Lee Seyeon - 8th Grade U2 - DJ - Architecture

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Name: Sally

Scenario: You have been hired by a property development firm that is building a housing complex. The community
will be in the center of an extremely dense city that is growing larger in population everyday. You are an
ARCHITECT ​at the firm and will need to design a floor plan and a larger housing complex plan that is suitable for
such a dense city.

SOI: Innovation and perspective can help us build housing communities that meet the needs of an increasingly
urban world.
Task Description
G​OAL You will design a floor plan and a housing complex plan that make efficient use of limited space.

R​OLE You are an architect at a property development firm.

A​UDIENCE Your audience is a potential home owner that wants to move to the city but want to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

S​ITUATION The city is becoming extremely dense and you need to make use of limited space while also providing a high quality of life
for the cities citizens.

P​RODUCT 1) 3D rendering of home floor plan

2) 3D rendering of housing complex
3) Physical model of one home(using floor plan)
a) Extension: Physical model of housing complex
4) Completed Design Journal

S​TANDARDS You will be assessed against MYP Design Criteria A - D.

ATL Skills
Thinking You will be analysing many existing products before thinking of a
creative solution for your problem.

Self Management Your Design Journal will be completed over the course of many weeks
which will require time management skills. Additionally, you will need to
build your technical skills to use the SketchUp software.


PROJECT PHASES Required Finished (X)

Completion Date
A. Research and Analysis - A.1 - A.3 (formatives)

B. Developing Ideas and Designs - B.1 - B.3 (formatives)

C. Creating and Improving the Solution - C.1 - C.3


D. Evaluating - D.1 - D.3 (formatives)

End of Unit Reflection & Finished Journal/Product - ALL

strands complete - A.4, B.4, C.4, D.4 (summative)
SketchUp Links/Screenshots/Cardboard Model Photo

Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

States ​the need for a solution to a Outlines ​the need for a solution to Explains ​the need for a solution to Explains ​and ​justifies​ the need
problem. a problem. a problem. for a solution to a problem.


P  PROBLEM​: What is the problem

you are going to solve?
Most of the people gathered in the cities, and there is not enough space for the people. I have to
figure out the way to build a building or house that can handle lots of people in a small space, but also
guarantee the quality of life.
What information do you already Because of the unemployment crisis in the countryside, people who were living in the countryside
know about this problem? started to come to the city. The population got dense, so the price of houses in the city was getting
higher. People who had a house become richer, and people who didn’t have a house get poorer. And
it’s making the gap between rich and poor. So people started to build an apartment, and it destroyed
lots of nature.

C  CLIENT​: Who is the client? The client is a potential house owner that wants to move to the city but also wants a healthy life.
Because the design that we are building this unit can maintain a healthy and natural life. It also can
Why are you interested in designing solve the problem of not enough space in the city by using the leftover land or apply the small space
for this client? that we are not using. We are going to use the spaces economically as possible to use a small space.

E  evidence,
observations, or ideas do
So the basic problem is there is not enough space for people in the city and the population is getting
dense. We have to put many people as much as possible in the smallest space as possible. I think we
you have about the nature of the should make a one-room house and divide the space with furniture because I think it will help to use
problem? the space economically. And to keep a natural life, we can make a house that has a garden. But if
there is a garden, it will take many spaces so two or three houses can share the garden.
Why has the client asked you to Because there are lots of people who want to live in nature and in the city, there is not enough space
solve this problem? to build a house or building that can feel nature.

IMPORTANCE​: Why is this
Because of the population concentration of the city, there is not enough space to live. We have to find
a way to put many people in a small place but also maintain a natural or healthy life. If we don’t solve
problem an important one to solve? this problem, there will be more gap between rich and poor, and the price of the house will get higher
and higher.
How will solving this problem help
you understand the Global


Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

States​ the research needed to Constructs ​a research plan, Constructs ​a research plan, which
develop ​a solution to the problem, which ​states ​and ​prioritizes ​the states ​and ​prioritizes ​the primary
with some guidance primary and secondary research and secondary research needed to
develop ​a solution to the problem
needed to develop a solution to
the problem, with some guidance


Write a logical and prioritized research plan that identifies all your key area to be
Investigated. You will need to do at least one interview during your research.

Area of Research Priority Reason Research Questions Research Type

What are the main areas of Rank your research areas How will this information State any important Explain what type of
your research? according to their help you design a product? questions you hope to find primary or secondary
importance to helping you answers for. research you will conduct.
design a suitable product. An example of primary
“1” represents the most research would be an
important. interview.

