Product - Guide Elevator 750 KG - 1350 KG PDF

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Series-IP/AP Version 2

Compact Machine Room Elevators


Based on our policy, “Quality in Motion”, Green Technology 3–4

we provide elevators and escalators that will
satisfy our customers with high levels of Variable Traveling Speed Elevator System 5–6
comfort, efficiency, ecology and safety.

Compact Machine Room 7–8

Group Control 9–10

Standard Design 11

Our Global Standards for

NexWay-S Exclusive Finish 12

Basic Specifications 13–18

Features 19–21

Important Information on Elevator Planning 22







1.6 NexWay-S

We strive to be green in all of
750 825 900 1050 1200 1275 1350 1600 1800 2025 2250 2500 (kg)
our business activities.
We take every action to reduce environmental
burden during each process of our elevators’ Note:
The applicable range of the rated capacity may differ depending on the factory. Please consult our local agents for details.
and escalators’ lifecycle.

1 2
Green Technology


Mitsubishi Electric’s leading-edge technologies have made it possible for elevators to conserve energy. Our Regenerative
Converter makes the most of power generated by the traction machine. Additionally, thanks to the joint-lapped core in
permanent magnet (PM) motor and energy-saving features, the elevators use energy more wisely and efficiently.

Joint-lapped Core in Permanent

Regenerative Converter : PCNV (Optional) Energy-saving Features
Magnet (PM) Motor

Efficient use of power Smaller carbon footprint Curbing energy consumption

Elevators usually travel using power from a power supply network in the building along with electricity from the The joint-lapped core built in the PM motor of the Mitsubishi Electric offers features that help to reduce the
(powered operation); however, when they travel down with power supply. Compared to the same type of elevator traction machine features flexible joints. The iron core energy consumption of elevators.
a heavy car load or up with a light car load (regenerative without a regenerative converter, this system provides an can be like a hinge, which allows coils to be wound
operation), the traction machine functions as a power energy-saving effect of approximately 35%.* around the core more densely, resulting in improved Energy-saving Operation
generator. Although the power generated during traction In addition, the regenerative converter has the effect of motor efficiency and compactness. High-density – Number of Cars : ESO-N (Optional for ΣAI-22)
machine operation is usually dissipated as heat, the decreasing harmonic currents. magnetic field is produced, enabling lower use of The number of service cars is automatically reduced to
Regenerative Converter transmits the power back to the Note: energy and resources and reduced CO2 emissions. some extent without affecting passenger waiting time.
*The value is a reference datum and may increase or decrease in accordance
distribution transformer and feeds it into the electrical with actual conditions of use and elevator specifications. Energy-saving Operation
– Allocation Control : ESO-W (ΣAI-2200C only)
Motor Motor
Based on each elevator’s potential energy consumption,
Control panel & Control panel & the system selects the elevator that best balances
regenerative regenerative
converter converter operational efficiency and energy consumption.
Car Light/Fan Shut Off
– Automatic : CFO-A/CLO-A
The car lighting/ventilation fan is automatically turned
off if there are no calls for a specified period.

Distribution transformer Distribution transformer

Power supply Power supply
Powered operation Regenerative operation

3 4
Variable Traveling Speed
Elevator System

With Mitsubishi Electric’s industry-first Variable Traveling Speed Elevator System, an elevator can
travel faster than its rated speed according to the number of passengers, ultimately reducing waiting
and traveling time.

Traveling speed The elevator travels faster than the rated speed when the weight
Variable Traveling Speed Elevator System: VSE (Optional)* (m/sec) difference between the car and the counterweight is small.
During the operation, the LCD display shows RAPID MODE.
The Variable Traveling Speed Elevator System allows elevator travel at the rated speed.
elevators to travel faster than their rated speed Thus, utilizing the unused power of the traction 2.5m/sec
depending on the number of passengers in the car machine, the elevator can travel faster. Its efficient
(rapid mode). When the weight is well-balanced transport reduces frustratingly long waiting and
between the car and the counter-weight, the traction traveling time. VSE is a solution for users seeking 1.6
machine does not need its full power to make the time-savings in elevator travel. 1.6m/sec (Rated speed) 1.6m/sec (Rated speed)

Waiting Time Reduction Traveling Time Reduction

Rated speed (1.6m/sec) Rated speed (1.6m/sec)

1.6m/sec 1.6m/sec
0 50 100
Waiting time Traveling time • The above diagram shows VSE system of elevator with the rated speed 1.6m/sec. Car load (%)
VSE (1.6, 2.0, 2.5m/sec) reduction VSE (2.5m/sec) reduction • The screen design for rapid mode differs slightly depending on car operating panel type.

1.6m/sec 2.0m/sec 2.5m/sec 2.5m/sec Maximum Speed and Car Load

Car load
12% Reduction 25% Reduction 0% 50% 100%
1.6m/sec 1.6m/sec
1.6m/sec [1 person] [12-14 persons]
According to Mitsubishi Electric’s simulation, waiting time can be reduced Traveling time can be reduced by approximately 25% when the elevator 2.0m/sec 2.5m/sec 2.0m/sec
up to approximately 12% when VSE is applied. travels from the bottom to the top floor directly under rapid mode in VSE. [2-4 persons] [5-9 persons] [10-11 persons]
Rated 1.75m/sec 1.75m/sec
(Conditions) speed 1.75m/sec [1 person] [12-14 persons]
Travel: 36m, Floor height: 4.0m, 10 floors, Car load: 50%
2.0m/sec 2.5m/sec 2.0m/sec
2.0m/sec [1-2 persons] [3-10 persons] [11-14 persons]
Note: [Number of passengers in the car when the maximum number of passengers is 14. ]
*The Variable Traveling Speed Elevator System is applicable to elevators with rated speeds of 1.6m/sec, 1.75m/sec and 2.0m/sec
and the rated capacity of 750kg to 1350kg.
5 6
Compact Machine Room

