Option C. III. they should be coherent.
38. Option C. IV. They should be monochromatic.
39. Option C. From the statements above, the
40. Option C. conditions for two waves to interfere
41. Option B. are
42. Option D. A. I, III and IV only
43. Option D. B. I, II. III and IV
44. Option C. C. I, II and III only
45. Option C. D. II, III and IV only.
46. Option A. 5. The instrument used by designers to
47. Option D. obtain different colour patterns is called
48. Option A. A. episcope B. periscope
49. Option C. C. kaleiodoscope D. sextant
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
6. When an object is placed between the D. p- and n-types respectively.
principal focus and the optical centre of 12. A photon of wavelength 6.0 x 10-7
a convex lens, it could be used as a behaves like a particle of a certain mass.
A. reflecting lens The value of that mass is
B. compound microscope A. 1.1 x 10-35 kg B. 2.2 x 10-27 kg
C. projector C. 3.5 x 10-36 kg D. 2.2 x 10-35 kg
D. simple microscope. [h = 6.63 x 10-34Js, c = 3 x 108ms-1].
7. In a large telecommunications 13. During the nuclear reactions described
auditorium, perforated absorbent by 23592 W 235 231
93 X 91Y , the
materials are used to line the ceiling so particles emitted are respectively
as to A. β and β B. β and α C. α and β
A. reduce the reverberation of D. α and α.
sound in the hall. 14. The bond that forms a semi-conductor
B. reduce the height of the ceiling is
from the floor. A. ionic B metallic C. covalent
C. increase the reverberation of D. electrovalent.
sound in the hall. 15. The instrument that measures both a.c.
D. increase the amount of echo in and d.c. is
the hall. A. an inverter B. a current balance.
8. The phenomenon of light bending C. a moving coil ammeter.
round an obstacle is D. a moving iron ammeter.
A. reflection B. polarization 16. Lenz’s law is a law of the conservation
C. refraction D. diffraction of
9. The energy E of a photon and its A. energy B. momentum
wavelength are related by Eλ = X. The C. electric D. electric charge.
numerical value of X is 17.
A. 1.99 x 10-27 B. 6.60 x 10-26
C. 1.99 x 10-25 D. 6.60 x 10-25
[h = 6.63 x 1034 Js, c = 3 x 108 ms-1].
10. A radioactive substance has a half-life of
20 days. What fraction of the original
radioactive nuclei will remain after 80
Three cells each of e.m.f 1.5V and
1 1 1 1
A. B. C. D. internal resistance 2.5Ω are connected
16 8 4 32 as shown in the diagram above. Find
11. Silicon doped with aluminium and the net e.m.f. and the internal
germanium doped with arsenic become resistance.
A. n-type semi-conductors A. 4.5V, 7.50Ω B. 4.5V, 0.83Ω
B. p-type semi-conductors C. 1.5V, 7.50Ω D. 1.5V, 0.83Ω
C n- and p-types respectively
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
18. A 120V, 60W lamp is to be operated on The electric field strength due to
220V a.c. supply mains. Calculate the another charge 120µC. kept at the same
value of non-inductive resistance that distance apart and in the same medium
would be required to ensure that the is
lamp is run on correct value. A. 18 NC-1 B. 144 NC-1
A. 500Ω B. 300Ω C. 200Ω D. 100Ω C. 150 NC-1 D. 864 NC-1
19. 24. Two long parallel wires X and Y carry
currents 3A and 5A respectively. If the
force experienced per unit length by X is
5 x 10-5N, the force per unit length
experienced by wire Y is
In the diagram above, if the magnetic A. 3 x 10-5N B. 3 x 10-6N
field points into the paper and the force C. 5 x 10-4N B. 5 x 10-5N
on a current-carrying conductor points 25.
upwards, what is the direction of the
A. Downwards B. Right
C. Left D. Upward.
20. The instantaneous value of the induced
e.m.f. as a function of time is ε = εo sin
wt where εo is the peak value of the From the diagram, the inductive
e.m.f. The instantaneous value of the reactance and the resistance R are
e.m.f, one quarter of the period, is respectively
A. 10Ω and 50Ω B. 20Ω and 50Ω
A. εo B. o C. o D. 0 C. 25Ω and 50Ω D. 50Ω and 45Ω
2 4
21. 118.8 cm2 surface of the copper 26. A 40 kW electric cable is used to
cathode of a voltameter is to be coasted transmit electricity through a resistor of
with 10-6m thick copper of density 9 x resistance 2.0Ω at 800V. The power loss
103 kgm-3. How long will the process run as internal energy is
with 10A constant current? A. 5.0 x 102W B. 4.0 x 103W
A. 10.8 min B. 20.0 min. C. 5.0 x 103W D. 4.0 x 102W
C. 5.4 min. D. 15.0 min. 27. If two charged plates are maintained at
[e.c.e. of copper = 3.3 x 10-7 kg C-1]. a potential difference of 3 kV, the work
22. A conductor has a diameter of 1.00mm done in taking a charge of 600µC across
and length 2.00m. If the resistance of the field is
the material is 0.1Ω, its resistivity is A. 9.0J B. 0.8J C. 18.0J D. 1.8J
A. 3.93 x 10-8 Ωm B. 3.93 x 10-6 Ωm 28. The ratio of the coefficient of linear
C. 2.55 x 102 Ωm D. 2.55 x 102 Ωm
expansion of two metals 1 is 3 : 4. If,
23. A charge 50µC has an electric field 2
strength of 360 NC-1 at a certain point. when heated through the same
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
temperature change, the ratio of the B. blade is placed at a lower
increase in length of the two metals, temperature than the handle.
e1 C. handle is a better conductor of heat
is 1 : 2, the ratio of the original
e2 than the blade.
l D. blade is a better conductor of heat
length 1 is than the handle.
33. Which of the following gas laws is
2 8 3 3 equivalent to the work done?
A. B. C. D.
3 3 8 2 A. Pressure Law
29. I. Mass B. Van der Waal’s Law
II. Density C. Boyle’s Law D. Charles’ Law
III. Temperature 34. A piece of iron weighs 250N in air and
IV. Nature of substance 200N in a liquid of density 1000 kgm-3.
Which of the above affect diffusion? The volume of the iron is
A. I, II and IV only A. 2.0 x 10-3m3 B. 2.5 x 10-3m3
B. II, III and IV only C. 4.5 x 10-3m3 D. 5.0 x 10-3m3
C. I, II, III and IV. [g = 10ms-2]
D. I and II only. 35. I. Increase the melting point of the
30. A string of length 4m is extended by liquid.
0.02m when a load of 0.4 kg is II. Increase the boiling point of the
suspended at its end. What will be the liquid.
length of the string when the applied III. decrease the melting point of the
force is 15N? liquid.
A. 5.05m B. 6.08m C. 4.05m IV. decrease the boiling point of the
D. 4.08m. [g = 10ms-2]. liquid.
31. I. Use a liquid with a high melting point Which of the statements above about
II. Use a liquid of high volume the effects of increase in pressure in a
expansivity liquid are correct?
III. Use a capillary tube of large diameter. A. II and III only
Which of the above best describes how B. III and IV only
the sensitivity of a liquid-in-glass C. I and III only
thermometer can be enhanced? D. I and II only.
A. II only B. II and III only 36. A blacksmith heated a metal whose
C. I only D. I and III only. cubic expansivity is 6.3 x 10-6K-1. The
32. The blade of a hoe feels colder to touch area expansivity is
in the morning than the wooden handle A. 6.3 x 10-6K-1 B. 4.2 x 10-6K-1
because the C. 2.1 x 10-6K-1 D. 2.0 x 10-6K-1
A. handle contains stored energy in 37. The differences observed in solids,
form of heat. liquids and gases may be accounted for
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
A. their relative masses The figure above shows 4 forces 3N,
B. their melting points 10N, 3 3 N and 6N acting on a particle
C. the different molecules in each of P. The resultant of the four forces is
A. 10 3 N B. 10N C. 5 3 N D. 5N.
D. the spacing and forces acting
between the molecules. 43. Two spheres of masses 5.0 kg and 10.0
38. A reservoir 500m deep is filled with a kg are 0.3m apart. Calculate the force of
fluid of density 850kg-3. If the attraction between them.
atmospheric pressure is 1.05 x 105 Nm-2, A. 3.71 x 10-8N B. 3.57 x 10-2N
the pressure at the bottom of the C. 4.00 x 102N D. 3.50 x 10-10N
reservoir is [G = 6.67 x 10-11Nm2kg-2]
A. 4.36 x 106Nm-2 B. 4.25 x 106Nm-2 44. A car of mass 1500 kg goes round a
C. 4.72 x 106Nm-2 D. 4.28 x 106Nm-2 circular curve of radius 50m at a
[g = 10ms-2] speed of 40ms-1. The magnitude of the
39. A clinical thermometer is different from centripetal force on the car is
other mercury in glass thermometers A. 1.2 x 102N B. 1.2 x 103N
owing to C. 4.8 x 103N D. 4.8 x 104N
A. its long stem. 45. The unit of moment of a couple can be
B. the constriction on its stem. expressed in
C. its wide range of temperature. A. Nm B. Nm-1 C. Nm2 D. Nm-2
D. the grade of mercury used in it. 46. A machine has a velocity ratio of 4. If it
40. 2 kg of water is heated with a heating requires 800N to overcome a load of
coil which draws 3.5A from a 200V 1600N, what is the efficiency of the
mains for 2 minutes. What is the machine?
increase in temperature of the water? A. 2% B. 40% C. 50% D. 60%.
