How To Cheat in After Effects PDF
How To Cheat in After Effects PDF
How To Cheat in After Effects PDF
Cool Tri
ricks Apppet
1 We’ll start in the Fireball START comp in the Fireball.aep project in the Chapter
01 folder in the Exercise Files folder. In this cheat, we’re going to take a simple
animated shape layer (discussed in Chapter 7), and apply fire from the Fractal
Noise effect (discussed in Chapter 10), and then roughen it up. Note that we learn
how to make the pretty background from scratch in Chapter 10.
3 Now apply the Colorama effect to the Fire layer. In the Colorama effect
controls, open the Output Cycle area, and from the Use Preset Palette drop
down, choose Fire.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Apply the Fractal Noise effect to the Fire layer. In the Fractal Noise settings in
the Effect Controls panel, increase Contrast to 150, and in the Transform area,
decrease Scale to 80.
To animate the
fireball, animate
the Evolution
value in the
Fractal Noise
effect, and the
Offset and/or
Evolution values
in the Roughen
Edges effect.
4 To make this blob look like a fireball, apply the Roughen Edges effect to the
Fire layer. In its effect controls, take Border to 75, Edge Sharpness to 0.5,
Scale to 80, and Complexity to 3. It’s looking pretty good, but perhaps we could
get a better final result by playing with the Fractal Noise and Roughen Edges
Cool Tri
ricks Apppet
Growing Vines
1 Start out in the Growing Vines START comp in the Growing Vines.aep project in
the Chapter 01 folder of the exercise files. This contains a few vine layers from
Adobe Illustrator. It’s very important for this trick that the vines are cut up into
separate components like this. I’m going to solo just the Main Vine layer and work
on it first.
3 Once you’ve completed painting the vine, go back to the Write-on effect
controls and change the Paint Style to Reveal Original Image. Now, there’s
no more paint. Your “paint” is just unmasking your layer. This is how the growing
vines effect is created. You then repeat this for each vine and time their reveals so
that it appears that they are growing together.
How to Cheat in After Effects
If you don’t
change the
Brush Time
Properties to
Size, then when
you animate
the Brush Size
parameter, it
animates the
size of the
2 Apply the Write-on effect to this. In its effect controls, increase the Brush
Size to about 30 so you can see it. Change the Brush Time Properties value to
Size, so that you can animate the size of the brush along the path if you need to.
entire brush
stroke at once.
Adjust the Brush Position value so that the brush is at the bottom, then animate it
painting the vine as above. Also animate Brush Size as the vine gets more narrow.
Trying to paint the spiral at the top is the biggest challenge.
4 After doing this for each layer, I selected all of these layers and pressed
CScLSc to precompose them. I then added some glow and
a gradient background. But another secret to this trick is duplication. I pressed
CdLd to duplicate this precomp, then rotated and scaled the duplicates
and shifted them in time. This creates the illusion that your project is far more
complex and intricate than it actually is, and the result is beautiful.
Cool Tri
ricks Apppet
Tracked Text
1 Start in the Tracked Text START comp in the Tracked Text.aep project. Double
click the cool layer to open it in the Layer panel. In Chapter 4, we’ll
look at Mocha, which is a better way to track motion. For now, let’s use the native
motion tracking in After Effects by choosing Tracker from the Window menu at the
top of the interface. In the Tracker panel, click the Track Motion button.
3 In the Tracker panel, click the Edit Target button, and choose the text layer
(TALKING Bird4) as the target. Then click the Apply button, and OK to choose
X and Y dimensions, and that’s it! Our text is tracked to the background, and now
moves with it realistically.
How to Cheat in After Effects
Normally, you
wouldn’t want
to ever track
a horizontal
surface, because
the tracking
system will
easily drift off
track. In this
2 Now we need to figure out what to track, and we don’t have many options.
We can’t track the bird because the bird moves. That leaves the background.
The only area of contrast I see is on the light and shadow between the two fence
case, we’re
also using the
contrast of the
posts. Drag the tracking point over there, and expand the feature and search wall posts for
regions to include the edges of the posts. Believe it or not, this gave me a near- tracking, so it
perfect track. works.
4 I’ve applied some color correction to make this look more intense (we’ll cover
color correction in Chapter 9). And, to heighten the realism, I’ve created a
spotlight and created shadows (both discussed in Chapter 2). I’ve created some
3D distance between the bird layer and the text so that the shadows make the
text look farther away. Looking at this again, I’m wondering if I shouldn’t have
reduced the scale on the text and increased the distance even more to increase the
apparent distance. What do you think?
Cool Tri
ricks Apppet
Blooming Flower
3 When the Radial Wipe effect is applied to the video clip, and the Transition
Completion value is increased, a transition occurs as above and you can see
the blue background layer behind the main clip.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 We’re going to be using the Radial Wipe effect, which is intended to transition
between two clips like a clock wipe. Here is one clip from the stock video
company uberstock, that has donated a lot of great video clips for this book.
4 Apply the Radial Wipe effect to the flower petals layer. As you animate the
Transition Completion property, the flower will seem to disappear. To animate
it blooming, animate it from 100% to 0%. This is a great trick for flowers, plus all
circular motion graphics as well.
Cool Tri
ricks Apppet
Tilt Shift
3 In the Lens Blur effect controls, check the Repeat Edge Pixels option so that
we don’t get feathered edges. Then, with the layer selected, create a mask as
shown above.
How to Cheat in After Effects
If you are
reading this
book while in
the bookstore
in the image (in
the Southcenter
Mall in Tukwila,
WA), I apologize
if this is a really
Twilight Zone-
esque creepy
experience for
4 In the Timeline, change the mask mode from Add to Subtract. Press the letter
f and increase the Mask Feather value to 70. And now this looks like a tiny
miniature model of a mall. SHORTCUTS
Cool Tri
ricks Apppet
Ink Spatter
1 Start with a brand new comp at 1280 x 720. Create a new solid of the same
size, and change the color to whatever color you want your ink spatter to be.
Apply the CC Particle Systems II effect to this solid. We’ll talk a lot about this
effect and many other particle systems in Chapter 8.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 In the CC Particle Systems II effect controls, change the Birth Rate to 0.6 and
the Longevity (sec) value to 0.4. It’s still looking more like fireworks and less
like ink, but just stay with it.
As suggested
by the color
in the initial
screenshot, you
can also use
this technique
to create blood,
paint, and
spatter from
other liquids.
4 For the final touches, go to the Particle area in the Effect Controls panel.
Change Birth Size to 0.01, Death Size to 0.5, Size Variation to 100%, Max
Opacity to 100%, and change the Opacity Map drop down to Constant. Now, this
will change every frame, so you’ll probably want to render this out as a still image,
then re-import it back into After Effects to use. You might also want to try the
Roughen Edges effect to roughen the edges of the ink spatter.
Cool Tri
ricks Apppet
Damaged Film
3 Now apply the Fractal Noise effect. In its effect controls, change Fractal Type
to Smeary, Contrast to 320, Brightness to 300, Complexity to 1, and change
the Blending Mode to Multiply. Then open the Transform area, uncheck Uniform
Scaling, and increase Scale Height to 6000. This creates those dark vertical lines
seen in old film.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 As we’ll learn in Chapter 9, color is the secret to everything. Apply the Curves
effect to this layer. Take the bottom left corner of the curve up just a little bit;
about halfway up to the first line. This will lighten the shadows, creating a faded
look. Then change the Channel drop down to Blue, then take the upper right point
down to the first line. This will add a vintage yellowness.
If you’re looking
to create a
damaged TV
footage look,
there are several
presets that
ship with After
Effects that
will instantly
help you create
that look as
well. Animation
presets are
covered in
Chapter 10.
4 Now apply the CC Burn Film effect and take its Burn value to 38. You might
also want to adjust its Center value to get the burn in the right spot. Now you
have damaged film! See if you can trick a coworker into believing that you have
old bootleg footage of your favorite classic rock band!
Cool Tri
ricks Apppet
1 We’ll start with this comp in the Master Solid.aep project. This is a composition
that only contains solid layers, a light, a camera, and a background.
3 Select any one of the green solid layers (note that they appear red because of
a hidden adjustment layer). Press CSyLSy to open the Solid
Settings dialog box. As long as you check the option that says Affect all layers that
use this solid, whatever changes you make will be instantly reflected in all solids
that are duplicates. And you don’t have to select the original solid – any duplicate
will do. I took the Height down to 20 and the Width up to 300, and I also changed
the color.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 As you can see, there are loads of solid layers here. If we wanted to make a
global change to every solid, it would take a very long time. Thankfully, all of
these solids are duplicates from a single solid.
4 In one fell swoop, all solids reflect the changes. Isn’t that incredible?
How to Cheat in After Effects
explain why I’m doing something. I hate just telling you what settings to use
and not explaining why I chose that particular number or what that property
does. But with the nature of this book, there just isn’t space for that. We can’t
have as many cheats as we want and still explain everything.
I know that this book is not for beginners, but what’s a pro? How do you
define that? You might work for years on feature films with massive Hollywood
budgets, but you might not know how to hide layers or properties in the
Timeline panel. Theoretically, someone might learn those things the first day of
After Effects class.
So, forgive me if I don’t have the space to explain things as much I would
like to, and know that if you’d like more detail on a certain subject, that the
After Effects help is a great resource.
Lights and Cameras
BASIC LIGHTS AND CAMERAS. But what many don’t
realize is that there’s a massive wealth of options that
allow you to have a significant amount of control over
the look of your final product.
How to Cheat in After Effects
Want to
tweak your
shadow’s look
or placement?
The placement
of the shadow is
based on where
the light is
placed, so that
2 There are three main steps to make sure your lights are
casting shadows. First, make sure that when you are
creating your lights, you check Casts Shadows from the
3 The second step is that we need to make sure that we
set layers to cast shadows. Unfortunately, this is one
of those things that you have to do manually for each layer
can be fixed by
simply moving
Light Settings dialog box. If you’ve already created your that you want to cast shadows. Select the foreground_ the light (not
light, you can simply double click on the light layer in the waves layer and press aa on your keyboard (that’s the the light’s Point
Timeline panel. letter “a” twice quickly) to reveal its material properties. For of Interest). To
the Casts Shadows property, click Off only ONCE to turn on adjust the look
shadow casting for this wave. Now the wave casts shadows of the shadow,
onto the layers behind it, like the metallic robot ship. double click the
light layer to
get to the Light
Settings dialog
box. The opacity
of the shadow
is adjusted with
the Shadow
property. As
with a layer’s
opacity property,
to reduce its
opacity, lower
the value.
You may also
feel that your
shadow’s edges
are too crisp. If
that is the case,
you can increase
the Shadow
Diffusion value,
which essentially
ghts and Cameeras
1 Here’s the original image that we’re going to use to cast a colored shadow.
3 Thankfully, the remedy here is a quick and easy one. Select the Stained Glass.
psd layer in the Timeline panel. Press aa to reveal the Material Options
properties. The parameter here that allows colors to pass through into the
shadows is called Light Transmission.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Open Comp 1 from the Stained Glass.aep project in the Chapter 02 folder of the exercise files.
I’ve already created a 3D scene using our image, a solid (as the floor), and a light that is casting
a shadow. Notice how the black shadow looks very unrealistic coming through this colored glass.
4 Increase the Light Transmission value all the way up to 100% (or whatever looks good to your
eye). As you increase this value, colors from the object that is casting a shadow will show up in
the shadow. This effect is great for stained glass, but also anytime you want light spill. Maybe have
a neon sign layer that you want to cast a glow onto a building behind it. Perhaps you want to have
a client logo appear first as a shadow, and then reveal the actual logo. This single parameter can
add a lot to your 3D projects.
ghts and Cameeras
Controlling Shadows
3 You can also use the settings in a layer’s material options to create a gobo,
or “cookie”. A gobo is an object placed in front of a light that controls the
shape of the light. This is like the professional equivalent of shadow puppets. To
make our front waves a gobo, select the foreground_waves layer and press aa.
Click the Casts Shadows value to change it to Only. Now, all we see is this layer’s
shadow, not the layer itself, which almost makes it look like a sea monster is
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 If this were a film set that we were lighting, we would have a heck of a time
fixing this. We would probably add more lights to the background, which
would not only lighten non-shadow areas, but it would also throw off the mood
of the lighting we’ve already created. Instead, select the wave4_silhouette layer,
press aa and change the Accepts Shadows value to Off. I’m going to do the
same thing with the waves3 layer.
great virtual
trick that After
Effects provides
is that it lets
you turn off
Accepts Lights
and still cast a
shadow! Movies
would be made
in half the time
if scenes could
be lit with this
much flexibility!
4 This one last trick can also bail you out of a pinch. Every once in a while,
you’ll light a scene and get everything perfect – except for one, annoying,
rebellious object. You can exclude objects from lights, and still keep it 3D. Just
press aa to reveal its material options, and change the Accepts Lights value to
Off. In this case, I can remove the light falloff and make the robot captain and the
background waves pop a little more by not allowing lights to fall on them. Falloff
is generally good though, so use this trick prudently. SHORTCUTS
ghts and Cameeras
Negative Light
3 The problem is that now there’s too much light generally in the scene. It all
looks too happy. Oddly enough, I’m going to create another spotlight and
point it at the left side of the layers. But when creating the light, I’m going to take
the Intensity of the light to a negative number; negative 66% to be exact. This will
actually suck light out of the scene.
How to Cheat in After Effects
To check out
2 First, I’m going to add a new spotlight (seen here as the selected light). I’m
going to add it pointing at the sun, to exaggerate the brightness in the clouds,
and the strip of sunlight coming down the middle portion of the piece.
more of Daniel
incredible work,
go to www.
portfolio. He
also has some
free tutorials
available that
are quite
4 With the light on the left sucked out by the negative light (shown selected
on the left), our piece looks much better. I realize that we could get a similar
result from using masks on an adjustment layer with color correction effects.
However, when your scene is animated, it’s much more useful in many cases to
have negative lights that actually move in 3D space.
ghts and Cameeras
3 The secret to this trick is to get the light close to the subject and then tweak
the settings to create a more narrow strip of light, with shadows on the top
and the bottom of the door. I took the Point of Interest for the light to –95, 2100,
7130, and the Position of the light to 71, 711, 4970. This also puts the Point of
Interest on the other side of the door.
How to Cheat in After Effects
For a quick film
noir effect on
2D layers, try
the CC Spotlight
4 Double click the Light layer to open the Light Settings dialog box. Change the
Cone Angle to 20 to create a smaller lighted area. I also reduced the Cone
Feather to 65% so that the edge of the shadows would be a little harder.
ghts and Cameeras
1 I love this art by Dan Grady. However, like me, it is a little chaotic. Notice how
the clouds and stars in the background and the buildings and planes in the
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Open up the properties for Camera 1 in the Depth of Field comp in the Depth
of Field.aep project in the Chapter 02 folder of the exercise files. In the
Camera Options area, click the Depth of Field value to turn this effect on. Hey,
what gives? Not much difference so far.
In real world
opening the
aperture lets
in more light,
the exposure.
is a constant
battle between
achieving the
correct focus
and the correct
exposure at the
same time. In
After Effects,
it’s much easier.
Adjusting the
Aperture (or
other camera
settings) has
no effect on
4 With real world cameras, depth of field is enhanced by opening the aperture
of the lens. The same is true in After Effects. Increase the Aperture value
of the Camera 1 layer to about 200 or so. That looks good to me, but I used an
exaggerated value of 400 so that the results would be clearer in this screenshot.
Now there’s no question of what to look at first. The green monster is obviously on
the focal plane. To make objects less or more in focus, move them farther away or
closer to the focal plane, respectively.
ghts and Cameeras
Rack Focus
3 Now move out in time and change the Focus Distance value until the guide on
the After Effects camera widget is lined up with the frontmost building layer.
I used a value of about 2520. Notice that the target of the camera is not changed,
only the Focus Distance, shown here on the left side of the image.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 The rack focus effect is created by animating the Focus Distance of a camera.
Right now, the focus is on the green monster (selected above), which is in the
middle of our scene, depth-wise. This is the right view. Click the stopwatch for the
Focus Distance property.
Also like real
world cameras,
the depth of
field in After
Effects is
increased by
using a “long”
lens. This refers
to a lens with
a longer focal
length. For this
project, I’ve
used a Focal
Length value
of 76mm, but
After Effects’
camera settings
allow you to
increase this
value even
4 The final results tell a completely different story. The building in the
foreground is now where the viewer expects the story to take place. Perhaps
this story started out with monsters attacking, and then we rack focus to the
foreground building and find our helpless protagonist stuck on the top floor! Oh
no! Oh well. At least our rack focus looked awesome!
ghts and Cameeras
Lens Distortion
3 As mentioned in the intro, wide angle lenses are used to capture wide scenes;
almost as if you stepped backwards 20 paces when you changed lenses. So
just changing the focal length of the lens changes the composition of our scene.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Double click the Camera 1 layer in the Lens Distortion comp in the Lens
Distortion.aep project in the Chapter 02 folder of the exercise files. This opens
the Camera Settings dialog box. Although you can also adjust the focal length of
the “lens” by adjusting the Focal Length property here, you can also use the Preset
drop down to choose a lens size. Choose the most wide angle lens available here
– 15mm.
Another side
effect of using
a wide angle
lens is that Z
space depth is
Use a wide angle
lens to make a
background look
like it is farther
away from the
subject than
it is.
Select the Camera 1 layer and press p to reveal its Position property. Change
4 the Z value to bring the camera closer to the solids, and rotate as desired.
Notice that when you do, these square solids become distorted and rectangular
as they get close to the camera. It’s a really cool effect that can make objects feel
that they are really coming at you. In horror films, this technique is often used to
make viewers feel that something is even more horrific. But it can also be used to
make motion graphics and animations more exciting. SHORTCUTS
ghts and Cameeras
3 Let’s make another camera, this one using the 200mm preset so we can really
get in there. This makes the plane a much more significant character in this
How to Cheat in After Effects
After Effects
will use
camera layer
that is on
top. So, you
could have
three different
each other in
the timeline, but
After Effects
will only show
4 Create as many cameras with as many angles as you need to tell your story
effectively. The trick then to change cameras within the same comp is to
simply trim the length of the camera layers! To do that, simply grab the beginning
you the one
highest in the
layer stack.
or end of a layer in the Timeline panel and drag it inwards to make it shorter. Then
as one camera layer ends, it will “cut” to the camera angle of the camera layer
beneath it. When you render, it will be as if you had rendered multiple shots and
edited them together.
ghts and Cameeras
3D Camera Path
3 The other way to create a camera path isn’t as easy to control, but it allows
you to create a 3D motion path for your camera. The secret is to create a
new null object. Masks reside on layers, and layers are 2D, therefore masks (and
the paths created from them) must be 2D. However, we can move this null in 3D
space. The screenshot above shows the 3D path that I created for the null object.
How to Cheat in After Effects
This method of
copying paths
into the Position
property can
also be used
to copy shapes
from Adobe
Illustrator and
paste them as
2 To easily create a 2D path for the camera to follow, grab the Pen tool. Create a
new solid the size of your comp and create your camera path on it. Then select
the new solid you created and press m to reveal the Mask Path property. Click
motion paths on
regular layers!
Mask Path and then press CcLc to copy it. Select the camera layer and
press p to reveal its Position property, and click it to select the property (NOT the
layer). Then press CvLv to paste the mask, and have your camera follow
this path! You may need to make small tweaks to Focal Length after pasting.
Select the camera layer and press p to reveal its Position property. OA
4 click the stopwatch to add an expression. Click and drag the expression
pickwhip to the Position property of your null object. Now your camera navigates
through your scene as your null object did! This made it much easier for me to
navigate this camera through my 3D scene, and tell an entire story with just this
one still graphic.
ghts and Cameeras
Orient to Camera
1 Here we have the characters and objects in their standard state with the
3 In the Timeline panel, right click on the layers for the robots (PRECOMP
robot 1 and PRECOMP robot 2). Choose Transform>Auto-Orient. In the Auto-
Orientation dialog box, change the setting from Off to Orient Towards Camera.
This will ensure that this object will automatically point towards the camera at all
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 But when we orbit the camera around, they start to skew. We can see that the
robots are 2D, and it makes the whole scene look less realistic.
Note that after
changing the
camera angle
to a degree this
extreme and
then turning
on auto-
you may need
to tweak the
position of
the characters
4 With their orientation now automatically set, these two robots look towards
the camera, which gives them an increased sense of life. In the screenshot
above, contrast their appearance and scale with the robot on the far right with
or the Focus
parameter of
its back turned. The distortion created by the lack of proper orientation is very the camera.
apparent when viewed side by side with the robots that we’ve adjusted. The
benefit of this feature is even more pronounced when animated.