Through the development of the Compact Gearless Traction Machine and Compact Control Panel,
Mitsubishi Electric has successfully reduced the machine room area to that of hoistway*1, where the
machine room used to require an area twice as large as that of hoistway. It offers the most advanced
elevator features without requiring a large machine room, thus maximizing the use of building space.
Example of Space-saving Compact PM Gearless Traction Machine Compact Control Panel
Conventional Machine Room Compact Machine Room
Mitsubishi Electric was the first company to replace The control panel that drives the PM motor has also
induction motors with its highly sophisticated PM been reduced in size. Incorporating the most advanced,
Compact Control Panel
(permanent magnet) motors for high-speed and super low-loss IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) into an
high-speed elevators. optimal design, the power unit has decreased in size
significantly, making the control panel itself smaller than
The extremely thin PM motor manufactured using
Compact PM Gearless previous models. The functions and performance of this
Mitsubishi Electric’s unique stator core technology
Traction Machine Compact Control Panel remain unchanged.
–Joint-lapped Core* in Permanent Magnet (PM) Motor–
Machine room area: 13m2 -9m2 *2 Machine room area: 4m2
has dramatically reduced not only the size of traction
The VVVF Inverter Control delivers smooth, high-
machines but also energy consumption.
precision control of the traction machine. A combination
Furthermore, the PM motor suppresses harmonic noise of these state-of-the-art components contributes to
and torque ripple, providing greater riding comfort. significant power savings, while achieving the desired
functions and performance of the control panel.
*1: The area of the machine room may have to be
larger than that of the hoistway in case of (a),
(b) and/or (c) below.
(a) An optional feature that requires a panel(s), in
addition to the control panel, is requested.
(b) The car interior width (AA) is less than
1600mm, and the entrance width (JJ) is less
than 900mm for 2-panel center opening (CO)
or 1100mm for 2-panel side opening (2S).
(c) The counterweight is installed in a side drop
*2: The area of the machine room can be reduced
approximately 9m2 when the rated capacity is
1050kg and the rated speed is 1.75m/sec. The
GPS-III NexWay-S area may differ depending on the conditions.
*Please refer to page 4 for details.
7 8
Group Control

Mitsubishi Electric’s breakthrough AI Neural Network* technology in elevator control enhances transport
efficiency and reduces passenger waiting time through optimum car allocation, which allows elevators to
use energy effectively. Two basic group control systems offer a variety of innovative group control features.
Group control Number of cars Performance AI-2100N AI-2200C (Latest)
Suitable building size
systems in a group
ΣAI-22 system Small to medium 3 to 4 cars (sec)
Average Waiting Time Long-Wait Rate
Dynamic Rule-set Optimizer
30 10

Large 25 8
(Especially buildings Selects optimum car allocation through rule-set simulations
ΣAI-2200C system 3 to 8 cars 20
with dynamic traffic 6

conditions) 15
Based on real traffic data, passenger traffic is predicted every few minutes. According to the prediction, real-time simulation
The features introduced on these pages are applicable to ΣAI-2200C only.
10 selects the best rule-set (multiple rules have been set as car allocation patterns), which optimizes transport efficiency.
Please refer to page 13 and 14, and the ΣAI-2200C brochure for other 5
features and details. 0 0
Morning Daytime Lunchtime Evening Morning Daytime Lunchtime Evening
up peak down peak up peak down peak
Improved: Max. 40% Improved: Max. 80%
Note: Simulated with 6 cars, 20 persons each at 2.5m/sec for 15 stops. Destination Oriented Allocation System: DOAS (Optional)

Cooperative Optimization Assignment Allocates passengers to cars depending on destination floors

When a passenger enters a destination floor at a hall, the hall operating panel immediately indicates which car will serve the
floor. Because the destination floor is already registered, the passenger does not need to press a button in the car. Further-
Forecasts a near-future hall call to reduce long waits Car Car call Hall call Traveling direction more, dispersing passengers by destination prevents congestion in cars and minimizes waiting and traveling time.
When a hall call is registered, the algorithm
Ele. No. Ele. No.
assumes near-future calls that could require long Standard arrangement of hall fixtures (No hall lantern* is provided.)
waits. Through evaluation of the registered hall Cars receive destination information from all floors to provide the best service for more complex traffic conditions throughout the day.
call and the forecasted call, the best car is assigned.
Example of hall arrangement
All cars work cooperatively for optimum operation.

AI-2100N ΣAI-2200C (Latest)

[A hall call is registered at 6th Fl.] [A hall call is registered at 6th Fl.]
Allocates the closest car B. Allocates D, which is moving upward.
[Another hall call is soon registered at 11th Fl.] [Another hall call is soon registered at 11th Fl.]
Allocates D, resulting in long wait of 26 sec. Allocates B, which immediately arrives at the floor.
*Neural Network is a mathematical model that emulates the structure of the nerves and cells of the human brain and its information processing mechanism. Note:
9 * Hall lanterns are available as optional. 10
Standard Design NexWay-S Exclusive Finish (750kg to 1350kg only)

Image of f inish

Car operating panel Shiny Vibration Finish for Stainless-steel (Optional)

Shiny Vibration, a highly durable lustrous finish, has been added exclusively
Ceiling: S00 for the NexWay-S lineup. The stainless-steel finish presents a soft natural texture
For front return panel
that impresses in appearance while protecting the surface from showing scratches.

