Waste Management Plan
Waste Management Plan
Waste Management Plan
1. Objectives :
The objective is to provide a procedure for Roadlab Laboratories (Pty) Ltd to handle,
contain, control and dispose of waste generated from activities, products and
to prevent pollution of the environment, to protect health, well-being and the
environment by providing reasonable measures for-
safely disposing of waste as a last resort;
preventing pollution and ecological degradation;
to ensure that people are aware of the impact of waste on their health, well-being
the environment;
to provide for compliance with the measures set out in this plan ; and
Generally, to give effect to section 24 of the Constitution in order to secure an
environment that is not harmful to health and well-being.
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Compiled by : Ruben de Klerk
Approved by : Deon Juckers
Document no. : RLG-hs- 118
Revision no : 02
Effective Date : 2017/08/02
3. Definitions:
"Business waste" means waste that emanates from premises that are used wholly or
mainly for commercial or retail purposes;
"hazardous waste" means any waste that contains organic or inorganic elements or
compounds that may, owing to the inherent physical, chemical or toxicological
characteristics of that waste, have a detrimental impact on health and the
Waste: Is identified as anything:
discarded by any person; or
is accumulated and stored by any person with the purpose of eventually discarding
with or without prior treatment connected with the discarding thereof; or
is stored by any person with the purpose of recycling, re using or extracting a
product from such matter.
It is important to clarify that all wastes produced on site by Roadlab will be managed
by the Laboratory manager.
A dedicated area must be demarcated and where all containers of used oils and
Toluene/Bitumen mix shall be kept. The storage of these drums shall be done to
Under no circumstances may any oil be released directly onto the ground or into the
When transporting drums or containers containing oil or toluene due care shall be
exercised at all times to prevent pollution or contamination of the environment.
All used oil shall be held in storage in designated storage containers for the safe
storage and use thereof.
Suitable spill kits and absorbent materials shall be available at all times for the
containment and clearing of any spills.
Attention shall be given to:
The risk of fire
Contamination / Pollution
Use of correct Personal Protective Equipment
9 In the event of a spillage the incident shall be reported immediately.
10 All used oil shall be disposed of by an authorised and permitted disposal
All full 210 litre drums/containers of toluene mixed with bitumen shall be disposed
of by an authorised / permitted waste disposal contractor - Enviroserv to their
permitted waste disposal site.
Practice reasonable care and caution and avoid breathing vapours if generated.
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Compiled by : Ruben de Klerk
Approved by : Deon Juckers
Document no. : RLG-hs- 118
Revision no : 02
Effective Date : 2017/08/02
Only an authorised and permitted waste removal contractor shall remove all
redundant old degreasers.
This includes: All left over paint that cannot be used, redundant and old paint,
cleaning liquids, such as turpentine or any other brush cleaners, rags and empty
paint tins.
No left over/old paint, liquid cleaners, cleaning rags or empty paint tins may be
placed in any scrap metal containers or domestic waste bins
No items (as above) may be buried or disposed of in any manner that could cause
pollution or Contamination to the environment
No paint or cleaning liquids are to be poured out onto the ground or disposed of into
any sewer, drain or storm water system.
All left over, redundant, old paint and cleaning materials shall only be disposed of to
a permitted toxic waste disposal site.
The drums for the disposal of such material must be marked and placed at a
demarcated area away from other demarcated disposal storage areas.
"NO NAKED LIGHT" and “NO-SMOKING” signs pictogram must be displayed at the
demarcated area.
Hot work, hot processes and smoking is prohibited within a 5m radius of the
demarcated area.
Attention shall be given to:
Oily/Greasy rags
This includes all used rags containing grease and oil, or any other substance.
All discarded used rags shall be placed in drums with lids that are marked and are in
a demarcated area for correct disposal.
No used rags may be washed, buried or burned.
No used rags may be disposed of into scrap metal or domestic waste containers.
An authorised/permitted waste contractor shall remove the greasy/oily rags.
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Compiled by : Ruben de Klerk
Approved by : Deon Juckers
Document no. : RLG-hs- 118
Revision no : 02
Effective Date : 2017/08/02
At all times care shall be taken to eliminate any spills of oils still present in the
filters, to prevent any pollution to the environment or contamination of the ground.
A register must be kept on site of all empty drums and empty containers and the
of liters of Toluene/Bitumen sludge accumulating from the Asphalt Laboratory
This material should not be dumped, spilled, rinsed or washed into sewers or public
Only an authorised and permitted waste removal contractor, Enviro-serve, shall
all redundant hazardous waste.
6. Domestic waste
Roadlab will have in place, and apply, a written waste accumulation and removal
programme addressing all types of waste.
Sufficient waste bins, with lids, suitable for the type of waste will be placed in
positions where it will be easily accessible to both personnel and removal
Bins / containers must be labelled correctly with the contents.
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Compiled by : Ruben de Klerk
Approved by : Deon Juckers
Document no. : RLG-hs- 118
Revision no : 02
Effective Date : 2017/08/02
Bins and locations will be identified with the appropriate symbolic signs and will
indicate removal times.
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