How to Cheat in After Effects
the back wall. The shadows indicate where the key light is. Notice the light
underneath her right arm and on her back. This is from the backlight. I’m
admittedly not that good at lighting, but I think the backlight here adds a lot of
volume and dimension to this shot.
Another tip is to simply observe the real world. Try this: go somewhere
where there is an obvious light source coming from above you (e.g. a room with
a light, or outside in daylight). Then hover your hand right above the surface
(maybe about a half inch or so). Note the shadow – it’s opacity, it’s color, and
the softness of the edges. Now raise your hand away from the surface. What
happens to the shadow? Why does it do that? Little tests like this can help you
understand more about the way that light works.
Even if you never take on the role of gaffer in a movie production, your job
as an After Effects artist will be greatly improved by knowing about lighting,
and how to control it to get the results you’re looking for.
3D Objects
ANY EASIER – just check the 3D Layer checkbox in the
Timeline panel. Cake. Anyone can do that.
3D O
How to Cheat in After Effects
In most 3D
scenes, objects
are adjusted
in 3D space to
exist farther
away from the
camera, or to
be closer to it.
Objects that
have not had
their Z position
2 One might argue that the art looks much cleaner without all of the stars and clouds in the
background, especially when static. changed from
the default
value typically
don’t move
much when
the camera is
orbited around
the scene. For
that reason, I
refer to this
zone as the
“focal plane”.
The focal plane
is a good spot
to put things
that need to be
very clear for
the duration of
the animation,
such as text or
a client logo.
Note that if
your camera
animation is
less orbital and
more of a dolly
shot, then the
focal plane will
4 Here is the same scene with the camera moving in the opposite direction. Again pay particular
attention to the area behind the head of the green monster. What gives you clues that the camera
has moved? What if those background objects weren’t there? The clouds and stars in the extreme
be irrelevant.
background and the fighter planes in the extreme foreground are what I refer to as “depth cues” –
objects that indicate that the camera is moving in 3D space. Can you find any other depth cues in these
images? The careful use of depth cues is the key to using the parallax effect, and is what will make your
3D projects in After Effects really come alive.
3D O
3D in Repoussé
How to Cheat in After Effects
If you
close Repoussé,
or would like
to edit your
Repoussé object
again after
you’ve created
it, go to the 3D
menu at the top
of the interface
and choose 3D>
in Repoussé.
4 While we’re here, let’s play around a bit. In the Extrude area, increase
the Depth value to about 3.3. Increase the Twist value to about 110 or so.
Decrease Scale to about 0.5. I’m also going to click and drag on my shape to rotate SHORTCUTS
it a little. Not bad, Photoshop! MAC WIN BOTH
3D O
3D in Repoussé (continued)
5 OK. Enough goofing around (for now). Let’s get back to the project at hand by
going to the Repoussé Shape Presets area at the top, and choosing the preset
called Bevel 2. Notice that completely overrides our previous settings for Depth,
Scale, and Twist. Let’s leave Twist at 0. But take Scale back down to 0.5 and take
Depth to 2.5. In the Bevel area, take the Width value down to 15.
How to Cheat in After Effects
Adobe has
created loads
of additional
that you can
download and
10 Select the Object Rotate Tool in the Tools panel to rotate this object in 3D space if you like. From there, you can
arrange these 3D objects into a design like this. And remember that these are live 3D objects. So if you wanted to
change the red or black texture, or if you wanted to adjust the light source, or if you wanted to change the bevel or extrusion
settings, you can do that. Ahhh... I just love 3D.
3D O
1 In After Effects, import the Repousse for AE.psd file from Exercise
Files>Media>PSDs. Be sure to choose to import this as a composition. Here,
we’ll go ahead and choose Composition – Retain Layer Sizes. In the dialog box that
3 Right about now, you might be looking at this 3D object and wondering about
the quality, or rather the lack thereof. Here’s the deal – this object used the
Interactive quality mode in Photoshop. If that’s the case, it will never get better
than that here in After Effects. Select one of the layers of this PSD from the
Repousse for AE Layers folder in the Project panel. Press CeLe to open it
in Photoshop.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Notice our layers in the Timeline panel. Layers 3 and 4 are our 3D layers.
Upon import, After Effects turned these 3D layers into their own nested
compositions. Double click layer 3 to open it up. You’ll find that After Effects has
actually created a null object and a camera for each of the 3D objects. Use the
camera to navigate around the 3D object. Use the null to transform the 3D object
instead of using the 3D layer’s layer transforms.
Although 3D
objects from
Photoshop are
truly 3D, and
therefore can
respond to
lights, they do
not respond to
the lights in
After Effects.
So, if you want
to customize the
lighting on your
3D object, you
must do so in
4 In the 3D panel in Photoshop, change the Quality drop down to Ray Traced
Draft and then go get yourself a sandwich. It takes quite a while to render.
After that’s done, save the file and go back to After Effects. Right click on a layer
from the Photoshop document in the Project panel and choose Reload Footage.
Now, this will make things look better, but render slower in After Effects. To
remedy this, change the 3D layer’s quality switch in the Timeline panel from Best SHORTCUTS
to Draft while you’re working. Then change it back to Best for your final render. MAC WIN BOTH
3D O
3D Shatter Scenes
1 In the Shatter.aep project in the Chapter 03 folder of the exercise files, open up
the Shatter START comp (which is actually blank). Press CyLy to create
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 In the Shatter effect controls (in the Effect Controls panel), change the View
drop down from Wireframe + Forces to Rendered. If, after changing the
View value, you only see white, go out a few frames in time. Shatter is an auto-
animating effect, and the shattering effect doesn’t start until the layer’s second
frame. This shot is from 0;00;00;08 in my comp.
In addition
to controlling
Shatter with the
Camera Position
controls, you
can also change
the Camera
System drop
down to control
Shatter with
either corner
pins, or the first
camera in your
4 So, as you can see, these are real 3D bricks we’re dealing with here! Let’s
make these bricks look more like buildings by going to the Shape area in the
Shatter effect controls and increasing the Extrusion Depth value to about 5 or so.
That’s kinda cool, but now you can see that the edges aren’t blowing up. In the
Force 1 area, increase the Radius value to about 0.6 to blow up those pesky edges.
You may want to increase the Y position of the camera after that.
continued... MAC WIN BOTH
3D O
5 One of the benefits of Shatter is that it auto-animates. One of the problems of Shatter is that it
auto-animates. If you preview a frame later on in the timeline, you’ll notice that your design just
falls apart (well, it technically shatters). In the Physics area, make the “air” thicker by increasing the
Viscosity value to 1.0 and take the Gravity value down to 0. Wait a minute! What happened?!? To fix
this, let’s increase the Force 1>Strength value to 13.
7 As part of the “real” 3D environment that Shatter creates, a light is created for you. Adjusting
the light can help you create significantly more realism in your 3D Shatter scene. Change the
Lighting>Light Type value to Point Source to create a more dramatic effect. Then take Light Depth to
–0.1, and increase the Light Intensity to 1.5.
How to Cheat in After Effects
6 I think I’ve gone without color for about as long as I can stand. Thankfully, Shatter allows you to
add textures to the front, side, and back of these 3D pieces. When we texture a side, we basically
have two choices – we can texture it with the color in the Textures>Color swatch, or we can use a layer.
Click that color swatch and change the color to a deep red. Change the Textures>Side Mode drop down
to Color.
Similar to the
camera system
in Shatter, you
can also set
Shatter to use a
light from your
that you’ve
Simply choose
Type>First Comp
8 For the finishing touches, I boosted contrast with the Levels effect and the Glow effect, then added
a gradient background. I also fiddled around with the Materials settings in the Shatter effect to
change how the light reacts when it hits the shattered pieces. Keep in mind that this scene is still 3D,
and can be navigated with cameras in 3D space.
3D O
3D Text
How to Cheat in After Effects
The text here
is not being
generated by
a font, so it’s
not “live”. It
originally was a
text layer, but
Press CyLy to create a new solid. Make it the
2 same size as the comp and name the layer Shatter Text.
Apply the Shatter effect to this solid layer (NOT the layer
3 As it stands now, Shatter is just going to blow up our
solid layer. Unlike the previous cheat, we don’t want
anything blowing up here; we just want to use Shatter to
was converted
by choosing
with the text shapes on it). In the Timeline, click the layer’s make our text three dimensional. Open the Camera Position Shapes From
solo switch so we’re only seeing this layer. controls and take the Y Rotation value to –88 degrees. Now Text so that
we can see the side view of our explosion. there wouldn’t
be any
issues in case
you didn’t
have the same
font that I was
using. Note that
shapes are not
necessary for
this trick. Text
layers can be
used as shatter
patterns, as
well as regular
5 The last step is perhaps most important. In the Shatter effect controls, go to the Shape area. Change the Pattern drop
down to Custom. Then, from the Custom Shatter Map drop down, choose the Art Show Outlines layer. Now you have
3D text! To see it, change the View drop down from Wireframe + Forces to Rendered. Change the Y Rotation value of the
camera in Shatter back to 0. Increase the 3D extrusion by increasing the Extrusion Depth value in the Shape area. Here, I also
changed the color of the light to a cyan color to match the background that we created in the last cheat. SHORTCUTS
3D O
3D Postcards
4 Now let’s play with this! Apply the Card Wipe effect to
the Photos.psd layer in the 3D Postcards START comp.
The cards don’t quite match our photos. So in the Card Wipe
effect controls, make the Rows and Columns values both 6,
because that corresponds to how many rows and columns
our photo grid has.
How to Cheat in After Effects
3D O
3 After I had assembled the rough template, I went to work making solids for
every side of everything – a solid for each side of each post of the door frame,
each side of each step, and so on. So that I could align each layer a little easier in
3D, and so that these layers would render a little faster, I used the Wireframe view
from the Fast Previews drop down at the bottom of the Composition panel. This
had the added benefit of making me feel like an architect, which I enjoyed.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 I then imported this AI file into After Effects so that I could use this as a
template for creating my 3D house. Once imported, I locked the Illustrator
file so that I couldn’t mess it up on accident. I then used this as a reference to
assemble a rough 3D structure using solids.
4 For the final house scene, I added some lighting, some lightning, and a cool
fractal noise cloud background. Now again, it’s not the most impressive thing
you’ve ever seen, but it is 3D. I can move lights around it, and pilot a camera
through it if needed. Having objects with three dimensions gives you a lot more
control over their animation and lighting.
3D O
3D Distortion
1 First, we’re going to make the bottom part of the tent. You can open up the 3D
Distortion.aep project in the Chapter 03 folder of the exercise files if you’d like
to use that as a reference. Create a 1280 x 720 comp. Create a white solid and
make it the same width as the comp (1280 pixels), but make it half of the height
(360 pixels).
3 Now we need to precompose these layers. Select the Timeline panel and
press CaLa to select all layers, then press CScLSc
to precompose these layers. Name the precomp Tent. Now we can edit them as
one. To this nested precomp layer, apply the CC Cylinder effect, which will wrap
this layer around a 3D cylinder. This is the base of our tent. Using the CC Cylinder
effect controls, we can rotate, move, and change the lighting of this cylinder.
How to Cheat in After Effects
Select this solid and press CdLd to duplicate the layer. Select the
2 top copy and press CSyLSy to adjust the settings of this
solid. Making sure that the “Affect all layers that use this solid” option is turned
OFF, change the color of this solid to red. Then apply the Venetian Blinds effect to
the red solid layer. In the Venetian Blinds effect controls, increase the Transition
Completion value to 60% and the Width value to 115.
So this is
probably the
most depressing
“Hot Tip” of all
time. The CC
Cylinder does
have 3D camera
and 3D lighting
however, the
CC Cylinder
effect does not
respond to After
Effects cameras
or lights.
4 Select the Tent layer and duplicate the layer using the shortcut from step 2.
Name this copy Tent Overhang. Adjust the Y scale and the Radius value in the
CC Cylinder effect controls for each layer to create a tent with an overhang.
continued... MAC WIN BOTH
3D O
3D Distortion (continued)
5 Temporarily turn off the visibility for the Tent and Tent Overhang layers. Press
F2 to deselect all layers. Then select the Ellipse tool in the Tool bar and create
an ellipse in the center of the comp. Hold S while creating it to make it a
perfect circle. Give it a white fill and no stroke.
How to Cheat in After Effects
You may need to
adjust the size
and position of
the red pinwheel
or the white
shape layer to
make sure that
the edges of
each are even,
and that they
Now select both of these new layers using the S key
6 This step is fun. Make a red solid the size of the comp.
Apply the Venetian Blinds effect to this layer. In the
Venetian Blinds effect controls, change the Transition
7 and precompose as we did in step 3 and call this nested
comp Tent Top. Then apply the DE_FreeFormAE effect to
are centered in
the composition.
Completion value to 60% and the Width value to 115. Now the Tent Top layer. This is a 3rd party effect that now comes
apply the Polar Coordinates effect, and adjust its Type of with After Effects CS5. In the Grid area in its effect controls,
Conversion to Rect to Polar and increase Interpolation to increase both the Rows and Columns values to 6.
3D O
3D Planetscape
How to Cheat in After Effects
You don’t have
to precomp
the fractal
noise to have
it distorted by
CC Sphere. We
precomposed so
that the color of
the solid would
Press CaLa to select all layers and then press be on our sphere
2 This pattern will be the texture for our planet. To me,
there’s too much contrast here. So change the Overflow
drop down to Soft Clamp to make sure that our highlights
3 CScLSc to precompose these layers.
Call this new composition planet. Apply the CC Sphere effect
as well. If it’s
more convenient
for you, you can
and shadows are more dull. Adjust Complexity, Scale, to the nested precomp.
simply apply a
Brightness, and Contrast to your liking. I also created a
colorizing effect
yellowish solid above this layer and put it into the Soft Light
to the layer
blend mode in order to colorize this.
with the Fractal
Noise effect
on it.
continued... MAC WIN BOTH
3D O
3D Planetscape (continued)
7 Make a solid and apply Fractal Noise. The default settings will be fine.
Select this layer and precompose it as we did in step 3. Choose the “Move
all attributes...” option and call it foreground texture. Create a new light yellow
solid layer (or whatever color you’d like your foreground planet soil to be). Apply
the DE_FreeformAE effect to this new solid. In the Displacement Controls area in
its effect controls, choose the foreground texture layer from the Displace Layer
drop down. Change the 3D Mesh Quality>Mesh Subdivision property to 300 and
Displacement Controls>Displace Height to 50. Create a light.
9 One of the things that the eyes really love is contrast. Right now, we’re
looking at two planets in shadow. In space. And as expected, it’s dark. Press
F2 to make sure all layers are deselected, then select the Ellipse tool in the tool
bar. Click and drag to make a light yellow-orange ellipse about the size of the
foreground surface. Then deselect all again and make another ellipse about the
size of the planet and drag these below their corresponding layers in the layer
stack in the Timeline panel.
How to Cheat in After Effects
When using
layers as maps
(such as in this
case with the
texture layer
here), it is
usually advisable
to turn off their
8 The cool thing about this displacement is that it’s actually three dimensional.
In the 3D Mesh Controls area of the FreeformAE effect controls, adjust the
Rotation X value to about –70. Adjust the position and rotation values, and the
visibility. Layers
that are not
visible can still
settings of the light as desired. For a more controlled way to displace a layer, check be used as maps
out the cheats in Chapter 5. to control the
properties of
10 For the final touches, I applied the Fast Blur effect to both of the shape
layers and increased the Blurriness value to taste. For additional sexiness,
I then applied the Optical Flares effect from Video Copilot. Note that if you do not
have this effect installed on your machine, you will not be able to see these layers
in the project file, but they are not essential to the scene. Also keep in mind that
although these objects can’t be controlled by an After Effects camera, they are
volumetric 3D objects that can be moved in 3D space!
3D O
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Next, apply another oft-used effect – the Bevel Alpha effect. In its effect
controls, take the Edge Thickness value to 12 and the Light Intensity value to
0.6. Then apply the Echospace effect. HOT TIP
creates multiple
null objects to
control each
duplicate, and
a master null is
created that is
the parent to all
of those nulls.
it makes all
layers it creates
(except the
master null)
shy. So all you
have to do is to
click the master
shy switch at
the top of the
Timeline panel
to hide all layers
except the
original layer
with Echospace
and the master
4 So that’s pretty convenient, but the real magic of this effect is that you can
still make adjustments, either to the master null (called “Main[14]” here) or to
the Echospace effect on the original layer. In this case, I increased the Repeater>X
Offset value of the Echospace effect on the original solid to about 70, and I
decided to reduce the Scale value to about 15.
3D O
3D in Nested Compositions
3 The cheat here is that the three dimensions of the original layers CAN in fact
be accessed in the parent comp! Instead of clicking the 3D switch for the
nested precomp layer, enable Collapse Transformations (which is also the switch
used to continuously rasterize Illustrator files). Then create a new camera. Now
when we rotate around with the camera, we can see that the layers are 3D again!
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 These layers have been arranged at different places in 3D space (along the
Z axis). If we precompose these layers, the resultant nested comp will be a
regular old 2D layer. If we enable the 3D switch for this layer, we can move and
rotate it in 3D space, but we’ve lost all of the depth of the original layers! Boo!
I learned
from Aharon
Rabinowitz from
All Bets Are Off
Productions that
you can increase
the Z scale value
on the nested
precomp layer
to increase the
3D distance
between the
layers in the
4 With the Collapse Transformations switch enabled, we can now access the 3D
depth from the original layers using cameras, lights, or nulls that the nested
comp is parented to. Additionally, this switch will allow blend modes from the
nested layers to be respected as well.
Picking a 3D App
ENOUGH. They need a dedicated 3D application. And hey, I can relate to that. I
got into 3DS Max many years ago, and totally fell in love with the world of 3D.
I’ve since switched computer platforms (from PC to Mac), and unfortunately,
they don’t make 3DS Max for the Mac. So, I’ve switched over to Cinema 4D,
which I really love. No 3D application integrates better with After Effects than
does Cinema 4D, which can actually output your 3D scene as an After Effects
project file. It also has many features dedicated just to creating incredible
motion graphics.
But do you need a 3D application, and if so, which one? Notice the text on
the opposite page. This was created in Cinema 4D. I took some basic splines (i.e.
paths) from Illustrator and then extruded them and beveled them in Cinema
4D. Although Photoshop CS5 Extended is getting close to this, it’s much
more awkward and clunky doing it in Photoshop than it is in a dedicated 3D
program like this. Notice the beveled edges on the front, and the way that the
light interacts with them. That type of thing is just so much easier in a 3D app.
Also, if you wanted something with roundness (like a humanoid character)
or something to deform and animate in 3D, or if you just want to create a
complex structure (like a skyscraper), you’re probably better off learning a 3D
But which one? For many, price is a huge consideration. The big 3D apps
(e.g. Maya, 3DS Max, Cinema 4D, Lightwave, Softimage, etc.) all carry a hefty
price tag, starting around $1000, and averaging around $3000. If price is a
big concern for you, fear not! Check out Blender from It is a high
quality 3D app with most of the features of the big guys, but it’s completely
free! Although I find the interface and workflow less intuitive and the learning
curve much steeper, you can’t beat the price tag!
For those wanting to work in the video game industry, you should know
that most video games are created in 3DS Max. For the film industry, Maya is
How to Cheat in After Effects
probably still the champion in that arena. And Cinema 4D is perhaps the most
common software out there for broadcast graphics. Be advised however, that
any 3D app can be used in almost any setting because the core features are very
similar between 3D apps.
While it’s definitely not essential to learn a 3D program to create
phenomenal 3D art, I find that it helps a lot. It’s also great for sparking creative
ideas that I had never thought of while working only in 2D. As another side
benefit (that might not apply to you), I found that learning a dedicated 3D app
really helped me in the 3D environment in After Effects. I’ve always found AE’s
3D environment really awkward, like the program wasn’t really designed to do
3D stuff (which it wasn’t). Seeing how 3D is SUPPOSED to work with cameras
and lights and viewports that are much easier to control, has really helped my
3D in the relatively scaled down world of After Effects 3D.
of the most common purposes of using After Effects.
In this chapter, we’re going to cover everything from
near-automatic rotoscoping with Roto Brush to motion
tracking with Mocha, and the basics of compositing and
removing a green screen background, and tons of stuff in
between. We’ll also look at a few little tips and tricks that
help me when I’m working in the world of compositing.