A. 25oC B. 15oC C. 10oC D. 30oC 47.
41. A boy drags a bag of rice along a
smooth horizontal floor with a force of
2N applied at an angle of 60o to the
floor. The work done after a distance of
3m is
A. 6J B. 5J C. 4J D 3J
In the diagram above, a rod 50cm long
of uniform cross-section is suspended
horizontally on a fulcrum, F, by the
action of the forces. What is the
weight of the rod?
A. 120N B. 200N C. 40N D. 80N.
48. A gramophone record takes 5s to reach
its constant angular velocity of 4π
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
rads-1 from rest. Find its constant 18. Option A.
angular acceleration. 19. Option C.
A. 20.0π rads-2 B. 1.3π rads-2 20. Option C.
C. 0.08π rads-2 D. 0.4π rads-2 21. Option C.
49. A particle of weight 120N is placed on a 22. Option A.
plane inclined at an angle 30o to the 23. Option D.
horizontal. If the plane has an efficiency 24. Option D.
of 60%, what is the force required to 25. Option A.
push the weight uniformly up the 26. Option C.
plane? 27. Option D.
A. 210N B. 175N C. 100N D. 50N. 28. Option A.
29. Option B.
50. 30. Option D.
31. Option A.
32. Option D.
33. Option C.
34. Option D.
35. Option A.
36. Option B.
37. Option D.
From the diagram above, the bob of the 38. Option A.
pendulum has the fastest speed at 39. Option B.
A. W B. Z C. Y D. X. 40. Option C.
41. Option D.
2007 Answers 42. Option B.
1. Option B. 43. Option A.
2. Option D. 44. Option D.
3. Option C. 45. Option A.
4. Option C. 46. Option C.
5. Option C. 47. Option D.
6. Option D. 48. Option C.
7. Option A. 49. Option C.
8. Option D. 50. Option D.
9. Option C.
10. Option A. UTME 2008
11. Option C. 1. The dimensions of electromotive force
12. Option C. are
13. Option B. A. ML2T-3I-1 B. ML2T-3I-2
15. Option D. C. M2LT2I-1 D. M2L2T-1I-1
16. Option A. 2. I. Force(N)
17. Option D.
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
II. Torque (Nm-1) The diagram above shows a plank RS
III. Current (A) pivoted at its centre of gravity O and is in
IV. Power (W) equilibrium with the weights P and Q. If a
Which of the above are the correct S. I. weight 2P is added to P, the plank will be
Units of the quantities indicated? in equilibrium again by
A. I and II only B. I and III only A. moving Q nearer to O
C. I, II and III only D. I, III and IV only B. moving P nearer to O
3. The resultant of two forces 12N and 5N is C. adding a weight Q to O
13N. What is the angle between the two D. moving P further away from O.
forces? 9. I. All the three forces must be
A. 0o B. 45o C. 90o D. 180o concurrent.
4. Which of the following is NOT a vector II. The upward force is equal to the
quantity? downward force.
A. Altitude B. Acceleration III. The algebraic sum of the moment
C. Displacement D. Weight about any point must be zero.
5. A force F is required to keep a 5kg mass
moving round a cycle of radius 3.5m at a Which of the above conditions must hold
speed of 7ms-1. What is the speed, if the for a body acted upon by a system of
force is tripled? three coplanar forces in equilibrium?
A. 4.0ms-1 B. 6.6ms-1 A. I and II only B. I and III only
C. 12.1ms-1 D. 21.0ms-1 C. II and III only D. I, II and III.
6. If a wheel 1.2m in a diameter rotates at 10. What is the frequency of vibration if the
one revolution per second, calculate the balance wheel of a wristwatch makes 90
velocity of the wheel. revolutions in 25s?
-1 -1
A. 3.6ms B. 3.8ms A. 0.01Hz B. 0.04Hz
C. 4.0ms-1 D. 7.5ms-1 C. 2.27Hz D. 3.60Hz
7. A body of mass 4 kg resting on a smooth 11. If a body of mass 5kg is thrown vertically
horizontal plane is simultaneously acted upwards with velocity u, at what height
upon by two perpendicular forces 6N and will the potential energy equal to the
8N. Calculate the acceleration of the kinetic energy?
motion. u2 u2
A. 2.5ms-2 B. 3.0ms-2 A. h B. h
g 4g
C. 4.0ms-2 D. 4.5ms-2 2
2u u2
C. h D. h
8. g 2g
12. Counting of currency notes with moist
fingers is based on the principles of
A. diffusion B. cohesion
C. adhesion D. viscosity
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
13. A motorcycle of mass 100kg moves round B. external air pressure counterbalances
in a circle of radius 10m with a velocity of the pressure within the can
5ms-1. Find the coefficient of friction C. steam expands to occupy the vacuum
between the road and the tyres. remaining in the can
A. 25.00 B. 2.50 C. 0.50 D. external pressure becomes greater
D. 0.25 [g 10ms-2] than the pressure within the can
14. 18. An empty density bottle weighs 2N. If it
weighs 5N when filled with water and 4N
when filled with olive oil, the relative
density of olive oil is
1 2 1 2
A. B. C. D.
3 3 5 5
19. The thermometric property of a
thermocouple is the change in
A. equivalent resistance
B. electromotive force
C. colour
D. pressure.
The efficiency of the pulley system shown 20. During summer, the balance wheel of a
above is 80%. Find the effort E required to clock expands. What effect does this have
lift a load of 1200N. on the accuracy of the clock?
A. 275N B. 325N A. The clock gains time.
C. 375N D. 573N. B. The accuracy of the clock is not
15. A spring of force constant 500Nm-1 is affected.
compressed such that its length shortens C. The clock loses time.
D. The clock stops working.
by 5cm. The energy stored in the spring is
A. 0.625J B. 6.250J 21. A sealed flask contains 600cm3 of air at
C. 62.500J D. 625.000J 27oC and is heated to 35oC at constant
pressure. The new volume is
16. In the Hare’s apparatus, water rises to a
height of 26.5cm in one limb. If a liquid A. 508cm3 B. 516cm3
rises to a height of 20.4cm in the other C. 608cm D. 616cm3
limb, what is the relative density of the 22. A block of aluminium is heated electrically
liquid? by a 25W heater. If the temperature rises
A. 0.8 B. 1.1 C. 1.2 D. 1.3 by 10oC in 5 minutes, the heat capacity of
the aluminium is
17. When cold water is poured on a can
containing hot water, the can collapses A. 850JK-1 B. 750JK-1
because the C. 650JK-1 D. 500JK-1
A. steam condenses and occupies the 23.
partial vacuum in the can
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
B. parallel to OY
C. 60o to OX
D. 60o to OY.
28. The fundamental property of a
propagating wave which depends only on
the source and not the medium of
The diagram above is the heating curve of propagation is the
a solid. QR is the A. wavelength B. harmonics
A. melting region C. frequency D. velocity.
B. boiling region 29. When the length of a vibrating string is
C. sublimation region reduced by one-third, its frequency
D. evaporating process becomes
24. If the partial pressure of water vapour at A. three times its former value
27oC is 18mm Hg and the saturated B. twice its former value
vapour pressure of the atmosphere at the C. one-third of its former value
same temperature is 24mm Hg, the D. one-sixth of its former value.
relative humidity at this temperature is 30. I. Total internal reflection of light
A. 25% B. 33% II. Conservation of light energy
C. 75% D. 82% III. Relative motion of the earth, sun and
25. In a good thermos flask, the main cause of moon.
heat loss is IV. Rectilinear propagation of light.
A. conduction through the cork Which of the above is a phenomenon of
B. the plastic base of the thermos flask total solar eclipse?
C. the silvered walls and shiny metals A. I and IV only
D. the outer cover or jacket. B. II and IV only
26. Given the progressive wave equation C. I and III only
y = 5 sin (2000t – 0.4x), calculate the D. III and IV only.
wavelength. 31. An object of height 4cm is placed in front
A. 12.4m B. 15.7m of a cuboid pinhole camera of size 6cm. If
C. 17.5m D. 18.6m the image formed is 2cm high, how far is
27. the object from the pinhole?