Disadvantages and 2 It will help me to choose What are the Secondary

advantages of each place the place for building a disadvantages and
for building a house. house. advantages of the house in
the mountains?

Best house structure for 1 We have to use the How can we use the space Secondary
using the space smallest space as best?
economically. possible.

What kind of house looks 3 We have to build a house How to build a good Secondary
good. that looks good looking house?

Best materials for building 2 The house has to be safe. What is the best material to Secondary
house build the house?


(​include results for each of the 6 areas as well as what your learned from your interview)


Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

States ​the main features of an Outlines ​the main features of an Describes ​the main features of an
existing product that inspires a existing product that inspires a existing product that inspires a
solution to the problem solution to the problem solution to the problem


In this section you will analyze three homes and three housing complexes. All three need to be space efficient and in an urban
environment. Consider what the occupant wants out of a floor plan or housing complex.

Peanut house

SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities(how it Threats(how does it

could be improved) compare to other
products? Could it be
Intuitive (Is the floor It shares one garden and It has 3 or 4 floors, so it will Make it’s form as simple as It is a little bit harder to
plan easy to navigate) usually it’s form is simple. be harder to build than possible. build than other products,
other normal house. but it can make life more

Aesthetics (color, It has a garden and a They look the same, so it We can make the house It looks good when they are
design, organization) terras. Two of them look might be too boring or looks similar, not the same. gathering together. It looks
the same or similar, so it having no or little For example, the same more modern.
looks harmonious. individuality. design but different colors.

Function (Does it Two houses share in the If people don’t want to We can make more This kind of house is the
succeed in its goal?) garden so it takes less share or want to be alone, separated space. structure of sharing the
space but it has a garden. they won’t like it. same space, so it can use
less space.

Cost (do you know how 255195.54 dollars per To make it cheap and use We can make it higher to It is not that expensive and
much it costs? How house. It isn’t that a small space, the house is make more place or find a compare to the quality of
much would you expensive compared to the only 114.2m​2​ wide. way how to use space the house, it is a very good
estimate?) quality of the house. widest. price.

Material(What materials They used concrete and It is not Research that we can It isn’t limited to its material
did they use to build the steel. It is really strong and environmentally-friendly, make this kind of house so we can change the
home) it looks good outside. and both of them are not with woods or mix with material depends on the
good at ventilation. other materials. situation.

Positive for Creating a We can use little place to build, and it is cheap. And even though it takes little place, it
Similar Home: has a garden and terras. It will make people’s lives more healthy.
Negatives for Creating a The people who don’t want to share their place might don’t like this kind of house. And
Similar Home: if there is a conflict between the people, it will make a new problem that we have to

Container house

SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities(how it Threats(how does it

could be improved) compare to other
products? Could it be

Intuitive (Is the floor It is very easy to build For example, if the strong Make it strong as possible. It is very easy to build
plan easy to navigate) because it doesn’t need wind comes, it might break, because it uses only
any materials except the and then people will have container box. It is a very
container box. to make a new one. big advantage.

Aesthetics (color, It looks simple and clear. It It depends on people’s People can choose the It will be good to make the
design, organization) has its sensibility. It looks preference. Some people container by themselves town full of container box
vintage and it can be might not like this kind of and decorate the container and decorate it by
interior by itself. design. by themselves. themselves.

Function (Does it It doesn’t need a lot of It is weaker than the Find a way to make the It is very small so it will be
succeed in its goal? ) space because it is for one normal houses and it can container stronger and to able to handle lots of
person, and we can pile the be a little bit small for the make it big, find the bigger people. It is a little bit small
containers for using less family that has many container or find a way to for the family but we can
space. people. combine them. stack up the containers and
make two or three floor

Cost (do you know how Including inside interior, it It is cheap for container by Find the cheap space that It is really cheap compared
much it costs? How only costs 8417.76 US itself but we have to buy can handle the container to other products. The price
much would you dollar. It is really a cheap the space for the house. box. is the biggest advantage of
estimate?) price for the house. this house.
Material(What materials It is made of container box It is weaker than other Find a way to make the It is weaker than other
did they use to build the that was used for carrying materials like concrete or container strong, and how products, but it is still ok to
home) the stuff. It is really cheap. wood. That’s why it is can we make it harder. live in there.



Positive for Creating a It is very cheap and fit to one person. It is easy to make and take a very small amount
Similar Home: of the place.

