students lesson
Lesson Aims:
By the end of this lesson students Upper-intermediate (B2) 18 60 mins An article written by a documentary maker, Summer Avery.
will improve upon their reading Pictures and definitions of words from pre teach vocabulary.
skills by comprehending new
vocabulary in context of a given
Lesson Objectives:
1. Students will be
exposed to new
vocabulary with
2. Students will converse
with each other while
completing the follow
up activity.
3. Students will converse
with teacher to discuss
the follow up activities.
Stage Aim Timing Inter- Teacher activity Student activity
Topic To introduce the topic 7 T-C Give topic overview to students. Listen to teacher.
introduction and generate interest.
( Lead in ) Hello everyone. Today we are going
to study a piece of writing by a
famous documentary maker,
Summer Avery and understand how
her family history leads to her career
Pre – Teach To introduce and explain 13 T-C Giving list of key vocabulary to Understand the words and their meaning.
vocabulary the new words that students that are in the lesson and Ask for explanation again if unclear.
students will need for the explain their meaning with
activity. definitions and pictures.
First reading To encourage students to 10 T-C Asking students to skim through the Reading and marking main ideas for better
give a brief reading to the article. understanding or explanation.
topic and give feedback.
Second reading To set a detailed question 15 T-C Asking students to read Ask teacher if anything is unclear and follow
task and ask students to comprehensively and understand the what the teacher is saying.
read the topic thoroughly use of words and phrases as per
and answer the questions. context.
Students will have a set of questions
that they can answer after reading
the article thoroughly.
Follow up To provide with an 15 T – Pairs Giving students a processed follow- In pairs students work together to complete
opportunity to respond up task. Creating pairs among the exercise given by teacher and share their
and expand on what students and asking them to answers with the teacher orally.
they've learned interview each other with the
vocabulary guessing exercise
provided by teacher.
He / She interviews students in pairs
and check their understanding.
Also, He / She rectify their mistakes.