1 Import the IHB ball 01.mp4 clip from Exercise Files>Media>Video. This is some
How to Cheat in After Effects
For more
on creating
the perfect
mask for your
garbage mattes,
check out
2 The problem is that there is a bunch of junk around the basketball. This is
typically the case when keying; you’ll have equipment or the end of the green
screen around the edges of the frame. This makes it more challenging for the
Chapter 7. It’s
full of cheats
pertaining to
keying tool to do its job efficiently. To create a garbage matte, select the layer, and masks, including
using the Pen tool, click an area around where the basketball bounces. how to animate
How to Cheat in After Effects
1 We’re going to start with this footage from of a kid dancing in
3 We have some stray pixels in the background, but I’m not worried about those
because we can just enlarge our garbage matte to fix them. The excess white
around the edges is really the problem here. Increase the Edge Thin value in the
Luma Key effect controls to 1.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 In the Effect Controls panel, change the Key Type drop down from Key Out
Darker to Key Out Brighter. Then we need to increase the Threshold value to
increase the amount of allowable luminance. I found that a value of about 243
worked pretty good. Any higher than that, and it’s going to start eroding the
highlights from this poor kid’s face, and we just can’t be responsible for that.
Using luma
to pull a key
can also be
helpful for sky
replacement in
video. Often,
video doesn’t
have the
dynamic range
to capture a
bright daytime
sky, so it is
captured as
pure white. This
looks awful and
amateurish on
screen, but it
makes it much
4 Increasing the Edge Thin value definitely helped, but our key still looks
terrible. We can try fiddling with the Edge Thin and Edge Feather values a
bit more, but this key is never going to look good. Zoomed in close, we can see
easier to remove
using this
some major issues here, including motion blur on the right hand. To make it look
awesome and fix these problems, we’ll need the help of another effect, discussed
in the next cheat.
Refining a Matte
3 To improve the Refine Matte results, I took its Smooth value to 1, and I took
the Increase Decontamination Radius value to 4. Now check out how much
better this matte looks! Even the motion blur on the subject’s right hand looks
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Apply the new Refine Matte effect to this footage. Even without adjusting any
parameters, the matte is really improved! Huzzah! I’ve zoomed in to 200% so
you can see the results more closely.
We didn’t need
to adjust the
Feather or
Choke values in
this case, but
those properties
have come in
handy a lot in
my time using
this effect. In
many (most?)
keying tools,
feather and
choke are pretty
standard fare.
The problem
is that they
are way too
and even
the smallest
are too big.
In the Refine
How to Cheat in After Effects
For more cheats
and information
about creating
and using
masks, check
out Chapter 07!
The secret is to press CdLd twice to make it so that there are three
2 duplicates of this layer, making sure to name them branches, trunk, and head.
Then, on each, make a mask that surrounds that component. For example, on
the branches layer, make a mask that only surrounds the branches. It’s OK (and
actually preferable) if the masks overlap a little bit.
4 After applying Keylight and adjusting its settings for each individual
component of this matte, our finished product looks much better. Shown here
with a dark red gradient background. Considering how compressed this footage is,
the results from using multiple keyed pieces is quite impressive. The hair on the
head of the elephant and the edges of the branches have benefited the most.
Intro to Compositing
3 The next layer we’ve seen before. It’s just me with the green screen
background that we removed earlier in this chapter.
How to Cheat in After Effects
This CG subway
render was
with an alpha
channel – which
is basically
This means that
the window
is basically a
hole, allowing
us to see
through to the
2 The next layer is a still image. It’s a render from a 3D program by Kymnbel
Bywater of Spilled Ink Animation. Without lighting, it doesn’t look completely
realistic. But again, that’s OK. We’ll fix it when we smoosh it all together.
layer below it.
Alpha channels
are a huge
component of
the compositing
4 Once you have the pieces, all you have to do is layer them, add some
animation, lighting, unifying color correction, some shadows (underneath
me), and a reflection (in the window), and you have a somewhat believable scene.
Shown here is the orthographic front view, and a view from the side to see the
stacking of the layers.
3 We put this on a black solid layer because it’s the opposite of the bright
flare we added. But how do we get rid of the black around the flare? Simple.
With blend modes. Click the Toggle Switches/Modes button at the bottom of the
Timeline panel if you’re not seeing the blend modes drop down. Change the blend
mode from Normal to Add. The black is instantly removed!
How to Cheat in After Effects
Lens flares
created by the
Lens Flare effect
are typically
much brighter
than this, and a
different color.
The reason that
this looks the
way it does
2 This shot needs some help. The lightning looks like it’s just appearing out of
nothing, and the shot is just too dark. So, I’ve created a new black solid layer
for you to apply the Lens Flare effect to. Don’t forget to turn back on the visibility
is that there
is a hidden
adjustment layer
of the lens flare layer. above it in the
layer stack.
4 In the Lens Flare effect controls, adjust the Flare Center value until the flare
is lined up with the end of the boy’s wizard staff. If desired, you can create a
mask to remove some of the extra junk from the lens flare, as shown here. Note
that in the original image at the beginning of this cheat, I used a 3rd party plugin
called Optical Flares by Video CoPilot to create that sweet flare.
3 Now we could just end it there. But in professional compositing, there are
typically many components that add to the realism. We could add debris,
shadows, flames, or other elements. In this case, we’re going to make this look
like bad video footage. Create an adjustment layer at the top of the layer stack
and apply the Noise effect to it. I used an Amount of Noise value of 12%, and I
deselected Use Color Noise.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 To composite this explosion, all you have to do is go down to the modes area
of the Timeline panel, and change the blend mode of the BlackMushroom01
layer from Normal to Multiply. That will remove the white background, and also
darken the cloud and realistically blend it into the background. This makes it look
as if there has been an explosion on this house, or immediately behind it.
As you’ll
probably see me
say over and
over again in
this chapter, any
element shared
by all of the
components of
your composite
will help to
create the
illusion that
they actually
belong in the
same scene.
4 The photo of this neighborhood was taken with a pretty good quality DSLR
camera. The homes and other objects in this scene are just too sharp for the
look we’re trying to achieve. So apply the Fast Blur effect to the adjustment layer
you created. A little Blurriness goes a long way in this case – probably no more
than 1.5 (I used 1.2). What else would make this composite more believable?
Compositing Textures
How to Cheat in After Effects
Because the
modes increase
contrast, you
can often make
any layer look
much more
intense by
duplicating it,
and putting the
top copy of the
layer in one
of the overlay
blend modes,
such as Soft
5 If this look is too intense, try using the Soft Light blend
mode. It does the same basic thing as Overlay, but it
doesn’t brighten and darken quite so much. Other than Add,
6 In this case, I actually want this way more intense. I
changed the blend mode to Hard Light here, which is
a much more gritty and intense effect. In the image at the
this is probably the blend mode that I use most often. beginning of this cheat, I used the Linear Light blend mode. I
just love the way that looks.
Temporal Alignment
3 The trick is to use the Difference blend mode. Usually, the Difference blend
mode creates really psychedelic effects, as seen above.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 The challenge with this particular clip is that it’s very similar throughout the
clip. The previous screenshot was from about 9 seconds in. This screenshot is
from about 28 seconds in, almost 20 seconds later. It’s impressive how still this
actress can remain, but it makes it really hard to align this footage in time.
4 But the Difference blend mode has a special trick. When you blend a layer
using Difference, pixels that are the same as the colors beneath will turn
black. As you can see above, two frames that seemed almost identical are now
discernibly different. Now, simply move the top layer in time until your image is
completely black. Then your layers will be perfectly aligned, in space and time.
3 The monster still looks too vibrant for my liking. If we can’t see the bottom
of his legs, then we assume he is far away. Notice the hills between his legs,
and how hazy they are. I hesitate to even share this with you, but I lowered the
toy’s opacity to 80%. It’s not an ideal fix in all cases, but this makes it look farther
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 I initially created this composite as part of a short film competition that I was
in. The project was timed, and I was in a hurry. To composite these quickly,
I dragged the toy layer beneath the photo, and put the photo into the Multiply
blend mode since the toy was darker than most of the photo. I then added a mask
to mask out the toy’s legs. This mask has been added for you, just change the
mode of the mask from None to Add.
I skimmed
through a lot
of techniques
really quickly
here, such
as mask
modes, color
and creating
a vignette.
These are all
discussed in
detail in cheats
this book in
their respective
4 To combine these together more, I added an adjustment layer above the toy
and the photo, and adjusted the colors with the Color Balance effect. Mostly,
I took red out of the image to give it a more sinister cyan tint. I also added a
quick vignette to pull attention more to the center of the image. Because these
adjustments are applied to the entire image, it makes a more realistic composite.
Hold OA while clicking the stopwatch for the Point of Interest property
3 on the camera you just created. This will create an expression field. In that
new text field, type wiggle(2,10) to create some random animation for the camera.
How to Cheat in After Effects
4 OK, so if you’re just reading this, you’ll just have to use your imagination, but
the scene now has subtle but random movement, which is shared by both the
toy monster and the background. This again adds more to the believability of the
composite. MAC WIN BOTH
3 When switching back to the Active Camera view, the depth of field isn’t
quite blurry enough, so I’ve increased the Aperture value to 1000. This is a
little too much blur, honestly, but I wanted to make sure that you could see the
difference in these screenshots. A value close to about 600 would probably be
more appropriate.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 In the camera layer, turn Depth of Field on. Adjust the Focus Distance value
while looking at the Top view. Fiddle with that property until the focal plane
of the camera lines up with the houses background layer. A value of about 6810
worked for me, but I’ve offset this just a bit in the screenshot so that you see the
camera’s focal plane.
For more
control over the
depth of field
on flat layers
like this houses
that appear
to cross many
depth planes,
try the Lens Blur
effect. With
that effect, you
can use a map
to control which
part of the layer
has blur applied
to it, as if the
4 We can then animate the Focus Distance property of the camera to get the
toy monster in focus, almost as if the camera person was caught unprepared
and had to adjust focus. This not only adds believability, but it’s also good visual
blur was created
by the lens.
storytelling, building anticipation as we take our time to guide the eye of the
viewer to the scary monster. I used a Focus Distance value of about 7410.
Motion Blur
How to Cheat in After Effects
Motion blur
is turned on
for both the
layer AND the
because of its
massive increase
of render time.
It’s insane to
work with
2 Without motion blur, this animation looks distinctly artificial. Just atrocious.
To turn on motion blur, we must enable it both for the composition, and for
the UFO layer. The icon looks like a little stack of circles.
motion blur
on. With the
two switches,
you can switch
motion blur on
for each layer
that needs it,
and then keep
it off. When it
comes time to
render or check
the project, you
can turn it back
for all layers
with one click.
Matching Color
1 In this example from the Matching Color.aep project, we again have a piece of
art by matte painter Daniel Johnson and one of my 3D renderings from Cinema
3 The trick is to go through each channel, and match the Output Black, Output
White, and Gamma values in the Levels effect with the appearance of each
channel in the background you’re trying to match. If you put your cursor over
the darkest and lightest spots of the image, the Info panel will tell you the light
output for that channel, so you can match values accordingly. For example, here I
put my cursor over a shadow area, and the Info panel tells me that the value is 25,
so then I changed my Red Output Black value to 25. I additionally, increased the
Red Gamma value to match the brightness of the rest of the red channel.
How to Cheat in After Effects
After Effects
gives you a
great visual
cue to know
which channel
you’re looking
at. If you’re
looking at only
one channel,
there will be a
2 Apply the Levels effect to the robot layer. The key here is that we want to
analyze each channel independently. So, click the Show Channel and Color
Management Settings, and change the channel to Red, so that we’re only viewing
line around the
inside of the
the red light used to make this image. In the Levels effect controls, change the
panel of the
Channel drop down to Red. color of the
channel you
are viewing.
In step 2, you
can see the red
outline around
the image,
indicating that
we are looking
at the red
4 Then, just repeat the same process for each channel. MAKE SURE that you are
always viewing the same channel that you are editing in Levels! Once you’re
done, take the Composition panel view back to RGB to see the finished product.
Although we could do further tweaking, this is a fairly believable composite.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 When we zoom in closely (shown here at 300%), we can see an ugly black
halo caused by the incorrect interpretation of this alpha as a straight alpha
channel. If we were compositing against black, this would look great. But in this
case, it’s icky.
Another new
feature in After
Effects CS5 is
that you can
preview just
about anything.
This applies to
dialog boxes
with lights,
cameras, solids,
and you can
also preview
settings before
applying them.
4 Once the alpha channel has been correctly interpreted, the ugly halo
disappears, and our alpha is fixed.
How to Cheat in After Effects
Although I’ve
created a final
project for
you (Mocha
the size of the
uberstock clips
2 This sweet stock video clip from depicts a
woman flirting at a bar. The first part of the video is just
a white screen, though. So, right below the big white screen,
3 Now we need to tell Mocha what area to track. Click the
Create X-Spline Layer Tool. Then click a point in each
of the corners of that rounded rectangle at the right of the
distributed with
the exercise files
are different
you’ll find a timeline with a tiny black vertical line. Drag the image as shown above. Right click to finish the spline. Click than the full
current time to about frame 731. and drag on a point to adjust it after you’ve created it. quality clips I’ve
used for this
7 The frame that we started tracking on actually wasn’t the first frame we
wanted to track. It was just the frame where the subject we wanted to track
was the most clear. Go back to frame 731. Then click the Track Backwards button
and track the motion until the tracked object is off screen again. When you are
satisfied with the track, click the Export Tracking Data button at the bottom of the
9 We created a solid layer to store this tracking data because we don’t want
to fiddle with our original layer. This Mocha data also creates a keyframe for
every single frame of Position, Anchor Point, Scale, and Rotation. Import an image
to apply the tracking data to (I used a photo of myself). Select that object and
press p to reveal its Position property. OA click its stopwatch to create an
expression, then drag the expression pickwhip to the Position property of the solid
How to Cheat in After Effects
Hold down the
Z key and drag
with the mouse
to zoom in and
out in Mocha.
Hold down the
X key and drag
with the mouse
8 From the Format drop down, choose After Effects Transform Data. Then go
back to After Effects. Import the same clip we’ve been tracking, and make a
new comp that has the EXACT same dimensions as the clip by dragging the clip
to pan around.
to the Create a new Composition button at the bottom of the Project panel. Then
create a new solid with the same size and duration, and press CvLv to
paste the Mocha tracking data on to this solid layer. Note that the solid layer
doesn’t need to be visible.
Mocha Shapes
3 When you paste this data, it first appears as if nothing has happened. This is
because it has created a hole where our tracking mask was. I’ve added a green
solid layer below this to show you what I mean. To fix this, go to the new mocha
shape effect that has been added to this layer. Click the Invert checkbox. Now you
have a layer of just the mask area.
How to Cheat in After Effects
It is very
important that
when you paste
Mocha data of
any type that
you are using
a comp of the
same duration
as the footage
you tracked, and
2 In Mocha, with Layer 1 selected in the Layer Controls area in the upper left
area of the interface, click on the Export Shape Data button at the bottom
of the interface. Then click Copy to Clipboard. Then go to After Effects, and in
that your CTI
is on the first
frame of the
the Mocha Shapes START in the Shapes from Mocha.aep file, select the handheld
sunset layer and press CvLv to paste in this shape data.
4 The trick is to duplicate this layer and have the top copy be just the mask, and
then the bottom copy be just the regular old layer. Then you can stick stuff
in between them (like a layer sandwich) and the objects – such as this UFO – will
appear to exist behind the front object but in front of the bottom object. When
you play this UFO animation, it actually looks pretty cool the way it zips through
the scene, which is actually just one video clip.
1 We’re going to start by importing another sweet stock video clip from Found in Exercise Files>Media>Uberstock, open the
crosswalk_w.mp4 clip and make a comp with the same settings and add it to it.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Once you let go of the mouse, Roto Brush goes to work trying to guess what
you want selected. The purple outline represents the foreground that Roto
Brush has selected. If Roto Brush selects something in the background, hold
the OA key while you drag on it, as shown above. Continue selecting and
deselecting until all of the legs are selected (and none of the background is).
Once you’ve
got your roto
brushing where
you want it,
click the Freeze
button to lock
in your efforts.
This will make
it so that Roto
Brush will not
need to be
calculated on
every frame,
and it will also
save this cache
with the project
file. For more
info on the ins
and outs of this
amazing feature,
including setting
the base frame,
time span and
the rules of
5 One of the absolute best parts of
Roto Brush is that it automatically
guesses what the matte on the next
6 When we switch back to the
Composition panel, we can see
that a pretty decent matte has been
check out the
frame is going to be! Simply advance pulled for us by the Roto Brush. I still free online
to the next frame, and this is what you can’t get over how magically that help for After
get without any extra effort on your background was removed from the Effects.
part! It’s not perfect, but it’s certainly motion blur!
a great leg up (pun intended, because
the leg is actually up. That amuses me SHORTCUTS
quite a bit). MAC WIN BOTH
Restoring Opacity
3 The solution is to apply the Levels effect to this layer. Change the Channel
drop down to Alpha. Then we can process just the alpha channel, making the
opaque areas less opaque, or the transparent areas more transparent, or vice versa.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 But when I exaggerate this alpha channel, you can see some definite problem
areas. The gray above my head indicates semi-transparency, and in this case, I
only want transparent and opaque pixels, and nothing but.
Another way
to tell that
this is an alpha
channel fail is
by using the
Info panel. As
you put your
cursor over
areas that are
the A value
in the Info
panel should
be 0. Anything
higher means
that something
is there, and
that area is
not completely
4 I increased the Alpha Input Black value to about 7, which was enough to
remove all of the extra junk and compensate for my Photoshop blunder. Even
the delicate matte of my hair on the top of my head remains as it should be. Pretty
cool trick.
Manual Shadow
3 Turn back on the top copy of the layer, and adjust the shadow layer as desired.
We can adjust its opacity and blurriness using the controls in the Drop
Shadow effect, and we can use its layer transforms, such as Position and Scale, to
control it further.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Turn off the top copy, and apply the Drop Shadow effect to the bottom copy.
The trick to this effect is to check the Shadow Only property in the Effect
Controls panel. This removes the regular content of the layer and leaves only the
shadow, and therein lies the power.
I realize that
the shadow here
doesn’t match
the lighting of
the scene. But
the gradient on
the background
gives the illusion
of a light source
coming from
the direction
of the camera,
so I created a
shadow from
that imaginary
light source. It
might not have
been the best
choice. Don’t
judge me.
4 Remember that this shadow is now its own layer, so we can even make it a 3D
layer and move and transform it in 3D space if desired. Here, I’ve also adjusted
the solid background in 3D as well.
Guide Layers
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 It’s hard to see what’s going on, so I added a white solid background. It’s much
clearer to see what’s going on here with the bright background.
Most layers –
even nulls and
layers – can
be turned into
guide layers.
However, be
aware that
lights and
cameras are
immune, and
can’t be turned
into guide
4 The solution is to simply right click on the white solid layer and choose Guide
Layer. This will make it show up in the current comp, but when you go to
render, or even when you go up to a parent composition, you don’t see it! Isn’t that
brilliant? I use guide layers all the time, especially when testing mattes.
How to Cheat in After Effects
stuff to life has always been one of the best things
about After Effects to me. Taking a still illustration from
Illustrator and making moving characters out of static
lines and shapes is just incredible, and it never gets old.
I’m well aware that this is a book, and that I’m using a
static medium to talk about a topic that is inherently
non-static. So we’re not going to get into perfecting
motion and movement. Instead we’re going to focus on
HOW to bring a variety of objects to life in a variety of
different ways.
3 Click on one of these pins to organically deform the layer. The Puppet Pin tool
automatically creates keyframes for you at the current frame when you apply
the pins. As you move in time and change the location of the pins, animation is
How to Cheat in After Effects
I strongly
putting all of
your pins in
place before you
begin moving or
animating your
2 Select the Puppet Pin tool in the tool bar at the top of the After Effects
interface. As we’ll look at in the next cheat, the Puppet “tool” is actually
3 tools. The Puppet Pin tool is the main tool used for deformations. Select the
tongue layer and click a point on the back of the tongue (as an anchor of sorts),
and on each curve of the tongue, and on the tip of the tongue as shown above.
The above is zoomed in 400% to show detail.
Puppet Overlap
1 Open the Puppet Overlap comp in the project with the same name. This
contains the same art from Dan Grady that we saw in the last cheat. I’ve added
over on itself?
