The Binomial Distribution

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The Binomial Distribution

Some additional information can be drawn from the probability tree of our example. For instance, what is the
probability of achieving exactly two tails on three tosses? The answer can be found by observing the instances in which
two tails occurred. It can be seen that two tails in three tosses occurred three times, each time with a probability of .125.
Thus, the probability of getting exactly two tails in three tosses is the sum of these three probabilities, or .375. The use
of a probability tree can become very cumbersome, especially if we are considering an example with 20 tosses.
However, the example of tossing a coin exhibits certain properties that enable us to define it as a Bernoulli process. The
properties of a Bernoulli process follow:

1. There are two possible outcomes for each trial (i.e., each toss of a coin). Outcomes can be success or failure, yes or
no, heads or tails, good or bad, and so on.

2. The probability of the outcomes remains constant over time. In other words, the probability of getting a head on a
coin toss remains the same, regardless of the number of tosses.

3. The outcomes of the trials are independent. The fact that we get a head on the first toss does not affect the
probabilities on subsequent tosses.

4. The number of trials is discrete and an integer. The term discrete indicates values that are countable and, thus, usually
an integer—for example, 1 car or 2 people rather than 1.34 cars or 2.51 people. There are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, . . . tosses of the
coin, not 3.36 tosses.

Given the properties of a Bernoulli process, a binomial distribution function can be used to determine the probability
of a number of successes in n trials. The binomial distribution is an example of a discrete distribution because the value
of the distribution (the number of successes) is discrete, as is the number of trials. The formula for the binomial
distribution is

P = probability of a success
q = 1 – p = probability of a failure
n = number of trials
r = number of successes in n trial
The terms n!, (n – r)!, and r! are called factorials. Factorials are computed using the formula m! = m(m - 1)(m - 2)
(m - 3) . . . (2)(1)

The factorial 0! always equals one. The binomial distribution formula may look complicated, but using it is not difficult.
For example, suppose we want to determine the probability of getting exactly two tails in three tosses of a coin. For this
example, getting a tail is a success because it is the object of the analysis. The probability of a tail, p, equals .5; therefore,
The number of tosses, n, is 3, and the number of tails, r, is 2. Substituting these values into the binomial formula will
result in the probability of two tails in three coin tosses:

P = 0.5


Notice that this is the same result achieved by using a probability tree in the previous section.

Now let us consider an example of more practical interest. An electrical manufacturer produces microchips. The
microchips are inspected at the end of the production process at a quality control station. Out of every batch of
microchips, four are randomly selected and tested for defects. Given that 20% of all transistors are defective, what is the
probability that each batch of microchips will contain exactly two defective microchips?

The two possible outcomes in this example are a good microchip and a defective microchip. Because defective
microchips are the object of our analysis, a defective item is a success. The probability of a success is the probability of a
defective microchip, or The number of trials, n, equals 4. Now let us substitute these values into the binomial formula:

P = 0.2



Thus, the probability of getting exactly two defective items out of four microchips is .1536.

Now, let us alter this problem to make it even more realistic. The manager has determined that four microchips from
every large batch should be tested for quality. If two or more defective microchips are found, the whole batch will be
rejected. The manager wants to know the probability of rejecting an entire batch of microchips, if, in fact, the batch has
20% defective items. From our previous use of the binomial distribution, we know that it gives us the probability of an
exact number of integer successes. Thus, if we want the probability of two or more defective items, it is necessary to
compute the probability of two, three, and four defective items:

P(r ≥ 2) = P(r = 2) + P(r = 3) + P(r = 4)

Substituting the values P= .2 n= 4 q= .8 and r= 2, 3 and 4 into the binomial distribution results in the probability of two
or more defective items:

Thus, the probability that a batch of microchips

will be rejected due to poor quality is .1808. Notice that the collectively exhaustive set of events for this example is
0,1,2,3,and 4 defective transistors. Because the sum of the probabilities of a collectively exhaustive set of events equals

P(r = 0,1,2,3,4) = P(r = 0) + P(r =1)+ P(r = 2) + P(r = 3) + P(r = 4) =1.0

Recall that the results of the immediately preceding example show that

P(r = 2) + P(r = 3) + P(r = 4) = .1808

Given this result, we can compute the probability of “less than two defectives” as follows:

P(r < 2) = P(r = 0) + P(r = 1)

= 1.0 - [P(r = 2) + P(r = 3) + P(r = 4)]

= 1.0 - .1808

= .8192
Although our examples included very small values for n and r that enabled us to work out the examples by hand,
problems containing larger values for n and r can be solved easily by using an electronic calculator.