Negatives for Creating a The people who really care about the safety of the house and if they live in a place like
Similar Home: a mountain, it won’t be able to be there.
Morden house

SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities(how it Threats(how does it

could be improved) compare to other
products? Could it be

Intuitive (Is the floor It has only one room so it is The most part of the house Use hard glass or find It has only one room so it is
plan easy to navigate) easy to build and it doesn’t is glass, so it can be hard better material that can easy to make structure and
need for difficult materials. to build the house strong replace the glass. build, but it is harder to
enough to don’t break the build than other houses
glass. because of the glass.

Aesthetics (color, The basic concrete is white It is simple and modern, By using yellow light, we Aesthetically, it looks very
design, organization) and the bars of the but we can’t feel it is warm can make the house’s good. Compared to normal
windows is black, so by or cosy. mood warmer and cozier. house, it looks more unique
using black and white, it and special.
looks simple and modern.

Function (Does it It is a small space and we It is only one floor, so there Find a way to build this It takes lots of space
succeed in its goal? ) also can live a healthy life can’t be many people in kind of house higher like because of the garden, so
because it is in the this house. apartment. we can make the solution
mountains and it has a that decrease the size of
garden. the garden.

Cost (do you know how 195427.14 US dollar costs It is cheap compared to the Search the things that we It is very cheap compared
much it costs? How for building this house. It is quality of the house, but it can change and make the to the quality of the house.
much would you very cheap compared to is not that cheap to poor house cheaper. And also compare to other
estimate?) the quality of this house. people who were living in houses, it is still cheaper.
the countryside.

Material(What materials They used concrete and The most of the parts of Use the glass can work as Most of the house use
did they use to build the glass. The glass make the this house is glass, so it will an insulator and good at concrete and extra
home) house cooler and able to be cold in winter and hot in insulation. decoration, so it will be
see the view. summer because glass is better to use just a
not good material for concrete.



Positive for Creating a The people can live a healthy life.

Similar Home:

Negatives for Creating a This kind of house can’t handle many people because it is one floor.
Similar Home:

Positive Characteristics:
It shares one garden so even though it has
a garden, it uses less space than a normal
house because it has a small but 3 floors
and use less space for garden, too. And it
looks aesthetically good, so it will be good
to make the town full of peanut houses. And
the biggest advantage of this house is that
it has a garden and also terras so it will
provide more healthy life than the normal

Negative Characteristics:
Even Though two houses are sharing one
garden, it still takes more space compared
to other house like container house or
apartment. And there can be a conflict
between the people because they are
sharing one same space and it needs for
lots of regards.

Positive Characteristics:
It is very cheap and easy to build. It doesn’t
take much place to build. And it can be
customized depends on who are living in
and what do they want for their house.

Negative Characteristics:
It is weaker than other house like apartment.
And it is small for the family and it can only
be used for the people who live alone.


Positive Characteristics:
It has a large garden so it is helpful to live a
healthy life. And it looks aesthetically good.

Negative Characteristics:
It takes quite a lot of space to build because
it is only one floor and it has a big garden.
And it is also small for the family. So
compared to space it takes to build, it is not
a good choice for our goal.
Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

States ​some of the main findings Develops ​a basic design brief, Develops ​a design brief, which Develops​ a design brief, which
of relevant research. which ​outlines ​some of the outlines ​the findings of relevant presents ​the analysis of relevant
findings of relevant research. research. research​.



Include: home features, resources, timescale, target users, and outcome

Relevance​: From my research, I found out that the population of the city is getting higher and higher. The reason why it is increasing is that most
of the jobs are in the city, and people keep coming to the city to get the job. The population is getting higher, but the space in the city is limited. So
the goal of this unit is to design the house that can handle the people as much as it can in limited places. Because of these reasons, most of the
houses in the city are apartments, so they can handle lots of people in a small place. The disadvantage of an apartment is the space that people
can use is limited and it’s very dense. The people who live in the apartment can’t live a healthy life compared to living in the house with wide
space and garden. House and apartment, both of them have advantages and disadvantages, so we need a solution that can supplement the
disadvantages of both of them.

Product Features​: (based on my survey and product analysis, I can see which 8 functions to apply, to modify or to omit from existing products
and add to my own):
● My floor plan will be able to handle one family that has three people on one floor.
● My house must be able to handle many people in a small place as much as it can.
● It will consist of cool designs and mono colors (black and white) to make the design look modern and simple.
● It will be a reasonable price (to be determined at the end)
● It will have a modern and simple form.
● It will have a special feature that is able to use the space economically.
● Size: Small (it will not take that much space to use the space economically)
● The cost of this product must not be high. ($18000 MAX)
● My product must be built in the simple form that can use the space economically.
● My product must be created in a very simple and organized way.
● It will have a black and white theme inside.
● Cool and smooth textures.
● It must be easy and safe to live in.
● My product must have to be easy to get the materials and not expensive.
● It will be made using available materials (concrete,bricks, and glass)
● The product must be very economical.
● Product must be fit for my target customers.