Car Hall

Yellow-orange lighting

Tactile button

Car Design Example

Walls Stainless-steel, hairline-finish (SUS-HL)
Transom panel Stainless-steel, hairline-finish (SUS-HL)
Doors Stainless-steel, hairline-finish (SUS-HL)
Front return panels Stainless-steel, hairline-finish (SUS-HL) Car Design Example Hall Design Example
Kickplate Aluminum *1
CBV1-C760 Walls Stainless-steel, shiny vibration Jamb Stainless-steel, shiny vibration
Flooring PR803: Gray
Segment LED indicators *2 Transom panel Stainless-steel, shiny vibration Doors Stainless-steel, shiny vibration
Car operating panel CBV1-C760 Ceiling: Painted steel sheet (Y033) Hall position indicator PIH-D417
Tactile button with yellow-orange lighting Doors Stainless-steel, shiny vibration
with a milky white resin lighting cover
Lighting: Central lighting Front return panels Stainless-steel, hairline-finish (SUS-HL) Hall button HBV1-A1010N

Kickplate Aluminum
Flooring PR803: Gray
Hall position indicators and buttons Car operating panel CBV1-C780
Narrow Jamb: E-102 With plastic case

Applicable parts of car* Applicable parts of hall*

・Transom panel ・Jamb
・Walls ・Doors
・Front return panels
Shiny vibration finish is not applicable
to a jamb with transom panel.

Hall Design Example

Jamb Stainless-steel, hairline-f inish (SUS-HL)
Doors Stainless-steel, hairline-f inish (SUS-HL) PIV1-A1010N Boxless PIV1-A1020N Boxless

Hall position indicator Segment LED indicators *2

and button PIV1-A1010N Boxless Tactile button with yellow-orange lighting : Can not apply

Notes: Note:
*1: Maximum number of floors: 22 floors Actual colors may differ slightly from those shown. * Shiny vibration finish is not applicable to parts not listed. Actual colors may differ slightly from those shown.
*2: Some letters of the alphabets are not available. Please consult our local agents for details. Please refer to the design guide for details and other designs.
11 12
Basic Specifications (750kg to 1350kg)

Horizontal Dimensions 1-Door 1-Gate Vertical Dimensions 1-Door 1-Gate & 1-Door 2-Gate
Minimum hoistway dimensions (mm) Minimum overhead (mm) OH*1 Minimum pit depth (mm) PD Minimum Minimum
AHxBH Maximum Maximum Counter-
Car internal Rated speed machine room floor to
Rated Counter- Entrance Rated speed (m/sec) travel (m) number weight Rated capacity (kg)
Code Number of Door dimensions (m/sec) clear height floor height
capacity weight width (mm) 1.0/1.6/1.75/2.0/2.5 TR of stops position
number persons type (mm) 2.5 3.0 *4 ~1050 (kg) ~1350 (kg) ~1050 (kg) ~1350 (kg) (mm) HM (mm)
(kg) position AAxBB JJ
Travel (m) TR Rear
1.0 60 4210 4310 1360 1400
TR≤120 120<TR≤150 TR≤150 Side
Rear 1950x1890 1950x1890 1950x2020 80 Side
P11 11 825 1400x1350
Side 2160x1700 *1 1.6 Rear 4380 4480 1390 1430
CO 105
Rear 900 2000x1940 2030x1990 2030x2070 Side *2
P14 14 1050 2290x1740 *1 80 Side

2S 1100x2100 1790x2510 1.75 Rear 4410 4510 1430 1470
Rear 2400x1990 2430x1990 2430x2070 105
CO 2000x1400 Side *2
P17 17 1275 2690x1770 *2 36
Side 80
2S 1200x2300 1100 1970x2710 Side 2200 *10 2500 *11
105 *2
Rear 2400x2090 2430x2090 2430x2170 2.0 4620 4720 1490 *5 1540 *6
P18 18 1350 CO 2000x1500 Rear
Side 2690x1870 *1 120
Side *4
Rear 1950x1840 1950x1840 1950x1970 80
P10 10 750 1400x1300 Side
Side 2140x1690 *1 105 *3
Rear 1950x1890 1950x1890 1950x2020 4700 4800 1840 *8 1890
P11 11 825 1400x1350 2.5 Rear
Side 2160x1700 *1 120
900 Side *4
Rear 2000x1870 2030x1870 2030x2000 150 50 Rear 4840 *7 4810 *7 2000 *7 2040 *7
P12 12 900 1600x1330
Side 2290x1690 *1 100 36
CO 3.0 *12 Rear 5150 *9 5150 2610 *7 2590 *7
Rear 2000x1940 2030x1990 2030x2070 150 50
Side 2290x1740 *1
Rear 2200x1890 2230x1940 2230x2020 Notes:
1800x1350 1000 *1: The dimension may be increased depending on the hoistway size or other conditions.
P14 14 1050 Side 2490x1700 *1 *2: When the car size is “1100x2100” of code number P14, “1200x2250” or “1200x2300” of code number P17, the maximum height is 105m.
Rear 2000x2040 2030x2090 2030x2170
GB code