Dependent Events

As stated earlier, if the occurrence of one event affects the probability of the occurrence of another event, the
events are dependent events. The following example illustrates dependent events.

Two buckets contain a number of colored balls each. Bucket 1 contains two red balls and four white balls, and bucket 2
contains one blue ball and five red balls. A coin is tossed. If a head results, a ball is drawn out of bucket 1. If a tail results,
a ball is drawn from bucket 2. These events are illustrated in Figure 11.4.

Figure 11.4

In this example, the probability of drawing a blue ball is clearly dependent on whether a head or a tail occurs on the coin
toss. If a tail occurs, there is a 1/6 chance of drawing a blue ball from bucket 2. However, if a head results, there is no
possibility of drawing a blue ball from bucket 1. In other words, the probability of the event “drawing a blue ball” is
dependent on the event “flipping a coin.” Like statistically independent events, dependent events exhibit certain
defining properties. In order to describe these properties, we will alter our previous example slightly, so that bucket 2
contains one white ball and five red balls. Our new example is shown in Figure 11.5. The outcomes that can result from
the events illustrated in Figure 11.5 are shown in Figure 11.6. When the coin is flipped, one of two outcomes is possible,
a head or a tail. The probability of getting a head is .50, and the probability of getting a tail is .50:

P(H)= .50

P(T) = .50

FIGURE 11.5 : Another set of dependent events

FIGURE 11.6 : Probability tree for dependent events

As indicated previously, these probabilities are referred to as marginal probabilities. They are also unconditional
probabilities because they are the probabilities of the occurrence of a single event and are not conditional on the
occurrence of any other event(s). They are the same as the probabilities of independent events defined earlier, and like
those of independent events, the marginal probabilities of a collectively exhaustive set of events sum to one.

Once the coin has been tossed and a head or tail has resulted, a ball is drawn from one of the buckets. If a head results,
a ball is drawn from bucket 1; there is a 2/6, or .33, probability of drawing a red ball and a 4/6, or .67, probability of
drawing a white ball. If a tail resulted, a ball is drawn from bucket 2; there is a 5/6, or .83, probability of drawing a red
ball and a 1/6, or .17, probability of drawing a white ball. These probabilities of drawing red or white balls are called
conditional probabilities because they are conditional on the outcome of the event of tossing a coin. Symbolically, these
conditional probabilities are expressed as follows:

 P(R|H) = .33

 P(W|H) = .67

 P(R|T) = .83

 P(W|T) = .17

The first term, which can be expressed verbally as “the probability of drawing a red ball, given that a head results
from the coin toss,” equals .33. The other conditional probabilities are expressed similarly. Conditional probabilities
can also be defined by the following mathematical relationship. Given two dependent events A and B

the term P(AB) is the joint probability of the two events, as noted previously. This relationship
can be manipulated by multiplying both sides by P(B), to yield P(AB) = P(A)•P(B)

Substituting this result into the relationship for a conditional probability yields

which is consistent with the property for independent events.

Returning to our example, the joint events are the occurrence of a head and a red ball, a head and a white ball, a
tail and a red ball, and a tail and a white ball. The probabilities of these joint events are as follows:

The marginal, conditional, and joint probabilities for this example are
summarized in Figure 11.7. Table 11.1 is a joint probability table, which summarizes the joint probabilities for the
Figure 11.7: Probability tree with marginal, conditional, and joint probabilities
Table 11.1: Joint probability table

