Shouldice Hospital Case Study
Shouldice Hospital Case Study
Shouldice Hospital Case Study
Case Synopsis
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This article discusses Shouldice Hospital, it’s patients, administration, and facilities.
Shouldice is a hospital that specializes in hernia repairs and patient recurrences. It is located in
Toronto, Canada and was founded by Dr. Earle Shouldice. Shouldice came up with the idea for
this hospital while performing an appendix removal on a seven-year-old girl. He decided that
postoperative patients should be able to have ambulation directly after surgery. Shouldice
Hospital encourages patients to move around after surgery and socialize with other patient’s to
create a more relaxing environment and a speedy recovery. Shouldice doctors all use the same
method which has created harmony at the hospital and lowered the employee turnover rate. The
facility includes a hospital and clinic which allows for about 30 operations per day. Shouldice
advertises their services through word of mouth and has become a prestigious institution due to
their fair prices and high quality of service.
Key Issues/Problems
Lack of Marketing:
The article states that Shouldice does not advertise directly to patients. Rather the hospital
relies on word of mouth from previous patients and doctor referrals. The patient experience is
something that the administration and employees care most about. With that being said, they
have created a culture at the hospital/clinic that gives patient’s enough satisfaction that they are
willing to spread word of the operations at Shouldice. As nice as that is, it still limits the hospital
to a very small pool within the medical market. The article continues to state that several of the
patients that come to their hospital/clinic were referred by doctors. The article further mentions
that doctors were “less likely to recommend Shouldice because of the generally regarded
simplicity of the surgery” (Heskett and Hallowell, 2). In this case, Shouldice can not entirely rely
on doctors who diagnose patients with hernias to give them a recommendation. Instead they
would have to rely on word of mouth and recommendations from alumni. Shouldice does not
want to market too aggressively because they fear they will have too much demand or will attract
copycats. If Shouldice wanted to expand their hospital/clinic into the United States, as mentioned
in the article, they might have trouble breaking into the market due to the fact that they have not
Lack of Resources:
Shouldice Hospital consists of two separate facilities; including the hospital and the
clinic. The hospital could hold a total capacity of eighty-nine patients at one time while the clinic
consists of five operating rooms, a laboratory, and a patient-recovery room. With the limited
space they have, Shouldice would struggle with more demand. The article states that the nurse to
patient ratio is 1:15 and each of their full-time surgeons and 8 part-time assistant surgeons
performs three to four surgeries per day. If demand increased, Shouldice would have to hire
more staff and expand their facilities. With that being said, if they cannot keep up with demand
they could lose market share. If other companies realize that Shouldice cannot handle demand,
Fear of Expansion:
Shouldice Hospital cares deeply about having good relationships with patients and
creating a good work environment that encourages collaboration and unity between colleagues.
Unfortunately, this limits them from expanding their practices and facilities. Shouldice
administration fears that expansion will tarnish the values that the hospital holds as mentioned
before. If the hospital were to include more services other than hernia repairs, they risk losing the
“Shouldice Method” and techniques may begin to vary between surgeons. They also risk losing
that meaningful relationship with their patients because they will have to focus on more people.
Shouldice has to make a decision on whether they want to increase their revenues and make their
company more public or if they want to maintain the harmony they have created within their
small practice.
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Another key issue that Shouldice could face is copycats. Because their reputation has
become strong due to good patient experiences, word of the hospital has become more public and
doctors from other clinics have come to see for what Shouldice was being run. Dr. Shouldice
stated, “I’m a doctor first and an entrepreneur second” (Heskett and Hallowell, 8). In this
context, he meant that as a doctor his first obligation was to help other surgeons be better which
could put Shouldice at risk of having other hospitals and clinics attempt to copy their practices.
Shouldice feared that other firms might attempt to take the Shouldice Method and possibly
tarnish their reputation if they performed the technique wrong. An example of one of Shouldice’s
copycats is The Canadian Hernia Clinic. If they don’t expand or market themselves better, they
could risk being beaten out of their market share by one of their copycats.
1. If the hospital wanted to expand into the United States, what would be their strategic
2. What is Shouldice’s current financial situation? Do they even have the funding to
3. What are Canada’s government regulations and how would they affect expansion
4. How will Shouldice deal with high demand but limited resources if they do not expand?
6. How could Shouldice maintain relationships and company adhesiveness while still
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In order to overcome their lack of marketing and fear of copycats, Shouldice could invest
in a marketing team and a lawyer so that they can market their products and possibly get a patent
on their methods. By doing this they can attract more potential patients while still being able to
have control over other firms trying to mimic their practices. Instead of relying on marketing
from word of mouth by patients and doctors, Shouldice could hire a sales team that could send
representatives out to doctors offices and other firms in order to speak on behalf of the hospital
from an employee’s perspective. If they get a patent, they could also invest in creating a
commercial or magazine article that could give them more exposure to more potential patients
and doctors. With more marketing they can eventually go public, increase their market share and
Another alternative that Shouldice could explore would be adding Saturday operations.
