Radionic Base
Radionic Base
Radionic Base
There are different number formats for these Rates. In this blog I will be
looking at the Base 10 and Base 44 systems. I will be describing how they
are used within an analysis and treatment.
Formative Force
Release Force
Sub Ray
Cosmic Ray
Earth Ray
Sun Force
Lunar Force
Laser Ray
After creating and using Base 44 rates for nearly 30 years I read the book
’Cycles of Heaven’ Playfair and Hill. I feel this book outlines some of the
breadth and scope of the Base 44 Rates when I use them for Radionic
Another interesting books Cosmic Forces of Mu
In reality we could create rates with to any base number ….. 100
1000 3000000 …….
To me the using the base 44’s creates a compartment for a particular section
of my dowsing framework.
It seems easiest to explain the different Frameworks that contain the various
rates / Numerical Identifications by going through the sections of the
Framework Dowsing Main Analysis Sheet.
They have been extended and updated by Jane Radford. Each condition is
identified by a Recognition rate. It has a corresponding Treatment rate.
In the example shown the Analysis Sheet is primarily for humans and animals.
Note: The Biochemistry option at the bottom of the list is used only as a link
to another category. It is subdivided into : Carbohydrate; Lipid; Amino acid
and Nucleic acid.
The Cosmic and Planetary Rays and Forces are Base 44 rates.
These are individually created for each client or target. They were
catalogued and filed until the late 1990’s Example archive files are used
within Framework Dowsing workshops but otherwise the record of their use
remains within an individual’s Case History files.
NIDs are computer generated. Some lists use the Category and Name of the
Corrective treatment as an influence on the NID configuration.
All are filed within the Master Card Index system and follow the Base 10
Locations – physiological Plant are NIDs.
C Bacon (CB), JLR, J M Alzamora
New Numerical IDs are logged and filed within the system set up by HL Bidie
in the 1940s. Lucie Bidie commenced her training with George de la Warr and
was therefor initially using his rates. Her system of analysis and treatment
developed and diverged from the standard School of Radionics although she
continued to teach with them for some time.
Bruce Copen
As I understand it, Bruce Copen developed his own instrumentation and sets
of rates according to his research. Barbara used one of his dialled
instruments before the development of MultiTreat
I used an early Malcolm Rae
I think that practitioners should utilise whichever sets of rates they feel
comfortable with. I need to know that a Numerical ID is not duplicated. This
can occur without a database/filing system. Lucie found duplicates within
the de la Warr rates. She also discovered that combining some treatment and
location rates – directing the treatment to that location, caused the same
problem. It was important for us both that we knew a Rate was specific and
Please comment ……
or get in touch if you would like to know more.
This entry was posted in Radionic Analyses and tagged radionic rates, radionic rates list, radionic
treatments, radionics on 11/08/2017.
Analogue v Digital Radionics Instruments
I’m afraid I don’t buy into all the Scalar Field devices that are out on the
Radionics market. It is simply great sounding rubbish! Scalar fields are very
much theoretical. They might be a very limited explanation of how Radionic
instrumentation, or better still, consciousness initiated action at a distance,
might function. But devices that claim that they purturbate a scalar field by
some mechanism is pure rubbish. If such devices could be made, then
conventional science and engineering would already be using them to solve
the many practical problems that we have in the world.
For us to progress in this field we need to accept that it is the operators mind
that is the prime mover in the situation, rather than trying to wrap things up in
a coating of pseudo-science that any scientist or engineer with see straight
through very quickly.
It was partially this situation that held Radionics back in it’s earlier days.
Many instrument manufacturers were more than concerned that a physics
savvy individual would open up an instrument to find meaningless circuitry.
This situation shrouded the subject in mystique and secrecy. Of course, I
might be wrong, although if anyone can explain, in detail, exactly how such
circuitry does enable coupling between the operator and a distant target, I
really would love to know. It can be pretty tricky transmitting a normal radio
signal a few miles, or even to the other side of the world, with intelligible
information contained upon it, let alone “Radionics signals”.
Chris Bacon
However, the process of placing each target on the Radionic instrument for
‘broadcast’ of treatments became a long winded ritual as my client base
grew. And yes I do believe it is a ritual – an important part of the treatment
Each client’s hair sample or similar witness of a target was placed upon the
treatment plate. The dials were set to represent the ‘Rate’ or Numerical
IDentification (NID) of a treatment. The potency dial was set to represent the
physical or subtle level at which treatments were directed.
So we could be treating
and this would be a treatment for just over 3 minutes followed by any
remaining treatments for that client (Typically around 3 each) and everyone
else for that day…….
Eventually the time taken to complete these treatments had me awake until
the wee small hours of most nights. It is nigh on impossible to achieve
anything ELSE in a 3 minute window.
My Radionic instrument was my pride and joy. It took me years to find one.
They were like gold dust. Expensive to make. Nigh on impossible to buy.
Most were being exported to Europe…. for some reason. Manufacturers and
users of Radionic instrumentation seemed to have become entangled in the
concept that the instrument “did the healing”. That’s what I was initially
taught. People like me, who were not part of a recognised school
struggled. (Listen to our podcast for more information on 1980/90s
Radionics in the UK)
Roll on to 1999 and Chris and Barbara introducing me to the MultiTreat 6.1
Radionic Software.
One of the main reasons for starting the Framework Dowsing website was to
provide information and Radionic instrumentation which was so achingly
difficult for me. I wanted practitioners to move forward with their work
unhampered from lack of resources or support.
Let’s get this clear. I never meant to have a website. Owning a computer
seemed out of my league back in the 1990’s. It wasn’t part of my
initial ‘floating along the pavement plan’. But by launching the Framework
Dowsing website in 2011, I created an outline of my journey forward. Both my
Radionic practice and the contact I have with many of you is part of that
journey. The ‘living in the moment’. Your questions and comments give
Framework Dowsing more specific directions. We can all shape the future of
our understanding and involvement in Radionics.
And asking questions; your comments and observations; requests for our
points of view …. these all mould our way forward and ultimately the Radionic
technology of the future.
Jane Radford
Radionic Analyses
Radionic Analysis – The Inheritance Aspect
Last Friday saw the release of ground breaking epigenetic research in the
USA. This then hit the UK media on the Monday. Not only does it provide
information which is relevant to psychiatric practitioners but it backs up what
medical dowsers have been including in their treatment analyses for
1. Karmic
2. Inherited
3. Emotional
4. Aquired
5. Dharmic
6. Non Personal Interference
This research is linked with the 2nd Aspect. The Inheritance pattern.
So if a condition or location is indicated for treatment at the 2nd Apsect this
means it is an inherited condition or ‘weakness’ of a physiological location
(N.B. can also be the general metabolism).
It is very exciting when the way that we work, or the tools that we use, or the
concepts that we employ are supported by scientific research. Dowsing does
enable us to pinpoint specific information within such a complex set of
overlapping and intertwined negative effects upon the balance and vitality
associated with ‘health’.
I was also taught that a pattern in the inheritance pattern can go back up to 6
generations. It may provide a more accurate meaning to Exodus 34 in the
“…… visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s
children, to the third and the fourth generation.”
Jane Radford
28 August 2015