Bayesian Analysis
The concept of conditional probability given statistical dependence forms the necessary foundation for an area
of probability known as Bayesian analysis. The technique is named after Thomas Bayes, an eighteenth-century
clergyman who pioneered this area of analysis.
The basic principle of Bayesian analysis is that additional information (if available) can sometimes enable one to
alter (improve) the marginal probabilities of the occurrence of an event. The altered probabilities are referred to as
revised, or posterior, probabilities.
The concept of posterior probabilities will be illustrated using an example. A production manager for a
manufacturing firm is supervising the machine setup for the production of a product. The machine operator sets up
the machine. If the machine is set up correctly, there is a 10% chance that an item produced on the machine will be
defective; if the machine is set up incorrectly, there is a 40% chance that an item will be defective. The production
manager knows from past experience that there is a .50 probability that a machine will be set up correctly or
incorrectly by an operator. In order to reduce the chance that an item produced on the machine will be defective,
the manager has decided that the operator should produce a sample item. The manager wants to know the
probability that the machine has been set up incorrectly if the sample item turns out to be defective.
The probabilities given in this problem statement can be summarized as follows:

The posterior probability for our example is the conditional probability that the machine has been set up incorrectly,
given that the sample item proves to be defective, or P(IC|D)

In Bayesian analysis, once we are given the initial marginal and conditional probabilities, we can compute the
posterior probability by using Bayes’ rule, as follows:

Previously, the manager knew that there was a 50% chance that the machine was
set up incorrectly. Now, after producing and testing a sample item, the manager knows that if it is defective, there is an .80
probability that the machine was set up incorrectly. Thus, by gathering some additional information, the manager can revise the
estimate of the probability that the machine was set up correctly. This will obviously improve decision making by allowing the
manager to make a more informed decision about whether to have the machine set up again. In general, given two events,A
and B, and a third event, C, that is conditionally dependent on A and B, Bayes’rule can be written as
Expected Value
It is often possible to assign numeric values to the various outcomes that can result from an experiment. When the values
of the variables occur in no particular order or sequence, the variables are referred to as random variables. Every possible value
of a variable has a probability of occurrence associated with it. For example, if a coin is tossed three times, the number of heads
obtained is a random variable. The possible values of the random variable are 0, 1, 2, and 3 heads. The values of the variable are
random because there is no way of predicting which value (0, 1, 2, or 3) will result when the coin is tossed three times. If three
tosses are made several times,the values (i.e.,numbers of heads) that will result will have no sequence or pattern; they will be
Like the variables defined in previous chapters in this text, random variables are typically represented symbolically by a
letter, such as x, y, or z. Consider a vendor who sells hot dogs outside a building every day. If the number of hot dogs the vendor
sells is defined as the random variable x, then x will equal 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . hot dogs sold daily.
Although the exact values of the random variables in the foregoing examples are not known prior to the event, it is possible
to assign a probability to the occurrence of the possible values that can result. Consider a production operation in which a
machine breaks down periodically. From experience it has been determined that the machine will break down 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4
times per month. Although managers do not know the exact number of breakdowns (x) that will occur each month, they can
determine the relative frequency probability of each number of breakdowns P(x). These probabilities are as follows:
X P(X)
0 .10
1 .20
2 .30
3 .25
4 .15
These probability values taken together form a probability distribution. That is, the probabilities are distributed over the
range of possible values of the random variable x.
The expected value of the random variable (the number of breakdowns in any given month) is computed by multiplying each
value of the random variable by its probability of occurrence and summing these products. For our example, the expected
number of breakdowns per month is computed as follows:
E(x)= (0)(.10) + (1)(.20) + (2)(.30) + (3)(.25) + (4)(.15)
= 0 + .20 + .60 + .75 + .60
= 2.15breakdowns
This means that, on average, management can expect 2.15 breakdowns every month. The expected value is often referred to as
the weighted average, or mean, of the probability distribution and is a measure of central tendency of the distribution. In
addition to knowing the mean, it is often desirable to know how the values are dispersed (or scattered) around the mean. A
measure of dispersion is the variance, which is computed as follows:
1. Square the difference between each value and the expected value.
2. Multiply these resulting amounts by the probability of each value.
3. Sum the values compiled in step 2.
The general formula for computing the variance, which we will designate as is

The variance for the machine breakdown example is computed as follows:

The standard deviation is another widely recognized measure of dispersion. It is designated symbolically as and is computed by
taking the square root of the variance, as follows:

A small standard deviation or variance, relative to the expected value, or mean, indicates that
most of the values of the random variable distribution are bunched close to the expected value. Conversely, a large relative
value for the measures of dispersion indicates that the values of the random variable are widely dispersed from the expected

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