1600x1500 *3: When the car size is “1100x2100” of code number P14 with 1-Door 2-Gate or “1200x2250” of code number P17 with 1-Door 2-Gate, the maximum height is 105m.
900 2290x1840 *1 *4: When the car size is “1100x2100” of code number P14 with 1-Door 1-Gate or “1200x2300” of code number P17 with 1-Door 1-Gate, the maximum height is 120m.
2S 1100x2100 1790x2510 *5: When the code number is P14, the door type is 2S, the elevator is 1-Door 1-Gate, and the travel exceeds 105m or more but less than 120m, the minimum pit depth requires 1670mm.
Rear 2200x2090 2230x2090 2230x2170 *6: When the code number is P17, the door type is 2S, the elevator is 1-Door 1-Gate, and the travel exceeds 105m or more but less than 120m, the minimum pit depth requires 1760mm.
1800x1500 1000 *7: The value varies when the total height (OH + PD + Travel) exceeds 150m or more, please consult our local agents for details.
Side 2490x1870 *1
P16 16 1200 *8: The value varies when the elevator is 1-Door 1-Gate and maximum travel is 80m, please consult our local agents for details.
Rear 2400x1940 2430x1940 2430x2020 *9: The value varies when the total height (OH + PD + Travel) is100m or less, please consult our local agents for details.
CO 2000x1350
Side 2690x1740 *2 *10: Some specifications require more than 2200mm as a minimum machine room height. Please consult our local agents for the appropriate machine room height.
Rear 2400x1990 2430x1990 2430x2070 *11: Some specifications require more than 2500mm as a minimum floor height. Please consult our local agents if the floor height is less than entrance height HH + 700mm,
2000x1400 and the elevator is 1-Door 2-Gate.
P17 17 1275 1100 2690x1770 *2
Side *12: 1-Door 1-Gate only.
2S 1200x2300 1970x2710
Rear 2400x2090 2430x2090 2430x2170
Side 2690x1870 *1
P18 18 1350 CO
1800x1680 1000
2200x2270 2230x2270 2230x2350 Specifications for Variable Traveling Speed Elevator System (Optional)
Side 2490x2020 *3
1-Door 1-Gate & 1-Door 2-Gate
Horizontal Dimensions 1-Door 2-Gate
Minimum overhead (mm) OH*1 Minimum pit depth (mm) PD
Rated speed Rated capacity (kg)
Minimum hoistway dimensions (mm) speeds
AHxBH (m/sec) ~1050 (kg) ~1350 (kg) ~1050 (kg) ~1350 (kg)
Car internal
Rated Counter- Entrance Rated speed (m/sec)
Code Number of Door dimensions 1.6 1.6/2.0/2.5
capacity weight width (mm)
number persons type (mm) 1.0 1.6~2.5 1.75 1.75/2.0/2.5 4700 *2 4800 1840 1890
(kg) position JJ
AAxBB Travel (m) TR 2.0 2.0/2.5
TR≤60 TR≤80 or TR≤105
P11 11 825 1400x1300 2160x1810 *2 *6 [ Terms of the table]
EN81-1 & GB code

CO • The Variable Traveling Speed Elevator System (VSE) is applicable to the elevators with rated
1600x1400 900 2290x1910 *1 *6 speeds of 1.6m/sec, 1.75m/sec and 2.0m/sec.
P14 14 1050 • Except minimum overhead and pit depth dimensions (OH and PD), specifications shown
2S 1100x2100 1790x2754 *5 in tables, “Horizontal Dimensions” and “Vertical Dimensions”, on the page 15 to 16 are applicable
Side to the Variable Traveling Speed Elevator System.
CO 2000x1380 2690x1890 *2
P17 17 1275 Note:
2S 1200x2250 1100 1970x2904 *1: The dimension may be increased depending on the hoistway size or other conditions.
*2: The value varies when the car size is 1800x1350 and the counterweight is installed in a rear drop position.
P18 18 1350 CO 2000x1450 2690x1960 *1 Please consult our local agents for details.

[ Terms of the table]

• This table shows standard specifications without the fireproof landing door and counterweight safety. Basic code compliance
Please consult our local agents for other specifications. The dimensional information shown here in this page is based on the requirements of EN81-1 or GB code.
• CO: 2-panel center opening doors, 2S: 2-panel side sliding doors. For other components, please consult our local agent.
• Minimum hoistway dimensions (AH and BH) shown in the table are after waterproofing of the pit and do not include plumb tolerance.

*1: The depth of the machine room becomes larger by 200mm because of the counterweight installed in a side drop position.
*2: The depth of the machine room becomes larger by 300mm because of the counterweight installed in a side drop position.
*3: The depth of the machine room becomes larger by 150mm because of the counterweight installed in a side drop position.
*4: Minimum hoistway dimensions (AH and BH) for the rated speed 3.0 m/sec shown in the table are not applicable to a single hoistway.
Please consult our local agents for the single hoistway dimensions.
*5: The width of the machine room becomes larger by 50mm because of the counterweight installed in a side drop position.
*6: The value varies when JJ dimension is 800mm
13 14
Basic Specifications (750kg to 1350kg)

1-Door 1-Gate 1-Door 2-Gate

Hoistway Plan Hoistway Section Hoistway Plan Hoistway Section

Hoistway width: AH AH

clear height: HM

clear height: HM
Machine room

Machine room
Hoistway depth: BH
Car internal
depth: BB



width: JJ JJ
Car internal Shown for CO doors
width: AA Counterweight side drop

Overhead: OH
Overhead: OH

Shown for CO doors

Counterweight rear drop

Entrance height: HH
Entrance height: HH

2200 (Standard)
2200 (Standard)

