Witches Runes
Witches Runes
Witches Runes
The Witches Runes are far from ancient or extraordinary. Many common forms of runes, such as the
Elder Futhark, were from ancient civilizations and were used as part of the written language of the day.
The Witches Runes have no clear origin, however they certainly are a modern creation catering to the
modern Witch or Diviner. While this set comes in 13, there are other sets known to contain 8 or 10.
Some say there are 13 to represent the number of moons in a year.
It isn’t necessary to re-consecrate runes every time you feel as though their power is dwindling, you
can just charge them! Here’s some ways how:
1. Place a ring of salt around them or submerge the runes in dry salt for several days
2. Sleep with the runes, under your pillow or next to you
3. Sit them on a windowsill where they can soak up some moonlight
4. Put them in a plastic bag and bury them in the Earth
5. Pass the runes through incense smoke
6. Use crystals or a crystal grid
7. Meditate with the runes
8. Hold them and visualize old energy flowing out and new energy flowing in
1. Use a small quartz crystal to charge with your question. Hold it in your hands while you think about
or speak of your question, and do not let go until it is warm.
2. Once warm, put the crystal in the rune bag and shake the bag to ensure the energized crystal
makes contact with every single rune.
3. NEVER look in the bag to pick a rune, and NEVER just grab the most convenient one. When your
hand is in the bag, it should be moving around and picking the rune it is drawn to.
There are NUMEROUS ways to cast Runes. They can be cast just like Elder Futhark runes, or even
laid out like Tarot Spreads. Here are some of the more common ways:
1. Complete Throw:
On a table, throw all the runes down without looking. You can read and interpret where they land in a
multitude of different ways. Read from any direction across to the other direction, or follow a path that
may have formed. Pay notice to Runes that fell off the table, were upside down, or are being pointed at
by the Eye rune.
2. Full Future Throw:
Indicate a center point with your small quartz crystal by charging it with intent, then repeat the
Complete Throw. Runes closer to the center are going to occur closest to the current time, while
Runes farther away from the center will occur farther in the future.
3. Single Rune Draw:
This is a good way to familiarize with the Runes, but not the best for a clear and concise reading. Do
this at the beginning of the day to act as an indicator of how the day will go, or draw single runes at
random throughout the day to see how the runes explain current happening events to you.
4. Three Rune Draw:
This is a comprehensive way to draw for a reading that consists of 3 parts, such as Birth/Life/Death,
Past/Present/Future, Beginning/Middle/End, Problem/Focus/Solution, etc.
5. Five Rune Draw:
This set is a great way to give a reading regarding a problem or a journey. The spread has one center
rune with four around it like a big + . From left to right and top to bottom, the rune’s indicators are
Beginning, Helps, Focus, Hurts, and End. ‘Beginning’ and ‘End’ can be subbed for ‘Problem’ and
The Flight
Flight is a sociable rune often associated with the color white/light blue. Some of its meanings could
-The spread of information
-Cause and Effect
-Methods of travel (cars, planes, boats, etc)
-Social media
-Talking/ Word of mouth
-The News
The Rings
The Rings is a rune with a very tying/bonding feel to it, typically associated with the color gold. Some
of its meanings could be:
-Circumstances involving others
-Two things or people
-Interacting with others
-This + That = New
-The bonds between two subjects
-Shared interests
-The result of a partnership
-A new bond forming or an old bond breaking
The Romance
Romance, like the rings, is a very bonding rune often associated with hues of pink and red. Some of its
meanings could be:
-Deep emotional connections
-A soulmate
-Harmony with another person or group
-Feeling mutual love
-Close friendships
-A growing appreciation
-Marriage is coming
The Woman
The Woman is a feminine rune associated with brownish tones. Some of its meanings could be:
-Traditional female roles
-Traditional female characteristics
-A person who practices healing professionally
-The home
-Creativity and passion
-Caring for someone
-Subtleness and softness
The Man
The Man is a masculine rune associated with shades of brown. Its meanings could be:
-Traditional male abilities
-Traditional male characteristics
-Being a protector to loved ones
-Being a provider
-Leadership and dominance
The Harvest
The Harvest is a rune of plenty and abundance, often associated with the color green. Some of its
meanings could be:
-The fruits of labor
-Self sustenance
-Good fortune
-Education and the gaining of Knowledge
-Having needs met
-Good karma
-The benefits of believing in yourself
The Crossroads
The Crossroads is a troublesome rune associated with dark grey. Some of its meanings could be:
-Multiple paths available
-Major life decisions
-Feeling stuck
-Lack of confidence in actions
-Fear of change
-Fear of proceeding along a path
-Options to consider when making a choice
-A not well thought out plan
-A physical obstacle
-An emotional or spiritual blockage
The Star
The star is a hopeful rune often associated with white or a glowing color. Some of its meanings could
-A green light to go after what you want
-Your life purpose (nearby runes provide clues)
-A wish coming true
-A goal being reached
-A happy ending in sight
-Being true to yourself
-Feeling freedom from troubles
-Achieving your dreams
-Wishful thinking
The Waves
Waves is a flowing rune commonly associated with water and the color blue. Some of its meanings
could be:
-Being moved
-Deep connection to spirit world
-Going with the flow
-Feeling that things are out of your control
-Unclear answers
-Passing time
-Feeling as though you are being passed
The Scythe
The Scythe is a dramatic rune, often associated with the color red (and sometimes black). This rune
could mean:
-Sudden changes
-Sudden endings
-Making a final decision
-Completing something
-Walking away from someone or something
-Proceed warily and with caution
-Cutting away/ removing
-Dramatic change
The Eye
The eye is a very spiritual rune often paired with the color purple or white. It’s common meanings are:
-Importance (look at runes around it for clues)
-The truth
-Seeing things as they truly are
-Psychic abilities
-The lifting of the “Veil”
-Visual activities
Merry Meet
Merry Part
And Merry Meet Again