Another one of the Puppet tools – the Puppet
Overlap tool – allows you to have control over
what happens when Puppet pins overlap one
3 In the Tools panel at the top of the interface, choose the Puppet Overlap tool.
Now place new Puppet Overlap pins over the layer. Note that you’re given an
outline of the original shape of the layer to use as a guide. I put my pins about
where I put my original pins. Whenever possible, apply Puppet Overlap pins before
deforming a layer with the Puppet Pin tool. Also, with each Puppet Overlap pin
selected, increase the Extent value in the Tools panel. This controls the area of
influence of the pin.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Grab these Puppet pins and move them around so that the layer overlaps
itself. What we want is for the tip of the tentacle to go behind the rest of the
tentacle. And we also don’t want it to look terrible, which is what mine looks like
The third Puppet
tool is the
Puppet Starch
tool. Use this
tool if there
are areas of
your layer that
are getting
deformed that
you don’t want
to deform.
Thankfully, all
of these pins are
different colors
so they don’t
get confusing.
4 And now, just select each overlap pin and change its In Front value. Whatever
area has a higher In Front value goes in front of the area with a lower In Front
value. I put the In Front value of the overlap pin at the bottom of the tentacle
pins are yellow,
higher than the In Front value of the tip of the tentacle. And now order is restored. overlap pins are
blue, and starch
pins are red.
Puppet Animation
1 Open the Puppet Animation START comp in the project of the same name. I
have this duck graphic that I’ve already applied Puppet deform pins to.
3 You can see that After Effects has created keyframes for you as you moved
that Puppet pin around.
How to Cheat in After Effects
Put your cursor over the Puppet pin on the beak of the duck. Hold the CL
2 key. Notice how your cursor turns into a stopwatch. Now drag that point
around. After Effects will capture your movements in real time! Be aware that in
order to capture your movements in real time, you will only be able to deform a
yellow outline of your object.
As your object
animates with
the Puppet
tools, you may
notice some
blocky edges. If
that happens,
select your
object and
select the
Puppet Pin
tool, and then
increase the
Triangles value.
This will increase
the resolution of
the mesh that
After Effects is
4 This duck now animates in a very organic way, and it took me no time at all to
create this complex and lifelike animation.
using to deform
your object.
Bouncing Ball
1 Open the Bouncing Ball START comp in the Bouncing Ball.aep project. Since
3 This graph represents the velocity of our object. The higher the line goes, the
faster the object is traveling at that frame. The lower, the slower. This graph
is totally wrong for a bouncing ball. We want it to start slow as it drops, then pick
up speed, and hit full speed as it hits the ground, and then slow at the top again.
Click the center points and drag them upwards as shown above.
How to Cheat in After Effects
Select the ball layer. Press p to reveal its Position property. Then click the
2 word Position in the Timeline panel and press the F9 key to add easing to
these keyframes. That will do almost nothing for us here, but it will add some
curves in the Graph Editor. Click the Graph Editor button in the Timeline panel
to open the Graph Editor. From the Choose graph type and options menu at the
bottom, make sure Edit Speed Graph is chosen.
Be aware as
you’re dragging
speed points
higher to make
things faster
that the graph
re-scales itself
to include all
points. This is a
very convenient
feature, but it
also makes it
easy to create
that is way too
fast. Just be
cognizant of the
speed values (in
4 This is already looking much better! But to add some fine tuning, drag the
outer handles inwards a little bit. You may need to drag the center points
upward more to maintain the shape of the curves. Note that our work in this cheat
px/sec) on the
left side of the
didn’t change any keyframe values, only velocity. The Graph Editor is where real
masterful animation takes place, and it’s important for all users of the program to
be comfortable with what you can do here.
1 Open the Parenting.aep project and the comp of the same name. This is
some sweet Illustrator art work by Dan Grady. Because we set this up with
layers in Illustrator, each component of the robot captain (above) is a separate
layer. We want to animate his right arm coming up, and then down to rally the
3 We want the torso to be like the granddaddy of all of these layers. So grab the
pickwhip on the shoulder layer (always grab the pickwhip of the child) and
drag it to the torso layer. Parent the hand to the arm, and the sword and fingers to
the hand.
How to Cheat in After Effects
Be aware that
if you dissolve
the parent/child
(by taking the
parenting drop
down in the
Timeline panel
to None), then
the objects
will remain as
they are at the
current frame.
So make sure
you get the CTI
in the right spot
for your children
to divorce their
4 Now when we adjust Position, Rotation, Anchor Point, or Scale (and ONLY
those four properties!) of a parent, the child also changes in the same way,
using the anchor point of the parent. Note that the child can still be adjusted
independently. Adjust the Z Rotation of the robot captain R hand layer to 75
degrees, and the Z Rotation of the robot captain R arm layer to 30 degrees.
You can now see the relationship created in the arm, and it’s so much easier to
animate this character!
Waving Sail
3 We want this to look like big gusts of wind are flying through this. To make
the size of the turbulence bigger, increase the Size value to 175. Then take the
Amount value to 30 to it’s not as intense.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Apply the Turbulent Displace effect to the pirate ship sail layer. And instantly,
we see a difference. But we can make this look even better.
Displace creates
ugly, blocky
edges. If that
happens to you,
you can usually
fix that by
either increasing
the Complexity
value or by
taking the
Antialising for
4 Finally, take the Pinning drop down to Pin All Locked to pin the corners of
the sail to the mast a little bit more. Then all you need to do is animate the
Evolution property, and this sail will come to life in all of its simulated windblown
Best Quality
drop down from
Low to High.
3 In the Wave Warp effect controls, change Wave Height to 3, Wave Width to
70, and Wave Speed to 0.4. Now the blob animates in an organic way.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Apply the Wave Warp (NOT the Wave World!) effect to the blob body layer.
Play this comp back and you’ll notice that this blob animates automatically. It
doesn’t look very blob-like yet, though.
4 As another example of this effect, I also used it with the Parenting.aep project
to animate the tails of the bandanna of the robot captain.
3 Do this for each person, the pool table, each of the billiard balls, the lights,
and anything else you want to animate in After Effects. The downside is that
this leaves a bunch of holes in our background (and yes, it also takes FOREVER!).
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Our task here is to isolate each person. Using your selection tool(s) of
choice, select the girl on the pool table. If you give up, I’ve stored a selection
for you. Just choose Select>Load Selection and click OK. Once selected, press
You kinda have
to be judicious
CSjLSj to cut this out of the background and make it a new about the areas
layer. that you restore
with cloning.
This is a very
labor intensive
process and
the correct
shortcuts to
take is the only
way that you
can make this
trick worth
the effort. For
example, in this
case, I didn’t
feel that the
gradient on the
TV screen in
the background
was worth
recreating. The
same goes for
the neon sign
in the upper
right area of the
4 Now comes the time consuming part. We have to use Photoshop’s Clone
Stamp tool to sample from the background that still exists, and fill in the
blank space in the background. That way, when we move our characters, we will SHORTCUTS
see the background. Above is my completed background. It’s not perfect, but it will MAC WIN BOTH
be good enough for the animating that I want to do.
1 Import the YYYK Cut Up FINISH.psd file that we discussed in the last cheat.
Make sure that you import this as a composition, and in the Import As drop
3 When I was working in Photoshop, I also isolated the cue stick and the finger
on top of the cue stick so that I could animate it in After Effects. And animate
it, I did. I actually used the Puppet tool to deform the guy and make it look like he
was hitting the ball. I also animated the position of the cue stick and the white
pool ball as seen in the before/after above.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 The first thing that I did was to distribute these layers in 3D space and create
a camera. That way, I could navigate a camera through this scene or pan
around it. That’s really what makes animating a photo look cool – when you rotate
a camera around it or zoom into it with all of the layers staggered in 3D space.
Contrast this image with step 1 and note the camera movement. I also applied the
Glow effect to the lights with a wiggle expression on the Glow Threshold property.
That makes them flicker and creates the feeling that you’re watching a video
instead of a still image.
4 After some color correction and some displacement (which we’ll look at in
the next cheat), I called it a day on this piece. To get the full effect, you really
have to animate the layers in 3D and watch it for yourself.
Displacement Mapping
1 This trick also has its roots in Photoshop. Open the YYYK Displace FINISH.psd
file from the PSDs folder in Exercise Files>Media. Let’s take the Marian layer for
3 Import this PSD into After Effects as a composition. Turn off the visibility
of the displacement (DIS) layers. Restore opacity to the other layers as
needed. Apply the Displacement Map effect to the Marian layer. In the Effect
Controls panel, choose DIS Marian as the Displacement Map Layer. From Use
For Horizontal Displacement, choose Luminance, and choose Off for Use For
Vertical Displacement. Take Max Vertical Displacement to 0 and Max Horizontal
Displacement to –25.
How to Cheat in After Effects
maps are also
really good for
objects that
cross depth
planes (like the
girl in steps 1
and 2). Or in
other words,
2 Now this is an art not a science, and it took me many attempts before I could
create a decent displacement map. But I create displacement maps by pressing
CjLj to duplicate the layer, then I lock the top copy, lower its opacity,
objects that
come towards
you. Those are
and then fill the bottom copy with black. I then paint with white the areas that the objects that
I want closest to the camera, and then I paint on the subject, with darker tones typically don’t
where the subject is farther away from the camera. As you can see, it should not animate very
have hard edges. believably in
After Effects’
normal 3D
environment. So
I also created
a displacement
map for the
pool table.
Resizing Animation
1 Open the Resizing Animation.aep project. Here, I’ve animated this UFO from
Cinema 4D. It starts off at the bottom and zig zags its way to the top (see the
motion path above), scaling down as it goes up. We want this scaling to be larger
and take more time, and we also want the trip to the top to take longer as well.
3 Click the Position property in the Timeline panel to select all of its keyframes.
In the Graph Editor, you’ll see a transform box around the keyframes. Click the
white square on the right side and drag it to the right to proportionally scale your
animation in time and increase its duration.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Open the Graph Editor. From the bottom, choose to Edit Value Graph. Enable
the option next to that one – Show Transform Box when multiple keys are
Another way to
lengthen an
animation is
to select all
keyframes, and
then OA
drag the last
in time. All
other selected
4 Click the Scale property in the
Timeline panel to see its keyframes
in the Graph Editor. Click and drag
5 This time, drag it to the right to
lengthen it in time, AND drag it
upwards to proportionally increase the
keyframes will
scale in time as
you drag.
a marquee to select both keyframes. amount of scaling. Quick. Easy.
Notice the values on the left.
3 Here is the keyframe data in a text message. Also notice my dedication here.
I’ve sent my wife a text message of After Effects keyframe data at 4am so
that I could get this one screenshot, thereby ensuring that I sleep on the couch for
the next week. That probably deserves a 5 star review on Amazon, right?
How to Cheat in After Effects
Go to a text editor and press CvLv to paste the data. See – it’s just
2 text! You can now copy this in an email, or text message, or any other text
application that can copy and paste.
4 Back in our project, we can turn the visibility on for the yellow solid. After
selecting the text from the email or text message or whatever it is, I can
select this layer and press CvLv to paste it in. Contrast this with the
motion path from step 1, and you’ll see that only linear data (i.e. not interpolation)
is copied in the keyframe data. Still, it’s kind of a cool trick.
Walt’s Principles
the unofficial rules of animation. These basic principles of animation are still
in full effect today, and critics, students, and people hiring animators still use
these as the standards by which animation should be judged. I want to share a
few of my favorite animation principles here that apply to After Effects users.
But if you really want the full story about animation, I strongly urge you to
check out the book The Illusion of Life by Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston
(two of Walt’s most important animators). This book is still considered the bible
of animation, and will help you whether you’re doing Maya or Flash or After
Effects or illustrating characters or motion graphics. It’s expensive (and huge),
but worth every penny (and second).
The first principle that applies to almost every After Effects user is
anticipation. This principle states that in order for an action to have maximum
impact, there needs to be something to build anticipation; a warm-up act, of
sorts. If you were going to do a high jump, you would first squat down and
cock your arms back. This is anticipation. Try this in motion graphics. Before
you zoom that text in, try scaling it back a little first, then zooming. It is
incredible how much more emotional impact an action has when there is proper
preparation for it.
The next idea is that of exaggeration. Exaggeration in animation was really
exemplified by Chuck Jones and the old Warner Brothers cartoons (e.g. Bugs
Bunny, Daffy Duck, etc.). The principle here is to make sure that the key action
is clear and obvious. It doesn’t have to be Chuck Jones/broadway musical/over
the top obvious. But it should be obvious and appear deliberate. In the case
of motion graphics, this may actually mean creating sparkles or an additional
element to call greater attention to the key action.
When an object is animating, it’s important that we as animators are aware
of the concept of weight, another Disney principle of animation. Especially as
it pertains to computer animation, there is no set weight for any object. If we
How to Cheat in After Effects
don’t imbue objects with a sense of weight, our audience won’t sense it either.
Now, many objects in After Effects (like text, for example) might not have an
inherent weight to them. But if we are aware of this concept, we can apply fake
weight by the way we animate objects. Even if you’re just aware of this idea,
it will make a difference in your final results. For example, you may want that
text to feel a little heavier. So it might take a little longer to start animating,
and a little longer to slow down and come to a full stop. Other objects around it
might move as if influenced by its gravitational pull.
It’s also important that action happens on a smooth curve. One of the things
that is very clear from Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man is that oftentimes, even when
we move things in a seemingly linear way (such as moving your arm from
straight down to straight outwards), the movement is curved. Be aware as you
create animation that very few things in the real world move in straight lines.
Easing is big in the world of After Effects; in other words, starting out
slow and then ending slow. This is also one of Walt’s principles. Like most of
the principles of animation, if you want to do this right, you really need to be
working in the Graph Editor. However, this is one that After Effects can do on a
basic level right out of the gate. Just right click on a keyframe in the Timeline
panel and choose Keyframe Assistant>Easy Ease In/Out.
Once an action has been performed, it’s important that there is follow
through. If you threw a ball, it wouldn’t just land on the ground and stop.
Depending on the surface and the ball, it will probably bounce and continue
rolling a bit. In this case, the throwing would be the key action, and the
bouncing/rolling afterwards would be the follow through, another principle of
animation. So perhaps, after your text zips off of the screen, there is a little bit
of blurred motion trails, or dust particles, or something else to kind of wind
down from the action.
There are many more principles of animation, which can be found online
(such as on The ones I’ve shared with you here are the ones that
I think are the most helpful to After Effects users, but they’re all very good to
be aware of. Also, the ones we’ve just looked at pertain to the building up of
the action, then the quality of the action itself, and then what happens after
the action. And again, just an awareness of these ideas can make your work
better. But mastery of these skills can make your animations significantly more
Light Effects
2, BUT THIS IS DIFFERENT. In this chapter we’re going to
look at how to make sweet lighting tricks, and we won’t
be using After Effects lights to do it.
1 In the HDR.aep project, you’ll find this shape layer full of shapes. It’s an
intentionally plain layer.
3 Now let’s make this HDR. First, go to the bottom of the project panel and
OA click the bit depth setting at the bottom twice. It should say 8 bpc,
then 16 bpc after one click, and then 32 bpc after a second click. Now the project
is in HDR mode (32 bits per channel). Now select the shape layer and click the
white Fill color swatch at the top of the interface. What’s cool about HDR is that
we can have tones whiter than white. In 32 bit mode, 1 represents regular white.
Take the RGB color values to 2.7, 1.5, 1.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Apply the Fast Blur effect to this, and increase the Blurriness to 19. It
gets blurry like you probably thought it would, and it doesn’t look all that
It’s important to
remember that
we change the
bit depth of the
project, not the
Thus, all comps
in your project
will have the
same bit depth.
4 Once you click OK, the blur has a completely different effect. The lighting
burn is a very natural one when we have this much color depth. As we go
throughout this chapter, we’re going to be sticking to 8 bit mode, but keep in mind
what you could do if you took the same cheats into 32 bpc mode!
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Volumetric Light
1 We’ll start with this matte painting by Daniel Johnson. You can find it in the
Volumetric Light START comp in the project of the same name.
4 We need to create soft feathered edges, so select the solid layer and press
CScLSc to precompose this layer (choosing the “Move all
attributes...” option). Create a mask around the light rays. With the solid selected,
press f to reveal the Mask Feather property. Increase this as desired to soften the
edges, as shown above.
How to Cheat in After Effects
If you’re really
into this
light effect,
I recommend
checking out
the 3rd party
plugin Lux by
Trapcode. The
purpose of Lux
is to create
volumetric light
from After
Effects lights.
5 For the final step, I applied the Tint effect, and changed the Map White To
value to a slightly warmer color to help the light composite better. I also took
the blend mode of the precomp layer to Screen. To bring this to life, double click
the precomp to get back to the Fractal Noise effect, and animate the Evolution
parameter. If the effect is too intense (or not intense enough), you can adjust
the opacity of the layer, or go back to Fractal Noise and adjust the Contrast and
Brightness values.
ght E
3 Let’s polish up this matte a bit. Apply the Refine Matte effect. The default
settings make this look much better. And silhouettes are very forgiving, so this
is good enough.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 In order to create a silhouette, we have to isolate the subject. Apply the Luma
Key effect to the layer with the video clip. Change the Key Type drop down to
Key Out Brighter, and change the Threshold to 242. It looks bad, but that’s OK for
You can also
fill the layer by
right clicking on
the layer and
applying a Color
Overlay layer
style. The layer
style also gives
you the option
to blend the
color with the
original layer by
using a blend
4 Finally, make this a silhouette by applying the Fill effect and changing the
Color in the Fill effect to black. Apply cheesy satire text as desired.
ght E
Light Whips
1 Start in the Light Whips START comp in the Light Whips.aep project. Create
a new solid at 1280 x 200 pixels. Apply the Fractal Noise effect. In its effect
controls, change Contrast to 600, Brightness to –150, and Complexity to 2. In the
Transform area, uncheck Uniform Scaling and take Scale Width to 6000 and Scale
Height to 5.
3 Rotate, position, and reorder this layer in the layer stack as desired. Then
change the blend mode of the layer. Dragging this layer beneath the
adjustment layer makes the whips get all magic and glowy and awesome.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Apply the Warp effect. In its effect controls, change Bend to –50, Horizontal
to 50, and Vertical Distortion to –13. Apply the Fast Blur effect to smooth
things out a bit. I used a Blurriness value of 6.
As in most cases
with the Fractal
Noise effect,
create some
nice pulsating
animation by
animating the
Evolution value.
4 At about 1 second into the final version of this animation, you’ll see another
light whip enter the scene and reveal the INSPIRE text. This light whip was
created by using the Vegas effect. Because this effect relies heavily on masks, we’ll
look briefly at it in the next chapter.
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Stage Lights
3 Apply the 4-Color Gradient effect. At the bottom of the effect in the Effect
Controls panel, change the Blending Mode value to Multiply.
How to Cheat in After Effects
For fashion-
style dots that
are smaller,
increase the
Contrast value
to a much
higher number,
such as 2000.
2 In the Cell Pattern effect controls, take the Disperse value down to 0. Increase
the Contrast value to 700.
4 To make these dots look like lights, apply the Glow effect. In its effect
controls, change Glow Threshold to 30% and Glow Radius to 20. To animate
the colors (and location of the colors) of these lights, adjust the Positions & Colors
properties in the 4-Color Gradient effect.
ght E
Energy Cube
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 I then duplicated it a few times and made it the edges of an imaginary square.
4 At this point, all that was left was to create an adjustment layer and apply
a liberal dose of color correction, including a healthy amount of the Glow
effect. The project here is included with the exercise files to look at if you’re
ght E
1 Start in the Searchlights START comp in the Searchlights.aep project. All other
layers have been hidden and locked for you, so you can concentrate on the task
at hand.
3 For a basic searchlight, all that’s left is to apply the Fast Blur effect and
increase the Blurriness value to taste, put the layer in the Screen or Add blend
mode as desired, and reduce opacity to taste. Oh, and you should also probably
click the master Shy button in the Timeline panel to see all layers and then reorder
this searchlight so it’s behind the front buildings (beneath layer 20).
How to Cheat in After Effects
To animate
hold the y key
to temporarily
use the Pan
Behind tool, so
you can drag
your anchor
point to the
bottom of the
Then when you
rotate it, it will
move like a
searchlight does.
4 If you’re looking for a little more richness in your searchlight texture, apply
the Fractal Noise effect, and change the blend mode (at the bottom of the
Fractal Noise effect controls) to Multiply, or another mode of your choosing.