2100 (Standard)
2100 (Standard)

Ceiling height
Ceiling height





Travel: TR
Travel: TR

Floor to floor height

Shown for CO doors
Floor to floor height

Counterweight side drop


Shown for 2S doors

AH Counterweight side drop


Pit depth: PD
Pit depth: PD


Shown for 2S doors

Counterweight side drop

15 16
Basic Specifications (1600kg to 2500kg)

Horizontal Dimensions 1-Door 1-Gate Vertical Dimensions 1-Door 1-Gate

Minimum overhead (mm) OH Minimum pit depth (mm) PD

Car internal Minimum
Rated Counter- Entrance machine Minimum
Code Number of Door dimensions Minimum hoistway dimensions (mm) Rated Maximum Maximum Counter- floor to
capacity weight width (mm) Rated capacity (kg) room
number persons type (mm) AHxBH speed travel (m) number weight floor height
(kg) position JJ (m/sec) TR of stops position clear height
AAxBB (mm)
=2250 2250<Cap.<
=2500 1350<Cap.<
=2500 (mm) HM

P21 21 1600 2000x1700 1100 2540x2410 0.75 4750 4750 1550

P24 24 1800 2100x1800 1100 2640x2590 1.0 4850 4750 1600


80 32 Rear 2500 *1 2500*2

P27 27 2025 2100x1950 1200 2640x2740 1.6 4900 4900 1600

P30 30 2250 2300x1950 1200 2840x2780 1.75 4950 4950 1650

P33 33 2500 2300x2100 1200 2840x2930 Notes:

CO Rear *1: Some specifications require more than 2500mm as a minimum machine room height. Please consult our local agents for the appropriate machine room height.
P21 21 1600 2000x1750 1100 2540x2460 *2: Some specifications require more than 2500mm as a minimum floor height. Please consult our local agents if the floor height is less than entrance height HH + 700mm,
and the elevator is 1-Door 2-Gate.
P24 24 1800 2100x1800 1100 2640x2590
GB code

P27 27 2025 2100x1950 1200 2640x2740

P30 30 2250 2300x1950 1200 2840x2780

P33 33 2500 2300x2130 1200 2840x2960

Hoistway Section
[ Terms of the table]
• This table shows standard specifications without the fireproof landing door and counterweight safety.
Please consult our local agents for other specifications.
• CO: 2-panel center opening doors

clear height: HM
• Minimum hoistway dimensions (AH and BH) shown in the table are after waterproofing of the pit and do not include plumb tolerance.

Machine room
Overhead: OH
Hoistway Plan

Entrance height: HH

2200 (Standard)
2100 (Standard)

Ceiling height
Hoistway width: AH
Hoistway depth: BH
Car internal
depth: BB

Travel: TR

Floor to floor height

width: JJ

Pit depth: PD
Car internal
width: AA

Shown for CO doors Basic code compliance

Counterweight rear drop
The dimensional information shown here in this page is based on
the requirements of EN81-1 or GB code.
For other components, please consult our local agent.

17 18
Features (1/2)
Feature Abbreviation Description 1C to 2C 3C to 4C 3C to 8C Feature Abbreviation Description 1C to 2C 3C to 4C 3C to 8C
2BC ΣAI-22 ΣAI-2200C 2BC ΣAI-22 ΣAI-2200C
Building Management Each elevator's status and operation can be monitored and controlled using a building management Backup Operation for An operation by car controllers which automatically maintains elevator operation in the †
System-GateWay BMS-GW Group Control Microprocessor GCBK event that a microprocessor or transmission line in the group controller has failed.
system which manages various facilities in the building via the interface for the elevator system.

Earthquake Emergency EER-P Upon activation of primary and/or secondary wave seismic sensors, all cars stop at the nearest When a car has responded to the final car call in one direction, the system regards remaining
Car Call Canceling CCC calls in the other direction as mistakes and clears them from the memory.
Return EER-S floor, and park there with the doors open to facilitate the safe evacuation of passengers.

Car lighting which turns on immediately when power fails, providing a minimum level of Car Fan Shut Off — If there are no calls for a specified period, the car ventilation fan will automatically turn off to
Emergency Car Lighting ECL lighting within the car. (Choice of dry-cell battery or trickle-charge battery.) Automatic CFO-A conserve energy.

Upon activation of a key switch or a building‘s fire alarm, all calls are canceled, all cars Car Light Shut Off — If there are no calls for a specified period, the car lighting will automatically turn off to
Fire Emergency Return FER immediately return to a specified evacuation floor and the doors open to facilitate the safe Automatic CLO-A conserve energy.
evacuation of passengers.