A. 3.0cm B. 8.0cm
C. 12.0cm D. 16.0cm
32. An object of height 5cm is placed at 20cm
from a concave mirror of focal length
10cm. The image height is
The above figure shows the motion of a A. 20cm B. 15cm
progressive wave along a string. The C. 10cm D. 5cm
particle motion of the medium is in the 33. Convex mirrors are used as driving
direction mirrors because images formed are
A. parallel to OX
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
A. erect, virtual and diminished 40. An electric generator has an e.m.f. of
B. erect, real and diminished 240V and an internal resistance of 1. If
C. erect, virtual and magnified the current supplied by the generator is
D. inverted, virtual and diminished. 20A when the terminal voltage is 220V,
34. If a convex lens of focal length 12cm is find the ratio of the power supplied to the
used to produce a real image four times power dissipated.
the size of the object, how far from the A. 11 : 1 B. 1 : 11
lens must the object be placed? C. 12 : 11 D. 11 : 12
A. 10cm B. 15cm 41. A generator is on daily use and in the
C. 20cm D. 25cm. process, ten 60W and five 40W tungsten
35. An object placed at the bottom of a well bulbs are on for the same time interval.
full of clear water appears closer to the The energy consumed daily is
surface due to A. 0.96kWh B. 1.92kWh
A. diffraction B. reflection C. 9.60kWh D. 19.20kWh
C. refraction D. polarization 42. The d.c. generator has essentially the
36. In the microscope, the eyepiece lens same components as the a.c. generator
merely acts as except the presence of
A. an inverter B. a refiner A. slip-ring B. carbon brushes
C. a diminisher D. a magnifier C. split ring D. armature
37. An observer with normal eyes views an 43. A step-down transformer has a power
object with a magnifying glass of focal output of 50W and efficiency of 80%. If
length 5cm. The angular magnification is the mains supply voltage is 200V,
A. -6 B. -5 C. 5 D. 6 calculate of the primary current of the
[least distance of distinct vision D = 25cm] transformer.
38. A short chain is sometimes attached to A. 0.31A B. 3.20A
the back of a petrol tanker to C. 3.40A D. 5.00A
A. generate more friction 44.
B. ensure the balancing of the tanker
C. caution the driver when overspeeding
D. conduct excess charges to the earth Given three inductors of inductances
39. 5mH, 10mH and 20mH connected in
series, the effective inductance is
A. 0.35mH B. 3.50mH C. 2.90mH
D. 35.00mH
45. If electrons are accelerated from rest
through a potential difference of 10kV,
what is the wavelength of the associated
Find the effective resistance in the A. 1.22 x 10-11m B. 3.87 x 10-10m
diagram above. C. 2.27 x 10 m D. 2.27 x 1014m
A. 6 B. 12 C. 16 D. 24 [m = 9.1 x 10-31kg, e = 1.6 x 10-19C,
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
h = 6.6 x 10-34Js] 6. Option B.
46. 147 N 42 He 178 O X 7. Option A.
In the equation above, the particle X is 8. Option B.
A. a proton B. a neutron 9. Option B.
C. an -particle D. a -particle 10. Option D.
47. Caesium has a work function of 3 x 10-19J. 11. Option B.
The maximum energy of liberated 12. Option C.
electrons when it is illuminated by light of 13. Option D.
frequency 14. Option C.
6.7 x 1014Hz is 15. Option A.
A. 1.42 x 10-19J B. 3.00 x 10-19J 16. Option D.
C. 4.42 x 10 J-19
D. 7.42 x 10-19J 17. Option D.
[h = 6.6 x 10-35Js] 18. Option B.
48. Zener diode is used for 19. Option B.
A. current amplification 20. Option C.
B. power amplification 21. Option D.
C. voltage regulation 22. Option B.
D. energy conversion. 23. Option A.
49. When a pure semiconductor is heated, its 24. Option C.
resistance 25. Option A.
A. increases B. decreases 26. Option B.
C. remains the same 27. Option B.
D. increases and then decreases. 28. Option C.
50. I. For current amplification 29. Option A.
30. Option D.
II. For voltage stabilization
31. Option C.
III. For power amplification
32. Option D.
IV. As a switch.
33. Option A.
Which of the above are the uses of a
34. Option B.
35. Option C.
A. I, II, III and IV
36. Option D.
B. I, III and IV only
37. Option C.
C. I, II and III only
38. Option D.
D. I, II and IV only.
39. Option D.
40. Option C.
2008 Answers
41. Option D.
1. Option A.
42. Option C.
2. Option D.
43. Option A.
3. Option C.
44. Option D.
4. Option A.
45. Option A.
5. Option C.
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
46. Option A. 6. Which of the diagrams below shows the
47. Option A. position at which a small ball-bearing is in
48. Option C. neutral equilibrium?
49. Option B.
50. Option A. A. C.
B. D.
UTME 2009
1. The values of x, y, and z respectively in 7. A body of mass 12kg travelling at 4.2ms-1
the expression MxLyTz for the universal collides with a second body of mass 18kg
gravitational constant G are at rest. Calculate their common velocity if
A. 2, -3, -2 B. -1, 3, -2 the two bodies coalesce after collision.
C. -1, 2, -3 D. -2, -1, 3 A. 1.5ms-1 B. 1.4ms-1 C. 2.1ms-1
2. I. Diameter of a small ball bearing D. 1.7ms
II. Thickness of a piece of paper. 8. A bullet fired vertically upward from a gun
III. Diameter of a measuring cylinder. held 2.0m above the ground reaches its
IV. Length of a piece of wire. maximum height in 4.0 s. calculate its
initial velocity.
Which of the above can be measured A. 10ms-1 B. 8ms-1 C. 40ms-1
using a micrometer screw gauge? D. 20ms [g = 10ms-2]
A. I, II and IV only B. I and II only 9. I. The motion of the tyres of a moving
C. II and III only D. III and IV only car.
3. An aircraft attempts to fly due north at II. The motion of a loaded test tube
100kmh-1. If the wind blows against it oscillating vertically.
from east to west at 60kmh-1, its resultant III. The beating of the heart.
velocity is IV. A stone tied to a string and whirled
A. 117kmh-1, N310E round.
B. 127kmh-1, N310E V. The motion of the pistons in a
C. 117kmh-1, N310W gasoline engine.
D. 127kmh-1, N310W
4. What is the acceleration between two Which of the motions above is simple
points on a velocity-time graph which has harmonic?
coordinates (10s, 15m s-1) and A. III, IV and V only
(20s, 35m s-1)? B. II, III and V only
A. 1.75ms-2 B. 3.50ms-2 C. II, III and IV only
C. 1.00ms-2 D. 2.00ms-2 D. I, II and III only
5. A car accelerates uniformly from rest at 10. If a cage containing a truck of coal
4ms-2. How far will it travel in the fifth weighing 750kg is raised to a height of
complete second? 90m in 1 minute, what is the total power
A. 100m B. 50m C. 32m D. 18m expended?
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
A. 11.50 kW B. 12.60 kW extension (X). The force constant of the
C. 11.25 kW D. 12.10 kw spring is
[g 10ms-2] A. 20Nm-1 B. 40Nm-1 C. 30Nm-1
11. An object of mass 80kg is pulled on a D. 10Nm
horizontal rough ground by a force of 500 16. If a load of mass 10N stretches a cord
N. Find the coefficient of static friction. 1.2cm, what is the total work done?
A. 0.8 B. 0.4 C. 1.0 D. 0.6 A. 6.0 x 10-2 J B. 7.6 x 10-2 J
[g = 10ms-2] C 1.8 x 10-2 J D. 6.6 x 10-2J
12. If a heavy barrel is rolled up a plane 17. A plastic sphere floats in water with 50%
inclined at 300 to the horizontal, its of its volume submerged. If it floats in
velocity ratio will be glycerine with 40% of its volume
A. 3.0 B. 3.1 C. 3.2 D. 2.0 submerged, the density of the glycerine is
13. The terminal velocity of a ball-bearing A. 1400kgm-3 B. 1250kgm-3
falling through a viscous fluid is reached C. 500kgm-3 D. 1000kgm-3
when the [density of water = 1000kgm-3]
A. upthrust is equal to the weight of the 18. The thermometer whose reading is
ball indicated by a change in colour of its
B. ball accelerates uniformly thermometric property is the
C. upthrust is equal to the velocity of the A. bi-metallic strip thermometer
ball B. thermocouple
D. velocity is uniform. C. platinum resistance thermometer
14. I. Density of the liquid D. optical pyrometer.
II. Acceleration due to gravity 19. At 40C, the volume of a fixed mass of
III. Type of container of the liquid water is
IV. The constituents of the liquid. A. constant B. minimum
C. maximum D. zero.
Which of the above conditions will NOT 20. The pressure of two moles of an ideal gas
affect the pressure of fluids? at a temperature of 270C and volume
A. I and III only B. II and III only 10-2m3 is
C. III and IV only D. I and II only A. 4.99 x 105 Nm-2 B. 9.80 x 103 Nm-2
15. C. 4.98 x 103 Nm-2 D. 9.80 x 105 Nm-2
[R = 8.313 J mol-1 K-1]
(F) 21. An electric heater rated 220V, 1000W is
immersed into a bucket full of water.
Calculate the mass of water if the
temperature changes from 300C to 1000C
and the current flows for 300 seconds.