This creates the illusion of smoke or dust particles in the air. The noise has been
exaggerated so you can see it above. And don’t forget to select this layer and press
CdLd to make copies so you can put them in other places if needed.
ght E
1 In the Sheen START comp in the Sheen.aep project, you’ll find this 3D text that
I created in Cinema 4D. It’s very dark, but I kinda like it like that. It’s supposed
to be scary. I have a few options here to reveal this text and keep it scary. I could
put a faint glow behind it. But we’re going to go for the sheen effect.
3 One of the things that this effect does is that it appears to create a beveled
edge because of its Edge Thickness property. This is shown here above (on a
different object so it’s easier to see) on a completely flat object. We don’t want
this fake bevel conflicting with the bevel created in Cinema 4D, so take Edge
Thickness down to 2.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Apply the CC Light Sweep effect to this layer. Instantly we have a pretty cool
light sheen on our subject.
If you want the
bevel added by
the CC Light
Sweep effect
to be removed
entirely, take
the Edge
property down
to 0.
4 Adjust the angle of the light sheen using the Direction parameter. Adjust
its position using the Center property. Animate the X position of the Center
property to have the light sweep go across the object. Here, I created a more
subtle effect by increasing Width to 120 and by taking Sweep Intensity down to
12. It’s subtle, but it’s obvious when compared with the screenshot in step 1.
ght E
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Apply the Glow effect. The main Glow properties are the
first 3. Take Glow Threshold (which determines what
tones have glow applied to them) to 30%. Take Glow Radius
3 Move over to the 02 START comp. Because we have
multiple layers here, we’ll need to create an adjustment
layer, which you can do by pressing COyLAy.
(the size of the glow) to 50. Take Glow Intensity to 0.5. It These layers were created by using the Vegas effect.
made this image really come alive.
To use the
Glow effect to
create a glow
on the outside
of an object,
change the
Glow Based On
drop down to
Alpha Channel,
and take the
ght E
Laser Beams
1 In the Laser Beams START comp in the Laser Beams.aep project, you’ll find this
project set up for you.
3 To shoot this laser beam, all you have to do is animate the Time value. If 3D
Perspective is checked (it’s on by default), you can have some fun. Here, I took
Length to 3%, Time to 5%, Starting Thickness to 24, and Ending Thickness to 1.
This looks better as a still frame, but when the Time property is animated, the laser
appears to shoot into deep space. It’s a cool effect.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Apply the Beam effect to the white solid layer called BEAM. Notice that the
while solid layer instantly disappears and is replaced by the beam. With the
Beam effect selected in the Effect Controls panel, you can see the effect control
points. Put the Starting Point next to the gun turret and put the Ending Point next
to the planet.
To use this same
effect to create
light sabers, just
increase the
Length value to
4 You can also add extra flourishes, like more beams and lens flares. It’s a pretty
cool result for such little effort.
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Trapcode Shine
1 In the Trapcode Shine.aep project, you won’t be able to see anything. This is
because this project contains the silhouette we created earlier in this chapter
on a black background (I added a temporary white solid background for this
screenshot). This will be another cool trick that you can do with silhouettes.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Apply the Shine effect to the PRECOMP kid dancing layer. In the Shine effect
controls, change the Colorize>Base On drop down to Alpha. Oooooooh......
If you don’t own
Shine, you can
try checking out
the CC Light
Rays effect that
ships with After
Effects. I find
that Shine is far
superior, but CC
Light Rays may
work for you.
4 In my opinion, the real magic of this effect comes when you adjust the
Source Point. Adjust its X value (and Y value, if desired) to the right of the
subject. Note that the subject has not moved since step 3. Not only does this look
incredible when animated, but notice how quickly it renders! Unbelievable!
How to Cheat in After Effects
intense white. Likewise, if we were to then look at the sun: it’s a much brighter
white. HDR attempts to recreate this by allowing you to create colors that are
“superwhite”. In the HDR cheat in this chapter, we increased the color levels of
some of the channels beyond white. That’s why when we added blur, the colors
channels that were emitting more light appeared to shine through with more
intensity, just like light in real life.
Be aware that HDR is also a big deal in photography, where it also suffers
from some confusion. Digital photography (and digital video as well) suffers
from having a much smaller dynamic range than film does. It’s just impossible
to capture bright brights and dark darks simultaneously. Image editing tools like
Photoshop allow you to combine multiple exposures of the same image so that
you can create full 32 bit, HDR images.
But some people that are using HDR images have created a very distinct
visual style with these images. You’ve probably seen those beautiful shots of
celebrity faces in magazines that are very sharp and stylized, and you can see
every pore and detail on the face. Well, this isn’t necessarily HDR, but it’s kind
of become equated with it. There’s even a new adjustment in Photoshop CS5
called HDR Toning, to simulate the look of HDR images on an 8 bit image. Thus,
HDR is further confusing because it’s now not only a technical concept (which
is really all that it should have ever been), but it’s also a style.
Hopefully this helps to clear something up, if there was confusion.
Remember that it’s never as important to know how something works, as it is to
be able to get it to do what you want it to.
Masks and Shapes
YOU DON’T SHOW, as much as it does in what you do
show. So, in this chapter, we’re going to look closer at
masks – what makes them tick, and also some cool tricks
that you can do with them.
Maassks and Shapes
Mask Options
1 Open the Mask Options.aep project and the Mask Options START comp in that
project. Then select the Rectangle Tool from the Tools panel at the top of the
Press mm to reveal all mask properties, including the mask modes drop
3 down, and Mask Opacity. It’s important to know that the mask modes change
how the mask interacts with the masks above it. The top mask affects the alpha
channel of the layer. My top mask is the vertical mask over the subject’s right eye.
As I lower the Mask Opacity to 50%, you can see that only the areas where that
mask is have lowered opacity. In the bottom right corner, I change the mask mode
to Difference, which creates a hole where other layers overlapped it. Note that
Intersect does the opposite.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Make sure this layer is selected, and then click and drag to create several
rectangular masks. The default mask mode is Add, which will combine the
contents of the mask to form the opaque areas of the layer, and anything not
masked will become transparent.
Note that even
though the
mask modes are
considered blend
modes, they only
blend between
masks on the
current layer.
4 Adjusting these masks can create some pretty cool effects. In the Mask
Options FINAL comp, I’ve played with this a little more. Here I’ve also added
an adjustment layer with some color correction. I’ve also taken this screenshot
with my masks active so you can see what I did here. It’s a little time consuming,
but a really cool result.
Maassks and Shapes
Instant Vignette
1 Start with a video clip or still image. I’m using this clip from the Zen Chemists
music video that I did. You’ll find this in the Vignette.aep project. It’s a cool
shot in my opinion, but there’s a lot of stuff to look at with all of the textures
everywhere. It’s a bit distracting from the rap guy who we want to be the focus.
3 In the Timeline panel, take the mask mode drop down from Add to Subtract.
Now this mask will cut an elliptical hole in our layer. Almost there!
How to Cheat in After Effects
Press CyLy to make a new black solid the same size as the comp. We
2 want to create an elliptical mask that fills this composition. Select the Ellipse
tool in the Tools panel. Now, we could click and drag an elliptical mask, but there’s
an easier way. With the solid layer selected, just double click the Ellipse tool in the
Tools panel. It instantly creates a mask for you that fills the comp. Perfect!
If you’re not
seeing the mask
options, just
press mm
(that’s the letter
“m” twice) to
reveal its mask
Select the solid layer and press f to reveal the Mask Feather property.
4 Looks good, but the black is too intrusive. Do we need to manually resize it?
No way! In the mask options area, change the Mask Expansion value to 40. I also
selected the solid layer and pressed t to reveal its Opacity property and took
that down to 80%. This makes the effect very subtle (and probably hard to see in
the screenshots), but that’s exactly what we want. We want the vignette to be felt
and not seen. Turn the visibility of the vignette on and off to compare, and you’ll
see that the difference is massive. SHORTCUTS
Maassks and Shapes
1 We’re going to start with a project very similar to the silhouette project we
looked at in the last chapter. It basically contains an video clip
of a kid dancing. The background has also been removed.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 We need to first make a mask around this shape, and we need to do it for
every frame. Sound tedious? It’s not at all, provided we use the Auto-trace
feature. Select the layer, and from the Layer menu at the top of the interface,
choose Auto-trace. Make sure the Channel drop down is set to Alpha, and change
the Time Span to Work Area, and click OK. Note that this process will take quite a
while. But when it’s done, you’ll have a mask around this layer on every frame!
Once you’ve
created a shape
layer from the
video, you no
longer need it in
your project.
5 Once this is a shape layer, we have all kinds of options, because it’s a regular
old shape layer. Here I changed the Fill and Stroke, and added some repetition.
In the Timeline panel, click the Add flyout and choose Repeater. This allows you
to create multiple duplicates of your shape, as seen above. This is after adjusting
the number of copies, as well as the Anchor Point and Position properties in the
Repeater area. Don’t forget that this layer is like video! Shown above is this layer a
few frames later in time. Contrast this with the previous screenshots – this is our
Maassks and Shapes
1 This project is similar to what we saw in the last chapter’s cheat on light whips.
You’ll find this project in the Vegas START comp in the Vegas.aep project. Vegas
can use the contours (around the alpha channel) of an image, or a mask. I usually
use the mask option because I usually get more predictable results with it. So, I’ve
already created a mask here for you. A big, sloppy mask.
3 We could shorten the Length value to create the old Vegas style marquee
lights, but let’s do something different. Take the Segments>Segments value
down to just 1. This makes it so that there is only one streak of light traveling
around our mask.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Apply the Vegas effect to the Whip layer. You won’t see anything yet. In the
Vegas effect controls, change the Stroke drop down from Image Contours
to Mask/Path. You still won’t be able to see much. That’s because Vegas was
(unfortunately) designed to have a tiny yellow default stroke, but masks are also
yellow! To see what’s going on here, take the Rendering>Width value to 15.
If you like this
effect, you
might want to
check out the
last cheat in this
chapter, where
we’ll look at
the 3rd party
plugin Trapcode
3D Stroke. It
creates results
similar to this,
but with some
Maassks and Shapes
Luma Matte
1 In the Luma Matte.aep project, you’ll find two layers in the Luma Matte START
comp. One of them is an uberstock clip that shows black ink dripping on a
3 In the Modes area of the Timeline panel, in the drop down in the TrkMat
column, change the drop down on the Pattern layer to Luma Matte. If you’re
like me, you can never remember if white creates the hole or black. Apparently,
dark tones make a mask. That’s not what we want.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 The other layer is a cheesy fractal noise background. This layer is on the
bottom because we want it to be the texture that fills the mask.
4 Not to worry, just change the TrkMat drop down to Luma Inverted Matte,
and the white areas will mask out the layer beneath it. This trick is great for
creating really intricate and beautiful patterns as motion graphics backgrounds.
Maassks and Shapes
Track Matte
1 The steps in this trick are really easy, but let’s take a look at our layers first.
The matte layer on the top of the layer stock is just simple text. Because it’s
3 Remember that when we create our matte, that the video from step 2
will only exist as a fill for the matte in step 1. This leaves the background
(everything that isn’t the text) as empty. So now we have this third layer on the
bottom of the layer stack, and this will serve as the background.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 The next layer – the one that will be used to fill the inside of the text mask
we’ll create – is another video clip from
As with luma
mattes, the
object that is
creating the
mask can be a
video, or it can
be an animated
layer, or both.
Sometimes, you
can create the
most interesting
results by having
a traveling
(e.g. animated)
4 On the uberstock video clip layer, in the Modes area of the Timeline panel,
go to the TrkMat drop down and choose Alpha Matte. Again, this uses the
alpha channel of the layer above it (the ROCK text) to mask out the current layer,
allowing the background to show through.
Maassks and Shapes
Animating Masks
4 Now we’re going to paste this shape into our fish layer,
but we have to do it carefully. If you select the layer and
paste it, it will create a separate mask. That’s not what we
want. You need to actually select the Mask Path itself, then
press CvLv to paste this shape into the same mask.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Move the CTI later in time and adjust some points on the
fish. A new keyframe is automatically created for you,
and the original fish shape will morph into whatever you just
3 Now, hop on over to Photoshop. Open the bird shape.psd
file from the Exercise Files>Media>PSDs folder. Click the
vector mask thumbnail for the Shape 1 layer. This will select
changed it into. the mask. Press CcLc to copy this shape. Then head
back on over to After Effects, and move a little further in
You can hold
your cursor over
the different
options in
the Mask
panel to get a
better idea of
what they do.
Maassks and Shapes
Head back to After Effects. Select the wedding ring layer and press p
3 to reveal its Position property, and select it (the Position property, not the
entire layer). Press CvLv to paste the shape data from Illustrator into
the motion path of the wedding ring. The ring now follows this path, without
clicking a single stopwatch or adjusting a single property! The keyframes are also
automatically roving keyframes so you can just drag the last one to stretch this
animation in time proportionally as desired.
How to Cheat in After Effects
You can also
copy and paste
masks from
After Effects as
motion paths as
4 Now – a couple of tips here. There’s not an easy way to scale a motion path,
so make sure that your spiral in Illustrator is about the same size as you want
the motion path to be in After Effects. Also, in Illustrator, you’ll want to make sure
that your File Handling & Clipboard settings in the preferences are set like the
ones above if you’re having problems copying and pasting only the path.
Maassks and Shapes
Trapcode 3D Stroke
1 In the 3D Stroke.aep project, I’ve already created a big mask for you to use.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Apply the 3D Stroke effect, and the background of the solid disappears. Click
the Color swatch and change the color from white to black.
All you have to
do to bring 3D
Stroke to life is
to animate the
Offset property.
FUN THAN PARTICLES. I just love particles. Particle
systems allow us to easily control multiple objects. This
is almost akin to being the CEO of a very large company,
where we just offer some direction, and our underlings do
all the hard stuff while we get all the credit!
Particle Bootcamp
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Like almost all particle systems, the particles emit from a central point,
typically called the emitter, or in this case, the “producer”. The producer
typically emits a bunch of the same thing (the particles), and these usually can be
changed. Right now, it’s emitting a bunch of little lines, which creates a fountain
that looks somewhat like fireworks. In the Particle area in the Effect Controls
panel, change the Particle Type from Line to Star. That’s a very different result!
If you like your
settings, but
aren’t a big fan
of the exact way
the particles
are positioned,
adjust the
Random Seed
value (found in
most particle
which will give
you another
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 In the Particle area of controls, change the Particle Type drop down from Line
to Star. This simple act changes the whole feel of our particles! Particles are
everywhere, and we’ve lost the sense of direction and order that we had.
These particles
fall down rather
quickly. For a
lighter and more
fanciful stream
of sparkles,
take the
value down to
zero. You might
also want to try
what happens
when you use a
negative Gravity
4 The sparkles already kind of look cool as is, in my opinion. But if you wanted,
you could increase or decrease the Birth Rate value to make more or less
sparkles, respectively. Another thing that I did, was I duplicated the layer and
put it in the Add blend mode, then I adjusted the Particle Type of the duplicate
to Shaded Sphere, and changed the Particle>Transfer Mode value to Add. I then
slightly increased the Velocity and toyed with the Birth Rate a bit. I duplicated
layers a few more times to create the effect in the screenshot at the beginning of
this cheat. Playback the animation to get the full effect. Hey, I kinda like this!
Smoke Trail
3 The real “magic” of this trick is found in the Particle>Transfer Mode value.
Change this from Composite to Screen (or Add, if desired). This removes the
dark outer surface of the particles, and makes this smoky look!
How to Cheat in After Effects
Try fiddling
with the Extra
2 Lines don’t look very smoky. Change the Particle>Particle Type drop down from
Line to Shaded Sphere. The animation of these particles looks terrible. For
now, change the Physics>Animation drop down to Direction Normalized. It doesn’t
property in the
Physics area
of this effect.
look like smoke, but don’t lose faith! It appears to
control the
of the shape
of the emitted
particles. A
high value can
create a three
tube of
particles, while
a small value
can create a
single streak
of particles.
Both can be
very helpful
in different
4 From here, it’s just a matter of tweaking to taste. Try increasing Birth Rate,
lowering Longevity, reducing the size of Radius X and Radius Y, reducing the
Gravity, and adjusting other Physics properties until your smoke looks the way you
want it to. Check out my settings in the Smoke Trail FINAL comp to see what I did.
Mine is definitely not perfect, but it might be helpful as a reference.
Foam Basics
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 By default, Foam emits bubbles from a point in the center of the layer. In the
Producer area of the effect controls, increase the Producer X Size value to its
maximum (0.45). This will make bubbles emit across the width of the entire layer.
Adjust the Y value of the Producer Point value to put the emitting line of bubbles
on the bottom of the comp (720 will work). Then, in the Physics area, increase the
Initial Speed value to 2 so that these bubbles travel upwards like fizz.
If you just want
to create really
quick, simple,
and much uglier
bubbles, you
can use the CC
Bubbles effect.
It doesn’t hold
a candle to my
beloved Foam,
but do what you
must. Be aware
that the bubbles
it creates get
their color from
the source layer.
Custom Particles
3 Select layer 10, the sixteenth notes layer, and precompose it by pressing
CScLSc, and check Open New Composition. I’ve created
a mask around the sixteenth notes for you already. Notice all the stuff on this
layer (when the mask mode is set to None). Now press CkLk to view the
Composition Settings for this precomp. Change the dimensions to 428 x 484 and
center the masked notes.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Foam has been applied for you on layers 14-17. Choose one of those layers,
and in the Foam effect, change Rendering>Bubble Texture to User Defined.
Then, in the Bubble Texture Layer drop down right below that, choose the
sixteenth notes layer (layer 10). The problem here is that Foam is seeing the entire
layer, which is a black and white layer that consists of multiple shapes.
To keep things
simple, we’ve
used a still
image here, but
Foam is capable
of using movies
as particles!
Think of the
4 Now that the notes are precomposed, the music notes and dark red tint (from
the Tint effect) are “baked in”, and can be seen by the Foam effect when used
as a custom particle. Here, I’ve adjusted the Foam effect (as described in step 2) on
layers 14-17 so that they emit music notes instead of bubbles. These music notes
can now float around, pop, wobble, and do anything else bubbles do! Note that
layers used as custom particles do not need to be visible.
Simple Rain
3 First, let’s handle the compositing issue. In the Timeline panel, change the
blend mode of the solid layer to Lighten. This will remove the black of the
solid layer, and show your rain on the subject below.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Apply the CC Rain effect to the solid layer in this comp. It instantly applies
fairly decent automatically-animating rain to this layer. We have two
problems here though: this rain applies to this layer and doesn’t allow for
CC Rain can
compositing through to the layer beneath, and this is made worse by the second also be used
problem, which is that this is very pixelated and blocky rain. in conjunction
with the equally
easy to use
CC Drizzle. CC
Drizzle creates
the look of rain
hitting a wet
surface. Just
know that CC
Drizzle works
like many
Cycore effects,
in that it uses
the color of the
original layer.
So if you use
a black solid,
you won’t see
4 Now we need to soften this rain. Apply the Fast Blur effect and take the
Blurriness value up to about 2 or 3. In a pinch, you could just apply the CC
Rain effect to a layer that you wanted rain on, but then if you wanted to soften
the rain, you’d be stuck because this Fast Blur would also blur the original layer.
Note that in this screenshot, I have increased the Amount value in CC Rain so that
you can see the rain more clearly. In the screenshot at the beginning of this cheat,
I also applied the Color Balance effect to make the temperature of the piece a
little cooler.
Basic Snow
3 But again, as with CC Rain, it does not remove (or allow you to remove) the
layer that the effect is applied to. So again, in the Timeline panel, change the
blend mode of the black solid layer to Screen so we can remove the black and have
the snow show through.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Apply the CC Snow effect to the black solid layer on top of the neighborhood
image. As with CC Rain, the results are pretty good right off the bat, and the
particles also auto-animate.
4 I see two problems with the default settings. First, it’s not really deep enough
from a 3D perspective. It looks like a shallow facade of snow. Secondly, the
snow particles are much too large for my liking. To fix these problems, I reduced
the Flake Size value to about 1.5, and added the Fast Blur effect with a low
Blurriness value. Then I pressed CdLd to duplicate this entire layer. Then I
took the Flake Size in the CC Snow effect on the bottom layer even lower, to about
1. This creates another layer of depth. Perhaps it needs another one?
Windblown Snow
using Foam.
You might be asking why we would want to
make snow, when we just made basic, quick,
easy snow in the last cheat. The reason is
because, frankly, that snow isn’t good enough.