During a fire, when the fire operation switch is activated, the car calls of a specified car and
A car which is experiencing trouble is automatically withdrawn from group control operation †
Firefighters’ Emergency Continuity of Service COS to maintain overall group performance.
FE all hall calls are canceled and the car immediately returns to a predetermined floor. The car
Operation then responds only to car calls which facilitate fire-fighting and rescue operation.
Elevator and Security Personal authentication by building's security devices can trigger predetermined elevator #1
EL-SCA/ operation such as permission of access to private floors, registration of a hall call and
MelEye Each elevator’s status and operation can be monitored and controlled using an advanced System Interface EL-SC
Mitsubishi Elevators & destination floor and VIP operation.
WP-W Web-based technology which provides an interface through personal computers. Special
Escalators Monitoring and optional features such as preparation of traffic statistics and analysis are also available.
Control System False Call Canceling — If the number of registered car calls does not correspond to the car load, all calls are
Automatic FCC-A canceled to avoid unnecessary stops.
Upon power failure, a car equipped with this function automatically moves and stops at the
Mitsubishi Emergency nearest floor using a rechargeable battery, and the doors open to facilitate the safe False Call Canceling — If a wrong car button is pressed, it can be canceled by quickly pressing the same button
Landing Device evacuation of passengers. (Maximum allowable floor-to-floor distance: 12 meters [Rated Car Button Type again twice.
speed 1.0m/sec], 20meters [Rated speed 1.6m/s or faster])
Exclusive operation where a car is withdrawn from group control operation for independent
Operation by Emergency Upon power failure, predetermined car(s) uses the building’s emergency power supply to Independent Service IND use, such as maintenance or repair, and responds only to car calls.
Power Source — OEPS move to a specified floor, where the doors then open to facilitate the safe evacuation of
Automatic/Manual passengers. After all cars have arrived, the predetermined car(s) resume normal operation. If the elevator doors do not open fully at a destination floor, the doors close, and the car
Next Landing NXL automatically moves to the next or nearest floor where the doors open.
Each elevator’s status and operation can be remotely monitored and controlled through a #1 #2
Supervisory Panel WP panel installed in a building's supervisory room, etc. Non-service to Specific To enhance security, service to specific floors can be disabled using the car operating panel.
Floors — Car Button Type NS-CB This function is automatically deactivated during emergency operation.
■ DOOR OPERATION FEATURES Non-service to Specific NS To enhance security, service to specific floors can be disabled using a manual or timer #1
The time doors are open will automatically be adjusted depending on whether the stop was Floors — Switch/Timer Type NS-T switch. This function is automatically deactivated during emergency operation.
Automatic Door-open called from the hall or the car, to allow smooth boarding of passengers or loading of
Time Adjustment baggage. Non-service Temporary
To enhance security, car calls for desired floors can be registered only by placing a card over #2 #2 #2
Release for Car Call— NSCR-C
Automatic Door Speed Door load on each floor, which can depend on the type of hall doors, is monitored to adjust a card reader. This function is automatically deactivated during emergency operation.
DSAC Card Reader Type
Control the door speed, thereby making the door speed consistent throughout all floors.
Out-of-service by Hall Key HOS For maintenance or energy-saving measures, a car can be taken out of service temporarily
When excessive door load has been detected while opening or closing, the doors
Door Load Detector DLD immediately reverse. Switch HOS-T with a key switch (with or without a timer) mounted in a specified hall.

With a key switch on the supervisory panel, etc., a car can be called to a specified floor after
A buzzer sounds and the doors slowly close when they have remained open for longer than Out-of-service-remote RCS
Door Nudging Feature — NDG the preset period. With the AAN-B or AAN-G feature, a beep and voice guidance sound
responding to all car calls, and then automatically be taken out of service.
With Buzzer instead of the buzzer.
A buzzer sounds to alert the passengers that the car is overloaded. The doors remain open
Overload Holding Stop OLH and the car will not leave that floor until enough passengers exit the car.
Failure of non-contact door sensors is checked automatically, and if a problem is diagnosed,
Door Sensor
DODA the door-close timing is delayed and the closing speed is reduced to maintain elevator
Self-diagnosis For energy conservation, power regenerated by a traction machine can be used by other
service and ensure passenger safety. Regenerative Converter PCNV electrical systems in the building.
Door open time is minimized using the SR or Multi-beam Door Sensor feature that detects
Electronic Doorman EDM Using a key switch on the supervisory panel, a car can be withdrawn from group control
passengers boarding or exiting.
Return Operation RET operation and called to a specified floor. The car will park on that floor with the doors open,
and not accept any calls until independent operations begin.
Extended Door-open DKO-TB
When the button inside a car is pressed, the doors will remain open longer to allow loading
Button and unloading of baggage, a stretcher, etc.
If a car has stopped between floors due to some equipment malfunction, the controller
Safe Landing SFL checks the cause, and if it is considered safe to move the car, the car will move to the
Hall Motion Sensor HMS Infrared-light is used to scan a 3D area near the open doors to detect passengers or objects. nearest floor at a low speed and the doors will open.

Multiple infrared-light beams cover some height of the doors to detect passengers or To enhance security, car calls for desired floors can be registered only by entering secret
Multi-beam Door Sensor — objects as the doors close. (Cannot be combined with the SR or MBSS feature.) Secret Call Service SCS-B codes using the car buttons on the car operating panel. This function is automatically
deactivated during emergency operation.

Multiple infrared-light beams cover some height of the doors to detect passengers or Variable Traveling
Multi-beam Door Sensor — objects as the doors close. Additionally, LED lights on the door edge will indicate the door VSE According to the number of passengers in the car, the car travels faster than the rated speed.
MBSS Speed Elevator System
Signal Type opening/closing and the presence of an obstacle between the doors. (Cannot be combined
with any of the following features: SDE, SR or Multi-beam Door Sensor.) ■ GROUP CONTROL FEATURES
Closing doors can be reopened by pressing the hall button corresponding to the traveling Bank-separation Hall buttons and the cars called by each button can be divided into several groups for †, #2
Reopen with Hall Button ROHB BSO
direction of the car. Operation independent group control operation to serve special needs or different floors.

