Figures of Speech PDF
Figures of Speech PDF
Figures of Speech PDF
3. What are you and what am I, and we go on deciding the real truth in this world
Ans: Repetition – What
Alliteration – W
10. The banyan tree was three times as tall as our house
Ans: Simile – Direct comparison
1. It is not gold
Ans: Metonymy – Gold refers to the wealth of the nation
4. is it the sword?
Ans: Metonymy – Sword refers to the strength of the nation
7. But God has struck its luster down in ashes at his feet
Ans: Antithesis – Luster & Ashes
1. Peace is a woman
Ans: Metaphor
2. She had such a wonderful face just like a golden flower faded
Ans: Simile
Alliteration – f
12. Watching the magnificent untamed beasts roam far, far from the town
Ans: Repetition – far
Alliteration – F