We ought to expect more of our snow. Real
snow is so light that even the slightest breeze
moves it powerfully. If we were creating a
cartoon – fine, use CC Snow. But for a realistic
setting, we need to have two forces control
our snow: one for telling it how to fall, and
another force for acting on it while it falls.
Foam gives us these capabilities, and once you
see it animate, you won’t be able to settle for
anything less. Now, in these screenshots, you
won’t get the power of this, so you’ll really have
to trust me and try this out on your own. 3 Increase the Producer>Producer X Size value to its maximum. Drag the
Producer Point to the top of the screen so that our snow falls from the top
down. Increase the Physics>Initial Speed value to about 2.5. The snow is now
falling upwards, so we can’t see it. Change the Initial Direction value to 180
degrees. Adjust the Bubbles>Size and Producer>Production Rate as desired. There’s
still a big problem here. Don’t the particles look squashed to you?
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 This comp also contains a shape layer that will serve as the custom particle
we’ll be using. Because I’ve softened the particle with the Fast Blur effect,
we’ll need to precompose it. If you’d prefer, you could just use this layer and
then apply Fast Blur to the completed snow. Select the shape layer and press If you’re having
problems with
CScLSc to precompose it. Then in the Foam effect controls,
the snowfall not
change Rendering>Bubble Texture to User Defined, and then in the Bubble Texture
being strong
drop down, choose the precomposed shape layer.
enough at the
beginning of
the layer, you
can trim the
layer and drag
it in time to
compensate. In
other words,
if you trim off
the first few
seconds while
the snow is
getting started
and then drag
the layer a few
seconds earlier
in time, no one
will ever know!
Also remember
that because we
applied Foam
to a solid, we
can extend the
4 The particles look squashed because Foam squishes the entire layer onto a
square for each particle. Our layer was 1280 x 720, so it got squashed a lot
on the X axis. Go back to the precomp layer and double click it to open it. Press
beginning of the
ending of the
layer in time as
CkLk to open the comp settings, and make the comp size even, like 500
far as we want.
x 500. Then to add wind, increase the Physics>Wind Speed value. Add the Fast
Blur effect and duplicate the layer as desired. These settings are great for book
screenshots, but they’re overdone for professional snow. You should probably
use much smaller snow than this (and perhaps a little more blur and a little less
opacity as well). SHORTCUTS
Molten Gold
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Then apply the CC Mr. Mercury effect to this solid. Instantly, we have flowing
molten gold. How about that!
You may also
want to try
adding the Glow
effect to the Mr.
Mercury effect.
The results of
this can be seen
in the intro
screenshot of
this cheat. It
helps the gold
to feel more hot
and molten.
Light Ribbons
How to Cheat in After Effects
The concentric
circles of Radio
Waves can
also be used
to create rain
drizzle on a
wet surface, or
psychic brain
waves emitting
from someone
with extreme
mental powers.
What else can
5 So that about wraps up our Radio Waves primer. Now
delete the empty solid layer, and turn on the visibility
of the For Light Ribbons layer. This layer has Radio Waves
6 It’s not much to look at now, so increase the Frequency
value to 50 (for now), and decrease the Lifespan (sec)
value to 3.5 (for now). Now that’s what I’m talkin’ ‘bout.
you do with this
applied for you, and I’ve applied a wiggle expression to the
Producer Point value, so it jumps all over the place over time.
7 The Stroke area in Radio Waves provides options relative to the opacity and
appearance of each wave. Take the Profile to Bell to add some fall off to each
ring. Then take the Start Width down to 2, so that the waves start a little thinner.
9 Apply the Glow effect. Take the Glow Threshold to 70 and the Glow Radius to
40. Adjust all parameters to taste. And there you have it.
How to Cheat in After Effects
By default,
Radio Waves
uses a polygon
as its particle.
This polygon can
be adjusted in
the Polygon area
in the effect
controls. But be
8 OK, brace yourself. Increase the Frequency value to its maximum – 500. This
will slow things down significantly, but the beauty is far worth it. Also, in the
Stroke area, change color from blue to a pale gold. Take the Opacity value down to
aware that you
can also change
the particle in
0.3. I also took the Fade-in Time value up to 1. the Wave Type
drop down.
Radio Waves
allows you to
use the contours
of a layer in the
comp, or a mask
on the current
layer. Below
is the result
of taking the
value to 5,
creating a series
of pentagons
instead of
10 As you move in time, you’ll notice that the wiggling of the Producer Point
will create these beautiful ribbons of movement that really need to be seen
to be believed. Here’s a few seconds later in the same comp. Note that if you’re
seeing undesirable lines in the shapes, these can usually be removed by playing
around with settings. I also might go back and reduce the lifespan of these waves
so that the outer edges are a little softer.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 On the solid layer on top of this video, apply the Fractal Noise effect. In the
Fractal Noise effect controls, reduce Brightness to –45, uncheck Uniform
Scaling in the Transform area, take Scale Width to 20 and Scale Height to 700.
Then, in the Timeline panel, change the blending mode of the layer to Screen. It’s
already looking a little steamy (you know what I mean). To bring this
steam to life,
animate the
Y position of
the Offset
property in
the Turblulent
Displace effect
Animate it from
a high number
to a lower
number over
time. This will
create rising
steam that
continues to
warp. For added
realism, you
may also want
to gradually
animate the
Evolution value
of Fractal Noise
4 This steam really comes alive by applying the Turbulent Displace effect to this.
In the Turbulent Displace effect controls, take the Size value down to 40. Also,
take the Opacity of the layer down to about 70%. I also applied the Tint effect
over time.
and changed the Map White To value to a pale yellow orange to composite a little MAC WIN BOTH
better in this warm-toned scene.
3D Fireworks
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Assuming the effect is selected in the Effect Controls panel, you’ll see the
familiar default particles that we saw with CC Particle Systems II. But then
you’ll also see all these crazy widgets everywhere. These are to help with moving it
in 3D, which we’ll do in just a bit. Remember that the helpers disappear when the
effect is no longer selected in the Effect Controls panel.
If all the 3D
widgets are
bugging you,
just open the
Grid and Guides
area in the CC
Particle World
effect controls
to control what
helpers you’re
4 But again, the magic here comes from the 3D-ness of these particles. While
you can open the Producer controls to move this emitter in 3D space, you’ll
need to use the widget in the upper left hand corner in order to rotate it in 3D.
Once rotated, you can create some interesting effect. Above we see the bottom
side of the fireworks (at frame 12, as in the previous screenshot), as if we were
standing under the fireworks as they went off. It kinda looks like fiery rain, or
maybe like we’re going through warp speed. This effect will allow you to create
sparkles and smoke trails with the added benefit of being able to move them in 3D
Psychic Waves
3 Import a video layer into this comp. You may need to go back to the
precomposed waves to adjust the position of the producer. Apply the
Displacement Map effect to the video layer. Take the values for Use For Horizontal
Displacement and Use for Vertical Displacement to Luminance. Take Max
Horizontal Displacement to about 75, and Max Vertical Displacement to about 45.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 In the Stroke area, it’s important to change the Profile drop down to Sine.
This will make the edges of the rings soft, so that it will create a better
displacement map. Displacement maps really don’t like hard edges. Then, select
this layer and press CScLSc to precompose it. If we didn’t do
that, the displacement effect we’re going to add wouldn’t see the radio waves. Be
sure to turn off the visibility of this precomposed layer.
You could also
use this same
Radio Waves
map with
FreeformAE. In
that case, you’d
be creating
actual three
Particle Deflection
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 And here is one of the (many) great limitations of Particle Playground. There
are no settings to change the life of the particles, opacity over time, the
shape of the particles, and so forth, without using another layer as a map, which
brings it’s own set of challenges. For this cheat, we’re going to stick to the default
particle shape. With this layer selected, press g to select the Pen tool. Then
click around the layer to create a closed mask. Then, in the Particle Playground
effect controls, choose the mask you just created from Wall>Boundary. Now the
particles bounce off of the mask! Way sweet!
cool feature
of Particle
Playground is
that the Info
panel will give
you a readout
of how many
particles exist
on the current
frame. This
is especially
important if
you’re using the
Grid emitter
because the
amount of
4 For the final result, I also took the Gravity>Force value to 0. Note that the
results will vary wildly as the position and angle (i.e. Direction) of the Cannon
are changed. I also changed the Cannon>Color and added the Glow effect.
particles on
screen can get
ridiculous pretty
Star Field
3 To make these stars stand out a little bit more, you can add several effects
(such as Glow). I applied the 3rd party effect Trapcode Starglow here. That
effect adds a little glow, but it also adds some nice little spikes of light, turning
these into a little bit more of a star shape. It’s subtle, but subtle often means
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 In the Effect Controls panel, take Size down to 60, Grid spacing to 2, and
Scatter to about 315. So now our stars look better, but if you press the
spacebar, they still animate way too fast. Take Speed all the way down to 0.2. In
many cases, even this is too fast.
If you take the
Speed value
down all the
way to zero,
the stars will
be stationary.
You can then
increase their
size back up a
bit to create
some very quick
dust particles.
4 To make these stars look like they’re going through warp speed, I applied the
CC Radial Fast Blur effect, increasing the Amount to about 90. I also changed
the Zoom drop down to Brightest to make the light streaks pop more. In this
screenshot, you’re seeing some cool purple and blue streaks, which were created
from the Starglow effect. For compatibility reasons, I have not included the
Starglow effect in the Star Field.aep project.
1 Make a comp and solid at 1280 x 720. Apply the Ramp effect.
How to Cheat in After Effects
If you don’t
want your
confetti to
animate like
stars, take the
Speed value to 0
4 For better looking confetti, take Grid spacing to 15. Badda-bing. Done.
How to Cheat in After Effects
In the last
you’ll notice
water bouncing
off of the edges
of the “pool”.
This effect
is created by
going to the
Reflect Edges
drop down and
choosing All
(or whatever
6 Also in the Water area of the Caustics effect controls, increase Smoothing
to about 13. I’ve also changed the water color to be a little more faded and
slightly more green, and played with the lighting controls a little bit. Note that the
surfaces you’d
like to have
ripples reflect
Caustics effect will also allow you to use a composition light as the main Caustics from).
light source if desired.
Flowing Chocolate
How to Cheat in After Effects
Try going back
and opening
up the nested
with the blurred
text in it, and
removing the
blur. Notice
what effect that
has on the final
4 Change the Water>Surface Color to brown, and then increase Surface Opacity
to its max value of 1. You may also want to increase the Smoothing value
to about 9 so that you don’t get those little tiny caustics lines. You can also go
back inside the nested precomp to tweak Wave World if desired. The results will
automatically show up in your chocolate. And again, the results really have to be
previewed when animated to get the full effect. This trick can be used to create
organic chocolate, paint, or any other thick flowing liquid.
3 To make this thing really pop, increase the Fractal Field>Affect Size value to
6. This makes it so that displaced particles actually change size based on the
fractal map. It’s those little wispy white highlights that really make me fall in love
with these results. By the way, this is a result of having Particle>Transfer Mode set
to the default value of Add.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 In the Fractal Field area, increase Displace to 150. This uses a fractal noise
pattern to displace particles in all three dimensions. This is already looking
rather cool. Pretty easy, right?
One of the best
things about
Form is that you
can animate this
fractal “passing
your particles,
without moving
the particles!
It’s almost
like a wave of
rippling through
the scene.
The effect is
incredible, and
it’s really easy to
do. Just animate
4 Another one of the great things about this effect is that it is totally three
dimensional. Here, I added a comp camera and rotated it so that I could see
the bottom of these 3 fractal layers (I also increased Base Form>Size Z to spread
the Flow X, Y,
and/or Z values
them out a bit so you could see them more easily). As you can see, each is a in the Fractal
separate, three dimensional fractal. You can add or subtract three dimensional Field area of the
iterations of these fractals by adjusting the Base Form>Particles in Z value.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 In the Emitter area, take Position Subframe to 10x Linear. In the Particle
area, change Particle Type to Streaklet, Size to 15, Transfer Mode to Add, and
change the color to whatever you’d like. In the example at the beginning of the
cheat, I used blue. Here I’m going to use the generic red/orange.
Both Form
and Particular
come with an
impressive array
of animation
presets that
are very well
designed. You
can use these
as jumping
off points in
your projects,
or to see what
these effects
are capable of.
You could also
use them as
tutorials. After
you apply them
(discussed how
in Chapter 10),
4 Also remember that, like Form, this shape is completely 3D! Here is the exact
same frame after rotating around the shape with an After Effects camera
(no setup required for that, by the way). Particular is the new darling of the After
you can then
look at the
settings in the
Effects world and completely deserves its place as one of the most popular (if not Effect Controls
THE most popular) After Effects plugins available. panel that were
used to create
that effect.
Particle Alternatives
to share with you an alternative to creating particles in After Effects, and that
is to use live action video footage of particles, and then composite them into
After Effects using blend modes.
The great downside of this of course, is that you completely lose control
over the particles. Also, they are completely flat. and they will look like it. So
if you’re compositing in 3D, you’re kind of stuck there. You also might have to
spend some money getting footage of explosions and so forth, and the native
effects in After Effects are free.
The great benefit to this of course, is that it typically looks much better.
Creating a smoke trail is one thing, but creating an exploding building or
a photorealistic flamethrower are entirely different challenges. Live action
footage of almost any particle type is usually going to look much better than
creating from scratch with a particle generator.
Another great benefit is that it’s much, much faster. As much as I love
Particular and could spend all day playing in it, that’s just the problem: I
can spend all day playing in it, trying to get the perfect settings. With stock
particles footage, I find the clip I need and I’m done.
While there are many great resources all over the place for footage elements
like this (from Digital Juice to Video Copilot), I’ve found a tremendous resource
that I wanted to share with you. It’s called Detonation Films (which you can
find at They have a huge assortment of clips, they look
great, but the best part is how cheap it all is! I can’t believe it. They even have a
huge assortment of free effects clips! So, if you’re thinking about trying out the
live action particles thing, I recommend heading on down to their website and
picking up a few of their many freebies. And even if you do want to fork out
some cash for their other clips, you won’t break the bank doing it. For example,
I just saw a collection of HD (1080p) fire bursts on their site for $12. You can’t
beat that! I’ve personally used their stuff before in a variety of arenas, and I’ve
How to Cheat in After Effects
found the quality to be just fantastic. Just so you know, Detonation Films is not
paying me to say this. They don’t even know that I’m mentioning them, actually.
They’re just good people with a great product, and an incredible price. And it’s the
combination of price and quality that makes it a good experiment to see if live
action particles fit into your workflow.
You’ll notice that I’ve used their clips a few times in the book already. I used a
black mushroom cloud back in Chapter 4. And, after heavy color correction and
stylizing, I’ve used one of their explosions in the Chad Show bumper piece we’ve
seen throughout the book.
Color Correction
COLOR IS THE SECRET TO GREAT ART, motion or otherwise.
Whether creating a movie or creating motion graphics,
enhancing your art with color correction can make all the
difference. If footage looks beautiful at first glance, it
becomes instantly compelling.
Color Correcti
Reading a Histogram
1 Open the Histograms.aep project and go to the 01 comp. Here you’ll find a
video clip from It mostly shows a piece of paper. There are a
lot of bright tones in this image, and not much in the way of shadows. But what
about the pencil lead? Isn’t that dark? The histogram will tell us! Apply the Levels
effect. The histogram is a readout of the brightness in our image. The dark tones
are represented on the left of the image; brights on the right. The higher the spike
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Let’s move to the 02 comp. This clip is from a music video I directed by the
Seattle rap group Zen Chemists. Apply the Levels effect. If you never saw this
image, could you guess how the tones were distributed? There is tons of contrast
here – huge spikes on the left (shadows) and right (highlights) of the histogram,
but not much in the way of midtones. This histogram tells us that there might be
too much contrast in this image. While contrast is great, in most cases it’s better
to have a better balance – at least some highlights, some shadows, and some
The Levels effect
doesn’t make
any adjustments
by default. So
you can feel
free to apply the
Levels effect at
any time to any
layer just to see
its histogram. I
often apply this
4 It’s very important to look at the
histogram and NOT the image!
In this case, things might appear to
5 This is what the histogram
probably should look like in this
case. Visually, the results are very
after applying
look OK, but I’ve actually dragged the similar, but the highlights are not effects to make
slider too far, beyond the blue and cyan blown out (i.e. all pushed to white). To sure that my
pixels in the histogram. This forced too add additional brightness, I dragged luminance
many pixels to white, and lost highlight the midtones slider (in the middle) to values are still
details, such as in the collar of his shirt. the left a bit. You can see how much where they
That’s not good. the histogram has helped us – to both should be.
identify problems and to fix them
without creating more of them!
Color Correcti
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 The Color Balance effect allows us to play around with the balance of
different colors. The task at hand is to make this warmer, perhaps to create
sympathy for this character or to show how she is thought of fondly by someone
else. To create warmth, we add warm tones. But there’s no yellow or orange here.
In this case, it pays to know a bit about color theory. Removing blue actually adds
yellow. Thus, adding red and removing blue will create an orange color.
Be careful as
you’re going
back and forth
with your color
changes. If you
subtract too
much blue,
the image will
become too
yellow, which
makes the
image look
too vintage.
If you add too
much red, the
4 There’s definitely a much more welcoming feel with the color changes we’ve
added. I’m worried that this is feeling a little too strong to feel warm, though.
Let’s lighten things up a little bit by applying the Levels effect, and then dragging
image will feel
too intense.
the slider in the middle of the histogram to the left. This image now tells a much Again, like color
different story than the original image. correction itself,
it’s a balance.
Color Correcti
1 So let’s start in the Horror START comp in the Cinematic - Horror.aep project.
This again uses the same clip from as seen in the previous and
next cheats. Again, this is the default state, which is comparatively emotionless.
3 Now, apply my beloved Color Balance effect. Here, we want to remove red –
the color of warmth and safety. The opposite of red is cyan, which is basically
green and blue, and we need a bunch of both of those colors. Above are the
settings I used.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 This image has way too much color in it to be scary. First step, apply the
Vibrance effect. Take the Saturation value down to –70. Ah, much better (and
by better, I mean worse – you know what I mean!).
With the Color
Balance effect,
it’s generally
a good idea
to add more
color when
you want a
brighter image,
and subtract
colors when you
want a darker
final result.
The purpose of
the Preserve
checkbox is
to attempt to
compensate for
4 I love the colors here, but it needs to be more intense from a luminance
perspective. So, check the Preserve Luminosity checkbox. I also applied
the Levels effect, and brightened the highlights and darkened the midtones.
the gain/loss of
light from the
Desaturated? Check. Greenish-blue tint? Check. Intense contrast? Check. Well, of the Color
folks, it looks like we’ve met the qualifications for a creepy movie color motif. Balance
Color Correcti
3 The next step is to add some yellow. We could use Color Balance, but a better
way to do it in this case is to apply the Curves effect. In the Curves effect,
change the channel drop down from RGB to Blue. Then drag the upper right point
down to the first line, as shown above. This reduces the amount of blue light,
adding yellow.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Apply the Vibrance effect and reduce Saturation to –25. Then apply the Glow
effect. In the Glow effect controls, take Glow Threshold to 25%, Glow Radius
to 35, and Glow Intensity to 0.4. The Glow effect creates the diffuse glow that
adds some dreamy softness to our image.
It’s a good idea
when color
correcting to
always look out
for flesh tones.
It’s a common
amateur mistake
to have blue
or yellow flesh
after color
This is one of
the reasons
that I love
Color Balance
so much, as it
lets you play
with the colors
a lot and still
look believable.
Our yellowing
4 The final step is kind of a naughty one. This is something you should normally
never do. But we’re going to degrade the quality of the image to create a
more vintage look. In the Curves effect, change the channel back to RGB. Then
of the skin
here is perhaps
bordering on a
drag the lower left point upwards a bit to taste. This lightens the shadows. Again, bit too much.
that’s usually a very bad practice, because it washes out the image. But in this
case, that’s exactly what we want.
Color Correcti
3 Now let’s make it night. Apply the Curves effect. The upper right corner
represents the highlights in the image. Dragging them downwards reduces the
brightness of the brightest areas of the images, which is what happens at night.
I then dragged the middle of the curve downwards (as shown above) to further
reduce the brightness of the midtones.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Other than in Las Vegas, nighttime is usually very desaturated. There’s not
that much light, and what little there is naturally is from the moon, and
that’s typically a very dim blue light. So apply the Vibrance effect and reduce the
Saturation value to –85. HOT TIP
This shot works
OK for day for
night purposes.
But be very
careful. Intense
sunlight can
create shadows
that make it
impossible for a
believable day
for night shot.