Should an obstacle prevent the doors from closing, the doors will repeatedly open and A function to give priority allocation to the car closest to the floor where a hall call button #2
Repeated Door-close RDC Closest-car Priority
close until the obstacle is cleared from the doorway. CNPS has been pressed, or to reverse the closing doors of the car closest to the pressed hall call
Service button on that floor. (Cannot be combined with hall position indicators.)
One side The timing of car allocation and the number of cars to be allocated to floors where meeting
The sensitive door edge detects passengers or objects during door
Safety Door Edge SDE Both sides closing. (Cannot be combined with the MBSS feature.) #3 #3 #3 Congested-floor Service CFS rooms or ballrooms exist and the traffic intensifies for short periods of time are controlled
(CO doors only) according to the detected traffic density data for those floors.

1-beam One or two infrared-light beams cover the full width of the doors as they #4 #4 #4 When a passenger enters a destination floor at a hall, the hall operating panel indicates
close to detect passengers or objects. (Cannot be combined with the Destination Oriented which car will serve the floor. The passenger does not need to press a button in the car. #6
Safety Ray SR DOAS
2-beam Multi-beam Door Sensor or MBSS feature.) Allocation System Dispersing passengers by destination prevents congestion in the cars and minimizes waiting
and traveling time.
■ OPERATIONAL AND SERVICE FEATURES Controls the number of cars to be allocated and the timing of car allocation in order to meet
Exclusive operation where an elevator can be operated using the buttons and switches located in Down Peak Service DPS increased demands for downward travel during office leaving time, hotel check-out time, etc.
Attendant Service AS the car operating panel, allowing smooth boarding of passengers or loading of baggage. to minimize passenger waiting time.

#5 Elevator Call System Using a smartphone equipped with the application, users can change the call setting for #2
Automatic Bypass ABP A fully-loaded car bypasses hall calls in order to maintain maximum operational efficiency.
with Smartphone ELCS-SP their elevator and check the status of the elevator assigned to them. Once inside the secure
area, users can call an elevator remotely from anywhere.
Automatic Hall Call If one car cannot carry all waiting passengers because it is full, another car will automatically Energy-saving Operation — To save energy, the number of service cars is automatically reduced to some extent, but not
Registration FSAT be assigned for the remaining passengers. ESO-N
Number of Cars so much that it adversely affects passenger waiting time.
19 20
Features (2/2) Important Information on Elevator Planning
Feature Abbreviation Description 1C to 2C 3C to 4C 3C to 8C
Work Not Included in Elevator Contract
2BC ΣAI-22 ΣAI-2200C
The following items are excluded from Mitsubishi Electric’s elevator installation work. Their details or conditions are to be conformed to the statement of
■ GROUP CONTROL FEATURES (Continued from the previous page.) local laws or Mitsubishi Electric elevator’s requirements, are therefore the responsibility of the building owner or general contractor.
Forced Floor Stop FFS
All cars in a bank automatically make a stop at a predetermined floor on every trip without • Construction of the elevator machine room with proper beams and slabs, equipped with a lock, complete with illumination, ventilation and
being called. waterproofing.
To maximize transport efficiency, an elevator bank is divided into two groups of cars to serve • Access to the elevator machine room sufficient to allow passage of the control panel and traction machine.
Intense Up Peak IUP
upper and lower floors separately during up peak. In addition, the number of cars to be
allocated, the timing of car allocation to the lobby floor, the timing of door closing, etc. are
• Architectural finishing of the machine room floor, and walls and floors in the vicinity of the entrance hall after installation has been completed.
controlled based on predicted traffic data. • Construction of an illuminated, ventilated and waterproofed hoistway.
When traffic is light, empty or lightly-loaded cars are given higher priority to respond to hall
• The provision of a ladder to the elevator pit.
Light-load Car Priority
UCPS calls in order to minimize passenger travel time. (Cannot be combined with hall position
• The provision of openings and supporting members as required for equipment installation.
indicators.) • Separate beams, when the hoistway dimensions markedly exceed the specifications, intermediate beams and separator partitions when two or more
During the first half of lunchtime, calls for a restaurant floor are served with higher priority, elevators are installed.
Lunchtime Service LTS
and during the latter half, the number of cars allocated to the restaurant floor, the allocation • The provision of an emergency exit door, inspection door and pit access door, when required, and access to the doors.
timing for each car and the door opening and closing timing are all controlled based on
predicted data. • All other work related to building construction.
This feature is effective for buildings with two main (lobby) floors. The floor designated as
• The provision of the main power and power for illumination, and their electrical switch boxes in the machine room, and laying of the wiring from the
Main Floor Changeover electrical room.
TFS the “main floor” in a group control operation can be changed as necessary using a manual
Operation switch. • The provision of outlets and laying of the wiring in the machine room and the hoistway, plus the power from the electrical switch box.
An available car always parks on the main (lobby) floor with the doors open. (In China, the
• The laying of conduits and wiring between the elevator pit and the terminating point for the devices installed outside the hoistway, such as the
Main Floor Parking MFP car parks with the doors closed.) emergency bell, intercom, monitoring and security devices.
• The power consumed in installation work and test operations.
Special Car Priority Service SCPS
Special cars, such as observation elevators and elevators with basement service, are given
higher priority to respond to hall calls. (Cannot be combined with hall position indicators.) • All the necessary building materials for grouting in of brackets, bolts, etc.
Special floors, such as floors with VIP rooms or executive rooms, are given higher priority for
• The test provision and subsequent alteration as required, and eventual removal of the scaffolding as required by the elevator contractor, and any other
#2 protection of the work as may be required during the process.
Special Floor Priority Service SFPS car allocation when a call is made on those floors. (Cannot be combined with hall position
indicators.) • The provision of a suitable, locked space for the storage of elevator equipment and tools during elevator installation.
Controls the number of cars to be allocated to the lobby floor, as well as the car allocation • The security system, such as a card reader, connected to Mitsubishi Electric’s elevator controller, when supplied by the building owner or general
Up Peak Service UPS timing, in order to meet increased demands for upward travel from the lobby floor during contractor.
office starting time, hotel check-in time, etc., and minimize passenger waiting time. Note: Work responsibilities in installation and construction shall be determined according to local laws.
A specified car is withdrawn from group control operation for VIP service operation. When
†, #2
VIP Operation VIP-S activated, the car responds only to existing car calls, moves to a specified floor and parks
there with the doors open. The car then responds only to car calls. Elevator Site Requirements
■ SIGNAL AND DISPLAY FEATURES • The temperature of the machine room and elevator hoistway shall be below 40˚C.
Auxiliary Car Operating ACS An additional car control panel which can be installed for large-capacity elevators, • The following conditions are required for maintaining elevator performance.
Panel heavy-traffic elevators, etc. a. The relative humidity shall be below 90% on a monthly average and below 95% on a daily average.
A synthetic voice (and/or buzzer) alerts passengers inside a car that elevator operation has #3 #3 b. Prevention against icing and condensation occurring due to a rapid drop in the temperature shall be provided in the machine room and elevator hoistway.
Basic Announcement AAN-B been temporarily interrupted by overloading or a similar cause. (Available in limited c. The machine room and the elevator hoistway shall be finished with mortar or other materials so as to prevent concrete dust.
• Voltage fluctuation shall be within a range of +5% to -10%.
AECC (car) Electronic chimes sound to indicate that a car will soon arrive. (The chimes are mounted
Car Arrival Chime
AECH (hall)
either on the top and bottom of the car, or in each hall.)
Ordering Information
This 10.4- or 15-inch LCD for car front return panels shows the date and time, car position,
Car Information Display Please include the following information when ordering or requesting estimates:
CID travel direction and elevator status messages. In addition, customized video images can be
displayed in full-screen or partial-screen formats. • The desired number of units, speed and loading capacity.
This 5.7-inch LCD for car operating panels shows the date and time, car position, travel
• The number of stops or number of floors to be served.
Car LCD Position Indicator CID-S direction and elevator status messages. • The total elevator travel and each floor-to-floor height.
A hall lantern, which corresponds to a car’s service direction, flashes to indicate that the car
• Operation system.
Flashing Hall Lantern FHL will soon arrive. • Selected design and size of car.
This 10.4- or 15-inch LCD for elevator halls shows the date and time, car position, travel • Entrance design.
Hall Information Display HID direction and elevator status messages. In addition, customized video images can be • Signal equipment.
displayed in full-screen or partial-screen formats. • A sketch of the part of the building where the elevators are to be installed.
Hall LCD Position Indicator This 5.7-inch LCD for elevator halls shows the date and time, car position, travel direction and • The voltage, number of phases, and frequency of the power source for the motor and lighting.
elevator status messages.