(X) A. 4.28kg B. 42.86kg C. 1.02kg
The diagram above represents the graph D. 7.14kg
of the force (F) applied in stretching a [Specific heat capacity of water
spiral spring against the corresponding
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
= 4200 J kg-1 K-1] A. reflection B. deflection
22. If the pressure of the vapour on top of an C. diffraction D. refraction.
enclosed liquid is equal to the 27. A progressive wave is represented by
atmospheric pressure, what will be the x
temperature of the liquid enclosed? y 10 sin(1000 t ).
A. Room temperature. Two layers of the wave separated by
B. Boiling point. 153cm have a phase difference of
C. Freezing point. A. 2700 B. 450 C. 900 D. 1800
D. Standard temperature. 28. Metal cables are used as telephone wires
23. A heating coil rated 1000W is used to boil because
off completely 2kg of boiling water. The A. they are cheap
time required to boil off the water is B. they are sourced locally
A. 1.15 x 104 s B. 1.15 x 103 s C. the speed of sound in them is very
C. 4.6 x 104 s D. 4.6 x 103 s low
[specific latent heat of vaporization D. the speed of sound in them is very
of water = 2.3 x 106 Jkg-1] high.
24. It is observed that water will wet a clean 29. Musical instruments playing the same
glass because the note can be distinguished from one
A. cohesion of water to glass is stronger another owing to the differences in their
than the cohesion of water molecules A. quality B. pitch
B. adhesion of water molecules is C. intensity D. loudness.
weaker than the cohesion of water to 30. If a light wave has a wavelength of 500nm
glass in air, what is the frequency of the wave?
C. cohesion of water to glass is weaker A. 3.0 x 1014 Hz B. 6.0 x 1014 Hz
than the cohesion of water molecules C. 6.0 x 1012 Hz D. 2.5 x 1014 Hz
D. adhesion of water molecules is [c = 3 x 108 ms-1]
stronger than the cohesion of water 31. I. Moon.
molecules. II. Sun.
25. A man standing 2m from a charcoal fire is III. Street light.
warmed mainly by IV. Stars.
A. convection B. radiation
C. refraction D. conduction. Which of the above is a natural source of
26. light?
A. II, III and IV only
B. I, II and III only
C. III and IV only
D. II and IV only
Slit 32. An object is placed 5cm from the pole of a
concave mirror. If the focal length of the
The wave phenomenon demonstrated in
the diagram above is
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
mirror is 10cm, what is the image is brought near the cap of the
distance? electroscope, the leaves will
A. 10cm in front of the mirror. A. close up
B. 5cm in front of the mirror. B. become positively charged
C. 10cm behind the mirror. C. become negatively charged
D. 5cm behind the mirror. D. open further.
33. Calculate the position of an object placed 40.
in front of a convex mirror having focal
length of 12cm such that an image is
formed 6cm away from the mirror.
A. 4.0cm B. 3.0cm
C. 12.0cm D. 9.0cm
34. If the refractive index of crown glass is Calculate the e.m.f. of the cell in the
1.51, its critical angle is above circuit if its internal resistance is
A. 48.60 B. 22.50 negligible.
C. 41.50 D. 45.00 A. 12V B. 8V C. 2V D. 36V
35. When light passes through two media x 41. An electric lamp marked 240V, 60W is left
and y of refractive indices 1.51 and 1.33 to operate for an hour. How much energy
respectively, the speed of light in is generated by the filament?
A. x is same as in y A. 3.86 x 105 J B. 3.56 x 105 J
B. x and y is same as in vacuum C. 1.80 x 104 J D. 2.16 x 105 J
C. x is higher than in y 42. A band of 500 rectangular loops of wire of
D. y is higher than in x. area 20cm by 20cm, encloses a region of
36. A near-sighted student has a near point of magnetic field which changes from 1.0T
0.1m and a focal length of 5.0cm. What is to 0.4T within 5 seconds, calculate the
the student’s far point? induced e.m.f.
A. 0.200m B. 8.000m A. 5.60V B. 24.00V C. 0.24V
C. 0.125m D. 2.100m D. 2.40V
37. The ability of the human eye to focus 43. Two coils x and y are arranged co-axially.
objects on the retina is referred to as the If coil x carries a clockwise current and is
power of free to move, which of the figures below
A. interference B. diffraction depicts the direction of the induced
C. accommodation D. superposition current in coil y?
38. Which of the following is a secondary
A. Blue B. Orange
C. Red D. Green.
39. If negative charges are induced on an
electroscope and a positively charged rod
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
44. B. an n-type semiconductor
C. an insulator
D. an intrinsic semiconductor.
2009 Answers
1. Option B.
From the diagram above, if the potential 2. Option B.
difference across the resistor, capacitor 3. Option C.
and inductor are 80V, 110V and 40V 4. Option D.
respectively, the effective potential 5. Option D.
difference is 6. Option A.
A. 116.3V B. 50.0V 7. Option D.
C. 230.0V D. 106.3V 8. Option C.
45. Cancerous cells can be destroyed by 9. Option B.
A. ultraviolet rays B. alpha particles 10. Option C.
C. x-rays D. infrared rays. 11. Option D.
46. If the decay constant of a radioactive 12. Option D.
substance is 0.231s-1, the half-life is 13. Option A.
A. 3.00s B. 0.12s C. 0.33s 14. Option C.
D. 1.50s 15. Option A.
47. A piece of radioactive material contains 16. Option A.
1020 atoms. If the half life of the material 17. Option B.
is 20 seconds, the number of 18. Option D.
disintegrations in the first second is 19. Option B.
A. 3.47 x 1018 B. 6.93 x 1020 20. Option A.
C. 3.47 x 10 D. 6.93 x 1018 21. Option C.
48. Thermionic emission is the process 22. Option B.
whereby 23. Option D.
A. -rays are produced 24. Option D.
B. holes are produced 25. Option B.
C. x-rays are produced 26. Option C.
D. electrons leave a hot element. 27. Option B.
49. Which of the following can conduct 28. Option D.
electricity owing to the presence of the 29. Option A.
free mobile electrons? 30. Option B.
A. Germanium B. Silicon 31. Option D.
C. Grapefruit D. Copper 32. Option C.
50. When a pentavalent impurity is added to 33. Option C.
a pure semiconductor, it becomes 34. Option C.
A. a p-type semiconductor 35. Option D.
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
36. Option B. B. accelerates between points F and G
37. Option C. C. has a constant speed between points
38. Option B. E and F
39. Option A. D. has no acceleration between point F
40. Option B. and G.
41. Option D. 4. A stone and a feather dropped from the
42. Option D. same height above the earth surface.
43. Option C. Ignoring air resistance, which of the
44. Option D. following is correct?
45. Option C. A. The stone and feather will both reach
46. Option A. the ground at the same time.
47. Option A. B. The stone will reach the ground first
48. Option D. C. The feather will reach the ground first
49. Option D. D. The feather will be blown away by the
50. Option B. wind while stone will drop steadily.
5. A car moves with an initial velocity of
UTME 2010 25ms-1 and reaches a velocity of 45ms-1 in
Questions - Type B 10s. What is the acceleration of the car?
1. Which Physics Question Paper Type is A. 5ms-1 B. 25ms-1
given to you? C. 20ms-1 D. 2ms-1
A. Type A B. Type B 6. An object is weighed at different locations
C. Type C D. Type D on the earth. What will be the right
2. Two cars moving in the same direction observation?
have speeds of 100kmh-1 and 130kmh-1. A. Both the mass and weight vary
What is the velocity of the faster car as B. The weight is constant while the mass
measured by an observer in the slower varies
car? C. The mass is constant while the weight
A. 130kmh-1 B. 230kmh-1 varies
C. 200kmh-1 D. 30kmh-1 D. Both the mass and weight are
3. constant.
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
8. A bob of weight 0.1N hangs from a D. vapour pressure of a fluid
massless string of length 50cm. A variable 15. One special advantage of alcohol water
horizontal force which increases from over mercury as a thermometric liquid is
zero is applied to pull the bob until the its
string makes an angle of 600 with the A. low freezing point
vertical. The work done is B. low boiling point
A. 0.250 J B. 0.025J C. high specific heat capacity
C. 0.050 J D. 0.500 J D. low density.
9. The surfaces of conveyor belts are made 16. Two metals P and Q of lengths l1 and l2 are
rough so as to heated through the same temperature
A. prevent the load from slipping difference. If the ratio of the linear
B. make them stronger expansitivities of P to Q is 2 : 3 and the
C. enable them to carry more load ratio of their lengths is 3 : 4. What is
D. protect them while carrying load. the ratio of increase in lengths of P to Q?
10. A machine of velocity ratio 6 requires an A. 5 : 7 B. 2 : 1
effort of 400N to raise a load of 800N C 1:2 D. 7 : 5
through 1 m. Find the efficiency of the 17. The density of a certain oil on frying
machine. becomes 0.4kgm-3 with a volume of
A. 50% B. 22.2% 20m-3. What will be its initial volume
C. 33.3% D. 55.6% when its initial density is 0.8kgm-3
11. If a wire 30cm long is extended to 30.5cm assuming no loss of oil due to spillage?
by a force of 300N. Find the strain energy A. 10 kgm-3 B. 5 kgm-3
of the wire. C. 8 kgm-3 D. 12 kgm-3
A. 7.50 J B. 750.00 J 18. Heat is radiated by all hot objects in the
C. 75.00 J D. 0.75 J form of
12. In a hydraulic press, the pump piston A. light energy B. solar energy
exerts a pressure of 100 Pa on the liquid. C. infrared ray D. x-rays.