Rough Process​: Rough process will be to create the floor plan. My design has to be able to handle 3 people for each house. It has to don’t take a
lot of space because our goal is to put lots of people in small place as much as possible. It is not able to use lots of space. I have to create the
floor plan that has the structure which is able to use the space economically. It has to be small but able to have enough space for a family who
have three people. The structure of the furnitures will be the rough process, too because it will affect to the space that we are able to use very

Resources​: For building my design, I will use concrete, glass, and iron outside and firwood timber inside. Concrete is not expensive resource
compare to others, and it can protect the house from the water, dirt, and snow. It is also very strong. The glass is the necessary thing to build the
house. Glass has the characteristic that the people can see through it, so it can give the house a sense of openness. It can help people to live
healthy life by giving them the sense of openness and the chance of looking at the garden in the house.

Timescale​: It will take less than two weeks to build the basic structure of building with concrete, and it will take about one month to put insulation
functional resource, paint outside, and do inside interior. Overall, it will take about less than two weeks. It has to be done before February 21st. It
is the final due date and I have to finish the process journal and all the criteria and section.

Target User​: My target users are the people who came from the countryside to city and don’t have enough money to buy big and fancy house,
but also want to enjoy healthy life.

Outcome​: My goal is to make the house that is for the people who are having hard time because of the concentration of population in the city but
also want to having a healthy life. It has to handle lots of people in small place as much as possible. After it’s done, I hope the people who are
from countryside are able to buy and live in the house enjoying healthy life.
Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Lists​ a few basic success criteria for Constructs ​a list of the success Develops ​design specifications, Develops ​a design specification
the design of a solution criteria for the design of a solution which ​identify t​ he success criteria for which ​outlines ​the success criteria for
the design of a solution the design of a solution based on the
data collected


You need at least five specifications that will each fall into one of the following aspects: function, aesthetics, target audience, or cost.


Function Create a floor plan that sleeps a family of 3. Count the beds in the floor plan.

Innovative Create a house that can handle lots of people in a Check how many people can get into the house.
small place.

Aesthetic appeal It has to look aesthetically good. After designing the house, get the vote from the


Useful It has to be the house that can do what does house Live in there for 1 week and check what do we need
exists for. more.
Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Presents one ​design idea, which Presents more than one ​design Presents ​the chosen design Presents ​feasible design ideas,
can be interpreted by others idea, using an appropriate stating the key features using an appropriate medium(s)
medium(s) or labels key features, and outlines the key features,
which can be interpreted by others which can be correctly interpreted
by others


In B.2 you will first build a mood board that will consist of any general topics or ideas you want to see in your final product. Then you
will sketch out 3 possible floor plan ideas and 3 possible housing complex ideas. You may use pencil and paper or sketching software.
Annotation can help you earn a higher level of achievement.


(create your mood board here or using software such as ​https://docs.google.com/drawings​)

Describe the main themes of your mood board:
- The mood of my design is black and white.
- It helps the house to look more modern and simple.
- That fit to our goal because our goal is to create the house that can handle many people in a small place.




Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Outlines ​the main reasons for Presents ​the chosen design and Presents ​the chosen design and
choosing the design with reference to outlines ​the main reasons for its outlines ​the reasons for its selection
the design specification selection with reference to the design with reference to the design
specification specification



housing complex chosen sketch Key Features:

● Small but high.
● It has aesthetic design.

● 3 families share one house, so it can reduce the place that we are using.

● It is studio style, so it is able to use the space more economically.

● It has a garden that helps people to live healthy life.

● It has a swimming pool.

Positives of Chosen Design: Negatives of Chosen Design:

It is studio style, so we can use the place The people who really care about privacy very
economically. The structure of apartment can much, they won’t be able to live here because
handle many people in a small place. It has this house share the place with other people.
garden so people can enjoy their healthy life. And the garden provide healthy life, but it is
hard to maintain it clean.

Does the design solve the problem?