The article mentioned that this was a consideration but had stated that the point of the hospital
was so that surgeons would not have to work on the weekend. Instead of operating five days a
week the hospital would operate six out seven days a week. This would require doctors to work
one extra day a week and perform three to four more surgeries a week. The extra day of
operations would allow them to take more patients and generate more revenue. The advantage of
adding Saturday operations is that it costs the hospital nothing and takes away risks of the
hospital losing their methods and decreasing quality of work. Eventually, if they do this and
show that they are capable of holding that much demand, they may be able to expand and take
Another alternative that Shouldice should consider is getting a patent on the Shouldice
method. By doing this, they would not have to worry about copycats and could hold intellectual
property rights on their practices. This way if doctors came to see Shouldice’s work, the hospital
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wouldn’t have to worry about them trying their methods, doing them wrong and tarnishing
Shouldice’s reputation. This eliminates the risk of competition in their specific niche market
doing this, Shouldice surgeons could still do their duties as doctors and help other doctors learn
while still maintaining the quality of their methods. They can also learn from other doctors and
give them the opportunity to perfect their methods in house while also spreading it to other
hospitals/clinics. This way they have control over who is using their methods and if they are
doing them according to Shouldice’s principles. This will allow the hospital to maintain it’s
It is recommended that Shouldice offers Saturday operations and builds another floor to
allow for more capacity and more operations per year. By doing this, the hospital will generate
more revenue and be able to expand even further into the market. If they want to expand while
still maintaining quality, the Saturday operations would allow them to spread out operations and
still focus on the patient-doctor relationship. This extra day will also allow surgeons to gain
more experience using the Shouldice method and create a more consistent rotation of nurses. It
might also decrease the nurse-to-patient ratio which would allow for better patient relationships.
It also gives working individuals the opportunity to get their operation done during the weekend
It is also recommended that Shouldice invests in hiring a marketing firm along with a
lawyer. By hiring a marketing team and lawyer, they will be able to better advertise their services
while maintaining intellectual property rights. Eventually word of mouth will stop and the rate at
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which doctors recommend Shouldice’s services will also decrease. In order to keep demand high,
they need to advertise themselves on a larger scale to a more public audience. They could start
marketing in Toronto and the areas surrounding it, to test its effectiveness. Once they get an idea
of what marketing strategy would work best for them, they can expand marketing efforts
throughout Canada. If they decide to expand their firm into the United States, they would also
have to conduct marketing research for that market because they might need to use a different
opens a second firm. By doing this, they would be able to help other surgeons perfect the method
and maintain a culture of community and collaboration. Shouldice values a good work
environment that encourages adhesiveness. Becoming a teaching hospital would further their
efforts of collaboration while allowing them to maintain quality. It will also allow them to do
their duty as doctors by helping others and creating a culture that would last generations. The
article also mentions needing to find someone to succeed Dr. Degani when he retires and
becoming a teaching hospital could be a good way to find out who could carry on his legacy.
Having to teach others is a good way of learning the skill yourself and perfecting your methods.
The risks associated with these recommendations include risk of not getting a patent, risk
of too high demand with too few resources, and risk of employees not being on board with
Saturday operations. The risk of applying for a patent is that the applicant might not receive the
intellectual property rights. If this were to happen, Shouldice would most likely be hesitant to
pursue marketing efforts which would stall the firm’s expansion in the market. The risk of
offering Saturday operations is that they might receive more demand and not have the resources
to support the extra patient’s. It also might encourage patients to overstay their needed recovery
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time. The risk that Shouldice should consider when implementing is that employees might not be
on board. At the beginning of the company, surgeons had weekends off and taking that away
from them might result in a higher turnover rate. All of these risks are reasonable but do not
This action plan should start with Shouldice getting all of their employees on board for Saturday
operations and inform them of schedule changes and new rotations. the n they have to start
applying for a patent for the Shouldice method. Once they receive the approval for the patent,
they would start the process of hiring a marketing team. Over the course of 6 months, the
marketing team would conduct market research within the industry to put together a unique and
effective marketing plan for the firm. Once the market research is conducted and the marketing
strategy is determined they have to start a marketing campaign. While market research is being
conducted, they would have to begin the construction of an additional floor and purchase new
furniture and equipment to house new patients. When construction is complete, Shouldice can
then begin accepting more patients and eventually expand into other markets.
Key Lessons
● Creating a good corporate environment can result in a community like culture and
● Specialization can create good culture and patient relationships but can prevent or
Shouldice’s case, he had to decide whether or not he wanted to let other medical
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professionals see his methods or not. He had to decide whether his values as a
Work Cited
Hallowell, Roger and James Heskett. “Shouldice Hospital Limited (Abridged).” Harvard
Business School, 2005. pp 1-14.