What force is exerted in the second piston 19. If a container is filled with ice to the brim,
of cross-sectional area 3m2? what happens to the level of water when
A. 200 N B. 100 N C. 150 N D. 300 N the ice completely melts?
13. The accurate measurement of the relative A. The water in the glass outflows.
density of a substance in its powered B. The level of water drops.
form is done with a beam balance and C. The level of water remains unchanged
A. an eureka can B. a burette D. The level of water goes up.
C. a pipette D. a density bottle. 20. The small droplet of water that forms on
14. A hydrometer is an instrument used in the grass in the early hours of the
measuring morning is
A. density of liquid A. dew B. mist C. fog D. hail.
B. relative density of a liquid 21. A vapour is said to be saturated when
C. relative humidity of a liquid
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
A. a dynamic equilibrium exists such that 27. The velocity of sound in air at 160C is 340
more molecules return to the liquid ms-1. What will it be when the pressure is
than are leaving it. doubled and its temperature raised to
B. the vapour pressure is atmospheric 1270C?
C. the temperature of the vapour varies A. 4,000ms-1 B. 160,000 ms-1
D. a dynamic equilibrium exists between C. 8,000 ms-1 D. 400 ms-1
liquid molecules and the vapour 28. In comparing the camera and the human
molecules. eye, the film of the camera functions as
22. The pressure of one mole of an ideal gas the
of volume 10-2m3 at a temperature of A. iris B. pupil
270C is C. cornea D. retina
A. 2.24 x 104 Nm-2 B. 2.24 x 105 Nm-1 29. An object 4 cm high is placed 15 cm from
C. 2.49 x 105 Nm-1 D. 2.49 x 104 Nm-1. a concave mirror of focal length 5 cm. The
[Molar gas constant = 8.3 Jmol-1K-1] size of the image is
23. Which of the following has no effect on A. 3 cm B. 5 cm C. 4 cm D. 2 cm
radiation? 30. An object is embedded in a block of ice,
A. density. 10cm below the plane surface. If the
B. temperature. refractive index of the ice is 1.50, the
C. surface area. apparent depth of the object below the
D. nature of the surface. surface is
24. The wavelength of a wave travelling with A. 6.67 cm B. 7.63 cm
a velocity of 420ms-1 is 42 m. What is its C. 7.50 cm D. 2.50 cm
period? 31. Which of the following is used for the
A. 1.0s B. 0.1s correction of short-sightedness?
C. 0.5s D. 1.2s A. Concave lens.
25. The sound of an electric bell dies down B. Concave mirror.
slowly when air is slowly pumped out C. Convex mirror.
from a bottle because D. Convex lens.
A. sound cannot pass through the bottle 32. Dispersion occurs when white light passes
B. sound can pass through a vacuum through a glass prim because of the
C. sound needs a material medium A. different speeds of the colours in the
D. the wavelength of sound becomes glass.
greater in the bottle. B. high density of the glass.
26. During a thunderstorm, the sound is C. defects in the glass.
heard over a long time. This phenomenon D. different hidden colours in the glass.
is referred to as 33. When a positively charged rod is brought
A. refraction of sound nearer the cap of a positively charged
B. reverberation electroscope, the leaves divergence will.
C. superposition A. converge B. remain constant
D. diffraction of sound. C. diverge D. be induced.
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
34. Three capacitors of capacitance, 2F, 4F A. N 192.00 B. N 1.92
and 8F are connected in parallel and a C. N 19.20 D. N 1,920.00.
p.d of 6V is maintained across each 39. Power supply is transmitted at a very high
capacitor, the total energy stored is voltage and low current in order to
-6 -4
A. 6.90 x 10 J B. 6.90 x 10 J A. increase the power supply
C. 2.52 x 10-4 J D. 2.52 x 10-6 J B. prevent overheating of the coil
35. A cell of emf 12V and internal resistance C. make it travel fast
4 is connected to an external resistor of D. make it pass through the
resistance 2. Find the current flow. transformers.
A. 4 A B. 2 A C. 3 A D. 5 A 40.
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
electricity is plotted. The slope of the
graph gives
A. the electrochemical equivalent
B. the charge released
C. the current flowing
D. the energy released
45. In a discharge tube, most of the gas is
pumped out so that electricity is
conducted at
A. steady voltage
B. high pressure
C. high pressure 50. Which of the following is a pure
D. low voltage. semiconductor?
A. Silicon B. Phosphorus
46. The radioisotope 235 92U decays by emitting
C. Transistor D. Carbon.
two alpha particles, three beta particles
and a gamma ray. What is the mass and 2010 Answers - Type B
atomic numbers of the resulting daughter
element? 1. The Question Type is B.
A. 91 and 227 B. 92 and 238 2. Option D.
C. 227 and 91 D. 215 and 88. 3. Option D.
47. The ground state energy for a hydrogen 4. Option A.
atom is 5.44 x 10-19 J. If an electron drops 5. Option D.
from zero to ground state, calculate the 6. Option C.
frequency of the emitted radiation 7. Option C.
A. 2.0 x 1016Hz B. 2.0 x 1015Hz 8. Option B.
C. 5.0 x 10 Hz D. 5.0 x 1016Hz 9. Option A
[h = 6.6 x 10-34 Js] 10. Option C.
48. Transistors are used for the 11. Option D.
A. conversion of a.c. to d.c. B. 12. Option D.
conversion of d.c. to a.c. 13. Option A.
C. amplification of signals 14. Option B.
D. rectification of signals. 15. Option A.
49. A typical transistor characteristic is 16. Option C.
represented as 17. Option A.
18. Option C.
Infrared rays are called heat rays.
19. Option B.
Water expands on solidification; when
this solid melts, it implies the water
reduces in volume.
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
20. Option A. UTME 2011 Questions (TYPE B)
21. Option D. 1. Which Question Paper Type of Physics
22. Option C. is given to you?
23. Option A. A. Type A B. Type B
24. Option B.
C. Type C D. Type D.
25. Option C.
26. Option B.
2. A carpenter on top of a roof 20.m high
27. Option D. dropped a hammer of mass 1.5kg and
28. Option D. it fell freely to the ground. The kinetic
29. Option D. energy of the hammer just before
30. Option A. hitting the ground is
31. Option A. A. 450 J B. 600 J
32. Option A. C. 150 J D. 300 J
33. Option C. [g = 10ms-2]
34. Option C. 3. Two balls X and Y weighing 5g and
35. Option B. 50kg respectively were thrown up
36. Option C.
vertically at the same time with a
37. Option A.
velocity of 100ms-1. How will their
38. Option A.
39. Option B. positions be one second later?
40. Option C. A. X and Y will both be 500m from
41. Option A the point of throw
42. Option B B. X and Y will be 500m from each
43. Option B other
44. Option A. C. Y will be 500 m ahead of X
45. Option B. D. X will be 500m ahead of Y.
46. Option C. 4. A man standing on a lift that is
47. Option B. descending does not feel any weight
48. Option C.
49. Option D.
A. there is no gravitational pull on the
50. Option A.
man in the lift
B. the inside of the lift is air tight
C. the lift is in vacuum
D. there is no reaction from the floor
of the lift.
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Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
14. A coper wire was subjected to a A. steam burn is dependent on
tensile stress of 7.7 x 107 Nm-2. relative humidity
Calculate the tensile strain of the wire B. steam burn is independent of
A. 2.2 x 10-4 B. 2.0 x 10-5 relative humidity
C. 7.0 x 10-3 D. 7.0 x 10-4 C. steam possess greater heat energy
[Young modulus = 1.1 x 1011Nm-2] per unit mass
15. An object weighs 22kg in water an D. water boils at a higher
30kg in air. What is the upthrust temperature
exerted by the liquid on the object? 21. Which of the following types of waves
A. 80 N B. 50 N needs a medium for propagation?
C. 520 N D. 220 N. A. X-rays B. Sound waves
[g = 10 ms-2] C. Light waves D. Radio
16. A block of aluminium is heated waves.
electrically by a 30 W heater. If the 22. The ground is always cold at night
temperature rises by 100C in 5 because the
minutes, the heat capacity of the A. atmosphere reflects the sun’s
aluminium is energy at night
A. 200 JK-1 B. 900 JK-1 B. atmosphere absorbs the sun’s
C. 90 JK D. 100 JK-1 energy at night
17. A perfect emitter or absorber of C. earth radiates heat to the
radiant energy is a atmosphere at night
A. red body B. conductor D. sun no longer shines at night.
C. black body D. white body. 23. A metal of volume 40cm3 is heated
18. The phenomenon that shows that from 300C to 900C, the increase in
increase in pressure lowers the volume is
melting point can be observed in A. 0.40cm3 B. 0.14cm3
A. regelation B. sublimation C 4.00cm D. 1.20cm3.
C. condensation D. coagulation. [Linear expansivity of the metal
19. If the volume of a gas increases = 2.0 x 10-5K-1]
steadily as the temperature decreases 24. I. Change of state
at constant pressure, the gas obeys II. Diffusion
A. Charles’ law III. Radiation
B. Graham’s law IV. Osmosis
C. Boyle’s law Which of the processes above can be
D. pressure law. explained using the kinetic theory?
20. Steam burn is more severe than that A. I, II and IV B. I, II, III and IV
of boiling water because C. I, II and III D. I, III and IV.