Even in our shot
here, some of
the windows
have very bright
which is a clue
to our fakery.
notice the front
of our buildings.
They are bright
on the front on
completely black
on the sides. The
moon doesn’t
4 Now we have to add a blue moon-ish tint. Apply the Color Balance effect. I
took Shadow Blue Balance to 8, Midtone Blue Balance to 20, and Hilight Blue
Balance to 15, and check Preserve Luminosity. Not bad.
typically create
such directional
light, and
when it does,
it’s never that
powerful. Just
something to
watch out for.
Color Correcti
Reference Monitor
3 This will create the Layer panel and Composition panel side-by-side. But the
problem is that they’re the exact same view, and effects applied to either
layer will show up in both panels.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Double click the layer in the Reference Monitor comp to open it up in the
Layer panel. Click and drag on the grip marks (or the color swatch) to the left
of the padlock next to the name of the Layer panel at the top of the interface.
Dragging this panel over the Composition panel will show you several drop zones.
Release your mouse as it highlights the one on the left side, as shown above.
4 At the bottom of the Layer panel, uncheck the Render checkbox. Now, when
you apply effects, you can see the original layer (in the Layer panel) side-by-
side with the color adjusted version (in the Composition panel).
Color Correcti
3 Now, in the Tint controls, change the Map White To value to green.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Apply the Tint effect to this layer. Let’s say we’re not sure what color we want
to tint this – red or green. In the Tint effect controls, click the Map White To
color swatch and change it to red. Then, at the bottom of the Composition panel,
create a snapshot by clicking the camera icon. You’ll hear a sweet little camera
noise indicating that it now remembers the current shot, as if it had taken a
photograph of it.
You can actually
take up to
4 different
snapshots. The
Show Snapshot
button just
shows you the
last snapshot
that was
taken. To take
press Shift+F5,
Shift+F7, or
Press the
F key to see
that snapshot.
For example,
after taking a
snapshot with
4 At the bottom of the Composition panel, click the Show Snapshot button
(to the right of the camera icon) and while you hold that button, it shows
you the picture it took when you clicked the camera icon back in step 2. This is a
Shift+F7, press
F7 to view it.
great feature for quickly comparing the before and after state of anything in After
Effects, not just with effects (e.g. chroma key settings, lighting changes, design
and layout changes, etc.).
Color Correcti
How to Cheat in After Effects
In Chapter 10,
we’ll use the
Colorama effect
all over the
place, and learn
a little bit more
rich, that we can almost recolor this matte painting by color. I’m including it here, because the final result creates
Daniel Johnson. Change Output>Use Preset Palette to Fire, the illusion that you’ve colorized a black and white image.
and change the Blend With Original value to 30%. We have this clip from uberstock (flip back a few pages if
you want to see it in full color). Apply Leave Color. Change
Amount to Decolor to 100%, Tolerance to 4.5%, and Edge
Softness to 3.2%. Then use the Color To Leave eyedropper to
click the red drink that she’s drinking.
Color Correcti
Hue Shift
3 However, when I apply the Hue/Saturation effect and change the Master Hue
value to 135 degrees, only color tones shift.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Because there is only one color besides gray (including black and white), you
might be tempted to use Tint and Tritone, but they don’t work because they
will shift some of the grays that we want left alone (notice the wings especially).
4 And not only did our adjustment layer help colorize this entire comp in one
fell swoop, but we can also move it up and down in the layer stack to change
which layers are affected by it. In the Timeline panel, drag this layer beneath the
Rock logo precomp layer (layer 2) to have the Hue/Saturation color adjustment
only affect the layers beneath the Rock logo precomp.
Color Correcti
3 I then applied the Cartoon effect to make it look even more stylized. Honestly,
I’m not a big fan of this effect. It usually looks bad, and it takes forever to
render. But it worked in this case, so I went with it. In the Cartoon effect controls,
I took Fill>Shading Steps to 2, and Edge>Softness to 95.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 The first step was to apply the Levels effect and enhance the contrast a lot
as described earlier in this chapter. I brightened the highlights a little, and
darkened the shadows a lot. It’s already looking a lot more stylized.
In the final
version of this
project, I also
applied the
Roughen Edges
effect to smooth
out and stylize
the edges of the
4 At this point, I think I’m happy with the explosion. It definitely looks stylized
and fits in better with the rest of the project. Now, I want to just apply the
Tint effect, and change the Map White To value to be the same green as used in
the rest of the project. Yep. I like it.
Color Correcti
Faking Dimension
1 So we have this really cool art by Dan Grady in the Faking Dimensions START
comp in the project of the same name. I want to add some moon light on his
head to give it some apparent roundness.
3 Open the layer properties in the Timeline panel, and in the Layer
Styles>Gradient Overlay>Blend Mode drop down, choose Screen. Now our
white outline is back.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Select the robot captain head layer. Right click on it and choose Layer
Styles>Gradient Overlay. This initially replaces the content of the layer with a
gradient. Unfortunately, that also means the stroke around the edges of our object
have been replaced as well.
I usually use the
Ramp effect
for this type of
thing because
there are fewer
options and
they’re easier
to get to. But
in this case,
we needed to
use the layer
style because
the layer styles
allow you to
blend modes,
which allowed
our outlines to
4 Also in the Gradient Overlay settings, change the Angle to about 250 degrees,
and adjust the Offset to put the gradient in the correct place. If desired, you
can click the Edit Gradient text to open the Gradient Editor and make changes
show through.
The Ramp effect
to the gradient. I made the white a little darker and more blue. You can also doesn’t allow
select the actual text that says Layer Styles in the Timeline panel and press blend mode
CcLc to copy this style, and then CvLv to paste it onto other blending.
layers (as shown in the initial screenshot at the beginning of this cheat).
Color Correcti
3 It looks much better after the primary color correction, but I don’t like the
way the colors in their outfits work in the scene. The cyan sleeves on my
daughter are distracting. Apply the Hue/Saturation effect, which is pretty good for
secondary color correction. Change the Channel Control drop down to Cyans to
work on only those color tones. Above are the settings I used.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 First, I’m going to do some primary color correction. It’s important to do that
first because sometimes color problems can be exaggerated or diminished by
doing the main (primary) color correction. Here, I added Levels and Color Balance
and adjusted them as we’ve done earlier in this chapter.
You can get
even more
control over the
color ranges
selected by Hue/
Saturation by
adjusting the
sliders in the
Channel Range
4 Now her sleeves look much better! And this doesn’t need to be keyframed –
every frame with those same color tones will be adjusted in the same way
automatically. If there are some areas of the sleeves that aren’t changing, you can
change the Channel Control drop down to Greens, and make changes there.
Color Correcti
1 Open the Spot CC START in the Spot CC.aep project to begin where we left off
in the last cheat. Because of the limitations of CMYK ink, you’re not getting
the full effect here, but the boy on the left is far too bright. I used a very shallow
depth of field for this shot, and both the boy and the background are out of focus,
while the girl (who is the subject) is in sharp focus. But the boy is so bright still
that it’s distracting. Using Roto Brush, we’ll isolate and adjust just the boy.
3 When you switch back to the Composition panel, you’ll see only the boy.
Now we can spot color correct. Darken and desaturate this layer (with Levels,
Vibrance, etc.) as you see fit. Then press CdLd to duplicate this layer.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Double click this layer to open it in the Layer panel. As described in Chapter
4, select the Roto Brush tool and select only the boy. Remember that you can
draw while holding OA if you want to subtract from the selection (as shown
above). In the Roto Brush effect controls, take the Feather value up to 100%.
Once you’re
happy with your
Roto Brush
settings, make
sure to click the
Freeze button
(in the Layer
panel) to cache
your Roto Brush
settings and
save them with
the project. Not
only that, but it
will also make
rendering the
matte go much
faster from
frame to frame.
4 Put the top copy into the Multiply blend mode and reduce its Opacity value to
50%. On the bottom copy, delete the Roto Brush effect and the other effects
you added in step 3. And that’s it! Because Roto Brush will automatically trace
content from frame to frame, we don’t need to worry about doing anything else
for this scene. Before CS5, I would usually do something like this with a mask, but
then you would have to animated it to follow the subject. Roto Brush makes this
process much easier. SHORTCUTS
Color Correcti
3 In the default state, all effects are turned off and there is no change. Change
the Saturation value to 70. As soon as you make the change the property is
activated, as it were. As we look left, we can see that this is part of the bigger
Master property, which is under the HSL>Controls category. Note that we have all
of these parameters for highlights, midtones, and shadows as well.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Apply the Color Finesse effect to this layer (it’s actually called SA Color Finesse
3). Then, in the Effect Controls panel, click the Full Interface button to launch
the main Color Finesse window. Wow look at all that stuff! On the left, we see a
bunch of monitors, including a waveform monitor, vectorscope, and a histogram
per channel, as well as one for the composite. On the right side of the interface,
we see our footage. Note that we’re not seeing it above because the screen
capture software I’m using won’t capture it. But it’s there. The bottom of the
interface has all of our effects.
As mentioned
earlier in this
chapter, color
correction is a
constant push/
pull as you go
back and forth
when you make
changes. As
you change
saturation and
color balance
will often need
to be fixed
Color Finesse
gives you (in
most cases) the
4 Click on the RGB tab on the far left to get access to controls similar to Color
Balance, only much more detailed and powerful. As checked above, there are
also adjustable levels, and a much more powerful curves system. And this only
most powerful
tools for the job
skims the surface of the possibilities with Color Finesse. We’ll explore a few extra all in one place.
features in the following cheats.
Color Correcti
How to Cheat in After Effects
If you’re really
into emulating
film, you may
want to try
to check out
the Add Grain
effect, which
allows you to
add film grain
that matches
specific film
stocks. Some of
the film stocks
you can match
the grain of
8 Gels>Rosco Cinegel>Rosco
Cinegel_3304_Tough Plusgreen
9 Misc>Faded Color Neg 1.
10 Processing>Bleach Bypass.
with Add Grain,
are some of
the same film
presets in Color
Color Correcti
3 Now move on over to the Apply Color LUT comp. Apply the new Apply Color
LUT effect to this footage. As soon as you apply it, a browser will pop up. The
only thing you can do with this effect is to use a color LUT with it. So navigate to
the color LUT you made in step 2 and click OK.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Apply the Color Finesse effect and click Full Interface. Make some drastic
changes. Feel free to use one of the presets that we looked at in the last
cheat. I desaturated this a lot, and removed some red, and then faded the image a
bit. When you’re done, in the Color Finesse interface, choose File>Export>Settings
to Autodesk 3D LUT>Smoke, and save your color LUT file.
4 Instantly, the color is changed with the exact same settings you created
in step 2. Using Color Finesse, you can create color LUTs for most popular
programs out there. Using the new Apply Color LUT effect, you can now apply
them from outside applications as well. But these color LUT files are not only good
for sharing, they’re great for creating a library of your own custom looks.
Color Correcti
Improving 3D Renders
3 Next, let’s improve the colors a little bit. Apply the Color Balance effect.
Increase blues and greens and decrease reds as desired. OK, now I’m starting
to have a little hope in this 3D image.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Let’s first apply the Levels effect and punch the highlights and adjust the
midtones as discussed in the beginning of this chapter. It doesn’t look quite so
bad after that.
4 For the final step, let’s make this really pop by applying the Glow effect. In
the Glow effect controls, take Glow Threshold to 35%, Glow Radius to 50,
and Glow Intensity to 0.2. Wow. I have to admit, I love it. These amazing color
correction tools here in After Effects really breathed a whole new life into this 3D
Color Correcti
3 With the exposure raised, I can now see all the background activity that I
need to remove. But I certainly wouldn’t want to inadvertently render this
looking like that.
How to Cheat in After Effects
If you’re not
seeing this
button, make
sure you’re not
in the Layer
panel. If you in
fact are in the
panel, make
sure that your
2 At the bottom of the Composition panel, you’ll find the Adjust Exposure
value. It’s the numbers on the right end of the buttons at the bottom of the
Composition panel. Increase this value to temporarily raise the exposure of this
panel is sized so
that you can see
all of its buttons
view. I took it to a very high value of 5.4. Also note that when you’ve adjusted this at the bottom.
property, the button immediately to its left glows letting you know that you’ve You may also
tweaked this option. Reset the exposure by clicking that button. need to increase
your screen
resolution to see
4 Thankfully, it’s impossible to render with this adjustment turned on. It’s a
preview feature only, so you don’t have to worry about turning it off. I love
that. Note that you can also use this feature to find the darkest pixels in the
image. Turn it up full blast, and whatever pixels don’t get turned white are the
darkest pixels in that frame. I find this feature very helpful.
Color Correcti
How to Cheat in After Effects
When you
apply looks,
the various
used to create
the look are
visible at the
bottom of
the interface.
This can be a
great way to
learn more
about creating
5 Popular Film>Blockbuster.
6 Music Videos>Berlin.
cinematic color
How to Cheat in After Effects
Backgrounds and Textures
of the things I find myself doing very frequently, and
most After Effects users would probably agree. Whether
putting something behind a client logo, compositing
something on a background element, or creating an
interesting track matte, knowing how to create animated
textures from scratch is a necessary weapon in the
arsenal of the cheating After Effects user.
ndds and
and Textu
Fire Texture
1 Create a new comp. Let’s just go with the standard NTSC DV preset for
right now. Create a new solid by pressing CyLy and make sure the
3 Maybe it’s just me, but this gray stuff is getting tough to look at. And even if
you’re not visually bored yet, it’s really hard to look at this and envision what
our fire will look like. Now we have color, but it looks like a TV weather pattern.
So let’s apply the Colorama effect to this. In the Colorama effect properties in
the Effect Controls panel, open up the Output Cycle area and from the Use Preset
Palette drop down, choose Fire. OK. Now we’re talking.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Change the Fractal Type (the drop down at the top of the Fractal Noise
effect in the Effect Controls panel) to Dynamic Twist. This basically adds a
twist to the noise pattern being generated, and this extra twist is going to make
our noise look more fiery in a moment.
Our fire is
already looking
more believable.
However, in my
own opinion,
it seems like
the majority of
that realism is
coming from the
color scheme
and not from
the fire itself.
So be careful
that you don’t
use Colorama’s
wicked cool
colorization as a
4 This texture is already pretty fiery as is. And fire comes in a wide variety
of fiery flavors – camp, bon, candle, explosion, flamethrower, etc. Each
has their own distinct shape, texture, and movement. So the fire we’re creating
crutch, and just
settle for any
in this cheat maybe just a jumping off point for your own custom fire. But for old texture.
our purposes here, there’s just too much fire, and it’s just not as intense as I’d
like it to be. You can address both of those concerns by increasing the Contrast
parameter. I’m going to use a value of 300, but you can use whatever you’d like.
ndds and
and Textu
5 At this point, I’m liking the contrast, but I still think there’s too much fire.
Whenever you want to get rid of some of the noise in Fractal Noise, try taking
down the Brightness parameter. It works in kind of an interesting way. It doesn’t
darken every pixel. It allows white to stay white. Often, this has the effect of
thinning out the noise. A value of around –40 works for me.
7 OK. We got some fire going on here, but it still is too “noisy” for what I’m
looking for; too much texture. I’m kinda going for a look as though the
camera is shooting something on the other side of the fire and the depth of field
is creating blurry fire. The Complexity property controls how many virtual layers of
noise are being generated, and in this case, we’ve got too many. With this property,
a little adjustment can make a fairly big difference, so be careful. I’m going to take
Complexity to 3.6.
How to Cheat in After Effects
Fractal Noise
patterns based
on random
noise. Because
of this, your
fire may look
different than
mine, even if
you’ve used
the exact
6 I want this to look like campfire-style fire. Fire in a campfire has a definite
direction. So open up the Transform area in the Fractal Noise effect, uncheck
Uniform Scaling, and increase the Scale Height property a lot. No, seriously. A
same settings
You may also
LOT. I’m going to try a value of 1000. Note that you can only go to 600 with this have a tough
property if you use the slider. time getting the
exact same look
with the same
setting as well.
The solution
to consistent
Fractal Noise
patterns is to
use Animation
discussed later
in this chapter.
8 Alright! This fire looks pretty awesome! But what about animating it?
Typically, we bring to life the patterns created by Fractal Noise by animating
the Evolution property. But here, Evolution doesn’t work, because it will make the
flames go both up and down simultaneously. That’s not what flames do! In this
case, we only want the flames to travel upwards. To do that, animate the Y axis
of the Offset Turbulence parameter in the Transform area of the Fractal Noise
controls from a larger value to a smaller one. Unfortunately, this property moves
all of the virtual layers of noise in one solid unit. For added realism, enable the
Perspective Offset parameter, which will move the noise layers as if they were
staggered in 3D.
ndds and
and Textu
Candle Flame
How to Cheat in After Effects
Wondering why
we precomposed
this layer?
If we didn’t
the mask,
the Colorama
effect would
have made all
of our semi-
feathered edges
5 In the previous figure, you may have noticed that my flame isn’t perfect. With this flame, the hotspot should be in the
center of the candle where it is burning brightest and the colors SHOULD get darker as they go away from the center.
But on the left side of my flame, they get brighter alongside the edge. So double click the precomp to go back to Fractal SHORTCUTS
Noise and reduce the Brightness value. I’m also going to adjust my mask. And while I’m at it, I think I’ll just take that Mask MAC WIN BOTH
Feather down to a more realistic value of 8. Ahhh.... now that’s a more believable candle flame!
ndds and
and Textu
Creative Playing
3 I’m going to increase the stroke thickness by clicking on the number to the
right of the word “Stroke” at the top of the interface. I think I want a thick
stroke, so I’m going to try a value of 130. Similar to what we did with the fill,
click on the word stroke in the Tools area, but this time change the stroke to a
radial gradient (the option on the far right). I think I want the gradient stroke to
be black on the inside, and then gradually fade to white on the outer edge. Here
are the settings for the gradient that I went with and the result. As you can see,
I made the left side black and the right side white, and then scooted the black
swatch to the right so that the black center would be larger. Cool.
How to Cheat in After Effects
OK,this looks
terrible so far.
This sounds
more like advice
in a self-help
book than a
software book,
but you’ve got
to have enough
faith in yourself
to allow yourself
2 The first adjustment I want to make to this is to adjust the default red fill
and white stroke. They’re not working for me. I actually don’t think I want a
fill here. So, I’m going to click the word “Fill” in the Tools area at the top of the
to play around!
Many extremely
talented artists
interface with the shape layer selected, and then click the None button on the are working the
left. night shift at
the local fast
food restaurant
because they
are paralyzed
by a fear of
failure. Instead
of getting
about how bad
something looks,
ask yourself
what could be
done to improve
it, even just
a little. You’ll
be amazed at
how asking
such questions
will often
yield powerful
answers and
whereas self-
doubt rarely
Now let’s add a gradient background. Press CyLy to create a
4 new solid of any color. Drag it below the shape layer in the layer stack in
the Timeline panel. Right click on the new background solid and choose Layer
Styles>Gradient Overlay. I’m really thinking that I want a warm color scheme.
So, I’m going to open up the layer properties for this solid layer, and then Layer
Styles>Gradient Overlay. For the Colors property, click on Edit Gradient. Click on
the first gradient color stop and select an orange color, and change the gradient SHORTCUTS
stop on the right to a deep red. MAC WIN BOTH
ndds and
and Textu
How to Cheat in After Effects
So here’s the final result. I kinda like it! Pretty
impressive, coming from a single, unattractive 12 You might be wondering now, well how exactly
does this thing animate? You could try several
things. Try doing a slow animation of the Interpolation
property of the Polar Coordinates effect on the duplicate of
the shape layer. You’ll also get really cool results by playing
with the Offset property in the Repeater 1 area of the main
shape layer. The possibilities are endless. Just keep playing!
ndds and
and Textu
Hot Grill
3 Apply the frequently-ignored Grid effect to the Grill layer. Our first order of business is to hop on
over to the Effect Controls panel and change the Color value in the Grid effect from white to black.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Create another new solid, but this time change the size. Leave the Width value at 1280, but
increase the Height value to 800 pixels. I’ll explain why a little later on. I’m going to name this
layer Grill.
Oh, by the way,
the reason why
we made the
Grill layer a
little bit taller
than the comp
is because the
Grid effect
adds that bevel
style to its grids
and also to the
edges of the
layer it’s applied
to. This usually
looks really
fake. So by
making the solid
a little taller, we
never see that
4 This “grid” looks less like a grill and more like a tennis net. Next time we have a doubles match
with our BBQ, we’ll be sure and remember these settings. For now, we want a grill! So, in the Grid
effect, increase the Border value to about 20, increase the Y value of the Corner value to about 700 or
so, and increase the X value of the Anchor property somewhere between 700 and 740. And we’re done!