When a passenger has registered a hall call, the best car to respond to that call is
Immediate Prediction
Indication AIL immediately selected, the corresponding hall lantern lights up and a chime sounds once to
indicate which doors will open.
A system which allows communication between passengers inside a car and the building
Intercommunication System ITP personnel.

When a hall is crowded to the extent that one car cannot accommodate all waiting
Second Car Prediction TCP passengers, the hall lantern of the next car to serve the hall will light up.

Sonic Car Button — A click-type car button which emits electronic beep sounds when pressed to indicate that
Click Type ACB the call has been registered.
Information on elevator service such as the current floor or service direction is given to the
Voice Guidance System AAN-G passengers inside a car.

Notes: 1C-2BC (1-car selective collective) - Standard, 2C-2BC (2-car group control system) - Optional,
ΣAI-22 (3- to 4-car group control system) - Optional, ΣAI-2200C (3- to 8-car group control system) - Optional
= Standard = Optional † = Not applicable to 1C-2BC = Not applicable
#1: When 2C-2BC, please consult our local agents.
#2: Please consult our local agents for the production terms, etc.
#3: Standard feature when the rated capacity is from 1600kg to 2500kg.
#4: Optional feature when the rated capacity is from 1600kg to 2500kg.
#5: Optional when the operation system is 1C-2BC.
#6:・When the DOAS is applied, AECC is and the Safety Ray (SR) or Multi-beam Door Sensor feature should be installed.
・The DOAS cannot be combined with some features. Please refer to the ΣAI-2200C brochure for those features.
21 22
Mitsubishi Electric elevators and escalators are currently operating in approximately 90 countries around the globe. Built placing priority on
safety, our elevators, escalators and building system products are renowned for their excellent efficiency, energy savings and comfort.
The technologies and skills cultivated at the Inazawa Works in Japan and 12 global manufacturing factories are utilized in a worldwide network
that provides sales, installation and maintenance in support of maintaining and improving product quality.
As a means of contributing to the realization of a sustainable society, we consciously consider the environment in business operations,
proactively work to realize a low-carbon, recycling-based society, and promote the preservation of biodiversity.

Eco Changes is the Mitsubishi Electric Group’s environmental statement,

and expresses the Group’s stance on environmental management.
Through a wide range of businesses, we are helping contribute to the
realization of a sustainable society.

Revised publication effective Oct. 2019.

Superseding publication of C-CL1-3-C9115-F Mar. 2018.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.

C-CL1-3-C9115-G INA-1910 Printed in Japan (IP) 2019

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