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
25. When the human eye loses its power C. earth is between the sun and the
of accommodation, the detect is moon
known as D. moon is not completely hidden in
A. long-sightedness the earth’s shadow.
B. short-sightedness 31. A cannon is fired from town X. After
C. presbyopia how long is the sound heard at a town
D. astigmatism. Y 4.95 km away?
26. A length of wire has a frequency of A. 15 s B. 30 s
255Hz when stretched by a force of C. 10 s D. 12 s
225 N. If the force increases to 324 N, [velocity of sound in air = 333 ms-1]
what is the new frequency of 32. An image in a convex lens is upright
vibration? magnified 3 times. If the focal length
A. 356 Hz B. 306 Hz of the lens is 15cm, what is the object
C. 512 Hz D. 488 Hz. distance?
27. A certain far-sighted person cannot A. 14 cm B. 10cm
see objects that are closer to the eye C. 25 cm D. 26cm.
than 50cm clearly. Determine the 33. The capacitance of a parallel plate
power of the converging lens which capacitor is 20 µF in air and 60 µF in
will enable him to see at 25cm. the presence of a dielectric. What is
A. 0.04 D B. 0.06 D the dielectric constant?
C. 0.02 D D. 0.03 D. A. 2.0 B. 0.3
28. Which of the following C. 6.0 D. 3.0.
electromagnetic waves has the 34.
highest frequency?
A. X-rays B. Ultra-violent
C. Radio waves D. Infrared-rays.
29. When a red rose flower is observed in
blue light, what colour does the In the circuit above, three resistors,
observer see? 2, 4 and 12 are connected in
A. Yellow B. Red parallel and a 12 V battery is
C. Blue D. Magenta. connected across the combination.
30. The eclipse of the sun occurs when the The current flowing through the 12
A. moon’s umbra falls on some part resistor is
of the earth A. 9.6 A B 14.4 A
B. moon is between the sun and the C. 1.0 A D. 3.2 A.
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
35. If the charge of electricity per kWh is and parallel arrangement respectively
N4, what is the cost of operating an is
electrical appliance rated 2.50 V, 2 A A. 3:5 B. 5:3
for 6 hours? C. 1:50 D. 50:1.
A. N24 B. N0.12 40. Which of the following will be applied
C. N12 D. N16. when a metal x in electrolysis?
36. The correct expression for the A. Y is the anode and very high
potential at a point, distance r from a current is used
charge q, in an electric field is B. X is the anode and very high
q q2 current is used
A. B. C. X is the cathode and Y is the anode
4 0 r 4 0 r 2
D. Y is the cathode and X is the anode
q2 q
C. D. 41. A radioactive isotope has a decay
4 0 r 4 0 r 2 constant of 10-5s-1. Calculate its half
37. Three similar cells each of e.m.f 2V life.
and internal resistance 2 are A. 6.93 x 10-6s B. 6.93 x 10-5s
connected in parallel, the total e.m.f C. 6.93 x 105s D. 6.93 x 104s
and total internal resistance are 42. Which of the following is a property of
respectively steel?
A. 6 V, 0.7 B. 6 V, 6.0 A. It can easily be magnetized and
C. 2 V, 0.7 D. 2 V, 6.0 B. It cannot retain its magnetism
. longer than iron
38. In homes, electrical appliances and C. It can be used for making
lamps are connected in parallel temporary magnets
because D. It can be used for making
A. less voltage will be used permanent magnets.
B. parallel connection does not heat 43. If the threshold frequency for
up the wires tungsten is 1.3 x 1015Hz, what is its
C. series connection uses high work function?
voltage A. 8.85 x 10-18 J B. 8.58 x 10-19 J
D. less current will be used. C. 8.58 x 10-15 J D. 8.58 x 10-17 J
39. Two resistors 5 and 10 are [h = 6.6 x 10-34 Js]
arranged first in series and later in 44. In an a.c. circuit, the ratio of r.m.s
parallel to a 24 V source. The ratio of value to peak value of current is
total power dissipated in the series A. 2 B. 2
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
C. 1
D. 1
UTME Physics 2011
45. Two inductors of inductances 4H and Type: B
8H are arranged in series and a 1. Type B
current of 10A is passed through 2. Option D
them. What is the energy stored in 3. Option C
them? 4. Option D
A. 250 J B. 500 J 5. Option C
C. 50 J D. 133 J. 6. Option D
46. Under which of the following 7. Option D
conditions do gasses conduct 8. Option B
electricity? 9. Option B
A. High pressure and high p.d 10. Option B
B. Low pressure and low p.d 11. Option A
C. low pressure and high p.d 12. Option C
D. High pressure and low p.d 13. Option C
47. In measuring high frequency a.c., the 14. Option D
instrument used is the 15. Option A
A. hot wire ammeter 16. Option B
B. d.c. ammeter 17. Option C
C. moving coil ammeter 18. Option A
D. moving iron ammeter. 19. Option
48. The bond between silicon and 20. Option C
germanium is 21. Option B
A. electrovalent B. covalent 22. Option C
C. ionic D. dative. 23. Option B
49. Which of the following materials has 24. Option A
an increase in resistance with 25. Option C
temperature 26. Option B
A. Electrolyte B. Water 27. Option A
C. Metals D. Wood. 28. Option A
50. The electrical properties of 29. Option D
germination can be altered drastically 30. Option B
by the addition of impurities. The 31. Option B
process is referred to as 32. Option B
A. doping B. saturation 33. Option
C. bonding D. amplification. 34. Option C
35. Option B
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
36. Option A D. vertically upwards on the
37. Option C markings.
38. Option C 3. A load is pulled at a uniform speed
39. Option C along horizontal floor by a rope at
40. Option D 45oC to floor. If the force in the rope
41. Option D is 1500N, what is the frictional force
42. Option D on the load?
43. Option B A. 1524N
44. Option D B. 1350N
45. Option D C. 1260N
46. Option C
D. 1061N
47. Option A
48. Option B
49. Option D
50. Option A
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
B. Initial velocity. B. motion is directed away from
C. Total distance travelled. the equilibrium point
D. Initial acceleration. C. acceleration is directly
6. Calculate the total distance covered proportional to the square of
by a train before coming to rest if its the displacement
initial speed is 30ms-1 with a constant D. velocity is minimum at the
retardation of 0.1ms-2. equilibrium point.
A. 5500m 10. An object moves in a circular path of
B. 4500m radius 0.5m with a speed of 1ms-1.
C. 4200m What is its angular velocity?
D. 3000m. A. 8 rads-1
7. A car starts from rest and moves with B. 4 rads-1
a uniform acceleration of 30ms-1 for C. 2 rads-1
20s. Calculate the distance covered at D. 1 rads-1
the end of the motion. 11.
A. 6km
B. 12km
C. 18km
D. 24km.
8. A rocket is fired from the earth’s
surface to a distant planet. By
Newton’s law of universal gravitation,
the force F will
A. increase as a reduces
B. increase as G varies From the diagram above, calculate
C. remains constant the work done when the particle
D. increases as r increases. moves from x = 0m to x = 80m.
9. If a freely suspended object is pulled A. 1200J
to one side and released, it oscillates B. 2400J
about the point of suspension C. 6000J
because the D. 7000J
A. acceleration is directly
proportional to the
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
12. 15. If a load of 1kg stretches a cord by
1.2cm, what is the force constant of
the cord?
A. 866 Nm-1
B. 833 Nm-1
C. 769 Nm-1
The diagram above shows a wooden D. 667 Nm-1
block just about to slide down an 16. An object of volume 1m3 and mass
inclined plane whose inclination to
2kg is totally immersed in a liquid of
the horizontal is α. The coefficient of
density 1 kgm-3. Calculate its apparent
frictional force between the block and
the plane is weight.