I really like the lowered Complexity value on the fractal fire because it gives the illusion of blur created
by a shallow depth of field, which adds more believability. To bring this to life in a very realistic way, just
animate the Evolution property in the Fractal Noise effect on the Fire layer.
ndds and
and Textu
How to Cheat in After Effects
If you wanted
to animate
the curtains
opening, you
could create two
smaller comps,
each with their
own fractal
curtains. Then
combine them
in a larger comp
and have them
opening using
Position. For
added realism,
use an effect
from the Distort
category of
5 The final touch here is to add an After Effects light. First, make the layer with the curtains a 3D layer by clicking the
box in the 3D Layer column in the Switches area of the Timeline. Then create a new light by going to the Layer menu at
the top of the interface and choosing New>Light. From the Light Type drop down in the Light Settings dialog box, choose
effects or the
Puppet tool
to bend the
Spot. All other properties can stay at their defaults. The spot light not only adds more focus and interest, but the falloff of curtains in
the light on the sides of the image really heightens the realism. realistic and
organic ways.
ndds and
and Textu
Background Bars
How to Cheat in After Effects
Simply taking
the Noise Type
to Block opens
up a whole
plethora of
5 If you wanted to get creative, you could also use these bars as textures in other instances. Here, we see the fractal bars
as the background texture and as the texture using the text as an alpha matte. This example is kinda lame, honestly,
but you can see that with a little more effort it could yield a pretty cute result.
ndds and
and Textu
Basic Water
If, while fiddling
around with
the color
stops on the
Output Cycle
color wheel in
the Colorama
effect controls,
your top most
colors get
moved a little
bit, hold down
the S key
while moving
ndds and
and Textu
Better Water
WHERE WE LEFT OFF in the last
cheat, where we learned how
1 You may either continue where we left off in the last cheat, or you can open the Advanced Water.
aep project from the Chapter 10 folder in the Exercise Files folder, and start with the Advanced
Water START comp.
to make basic water.
In real life, water is just a
complex thing. Aside from
the caustics discussed in the
last cheat, there are multiple
colors and reflections that add
complexity to its appearance.
To create more beauty in our
water, we’re going to duplicate
the layer we’ve made and
make a few more adjustments.
3 In the Fractal Noise effect on the duplicated (top) layer, open up the Evolution Options area and
adjust the Random Seed value until you’re happy with the results. Essentially, the Random Seed
value takes all of your settings and gives you a random version of them. This makes it so that our
duplicates are not exactly the same, which adds a lot of complexity to our water.
How to Cheat in After Effects
First, just duplicate the Basic Water layer by selecting it and pressing CdLd. Then put the
2 duplicated layer (the one on top) in the Soft Light blend mode. This adds more contrast, but not
much else. We’ll fix that in the next step.
4 This last step is an optional one. I like the way it looks when the colors of the original and the copy
are slightly different. So, I’m going to go to the Hue/Saturation effect controls on the duplicate
layer and further reduce the Master Hue value to add more green. A value of about –40 looks good on SHORTCUTS
my screen, but you can use whatever looks best for you. MAC WIN BOTH
ndds and
and Textu
TV Noise
3 Now, if the previous step got your noise the way you like it, feel free to skip
this step. But I think that this noise needs a little bit of random color. To get
that random noise, I’m going to apply (what else?) the Noise effect. After Effects
has 6 effects with the word “noise” in it, so make sure that you apply the one
that is simply called Noise. Leaving the other settings the same, take the Amount
of Noise value in the Noise effect controls to about 80% or so. The difference is
subtle, but I like it much better than having just plain black and white noise.
How to Cheat in After Effects
This noise looks
OK, but what
about animating
it? Typically,
we bring
Fractal Noise
to life with
the Evolution
but that
creates smooth
animation over
time. Instead,
open up the
2 Apply the Fractal Noise effect to the Noise layer. In the Fractal Noise effect
controls, take the Complexity down to 3.0. In the Transform area of the
Fractal Noise effect controls, take the Scale value down to 3.0 as well.
Options area
in the Fractal
Noise effect
controls, and
animate the
Random Seed
value. Every
time the
Random Seed
value changes,
it gives you
a completely
image, which
creates more
believable noise.
To animate the
Noise effect,
simply animate
the Amount
of Noise value
over time (e.g.
from 80% to
90%). Like
Random Seed,
any adjustment
in this property
4 At this point, you could also add a video layer. I’ve brought in a clip from into the TV Noise DONE comp. I’m going to put the video
clip directly on top of the Noise layer in the layer stack in the Timeline panel.
will create an
entirely new
I’m going to put the video in the Soft Light blend mode, and reduce its Opacity noise pattern.
value to about 50%. It still looks a little too clean and crisp to me. I’m not buying
that this is a noisy image. So I’m going to apply the Fast Blur effect, and take its
Blurriness value to about 40.
ndds and
and Textu
How to Cheat in After Effects
5 If the texture is too intense for you at this point, you can reduce the contrast in the Fractal Noise
controls. Remember that the pattern that we’re seeing here is being generated by Fractal Noise and
distorted by CC Kaleida. So any changes you make to the Fractal Noise effect will noticeably affect the
appearance of the final image. Here, I left the CC Kaleida settings exactly the same, and just increased the
Fractal Noise Contrast value to 200 and changed the Fractal Type to Threads. And look at how different
the pattern became! This effect really is infinite in its possibilities!
ndds and
and Textu
3 In the Cell Pattern effect controls, increase Contrast to about 300, increase
Disperse to its maximum value (1.50), and take Size to about 20 or so.
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 Select the Cells layer and apply the Cell Pattern effect. Like Fractal Noise,
Cell Pattern is a grayscale pattern generator. As you can see the default
settings of Cell Pattern already look fairly cell-like. For the first adjustment,
simply click the Invert checkbox to invert this pattern. It creates a really cool
X-ray type of look.
4 Now we need to colorize this. Apply the Colorama effect. In the Colorama
effect controls, open up the Output Cycle area. In the Use Preset Palette
drop down, choose the Moldy preset, which seems quite appropriate.
ndds and
and Textu
How to Cheat in After Effects
ndds and
and Textu
Quick Variations
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 In the Effect Controls panel, click on the Turbulent Noise effect and, while
holding the S key, click on the Tritone effect. This selects both effects,
and allows Brainstorm to randomize all properties of both. Making sure both
effects are selected, press the Brainstorm button in the Timeline panel (the
button looks like a little light bulb in a thought bubble).
4 Each time you press the Brainstorm button, After Effects will give you 9
more variations. It also saves each variation temporarily. Like a web browser,
you can press the left facing arrow on the left side of the Brainstorm button to
go back to previous brainstorms, or the right arrow to go to the next ones you’ve
made. Keep clicking the Brainstorm button until you find a pattern you like. I
kinda like the rusty red texture at the top. I’m going to hover my mouse over
that square. Four buttons will appear. The leftmost button shows a dot with four SHORTCUTS
arrows pointing away from its center. Click this to maximize the tile that you like. MAC WIN BOTH
ndds and
and Textu
5 Like the person across the crowded room at the party, on closer inspection this tile isn’t as
attractive as I thought it was. But I’m getting closer. I’m going to put my cursor over the tile to
get the four Brainstorm buttons again. Now the leftmost button will restore the tile size. Now what I’m
going to do is put my cursor over that same tile again, but this time, I’m going to choose the rightmost
option, which looks like the Brainstorm icon. Click that button to tell After Effects that it’s on the
right track. This tile will be included in the next brainstorm, and After Effects will also try to make the
other tiles match this one more closely. So, before hitting the Brainstorm button again, take down the
Randomness value to about 50%.
7 If you create animation with the objects that you’re mixing up in Brainstorm (say, in this
situation, with the Evolution property) before entering Brainstorm, you can preview your existing
animation with the brainstormed tiles by pressing the play icon in Brainstorm! They thought of
How to Cheat in After Effects
6 Now that After Effects is in the ballpark, it didn’t take many more Brainstorms before I found the
pattern that I liked. So I’m going to use the bottom center image from the previous figure. Hovering
my cursor over this tile, I’m going to choose the checkmark with the composition icon on it. This will
In order to use
you’ll need
apply these settings to the effects in my project. It’s just that easy! to select
or groups
containing them
(such as the
Transform group
in a layer’s
properties in
the Timeline
panel). Note
that selecting
an entire layer
will not work.
8 Now I’m back in my comp, and I can see the pattern Brainstorm helped me to create. Never
before has there been a way in After Effects to preview so many options so quickly and with such
little effort. This is just an ingenious feature. I should also point out that it’s a great way to learn the
application as well. As Brainstorm creates textures, you can apply them, and then look at the settings to
see how you can create a similar effect on your own.
ndds and
and Textu
Animation Presets
How to Cheat in After Effects
2 With that last step, you’ve instantly created a churning aerial explosion,
created by Fractal Noise and Colorama. It also uses expressions. You’ve
created it instantly without any effort. Here are the parameters changed from
their default values. It would take a while to input all of this information, even
if you knew exactly what you were doing, even longer if you were just fiddling
around. Think of all the time saved by animation presets!
After Effects
might warn
you about this,
but if you save
your animation
preset in the
Presets folder
inside of the
After Effects
folder, then
your preset will
show up in the
Effects and
Presets panel
when doing
searches. If you
save your preset
outside of this
folder, you’ll
have to navigate
to it manually
when you want
4 With all of these effects selected, create a new animation preset by clicking
the Create New Animation Preset button at the bottom of the Effects and
Presets panel (not the Effect Controls panel). Alternatively, you could also choose
to use it.
Save Animation Preset from the Animation menu at the top of the interface.
Navigate to a place on your hard drive to save the new FFX file, and you’ve
created an animation preset that you can use again in an instant! I recommend SHORTCUTS
giving it a distinct name so you can find it easily later on. MAC WIN BOTH
ndds and
and Textu
3 Double click the Backgrounds folder to open it and browse all of the cool
background presets that After Effects ships with.
How to Cheat in After Effects
To increase or
decrease the
size of the icons
in Bridge, use
the slider at the
bottom of the
2 Opening Bridge by using this command will take you straight to the Presets
folder in the After Effects application folder.
4 Go back to After Effects and create a new comp using the NTSC DV preset
and a new solid of the same size. Make sure that the layer (not the comp)
is selected in the Timeline panel. Then go back to Bridge, and double click the
Racing Rectangles.ffx preset. It will instantly apply the animation preset to your
solid in After Effects! Bridge is a very efficient way to browse large amounts of
assets and presets, and bring them into your projects as well.
ndds and
and Textu
1 Open the Custom Library.aep project from the Chapter 10 folder of the exercise
How to Cheat in After Effects
Select the Effect Controls panel and press CaLa to select all of
2 the effects applied to this layer. Then press the Brainstorm button in the
Timeline panel to open up Brainstorm. Increase the Randomness value to taste
and click the Brainstorm button until you find a variation that you like. Hover
your cursor over the desired tile to see the pop up of the four buttons we saw
earlier in this chapter. The checkmark button that we used previously applies the
current brainstorm to your currently selected layer. But if you select the Save
as Composition button, After Effects will perform the extremely kind gesture of
creating a new composition for you in your Project panel with a new solid with
the same settings and effects as your current setup.
4 In just a few minutes, you’ll have a huge library of your own that you can
draw from in a future pinch.
Generic Background
Texture Recipe:
Generate, Distort, Stylize
RECIPE that has gotten me out of a few creative jams. The formula is to take
any of the effects in the Generate category (which typically make stuff from
scratch), tweak it with one of the effects in the Distort category, and then polish
it up with one of the effects in the Stylize category. It sounds crazy, but it really
To demonstrate this, I’m going to pick a random effect from each category
and hope for the best. From the Generate category, I picked 4-Color Gradient,
which basically makes a gradient with four colors. So, I’m not off to the best
start. I’m going to leave the settings at their defaults and then apply a Distort
effect. Wave Warp was the effect selected from this category. I decided to adjust
this one a bit. I’m going to take the Wave Type to Square and reduce the Wave
Height value to about –190. Then, I’ll apply the Stylize effect – Motion Tile.
After reducing the Tile Height value to about 25, this is what I came up with.
While it isn’t the greatest texture I’ve ever seen, it’s not too shabby considering
it was totally random. I can even imagine using this background in a retro
motion graphics piece.
While it might not work in every instance, I recommend giving this recipe a
shot if you’re ever in a creative pinch for a texture.
How to Cheat in After Effects
How to Cheat in Photoshop CS4
cheat IN
After Effects
Chad Perkins
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ISBN: 978-0-240-52202-9
For information on all Focal Press publications visit our website at
Book cover art and concept by Chad Perkins. Photography by Zombie Crush Photography. Models: Pink Tattillac, Hot Rod Heidi,
Holly Rose, and Jordan Daryn Knightley.
10 11 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
The cheat format
How to Cheat in After Effects
As far as difficulty goes, the book is pretty simple and easy to follow, but
it’s meant for people with a little bit of After Effects knowledge already. There
just isn’t time enough to explain basics like how to apply an effect, or what a
solid layer is, or how to create a new composition, or the difference between
importing and opening, and so on. These are basics that After Effects users in all
disciplines should be familiar with. But I realize that if you’ve spent your time
as a compositor and now want to perfect the craft of animation, there may be
some new terms there. So, I try to explain core concepts where possible. Don’t
let your pride be offended. This is still an intermediate book. But not everyone
is intermediate in everything. Still, I won’t be able to explain all concepts from
scratch as much you’d like, or might need. To that end, I’ve created an interlude
at the end of Chapter 1 to help you find your own solutions if I refer a feature
that you’re unfamiliar with and would like to learn more about.
Because users are often slow to upgrade, I should also point out that this
book was made with After Effects CS5. You’re welcome to use the book with
any version of After Effects, but know that After Effects will not open up future
projects. So if you’re using CS4, you won’t be able to open the projects from
the book. You’ll still be able to import the assets (e.g. video, audio, images, etc.),
just not the projects. This is the way Adobe made their software, and there’s not
much I can do about it. But for those of you that do have CS5, you’ll be happy
to know that many CS5 features are covered in cheats here, including Roto
Brush, Mocha Shape, applying color look up tables, and Freeform AE.
The moral of the story is that this cheat format is ridiculously fun. You
can jump around where you’d like to, and only in a few instances are cheats
predicated upon knowledge from previous cheats (and those instances are clearly
noted in the text). For the most part, these are little bite-sized tidbits of sweet
tips and tricks that will enhance your workflow, get you out of sticky situations,
and spark your creativity. You’re gonna love this.
This book is dedicated to Heather, Mikey, Natty, and Lizzie, who have been so
infinitely patient as I’ve been laboring away at this book. I love you all so much.
How to Cheat in After Effects
A Focus, 108-9
Growing Vines, 6-7
Vegas, 194-5
Vignette, 190-1
Active Camera view, 108 HDR, 162-3 Water Surface Disruption, 242-3
Add Grain effect, 283 Histograms, 254-5 Waving Sail, 144-5
Adobe Bridge, 330-1 Hue Shift, 270-1 Windblown Snow, 222-3
After Effects projects (.aep): Intro to Compositing, 94-5 Alpha channels:
3D Keying, 86-7 CG subway, 95
Camera Path, 42-3 Laser Beams, 180-1 failure, 125
Distortion, 68-71 Lens Distortion, 39 Glow effect, 179
Fireworks, 232-3 Light glow light effect, 178-9
Light Streaks, 248-9 Ribbons, 226-7, 228-9 mask options, 188
Planet, 72-5 Whips, 168 opacity, 124-5
How to Cheat in After Effects
B Cameras:
3D, 42-3, 81
warmth, 256-7
Citizen Kane film, 34
Backgrounds and textures: Canon 7D, 293 Clone Stamp tool, 149
animation presets, 328-9 DV, 131 CMYK ink system, 278
bars, 310-11 Focus Distance, 109 Color:
basic water, 312-13 hand held, 107 channels, 113
better water, 314-15 HD, 131 compositing, 104-5
candle flame, 300-1 multiple angles, 40-1 HDR, 184-5
cells through a microscope, 320-1 orient to, 44-5 introduction, 252-3
creative playing, 302-5 Candle flame, 300-1 matching, 112-13
curtains, 308-9 Canon 7D camera, 293 “superwhite”, 185
fire, 296-9 Captain Morgan, 182 Color Balance effect:
generic recipe, 334-5 Card Wipe effect, 64-5 3D renders, 286
hot grill, 306-7 Cartoon effect, 272 cinematic color
introduction, 294-5 Cast Shadows feature, 24-5 horror, 258
library of textures, 332-3 Caustics effect, 242-3 warmth, 256-7
ornate vintage patterns, 318-19 CC (Cycore) effects: color composition, 105
Presets and Adobe Bridge, 330-1 3D, 72 colorizing, 269
quick variations, 324-5 bubbles, 215 day for night, 263
retro video game maze, 322-3 Burn Film, 17 secondary color correction, 277
TV noise, 316-17 Cylinder, 69 Color correction:
Bars, 310-11 Kaleida, 318-19 3D renders, 286-7
How to Cheat in After Effects
I introduction, 160-1
Mask Feather option, 191, 300 Spot color correction, 279 animation and After Effects, 150
Masks: steam effect, 231 bird shape, 201
animation, 200-1 Orient to camera option, 44-5 energy cube, 172
instant vignettes, 190-1 Ornate vintage patterns, 318-19 histograms, 254
introduction, 186-7 PSD Files, 330
Luma Matte, 196-7
opacity, 188
P Puppet Warp feature, 134
Planetscape (3D), 72-5
options, 188-9, 191 Pan Behind tool, 175 Polar Coordinates effect, 30
Track Matte, 198-9 The Parallax effect (3D), 50-1 Postcards (3D), 64-5
The Vegas effect, 193-4 Parenting animation, 142-3, 147 Premultiplied alpha channels, 114-15
video to shape layer, 192-3 Particle Playground effect, 230-1 Presets and Adobe Bridge, 330-1
Master solid, 18-19 Particle Systems II effect: Previews in After Effects, 115
Matte: 3D fireworks, 232-3 Primary color correction, 276-7
Choker effect, 130 particles, 208-9 Primatte Keyer Pro software, 87
Luma effect, 196-7 smoke trail, 212-13 Psychedelic effects, 102
multiple, 92-3 sparkles, 210-11 Psychic waves effect, 234-5
refining, 90-1 Particle World effect, 232-3 Puppet:
Track, 198-9 Particles: animation, 138-9
Maya application, 58, 80-1 3D overlap, 136-7
Mocha: fireworks, 232-3 Overlap tool, 136-7
shapes, 120-1 light streaks, 248-9 Pin tool, 134-7, 139
tracking, 83, 116-19 alternatives, 250-1 Starch tool, 137
Molten gold effect, 224-5 confetti, 240-1 tool, 138-9, 150
Motion Blur: custom, 215-16
compositing, 110-11
hand held cameras, 107
deflection, 236-7
flowing chocolate, 244-5
refining a matte, 90 foam effect, 214-15 Quick variations, 324-7
Roto Brush, 122 introduction, 207, 208-9
Motion paths and Illustrator, 202-3
Motion Tile effect, 334-5
light ribbons, 226-7
molten gold, 224-5
Mount Doom, Lord of the Rings, 86 psychic waves, 234-5 Rabinowitz, Aharon, 79
Mr Mercury effect, 224-5 rain (simple), 218-19 Rack focus effect, 23, 36-7
Multiple camera angles, 40-1 smoke trail, 212-13 Radial Blur effect, 179
Multiple mattes, 92-3 snow Radial Wipe effect, 10-11
Multiply blend mode, 105 basic, 220-1 Radio Waves effect, 226-9, 235
windblown, 222-3 Rain effect (simple), 218-19, 220
N sparkles, 210-11
star field, 238-9
Ramp effect, 275
Red Giant software:
Negative light, 30-1 steam, 230-1 Echospace, 76
Nested compositions (3D), 78-9 Trapcode Form: 4D fractal, 246-7, Primatte Keyer Pro, 87
Noise effect, 98, 316 248-9 Trapcode Form: 4D Fractal, 246
water surface disruption, 242-3, 246
You Yell You Kick (YYYK) image, 148-
Z space, 39, 76, 79, 107, 143
Zen Chemists, 190-1, 254-5
Zombie Crush photography, 12, 148