Yes it uses very small place but by dividing the space with the furniture, we can use the space
Do you understand how it will work?
Have you annotated all the important features of the design?
Yes I annotated the important features in my floor plan.
Does it meet the key areas of the specification?
Yes I clarified the areas and what are they using for specifically.
How do you rate the overall presentation?
I used the space economically and it has necessary things. It will help the people to live a
healthy life. The house is enough for 3 people family to live. It has all the necessary things for
Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Creates ​a planning Creates ​a planning Creates​ a planning

drawing/diagram or ​lists drawing/diagram and ​lists t​ he drawing/diagram, which ​outlines
requirements for the creation main details for the the main details for
of the chosen solution. creation of the chosen solution making the chosen solution.


This section of the design journal requires you to create a 3D rendering of your floor plan and your housing complex on SketchUp. This
strand may take you several class periods
Housing Complex:
It is small but high design, and it is decorated with white, black, and grey which help it to have aesthetic design. 3
families that have three people for each family can share this one building. Their house is separated but they
share the garden. It has wide windows and swimming pool in the garden. It is studio style, so we can use the place
economically. The structure of apartment can handle many people in a small place. It has garden so people can
enjoy their healthy life. But the people who care about their privacy won’t be able to live here because it shares the

Floor Plan:
It is studio but by dividing the space with the furniture, so we can use the space economically. It has the things that
needs for living and it is using the space economically.


Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Outlines​ each step in a plan that Constructs ​a plan, which considers Constructs ​a logical plan, which
contains some details, resulting in time and resources, sufficient for outlines ​the efficient use of time and
peers having difficulty following the peers to be able to follow to create the resources, sufficient for peers to be
plan to create the solution solution able to follow to create the solution


You will begin this section of the journal once you have finished your 3D renderings.


First, I will complete my 3D rendering on SketchUP 2 hours

Second, I will make the floor and cut it. 10 min.

Third, I will cut the wall. 20 min.

Fourth, I will decorate the walls. 20 min.

Last, glue them all. 30 min.


Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Demonstrates​ minimal Demonstrates​ satisfactory Demonstrates competent Demonstrates excellent

technical skills when making technical skills when making the technical skills when making the technical skills when making the
the solution solution solution solution


Use the table below to document BOTH work done in SketchUp and work done when building the cardboard models. You can
document difficulties or breakthroughs you had during workshop days.

Date Photo/Screenshot Description

27.1.2020 I measured the size of the floor and drew with the marker. I measured
the garden and swimming pool too. I cut all of them. Measured the
height of the first wall, and I cut it. I glued it on my floor.

28.1.2020 I measured the other two walls and drew them. After I cut them, their height
wasn't the same so I cut them again. I tried to stick them but it didn’t work. So
I used more hot glue to stick them.
2.2.2020 It looked weird because there was lots of glue outside, so I just took them off
and stuck them again with hot glue, but not too much. I measured the other
walls and drew them on the future board.

3.2.2020 I cut the other walls and on one of them, I made the doors. I made three
doors like a picture, and cut them.

6.2.2020 I glued all of the walls. I drew the ceiling of my housing complex and cut it. I
glued it on top of my walls.


Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Creates ​the solution, which functions Creates ​the solution, which partially Creates ​the solution, which functions Follows ​the plan to create the
poorly and is presented in an functions and is adequately presented as intended and is presented solution, which functions as intended
incomplete form. appropriately and is presented appropriately


Describe whether your urban home turned out as you expected. What changes did you have to make?

Yes it is designed as a place that can handle lots of people in small places. It’s
small but high, so it can handle more people using the same place. And it is a
studio, so we can divide the room with furniture and use the space economically.
It has a garden but three families are sharing, so it is more economic. I changed
the shape of the roof because I think it doesn’t mean anything and is only hard to
make. No one is using the attic so I think that having a flat roof and making it like
terras will be better because it is the way to use the space more economically. I
also changed the outside a little bit because there was no way to go up. So I have
to make stairs. I also changed the size of the window because if the window is too
big, it will be cold in winter and hot in summer.


Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Outlines ​changes made to the Outlines ​changes made to the Explains ​changes made to the
chosen design or plan when making chosen design and plan when making chosen design and plan when making
the solution. the solution. the solution.


State ​at least​ three changes that you made and explain why you made the changes. Give a thorough and detailed explanation about
why you chose to modify you original design idea.
Modification Explanation for Modification

Color of outside of the I changed the color outside. It was brown, and I changed
house it to grey and black. My house’s concept is modern and
simple, so I changed my house’s color to white, and give
a point with grey and black.
Floor of Housing In my first housing complex, it didn’t have a place for the
complex. bathroom. But I figured out that it doesn’t fit to my floor
plan, so I added the space for bathroom. Then my
housing complex started to match with my floor plan.
Structure of the I switched the location of door and desk. The location of
furnitures. desk and door doesn’t fit to my housing plan, so when I
put the furnitures in to my floor plan, I changed the
location of door and desk. That makes my floor plan to
match with my housing complex.


Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Defines ​a testing method, which is Defines ​a​ relevant ​testing Defines relevant ​testing Describes ​detailed and relevant
used to measure the success of method​, which generates data, to methods​, which generates data, testing methods, which generate
the solution
measure the success of the to measure the success of the accurate data, to measure the
solution solution success of the solution


In this section you will test the quality of your final product. An example of a test would be a survey of potential homeowners using
Google Forms.

Testing Method #1

Description of test Results

Testing Method #2

Description of test Results


Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

States ​the success of the solution. States ​the success of the solution States ​the success of the solution Outlines ​the success of the
against the design specification against the design specification solution against the design
based on the results of ​one based on ​relevant​ product testing. specification based on ​authentic
relevant​ test. product testing.



Specification Evidence of Success or Failure

My home will sleep 3 people. I counted and found at least 3 beds.

Create a house that can handle lots of I made three floors and one floor can handle three people. It has one single bed and one double size
people in a small place. bed.

It has to be the house that can do There is furniture for living in the house. I made a bed, kitchen, desk, chairs, bookshelves, and TV.
what the house exists for.

It has to look aesthetically good. I did a survey, and everyone that I survey which are three, they all said my house looks aesthetically
Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Lists ​the ways in which the Outlines ​how the solution could Describes ​how the solution could
solution could be proved. be improved. be improved.


For this strand you will annotate a photograph of the physical rendering and describe what can be improved.

1: there is no way to get access to that door. I forgot to make the stairs to go up.
Maybe I can make the stairs that can go up to the second and third floor outside
because if we make it inside, there will be no privacy for families who live on first
and second floor because to get upstairs, the people have to go through their
2: my classmates said that the window is too big so we can see through the
house. And big windows also affect to the temperature of inside because the glass
doesn’t have insulation function compared to other things like concrete. I can
decrease the size of window or the people who live in there can put the curtains.
We can change the glass to the glass that have function of insulation.
3: the garden is just an concrete in this picture. I thought concrete would be better
because if we have garden, it is really hard to take care of it and make it clean. But
actually the target customers of me are the people who came from the countryside
and want healthy life, so I think for healthy life the grass can be better. I can
replace concrete to grass and put some trees.
4: My friend told me that the structure and feature of my roof is too messy. And no
one is using that attic place, so I think it will be better to change it to the terras on
the roof and make barbeque place. We can dry our laundry on the roof and we can
make easiness swimming pool on the roof. It will make the quality of life better.
Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

Outlines ​the impact of the solution on Describes ​the impact of the solution Describes​ the impact of the solution
the client/target audience. on the client/target audience, with on the client/target audience.


Answer the following questions in the form of a paragraph.

●To what extent has the client’s or target audience’s problem been solved?
● How does this solution improve the client’s or target audience’s situation?
● To what extent has the design brief been met?


My target audience are the people who are having hard time because of concentration of population. The goal of my design is to put lots of people
in small place as much as possible but still it has to provide the healthy life to people. To get my goal, I used vertical house structure to commit
lots of people as possible in small place. The space of house is very small, but it has enough space to put necessary things for 3 people family to
live. In one building, there are three floors. On one floor, one family who has three people can live. So basically, one building can handle 9 people.
It is no that much, but one floor doesn’t take a lot of space so I think it is okay to build only three floors for each building. If I build over three floors,
it can affect to the other people’s view, and it can also affect to the environment. There is small garden in front of the house. The families who live
in one building have to share one garden. Someone can think it is not good for privacy, but there are advantages that we can have a close
neighbor hood and live healthy life with the garden. There are swimming pool and it has to be shared with other families too as same as the
garden. It can help people to live healthy life by enjoying swimming and other physical activity. Inside the house, the structure of floor plan is
studio type. There is only one room, and we divide the space with furnitures. I think it is using the space economically. There are few things that I
have to solve, like the way to go into the house, size of windows, and the feature of roof, but everything else fit to my goal and it met the design

What was your greatest success in this unit?

What was your biggest challenge during this unit?


Do you think you met the needs of the client? Why?

Why are Innovation and Perspective important to an architect?

Describe an instance when you were a Thinker this unit.

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