A. sin α A. 20 N
B. tan α B. 10 N
C. cot α C. 2 N
D. cos α D. 1 N
13. An object of mass 20kg slides down [g = 10ms-2]
an inclined plane at an angle of 30o to 17. The pressure at any point in a liquid at
the horizontal. The coefficient of rest depends only on the
static friction is A. depth and the density
A. 0.2 B. mass and the volume
B. 0.3 C. quantity and the surface area
C. 0.5 D. surface area and the viscosity.
D. 0.6 18. A balloon whose volume is 300m3 is
[g = 10ms-2] filled with hydrogen. If the density of
14. A block and tackle is used to raise a air is 1.3kgm-3, find the upthrust on
load of 25N through a vertical the balloon.
distance of 30m. What is the A. 3000N
efficiency of the system if the work B. 3800N
done against friction is 1500J? C. 3900N
A. 62.5% D. 4200N
B. 73.3% [g = 10ms-2]
C. 83.3% 19. Clinical thermometers are examples
D. 94.3% of
A. pressure gas thermometer
B. resistance thermometer
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
C. alcohol thermometer A. Increase in the pressure of
D. mercury-in-glass the atmosphere
thermometer. B. Rise in temperature
20. Two metals P and Q are heated C. Increase in the average speed
through the same temperature of the molecules of water
difference. If the ratio of the linear D. Increase in the kinetic energy
expansivities of P to Q is 2: 3 and the of the molecules of water.
ratio of their lengths is 3:4 24. The quantity of heat energy required
respectively, the ratio of the increase to melt completely 1kg of ice at -30oC
in lengths of P to Q is is
A. 1 : 2 A. 4.13 x 106J
B. 2 : 1 B. 4.13 x 105J
C. 8 : 9 C. 3.56 x 104J
D. 9 : 8 D. 3.56 x 102J
21. 2000cm3 of a gas is collected at 27oC (latent heat of fusion = 3.5 x 105 Jkg-1,
and 700mmHg. What is the volume of specific heat capacity of ice
the gas at standard temperature and = 2.1 x 103 J kg-1 K-1)
25. I. It is a rapid, constant and
irregular motion of tiny
A. 1896.5cm3
B. 1767.3cm3
II. It gives evidence that tiny
C. 1676.3cm3
particles of matter called
D. 1456.5cm3 molecules exist.
22. Calculate the temperature change III. It takes place only in gases.
when 500 J of heat is supplied to 100g IV. It gives evidence that
of water. molecules are in a constant
A. 12.1oC state of random motion.
B. 2.1oC
Which of the combinations above is
C. 1.2oC
correct about Brownian motion?
D. 0.1oC A. I, II and III
(Specific heat capacity of B. II, III and IV only
water = 4200Jkg-1K-1)
C. I, III and IV only
23. Which of the following is NOT a factor
D. I, II and IV only
that can increase the rate of
26. The equation of a wave travelling in a
evaporation of water in a lake?
horizontal direction is expressed as
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
y=15 sin (60t-x) what is its A. Between the centre of curvature
wavelength? and the principal focus
A. 60m B. At the principal focus
B. 15m C. Between the principal and the
C. 5m pole
D. 2m D. At the centre of curvature
27. 31. A pinhole camera is placed 300m in
front of a building so that the image is
formed on a screen 5cm from the
pinhole. If the image is 2.5cm high,
the height of the building will be
From the diagram above, if the A. 25m
particles F is at a distance x from O to
B. 50m
the right, the phase of the vibration
will be different from that at O by C. 100
A. 2 D. 150m
28. Which of the following factors will 32. The magnification of an object 2cm
affect the velocity of sound? tall when placed 10cm in front of a
A. An increase in the pitch of the plane mirror is
sound A. 6.0
B. An increase in the loudness of B. 1.0
the sound C. 0.7
C. Wind travelling in the same D. 0.6
direction of the sound 33. After reflection from the concave
D. A change in the atmospheric mirror, rays of light from the sun
pressure at constant converges
temperature. A. At the radius of curvature
29. The characteristics of a vibration that B. At the focus
determines its intensity is the C. Beyond the radius of curvature
A. Frequency D. Between the focus and radius of
B. Overtone curvature
C. Wavelength 34. A glass block of thickness 10cm is
D. Amplitude placed on an object. If an observer
30. Where can a man place his face to get views the object vertically, the
an enlarged image when using a displacement of the object is
concave mirror to shave? A. 3.33cm
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
B. 5.00cm B. The current capacity is low
C. 6.67cm C. It cannot be re-charged
D. 8.50cm D. It cannot easily be connected to a
35. I. Rays of light travel from a less car
dense medium to a denser medium 39. Six identical cells, each of e.m.f. 2V
II. The angle of incidence is greater are connected as shown above. The
than critical angle. effective e.m.f. of the cell is
III. Rays of light travel from a denser A. 0V
medium to a less dense medium B. 4V
Which of the statements above are C. 6V
conditions for total internal reflection D. 12V
to occur? 40. The fuse in an electric devise is always
A. I & II only connected to the
B. I & III only A. Neutral side of an electric supply
C. II & III only B. Earth side of an electric supply
D. II only C. Live side of an electric supply
36. The use of lenses is NOT applicable in D. Terminal side of an electric supply
the 41. A particle carrying a charge of 1.0 x
A. projector 10-8C enters a magnetic field at 3.0 x
B. human eye 102 ms-1 at right angles to the field. If
C. periscope the force on this particle is 1.8 x 10-
D. telescope N, what is the magnitude of the
37. Disperson of white light is the ability field?
of white light to A. 6.0 x 10-1T
A. Penetrate air, water and glass B. 6.0 x 10-2T
B. Move in a straight line C. 6.0 x 10-3T
C. Move around corners D. 6.0 x 10-4T
D. Separate to its component 42. Which of the following is the correct
colours shape of the graph of capacity
38. A newly charged 12V accumulator can reactance Xc versus frequency F for a
easily start a car whereas eight new pure capacitor in an a.c. circuit?
dry cells in series with an effective 43. The current output form of an a.c.
e.m.f. of 12V cannot start the same source is given as I = 10 sin t. The
car because d.c. equivalent of the current is
A. The current capacity is high A. 5.0A
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
B. 7.1A 48. The p-n junction diodes can act as
C. 10.0A rectifiers because they
D. 14.1A A. Conduct current when forward-
44. A conductor of length 1m moves with biased
a velocity of 50ms-1 at an angle of 300 B. Conduct current when reverse-
to the direction of a uniform magnetic biased
field of flux density 1.5 Wbm-2. What C. Block current when forward-
is the e.m.f. induced in the biased
conductor? D. Conduct current in both
A. 37.5V directions
B. 50.5V 49. If a reverse-biased voltage is applied
C. 75.0V across a p-n junction, the depletion
D. 80.5V layer width is
45. The process of detecting a pin A. Increased
mistakenly swallowed by a child x – B. Decreased
ray C. Constant
A. Diagnosis D. halved
B. Therapy 50. I Small size
C. Crystallography II Low power requirement
D. mammography III Not easily damaged by high
46. Which of the following particles Temperature
CANNOT be deflected by both electric IV Highly durable
and magnetic fields? Which of the above are the
A. Gramma rays advantages of semiconductors?
B. Alpha particles A. I, II and III only
C. Wave particles B. II, III and IV only
D. Beta particles C. I, II and IV only
47. A piece of radioactive material D. I, II III and IV
contains 1000 atoms. If its half-life is
20 seconds, the time taken for 125
atoms to remain is
A. 20 seconds
B. 40 seconds
C. 60 seconds
D. 80 seconds
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
UTME Physics 2012 35. Option C
Type: Yellow 36. Option C
1. Option D. 37. Option D
2. Option C 38. Option D
3. Option D 39. Option A
4. Option B 40. Option C
5. Option D 41. Option C
6. Option B 42. Option D
7. Option A 43. Option B
8. Option A 44. Option A
9. Option A 45. Option A
10. Option C 46. Option A
11. Option B 47. Option C
12. Option B 48. Option A
13. Option D 49. Option A
14. Option C 50. Option C
15. Option B
16. Option B
17. Option A. 2013 UTME Physics – Type U
18. Option C Questions
1. Which Questions Paper Type of Physics is
19. Option D
given to you?
20. Option A A. Type D
21. Option C B. Type I
22. Option C C. Type B
23. Option A D. Type U
24. Option B 2. When a brick is taken from the earth’s
25. Option D surface to the moon, its mass
26. Option C A. Becomes zero
27. Option A B. Remains constant
28. Option C C. Reduces
29. Option A D. increases
3. The resultant of two forces is 50N. If the
30. Option C
forces are perpendicular to each other
31. Option D and one of them makes an angle of 300
32. Option B with the resultant, find its magnitude
33. Option B A. 25.0N
34. Option A B. 100.0N
C. 57.7N
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
D. 57.7N Density of the liquid = 1.25 x 103kgm-
E. 43.3N ]
4. The pair if physical quantities that are 9. An object is moving with a velocity of
scalar only are 5ms-1. At what height must a similar body
A. Impulse and time be situated to have a potential energy
B. Volume and area equal in value with the kinetic energy of
C. Moment and momentum the moving body?
D. Length and displacement A. 1.0m
5. A simple pendulum of length 0.4m has a B. 25.0m
period 2s. What is the period of a similar C. 20.0m
pendulum of length 0.8m at the same D. 1.3m
place? [g ≈ 10ms-2]
A. 2s 10. If a pump is capable of lifting 5000 kg of
B. 8s water through a vertical height of 60 m in
C. 4s 15 min, the power of the pump is
A. 3.3 x 102 Js-1
D. 2 2 s B. 2.5 x 105 Js-1
6. A train with an initial velocity of 20ms-1 is C. 2.5 x 104 Js-1
subjected to a uniform deceleration of D. 3.3 x 103 Js-1
2ms . The time required to bring the train 11. The coefficient of friction between two
to a complete halt is perfectly smooth surface is
A. 40s A. Zero
B. 5s B. Infinity
C. 10s C. One
D. 20s D. Half
7. Calculate the apparent weight loss of a 12. What effort will a machine of efficiency
man weighing 70kg in an elevator moving 90% apply to lift a load of 180N if its
downwards with an acceleration of 1.5ms- efforts arm is twice as long as its load
. arm?
A. 105N 13. Calculate the work done, when a force of
B. 686N 20N stretches a spring by 50mm.
C. 595N A. 2.5 J
D. 581N B. 0.5 J
8. A piece of cork floats in a liquid. What C. 1.5 J
fraction its volume will be immersed in D. 2.0 J
the liquid? 14. At what depth below the sea-level would
A. 0.1 one experience a change of pressure
B. 0.8 equal to one atmosphere?
C. 0.5 A. 100.0 m
D. 0.2 B. 0.1 m
[density of the cork = 0.25 x 103kgm-3
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
C. 1.0 m C. 1 : 2
D. 10.0 m D. 4 : 1
15. What volume of alcohol will have the 20. Foods cook quicker in salt water than in
same mass as 4.2m3 of petrol? pure water because of the effect of
A. 4.9 m3 A. Salt on thermal the conductivity of
B. 0.8 m3 water
C. 1.4 m3 B. Dissolved substances on the boiling
D. 3.6 m3 point
[Density of alcohol = 8.4 x 102kgm-3 C. Atmosphere pressure on the boiling
Density of petrol = 7.2 x 102 kgm-3] point
16. Calculate the length which corresponds to D. Food nutrients on the thermal energy
a temperature of 200C if the ice and 21. Steam from boiling water cause more
steam points of an ungraduated damage on the skin does boiling water
thermometer are 400 mm apart because
A. 80mm A. Steam brings heat more easily by
B. 20mm convection.
C. 30mm B. Water has a high specific heat
D. 60mm C. Steam has latent heat of fusion
17. A wire of length 100.0m at 300C has a D. The steam is at a higher temperature
linear expansivity of 2 x 10-5K-1. Calculate than the water
the length of the wire at a temperature of 22. What will happen to the boiling point of
-100C pure water when it is heated in a place
A. 99.92m 30m below the sea love?
B. 100.08m A. It will be fluctuating
C. 100.04m B. It will be more than 1000C
D. 99.96m C. It will be less than 1000C
18. A gas at a pressure of 105Nm-2 expands D. It will still be at 1000C
from 0.6m3 to 1.2m3 at constant 23. The rise or fall of a liquid in a narrow tube
temperature, the work done is is because of the
A. 6.0 x 104J A. osmotic pressure of the liquid
B. 7.0 x 107J B. viscosity of the liquid
C. 6.0 x 106J C. surface tension of the liquid
D. 6.0 x 105J D. friction between the walls of the tube
19. Two liquids X and Y having the same mass and the liquid
are supplied with the same quantity of 24. The mechanism of heat transfer from one
heat. If the temperature rise in X is twice point to another through the vibration of
that of Y, the ratio of specific heat the molecules of the medium is
capacity of X to that of Y is A. diffusion
A. 1 : 4 B. convection
B. 2 : 1 C. conduction
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
D. radiation 30. A ray of light passing through the centre
25. A wave that travels through stretched of curvature of a concave mirror is
strings is known as reflected by the mirror at
A. seismic wave A. 1800
B. electromagnetic wave B. 00
C. micro wave C. 450
D. mechanical wave D. 900
26. A transverse wave and a longitudinal 31. Incident ray
wave travelling in the same direction in a
medium differ essentially in their
A. period of vibration of the particles of
the medium
B. frequency From the diagram above, calculate the
C. amplitude incident angle i
D. direction of vibrati9on of the particles A. 610
of the medium B. 410
27. What is the velocity of sound at 1000C if C. 490
the velocity of sound at 00C is 340ms-1 D. 550
A. 240ms-1
B. 497ms-1 32. Total internal reflection will not occur
C. 440ms-1 when light travels from
D. 397ms-1 A. glass into water
28. If a sonometer has a fundamental B. water to air
frequency of 450Hz, what is the frequency C. water into glass
of the fifth overtone? D. glass to air
A. 75Hz 33.
B. 2700Hz
C. 456Hz
D. 444Hz
29. A man 1.5m tall is standing 3m in front of
a pinhole camera whose distance What does the diagram above represent?
between the hole and the screen is 0.1m. A. Microscope in abnormal use
What is the height of the image of the B. Telescope in normal use
man on the screen? C. Microscope in normal use
A. 1.00m D. Telescope in abnormal use
B. 0.05m 34. If the linear magnification of the objective
C. 0.15m and eyepiece are 4 and 7 respectively,
D. 0.30m calculate the angular magnification of the
A. 28
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
B. 2 A. N20
C. 3 B. N90
D. 11 C. N50
35. The angle of deviation of light of various D. N45
colours passing through a triangular prism 41. An electric device is rated 2000W, 250V.
increases in the order Calculate the maximum current it can
A. blue → green → red take.
B. red → green → blue A. 6A
C. green → violet → blue B. 9A
D. blue → red → green C. 9A
36. Calculate the force acting on an electron D. 7A
of charge 1.5 x 10-19C placed in an electric 42. When a charge moves through an
field of intensity 105Vm-1. electronic circuit in the direction of an
A. 1.5 x 10-14N electric force, it
B. 1.5 x 10-11N A. loses both potential and kinetic
C. 1.5 x 10-12N energy
D. 1.5 x 10-13N B. gains both potential and kinetic
37. Capacitors are used in the induction coil energy
to C. gains potential energy and loses
A. prevent distortion of electric fields kinetic energy
B. control circuits D. loses potential energy and gains
C. dissipate energy kinetic energy
D. prevent electric sparks. 43. To convert a galvanometer to a voltmeter,
38. A cell of emf 1.5V is connected in series a
with a 1Ω resistor and a current of 0.3A A. low resistance is connected to it in
flows through the resistor. Find the parallel
internal resistance of the cell. B. high resistance is connected to it in
A. 1.0 Ω series
B. 4.0 Ω C. high resistance is connected to it in
C. 3.0 Ω parallel
D. 1.5 Ω D. low resistance is connected to it in
39. Which of the following obeys ohms law? series
A. Glass 44. Induced emfs are best explained using
B. Glectrolytes A. Lenz’s law
C. Metals B. Ohm’s law
D. Diode C. Faraday’s law
40. A house has ten 40W and five 100W D. Coulomb’s law
bulbs. How much will it cost the owner of 45. If a current of 2.5A flows through an
the house to keep them lit for 10 hours if electrolyte for 3 hours and 1.8g of a
the cost of a unit is N5? substance is deposited, what is the mass
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
of the substance that will
51. be deposited if
a current of 4A flows through it for 4.8 2013 UTME Physics – Type U
hours? Answers
A. 4.8g 1. Option D.
B. 2.4g 2. Option B.
C. 3.2g 3. Option D.
D. 4.2g 4. Option B.
E. 4.6g
5. Option D.
46. Calculate the energy of the third level of
an atom if the ground state energy is -
6. Option C.
24.8eV 7. Option A.
A. -1.75eV 8. Option D.
B. -9.20eV 9. Option D.
C. -8.20eV 10. Option D.
D. -2.75eV 11. Option A.
47. In photo-emission, the number of 12. Option D.
photoelectrons ejected per second 13. Option B.
depends on the 14. Option D.
A. Intensity of the beam 15. Option D.
B. Frequency of the beam
16. Option A.
C. Work function of the metal
D. Threshold frequency of the metal
17. Option A.
48. The particle nature of light is 18. Option A.
demonstrated by the 19. Option C.
A. diffraction of light 20. Option B.
B. photoelectric effect 21. Option D.
C. speed of light 22. Option B.
D. colours of light 23. Option C.
49. The energy of a photon having a 24. Option C.
wavelength of 10-10m is 25. Option D.
A. 1.7 x 10-12J 26. Option D.
B. 2.0 x 10-15J
27. Option D.
C. 1.7 x 10-13J
28. Option B.
D. 2.0 x 10-12J
50. The bond between silicon and germanium 29. Option B.
is 30. Option B.
A. ionic 31. Option A.
B. dative 32. Option C.
C. covalent 33. Option C.
D. trivalent 34. Option A.
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
35. Option B.
36. Option A.
37. Option D.
38. Option B.
39. Option C.
40. Option D.
41. Option C.
42. Option D.
43. Option B.
44. Option C.
45. Option D.
46. Option D.
47. Option A.
48. Option B.
49. Option B.
50. Option C.